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Long-term liver histology improvement in patients with chronic hepatitis C and sustained response to interferon 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Toccaceli F Laghi V Capurso L Koch M Sereno S Scuderi M;Italian Hepanet Group 《Journal of viral hepatitis》2003,10(2):126-133
A retrospective multicentre survey was conducted to evaluate, in patients with chronic hepatitis C, the long-term liver histological changes induced by interferon (IFN). A total of 112 patients (mean age 46.4 years) were studied. All patients had received a 6-12-month IFN-alpha course (6-18 MU/week) and had successively undergone clinical, biochemical and virological follow-up for at least 36 months (range: 36-76). In each patient, two liver biopsies had been performed: 1-6 months before treatment and, 12-76 months after its completion. In 87 patients with biochemical and virological sustained response persisting for 12 months after therapy, post-treatment liver necroinflammation and fibrosis mean(+/-SD) scores (Knodell index) were significantly lower than pretreatment scores (2.9 +/- 2.2 vs 6.8 +/- 2.9 and 0.8 +/- 1.0 vs 1.2 +/- 1.1, respectively; P < 0.01). In 25 patients who relapsed within 1 year, necroinflammation and fibrosis post-treatment mean scores were similar to pretreatment scores (7.4 +/- 3.2 vs 6.9 +/- 3.1 and 1.8 +/- 1.3 vs 1.6 +/- 1.2, respectively; P > 0.05). On an individual basis, necroinflammation decreased in 87% of sustained responders but only in 36% of relapsers (P < 0.001), whereas fibrosis decreased in 44% of sustained responders but only in 14% of relapsers (P < 0.001). In sustained responders with biopsies performed 12-23 months (n=34), 24-35 months (n=26) or more than 36 months (n=27) after treatment, a progressive decrease of mean necroinflammatory score was observed (-2.6 +/- 2.1, -4.1 +/- 3.4 and -5.2 +/- 3.7 points, respectively; P < 0.01). A similar pattern was observed in fibrosis score (-0.3 +/- 0.6, -0.3 +/- 0.7 and -0.7 +/- 0.9 points, respectively; P < 0.05). Hence, among chronic hepatitis C patients treated with IFN, those with a 12-month sustained response, unlike those who relapse, have a long-term progressive reduction and, in some cases, a complete regression of liver histological damage. 相似文献
Long-term histological prognosis and serum fibrosis markers in chronic hepatitis C patients treated with interferon 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Kojima H Hongo Y Harada H Inoue T Miyaji K Kashiwagi M Momose T Arisaka Y Fukui H Murai S Tokita H Kamitsukasa H Yagura M Katsu K 《Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology》2001,16(9):1015-1021
BACKGROUND: Interferon (IFN) therapy is effective in 20-40% of patients with chronic hepatitis C, but the relationship between histological changes and the response to interferon is still unclear. We investigated the long-term histological prognosis and the changes of serum fibrosis markers after interferon therapy relation to the response. METHODS AND RESULTS: One hundred and eighteen patients with chronic hepatitis C who received interferon therapy were divided into four groups based on the detection of viremia and the serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level after treatment. A histological examination was performed by using the histological activity index and the criteria of the METAVIR score. Serum fibrosis markers were used to measure the levels of hyaluronic acid and type IV collagen 7s. Responders, whose serum ALT levels became normal after treatment, demonstrated histological improvement. Histological improvement was more rapid in sustained virological responders with hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA seronegativity than in biochemical responders with HCV-RNA seropositivity. Only sustained virological responders exhibited histological cure. In partial responders, whose serum ALT levels decreased to less than twice the upper of normal, and non-responders whose serum ALT levels were not reduced, liver fibrosis was unchanged or showed progression. Serum fibrosis markers increased with progression of the histological stage and varied depending on the response to interferon. CONCLUSION: Normalization of serum ALT levels after interferon therapy led to a histological improvement, and that with viral clearance achieved histological cure. Serum fibrosis markers were useful indicators for long-term according to the response of IFN therapy. 相似文献
