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Treatment of deep venous thrombosis with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH-Novo, Logiparin) was carried out with two different doses of Logiparin, 75 XaI U/kg b.w. twice daily and 150 XaI U/kg b.w. once daily subcutaneously for 5 days. Simultaneously warfarin was given from the first day of heparin treatment. Mean age of the twenty patients was 65 years and one third was females. No serious side effects, hematomas, pulmonary emboli or signs of recurrent thrombosis occurred during treatment with either dose regime. Venografic assessment with Marder scoring one week after initiation of Logiparin treatment showed a slight not significant improvement apparent in 40 % of the patients. The activities of F-IIaI and F-XaI in the blood plasma were found to increase after injection of Logiparin. These two parameters seem to be the most suitable for monitoring the effect during treatment. For future studies on the therapeutic effect of Logiparin in deep venous thrombosis a single dose of 150 to 200 F-XaI activity per 24 hours seems to be most suitable.  相似文献   

In six healthy volunteers we have estimated the pharmacokinetic parameters of the anti factor Xa (AXa) and anti factor IIa (AIIa) activities of a LMW heparin, Logiparin. For the AXa the following parameters were estimated in a 1-compartment model (mean and 95% confidence limits in brackets): elimination half life 82 minutes (60–127 min), absorption half life (s.c.inj.) 200 minutes (137–368 min), bioavailability 90% (24–156 %), and apparent volume of distribution 3.9 1 (3.1–5.2 1). The plasma activity was linearly correlated to the dose given and to the body weight of the volunteer. For the AIIa the parameters estimated in a 1-compartment model were: elimination half life 71 minutes (52–115 min), absorption half life 257 minutes (133–3442 min), bioavailability 67% (44–90 %), and apparent volume of distribution 10.1 1 (7.2–16.7 1). The plasma activity was dependent on dose and body weight but it also seemed to be influenced by individual factors. This study shows that the absorption rate is the rate limiting factor and the explanation for the long lasting effect of this LMW heparin after subcutaneous injection. The slow absorption rate and the high bioavailability are probably the major advantages of LMW heparins compared to conventional heparin.  相似文献   

Heparin is the most frequently used drug for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis. Its use, however, is restricted by its side-effects. To study the efficacy of other glycosaminoglycans that could substitute heparin in the management of arterial thrombosis, 60 guinea-pigs were randomly allocated into 6 groups: G1= control, G2= heparin (150 IU/kg), G3= heparan sulfate from beef pancreas (2.5 mg/kg), G4= heparan sulfate from beef lung (2.5 mg/kg), G5= N-acetylated heparan from beef pancreas, G6= dermatan sulfate from beef intestine (2.5 mg/kg). Ten minutes after intravenous injection of the drugs, thrombosis was induced by the injection of a 50% glucose solution into a segment of the right carotid artery isolated between 2 thread loops during 10 minutes. Three hours later the artery was re-exposed and if a thrombus was present it was measured, withdrawn and weighed. Thrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time were measured in all animals. Thrombus developed in 90% of the animals in the control group, 0% in G2 and G3, 62.5% in G4, 87.5% in G5 and G6. Only in the animals treated with heparin the coagulation tests were prolonged. In conclusion, in the used dose only the heparan sulfate from beef pancreas presented an antithrombotic effect similar to heparin in this experimental model.  相似文献   

An in vivo experimental venous thrombosis model based on endothelial damage and flow reduction was used to investigate the effect of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) alone and in combination with dextran and the effect of surgical and endothelial trauma on thrombus formation, formation of occlusive thrombi and thrombus weights. Five groups with 15 rabbits in each were studied. Two groups received dalteparin (50 anti-Xa IU/kg i.v.) before surgical trauma or after, during the endothelial trauma and two groups received dalteparin (50 anti-Xa IU/kg i.v.) with dextran 70 (1 g/kg i.v.) before surgical trauma or after, during the endothelial trauma. Compared to a control group (saline) all treatment regimes reduced significantly the frequency of thrombosis and occlusive thrombi as well as thrombus weights. No significant difference was observed between the identical treatment groups when the substances were introduced before respective after surgical trauma. It is concluded from the present study that thromboprophylaxis with LMWH in this particular in vivo model, given before or after surgical trauma is equally effective. Dextran has a certain augmenting thromboprophylactic effect when added to LMWH in this model.  相似文献   

