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The propensity score--the probability of exposure to a specific treatment conditional on observed variables--is increasingly being used in observational studies. Creating strata in which subjects are matched on the propensity score allows one to balance measured variables between treated and untreated subjects. There is an ongoing controversy in the literature as to which variables to include in the propensity score model. Some advocate including those variables that predict treatment assignment, while others suggest including all variables potentially related to the outcome, and still others advocate including only variables that are associated with both treatment and outcome. We provide a case study of the association between drug exposure and mortality to show that including a variable that is related to treatment, but not outcome, does not improve balance and reduces the number of matched pairs available for analysis. In order to investigate this issue more comprehensively, we conducted a series of Monte Carlo simulations of the performance of propensity score models that contained variables related to treatment allocation, or variables that were confounders for the treatment-outcome pair, or variables related to outcome or all variables related to either outcome or treatment or neither. We compared the use of these different propensity scores models in matching and stratification in terms of the extent to which they balanced variables. We demonstrated that all propensity scores models balanced measured confounders between treated and untreated subjects in a propensity-score matched sample. However, including only the true confounders or the variables predictive of the outcome in the propensity score model resulted in a substantially larger number of matched pairs than did using the treatment-allocation model. Stratifying on the quintiles of any propensity score model resulted in residual imbalance between treated and untreated subjects in the upper and lower quintiles. Greater balance between treated and untreated subjects was obtained after matching on the propensity score than after stratifying on the quintiles of the propensity score. When a confounding variable was omitted from any of the propensity score models, then matching or stratifying on the propensity score resulted in residual imbalance in prognostically important variables between treated and untreated subjects. We considered four propensity score models for estimating treatment effects: the model that included only true confounders; the model that included all variables associated with the outcome; the model that included all measured variables; and the model that included all variables associated with treatment selection. Reduction in bias when estimating a null treatment effect was equivalent for all four propensity score models when propensity score matching was used. Reduction in bias was marginally greater for the first two propensity score models than for the last two propensity score models when stratification on the quintiles of the propensity score model was employed. Furthermore, omitting a confounding variable from the propensity score model resulted in biased estimation of the treatment effect. Finally, the mean squared error for estimating a null treatment effect was lower when either of the first two propensity scores was used compared to when either of the last two propensity score models was used.  相似文献   

In causal studies without random assignment of treatment, causal effects can be estimated using matched treated and control samples, where matches are obtained using estimated propensity scores. Propensity score matching can reduce bias in treatment effect estimators in cases where the matched samples have overlapping covariate distributions. Despite its application in many applied problems, there is no universally employed approach to interval estimation when using propensity score matching. In this article, we present and evaluate approaches to interval estimation when using propensity score matching.  相似文献   

The propensity score which is the probability of exposure to a specific treatment conditional on observed variables. Conditioning on the propensity score results in unbiased estimation of the expected difference in observed responses to two treatments. In the medical literature, propensity score methods are frequently used for estimating odds ratios. The performance of propensity score methods for estimating marginal odds ratios has not been studied. We performed a series of Monte Carlo simulations to assess the performance of propensity score matching, stratifying on the propensity score, and covariate adjustment using the propensity score to estimate marginal odds ratios. We assessed bias, precision, and mean-squared error (MSE) of the propensity score estimators, in addition to the proportion of bias eliminated due to conditioning on the propensity score. When the true marginal odds ratio was one, then matching on the propensity score and covariate adjustment using the propensity score resulted in unbiased estimation of the true treatment effect, whereas stratification on the propensity score resulted in minor bias in estimating the true marginal odds ratio. When the true marginal odds ratio ranged from 2 to 10, then matching on the propensity score resulted in the least bias, with a relative biases ranging from 2.3 to 13.3 per cent. Stratifying on the propensity score resulted in moderate bias, with relative biases ranging from 15.8 to 59.2 per cent. For both methods, relative bias was proportional to the true odds ratio. Finally, matching on the propensity score tended to result in estimators with the lowest MSE.  相似文献   

