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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a dystrophinopathy, and its associated gene is located on Xp21. Moreover, utrophin, a recently identified structural homologue of dystrophin is reported to be up-regulated in DMD. In order to investigate the association between utrophin and muscle regeneration in DMD, an immunohistochemical study using antibodies to utrophin, dystrophin, vimentin and desmin was carried out in 17 cases of DMD, 3 cases of polymyositis and 1 case of dermatomyositis. Dystrophin was negative in almost all cases of DMD, but positive in all cases of inflammatory myopathy (IM). Utrophin was positive in 94.0% of DMD and in 75.0% of IM. 36.4% of the myofibers were positive in DMD, as compared to 10.5% in IM (p=0.001). In both groups, utrophin positivity was present most commonly in small regenerating fibers (p=0.001, 0.013). Vimentin and desmin were intensely positive in regenerating fibers in all cases of DMD and IM. 34.4% and 35.4% of myofibers were positive for vimentin and desmin in DMD, as compared to 21.8% and 20.9% in IM (p=0.001, 0.001). In both groups, vimentin and desmin positivity were present most commonly in small regenerating fibers (p=0.001, 0.001). The staining intensities of utrophin, vimentin and desmin were also higher in small regenerating fibers. These results show that utrophin up-regulation is regeneration-associated, and that it is proportional to the quantity of regenerating myofibers, but is not specific for DMD.  相似文献   

Although there is good experimental data that utrophin, the autosomal analog of dystrophin, can ameliorate the phenotype in dystrophinopathies, there is scant evidence from human data to support this hypothesis. We investigated in diagnostic muscle biopsies from 16 patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) the level of utrophin expression using quantitative immunoblot analysis. In 13 of 16 patients, in whom there was adequate follow-up data, utrophin expression was correlated to two clinical endpoints: age at reaching Hammersmith score of 30/40 and age at becoming wheelchair-bound. We found that utrophin expression increases with age in DMD and that there is a significant positive correlation between the quantity of utrophin at initial biopsy and time to becoming wheelchair-bound.  相似文献   

A deficiency of the protein dystrophin is known to be the cause of Duchenne's muscular dystrophy. To examine the expression of dystrophin in symptomatic female carriers of this X-linked recessive disorder, we performed immunohistochemical studies on muscle-biopsy specimens from three such carriers, using an antiserum raised against a synthetic peptide fragment of dystrophin. In all three carriers, most individual muscle fibers reacted either strongly or not at all to the antiserum for dystrophin; only 2 to 8 percent of fibers showed partial immunostaining. This mosaic staining pattern was present on both cross-sectional and longitudinal muscle specimens. Although the mosaic pattern was seen in all fiber types, more than 80 percent of type 2B and 2C fibers from two of the carriers did not react with the antiserum. Similar studies in nine normal subjects showed consistently strong staining of all muscle fibers. No muscle fibers from 31 patients with Duchenne's muscular dystrophy reacted with the antiserum. We conclude that symptomatic carriers of Duchenne's muscular dystrophy can be identified by a distinct mosaic pattern in the immunohistochemical staining of the surface membrane of skeletal-muscle specimens. This finding may have practical implications for genetic counseling, although it remains to be shown whether the same staining pattern will be found in muscle specimens from asymptomatic carriers of Duchenne's muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Patients with DMD lack the protein dystrophin, which is widely expressed in striated muscle. In skeletal muscle, the loss of dystrophin results in dramatically decreased expression of the dystrophin associated glycoprotein complex (DGC). Interestingly, in the heart the DGC is normally expressed without dystrophin; this has been attributed to presence of the dystrophin homologue utrophin. We demonstrate here that neither utrophin nor dystrophin are required for the expression of the cardiac DGC. However, alpha-dystroglycan (α-DG), a major component of the DGC, is differentially glycosylated in dystrophin-(mdx) and dystrophin-/utrophin-(dko) deficient mouse hearts. In both models the altered α-DG retains laminin binding activity, but has an altered localization at the sarcolemma. In hearts lacking both dystrophin and utrophin, the alterations in α-DG glycosylation are even more dramatic with changes in gel migration equivalent to 24 ± 3 kDa. These data show that the absence of dystrophin and utrophin alters the processing of α-DG; however it is not clear if these alterations are a consequence of the loss of a direct interaction with dystrophin/utrophin or results from an indirect response to the presence of severe pathology. Recently there have been great advances in our understanding of the glycosylation of α-DG regarding its role as a laminin receptor. Here we present data that alterations in glycosylation occur in the hearts of animal models of DMD, but these changes do not affect laminin binding. The physiological consequences of these alterations remain unknown, but may have significant implications for the development of therapies for DMD.  相似文献   

