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蔡敏琪  梁凯  钱林波 《西南军医》2007,9(3):123-123
新兵入伍检测HIV和HBsAg是一项常规工作,其目的是防止爱滋病和乙型肝炎在部队传播,影响部队的战斗力。我们对某部2007年入伍新兵进行了HIV和HBsAg检测,报告如下。1对象与方法1.1对象某部2007年度入伍新兵,共3590人,年龄16-21岁,其中男性3540名,女50名,分别来自云南、贵州、四川  相似文献   

由于艾滋病病毒(HIV)在全球蔓延,我国HIV感染者伎滋病(AIDS)患者越来越多,HIV在妇女中的流行率持续上升。AIDS在我国流行20多年,近年AIDS进入快速增长期的同时大量HIV感染者面临发病期,尤其有生育能力HIV感染者,母婴传播机会也逐年上升,在血清抗-HIV阳性的孕妇中,可引起30%-60%的新生儿感染,宫内HIV传播率为14%,产程中HIV感染的可能性更大,  相似文献   

目的:了解HIV感染者与非HIV感染者HBsAg和抗-HCV的检测结果.方法:收集127份HIV感染者与7048份非HIV感染者的血清,采用ELISA方法进行HBsAg和抗-HCV的检测,分析两组检测结果的差别.结果:HIV感染组与非HIV感染组HBsAg的阳性率分别为6.30%和6.46%,两者无显著性差异(P=0.94);抗-HCV的阳性率分别为34.65%和0.67%,两者有显著性差异(P<0.01);HBsAg和抗-HCV重叠阳性率分别为2.36%和0.03%,两者有显著性差异(P<0.01).结论:HBV感染与HIV感染可能无明显相关性,而HCV感染与HIV感染具有明显相关性,HIV感染组HBV和HCV的重叠感染率高.  相似文献   

为防止艾滋病和乙型肝炎流入部队,提高兵源身体质量。我们遵照上级要求,对某部1999—2001年入伍的新兵每年进行抗HIV和HBsAg检测,现将结果分析报告如下。  相似文献   

目的:通过对南华县2004~2009年艾滋病疫情资料进行分析,发现流行特点及影响因素,并提出相应的防治对策。方法:对南华县2004~2009年艾滋病病毒血清学监测检测资料进行分析。结果:2004年发现第1例输入性艾滋病病毒感染者,截至2009-12,全县累计报告HIV感染者68例,其中艾滋病病人25例。以青壮年为主,农民占72.06%;男女比例1:1.2。性传播占91.18﹪,血液传播占4.41﹪,母婴传播占4.41﹪,其中有9例分布在3个家庭,占13.24﹪。结论:南华县艾滋病呈低流行状态。3种传播途径并存,呈现由高危人群向一般人群扩散趋势。主要集中在青壮年农民,始终以性传播为主。加强农村居民、流动人口健康教育、行为干预,增强艾滋病的预防意识,是南华县防制艾滋病流行、蔓延的有效措施。  相似文献   

11239例海洛因依赖者HIV感染的临床检测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 了解海洛因依赖HIV感染的原因,为控制HIV蔓延提供依据。方法 对11239例海洛因依赖进行HIV血清抗体检测,并对阳性的吸毒方式进行调查。结果 HIV血清学检测抗体阳性反应36例,全部为静脉注射毒品滥用,有共用注射器具史和性乱史。结论 静脉注射毒品已成为我国目前艾滋病传播的最主要的途径,海洛因依赖为艾滋病高发人群。建议(1)加强对高危人群预防艾滋病的宣传教育;(2)对高危行为进行干预;(3)加强对海洛因依赖的血清学检测。以控制HIV流行。  相似文献   

目的统计分析解放军59医院就诊病人中检测出HIV感染者并发其他疾病的情况,初步探讨其并发疾病的分布规律和特点,为提高临床诊疗技术和HIV感染者生活质量提供依据。方法采用描述性流行病学方法,回顾性分析2008年1月~2010年12月期间本院就诊病人中检出的465例HIV感染者的病例资料。结果肺结核、骨折、肝硬化、慢性结肠炎、带状疱疹和糜烂性胃炎在HIV感染者中的发病率分别为7.5%、7.1%、3.4%、2.1%、1.9%、1.3%,其中男性HIV感染者比女性感染者更容易并发骨折(P〈0.01),而肺结核等疾病的发病率在不同性别的HIV感染者中没有差异。HIV合并HBV和HCV的感染率分别为6.9%、17.6%,HIV、HBV和HCV三者合并感染的感染率为1.3%。结论 HIV感染者应加强肺结核、骨折、肝硬化、慢性结肠炎、带状疱疹和糜烂性胃炎的预防;在艾滋病患者的临床治疗过程中,要充分考虑HIV重叠感染HBV和HCV对病人的综合影响。  相似文献   