目的评价由倾向指数方法得到的暴露效果的估计量和统计性质,并探讨其实用性。方法利用计算机模拟对倾向指数方法在无模型误定和有模型误定情况下的偏度和精度进行分析,并与基于模型方法的模拟结果进行比较。结果当存在模型误定时,倾向指数方法比基于模型的方法具有较好的稳健性。结论对于大量、关系复杂的数据,应用倾向指数方法具有较大的灵活性。  相似文献   

Propensity score methods are increasingly being used to estimate the effects of treatments and exposures when using observational data. The propensity score was initially developed for use with binary exposures. The generalized propensity score (GPS) is an extension of the propensity score for use with quantitative or continuous exposures (eg, dose or quantity of medication, income, or years of education). We used Monte Carlo simulations to examine the performance of different methods of using the GPS to estimate the effect of continuous exposures on binary outcomes. We examined covariate adjustment using the GPS and weighting using weights based on the inverse of the GPS. We examined both the use of ordinary least squares to estimate the propensity function and the use of the covariate balancing propensity score algorithm. The use of methods based on the GPS was compared with the use of G‐computation. All methods resulted in essentially unbiased estimation of the population dose‐response function. However, GPS‐based weighting tended to result in estimates that displayed greater variability and had higher mean squared error when the magnitude of confounding was strong. Of the methods based on the GPS, covariate adjustment using the GPS tended to result in estimates with lower variability and mean squared error when the magnitude of confounding was strong. We illustrate the application of these methods by estimating the effect of average neighborhood income on the probability of death within 1 year of hospitalization for an acute myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

The two-stage process of propensity score analysis (PSA) includes a design stage where propensity scores (PSs) are estimated and implemented to approximate a randomized experiment and an analysis stage where treatment effects are estimated conditional on the design. This article considers how uncertainty associated with the design stage impacts estimation of causal effects in the analysis stage. Such design uncertainty can derive from the fact that the PS itself is an estimated quantity, but also from other features of the design stage tied to choice of PS implementation. This article offers a procedure for obtaining the posterior distribution of causal effects after marginalizing over a distribution of design-stage outputs, lending a degree of formality to Bayesian methods for PSA that have gained attention in recent literature. Formulation of a probability distribution for the design-stage output depends on how the PS is implemented in the design stage, and propagation of uncertainty into causal estimates depends on how the treatment effect is estimated in the analysis stage. We explore these differences within a sample of commonly used PS implementations (quantile stratification, nearest-neighbor matching, caliper matching, inverse probability of treatment weighting, and doubly robust estimation) and investigate in a simulation study the impact of statistician choice in PS model and implementation on the degree of between- and within-design variability in the estimated treatment effect. The methods are then deployed in an investigation of the association between levels of fine particulate air pollution and elevated exposure to emissions from coal-fired power plants.  相似文献   

Many observational studies estimate causal effects using methods based on matching on the propensity score. Full matching on the propensity score is an effective and flexible method for utilizing all available data and for creating well‐balanced treatment and control groups. An important component of the full matching algorithm is the decision about whether to impose a restriction on the maximum ratio of controls matched to each treated subject. Despite the possible effect of this restriction on subsequent inferences, this issue has not been examined. We used a series of Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate the effect of imposing a restriction on the maximum ratio of controls matched to each treated subject when estimating risk differences. We considered full matching both with and without a caliper restriction. When using full matching with a caliper restriction, the imposition of a subsequent constraint on the maximum ratio of the number of controls matched to each treated subject had no effect on the quality of inferences. However, when using full matching without a caliper restriction, the imposition of a constraint on the maximum ratio of the number of controls matched to each treated subject tended to result in an increase in bias in the estimated risk difference. However, this increase in bias tended to be accompanied by a corresponding decrease in the sampling variability of the estimated risk difference. We illustrate the consequences of these restrictions using observational data to estimate the effect of medication prescribing on survival following hospitalization for a heart attack.  相似文献   

