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本文通过对31例牙列中存在修复体的错He畸形进行固定矫治,观察托槽在修复体上的粘结强度,总结此类畸形的矫治特点。结果表明,此类畸形的矫治设计有其特殊性。修复体表面的托槽较对侧同名牙上的托槽易于脱落,光固化复合树脂覆盖牙及塑料义齿上托槽的粘结强度高于金属义齿,托槽脱落次数较少。应采取有效措施提高托槽在修复体表面的粘结强度。在适当的正畸力作用下,正畸治疗不会影响修复体的牙周健康和牙齿的稳定性。  相似文献   

目的:调查泰州市海陵地区中学生错(牙合)畸形患病率及治疗情况.方法:设计统一调查表,以个别正常(牙合)和Angle错(牙合)分类法为标准,对泰州市海陵地区9018名中学生进行错(牙合)畸形患病率及治疗情况调查.采用SPSS19.0软件包对调查数据进行x2检验.结果:泰州市海陵地区中学生错(牙合)畸形患病率为69.38%,错(牙合)畸形构成以安氏Ⅰ类最多,安氏Ⅱ类居中,安氏Ⅲ最少,但错(牙合)畸形矫治率较低.结论:泰州市海陵地区应加强正畸知识宣传,进一步提高正畸治疗普及率.  相似文献   

合并过小侧切牙的错(牙合)畸形的正畸矫治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的侧切牙过小是临床上常见的错(牙合)畸形之一,本研究结合临床系统讨论侧切牙过小临床上的处理方法.方法对68例上颌侧切牙过小病例根据其临床条件分为拔牙及非拔牙矫治方法,其中拔牙病例32例,采用3种拔牙模式(下颌仅拔除一个下切牙;上下颌均拔牙,上颌拔除A2B2代替A4B4,下颌拔除C4D4;设计拔除A4B4C4D4);非拔牙病例36例,根据侧切牙过小程度采用下颌少数牙减径,下颌多数牙减径,以及上颌烤瓷冠修复治疗方法.结果通过治疗前后评价,68例病例通过拔牙及非拔牙方法均取得了很好的临床及美观效果.结论对于侧切牙过小病例,根据其临床条件,可选择不同的拔牙或非拔牙矫治方法,两者均可取得健康、美观的临床效果.  相似文献   

错(牙合)畸形是世界卫生组织公布的口腔三大疾病之一,其发病率在我国有升高的趋势,严重影响我国近2.6亿儿童牙颌面功能、颜面美观及生长发育,甚至影响儿童全身及心理健康发育.错(牙合)畸形发生涉及遗传及环境因素,早期矫治创建良好的牙颌面生长环境,纠正异常牙颌面生长、控制异常遗传因素,能有效地降低儿童错(牙合)畸形的发病率,...  相似文献   

目的:探讨拔除龋坏第一磨牙进行正畸治疗的可行性和矫治效果.方法:收集20例拔除第一磨牙矫治错(牙合)畸形病例,其第一恒磨牙存在龋坏所致残冠、残根、根尖周炎等情况.男3例,女17例.年龄13.5~22岁,平均年龄15.6岁.20例中,拔除2颗下颌第一磨牙7例,拔除单侧下颌第一磨牙5例,上、下4颗第一磨牙均拔除者2例,拔除上、下颌各1颗第一磨牙2例,拔除1颗上颌第一磨牙4例.全部病例均采用0.018"标准方丝弓或0.018"直丝弓矫治技术.常规粘接托槽,放置合适弓丝,排齐整平牙列,滑动法关闭拔牙间隙,调整咬合关系.结果:20例均达到良好矫治效果,上、下牙排列整齐,前牙覆(牙合)覆盖正常,上、下中线对齐,第一磨牙间隙完全关闭,后牙咬合关系良好,达到了改善咬合功能和美观的目的.结论:拔除龋坏第一磨牙进行错(牙合)畸形矫治,既能保留更多的健康牙,又能达到良好的矫治效果,改善咬合功能和美观,为可行的临床治疗方案.  相似文献   

金作林 《口腔医学》2023,43(3):193-196
对早期错(牙合)畸形的病因与机制、颅面部生长发育的特征等知识的熟悉掌握,是科学开展早期矫治的必要前提。明确早期矫治的基本原理,对影响颅颌面生长发育的错(牙合)畸形早期进行预防干预,有利于口颌系统的协调发展。但对于暂时性的错(牙合)畸形或者对于早期矫治预后不佳的适应证也应予以鉴别,以提高早期矫治的成功率为今后正畸序列治疗降低难度。该文从基本概念入手,以期为临床提供指导。  相似文献   

