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Multiple imputation is commonly used to impute missing data, and is typically more efficient than complete cases analysis in regression analysis when covariates have missing values. Imputation may be performed using a regression model for the incomplete covariates on other covariates and, importantly, on the outcome. With a survival outcome, it is a common practice to use the event indicator D and the log of the observed event or censoring time T in the imputation model, but the rationale is not clear. We assume that the survival outcome follows a proportional hazards model given covariates X and Z. We show that a suitable model for imputing binary or Normal X is a logistic or linear regression on the event indicator D, the cumulative baseline hazard H0(T), and the other covariates Z. This result is exact in the case of a single binary covariate; in other cases, it is approximately valid for small covariate effects and/or small cumulative incidence. If we do not know H0(T), we approximate it by the Nelson–Aalen estimator of H(T) or estimate it by Cox regression. We compare the methods using simulation studies. We find that using logT biases covariate‐outcome associations towards the null, while the new methods have lower bias. Overall, we recommend including the event indicator and the Nelson–Aalen estimator of H(T) in the imputation model. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In evaluating the risk of mortality or development of opportunistic infections in HIV-infected patients, the number of CD4 lymphocyte cells per cubic millimetre of blood is widely recognized as one of the best available predictors of such future events. However, its usefulness is limited by the incompleteness and variability of such CD4 measurements during follow-up. Because of these limitations, analysis of such data requires the missing measurements to be 'filled in' or the patients without them to be excluded. We consider multiple imputation of CD4 values based partly on information from other health status measures such as haemoglobin, as well as on the event status of interest. These alternative health status measures are also considered as possible independent predictors of survival endpoints. Our work is motivated by a cohort of 1530 patients enrolled in two AIDS clinical trials. We compare our approach to other strategies such as basing evaluation of risk on baseline CD4, the last measured CD4 before an event, or a time-dependent covariate based on carrying the last CD4 value forward; we conclude with a strong recommendation for multiple imputation.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Craig BA 《Statistics in medicine》2006,25(10):1729-1740
In survival analysis, use of the Cox proportional hazards model requires knowledge of all covariates under consideration at every failure time. Since failure times rarely coincide with observation times, time-dependent covariates (covariates that vary over time) need to be inferred from the observed values. In this paper, we introduce the last value auto-regressed (LVAR) estimation method and compare it to several other established estimation approaches via a simulation study. The comparison shows that under several time-dependent covariate processes this method results in a smaller mean square error when considering the time-dependent covariate effect.  相似文献   

Methods for dealing with tied event times in the Cox proportional hazards model are well developed. Also, the partial likelihood provides a natural way to handle covariates that change over time. However, ties between event times and the times that discrete time‐varying covariates change have not been systematically studied in the literature. In this article, we discuss the default behavior of current software and propose some simple methods for dealing with such ties. A simulation study shows that the default behavior of current software can lead to biased estimates of the coefficient of a binary time‐varying covariate and that two proposed methods (Random Jitter and Equally Weighted) reduce estimation bias. The proposed methods can be easily implemented with existing software. The methods are illustrated on the well‐known Stanford heart transplant data and data from a study on intimate partner violence and smoking. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


In this article, the second of a series on the analysis of time to event data, we address the case in which multiple predictors (covariates) that may influence the time to an event are taken into account. The hazard function is introduced, and is given in a form useful for assessing the impact of multiple covariates on time to an event. Methods for the assessment of model fitting are also discussed and an example with cancer survival as outcome with the presence or absence of multiple genes as covariates is presented.  相似文献   


Many epidemiological studies assess the effects of time‐dependent exposures, where both the exposure status and its intensity vary over time. One example that attracts public attention concerns pharmacoepidemiological studies of the adverse effects of medications. The analysis of such studies poses challenges for modeling the impact of complex time‐dependent drug exposure, especially given the uncertainty about the way effects cumulate over time and about the etiological relevance of doses taken in different time periods. We present a flexible method for modeling cumulative effects of time‐varying exposures, weighted by recency, represented by time‐dependent covariates in the Cox proportional hazards model. The function that assigns weights to doses taken in the past is estimated using cubic regression splines. We validated the method in simulations and applied it to re‐assess the association between exposure to a psychotropic drug and fall‐related injuries in the elderly. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the fight against hard‐to‐treat diseases such as cancer, it is often difficult to discover new treatments that benefit all subjects. For regulatory agency approval, it is more practical to identify subgroups of subjects for whom the treatment has an enhanced effect. Regression trees are natural for this task because they partition the data space. We briefly review existing regression tree algorithms. Then, we introduce three new ones that are practically free of selection bias and are applicable to data from randomized trials with two or more treatments, censored response variables, and missing values in the predictor variables. The algorithms extend the generalized unbiased interaction detection and estimation (GUIDE) approach by using three key ideas: (i) treatment as a linear predictor, (ii) chi‐squared tests to detect residual patterns and lack of fit, and (iii) proportional hazards modeling via Poisson regression. Importance scores with thresholds for identifying influential variables are obtained as by‐products. A bootstrap technique is used to construct confidence intervals for the treatment effects in each node. The methods are compared using real and simulated data. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cox's proportional hazards model can be extended to accommodate time-dependent effects of prognostic factors. We briefly review these extensions along with their varying degrees of freedom. Spending more degrees of freedom with conventional procedures (a priori defined interactions with simple functions of time, restricted natural splines, piecewise estimation for partitions of the time axis) allows the fitting of almost any shape of time dependence but at an increased risk of over-fit. This results in increased width of confidence intervals of time-dependent hazard ratios and in reduced power to confirm any time-dependent effect or even any effect of a prognostic factor. By means of comparative empirical studies the consequences of over-fitting time-dependent effects have been explored. We conclude that fractional polynomials, and similarly penalized likelihood approaches, today are the methods of choice, avoiding over-fit by parsimonious use of degrees of freedom but also permitting flexible modelling if time dependence of a usually a priori unknown shape is present in a data set. The paradigm of a parsimonious analysis of time-dependent effects is exemplified by means of a gastric cancer study.  相似文献   