The effect of heparin fragments of different molecular weights has been compared with that of conventional sodium heparin on experimental thrombosis in vivo and ex vivo and experimental haemostasis in vivo. In the first part of the study fragments of different molecular weights were given (4,900, 6,500, 9,500 and 22,200 dalton). All preparations including the control gave a significant prolongation of the haemostatic plug formation time in the rabbit mesenteric microcirculation, and all except the fragment with the lowest molecular weight reduced the frequency of jugular vein thrombosis (induced by a combination of endothelial denudation and stasis). There was a correlation between the XaI activity of the different heparin fragments and frequency of thrombosis. Using an ex vivo method (modification of Chandler's model) a dose dependent lag phase until start of thrombus formation was found. In the second part of the study a dose response investigation was made comparing different doses of a fragment (6,500 dalton) with conventional heparin in the same XaI doses (10, 30 and 60 units/kg). Sodium heparin in the highest dose prolonged the haemostatic plug formation time whereas none of the fragment doses did. The lowest dose both of the fragment and conventional heparin did not reduce the frequency of thrombosis, whereas the two higher doses did. Thus it may be possible to obtain preventive effect on thrombus formation with a heparin fragment.  相似文献   

In vitro, aurin tricarboxylic acid ( ATA ) inhibited ristocetin-induced human platelet agglutination in a dose-dependent manner. The IC50 value ( dose which inhibits 50% of platelet agglutination ) was 60 ± 8.7 μg/ml. In vivo, the i.v. administration of ATA to rats reduced the thrombus formation in an arteriovenous shunt with an ED50 value of 9.0 ± 1.6 mg/kg. In a venous thrombosis model, using a combination of a thrombogenic challenge and stasis, ATA displayed a significant, dose-dependent antithrombotic effect, the ED50 value being of 18.3 ± 2.0 mg/kg. In an experimenal model of disseminated intravascular coagulation, ATA protected mice from the lethal effect of thromboplastin-induced thromboembolism with a ED50 value of 1.1 ± 0.15 mg/kg, being in that respect 12 times less potent than standard heparin (ED50 = 90 ± 15 μg/kg). These observations therefore show that ATA is active in both arterial- or venous-type thrombosis models and suggest that von Willebrand Factor might be important not only in arterial but also in venous thrombosis.  相似文献   

This study was made to evaluate assays for monitoring of low dose heparin thromboprophylaxis and to evaluate its efficacy in reduction of hypercoagulation. Patients with medical diseases scheduled for routine thromboprophylaxis were subcutaneously treated with either 5.000 anti XaU low molecular weight (LMW) heparin once daily (n=20) or 5.000 IU standard (ST) heparin 3 times daily (n= 19). On days 1,2,3, before, 1 and 4 hours after heparin injection APTT, TCT, anti Xa, Heptest, thrombin-antithrombin complexes (TAT), and D-Dimer levels were measured. In the LMW heparin group, median values of APTT and TCT slightly increased after heparin and the ranges of pre- and postinjection values showed extensive overlap. However, values of anti Xa and Heptest markedly increased, showing complete separation of ranges. In the ST heparin group neither APTT, TCT, anti Xa, nor Heptest were significantly different comparing pre- and postheparin values. Half of the patients in both groups had subclinical hypercoagulation at baseline (TAT>5ng/ml, D-Dimer>200ng/ml). On day 3 of prophylaxis this percentage was not significantly decreased. Moreover, several patients in both groups increased in TAT and D-Dimer. In the LMWheparin group, negative correlations between body weight and 4 h postinjection heparin levels were found (anti Xa R=−0.50, Heptest R=−0.31) and between 1 h postinjection heparin and TAT and D-Dimer levels 3 h later (TAT-anti Xa R=−0.58, TAT-Heptest R=−0.64, D-Dimer-anti Xa R=−0.32, D-Dimer-Heptest R=−0.33). These results show that low dose LMW but not ST heparin therapy can be monitored by the anti Xa test or the Heptest.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine patients with symptomatic, venographically verified deep vein thrombosis (DVT) were studied during treatment with heparin in order to investigate the correlation between the venographic changes and parameters of heparin therapy or fibrinolytic components. Venograms were scored with a 40-grade scale, and after one week a significant improvement with an average reduction of the thrombi of 17% was observed. No statistically significant correlation was found between reduction of thrombus size and duration of heparin treatment, total amount of heparin administered, mean levels of APTT, plasmin-α2-antiplasmin complex (PAP), tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) antigen or t-PA-inhibitor. Only a short history of the thrombus was significantly correlated to thrombolysis. The concentrations of PAP and t-PA-inhibitor were not influenced, while that of t-PA antigen showed a significant increase during heparin infusion. Even if statistically significant correlations were not obtained, the patients with pronounced thrombolytic effect had high PAP-levels. Furthermore, patients with high t-PA-inhibitor levels had no lysis. The results suggest, that also other factors than plasminogen dependent fibrinolysis are of importance for the thrombolytic effect.  相似文献   

