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The angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors are an important therapeutic advance in the treatment of patients with hypertension and congestive heart failure. In addition, they are useful pharmacological probes to assess the contribution of the renin-angiotensin system to circulatory homeostasis. Captopril was the first angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor approved for use in patients with hypertension and congestive heart failure. It is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, with detectable plasma concentrations apparent as early as 15 minutes. The extent of absorption is between 60 and 75% of an oral dose and peak plasma concentrations occur after approximately one hour. Captopril is primarily excreted by the kidneys via renal tubular secretion. Renal excretion is rapid, with 90% completed in the first 4 hours. The elimination half-life for unchanged captopril is about 1.7 hours and is markedly increased in the presence of renal insufficiency. Once absorbed, captopril is extensively metabolised to several forms, including a disulphide dimer of captopril, a captopril-cysteine disulphide, and other mixed disulphides with endogenous thiol compounds. It is probable that captopril and its pool of metabolites undergo reversible interconversions. Pharmacokinetic properties of captopril in patients with uncomplicated hypertension appear to be the same as in healthy subjects. However, long term administration of captopril leads to increased concentrations of total captopril, probably from the accumulation of captopril metabolites. Despite the number of potential influences on pharmacokinetic properties in patients with congestive heart failure, due to the many abnormalities in gastrointestinal tract oedema and reductions in splanchnic and renal blood flow, the available data suggest that its pharmacokinetic properties in patients with congestive heart failure resemble those in healthy subjects. However, additional data are necessary to confirm this. Enalapril is the second angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor to become available. Enalapril is a prodrug that is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, with 60 to 70% of an oral dose being absorbed. However, enalapril must be converted by hepatic esterases to the active form, enalaprilat. After the oral administration of enalapril, the tmax for enalapril is one hour, but for enalaprilat it is 4 hours. There is a prolonged terminal elimination phase with enalaprilat being detectable as late as 96 hours after dosing. Thus, enalapril has a much longer duration of action than captopril. Like captopril, enalapril is primarily excreted by the kidneys.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of the newer benzodiazepines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
New benzodiazepine derivatives continue to be developed and introduced into clinical use. The pharmacokinetic properties of these newer drugs can best be understood by their categorisation according to range of elimination half-life and pathway of metabolism (oxidation versus conjugation). Clobazam and halazepam are long half-life (and therefore accumulating) anxiolytics metabolised by oxidation. Alprazolam and clotiazepam also are oxidised compounds but have short to intermediate half-life values and therefore produce considerably less accumulation. Temazepam and lormetazepam are hypnotic agents with intermediate half-lives but metabolised by conjugation. The most unique of the newer benzodiazepines are the ultra-short half-life (oxidised) compounds midazolam, triazolam and brotizolam, which are essentially non-accumulating during multiple dosage.  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of the newer antiarrhythmic agents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article reviews clinical pharmacokinetic data on 8 new antiarrhythmic agents. Some of these drugs have been studied extensively while others are relatively new, with incomplete data due to limited evaluation. Amiodarone is a class III antiarrhythmic drug which is effective in treating many atrial and ventricular arrhythmias that are refractory to other drugs. Amiodarone accumulates extensively in tissues and its disposition characteristics are best described by models with 3 and 4 compartments. Its apparent volume of distribution is very large (1300 to 11,000L) and its elimination half-life very long (53 days). A delay of up to 28 days from of treatment to onset of antiarrhythmic effect may be observed, and the antiarrhythmic effect may persist for weeks to months following cessation