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Canavanine-resistant (Canr) human cells overproduce argininosuccinate synthetase without the occurrence of gene amplification. Using calcium phosphate precipitation, genomic DNA from Canr human cells was used to carry out gene transfer into Chinese hamster cells, which do not express argininosuccinate synthetase activity. Growth in tissue culture medium with citrulline substituted for arginine was adequate to select enzyme-positive colonies. Six independent isolates were selected for detailed analysis by enzyme assay, Southern blotting, Northern blotting, and S1 nuclease analysis, the last of which distinguishes human and hamster mRNA. Five isolates were transferrants containing the human structural gene and synthesizing human enzyme. One isolate represented a cell line synthesizing Chinese hamster enzyme. The data document (1) gene transfer of DNA fragments at least 80 kb in length, (2) the low level of spontaneous activation of the argininosuccnate synthetase locus in Chinese hamster cells, (3) the feasibility of this expression and selection system for DNA-mediated gene transfer, and (4) a method for distinguishing the human and hamster gene products at an RNA level.  相似文献   

As part of an effort to develop a model system for somatic gene therapy, a human argininosuccinate synthetase (AS) cDNA has been introduced into two gag+ retroviral vectors, and high titer clones were obtained for both constructs. The presence of proviral DNA sequences was detected in individual spleen colonies after infection of primary murine marrow cells with each virus. Mice were reconstituted for long-term survival with marrow infected with one virus, and they demonstrated elevated levels of AS expression in peripheral blood for up to eight weeks posttransplantation.  相似文献   

Citrullinemia type I is an autosomal recessive disorder that is caused by a deficiency of the urea cycle enzyme argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS1). Deficiency of ASS1 shows various clinical manifestations encompassing severely affected patients with fatal neonatal hyperammonemia as well as asymptomatic individuals with only a biochemical phenotype. This is a comprehensive report of all 87 mutations found to date in the ASS1 gene on chromosome 9q34.1. A large proportion of the mutations (n=27) are described here for the first time. Mutations are distributed throughout exons 3 to 15, most of them being identified in exons 5, 12, 13, and 14. The mutation G390R in exon 15 is the single most common mutation in patients with the classical phenotype. Certain mutations clearly link to specific clinical courses but the clinical phenotype cannot be anticipated in all patients. This update presents a survey of the correlation between mutations in the ASS1 gene and the respective clinical courses as described so far. It also sheds light on the geographic incidence of the mutations. Enzymatic studies have been done in bacterial and human cell systems. However, the prognostic value of genetic aberrations with respect to their effect on protein function and clinical manifestation remains uncertain. Hum Mutat 0, 1–8, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Control of argininosuccinate synthetase by arginine in human lymphoblasts   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Human lymphoblasts in long-term culture have the enzyme activities necessary to convert citrulline to arginine: argininosuccinate synthetase and argininosuccinate lyase. Upon transfer from arginine-supplemented to citrulline-supplemented medium, lymphoblasts exhibit a lag period before resuming exponential growth. During this lag the specific activity of argininosuccinate synthetase increases an average of 60-fold. Argininosuccinate lyase activity remains unchanged. If normal lymphoblasts are starved in arginine-deficient medium without citrulline or if argininosuccinate lyase-deficient lymphoblasts are transferred to citrulline-containing medium, argininosuccinate synthetase activity increases linearly for several days and reaches even higher levels. Cycloheximide blocks the increase in enzyme activity. Cells grown in citrulline medium and pulse labeled with35S-methionine incorporate more35S-methionine into argininosuccinate synthetase protein than cells grown in arginine; the rate of disappearance of radioactively labeled enzyme is the same in citrulline- and arginine-grown cells. Arginine or a closely related metabolite thus appears to repress the synthesis of argininosuccinate synthetase of human lymphoblasts in culture.  相似文献   

An hepatocyte transplantation-gene transfer protocol has been developed whereby liver cells containing an expressing NeoR gene can be successfully implanted in vivo. Adult primary cultures of rat hepatocytes, after infection with the retroviral vector N2, were grown on a floating solid support (coated with purified collagen IV) in a serum-free hormonally defined medium designed for hepatocytes that also contained G418. Under these conditions, normal adult hepatocytes expressing the NeoR gene could be grown to high density. The solid supports holding the gene-engineered hepatocytes were then implanted into adult rats into subcutaneous and intraperitoneal sites. After one to two weeks, the supports were removed and shown to still contain the gene-engineered hepatocytes expressing the NeoR gene. These results suggest that cells from solid organs, such as the liver, are potential targets for gene transfer and expression studies in vivo.  相似文献   

The rat is an excellent model for gene therapy because there are many rat models for human diseases. We have developed a simple and efficient method to deliver genes to the rat liver using recombinant retroviral vectors. A 70% partial hepatectomy followed by retroviral infusion into the portal vein results in 10–15% hepatocyte transduction in vivo. This is 10 times more efficient than in the mouse due partially to the observation that the rat livers have much more synchronous hepatocyte replication after partial hepatectomy. Using a recombinant retroviral vector containing the human 1-antitrypsin cDNA, persistent expression of the human protein in recipient rat plasma was observed for at least six months and at a level that is 10 times greater than the mouse. Thus, rats can serve as an excellent model for gene therapy of metabolic disorders secondary to hepatic deficiencies.  相似文献   

Argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS) is a urea cycle enzyme that forms argininosuccinate from citrulline and aspartate. Mutations at the ASS locus in man cause the inherited disease, citrullinemia. Citrullinemia is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait and is characterized, biochemically, by elevated levels of blood citrulline and ammonia and often results in early neonatal death if untreated. We have used homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells to generate a line of mice having a targeted disruption of theAss gene. Homozygous mutant animals develop high levels of blood citrulline, become hyperammonemic, and die within one or two days after birth. Because the phenotype of the mutant mice closely resembles that of humans who lack the ASS enzyme, we expect that these mice will serve as a useful model for exploring new treatments for citrullinemia including somatic gene therapy.  相似文献   

The structural gene for threonyl-tRNA synthetase was mapped to human chromosome 5 by an analysis of the isoelectric focusing patterns of this enzyme from human × Chinese hamster interspecific somatic cell hybrids. The threonyl-tRNA synthetase gene is the fourth of seven aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase genes mapped in humans to be assigned to this chromosome. Regional mapping studies showed that the threonyl-tRNA synthetase gene is on the short arm of chromosome 5, p13-cen, and is close to, but separable from, the gene for leucyl-tRNA synthetase which maps to 5cen-5q11.  相似文献   

Argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS) is a rate-limiting enzyme of urea cycle and functions primarily in the liver, whereas ASS activity is hardly detected in normal lymphocytes. In this study, we examined the level of ASS gene expression in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from human SLE patients by amplification of reverse-transcribed mRNA using the polymerase chain reaction. We have demonstrated that (a) approximately 40% of SLE patients exhibited 2.5 to 5 times higher expression of ASS gene in PBL than those of healthy PBL and (b) the elevation of ASS gene expression of PBL significantly correlates with the active pathogenesis of SLE patients according to the criteria of Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare (p < 0.001 by student's two-tailed t-test). Thus, it is suggested that ASS gene expression is a promising marker of hyperactivated lymphocytes uniquely generated in patients with systemic autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

Classical citrullinemia (CTLN1), a rare autosomal recessive disorder, is caused by mutations of the argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS) gene, localized on chromosome 9q34.1. ASS functions as a rate-limiting enzyme in the urea cycle. Previously, we identified 32 mutations in the ASS gene of CTLN1 patients mainly in Japan and the United States, and to date 34 different mutations have been described in 50 families worldwide. In the present study, we report ASS mutations detected in 35 additional CTLN1 families from 11 countries. By analyzing the entire coding sequence and the intron-exon boundaries of the ASS gene using RT-PCR and/or genomic DNA-PCR, we have identified 16 novel mutations (two different 1-bp deletions, a 67-bp insertion, and 13 missense) and have detected 12 known mutations. Altogether, 50 different mutations (seven deletion, three splice site, one duplication, two nonsense, and 37 missense) in 85 CTLN1 families were identified. On the basis of primary sequence comparisons with the crystal structure of E. coli ASS protein, it may be concluded that any of the 37 missense mutations found at 30 different positions led to structural and functional impairments of the human ASS protein. It has been found that three mutations are particularly frequent: IVS6-2A>G in 23 families (Japan: 20 and Korea: three), G390R in 18 families (Turkey: six, U.S.: five, Spain: three, Israel: one, Austria: one, Canada: one, and Bolivia: one), and R304W in 10 families (Japan: nine and Turkey: one). Most mutations of the ASS gene are "private" and are distributed throughout the gene, except for exons 5 and 12-14. It seems that the clinical course of the patients with truncated mutations or the G390R mutation is early-onset/severe. The phenotype of the patients with certain missense mutations (G362V or W179R) is more late-onset/mild. Eight patients with R86H, A118T, R265H, or K310R mutations were adult/late-onset and four of them showed severe symptoms during pregnancy or postpartum. However, it is still difficult to prove the genotype-phenotype correlation, because many patients were compound heterozygotes (with two different mutations), lived in different environments at the time of diagnosis, and/or had several treatment regimes or various knowledge of the disease.  相似文献   

Two autopsy cases of neonatal argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS) deficiency demonstrating the particular histological changes of the liver are presented. Case 1 was a female infant with elevated blood ammonia and citrulline. The patient died of sepsis at nineteen days after birth. Autopsy revealed hematomas in bilateral cerebral hemispheres and a yellow liver parenchyma. Histologically, the cerebrum showed diffuse astrogliosis with Alzheimer type II cell and swollen cytoplasm. Status spongiosus and gliosis were observed in the subthalamic and pontine nuclei. The liver demonstrated fatty degeneration and wide portal space with bile duct proliferation and inflammatory cell infiltration. The ASS activities in the liver and the kidneys were not detected. Case 2 was a female infant who died of respiratory distress twenty-four days after birth. Autopsy revealed hematomas in the bilateral cerebral ventricles and a liver with yellow parenchyma. Histologically, there was destruction of arrangement in the cerebrum and cerebellum together with marked decrease of nerve cells with gliosis and phagocytosis. The liver showed mild fatty degeneration and wide portal space accompanied by bile duct proliferation and inflammatory cell infiltration. The ASS activities in the liver and kidneys were not detected.  相似文献   