The antithrombin III (AT-III) concentration was studied in 98 patients with symptomatic acute deep-vein thrombosis. All patients were initially treated with heparin randomly by subcutaneous injections or by continuous infusions. Then the patients were treated with coumarins during one or six months. The AT-III concentration was estimated daily during heparin treatment and repeatedly during the first year. The mean AT-III concentration decreased progressively 25% during 5 days of heparin treatment regardless of whether heparin was given intravenously or subcutaneously. The mean AT-III concentration during coumarin treatment was higher than after coumarin treatment. Eleven patients developed recurrent thromboembolic episodes during the follow-up period. The mean AT-III concentration in these patients was not lower than in the patients without recurrences.  相似文献   

The lipolytic and anticoagulant actions of a 4000 dalton low molecular weight (LMW) heparin were compared with unfractionated mucosal heparin after intravenous and various subcutaneous doses in man. I.v. injection of 100 USP units/kg body weight lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity, and inhibition of factor Xa decreased with a half life twice as long after LMW heparin compared to normal heparin (p < 0.05). There were no differences in half lives for HTGL activity, thrombin inhibition and on aPTT. The area under the activity time curve (AUC) of LPL and factor Xa was double with LMW heparin (p < 0.05). S.c. administration showed that the AUC of LMW heparin on the factor Xa inhibition was 10 times larger compared to normal heparin. LPL activity was released comparable to normal heparin. The effects on HTGL were three times larger compared to normal heparin. There were no differences in half lives. The data show that in contrast to normal heparin LMW heparin is rapidly and completely absorbed from the subcutaneous depots. The pharmacodynamic data of LPL activity and factor Xa inhibition suggest similar release mechanisms.  相似文献   

Antithrombin III (ATIII) affinity chromatography of commercial grade heparin yields fractions of high and low affinity for ATIII. In vitro, the high affinity fraction accounts for most of the anticoagulant effect while there is evidence that the low affinity material interferes with platelet function. We have studied the relative antithrombotic and hemorrhagic effects of low affinity heparin. The low affinity heparin fraction, specific activity 43 USP units/mg, was compared with standard heparin (150 USP units/mg) in rabbit experimental models. A residual 12.5% by weight of this low affinity heparin showed high affinity for ATIII. Inhibition of thrombosis in a stasis-hypercoagulability model was directly related to the weight (mg) of high affinity material in each of the heparins. In the bleeding model, when similar weights (mg) of high affinity material were infused, significantly more bleeding was demonstrated with the low affinity fraction which contained a 5-fold excess by weight of low affinity material. We have demonstrated that a low affinity heparin depleted of in vitro anticoagulant and in vivo antithrombotic activity significantly contributes to hemorrhage.  相似文献   

Using the standard turbidimetric method of platelet aggregation and quantitation of platelet secretion with 14C-Serotonin, we have examined the responsiveness of the platelets of mongrel dogs to arachidonic acid (AA), and the thromboxane agonist U46619 in the presence and absence of a subthreshold concentration of epinephrine. In response to stimulation with 750 μM AA, the platelets of 18 dogs produced irreversible aggregation (Group I), the platelets of 22 dogs showed, at most, reversible aggregation (Group II), while the platelets of 8 dogs demonstrated no aggregatory response (Group III). In the presence of AA and a subthreshold concentration of epinephrine (0.5 μM), the platelets of all three groups demonstrated enhanced aggregatory and secretory responses although the extent of 14C-Serotonin secretion differed significantly between all three groups. These differences in platelet aggregation correlate with the deposition of platelets onto synthetic vascular grafts and the maintenance of graft patency. When stimulated with 0.5 μM U46619 and a subthreshold concentration of epinephrine, the platelets of 97% Group I dogs and 75% of Group II dogs exhibited irreversible aggregation, while the platelets of all Group III dogs showed only reversible aggregation. In addition, significant differences in the extent of 14C-Serotonin secretion to this combination of agonists were observed between groups. Further examination of the specific effects of U46619 on canine platelets revealed that although the aggregatory and secretory responses to U46619 vary between the different canine platelet populations, the threshold concentration of U46619 required to produce platelet shape change is identical among all groups. Quantitation of the stable metabolite of AA produced via the cyclooxygenase pathway, thromboxane B2(TxB2), revealed no significant differences in the production of TxB2 by the platelets of these different populations upon stimulation with AA. Our results suggest that the mechanisms underlying the differences in responsiveness of canine platelets to AA, are likely due to differences in sensitivity of canine platelets to TxA2, and may be localized to the mechanism responsible for mediating platelet aggregation and secretion in response to TxA2.  相似文献   