远中错(牙合)畸形的Moyers分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨远中错(牙合)畸形Moyers分类法的临床应用.方法:采用Moyers分类对114例远中错(牙合)患者进行分类,分析构成比.结果:114例患者Moyers分类的各型构成比为:A型27.19%,B型10.53%,C型14.03%,D型25.44%,E型7.02%,F型15.79%.其中牙型错(牙合)占27.19%,骨型错(牙合)占72.81%,并以下颌后缩型最为多见.结论:Moyers分类能明确远中错(牙合)畸形的部位、性质,对临床有指导意义.  相似文献   

目的:探讨数字化无托槽隐形矫治(invisible bracketless technique, IBT)联合口腔种植修复技术对错(牙合)畸形伴牙列缺损患者临床疗效的影响。方法:选取2018年1月~2020年2月本院收治的136例错(牙合)畸形伴牙列缺损患者,随机分为对照组和观察组,各68例,对照组采用传统固定正畸+种植修复治疗,观察组采用IBT+种植修复治疗。比较两组患者的头影测量指标、上下颌牙弓大小、牙齿功能、菌斑指数(plaque index, PLI)、软垢指数(debris index, DI)、红白美学指数和不良结局的差异。结果:矫治完成后两组患者PLI、DI均降低,且观察组低于对照组(P<0.05);与治疗前比,观察组矫治完成1年后牙齿功能各项评分均升高,且高于对照组(P<0.05);观察组矫治完成1年后,SNA、SNB及牙弓大小改善程度优于对照组(P<0.05)。观察组修复后即刻红色美学指数(近远中龈乳头、唇侧龈缘曲线)、白色美学指数(牙冠形态、牙冠外形轮廓)等指标分值明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。修复后2年随访观察,观察组不良结局发生率明显低...  相似文献   

目的探讨恒牙初期和恒牙晚期口呼吸所致安氏Ⅱ类1分类错牙合患者的矫治时机。方法对12例恒牙初期和14例恒牙晚期口呼吸所致安氏Ⅱ类1分类错牙合患儿,均以快速扩弓联合Tip-Edge技术进行矫治,用图像数字化X线头颅定位摄片仪,作治疗前后X线头影测量对比分析。结果恒牙初期组治疗完成后的SNB、Y-axis、SN-MP和FH-MP等测量值,分别减小了2.88°、1.74°、1.48°和2.23°,而S-Go增加了3.21 mm,与恒牙晚期组比较差异有显著性;而恒牙晚期患儿治疗后上切牙倾斜度明显减小,其变化大于恒牙初期组患者(P<0.05)。结论恒牙初期进行治疗更有利于垂直向的控制。  相似文献   

目的    结合临床系统讨论上侧切牙过小的临床处理方法。方法    2004年1月至2008年10月对26例上侧切牙过小病例根据间隙分析,分别采取直接关闭间隙、邻面去秞、拔牙矫治等方法进行矫治。结果    通过治疗前后对比,26例病例均取得了很好的临床效果。结论    对于上侧切牙过小病例,根据其临床条件,可选择不同的拔牙或非拔牙矫治方法,均可获得健康、美观的临床效果。  相似文献   

The relationship between malocclusion and the health of the masticatory apparatus is reviewed. While there is evidence that certain features such as traumatic deep overbite, unprotected incisors and impacted teeth may adversely affect the longevity of the dentition, the relationship of dental irregularity to periodontal disease, caries and mandibular dysfunction is less certain. Studies in the Held of social psychology indicate that an unattractive physical appearance may evoke an unfavourable social response in many facets of social interaction but the place of dentofacial anomalies in this context has not been satisfactorily assessed. The individual's adjustment to his own imperfections in dental alignment is variable and there is no evidence that children with visible irregularities will in general be emotionally handicapped. Effectiveness studies have yet to be undertaken but the factors which will have to be taken into account in assessing the benefits of orthodontic treatment are the definition of treatment need, treatment standards, the disadvantages of treatment and the influence of other determinants of dental health. The need for further research is underlined.  相似文献   

目的:探讨正畸治疗对错畸形伴牙周病的治疗作用。方法:通过对20例安氏Ⅰ类错、深覆、深覆盖、上下颌牙列稀疏、上颌前突伴牙周病的病人采取正畸-牙周联合治疗,并对患牙牙周、牙槽骨情况进行对比观察。治疗时间12~18个月。结果:20例病人的错畸形得到有效矫正,达到个别正常。矫治结束时牙周情况较矫治前有明显改善(P<0.05)。使用牙周夹板固定保持器进行保持,可达到稳定的远期治疗效果。结论:对安氏Ⅰ类错、深覆、深覆盖、上下颌牙列稀疏、上颌前突伴牙周病的病人采用牙周洁治、牙周夹板、正畸联合治疗,效果良好。  相似文献   


