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Advanced practice nurses and nurse researchers with experience in clinical settings may encounter challenges in the initial development and implementation of community-based projects. Participatory action research methodology, a user-friendly framework for community-based research activities, provides a way for researchers and community members to work together to define a problem, take action, and evaluate their work. This article attempts to bridge the theory-implementation gap by describing background steps that researchers can use when conceptualizing and initiating a research project with community partners. Suggestions for initial steps and the planning and review cycles are presented, along with examples from the literature.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the processes and results of a participatory action research study undertaken to identify issues that may impact on strategies to foster nurse leadership in rural hospitals. Five Directors of Nursing from rural regions of Victoria, Australia participated. The group activities involved discussion and analysis of previous research, a review of current literature and critical reflection of the leadership performance of their organization. The analysis identified five key themes; dispel the myths, adopt big‐picture thinking, connect with colleagues, reflect on your own conduct, and create organizational buy‐in. It is essential to have an awareness of contextual challenges, an understanding of the importance of your own conduct as a visible leader, and the need for effective communication to inform the development of strategies that may be used to foster nurse leadership in rural hospitals. The platform to discuss and critically analyze leadership saw a group consensus that affirmed the need for any approach to nursing leadership to be tailored to the individual healthcare organization.  相似文献   

Significant elements of community involvement in participatory action research: evidence from a community project ¶Participatory action research (PAR) has been heralded as an important research methodology to address issues of research relevance, community involvement, democracy, emancipation and liberation. Increasingly, nurse researchers are turning to PAR as a method of choice. Although nursing interest in PAR is expanding little is known about how to successfully involve the community in research. This article attends to this dearth of information by presenting the results of a study investigating the significant elements of community involvement in PAR. Through the use of qualitative research methods, five themes emerged that describe the community participation process: (a) planning for participation, (b) the structural components of community participation, (c) living the philosophy, (d) enhancing the credibility, and (e) the type of leadership required to facilitate community participation. It is hoped that by sharing these results others may consider the knowledge gleaned from this project as they plan and proceed with the challenges and rewards inherent in PAR.  相似文献   

This article describes an action research project that aimed at a better integration of theory and practice in the education of mental health nursing students. Two partners, an institute of nursing and health care and a university hospital, collaborated to develop a new educational programme for mental health nursing. The blocks of theoretical studies were implemented simultaneously with practical training, and the theory content was taught by nursing teachers as well as by nurse practitioners who worked on the teaching wards. In addition, the students had their own personal nurse-preceptors on the wards. The nurse managers were responsible for the educational level of the teaching wards and the director of nursing planned the teaching arrangements together with the nursing teachers. In all, the project involved over 50 different actors and several researchers. The results are encouraging: all the participants - students, preceptors, nurse managers and nursing teachers - found the project rewarding and they want to continue to develop and improve the level of teaching and learning in mental health nursing education. All the participants grew and developed professionally during the project.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. An action research study was undertaken to explore the development of the nurse consultant role when caring for children and young people. Background Five nurse consultants in different areas of specialist care in a tertiary paediatric hospital undertook the study when implementing the new role of nurse consultant into the hospital. Methods. Action research meetings took place over a year. The nurse consultants then collated and analysed data using thematic analysis during the second year. A research fellow facilitated meetings, carried out participant observation, and coordinated the action research project. Results. Data analysis revealed 22 subthemes grouped into four overarching themes: shaping the role; shaping child‐centred care through consultancy; taking responsibility for practice; and leadership. These roles and their ease and complexity within the nurse consultant role are examined in further detail in this paper. Balancing the four key components in a newly developing role was initially complex and required support. Over time the nurse consultants developed the necessary skills to perform fully in all areas. A major challenge was developing the research role, a key function of the nurse consultant role. By the end of the study, all nurse consultants were actively embarking upon their own research either in preparation for or as part of Doctoral studies. Conclusions and relevance to clinical practice. While there are many similarities with nurse consultants in adult practice, one major difference was the nurse consultant role in supporting families when caring for children and young people. This meant having a three‐way communication style: with the family, the child/young person, and other healthcare professionals. This communication style was observed by the research fellow in participant observation of the nurse consultants undertaking clinical care and is described further in the analysis of the role.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: With the exception of large clinical trials, few studies in nursing and other social sciences test interventions. The discipline of nursing needs to maintain a full range of research designs for continued knowledge development. Intervention research presents unique opportunities and challenges for the novice as well as the seasoned researcher. Some of these methodological challenges include the complex nature of human subjects and interventions, including many factors that interfere with the study variables. Preliminary studies often reveal challenges that may not always be predicted or reflected in research texts. These challenges may be as important as the study results for success in future research efforts. PURPOSE: Difficulties encountered in intervention research and suggested strategies for maintaining the integrity of the study are addressed. These challenges include maintaining an adequate sample size, intervention demands, measuring variables, timing issues, and experiencing unexpected events. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: Strategies presented include the importance of extensive planning, minimizing subject expectations and rewarding efforts, attention to control group members, incorporating retention strategies, expanding knowledge of variables and the study population, preliminary studies as well as anticipating unexpected events. The need for enhanced communication among nurse researchers, educators and clinicians is addressed. In the current health care arena, nurse researchers must understand organizational dynamics and marketing strategies. Collaborative research efforts can increase the visibility of nursing research as well as funding opportunities.  相似文献   