Epsilon-amino-caproic acid (EACA) induces a clinically-useful anti-haemorrhagic, mildly thrombotic state while ellagic acid (EA) induces a severe hypercoagulable one. Reversal of these states may on occasion by necessary. The effectiveness of the antiplatelet drugs, aspirin and dipyridamole (ASA/D), in reducing thrombus weight was studied in normocoagulable animals and animals made hypercoagulable with EACA (333mg/kg) or EA (1.2mg/kg). Heparin (114iu/kg) was tested in the EACA group, both alone and in combination with ASA/D. Thrombogenicity was measured by weight formed on intravenous platinum wire in one hour. In normocoagulable animals, ASA/D reduced thrombus by 32%. Ellagic acid trebled mean thrombus weight and ASA/D reduced this by 49%, but did not restore normality. EACA increased mean thrombosis by one sixth. Treatment with heparin reduced this by 48% to a level well below that of untreated animals. Addition of a single dose of aspirin/dipyridamole to the heparin regime, reduced thrombosis by a further 31%, reaching to 21% of control thrombus. The results were statistically significant. Kaolin-activated blood clotting time was shortened by EA, but EACA had little effect on it, while ASA/D slightly and heparin markedly lengthened it.  相似文献   

Using an ACL 300R coagulometer (Instrumentation Laboratory) we assessed the clinical usefulness of a new method to measure PS activity (PS:Act), based on the prolongation of prothrombin time of a mixture of diluted plasma sample, PS depleted plasma previously incubated with Protac for protein C activation, bovine thromboplastin and calcium ions. The results were compared with those from immunological assays. PS:Act was measured in 42 apparently healthy subjects, in 12 patients with hereditary PS deficiency (HPSD group) diagnosed on the basis of immunologic tests and in 48 patients with episodes of juvenile venous thromboembolism at least three months prior to testing (JVTE group). All the HPSD patients had PS:Act below the normal range (< 62%). In JVTE group 9 patients (18.7%) showed abnormal results for PS:Act, 4 (8.3%) had low levels of free PS:Ag; all patients had normal total PS:Ag levels. Levels of antiphospholipid antibodies (immunologic test) were normal in the 9 JVTE patients with low PS:Act. When all the results were considered together (n=102), the correlation coefficient between PS:Act and free PS:Ag was 0.78 (p<0.01).  相似文献   

About 8000 Daltons porcine mucosa heparin fragments were covalently bonded by end-point attachment to polyethylene. The interaction between the immobilized heparin, added thrombin, and antithrombin III [AT] was investigated.

The heparin surface was adsorbed with either albumin, AT dissolved in albumin or Tyrode, or platelet free plasma. Irrespective of the pre-treatment procedure, exposure of the surface to thrombin resulted in the same substantial decrease of thrombin in solution and the same degree of surface-confined thrombin activity. It was concluded that the heparin surface has a large capacity to bind thrombin and that the thrombin inhibitory capacity of high affinity heparin fragments is limited.

On exposure of the thrombin-loaded surfaces to defibrinogenated plasma or AT, the surface-confined thrombin was inhibited within 30 seconds. Successive dilutions of plasma or AT decreased the inhibition rate but not the inhibition capacity. It is concluded that inhibition of thrombin adsorbed on the heparin surface occurs as follows: Added AT adheres to high affinity heparin fragments on the surface whereupon adsorbed thrombin migrates in the hydrophilic heparin coating towards the reaction site of AT and becomes inhibited. The inactivated thrombin-AT complex leaves then the surface, thus enabling the process to be repeated.  相似文献   