L. Chemello L. Cavalletto F. Noventa P. Bonetti C. Casarin E. Bernardinello P. Pontisso C. Donada P. Casarin E Belussi M. Frezza A. Alberti 《Journal of viral hepatitis》1995,2(2):91-96
Summary. Three main patterns of response are seen when interferon-α (IFN-α) is used for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C: 1 sustained response with alanine-aminotransferase (ALT) normalization that is maintained after cessation of therapy, with or without clearance of serum hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA; 2 transient response with ALT normalization during therapy followed by relapse after its withdrawal, and 3 no response with no or only partial reduction in ALT levels. In order to define variables that could predict each of these three types of response we studied 321 cases of chronic hepatitis C treated with IFN-α in two consecutive trials conducted in our Unit. By univariate analysis, age < 45 years (P < 0.01), known disease duration < 60 months (P < 0.01), normal gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (γGT) levels (P < 0.01) and infection by HCV genotype 2 or HCV genotype 3 (P < 0.01) were found to be statistically associated with sustained response while age > 45 years (P < 0.01), body weight (P= 0.05), cirrhosis (P < 0.01) and elevated γGT levels (P < 0.01) were associated with no response. By multivariate analysis sustained response was predicted by HCV genotype 2 (P < 0.01) and HCV genotype 3 (P < 0.01), known disease duration (P < 0.01), patient's age (P < 0.05) and associated with the use of a more aggressive treatment schedule (P < 0.05). Transient response with relapse was predicted by known duration of disease (P < 0.05), HCV genotype 1 (P < 0.05) and female sex (P < 0.05). No response was statistically associated with elevated γGT levels (P < 0.01), higher body weight (P < 0.05) and with the less aggressive regimen of 3 MU of natural IFN-α given three times weekly for 6 months (P < 0.05). These results indicate that the HCV genotype as well as the schedule of treatment greatly affect the pattern of response to IFN in chronic hepatitis C and allow us to define criteria to predict which type of response is more likely in individual patients. 相似文献
P. Colombatto M. Baldi F. Oliveri A. Randone F. Bonino M. R. Brunetto 《Digestive and liver disease》2000,32(3):211-216
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Complete [biochemical and virological) primary response remains the first goal of any antiviral therapy and its early assessment could be particularly useful in the management of the high viral load, genotype 1b infected patients, who have the worst chance of response. We evaluated whether tailoring interferon dose according to pre-treatment viral load and early monitoring of quantitative HCV-RNA could either improve or predict the results of recombinant alpha-2a interferon treatment in these patients. PATIENTS: Fifty-three consecutive genotype 1b HCV-infected patients, stratified in two groups by viral load (cut off 6 MEq/ml), received randomly 6 or 9 MU of recombinant alpha-2a interferon thrice weekly for 6 months, followed by 6 MU for another 6 months. METHODS: HCV-RNA was measured [b-DNA] assay) two months apart prior to therapy, at baseline, after 2 weeks of therapy and monthly thereafter. RESULTS: In the high viraemic group, complete primary response was observed in 80% of patients treated with high dose recombinant alpha 2a interferon and only in 14.3% of low dose treated patients [p<0.03]. In low viraemic patients, complete primary response was 53. 8% in low dose patients and 80% (8 out of 10) in the high dose group. Sustained response was 60% in high viraemic patients treated with high dose and absent in those treated with low dose [p<0.05]. One log viral load decrease at 2 or 4 weeks showed 0.87 and 0.80 positive predictive values, 0.95 and 1.0 negative predictive values with 96% and 100% sensitivities and 83% and 70% specificities. CONCLUSIONS: 6 MU recombinant alpha-2a interferon thrice weekly schedules were completely ineffective in the large majority (85.7%) of patients with viral load above 6 million HCV-RNA copies/ml and the treatment failure could be predicted by lack of one log viral load decrease after 2-4 weeks of treatment. 相似文献
The long-term efficacy of interferon alfa in chronic hepatitis C patients: A critical review 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