Further elucidation is required on the validity of action research. The tendency of nurse action researchers to rely on perspectives of validity from qualitative or ethnographic research only gives a partial picture. Three categories of validity regarding action research are proposed in order to develop understandings and to stimulate debate: dialectical, critical and reflexive. Tensions and processes, moral responsibilities, reflexivity and accounts of action research are discussed to illuminate the validity of action research. The complexity and contradictions inherent even when attempting to demonstrate its validity are highlighted and illustrated with reference to examples of action research.  相似文献   

Clinical preception in practice plays a significant role in both registered and practical nurse studies. As such, the cooperation between the faculty and working life is important to narrow the theory–practice gap, with emphasis being placed on a student‐oriented approach promoting self‐direction and lifelong learning. The aim of this project was to develop the preceptorship at five different units within the health‐care sector in western Finland by implementing an action research (AR) approach. This article is the first of a two‐part article on the project, focusing on a cultural analysis and the development of preception models conducted within the project. The five units participating in the study were the following: a long‐term care ward in the community, a ward for people with dementia, a geriatric ward, a medical ward and a surgical ward representing specialised care. The starting point of the study was a cultural analysis, which was made in all the five units to obtain a ‘bottom‐up’ perspective. In each of the five units 3–5 nurses were appointed to become members of the core groups. This meant that all the units would start from the perspective of their own working environment when creating a preception model that would fit into their particular workplace. During this process, the participants received continuous support from the researchers. Several workshops and seminars were also arranged to further support the core groups and staff. The models were implemented and tested during the academic year 2010–2011 followed by an evaluation of the project. The evaluation results will be presented in the second part of the two‐part article. The project showed that reflective practice and critical thinking can be improved through an AR approach.  相似文献   

MACDONALD SE, NEWBURN‐COOK CV, ALLEN M and REUTTER L. Nursing Inquiry 2013; 20 : 30–41
Embracing the population health framework in nursing research Individuals’ health outcomes are influenced not only by their knowledge and behavior, but also by complex social, political and economic forces. Attention to these multi‐level factors is necessary to accurately and comprehensively understand and intervene to improve human health. The population health framework is a valuable conceptual framework to guide nurse researchers in identifying and targeting the broad range of determinants of health. However, attention to the intermediate processes linking multi‐level factors and use of appropriate multi‐level theory and research methodology is critical to utilizing the framework effectively. Nurse researchers are well equipped to undertake such investigations but need to consider a number of political, societal, professional and organizational barriers to do so. By fully embracing the population health framework, nurse researchers have the opportunity to explore the multi‐level influences on health and to develop, implement and evaluate interventions that target immediate needs, more distal factors and the intermediate processes that connect them.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of the experiences gained whilst working with the 'expertise in practice project'. The project was concerned with understanding the complex phenomenon of practitioners investigating and evaluating their own practice. The research intention was focused on making a difference to how those nurses practised, through introducing systematic practice-based inquiry processes that could enable nurses to think more critically about their work and how their practice affects others. Particular attention is paid to the process of engaging people who use healthcare services, as research participants in the evaluation of nursing practice expertise. We outline how the project incorporated practitioners' concerns about asking people who use health care services opinions on nursing practice expertise and how a process of discovery emerged that enabled transformation of practice and consideration of the patient-participants' role as a sophisticated evaluator of health-care. As a result, we present a case for transformational qualitative research. Such research is values-driven and uses inclusive, collaborative and facilitative processes. It contributes to human flourishing, not only through its 'ends' (i.e. research products) but also, intentionally, through its 'means' (e.g. research processes and stakeholder involvement). Thus, transformational research is complex and requires that researchers engage in reflexivity (deep self-reflection) to examine and critique their personal values.  相似文献   