The majority of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) female carriers show dystrophin immunostaining abnormalities, although a significant proportion of clinically non-manifesting carriers are normal following this analysis. We had the opportunity to study dystrophin immunostaining in two different muscles, the vastus lateralis and the rectus abdominis of a possible DMD carrier. While the vastus showed normal dystrophin immunostaining, pathological staining was detected in her rectus abdominis. These findings seem to indicate that dystrophin expression can vary in different muscle groups of a DMD carrier. The implications of these findings in DMD carrier detection and possible dystrophin function are discussed.  相似文献   

Almost all of the thousands of pathogenic mutations which have been described in the dystrophin gene either reduce protein production or remove large regions of the protein. This has severely limited the use of mutational information for the functional dissection of the dystrophin protein and increases the value of rare subtle mutations. We report a 3-bp deletion which removes a single highly conserved residue (glutamic acid 3367) adjacent to the dystrophin ZZ domain. This results in a phenotype of Duchenne muscular dystrophy with substantial retention of a presumably functionally compromised dystrophin protein. Two missense mutations (both affecting nearby residues) have been previously reported to result in this unusual combination of severe phenotype and high protein level. We discuss the functional implications of this and other mutations in the light of the predicted structure of the region. The pathogenicity of E3367del serves to emphasise the functional importance of this region of the dystrophin protein.  相似文献   

目的 探讨Becker型肌营养不良症(Becker muscular dystrophy,BMD)的基因突变类型,增加对抗肌萎缩蛋白基因非缺失/重复突变引起BMD的认识.方法 收集2例BMD患者的临床资料,应用多重连接依赖式探针扩增(multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification assay,MLPA)方法对抗肌萎缩蛋白基因进行分析,并对其肌肉进行苏木素-伊红(hematoxylin-eosin,HE)染色、抗肌萎缩蛋白(dystrophin)染色及电镜检测.结果 2例患者经MLPA方法检测抗肌萎缩蛋白基因均呈非缺失/重复突变类型,肌肉活检光镜和电镜均呈肌营养不良改变.例1患者染色示肌膜dystrophin大部分呈不连续弱阳性,部分为阴性.例2患者染色示肌膜dystrophin-C为阴性,dystrophin-N为阳性.结论 对于抗肌萎缩蛋白基因非缺失/重复突变的临床症状较轻的患者,进行肌肉活检和抗肌萎缩蛋白免疫组化将有助于明确诊断BMD及判断其预后.
Objective To identify potential mutations in patients featuring Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) and to enhance the understanding of non-deletion/duplication mutations of the dystrophin gene causing BMD. Methods linical data of two patients affected with BMD were collected. Potential mutations in the dystrophin gene were screened with multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification assay (MLPA). Biopsied muscle samples were examined with HE staining, immnostaining with anti-dystrophin antibody, and electronic microscopy. Results MLPA assay suggested that both cases were probably due to non-deletion/duplication mutations of the dystrophin gene. Light and electronic microcopy of skeletal muscle biopsies confirmed dystrophic changes in both patients. For patient A, immunostaining showed non-contiguous weak staining for most parts of sarcolemma. For patient B, immunostaining showed positive result with N-terminal anti-dystrophin antibody and negative result with C-terminal anti-dystrophin antibody. Conclusion For patients with mild phenotypes but without dystrophin gene deletion/duplication, muscle biopsy and immunochemistry are helpful for diagnosis and prognosis.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Mutations in the dystrophin gene result in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). DMD is associated with an abnormal electroretinogram (ERG) if the mutation disrupts the translation of retinal dystrophin (Dp260). Our aim was to determine if incomplete ERG abnormalities would be associated with heterozygous carriers of dystrophin gene mutations. METHODS: Ganzfeld ERGs were obtained under scotopic and photopic testing conditions from a family which includes the heterozygous maternal grandmother, the heterozygous mother, and her children, two affected boys and dizygotic twin sibs, an unaffected male and heterozygous female. Southern blot analyses were done to characterise the dystrophin mutation. RESULTS: The dystrophin gene was found to contain a deletion encompassing exon 50. The ERGs in the two affected boys were abnormal, consistent with the DMD ERG phenotype. Serial ERGs of the heterozygous females were abnormal; however, they were less severely affected than the DMD boys. The ERG of the female sib showed a greater abnormality than her mother and maternal grandmother. The unaffected twin had a normal ERG. CONCLUSIONS: The ERG shows abnormalities associated with carrier status in this family with a single exon deletion. A large study of confirmed obligate carriers is planned to clarify further the value of the ERG in detecting female heterozygous carriers of dystrophin gene mutations.  相似文献   

Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD and BMD) are caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene. Large rearrangements in the gene are found in about two-thirds of DMD patients, with approximately 60% carrying deletions and 5-10% carrying duplications. Most of the remaining 30-35% of patients are expected to have small nucleotide substitutions, insertions, or deletions. To detect these subtle changes within the coding and splice site determining sequences of the dystrophin gene, we established a semiautomated denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) mutation scanning system. The DGGE scan covers the dystrophin gene with 95 amplicons, PCRed either individually or in a multiplex setup. PCR and pooling were performed semiautomatically, using a pipetting robot and 384-well plates, enabling concurrent amplification of DNA of four patients in one run. Amplification of individual fragments was performed using one PCR program. The products were pooled just before gel loading; DGGE requires only a single gel condition. Validation was performed using DNA samples harboring 39 known DMD variants, all of which could be readily detected. DGGE mutation scanning was applied to analyze 135 DMD/BMD patients and potential DMD carriers without large deletions or duplications. In DNA from 25 out of 44 DMD patients (57%) and from 5 out of 39 BMD patients (13%), we identified clear pathogenic changes. All mutations were different, with the exception of one DMD mutation, which occurred twice. In DNA from 10 out of 44 potential DMD carriers, including four obligate carriers, we detected causative changes, including one pathogenic change in every obligate carrier. In addition to these pathogenic changes, we detected 15 unique unclassified variants, i.e., changes for which a pathogenic nature is uncertain.  相似文献   

The utrophin and dystrophin genes share similarities in genomic structure   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
Utrophin and dystrophin are highly homologous proteins whichare reciprocally expressed in DMD (Duchenne muscular dystrophy)muscle. The remarkable similarity of these proteins suggeststhat they may play a similar cellular role in some circumstances;If this were the case then utrophin may be capable of replacingdystrophin in DMD patients. In this paper we show that the genomicstructure of the utrophin gene is similar to the dystrophingene, further exemplifying the relatedness of the two genesand their gene products. We have constructed a 1.25Mb contigof eight yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones covering theutrophin gene located on chromosome 6q24. Utrophin is encodedby multiple small exons spanning approximately 900kb. The distributionof exons within the genomic DNA has similarities to that ofthe dystrophin gene. In contrast to dystrophin, the utrophingene has a long 5' untranslated region composed of two exonsand a cluster of unmethylated, rare-cutting restriction enzymesites at the 5' end of the gene. Similarities between the genomicstructure suggest that utrophin and dystrophin arose throughan ancient duplication event involving a large region of genomicDNA.  相似文献   