With current therapeutic regimens, sustained responses occur in no more than 25% of patients with chronic hepatitis C who are treated with interferon. Relapses occur usually within 6 months from therapy suspension, but clinical and virologic recurrencies can be observed as late as after 3 years of follow up. The rate of long-term responses seems to depend on the dosage and the period of administration of interferon, but the best therapeutic protocol remains unknown. As a direct marker of permanent recovery is not available, indirect signs of disease resolution are: (i) continuously normal alanine aminotransferase levels; (ii) clearance of HCV-RNA; (iii) disappearance of anti-C100/NS4; and (iv) significant histological improvements assessed at least 2 years after therapy withdrawal. Known baseline predictive features of long-term response are the absence of cirrhosis, low viraemic levels and infection with HCV of type III or IV genotype (Okamoto's classification). According to recent reports, the lower the heterogeneity of the hypervariable region of the envelope 2 gene of HCV, the higher the chance of a sustained remission. There is not yet any consensus on the efficacy of a second therapeutic course of interferon in inducing a permanent response, and controlled trials are needed to clarify this issue. 相似文献
In an attempt to predict virological sustained responders among patients with chronic hepatitis C after interferon therapy, HCV-RNA in serum was measured by a one tube RT-PCR assay kit using the RNA corresponding to 5 μL serum (standard assay) or 300 μL serum (enhanced-sensitivity assay). Dilution analysis revealed that sensitivity of the ‘enhanced-sensitivity assay’ increased by 10–100-fold when compared with a ‘standard assay'. Using these assays, prospective study of interferon therapy on 38 HCV-RNA seropositive cases with chronic hepatitis (total amount 702 MU; duration of treatment 5–6 months) was performed. At the end of treatment, six were still positive and 32 became negative by the ‘standard assay', whereas an additional eight cases became positive (total 14 cases positive; the remaining 24 cases negative) by the ‘enhanced-sensitivity assay'. Hepatitis C viral RNA state at the end of treatment remained the same 6 months later in 23 cases (61%) by a ‘standard assay’ and in 31 (82%) by the ‘enhanced-sensitivity assay'. Of importance was that all patients (14 cases) demonstrating HCV-RNA in serum at the end of therapy, even by the ‘enhanced-sensitivity assay', did not show the disappearance of HCV-RNA in serum despite the long follow up. From these results, in order to improve our treatment efficacy, we should try to modify our treatment protocol to the extent that at least HCV-RNA becomes undetectable. That can be only feasible during treatment by real-time monitoring of HCV-RNA. 相似文献
We analysed the expression of interferon (IFN) α/β receptor mRNA in the liver of patients with chronic hepatitis C and examined the relationship between the expression of this receptor gene and the level of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-RNA as well as the response to 16 weeks of 6 × 106 units IFN. The mean level of IFNα/β receptor mRNA in patients with chronic HCV infection (expressed as δ cycle; 10.8±1.9 (mean±SD); n = 39) was significantly higher than that of control subjects (9.4±0.5; n=6; P<0.01). There was a significant negative correlation between the level of IFNα/β receptor mRNA and serum HCV-RNA in 39 patients with chronic hepatitis C (R=-0.546; P<0.01). The mean level of IFNα/β receptor mRNA in six patients who showed a complete response to IFN therapy (12.3±1.6) was higher than that of 15 patients who failed to respond to therapy (10.1±1.5; P< 0.01). Our results are consistent with the suggestion that the anti-viral activity of IFN depends on the level of the IFNα/β receptor on hepatocytes in patients with chronic hepatitis C. 相似文献
Efficacy of prolonged interferon therapy for patients with chronic hepatitis C with HCV-genotype 1b and high virus load 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Arase Y Ikeda K Tsubota A Suzuki Y Saitoh S Kobayashi M Kobayashi M Suzuki F Akuta N Someya T Kumada H 《Journal of gastroenterology》2003,38(2):158-163
Background: In patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV)-genotype 1b and a high virus load, of more than 1 Meq/ml by the DNA probe assay,
the clearance of HCV-RNA was achieved in only 10% with a 6-month interferon (IFN) course. We therefore assessed the efficacy