AIM: This paper contributes to an understanding of the political and ethical aspects of action research (AR). BACKGROUND: Action research is growing in popularity in nursing and health care as a means of changing practice and generating new knowledge. As a methodology, AR relies on a close collaborative working relationship between researcher and participants, but this close relationship is also the source of political and ethical problems faced by researchers and participants. CONTENT: We argue that action researchers and participants working in their own organizations should be clear about the extent to which they are engaged in a political activity, and that AR does not offer the same ethical guarantees concerning confidentiality and anonymity, informed consent, and protection from harm as other research methodologies (both quantitative and qualitative). This argument is illustrated by our experiences of participation in an AR study. CONCLUSION: We outline three areas where AR is implicitly political, and three areas where it is ethically problematic. We recommend that researchers and participants recognize, discuss and negotiate these problematic areas before starting their work.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is to use three action research typologies to consider retrospectively, and understand, the processes of an empirical study. The typologies are used to plot the changing emphasis of collaborative action research with a primary health care team that addressed their health promotion practice. The study implemented self-efficacy theory into the health promotion practice of a primary health care team and developed a self-efficacy framework for smoking cessation. The framework had some success in aiding practitioners in their work despite the patients' disinterest in smoking cessation. Two action research types can be identified within the study, a technical/experimental approach which surrounded the use of a researcher-led theoretical agenda, whereas the research facilitation was informed by critical theory and was classified as an enhancement/empowering action research type. This paper demonstrates the conflicting natures of these types which, in this study, resulted in positive outcomes associated with the experimental/technical approach but only at the expense of professional empowerment. The findings of this study imply that theoretically-led empowering action research was an incompatible combination in this instance and this potential conflict needs to be addressed by researchers engaging in collaborative research relationships with practitioners.  相似文献   

Competition for scarce clinical placements has increased requiring new and innovative models to be developed to meet the growing need. A participatory action research project was used to provide a community nursing clinical experience of involvement in parent education. Nine Hong Kong nursing students self-selected to participate in the project to implement a parenting program called Parenting Young Children in a Digital World. Three project cycles were used: needs identification, skills development and program implementation. Students were fully involved in each cycle's planning, action and reflection phase. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected to inform the project. The overall outcome of the project was the provision of a rich and viable clinical placement experience that created significant learning opportunities for the students and researchers. This paper will explore the student's participation in this PAR project as an innovative clinical practice opportunity.  相似文献   

The author, who has had previous experience as a nurse researcher, has been engaged in helping nurse lecturers to undertake evaluation research studies into innovations in their teaching, learning and assessment methods. In order to undertake this work successfully, it was important to move from thinking like a nurse researcher to thinking like an educational researcher and developing the role of the nursing lecturer as researcher of their teaching.This article explores the difference between evaluation and evaluation research and argues for the need to use educational research methods when undertaking evaluation research into innovations in teaching, learning and assessment. A new model for educational evaluation research is presented together with two case examples of the model in use. The model has been tested on over 30 research studies into innovations in teaching, learning and assessment over the past 8 years.  相似文献   

AIMS OF THE PAPER: The process and philosophical basis of action research are discussed in this article by reviewing the insights that were gained from a study designed to enhance the support available to junior nursing staff in an acute hospital setting. RATIONALE: It has been well documented that newly qualified nurses require help to develop professional competencies. With this in mind, the role of Clinical Practice Facilitator was established within a National Health Service (NHS) Trust to enhance clinical skill acquisition and the professional development of newly registered nurses and health care assistants. DESIGN: In order to facilitate the inception, development and subsequent evaluation of these new roles, an action research approach was adopted. Strategies used to encourage collaboration and flexibility during the project are also discussed. RESULTS: The primary aims of the project were achieved and the authors suggest that the choice of action research was significant to the successful outcome. However, a number of issues arose which deserve more attention including the importance of the interpersonal skills of the action researcher and the value of action research to facilitate change which is relevant at both an individual and organizational level.  相似文献   

Collaborating with practitioners in teaching and research: a model for developing the role of the nurse lecturer in practice areas The integration of nurse education with higher education in the United Kingdom, has highlighted an uncertainty over the clinical role of nurse lecturers. Although benefits have been identified from lecturers maintaining strong links with clinical practice, the evidence suggests that nurse lecturer participation in practice areas is limited. This paper reports a strategy for developing the clinical role of the nurse lecturer through collaborating with practitioners in teaching and research. An action research project designed to implement and evaluate a teaching programme for pre-registration nursing students was developed. The research aimed to evaluate the programme and identify the benefits for students, practitioners and the nurse lecturer in collaborating in teaching on the programme. Ethical approval was granted from the local research ethics committee. Data were collected in three ways: questionnaires to 17 students; focused interviews with nine practitioners; and analysis of the reflective diary kept by the lecturer. Findings identified the success of the teaching programme and also revealed substantial benefits for students, practitioners and the lecturer. Selected findings are used to demonstrate how the liaison, teaching, clinical practice and research elements of the nurse lecturer's clinical role could be developed. The project was small scale and grounded within a specific context and thus may not be applicable to other settings. However, it is suggested that collaboration between nurse educationalists and practitioners in this way offers a potential model for developing the clinical role of the nurse lecturer.  相似文献   