of therapy. Clinically significant drug interactions have been observed with amiodarone and warfarin, digoxin, quinidine and procainamide. Encainide is a class Ic antiarrhythmic drug. Although it has a short elimination half-life (1 to 3h), 2 major metabolites with antiarrhythmic effects accumulate in the plasma of patients during long term therapy. Plasma concentrations of O-demethyl encainide appear to correlate with the antiarrhythmic effect. Flecainide, another class Ic antiarrhythmic agent, has an elimination half-life of 14 hours which makes it suitable for twice daily dosing. Flecainide elimination is prolonged in patients with low output heart failure. Significant drug interactions with digoxin and cimetidine have been reported. Lorcainide is also a class Ic antiarrhythmic drug, the bioavailability of which is nonlinear. Clearance of the drug is reduced during long term therapy. A major active metabolite, norlorcainide, accumulates in the plasma of patients during long term therapy and its concentration exceeds that of lorcainide by a factor of 2. The elimination half-lives of lorcainide (9h) and norlorcainide (28h) allow for once or twice daily dosing. Mexiletine, a class Ib antiarrhythmic drug, is structurally similar to lignocaine (lidocaine). A sustained release formulation provides effective plasma concentrations when administered twice daily. The apparent volume of distribution of mexiletine is 5.0 to 6.6 L/kg, and the elimination half-life varies from 6 to 12 hours in normal subjects and from 11 to 17 hours in cardiac patients. Mexilitine is extensively metabolised but the metabolites are not pharmacologically active. Renal elimination of mexiletine is pH dependent. Drugs which induce hepatic metabolism significantly alter the pharmacokinetics of mexiletine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of some newer diuretics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several new diuretics have recently been developed. This review summarises the published knowledge about some of them. Azosemide is a loop diuretic. The bioavailability is about 15% and it has a half-life of 2 to 3 hours. Renal and non-renal clearance are 1.32 and 5.4 L/h, respectively. Etozolin is also a loop diuretic. It is rapidly metabolised to the active metabolite, ozolinone. The gastrointestinal uptake of etozolin is almost complete. The plasma half-life of etozolin and ozolinone are 2 and 10 hours, respectively. The compounds are mainly eliminated as metabolites. Renal and liver impairment do not seem to change the pharmacokinetics. Fenquizone has properties similar to the thiazides. The plasma half-life is approximately 17 hours. Apparent volume of distribution averaged 686 L and renal clearance is 7.2 L/h. Indapamide acts predominantly on the proximal segment of the distal tubule and also has direct vasodilatory effects. Gastrointestinal uptake is at least 80%. The drug binds highly to carbonic anhydrases of red blood cells. Protein binding is about 80%, while terminal plasma half-life is 15 hours and the apparent volume of distribution 25 L. Renal clearance is 0.3 L/h and non-renal clearance 0.9 L/h. Several metabolites have been described, of which one major metabolite is pharmacologically active. Muzolimine is a loop diuretic. Its uptake is almost complete, but decreased substantially by food. The protein binding is about 65%, the apparent volume of distribution is about 1 L/kg and average terminal half-life 10 to 20 hours. Elimination is mainly non-renal, and non-renal clearance ranges between 0.5 and 1.32 L/h. The pharmacokinetics of the drug do not seem to be changed in cardiac failure. Terminal plasma half-life is essentially unchanged in patients with renal failure, except in those with very severe reduction of glomerular filtration rate. Piretanide is a loop diuretic which is about 6 times as potent as frusemide (furosemide). Its bioavailability is most likely complete in healthy subjects and in renal patients. Protein binding in healthy subjects is about 95%. The plasma half-life of the drug is about 1 hour and apparent volume of distribution averages about 17 L. Renal and non-renal clearance are about 6 L/h, although renal clearance is decreased in renal failure: this decrease is correlated with glomerular filtration rate. Non-renal clearance is unchanged in renal failure, as is the apparent volume of distribution.