A deficiency of the protein dystrophin has recently been shown to be the probable cause of Duchenne's muscular dystrophy. We sought to determine the relation between the clinical phenotype and the status of dystrophin in muscle-biopsy specimens from 103 patients with various neuromuscular disorders. We found very low levels (less than 3 percent of normal levels) or no dystrophin in the severe Duchenne phenotype (35 of 38 patients), low concentrations of dystrophin in the intermediate (outlier) phenotype (4 of 7), and dystrophin of abnormal molecular weight in the mild Becker phenotype (12 of 18). Normal levels of dystrophin of normal molecular weight were found in nearly all the patients (38 of 40) with 20 other neuromuscular disorders we studied. These data show the clinical consequences of both quantitative alterations (in Duchenne's and intermediate dystrophy) in a single protein. The biochemical assay for dystrophin should prove helpful in delineating myopathies that overlap clinically with Duchenne's and Becker's dystrophies, and it shows promise as an accurate diagnostic tool.  相似文献   

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) are allelic disorders caused by mutations in the X-linked dystrophin gene. The most common mutations in western populations are deletions that are spread non-randomly throughout the gene. Molecular analysis of the dystrophin gene structure by hybridization of the full length cDNA to Southern blots and by PCR in 62 unrelated Israeli male DMD/BMD patients showed deletions in 23 (37%). This proportion is significantly lower than that found in European and North American populations (55–65%). Seventy-eight percent of the deletions were confined to exons 44–52, half of these to exons 44–45, and the remaining 22% to exons 1 and 19. There was no correlation between the size of the deletion and the severity of the disease. All the deletions causing frameshift resulted in the DMD phenotypes. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-two Scottish families, representing the majority of currently known cases in this country with at least one living subject affected by DMD (110) or BMD (22), were studied with a series of cDNA probes excluding the 3' region of the gene (probes 10-14). Using mainly HindIII digested DNA from affected males, 89 patients showed deletions which ranged from 1 to 32 HindIII fragments in size. Two patients were also detected with exon duplications. Abnormalities were found to be particularly concentrated in the area of probe cDNA 8, with 56 patients being deleted for at least one of the fragments detected by this probe. A second smaller concentration of deletions was found with probe 1-2a which showed 16 deletions and two duplications. The endpoints of cDNA deletions or duplications were determined with a maximum variability of one HindIII fragment in 83 patients, while the remaining eight patients had a single deletion endpoint defined. The deletions found in two of our patients appear to conflict with the previously stated exon order at the 5' end of the gene. Although no specific deletion patterns were apparent for DMD, the deletions found in 13 of the BMD patients all included the most proximal (10 kb) fragment detected by probe 8.  相似文献   

Two male cousins with Duchenne musoular dystrophy were found to have different maternal dystrophin gene haplotypes and different deletion mutations. One propositus showed two noncontiguous deletions—one in the 5′, proximal deletional hotspot region, and the other in the 3′, more distal deletional hotspot region. The second propositus showed only the 5′ deletion. Using multiple fluorescent exon dosage and fluorescent multiplex CA repeat linkage analyses, we show that the mother of each propositus carries both deletions on the same grandmaternal X chromosome. This paradox is explained by a single recombinational event between the 2 deleted regions of one of the carrier's dystrophin genes, giving rise to a son with a partially “repaired” gene retaining only the 5′ deletion. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Becker muscular dystrophy is usually caused by intragenic dystrophin gene deletions that result in production of an internally deleted protein. Previous studies have detected what appears to be a unique dystrophin degradation product that appears only in muscle biopsies from patients with Becker muscular dystrophy. This dystrophin fragment is always seen in addition to the “full-size” dystrophin of the expected size for a given gene deletion. It is only found in biopsies from patients with mutations in the deletion-prone region encompassing exons 45–53, but it does not appear to correlate with any observable phenotype at the clinical level. By correlating the size and locations of dystrophin gene deletions with the size of this degradation product, together with use of region-specific dystrophin antisera, we find that proteolytic cleavage may occur at the deletion breakpoints, perhaps due to alterations of the secondary and/or tertiary structures of the protein. This cleavage results in loss of the carboxy-terminal domains that are thought to be important for interactions between dystrophin and other membrane-bound proteins. © Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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