Background: Cerebral venous and sinus thrombosis (CVST) is a rather rare disease which accounts for <1% of all strokes. Diagnosis is still frequently overlooked or delayed as a result of the wide spectrum of clinical symptoms and the often subacute or lingering onset. Current therapeutic measures which are used in clinical practice include the use of anticoagulants such as dose‐adjusted intravenous heparin or body weight‐adjusted subcutaneous low‐molecular‐weight heparin (LMWH), the use of thrombolysis and symptomatic therapy including control of seizures and elevated intracranial pressure. Methods: We searched MEDLINE (National Library of Medicine), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) and the Cochrane Library to review the strength of evidence to support these interventions and the preparation of recommendations on the therapy of CVST based on the best available evidence. Review articles and book chapters were also included. Recommendations were reached by consensus. Where there was a lack of evidence but consensus was clear we stated our opinion as good practice points. Results and conclusions: Patients with CVST without contraindications for anticoagulation (AC) should be treated either with body weight‐adjusted subcutaneous LMWH or with dose‐adjusted intravenous heparin (level B recommendation). Concomitant intracranial haemorrhage (ICH) related to CVST is not a contraindication for heparin therapy. The optimal duration of oral anticoagulant therapy after the acute phase is unclear. Oral AC may be given for 3 months if CVST was secondary to a transient risk factor, for 6–12 months in patients with idiopathic CVST and in those with “mild” thrombophilia, such as heterozygous factor V Leiden or prothrombin G20210A mutation and high plasma levels of factor VIII. Indefinite AC should be considered in patients with recurrent episodes of CVST and in those with one episode of CVST and ‘severe’ thrombophilia, such as antithrombin, protein C or protein S deficiency, homozygous factor V Leiden or prothrombin G20210A mutation, antiphospholipid antibodies and combined abnormalities (good practice point). There is insufficient evidence to support the use of either systemic or local thrombolysis in patients with CVST. If patients deteriorate despite adequate AC and other causes of deterioration have been ruled out, thrombolysis may be a therapeutic option in selected cases, possibly in those without large ICH and threatening herniation (good practice point). There are no controlled data about the risks and benefits of certain therapeutic measures to reduce an elevated intracranial pressure (with brain displacement) in patients with severe CVST. However, in severe cases with impending herniation craniectomy can be used as a life‐saving intervention (good practice point).  相似文献   

We have studied heparin fractionation using gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatographic methods. The starting material was commercial grade porcine mucosal sodium heparin (PSH). The fractionation was monitored employing synthetic substrates for assaying both antithrombin (with H-D-Phe-Pip-Arg-pNA ; S-2238) and anti-FXa (with Bz-Ileu-Glu-Gly-Arg-pNA ; S-2222) activities. The resulting fractions were evaluated in different amidolytic and coagulation methods used to determine heparin potency by comparison with PSH. By gel filtration of PSH on Ultrogel AcA 54, both strong anti-FXa and antithrombin activities were associated with the fractions eluted in the high molecular weight range (MW 20 × 103). These fractions also had potent anticoagulant action when assayed by conventional clotting methods. PSH was also subjected to fractionation by an ion-exchange technique (DEAE-Sephacel) with increasing salt molarity. The patterns for antithrombin and anti-FXa activities were again closely related, if not identical. Four fractions were usually distinguished, with respectively negligible, intermediate, high and very high activities when compared to PSH. The very highly active fraction (HAF), approximately 15% by weight, was eluted at high salt molarity (> 0.8 M NaCl). On a weight basis its anticoagulant activity was 2–3 times that of PSH as determined by amidolytic as well as clotting methods. Intravenous injection of HAF to rabbits and dogs (1.0 and 2.5 mg/kg) produced a much stronger anticoagulant response than PSH, also showing an effect which persisted for a longer duration.  相似文献   

It is now generally well accepted that heparin and related substances increase the fibrinolytic activity . The stimulation of the amidolytic, plasminogenolytic and fibrinogenolytic activity of tissue plasminogen activator and urinary plasminogen activator through heparin was investigated . A concentration-dependent stimulation of the plasminogenolytic and fibrinogenolytic activity of both urinary and tissue-type plasminogen activators was observed in the presence of heparin. No heparin dependence was observed in the amidolytic assay. Heparin stimulates the plasminogenolytic activity of tissue plasminogen activator in the same manner as fibrin. Both activators form complexes with heparin; the heparin-binding-site seems to be identical or related with the fibrin-binding-site of tissue plasminogen activator. The physiological role of these interactions is discussed.  相似文献   

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