We present a model for meta‐regression in the presence of missing information on some of the study level covariates, obtaining inferences using Bayesian methods. In practice, when confronted with missing covariate data in a meta‐regression, it is common to carry out a complete case or available case analysis. We propose to use the full observed data, modelling the joint density as a factorization of a meta‐regression model and a conditional factorization of the density for the covariates. With the inclusion of several covariates, inter‐relations between these covariates are modelled. Under this joint likelihood‐based approach, it is shown that the lesser assumption of the covariates being Missing At Random is imposed, instead of the more usual Missing Completely At Random (MCAR) assumption. The model is easily programmable in WinBUGS, and we examine, through the analysis of two real data sets, sensitivity and robustness of results to the MCAR assumption. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Analysis of long‐term follow‐up survival studies require more sophisticated approaches than the proportional hazards model. To account for the dynamic behaviour of fixed covariates, penalized Cox models can be employed in models with interactions of the covariates and known time functions. In this work, I discuss some of the suggested methods and emphasize on the use of a ridge penalty in survival models. I review different strategies for choosing an optimal penalty weight and argue for the use of the computationally efficient restricted maximum likelihood (REML)‐type method. A ridge penalty term can be subtracted from the likelihood when modelling time‐varying effects in order to control the behaviour of the time functions. I suggest using flexible time functions such as B‐splines and constrain the behaviour of these by adding proper penalties. I present the basic methods and illustrate different penalty weights in two different datasets. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In behavioral, biomedical, and social‐psychological sciences, it is common to encounter latent variables and heterogeneous data. Mixture structural equation models (SEMs) are very useful methods to analyze these kinds of data. Moreover, the presence of missing data, including both missing responses and missing covariates, is an important issue in practical research. However, limited work has been done on the analysis of mixture SEMs with non‐ignorable missing responses and covariates. The main objective of this paper is to develop a Bayesian approach for analyzing mixture SEMs with an unknown number of components, in which a multinomial logit model is introduced to assess the influence of some covariates on the component probability. Results of our simulation study show that the Bayesian estimates obtained by the proposed method are accurate, and the model selection procedure via a modified DIC is useful in identifying the correct number of components and in selecting an appropriate missing mechanism in the proposed mixture SEMs. A real data set related to a longitudinal study of polydrug use is employed to illustrate the methodology. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Incomplete covariates often obscure analysis results from a Cox regression. In an analysis of the Northern Manhattan Study (NOMAS) to determine the influence of insulin resistance on the incidence of stroke in nondiabetic individuals, insulin level is unknown for 34.1% of the subjects. The available data suggest that the missingness mechanism depends on outcome variables, which may generate biases in estimating the parameters of interest if only using the complete observations. This article aimed to introduce practical strategies to analyze the NOMAS data and present sensitivity analyses by using the reweighting method in standard statistical packages. When the data set structure is in counting process style, the reweighting estimates can be obtained by built-in procedures with variance estimated by the jackknife method. Simulation results indicate that the jackknife variance estimate provides reasonable coverage probability in moderate sample sizes. We subsequently conducted sensitivity analyses for the NOMAS data, showing that the risk estimates are robust to a variety of missingness mechanisms. At the end of this article, we present the core SAS and R programs used in the analysis.  相似文献   

For testing the efficacy of a treatment in a clinical trial with survival data, the Cox proportional hazards (PH) model is the well‐accepted, conventional tool. When using this model, one typically proceeds by confirming that the required PH assumption holds true. If the PH assumption fails to hold, there are many options available, proposed as alternatives to the Cox PH model. An important question which arises is whether the potential bias introduced by this sequential model fitting procedure merits concern and, if so, what are effective mechanisms for correction. We investigate by means of simulation study and draw attention to the considerable drawbacks, with regard to power, of a simple resampling technique, the permutation adjustment, a natural recourse for addressing such challenges. We also consider a recently proposed two‐stage testing strategy (2008) for ameliorating these effects. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