of prolonged IFN therapy in patients with HCV-genotype 1b and a high virus load. Methods: A total of 51 patients with HCV genotype 1b who were given 6 million units (MU) of natural IFN-α daily for 8 weeks followed
by three-times-weekly treatment with natural IFN-α for 16 weeks, were enrolled in this trial. These 51 patients were randomly
assigned to one of two schedule groups at the time of termination of the first IFN therapy. The 48-week-group patients (n = 25) were given 6 MU of natural IFN-α by intramuscular injection three times weekly for 24 weeks, beginning within a week
after the termination of the first IFN therapy. The 72-week-group patients (n = 26) were given 6 MU of IFN-α by intramuscular injection three times a week for 48 weeks, beginning within a week after
the termination of the first IFN therapy. The therapeutic efficacy was evaluated 24 and 30 months after the initiation of
the first IFN treatment. A virological response (VR) to IFN therapy was defined as the normalization of serum alanime amino
transferase (ALT) level (ALT ≲ 50 IU) and HCV-RNA negativity at the two time points. Biochemical response (BR) was defined
as the normalization of serum ALT, but positivity for HCV-RNA, assessed by commercial Amplicor HCV qualitative assays, at
the two time points. Results: The efficacy of IFN treatment was assessed in relation to the IFN administration schedule by intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis
and per-protocol analysis. With respect to the IFN regimen, VR occurred in 16.6% (4/24) of the patients in the 48-week-group
with additional IFN and in 20% (5/25) in the 72-week-group with additional IFN by ITT analysis. The BR rate was 33.3% (8/24)
in the 48-week group and 48% (12/25) in the 72-week group. Conclusions: We found that prolonged IFN therapy could be a worthwhile treatment strategy for patients with HCV genotype 1b and a high
serum virus load.
Received: March 15, 2002 / Accepted: July 26, 2002
Reprint requests to: Y. Arase
Editorial on page 204 相似文献
Interferon (IFN) therapy is of proven efficacy in chronic hepatitis C, but it is not universally effective and is often limited by side effects. Cyclosporine A (CsA) is a potent immunosuppressant widely used in organ transplantation. We conducted a pilot study to determine whether CsA therapy could affect aminotransferase activity and hepatitis C virus RNA levels in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Cyclosporine A was administered to 10 patients (mean age of 59 years; male: female = 9:1) who did not respond to IFN therapy previously and who had elevated serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) values for at least 6 months. All patients were positive for HCV-RNA by RT-PCR with genotype 1b. Their mean duration of hepatitis was 15 years. Oral CsA was given for 3 months in a dose that was increased at 1 month intervals from 1.5–2.0 to 2.0–3.0 and 3.0–4.0 mg/kg per day. All patients completed the treatment schedule, although two patients developed mild non-symptomatic hypertension. Serum ALT levels gradually decreased in all but one patient. The mean percentage decrease was 59.5% at the end of therapy (from 153 ± 82 to 62 ± 48 IU/L; P < 0.02). The ALT levels fell to the normal range in five patients, although once therapy was discontinued the enzyme levels tended to return to pretreatment levels. Serum aspartate aminotransferase and g-glutamyl transpeptidase levels similarly decreased. The serum HCV-RNA titre, determined by competitive RT-PCR, did not change in any patient throughout the study period. There were no appreciable alterations in other laboratory tests, such as serum creatinine levels and lymphocyte subsets, except for an increase in serum alkaline phosphatase levels. These findings suggest that CsA, even in a relatively low dose, reduces serum aminotransferase levels without serious side effects in patients with chronic-hepatitis C, although an antiviral effect was not noted. 相似文献
Kazuyoshi Ohkawa Naoki Hiramatsu Kiyoshi Mochizuki Eiji Mita Sadaharu Iio Harumasa Yoshihara† Michio Kato‡ Manabu Masuzawa§ Akinori Kasahara¶ Yutaka Sasaki Masatsugu Hori Norio Hayashi 《Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology》2001,16(9):1009-1014