目的建立一种适用于分析抗HIV融合多肽CP32M含量及有关物质的方法,以及测定其水分和三氟乙酸(TFA)含量的方法。方法采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定CP32M原料药中CP32M的含量。色谱条件:Zor-bax XDB-C18色谱柱,含0.1%TFA的水为流动相A,含0.1%TFA的乙腈为流动相B,梯度洗脱,流速1 ml/min,检测波长214 nm,柱温25℃。采用卡尔菲休库仑滴定法测定水分含量,采用高效液相色谱法测定样品中TFA含量。结果 3批CP32M原料药中,CP32M含量分别为(98.72±0.32)%,(99.48±0.52)%和(99.51±0.31)%(按无水物计算),总有关物质含量为1.07%~1.18%,样品中水分含量为2.99%~3.14%,TFA含量为3.89%~4.23%。结论该方法快速简便,结果准确可靠,可用于CP32M的质量分析。  相似文献   

目的统计分析我院2009-2011年就诊患者抗.HAV、抗.HCV和抗.HIVl/2的检出率,探讨其在人院前检测的意义。方法收集2009年1月-2011年12月在我院就诊并进行抗.HAV、抗.HCV及抗.HIVl/2检测的患者的临床资料,根据时间进行分组,对每年的检出率进行统计分析。结果抗.HAV的阳性率为0.33%,从2009-2011年检出率逐年降低;抗-HCV的阳性率为1.06%,抗-HIVl/2的阳性率为1.33%,检出率均处于较高水平。结论抗-HAV、抗-HCV及抗-HIVl/2在滇南地区的检出率较高,为了防止院内感染的发生,强化医护人员的职业防护意识,在患者入院前有必要对这些项目进行常规检测。  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify risk factors for training injuries resulting in referral to a remedial instructor (RI) or medical discharge (MD) among British Army recruits undertaking initial training. Physical performance and anthropometric data for 11,937 male and 1,480 female recruits were examined as potential risk factors for RI referral and MD, using Cox regression. There was a trend showing that female recruits' MD rates were higher than male recruits' rates (p = 0.096), and RI referral rates were significantly greater for women than for men (p = 0.041). The independent risk factors for MD were 2.4-km run time, ethnicity, and Army training regiment attended (p < 0.001), and those for RI referral were 2.4-km run time, ethnicity, Army training regiment attended, and body mass index (p < 0.001). Gender was not an independent risk factor for injury, suggesting that lower levels of aerobic fitness are the primary cause of the greater incidence of injury among female recruits during British Army initial training.  相似文献   

Monitoring anxiety levels and coping skills among military recruits   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Military training is a very stressful life event for many recruits. It is purposefully made so in order to prepare military personnel for the long, stress-filled hours of combat. It is a time when recruits are molded into stronger, more disciplined individuals. This study investigated the stress levels and coping skills of recruits during boot camp. The Undergraduate Stress Questionnaire, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Ways of Coping Questionnaire were distributed to 48 recruits during weeks 1, 5, and 8 of training. Results of the Undergraduate Stress Questionnaire indicated that the most stressful period was week 5. This was statistically significant (p < 0.001) compared to weeks 1 and 8. Results of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory indicated that state anxiety was highest during week 1, and was statistically significantly higher (p < 0.05) compared to weeks 5 and 8. The Ways of Coping Questionnaire indicated that problem solving was the most frequently used coping skill, followed by self control and accepting responsibility. The least used coping skill was escape/avoidance. Conclusions to be drawn from this study suggest that weeks 1 and 5 are very stressful for the recruits; however, a majority of them coped adequately with the stress by employing effective coping mechanisms. Implications include enhancing effective coping mechanisms already in place. Recruits with ineffective coping skills require anticipatory guidance and close surveillance, with possible psychiatric intervention. Replication of this study with a greater number of subjects and female recruits is indicated, as are studies that correlate physical symptoms with stress levels.  相似文献   