Propensity score methods are increasingly being used to estimate causal treatment effects in observational studies. In medical and epidemiological studies, outcomes are frequently time‐to‐event in nature. Propensity‐score methods are often applied incorrectly when estimating the effect of treatment on time‐to‐event outcomes. This article describes how two different propensity score methods (matching and inverse probability of treatment weighting) can be used to estimate the measures of effect that are frequently reported in randomized controlled trials: (i) marginal survival curves, which describe survival in the population if all subjects were treated or if all subjects were untreated; and (ii) marginal hazard ratios. The use of these propensity score methods allows one to replicate the measures of effect that are commonly reported in randomized controlled trials with time‐to‐event outcomes: both absolute and relative reductions in the probability of an event occurring can be determined. We also provide guidance on variable selection for the propensity score model, highlight methods for assessing the balance of baseline covariates between treated and untreated subjects, and describe the implementation of a sensitivity analysis to assess the effect of unmeasured confounding variables on the estimated treatment effect when outcomes are time‐to‐event in nature. The methods in the paper are illustrated by estimating the effect of discharge statin prescribing on the risk of death in a sample of patients hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction. In this tutorial article, we describe and illustrate all the steps necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the effect of treatment on time‐to‐event outcomes. © 2013 The authors. Statistics in Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  目的  基于倾向性评分逆概率加权法(IPTW)评价手术、放疗和联合治疗3种方式治疗胃癌患者的疗效, 为胃癌的治疗提供参考依据。  方法  收集2004年1月 — 2013年12月美国国家癌症研究所监测、流行病学与预后项目(SEER)数据库中经胃镜病理诊断确诊的7 005例胃癌患者数据,其中接受手术治疗者3 983例、接受放疗者795例、接受联合治疗者2 227例;采用倾向性评分IPTW法以生存时间和结局为效应指标,分析不同的治疗方法对胃癌患者生存率的影响。  结果  手术组、放疗组和联合治疗组胃癌患者倾向性评分IPTW法加权前中位生存期分别为30、9和38个月,加权后分别为25、11和38个月,加权前、后3组胃癌患者生存曲线间差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.001),联合治疗组患者加权前、后的预后均优于手术组和放疗组患者;加权后大部分基线特征绝对标准化平均差异(ASMD)减小,且均 < 0.2,3组患者均衡效果较好;在控制了性别、年龄、种族、婚姻状况、肿瘤大小、病理分化、肿瘤分期、T分期、N分期和远处转移情况等混杂因素后,多因素Cox回归分析结果显示,与手术组胃癌患者相比,放疗组胃癌患者的预后较差(HR = 2.044,95 % CI = 1.770~2.361),联合治疗组胃癌患者的预后较好(HR = 0.630,95 % CI = 0.573~0.694)。  结论  联合治疗方法疗效优于手术和放疗治疗方法。  相似文献   

The propensity score is defined as a subject's probability of treatment selection, conditional on observed baseline covariates. Weighting subjects by the inverse probability of treatment received creates a synthetic sample in which treatment assignment is independent of measured baseline covariates. Inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) using the propensity score allows one to obtain unbiased estimates of average treatment effects. However, these estimates are only valid if there are no residual systematic differences in observed baseline characteristics between treated and control subjects in the sample weighted by the estimated inverse probability of treatment. We report on a systematic literature review, in which we found that the use of IPTW has increased rapidly in recent years, but that in the most recent year, a majority of studies did not formally examine whether weighting balanced measured covariates between treatment groups. We then proceed to describe a suite of quantitative and qualitative methods that allow one to assess whether measured baseline covariates are balanced between treatment groups in the weighted sample. The quantitative methods use the weighted standardized difference to compare means, prevalences, higher‐order moments, and interactions. The qualitative methods employ graphical methods to compare the distribution of continuous baseline covariates between treated and control subjects in the weighted sample. Finally, we illustrate the application of these methods in an empirical case study. We propose a formal set of balance diagnostics that contribute towards an evolving concept of ‘best practice’ when using IPTW to estimate causal treatment effects using observational data. © 2015 The Authors. Statistics in Medicine Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Estimation of treatment effects with causal interpretation from observational data is complicated because exposure to treatment may be confounded with subject characteristics. The propensity score, the probability of treatment exposure conditional on covariates, is the basis for two approaches to adjusting for confounding: methods based on stratification of observations by quantiles of estimated propensity scores and methods based on weighting observations by the inverse of estimated propensity scores. We review popular versions of these approaches and related methods offering improved precision, describe theoretical properties and highlight their implications for practice, and present extensive comparisons of performance that provide guidance for practical use.  相似文献   