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Fas system-mediated cytotoxicity is thought to be involved in the development of liver injury in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. In this study, we investigated serum soluble Fas antigen levels in chronic hepatitis C patients treated with interferon and their correlation with the therapeutic response. METHODS: The subjects were 67 chronic hepatitis C patients who underwent a 24-week course of alpha-interferon therapy. Patients were categorized into three groups; sustained responders (n = 22), transient responders (n = 24), and non-responders (n = 21), according to changes in the serum alanine aminotransferase level during and after therapy. The viral genotype, viremic level and diversity in the hypervariable region were examined before therapy. Serum soluble Fas antigen levels were assayed by using serum samples taken at the beginning and the end of therapy. RESULTS: In the univariate analysis, serum soluble Fas antigen levels tended to be higher in non-responders (10.0 +/- 3.4 ng/mL) than in sustained responders (8.5 +/- 3.0 ng/mL) and transient responders (8.2 +/- 2.1 ng/mL; P = 0.13 and P < 0.05). The non-response to therapy was observed in eight of the 15 (53%) patients with serum soluble Fas antigen > or = 11 ng/mL, compared with 13 of the 52 (25%) patients with serum soluble Fas antigen < 11 ng/mL (P < 0.05). As for the multivariate analysis, the only significant factor contributing to the sustained response was a low HCV viremic level (P = 0.0046). Significant factors contributing to the non-response were a high serum alanine aminotransferase (P = 0.0407) and a high serum soluble Fas antigen level (P = 0.0483). CONCLUSIONS: High production levels of soluble Fas antigen may be associated with a poor response to interferon therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients. 相似文献
Toshiyuki Aiyama Kentaro Yoshioka Hideo Hirofuji Atsuhiko Kusakabe Masaki Yamada Kazuma Tanaka Dr. Shinichi Kakumu MD 《Digestive diseases and sciences》1994,39(10):2244-2249
Response to interferon (IFN) therapy for chronic hepatitis C has been determined by the alteration of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) values. However, eradication of hepatitis C virus (HCV) could be another aim of the therapy. Thus, we serially measured serum HCV RNA levels during therapy and for at least 12 months after cessation of therapy in 65 patients with chronic hepatitis C who received IFN- (49 cases) or - (16 cases). The presence of HCV and its amount were measured by the combination of nested and competitive PCR. Twenty-seven patients, who were categorized as complete responders, showed sustained normalization of ALT values for more than six months posttreatment. The viral RNA titers at pretreatment were significantly lower in complete responders (logarithmic copy numbers/ml: 5.4±1.3,P<0.001) than in partial and nonresponders. Complete response rate was significantly higher in patients with HCV genotype III (68.4%,P<0.01) than those with type II (23.6%). Among 27 complete responders, HCV RNA became undetectable in only 13 patients six months after completion of therapy, and 11 still had low levels of viremia; however, none experienced relapse of the disease during follow-up of 12–24 months. Three complete responders showed lasting high-titered viremia, and their ALT values rose again during follow-up. Our data suggest that IFN treatment of chronic hepatitis C is often ineffective in eradicating HCV infection even in responders, and long-term follow-up study is necessary to determine the sustained beneficial effect of IFN. 相似文献
Giorglo Saracco Maria Lorena Abate Maurizio Baldl Pier Luigi Calvo Paola Manzini Maurizia Rossana Brunetto Filippo Oliveri George Kuo David Chien Michael Houghton Giorgio Verme Mario Rizzetto Ferruccio Bonino 《Liver international》1994,14(2):65-70
We measured hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA and antibodies against HCV recombinant proteins (C22/S1, E1/S2, E2/NS1, C33/NS3, C100/NS4, NS5) in serial serum samples from 22 interferon-treated patients with a long-term follow up (range: 36–44 months). Eleven of them showed persistently normal liver function tests and a significant histological amelioration or a complete resolution of chronic hepatitis (long-term responders, LTRs). In the remaining 11 patients (non-responders (NRs)) liver function tests normalized temporarily during therapy or remained unchanged. At the end of the follow up (3 years), viraemia was undetectable in six of 11 LTRs (54.6%). HCV-RNA was always detectable in the serum of NRs (p = 0.017). At admission, anti-C22/S1, anti-E1/S2, anti-E2/NS1, anti-C33/NS3, anti-C100/NS4 and anti-NS5 were detected in 95.4%, 40.9%, 77.3%, 95.4%, 72.7%, and 77.3% of the patients, respectively. Three