Drug addiction in a family results from three factors: (1) effect of pathological families on young people's behavior, (2) easy access to drugs, and (3) influence of groups of people of the same age. In the present study, it was investigated to what extent individual factors related to family and environment affect the extent of drug addiction among recruits. The study included 559 subjects. The results proved direct interdependence between the family condition and the extent of narcomania. Drug addicts came mostly from incomplete and pathological families. The main family factors of drug addiction, according to the results obtained, are family atmosphere, strength of family ties, sense of family happiness, structure of authority in the family, and alcoholism. In families where there is warmth and love, children do not or rarely take drugs. Drug addicts come from families where there is ill will and hostility (p < 0.05). Drug addicts have weaker family ties than do those who do not take drugs (w2 = 0.26, p < 0.05). In families where there was contact with drugs, authority belonged to the mother to a greater degree (54.4%) than to the father (23.6%). In 46.3% of the studied drug addicts' families, alcohol was drunk. The results of the investigations approximate results of other studies conducted among young people in Poland and elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

应征入伍新兵的年龄段正是智齿萌出的高峰期,现就我院对2001年至2006年6年间利用对应征人伍新兵进行体检机会,针对4271名应征入伍新兵智齿萌出及其危害情况进行调查分析。  相似文献   

Risk factors for stress fractures among Israeli infantry recruits.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to answer the question of why the stress fracture morbidity rates among Israeli infantry recruits are so high, we prospectively evaluated 392 infantry recruits for risk factors for stress fractures. Prior to training, each recruit underwent a detailed evaluation. Using multivariate analysis, five risk factors for tibial fractures were identified: shorter tibial length (p less than 0.0001); relatively greater valgus knee alignment (p less than 0.002); right leg dominance (p less than 0.02); external rotation of the hip greater than 65 degrees (p less than 0.02); and training in specific subunits (p less than 0.0002., 0.03). No risk factors for femoral stress fracture were found by multivariate analysis.  相似文献   

Merrill LL 《Military medicine》2001,166(7):621-624
A sample of female U.S. Navy recruits (N = 1,051) was surveyed for histories of childhood abuse and current trauma symptomatology. Victims of only childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and victims of both CSA and childhood physical abuse (CPA) had significantly higher scores on all 10 Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI) clinical scales than did participants who did not report a history of childhood abuse. Victims of only CPA had significantly higher scores on all TSI clinical scales, except the Sexual Concerns scale, than participants who did not report a childhood history of CPA or CSA. Additionally, more victims of childhood abuse positively endorsed TSI items related to suicidal behavior and ideation than did nonvictims. Overall, the women who experienced CPA and/or CSA reported substantially higher levels of trauma symptomatology.  相似文献   

为了解各部队艾滋病初筛实验室对新兵艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体检测情况,了解各实验室的技术人员检测HIV抗体技术水平,我们随机抽查了24个实验室对新兵HIV抗体的检测资料,调查结果与讨论分析如下。1 材料和方法11 仪器 CF-5000型酶标仪(中国航天工业总公司二八三厂生产)。DNX-9620型洗板机(北京普朗新技术公司生产)。12 试剂盒 艾滋病病毒抗体酶联免疫诊断试剂盒由金豪生物工程公司生产(简称金豪)及北京华美制药有限公司生产(简称华美)提供。13 方法 分别按金豪、华美试剂盒使用说明操作。2 调查结果21 阳性对照测定吸光…  相似文献   

目的:探讨寒区集训对新兵睡眠质量的影响。方法:用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)测评某部1000名新兵寒区集训前和集训期睡眠质量。结果:与集训前比较,新兵寒区集训期PSQI、睡眠干扰因素和白天功能障碍分值增加,睡眠效率提高,应用催眠药物减少;睡眠干扰因素中的夜间易醒或早醒、夜间去厕所、感觉冷和感觉疼痛分值增加,但其他影响事件分值减少;睡眠质量自我评价中的实际睡眠时间及床上时间缩短,睡眠效率提高;5项他评项目中的夜间腿部抽动或痉挛的分值增加。结论:寒区集训对新兵睡眠质量有明显的影响。  相似文献   

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