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目的:日常的言语活动和相关研究证据都表明自我与垂直空间密切相联,本研究采用不同的实验范式证实自我在垂直空间维度上具有心理表征。方法:分别采用SIMON效应变式(实验1),SNARC效应(Spatial-Numerical Association of Response Codes)变式(实验2)以及自由选择范式(实验3)考察了自我和他人在垂直维度上的空间效应。结果:当自我词出现在空间上方时按键反应更快(实验1),自我词在屏幕中央呈现时用摇杆向上反应更快(实验2)以及命名任务时导致向上自由选择的反应概率越大(实验3),但是他人词并未出现相反效应。结论:自我与空间上方相联系,他人却并非与空间下方相联系。自我在垂直维度存在空间表征,而且可以被自动激活。  相似文献   

目的:考察中国大学生是否存在自我增强动机以及中国大学生的自我增强动机是否以增强关系他人眼中的自我得以实现。方法:要求被试在八个因素上对成功与失败事件作自我归因和推测他人归因。结果:自我归因条件和推测他人归因条件都表现出明显的自我增强趋势,即相对于失败事件来讲,更倾向于将成功事件归因于能力,人格,动机和努力等内部因素。这种自我增强的趋势在被试推测亲密他人归因的条件下要比被试自我归因和推测陌生人归因的条件表现得更为明显。结论:中国大学生存在自我增强动机,并且这种自我增强更多地是增强关系他人眼中的自我。  相似文献   

目的:检验自我参照加工是否比语义加工更能促进抑郁症患者对负性效价词的记忆.方法:语义加工组和自我参照组各有24名抑郁症被试.实验材料180个情绪效价词,分为A和B两个子集.语义加工组实验程序是语义加工、再认测验、贝克抑郁量表评定.自我参照组实验程序为自我参照评定、再认测验和贝克抑郁量表评定.结果:语义加工组和自我参照组中均表现出负性效价词的记忆成绩好于正性效价词的记忆成绩,但是,两组在正性和负性效价词上的成绩没有显著差异.结论:抑郁症患者内隐记忆没有表现出自我参照效应.  相似文献   

目的:考察大学生被试在内隐层面上是否存在自我正面偏见,探讨其强度是否可以得到增强.方法:实验一用阈上态度启动范式,在自我和他人启动条件下,要求被试判断随之呈现的人格特质词的积极和消极属性,记录自我积极、自我消极、他人积极、他人消极四类词语的反应时数据;实验二运用阈下评价性条件反射,将自我与积极词语或他人与消极词语反复配对呈现给实验组被试,观察被试在与内隐自我正面偏见一致或不一致词对上与控制组反应的异同.结果:实验一发现被试对自我启动下的积极词或他人启动下的消极词的反应显著快于自我启动下的消极词或他人启动下的积极词;实验二发现在不一致词对上两组被试的反应时没有差异,在一致词对上实验组显著快于控制组.结论:自我正面偏见在内隐层面上存在,通过阈下评价性条件反射可以增强内隐自我正面偏见水平.  相似文献   

大学生自我认可与抑郁的相关研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验在40名大学生中调查了自我认可与抑郁的关系。用从 Q 分类技术中所得的理想自我与现实自我的相关度量自我认可,用 Beck 抑郁问卷度量抑郁。结果显示:自我认可与抑郁呈显著负相关(r=-0.658,df=38,P<0.001),证实:自我认可程度低的个体可能表现较多的抑郁症状。  相似文献   

目的:检验完美主义自我展示量表(PSPS)在我国大学生群体中的适用性,并考察其与自尊的关系。方法:返回翻译PSPS,对187名本科生进行初测;将结合初测反馈确定的PSPS正式版本与Frost多维完美主义量表和自尊量表一起在482名本科生中进行正式施测,检验信、效度等指标,并通过层级回归考察完美主义自我展示在控制完美主义特征后对自尊的增益贡献。结果:项目分析之后的15题PSPS的各项指标符合心理测量学要求(克伦巴赫α系数分别为0.742、0.705和0.681)。自我提升、行为掩饰和言语回避三个子维度对自尊均有显著预测作用(ΔF=9.891,P〈0.01),能增益解释4.5%的变异。结论:中文版PSPS具有较好的信、效度。完美主义自我展示对解释个体的自尊有一定的作用。  相似文献   