years after suspension of therapy, anti-C100/NS4 was undetectable in five of six (83.3%) LTRs who cleared HCV-RNA and in only one with ongoing viraemia (20%). Anti-E2/NS1 was undetectable in 54.5% of LTRs and in no NRs (p = 0.067). Anti-E1/S2 was detected more frequently in LTRs than in NRs (81.8% vs 45.5%). Serum levels of anti-C22/S1, C33/NS3 and NS5 did not change during therapy and the follow up in either group of patients. The clearance of viraemia in LTRs was associated with that of anti-C100/NS4 (p = 0.017). Serum HCV-RNA and anti-C100/NS4 appear suitable tools for monitoring patients who respond to therapy. More than 40%) of LTRs remained HCV-RNA-positive in spite of the biochemical remission of their liver diseases. 相似文献
Goshi Shiota Michiko Okubo Hironaka Kawasaki & Tomoyuki Tahara 《British journal of haematology》1997,97(2):340-342
We measured serum thrombopoietin (TPO) in chronic hepatitis C treated with interferon (IFN). The platelet count before the therapy was 161.9 ×109 ± 64.1 × 109 /l, which decreased to 116.3 × 109 ± 48.4 × 109 /l 1 week after IFN therapy ( P <0.01). On the other hand, serum TPO increased from 1.96 ± 0.60 fmol/ml to 2.68 ± 0.69 fmol/ml ( P < 0.02). Contrary to a recent report that serum TPO was not altered in liver cirrhosis, these data indicate that serum TPO was increased in chronic hepatitis C in response to thrombocytopenia by IFN therapy. 相似文献
Hepatic HCV-RNA as a predictor of outcome after interferon therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Measurement of serum HCV-RNA is a useful index for evaluating the antiviral effect of interferon therapy in chronic hepatitis C. In the present study, we investigated whether the detection of hepatic HCV-RNA after interferon treatment, using a polymerase chain reaction assay, predicted long-term response to therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Thirty-three patients underwent liver biopsies before and after interferon therapy. Histology and clinical courses were compared after treatment. Before therapy, serum and hepatic HCV-RNA was detected in specimens from 32 (97%) and 33 (100%) patients, respectively. Serum HCV-RNA became undetectable in samples from 22 (67%) patients; however, in 10 of these patients (45%), serum HCV-RNA levels relapsed after therapy. Hepatic HCV-RNA became undetectable in 14 patients after therapy and the serum aminotransferase concentration remained within normal limits during and following (24–92 weeks) therapy in 12 of these patients (86%). All 11 patients with detectable hepatic HCV-RNA also had serum HCV-RNA and elevated aminotransferase concentrations refractory to therapy. The absence of hepatic HCV-RNA at the end of interferon treatment thus predicted a long-term complete response to therapy with a sensitivity of 100%, a specificity of 90% and an accuracy of 94%. We conclude that hepatic rather than serum HCV-RNA is a more useful index for the prediction of the long-term efficacy of interferon therapy. 相似文献
M Moreno R Pérez-Alvarez L Rodrigo R Pérez-López M González 《Revista española de enfermedades digestivas》2005,97(12):860-869
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the evolution of histological changes observed in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) and sustained response (SR) compared to non-responders (NR) to antiviral treatment. METHODS: A retrospective study was performed in a total of 176 patients with CHC. These were divided into two groups: 132 SR and 44 NR. All had undergone a basal liver biopsy prior to treatment onset. A second biopsy was performed in 143 patients, 104 SR and 39 NR. Inflammatory activity and the degree of liver fibrosis was measured by Metavir units (MU). The progression and regression index of fibrosis was calculated before and after treatment. The time elapsed between the two biopsies was 5.9 +/- 0.3 years for SR and 6.6 +/- 0.3 years for NR (NS). RESULTS: At baseline, 53% of SR patients had mild, chronic active hepatitis (CAH), while this was moderate in 43% of NR patients (p < 0.0001). The time elapsed between baseline and post-treatment liver biopsies was 5.9 +/- 0.3 years for SR subjects and 6.6 +/- 0.4 years for NR subjects (NS). After antiviral treatment 47% of SR subjects presented a normal liver or minimal changes, whilst mild CAH persisted in 34.4% and moderate CAH in 37.5% of NR subjects. Necro-inflammatory activity decreased by 50% in SR subjects and by 15% in NR subjects (p < 0.0001), and fibrosis decreased by 82% in SR subjects (p < 0.0001) and by 66% in NR subjects (p < 0.001). Fibrosis progression index was 0.14 MU/year in SR subjects and 0.21 MU/year in NR subjects (NS). Fibrosis regression index was -0.11 in SR subjects and -0.14 in NR subjects (NS). CONCLUSIONS: In our series of patients with CHC and SR, we observed histological normalization in approximately fifty per cent of cases during long-term follow-up. NR subjects also showed improvement, especially in the fibrosis score. Both groups showed a marked regression of liver fibrosis after treatment. 相似文献