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of the newer neuromuscular blocking drugs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The pharmacokinetics of 6 new neuromuscular blocking drugs are described. These are the aminosteroids pipecuronium bromide, rocuronium bromide and rapacuronium bromide (ORG-9487) and the benzylisoquinolinium diesters doxacurium chloride, mivacurium chloride and cisatracurium besilate. In healthy individuals, these drugs all have similar volumes of distribution. Their pharmacokinetics are influenced little by age or anaesthetic technique, but renal and hepatic disease may significantly alter their distribution and elimination. Pipecuronium resembles pancuronium in its pharmacokinetic and neuromuscular blocking profile, but is devoid of cardiovascular effects. It has a low clearance (0.16 L/h/kg) and long elimination half-life (120 minutes). It is largely eliminated through the kidney. Rocuronium has a similar pharmacokinetic profile to vecuronium but its onset of action is more rapid and duration of action slightly shorter. Its clearance (0.27 L/h/kg) is intermediate between those of pipecuronium and rapacuronium, but its elimination half-life is long (83 minutes). The pharmacokinetics of rocuronium are altered by renal and hepatic disease; the latter probably has the more significant effect. Rapacuronium has a rapid onset, and a bolus dose has a short duration of action. It has a high clearance (0.59 L/h/kg) but a long elimination half-life (112 minutes). Doxacurium has a pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile similar to pipecuronium. It has a high potency and is devoid of cardiovascular effects. In adults, it has a low clearance (0.15 L/h/kg) and long elimination half-life (87 minutes). Mivacurium is a mixture of 3 stereoisomers. It has a short to intermediate duration of action. It is hydrolysed by plasma cholinesterase. Inherited or acquired alterations in plasma cholinesterase activity are associated with changes in the pharmacokinetics and time course of action of mivacurium. The 2 active isomers (cis-trans and trans-trans) have a high clearance (4.74 L/h/kg) and very short elimination half-lives (approximately 2 minutes). Cisatracurium is the 1R-cis 1'R-cis isomer of atracurium. It has similar pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics to atracurium. It is mainly broken down by Hofmann (non-enzymatic) degradation. Cisatracurium has an intermediate clearance (0.3 L/h/kg) and short elimination half-life (26 minutes). Hepatic and renal disease have little effect on its pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of the newer antibacterial 4-quinolones   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Structural modification of the so-called 'first-generation' or 'urinary' quinolones has led to a considerable increase in their intrinsic antibacterial activity, together with marked changes in the pharmacokinetic properties. Tissue penetration is the most notable change, and the newer quinolones are comparable with the newer broad spectrum beta-lactams in their clinical spectrum of activity. Marketed compounds in the 4-quinolones group include pefloxacin, ofloxacin, enoxacin, ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin; many more compounds are in various stages of research and development. The 4-quinolones act by inhibition of bacterial DNA gyrase, a process which is pH and concentration dependent. The bactericidal activity can be partly abolished if protein synthesis is inhibited by chloramphenicol, or if RNA synthesis is inhibited by rifampicin (rifampin). The antibacterial spectrum of activity includes methicillin- and gentamicin-resistant staphylococci, multiresistant non-fermenters, all Enterobacteriaceae, Legionella, Neisseria species, Branhamella and Haemophilus influenzae. With the exception of norfloxacin, which is only 30 to 40% bioavailable from the oral route, the 4-quinolones are 80 to 100% bioavailable, absorption occurring within 1 to 3 hours. Food does not significantly alter Cmax, AUC or elimination half-life, although tmax, may be increased. The 4-quinolones are widely distributed throughout the body, with volumes of distribution greater than 1.5 L/kg. Protein binding is less than 30% in most cases. Penetration into most tissues is good. With the exception of ofloxacin and lomefloxacin (NY 198), which are metabolically stable, metabolism of the 4-quinolones occurs primarily at the C7 position in the piperazinyl ring. Biotransformation is extensive (85%) with pefloxacin, medium (25 to 40%) with ciprofloxacin and enoxacin, and low (less than 20%) with norfloxacin. Elimination half-lives vary between 3 and 5 hours (ciprofloxacin) and 8 to 14 hours (pefloxacin). Biliary concentrations of the 4-quinolones are 2 to 10 times greater than those in serum or plasma, with several compounds undergoing enterohepatic circulation. There is some evidence that ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin and enoxacin have an active renal tubular excretion pathway. In impaired renal function, reduction of the glomerular filtration rate below 30 ml/min (1.8 L/h) is associated with an increase in elimination half-life and AUC, and a decrease in renal and total clearance of the 4-quinolones, and a decrease in 24-hour urinary recovery.