目的:考察大学生自我构念与自我监控的关系,并探讨自我监控在大学生自我构念与主观幸福感间的中介作用。方法:采用自我构念量表、自我监控量表及主观幸福感量表对广州市三所高校446名大学生进行调查。结果:①大学生独立我与互依我并存,互依我仍占优势地位;男性的独立我显著高于女性,而互依我得分上没有显著差异。②独立我、互依我与自我监控显著正相关;二元型个体自我监控水平最高,边缘型最低;③自我监控在独立我与主观幸福感间起到部分中介作用,在互依我与主观幸福感间起到完全中介作用。  相似文献   

目的:考察个人利益与青少年社会态度之间的关系及发展趋势。方法:以高考政策改变的提案作为高自我卷入事件,控制被试的利益得失,让被试预测他人的态度并表达自己的态度。结果:16岁的儿童组和21岁的大学生组被试不仅预测同伴的态度与个人利益一致,而且他们自己的态度也与个人利益一致;13岁儿童组被试并没有根据个人利益原则来预测同伴的态度或表达自己的态度。结论:自我利益卷入程度高时,随着个体年龄增长,个体会认为他人态度受个人利益的影响,个体自己也会表达同个人利益一致的态度。  相似文献   

目的:验证是否存在自立的自我图式、考察自立的自我图式的特点,以及高、低自立水平儿童的自我图式在回忆量、认可量、反应时上的差异。方法:应用6-12岁儿童自立行为问卷对湖南某小学300名六年级小学生的自立水平进行评定,根据儿童在自立行为问卷上的总分按由高至低排序,从高分到低分取35名儿童作为高自立组,由低分到高分取35名儿童作为低自立组,对两组被试采用自我相关编码任务(SRET)范式,进行自我图式的实验对照研究。结果:两组儿童对自立词的认可量均明显多于对非自立词的认可量;自立组的反应时间明显长于非自立组,对非自立词的反应时间明显长于对自立词的反应时间;两组儿童再认正确数无显著差异。结论:高自立组儿童主要具有自立的自我图式;而低自立组儿童不仅具有非自立的自我图式,同时具有自立的自我图式,提示自立不是非此即彼的二元构念的自我概念。  相似文献   

目的:在内隐层面上探讨自我相关信息加工与情绪效价信息加工之间的关系,为内隐自我正面偏见的存在提供证据。方法:以情绪性汉语双字词为材料,采用阈上态度启动范式,在自我和非自我启动情况下,记录被试对情绪字词按正负性质完成归类判断任务时的ERPs,比较自我正面、自我负面、非自我正面、非自我负面四类信息的ERP数据。结果:内隐层面上,自我相关信息与情绪效价信息在N400波幅上表现出显著的交互作用,相对于自我负面和非自我正面信息来说,自我正面和非自我负面信息诱发的N400波幅更大,即内隐层面上对自我正面偏见范畴内的字词(自我正面和非自我负面)表现出更大的ERP负波。结论:自我相关信息和情绪效价信息的加工在内隐层面上是密切相关的,且他们之间的关系符合自我正面偏见效应,从而证实了内隐自我正面偏见的存在。  相似文献   

大学生个人自尊、集体自尊与自我和谐水平的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨大学生自我和谐与个人自尊、集体自尊之间的关系。方法采用SCCS、SES、CSES对189名大学生进行调查,对数据进行相关和回归分析。结果自我和谐总分及其各维度与个人自尊、集体自尊之间,除自我刻板性与之无显著相关外,其余均两两相关且非常显著。回归分析表明,集体自尊对个人自尊回归效应显著,集体自尊对自我和谐回归效应显著。结论个人自尊对集体自尊与自我和谐的关系起了中介的影响。  相似文献   