Clinical significance of serum auto-antibodies in Chinese patients with chronic hepatitis C: Negative role of serum viral titre and genotype 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Positive serum anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) and anti-smooth muscle antibody (SMA) have been reported in 10–66% of patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection from Western countries. However, the mechanism involved in this immunological disorder is still unknown. This study was carried out to evaluate the prevalence and clinical significance of positive serum auto-antibodies in Chinese patients with chronic hepatitis C and to assess the role of serum HCV-RNA titre and HCV genotype in the presence of serum auto-antibodies. Serum ANA, SMA and anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA) were measured in 122 patients with chronic hepatitis C. Clinical, biochemical and virological data (serum HCV-RNA titre and HCV genotype) were compared between patients with and without serum auto-antibodies. Fifty-eight (48%) patients were associated with positive serum autoantibodies: 42 (34%) positive for ANA, six (5%) positive for SMA, nine (7%) positive for both ANA and SMA and one (1%) positive for AMA. Clinical parameters (age, sex, blood transfusion history), liver biochemical tests, the presence of cryoglobulinaemia or cirrhosis, and the response to interferon treatment were not significantly different between patients with and without positive serum auto-antibodies. Serum HCV-RNA levels and HCV genotypes were also not significantly different between the two groups. Logistic regression analysis showed that none of the previously mentioned parameters were significant predictors to associate with serum auto-antibodies in chronic hepatitis C. We concluded that 48% of Chinese patients with chronic hepatitis C were associated with positive serum auto-antibodies. Hepatitis C virus genotypes and serum HCV-RNA levels were not correlated to the presence of serum auto-antibodies. The clinical significance and actual pathogenesis of this phenomenon remain to be clarified. 相似文献
Arase Y Ikeda K Suzuki F Suzuki Y Saitoh S Kobayashi M Akuta N Someya T Hosaka T Sezaki H Kobayashi M Kumada H 《Journal of gastroenterology》2004,39(11):1090-1094
Background Hemolytic anemia is one of the major adverse events of the combination therapy of interferon and ribavirin. Because of ribavirin-related hemolytic anemia, dose reduction is a common event in this therapy. In this clinical retrospective cohort study we have examined the suitable timing of ribavirin reduction in patients with hemolysis during combination therapy.Methods Thirty-seven of 160 patients who had HCV-genotype 1b, had high virus load, and received 24-week combination therapy developed anemia with hemoglobin level <10g/dl or anemia-related signs during therapy. After that, these 37 patients were reduced one tablet of ribavirin (200mg) per day. After reduction of ribavirin, 27 of 37 patients could continue combination therapy for a total of 24 weeks (group A). However, 10 of 37 patients with reduction of ribavirin could not continue combination therapy because their <8.5g/dl hemoglobin values decreased to or anemia-related severe side effects occurred (group B). We assessed the final efficacy and safety after reduction of ribavirin in groups A and B.Results A sustained virological response (SVR) was 29.6% (8/27) in group A and 10% (1/10) in group B, respectively. A 34.4% (12/27) of SVR + biological response in group A was higher than 10% (1/10) in group B (P = 0.051), with slight significance. With respect to hemoglobin level at the time of ribavirin reduction, a rate of continuation of therapy in patients with 10g/dl hemoglobin was higher than that in patients with <10g/dl (P = 0.036).Conclusions Reduction of ribavirin at hemoglobin level 10g/dl is suitable in terms of efficacy and side effects. 相似文献