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of the newer intravenous anaesthetic agents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the last 15 years the role of opioids in anaesthesia management has undergone dramatic change. Initially used as premedicants, or adjuvants to inhalation anaesthetic agents or as analgesics for postoperative pain relief, narcotics have now evolved into primary anaesthetic agents, primarily because of their ability to maintain cardiovascular stability especially in patients with compromised myocardial function. Sufentanil, alfentanil, and lofentanil are 3 new synthetic congeners of fentanyl. Sufentanil and alfentanil afford not only the haemodynamic stability but also the desirable anaesthetic properties of analgesia, and unconsciousness. Their major advantage lies in their pharmacokinetic behaviour; a rapid onset of action and short elimination half-life, allowing for greater flexibility in anaesthetic management. Sufentanil's pharmacokinetic profile is consistent with a 2-compartment model. Its elimination half-life is 149 minutes and its clearance is 11.3 ml/min/kg. Alfentanil's pharmacokinetic profile has been described by both 2- and 3-compartment models. Its distribution and redistribution are rapid, with an elimination half-life of 83 to 137 minutes and a clearance of 4.37 to 6.47 ml/min/kg in adult patients. Lofentanil, however, is an extremely long-acting narcotic analgesic. Presently, its use is justified only when prolonged mechanical ventilation is anticipated. Etomidate, a carboxylated imidazole, is rapidly distributed within a central compartment and then to peripheral compartments; its slow distribution and terminal elimination half-lives are 28 and 273 to 330 minutes, respectively, and its clearance (11.6 to 25 ml/min/kg) is equal to its hepatic plasma flow. Its ability to maintain cardiovascular stability in patients with compromised myocardial function make it a useful induction agent. However, reports of increased mortality and inhibition of steroidogenesis in patients receiving either single injections or constant infusions have created controversies regarding its use. Minaxolone is a water-soluble steroid whose pharmacokinetic profile is consistent with a 2-compartment model. Distribution is rapid with a mean half-life of 2.1 minutes and an elimination half-life of 47 minutes. There do not appear to be any cumulative effects. Plasma levels on recovery were similar in those patients receiving single bolus or continuous infusions. Midazolam and flunitrazepam are two new benzodiazepines. As a class of drugs, benzodiazepines provide the pharmacological properties of anxiolysis, sedation, hypnosis, muscle relaxation, amnesia and anticonvulsant activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of clofazimine. A review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Clofazimine is useful in the treatment of Hansen's disease (leprosy) and some dermatological disorders, and is currently being used in drug regimens for patients with human immunodeficiency viral infections who are also infected with Mycobacterium avium complex. After an oral dose, absorption is variable, but when given in an oil-wax suspension is approximately 70%. Administration with food appears to increase the peak plasma drug concentration and reduce the time to peak level. Data on the volume of distribution and percentage or type of protein binding are not available; however, the drug undergoes extensive tissue distribution. Clofazimine does not cross the blood-brain barrier, but does cross the placenta, and is found in human breast milk. To date 3 urinary metabolites have been identified in man, but their biological activity is unknown. A substantial portion of the unchanged drug is excreted in faeces. The elimination half-life is variable, with values as long as 70 days being quoted in the literature. Frequently reported side effects of clofazimine are hyperpigmentation of the skin and conjunctiva, and abdominal pain. These resolve upon cessation of therapy. Biochemical and haematological adverse effects have been reported, but are generally not clinically relevant. Pharmacokinetic drug interactions of potential clinical significance have been observed with dapsone, oestrogen, rifampicin and vitamin A.  