Objective. The aim of this study was to assess the normative and self-perceived need for orthodontic treatment in Nigerian children, and to evaluate distribution of orthodontic treatment need according to gender and age. Materials and methods. The sample consisted of 441 randomly selected school children, aged 11–18 years in Benin City, Nigeria. The subjects were further sub-grouped according to gender (229 males and 212 females) and age (246 11–13 years old and 195 14–18 years old). The Dental health Component (DHC) and Aesthetic Component (AC) of Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) were used to assess orthodontic treatment need normatively. Self-perceived need was evaluated by asking the subjects to rate their dental aesthetics on the Aesthetic Component scale of IOTN. Chi-square tests were used to evaluate gender and age differences in distribution of treatment need. Results. A definite need for orthodontic treatment was found among 21.5% (grades 4–5 of DHC) and 6.3% (grades 8–10 of AC) of the subjects; 3.9% of the subjects perceived a definite need for orthodontic treatment (grades 8–10 of AC). There were no statistically significant gender and age differences in distribution of orthodontic treatment need among the subjects (p > 0.05). Conclusion. The study revealed a need for orthodontic treatment in slightly more than one fifth (21.5%) of this sample of Nigerian children. The sample population has a lower need on aesthetic grounds and their normative and self-perceived orthodontic treatment needs were not influenced by gender and age.  相似文献   

颞下颌关节紊乱病是口腔临床常见病之一.一般认为颢下颌关节紊乱病是由多因素导致的咀嚼肌功能紊乱、颞下颌关节异常和退行性改变.近几十年来,正畸治疗与颢下颌关节紊乱病之间可能存在的关系一直是正畸医生研究和关注的焦点.本文就两者之间关系的研究作一.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aims of this prospective study were to evaluate the self-perceived and normative orthodontic treatment needs of children referred for orthodontic consultation and to determine the proportion of children who were inappropriately referred. METHODS: The sample consisted of 257 children with a mean age of 12.0 years (SD = 2.4). An orthodontist assessed the children's normative treatment need using the dental health component (DHC) of the index of orthodontic treatment need (IOTN), and for patients in the mixed dentition the need for interceptive treatment was assessed. Questionnaires were answered by both the child and the parent to assess satisfaction with dental appearance and desire for treatment. RESULTS: The distribution of the IOTN grades showed that 73% of the children had definite need while 27% had borderline/no need for orthodontic treatment. Twenty-six per cent of children and 17% of parents did not express orthodontic concern, even though more than half of these children were in definite need of treatment as assessed by IOTN. The children's orthodontic concern was significantly related to the DHC scores. Out of the 103 children who were in the mixed dentition, only about 16% required interceptive treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that a significant number of children were inappropriately referred for orthodontic treatment. Referring dentists need to assess the normative treatment needs of the children as well as the children's and parents' commitment and desire for orthodontic treatment before deciding on the need for referral.  相似文献   

平面是颅面部错畸形矫治的基础,平面倾斜度将影响颌骨的生长发育、口腔功能、上下颌骨关系、牙齿咬合以及面部美观。各类错均存在不同程度的平面偏斜,本文就平面与错畸形检查、诊断、治疗计划设计关系的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Occasionally, orthodontists will be challenged to treat malocclusions and skeletal disharmonies, which by their complexity one might think that the only treatment alternative is the surgical-orthodontic approach. A male patient, aged 17 years old, was diagnosed with a skeletal Class III malocclusion, anterior open bite and negative overjet. An unpleasant profile was the patient’s ‘chief complaint’ showing interest in facial aesthetics improvement. Nevertheless, the patient and his parents strongly preferred a non-surgical treatment approach. He was treated with a multiloop edgewise archwire to facilitate uprighting and distal en-masse movement of lower teeth, correct the Class III open bite malocclusion, change the inclination of the occlusal plane and obtain the consequent morphological-functional adaptation of the mandible. The Class III malocclusion was corrected and satisfactory changes in the patient’s profile were obtained. Active treatment was completed in 2 years, and facial result remained stable at 2 years 6 months after debonding.  相似文献   

Abstract The prevalence of different malocclusion features was investigated in 500 14-yr-old male Saudi Arabian children, using a modification of the registration method described by Björk . et al. (3). Most of the children were in dental stage DS4 (all permanent teeth anterior to the first molars erupted). Totally 62.4% of the children had one or more malocclusion features related to dentition, occlusion, or space. The treatment need was evaluated according to the guidelines used in the Norwegian Health Service. About 40% were found to need treatment with fixed appliances, and for 33% extraction of permanent teeth would be part of the treatment. Only about 2.5% would benefit from treatment with simple removable appliances.  相似文献   

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