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A case is reported where the callus in a mandibular osteotomy site underwent distraction by means of an intra-oral device. The procedure was undertaken in a 9-year-old patient diagnosed with hemifacial microsomia type I. Using rapid prototyping from a radiographic scan of the facial skeleton an acrylic model was made upon which the intra-oral appliance was designed. The appliance produced an elongation of 11 mm which succeeded in correcting the skeletal asymmetry of the mandibular symphysis. The patient has been followed up for 7 months and the correction appears stable.  相似文献   

A bstract — A Lapping Apparatus is described which enables sections both embedded and unembedded to be ground plano parallel within ± 1 micron. Sections cemented to steel subplates are retained by a magnetic holder which simplifies loading and unloading. Good surface and edge finish can be obtained and only short lapping times are required.  相似文献   

Purpose: The objective of this study is to present a simple mechanical anastomosis system capable of uniting vessels of differing diameters and to evaluate its applicability.Materials and Methods: A new mechanical system for anastomosis of small vessels was used in 30 rabbits to join 100 sectioned carotid arteries and jugular veins. The system is resorbable and consists of a cuff and a shrinkable sleeve. To carry out the anastomosis, one vessel end is pulled through the cuff and everted over it. The second vessel end is then slipped over the everted vessel end and the cuff. A heat-shrinking sleeve is positioned over the site and shrunk to produce permanent fixation.Results: The overall patency rate of the anastomoses was 96.6% in the arteries and 93.3% in veins. Microscopically, the intima-to-intima contact sites were bridged by an endothelial layer in the first postoperative weeks.Conclusion: Advantages of the system include a short insertion time, simple instrumentation, a high patency rate, and resorbability. However, the method requires additional vessel length for eversion, and it cannot be used for end-to-side anastomoses.  相似文献   

Management of radiotherapy-related xerostomia is difficult. Saliva substitutes are helpful but the effects are short-lived. The purpose of the study was to develop a prototype intra-oral lubricating device for the management of radiotherapy-related xerostomia and to evaluate patient acceptance. An intra-oral lubricating device was fabricated that incorporated a reservoir in the palatal vault and permitted slow release of saliva substitute by the patient. Preliminary clinical testing was done in five patients with radiotherapy-related xerostomia. A measure incorporating seven questions was used to explore patient acceptance. The device was simple to fabricate using materials available in a technical laboratory. All patients were able to wear the device for at least 4 h per day throughout the test period. The device was considered easy to use and clean. Some impairment of speech and chewing was noted although this appeared to be related to the bulkiness of the reservoir. General oral comfort was improved due to the lubricating effect. The bulk of the reservoir was reduced as a consequence of patient feedback. The design addressed key problems associated with previous lubricating systems. Patient reports on oral functioning with the device in situ provided pivotal information on the devices utility.  相似文献   

A previous clinical evaluation indicated that semiprecious metals had a definite place in the construction of dowels and cores in endodontically treated teeth. 2 The results from the present in vitro study suggest that those alloys do have a place in the fabrication of single castings as type III and IV gold alloy substitutes. Although when compared with a type III gold alloy the behavior of the semiprecious alloys tested was less like that of a noble alloy, the semiprecious alloys appeared less active than the base-metal alloy. This suggests that the semiprecious alloys should be acceptably resistant to corrosion in the oral environment.  相似文献   

目的 本病例报道1例牙周软硬组织增量在正畸治疗过程中出现骨开裂及根面暴露的临床应用。诊治经过:一位26岁男性患者在正畸扩弓治疗过程中出现右上后牙牙龈退缩,遂停止正畸加力,要求牙周治疗。临床检查显示7-5牙Miller Ⅲ类牙龈退缩,CBCT检查显示$\underline{7-5}\rvert$牙颊侧根中1/3-根颈1/3牙槽骨吸收。一期通过膜龈手术完成根面覆盖及角化龈增量后,二期采用骨皮质切开+骨增量手术治疗$\underline{7-5}\rvert$牙颊侧骨开裂。结果 术后1年随访,正畸治疗顺利结束,$\underline{7-5}\rvert$牙根面覆盖效果稳定,颊侧骨充盈良好。结论 治疗正畸过程中出现骨开裂及根面暴露时,基于上皮下结缔组织移植的根面覆盖术联合骨皮质切开+骨增量技术能够取得满意效果,然而其长期稳定性仍有待进一步探究。  相似文献   

An open bite is one of the most difficult malocclusions the clinician has to deal with. In recent years, interest has increased regarding mechanics that reduce dependency upon patient compliance for success. Some patient-independent mechanism for molar intrusion or vertical control is desirable. The rapid molar intruder (RMI) appliance consists of two elastic modules that are secured to orthodontic bands on the upper and lower first molars. Vertical forces from these modules typically produce intrusion of the permanent molars in four to six months. The RMI modules may be used in the mixed dentition or incorporated in full-fixed mechanics in the permanent dentition. To avoid buccal flaring of the molars, these modules should be attached to a transpalatal arch and a mandibular lingual arch. Case reports are provided to stimulate interest in further investigation of the properties of this appliance.  相似文献   

Callus-distraction has become an accepted procedure to lengthen hypoplastic mandibles in humans. Extra- and intraoral devices have been applied successfully. Systematic studies have proven the importance of direction, stability, rate and frequency in callus-distraction. In an experimental animal study a newly developed intraoral microhydraulic osteodistractor was tested. Initially the pressures necessary to distract the mandible in mini-pigs were recorded in discontinuous callus-distraction. These results were used to perform continuous bone distraction. Besides testing the new distractor and evaluating the distraction pressures, the aim of the study was to prove that direct bone growth occurred without preceding cartilage formation. Clinical and microscopic results are presented.  相似文献   

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