Adenoviral vector-mediated gene transfer for human gene therapy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human gene therapy promises to change the practice of medicine by treating the causes of disease rather than the symptoms. Since the first clinical trial made its debut ten years ago, there are over 400 approved protocols in the United States alone, most of which have failed to show convincing data of clinical efficacy. This setback is largely due to the lack of efficient and adequate gene transfer vehicles. With the recent progress in elucidating the molecular mechanisms of human diseases and the imminent arrival of the post genomic era, there are increasing numbers of therapeutic genes or targets that are available for gene therapy. Therefore, the urgency and need for efficacious gene therapies are greater than ever. Clearly, the current fundamental obstacle is to develop delivery vectors that exhibit high efficacy and specificity of gene transfer. Recombinant adenoviruses have provided a versatile system for gene expression studies and therapeutic applications. Of late, there has been a remarkable increase in adenoviral vector-based clinical trials. Recent endeavors in the development of recombinant adenoviral vectors have focused on modification of virus tropism, accommodation of larger genes, increase in stability and control of transgene expression, and down-modulation of host immune responses. These modifications and continued improvements in adenoviral vectors will provide a great opportunity for human gene therapy to live up to its enormous potential in the second decade.  相似文献   

Adoptive therapy with antigen-specific T cells is a potential treatment against cancers and viral diseases. To establish a system to modify the genes of these cells to increase their effectiveness, we examined whether the combined use of retroviral vector, which only infects dividing cells, and in vitro sensitization of T cells with antigen-loaded dendritic cells (DCs) could selectively modify antigen-specific T cells with a bcl-2 gene. Human CD4(+) T cells were used as target cells. Autologous DCs transfected with genes of hepatitis B virus (HBV) stimulated a specific T cell proliferation. Importantly, these proliferating T cells were selectively transduced by a bcl-2-retrovirus, and CD25(+) T cells isolated from them contained higher levels of integrated provirus. To select bcl-2-transduced, activated T cells, cells were subjected to interleukin-2 (IL-2) withdrawal. In contrast to CD25(-) and mock-infected CD25(+) T cells, 70% of CD25(+) T cells transduced with bcl-2-retrovirus survived IL-2 withdrawal. These surviving T cells were demonstrated to contain integrated bcl-2 provirus and exhibited HBV-specific proliferation and interferon-gamma secretion. In addition, bcl-2 overexpression protected HBV-specific T cells from transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta-induced cell death. These results demonstrate the feasibility of our strategy in the generation of genetically modified antigen-specific CD4(+) T cells and show that bcl-2-transduced antigen-specific T cells survive IL-2 withdrawal and TGF-beta-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   


Horizontal gene transfer has a tremendous impact on the genome plasticity, adaptation and evolution of bacteria. Horizontally transferred mobile genetic elements are involved in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance and virulence genes, thus contributing to the emergence of novel “superbugs”. This review provides update on various mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer and examines how horizontal gene transfer contributes to the evolution of pathogenic bacteria. Special focus is paid to the role horizontal gene transfer plays in pathogenicity of the emerging human pathogens: hypervirulent Clostridium difficile and Escherichia coli (including the most recent haemolytic uraemic syndrome outbreak strain) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which have been associated with largest outbreaks of infection recently.  相似文献   

At the cellular level, the primary pathology in Duchenne musculardystrophy (DMD) is caused by deficiency of the sarcolemmal-associatedprotein, dystrophin, in the striated musculature. Here we describethe somatic transfer and longterm expression of a human dystrophinminigene corresponding to a mild Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD)phenotype in skeletal muscle tissues of the dystrophin-deficientmdx mouse by direct retroviral transduction. Following a singleintramuscular injection of recombinant retrovirus, sarcolemmalexpression of dystrophin was observed in an average of  相似文献   

The polycation protamine sulfate was compared to polybrene, the usual agent employed, for its ability to increase the efficiency of retroviral infection. The murine retroviral vector SAX, which contains the neoR gene and the human adenosine deaminase (ADA) cDNA, was used as a marker of cell infection. SAX viral supernate was titered on NIH 3T3 cells in varying concentrations of polycation. The highest infection efficiency for protamine was seen at 5 micrograms/ml and was 7-fold greater than infections performed in the absence of polycation. Infection efficiency using protamine averaged 92% +/- 11 (SEM) of the highest efficiency obtained with polybrene. Total ADA activity attained when human-ADA deficient T cells were exposed to SAX supernate in the presence of protamine was 83% of that attained with polybrene. The infection rate of mouse bone marrow early progenitor cells (CFU-S) was similar with each polycation. In summary, for supernate infections, concentrations of 5-10 micrograms/ml of protamine provided essentially the same infection efficiency as polybrene with low toxicity on a range of cell types. Since protamine is approved for human use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration it provides an effective alternative to polybrene when developing human gene therapy protocols.  相似文献   

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