目的:探讨硕士生特质应对方式在自我接纳与特质焦虑之间的中介作用。方法:选取1040名硕士生,采用自我接纳量表(SAQ)、特质应对方式问卷(TCSQ)和特质焦虑问卷(T-AI)评估其自我接纳、特质应对方式与特质焦虑。结果:(1)女生在消极应对方式方面的得分高于男生(t=-2.60,P0.05),城市学生自我接纳得分高于农村学生(t=-2.37,P0.05);(2)自我接纳得分与消极应对方式得分呈负相关(r=-0.57,P0.001),与积极应对方式呈正相关(r=0.50,P0.001);特质焦虑得分与自我接纳(r=-0.61,P0.001)、积极应对方式(r=-0.49,P0.001)呈负相关,与消极应对方式呈正相关(r=0.58,P0.001);(3)自我接纳直接预测特质焦虑(β=-0.61,P0.001),又通过消极应对方式间接预测特质焦虑(β=0.34,P0.001),中介效应占总效应的31.8%;又通过积极应对方式间接预测抑郁(β=-0.25,P0.001),中介效应占总效应的20.5%。结论:硕士生特质焦虑与自我接纳、特质应对方式密切相关,特质应对方式在自我接纳与特质焦虑之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

Stimuli of the same modality tend to be organized along a “natural preference scale.” This study examined the ability of six- and nine-day-old rat pups to acquire appetitive learning, when the CS was one of two differently “naturally preferred” tactile stimuli (floor textures: rug and plywood). In Experiment 1, all pups showed a relative natural preference for the rug texture over the plywood texture. Pups conditioned on the plywood texture (exposed to a sibling pup as the US) showed a robust increase in preference for the conditioned texture whereas pups conditioned on the rug texture showed a different and more moderate pattern of acquisition. Developmental differences were found only in extinction of the conditioned response: six-day-old (but not nine-day-old) pups displayed extinction of the response over four trials. Experiment 2 indicated that preexposure to the rug CS prior to conditioning (latent inhibition) did not interfere with the learning process on the rug texture. Two major alternative explanations for the differential learning patterns are discussed: motivational and catecholaminergic influences on learning. The results suggest that natural preferences may modulate early learning and memory processes. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 30: 29–30, 1997  相似文献   

Self‐control is important for everyday life and involves behavioral regulation. Self‐control requires effort, and when completing two successive self‐control tasks, there is typically a temporary drop in performance in the second task. High self‐reported motivation and being made self‐aware somewhat counteract this effect—with the result that performance in the second task is enhanced. The current study explored the relationship between self‐awareness and motivation on sequential self‐control task performance. Before employing self‐control in an antisaccade task, participants initially applied self‐control in an incongruent Stroop task or completed a control task. After the Stroop task, participants unscrambled sentences that primed self‐awareness (each started with the word “I”) or unscrambled neutral sentences. Motivation was measured after the antisaccade task. Findings revealed that, after exerting self‐control in the incongruent Stroop task, motivation predicted erroneous responses in the antisaccade task for those that unscrambled neutral sentences, and high motivation led to fewer errors. Those primed with self‐awareness were somewhat more motivated overall, but motivation did not significantly predict antisaccade performance. Supporting the resource allocation account, if one was motivated—intrinsically or via the manipulation of self‐awareness—resources were allocated to both tasks leading to the successful completion of two sequential self‐control tasks.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to explore further the relationship between the cortical slow potential change known as the “contingent negative variation” (CNV) and the concept of “expectancy.” In Experiment I, 24 male Ss were presented click pairs, with inter-click intervals of 800, 1600 and 4800 msec (2 blocks of 10 trials each, counterbalanced between Ss for order), and instructed to press a key after the second click. Interval by order by trials analysis of variance showed interval to be the only significant factor: CNVs were lower and RTs longer as interval increased. In Experiment II, 8 female Ss given 60 pairs of clicks, 30 each with separations of 1200 and 2400 msec, were instructed to respond as in Experiment I, and were asked to make a pretrial prediction of the interval they would next receive. Analysis of variance of RTs showed that Ss responded slower when the interval was other than that predicted. Prediction by reception by subjects analysis of variance of CNV amplitude at the 1200 msec point gave a significant F only for prediction, mean amplitude for short being higher than for long. A similar design applied to CNV amplitudes at both the 1200 and 2400 msec points when Ss received the long interval yielded a significant measurement point by interval predicted interaction; at the 1200 msec point, short predictions were followed by higher CNVs than were long predictions; at 2400 msec, the opposite was found. These data combine with those already in the literature to indicate that the relationship between “expectancy” and the CNV is far from simple, and that cognitive and motivational factors play a significant role in determining CNV amplitude.  相似文献   