Scand J Caring Sci; 2011; 25; 194–200
Reported challenges in nurse‐led randomised controlled trials: an integrative review of the literature Aims: The purpose of this integrative literature review was to explore and discuss the methodological challenges nurse researchers report after conducting nurse‐led randomised controlled trials in clinical hospital settings. Our research questions were (i) what are the most commonly experienced methodological barriers and challenges and (ii) which lessons can be learned from these reports? Method: A database search of Medline, Cinahl, The Cochrane Library and Embase was carried out. Variants of the following search terms were used: randomised controlled trial, controlled clinical trial, clinical trial, methods, nursing research, nursing, research, challenges, barriers, nurse’s role, nurse attitude, attitude of health personnel. Findings: The literature on reported challenges and barriers between 1999 and 2009 showed that the most often experienced problems were (i) sufficient patient recruitment, (ii) nonadherence to research protocols and (iii) economic and organisational obstacles. These three challenges and barriers were inter‐related and all were affected by time and timing. Conclusion: Randomised controlled trials are complex, expensive, time‐consuming and highly demanding for researchers and the clinical nursing staff. Two lessons learned from this integrative review can be highlighted. First, we recommend researchers openly to share their experiences of barriers and challenges. They should describe factors that may have inhibited the desired outcome. Second, efforts to improve the collaboration between nurse researchers and clinicians, including education, training and support may increase the success rate and quality of nurse‐led studies using the randomised controlled trial.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the importance of creating effective partnerships between nurses practising community development (CD) and nurses engaged in participatory action research (PAR). To that end, an overview of the theoretical principles of CD and PAR is provided and the central tenets of each methodology explored. This is followed by a discussion of the similarities and differences inherent in CD and PAR which derive from the same theoretical and philosophical foundation; that of critical social theory. Examples of two research projects highlight the relationship between CD and PAR and demonstrate the value of creating effective practitioner/researcher partnerships. Finally, some of the lessons learned in creating these important partnerships will be presented. Although this call for practitioner/researcher alliance is not new, what is new is the central role the practising nurse could take in research. Creating partnerships between practising nurses and nurse researchers advances the opportunity to actualize responsive and effective PAR and to fulfill nursing's social contract.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the outcomes of active participation in an action research project on building the research capacity of clinical nurses. In this qualitative research study, six registered nurses volunteered to participate in the action research team. None of the nurses reported having any prior research experience. This study was part of a larger three‐phase project. The nurses were required to reflect on the data about their medication practice of phase 1, develop and implement a bundle of interventions in phase 2 to improve medication safety, and evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions in phase 3. We report the nurses' participation in Action Research during phase 2. Meeting minutes and six semistructured interviews were thematically analyzed. The results showed that after receiving support to enhance their research skills from the research team, the nurses were empowered to perform and lead clinical nursing research project. Nurses were able to take ownership of the research process and outcomes and were then able to translate their new research knowledge and skills into their clinical practice by building their own research capacity.  相似文献   

AIM: An empowering action research study was undertaken to evaluate and strengthen the implementation of shared governance. One aim was to identify factors that acted as aids or barriers to effective decision-making by clinical leaders. As a work-based learning approach, action research was expected to lead to integration of learning into practice by researcher and participants alike. BACKGROUND: Shared governance replaces traditional hierarchies and requires and develops clinical leaders. Strategies are needed to maximize learning from introduction of such initiatives at the individual, group and organizational level. METHODS: Participant-observations and interviews were undertaken with shared governance council members from one model in north-west England. RESULTS: Leadership skills and knowledge and shared governance practices were significantly enhanced. Preparation for council roles was considered inadequate. Increased structured time for reflection and action planning was indicated. CONCLUSIONS: Implementation of shared governance has succeeded in developing leadership capacity. Evaluation findings have led to improvements in the overall shared governance model. Action research has been found to have great utility at optimizing work-based learning. Nurse Managers need to develop their coaching and facilitating skills and recognize there is no "quick fix" for developing clinical leaders. Implications include the need to support learners in identifying and implementing changes arising from work-based learning activities, the significant resource implications and the need to optimize the organizational climate if work-based learning approaches to leadership and management development are to succeed.  相似文献   

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