Propensity and prognostic score methods seek to improve the quality of causal inference in non‐randomized or observational studies by replicating the conditions found in a controlled experiment, at least with respect to observed characteristics. Propensity scores model receipt of the treatment of interest; prognostic scores model the potential outcome under a single treatment condition. While the popularity of propensity score methods continues to grow, prognostic score methods and methods combining propensity and prognostic scores have thus far received little attention. To this end, we performed a simulation study that compared subclassification and full matching on a single estimated propensity or prognostic score with three approaches combining the estimated propensity and prognostic scores: full matching on a Mahalanobis distance combining the estimated propensity and prognostic scores (FULL–MAHAL); full matching on the estimated prognostic propensity score within propensity score calipers (FULL–PGPPTY); and subclassification on an estimated propensity and prognostic score grid with 5 × 5 subclasses (SUBCLASS(5*5)). We considered settings in which one, both, or neither score model was misspecified. The data generating mechanisms varied in the degree of linearity and additivity in the true treatment assignment and outcome models. FULL–MAHAL and FULL–PGPPTY exhibited strong to superior performance in root mean square error terms across all simulation settings and scenarios. Methods combining propensity and prognostic scores were no less robust to model misspecification than single‐score methods even when both score models were incorrectly specified. Our findings support the joint use of propensity and prognostic scores in estimation of the average treatment effect on the treated. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We develop a Bayesian approach to estimate the average treatment effect on the treated in the presence of confounding. The approach builds on developments proposed by Saarela et al in the context of marginal structural models, using importance sampling weights to adjust for confounding and estimate a causal effect. The Bayesian bootstrap is adopted to approximate posterior distributions of interest and avoid the issue of feedback that arises in Bayesian causal estimation relying on a joint likelihood. We present results from simulation studies to estimate the average treatment effect on the treated, evaluating the impact of sample size and the strength of confounding on estimation. We illustrate our approach using the classic Right Heart Catheterization data set and find a negative causal effect of the exposure on 30-day survival, in accordance with previous analyses of these data. We also apply our approach to the data set of the National Center for Health Statistics Birth Data and obtain a negative effect of maternal smoking during pregnancy on birth weight.  相似文献   