People with mirror-touch synaesthesia (MTS) report tactile sensations on their own body when seeing another person being touched. Although this has been associated with heightened empathy and emotion perception, this finding has been disputed. Here, we conduct two experiments to explore this relationship further. In Experiment 1, we develop a new screening measure for MTS. We show that MTS is related to vicarious experiences more generally, but is not a simple exaggerated version of normality. For example, people with MTS report videos of scratching as “touch” rather than “itchiness” and have localized sensations when watching others in pain. In Experiment 2, we show that MTS is related to increased emotional empathy to others and better ability to read facial expressions of emotion, but other measures of empathy are normal. In terms of theoretical models, we propose that this is more consistent with a qualitative difference in the ability to selectively inhibit the other and attend to the self.  相似文献   

Event-related potential correlates of the collective self-relevant effect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study investigated the electrophysiological correlates of the psychological processing of the collective self-relevant stimulus using a three-stimulus oddball paradigm. The results showed that P300 amplitude elicited by the collective self-relevant stimulus was larger than those elicited by familiar and unfamiliar stimuli. In addition, N250 and P300 amplitudes elicited by subjects’ own names were larger than those elicited by other name stimuli. In terms of lateralization of P300, the collective self-relevant effect was largest in the left region sites and the individual self-relevant effect was largest in the right region sites. Therefore, the present study extended previous findings by showing that the collective self, similar to the famous individual self, was psychologically important to humans.  相似文献   

David M.  Grilly 《Psychophysiology》1978,15(6):509-516
The magnitude and rate of habituation of the skin resistance response (SRR) to extrinsic “right-wrong” knowledge of results (KR) were used to assess the KR's motivational and informational properties in delayed matching of visual patterns. Two experimental groups of 20 college students each received KR which was either contingent or non-contingent upon their actual choices, and two control groups of 10 subjects each received no KR. The magnitude of the SRR elicited was found to be higher to “right” than “wrong” KR stimuli but was not affected by correctness of the subjects' choices. The relative rate of SRR habituation was rapid when a low frequency of “right” KR stimuli was provided and the KR stimuli were not contingent upon the subjects' choices, but it was slow if either a high frequency of “right” KR stimuli were provided or the KR stimuli were contingent upon the subjects' choices. The results indicated that the KR stimuli had motivational properties but very little informational value. It was concluded that the SRR may be useful in assessing the reinforcing value of a feedback stimulus in terms of its motivational and informational qualities independently from its effects on task performance.  相似文献   

In nonprofit organizations, motivating volunteers for particular activities is challenging because they can take place in unstructured environments. Therefore, members are disengaged despite their initial commitment to the cause. An important opportunity in the literature is to examine motivation from the perspective of the volunteer; and, more specifically, to test for the differential impact that self‐efficacy, collective efficacy, and perceived organizational support have on three motivational outcomes: effort, performance, and satisfaction. Our focus is on volunteer motivation to support a specific event or project. Teasing out the impact of one's efficacious beliefs about their group at the individual level is an important contribution that has yet to be examined. Using data from 285 volunteers, results indicate that collective efficacy and perceived organizational support positively influence volunteer satisfaction. An important contrast we confirmed, unlike self‐efficacy and perceived organizational support, was collective efficacy's negative relationship to effort, which in turn affected performance. We were able to isolate the unique relationships, corroborating extant research with respect to self‐efficacy and perceived organizational support. As a result, the potential for spurious relationships was ruled out, adding credibility to the new findings.  相似文献   

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