When missing data occur in one or more covariates in a regression model, multiple imputation (MI) is widely advocated as an improvement over complete‐case analysis (CC). We use theoretical arguments and simulation studies to compare these methods with MI implemented under a missing at random assumption. When data are missing completely at random, both methods have negligible bias, and MI is more efficient than CC across a wide range of scenarios. For other missing data mechanisms, bias arises in one or both methods. In our simulation setting, CC is biased towards the null when data are missing at random. However, when missingness is independent of the outcome given the covariates, CC has negligible bias and MI is biased away from the null. With more general missing data mechanisms, bias tends to be smaller for MI than for CC. Since MI is not always better than CC for missing covariate problems, the choice of method should take into account what is known about the missing data mechanism in a particular substantive application. Importantly, the choice of method should not be based on comparison of standard errors. We propose new ways to understand empirical differences between MI and CC, which may provide insights into the appropriateness of the assumptions underlying each method, and we propose a new index for assessing the likely gain in precision from MI: the fraction of incomplete cases among the observed values of a covariate (FICO). Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We discuss the use of local likelihood methods to fit proportional hazards regression models to right and interval censored data. The assumed model allows for an arbitrary, smoothed baseline hazard on which a vector of covariates operates in a proportional manner, and thus produces an interpretable baseline hazard function along with estimates of global covariate effects. For estimation, we extend the modified EM algorithm suggested by Betensky, Lindsey, Ryan and Wand. We illustrate the method with data on times to deterioration of breast cosmeses and HIV-1 infection rates among haemophiliacs.  相似文献   

We propose a parametric version of a univariate gamma frailty model. The proposed model is shown to be flexible enough to model long-term follow-up survival data from breast cancer clinical trials when the treatment effect diminishes as time progresses, a case for which neither the proportional hazards nor proportional odds assumptions are satisfied. The observed information matrix is computed to evaluate the variances of parameter estimates. A simple parametric test statistic to test proportional odds assumption is also constructed. The model is applied to a data set from a phase III clinical trial on breast cancer.  相似文献   

In order to yield more flexible models, the Cox regression model, lambda(t;x) = lambda(0)(t)exp(betax), has been generalized using different non-parametric model estimation techniques. One generalization is the relaxation of log-linearity in x, lambda(t;x) = lambda(0)(t)exp[r(x)]. Another is the relaxation of the proportional hazards assumption, lambda(t;x) = lambda(0)(t)exp[beta(t)x]. These generalizations are typically considered independently of each other. We propose the product model, lambda(t;x) = lambda(0)(t)exp[beta(t)r(x)] which allows for joint estimation of both effects, and investigate its properties. The functions describing the time-dependent beta(t) and non-linear r(x) effects are modelled simultaneously using regression splines and estimated by maximum partial likelihood. Likelihood ratio tests are proposed to compare alternative models. Simulations indicate that both the recovery of the shapes of the two functions and the size of the tests are reasonably accurate provided they are based on the correct model. By contrast, type I error rates may be highly inflated, and the estimates considerably biased, if the model is misspecified. Applications in cancer epidemiology illustrate how the product model may yield new insights about the role of prognostic factors.  相似文献   

The Cox proportional hazards model with time-dependent covariates (TDC) is now a part of the standard statistical analysis toolbox in medical research. As new methods involving more complex modeling of time-dependent variables are developed, simulations could often be used to systematically assess the performance of these models. Yet, generating event times conditional on TDC requires well-designed and efficient algorithms. We compare two classes of such algorithms: permutational algorithms (PAs) and algorithms based on a binomial model. We also propose a modification of the PA to incorporate a rejection sampler. We performed a simulation study to assess the accuracy, stability, and speed of these algorithms in several scenarios. Both classes of algorithms generated data sets that, once analyzed, provided virtually unbiased estimates with comparable variances. In terms of computational efficiency, the PA with the rejection sampler reduced the time necessary to generate data by more than 50 per cent relative to alternative methods. The PAs also allowed more flexibility in the specification of the marginal distributions of event times and required less calibration.  相似文献   

Unmeasured confounding remains an important problem in observational studies, including pharmacoepidemiological studies of large administrative databases. Several recently developed methods utilize smaller validation samples, with information on additional confounders, to control for confounders unmeasured in the main, larger database. However, up‐to‐date applications of these methods to survival analyses seem to be limited to propensity score calibration, which relies on a strong surrogacy assumption. We propose a new method, specifically designed for time‐to‐event analyses, which uses martingale residuals, in addition to measured covariates, to enhance imputation of the unmeasured confounders in the main database. The method is applicable for analyses with both time‐invariant data and time‐varying exposure/confounders. In simulations, our method consistently eliminated bias because of unmeasured confounding, regardless of surrogacy violation and other relevant design parameters, and almost always yielded lower mean squared errors than other methods applicable for survival analyses, outperforming propensity score calibration in several scenarios. We apply the method to a real‐life pharmacoepidemiological database study of the association between glucocorticoid therapy and risk of type II diabetes mellitus in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, with additional potential confounders available in an external validation sample. Compared with conventional analyses, which adjust only for confounders measured in the main database, our estimates suggest a considerably weaker association. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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