Although randomized controlled trials are considered the ‘gold standard’ for clinical studies, the use of exclusion criteria may impact the external validity of the results. It is unknown whether estimators of effect size are biased by excluding a portion of the target population from enrollment. We propose to use observational data to estimate the bias due to enrollment restrictions, which we term generalizability bias. In this paper, we introduce a class of estimators for the generalizability bias and use simulation to study its properties in the presence of non‐constant treatment effects. We find the surprising result that our estimators can be unbiased for the true generalizability bias even when all potentially confounding variables are not measured. In addition, our proposed doubly robust estimator performs well even for mis‐specified models. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The propensity score is a subject's probability of treatment, conditional on observed baseline covariates. Conditional on the true propensity score, treated and untreated subjects have similar distributions of observed baseline covariates. Propensity‐score matching is a popular method of using the propensity score in the medical literature. Using this approach, matched sets of treated and untreated subjects with similar values of the propensity score are formed. Inferences about treatment effect made using propensity‐score matching are valid only if, in the matched sample, treated and untreated subjects have similar distributions of measured baseline covariates. In this paper we discuss the following methods for assessing whether the propensity score model has been correctly specified: comparing means and prevalences of baseline characteristics using standardized differences; ratios comparing the variance of continuous covariates between treated and untreated subjects; comparison of higher order moments and interactions; five‐number summaries; and graphical methods such as quantile–quantile plots, side‐by‐side boxplots, and non‐parametric density plots for comparing the distribution of baseline covariates between treatment groups. We describe methods to determine the sampling distribution of the standardized difference when the true standardized difference is equal to zero, thereby allowing one to determine the range of standardized differences that are plausible with the propensity score model having been correctly specified. We highlight the limitations of some previously used methods for assessing the adequacy of the specification of the propensity‐score model. In particular, methods based on comparing the distribution of the estimated propensity score between treated and untreated subjects are uninformative. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Propensity scores are widely used to control for confounding when estimating the effect of a binary treatment in observational studies. They have been generalized to ordinal and continuous treatments in the recent literature. Following the definition of propensity function and its parameterizations (called the propensity parameter in this paper) proposed by Imai and van Dyk, we explore sufficient conditions for selecting propensity parameters to control for confounding for continuous treatments in the context of regression‐based adjustment in linear models. Typically, investigators make parametric assumptions about the form of the dose–response function for a continuous treatment. Such assumptions often allow the analyst to use only a subset of the propensity parameters to control confounding. When the treatment is the only predictor in the structural, that is, causal model, it is sufficient to adjust only for the propensity parameters that characterize the expectation of the treatment variable or its functional form. When the structural model includes selected baseline covariates other than the treatment variable, those baseline covariates, in addition to the propensity parameters, must also be adjusted in the model. We demonstrate these points with an example estimating the dose–response relationship for the effect of erythropoietin on hematocrit level in patients with end‐stage renal disease. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The estimation of treatment effects on medical costs is complicated by the need to account for informative censoring, skewness, and the effects of confounders. Because medical costs are often collected from observational claims data, we investigate propensity score (PS) methods such as covariate adjustment, stratification, and inverse probability weighting taking into account informative censoring of the cost outcome. We compare these more commonly used methods with doubly robust (DR) estimation. We then use a machine learning approach called super learner (SL) to choose among conventional cost models to estimate regression parameters in the DR approach and to choose among various model specifications for PS estimation. Our simulation studies show that when the PS model is correctly specified, weighting and DR perform well. When the PS model is misspecified, the combined approach of DR with SL can still provide unbiased estimates. SL is especially useful when the underlying cost distribution comes from a mixture of different distributions or when the true PS model is unknown. We apply these approaches to a cost analysis of two bladder cancer treatments, cystectomy versus bladder preservation therapy, using SEER‐Medicare data. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Propensity‐score matching is increasingly being used to reduce the confounding that can occur in observational studies examining the effects of treatments or interventions on outcomes. We used Monte Carlo simulations to examine the following algorithms for forming matched pairs of treated and untreated subjects: optimal matching, greedy nearest neighbor matching without replacement, and greedy nearest neighbor matching without replacement within specified caliper widths. For each of the latter two algorithms, we examined four different sub‐algorithms defined by the order in which treated subjects were selected for matching to an untreated subject: lowest to highest propensity score, highest to lowest propensity score, best match first, and random order. We also examined matching with replacement. We found that (i) nearest neighbor matching induced the same balance in baseline covariates as did optimal matching; (ii) when at least some of the covariates were continuous, caliper matching tended to induce balance on baseline covariates that was at least as good as the other algorithms; (iii) caliper matching tended to result in estimates of treatment effect with less bias compared with optimal and nearest neighbor matching; (iv) optimal and nearest neighbor matching resulted in estimates of treatment effect with negligibly less variability than did caliper matching; (v) caliper matching had amongst the best performance when assessed using mean squared error; (vi) the order in which treated subjects were selected for matching had at most a modest effect on estimation; and (vii) matching with replacement did not have superior performance compared with caliper matching without replacement. © 2013 The Authors. Statistics in Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

倾向评分配比在流行病学设计中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
介绍倾向评分配比法(PSM)的基本原理、具体方法,并结合实例探讨其在流行病学设计过程中的应用.PSM通过某些观察性研究某些混杂变量与研究因素的关系计算倾向评分,然后从对照组中为处理组每个个体寻找一个或多个倾向评分值相同或非常接近的个体做对照,最终使选取观察对象的混杂变量在处理组和对照组趋于均衡可比.实例分析表明.利用PSM筛选后的研究对象,主要混杂因素在两组中的偏差下降在55%以上.结论 :PSM可有效降低观察性研究的混杂偏倚,在流行病学设计阶段使用PSM可使某些观察性研究得到类似随机对照研究的效果.  相似文献   

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