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of fentanyl and its newer derivatives   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Fentanyl, a synthetic opiate with a (clinical) potency of 50 to 100 times that of morphine, was introduced into clinical practice in the early 1960s. Usually administered by single intravenous doses, it developed a reputation for having a short duration of action and it was assumed that this was a consequence of rapid removal from the body. However, as clinical experience increased, it was realised that administration of multiple doses or large doses during narcotic-based anaesthesia sometimes led to delayed recovery and prolonged respiratory depression, suggesting that the duration of action was limited by redistribution within the body rather than removal from the body. Recent developments in analytical techniques have allowed pharmacokinetic studies and these have confirmed this opinion; fentanyl is rightly regarded as having a redistribution-limited duration of action after single or infrequent doses (analogous to thiopentone). However, the magnitude of the pharmacokinetic constants reported for fentanyl are remarkably inconsistent even in healthy volunteers, for reasons apparently only explainable by assay differences. Hence, estimates of apparent volume of distribution (area) range from around 60L to over 300L, estimates of terminal half-life range from about 1.5 to 6 hours (15 hours in geriatric patients) and total body clearance ranges from 0.4 to over 1.5 L/min. Renal excretion accounts for up to 10% of the dose; the remainder of the clearance would appear to be predominantly hepatic, but with contributions from other tissues. Continued clinical developments of narcotic-based anaesthetic techniques have resulted in high doses of narcotic being used, with oxygen, as the sole anaesthetic agents. At present these techniques are usually based on fentanyl, and the technique is frequently called 'stress-free anaesthesia' because of the effects in obtunding the 'stress response' caused by surgery (elevation of plasma concentrations of cortisol, glucose, ADH, etc. in the intra- and post-operative period) and the lack of deleterious effects on the cardiovascular system.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In this review the clinical pharmacokinetics of camptothecin topoisomerase I inhibitors, an important new class of anticancer drugs, is discussed. Two prototypes, topotecan and irinotecan, are currently marketed in many European countries and the USA for the treatment of patients with ovarian and colorectal cancer, respectively. Other camptothecin derivatives, including lurtotecan, 9aminocamptothecin (9AC) and 9nitrocamptothecin (9NC), are at different stages of clinical development. The common property of camptothecin analogues is their action against DNA topoisomerase I, but beyond this similarity the compounds differ widely in terms of antitumour efficacy, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and metabolism. We review chemistry, mechanism of action, stability and bioanalysis of the camptothecins. Dosage and administration, status of clinical application, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and drug interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics of cholinesterase inhibitors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This review deals mainly with the pharmacokinetics of the reversible quaternary cholinesterase inhibitors neostigmine, pyridostigmine and edrophonium, which are mainly used to antagonise non-depolarising neuromuscular blockade in general anaesthesia and in the symptomatic treatment of myasthenia gravis. Only in the last few years, since the introduction of highly sensitive and selective analytical procedures based on gas and liquid chromatography, have proper pharmacokinetic studies of these drugs become possible. Rapid cooling and addition of internal standard to samples before freezing are important precautions in view of the poor stability of the cholinesterase inhibitors in plasma and blood. Plasma clearances of the reversible quaternary cholinesterase inhibitors are in the range 0.5 to 1.0 L/h/kg and their apparent volumes of distribution range from 0.5 to 1.7 L/kg. Accordingly, the drugs have short plasma elimination half-lives, in the order of 30 to 90 minutes. One to two hours after oral administration of 60 mg pyridostigmine, peak plasma concentrations of 40 to 60 micrograms/L are observed, whereas the plasma concentrations of neostigmine after a 30 mg oral dose are only 1 to 5 micrograms/L. The oral bioavailability of these hydrophilic ionised compounds is low: that of pyridostigmine is approximately 10% and the value for neostigmine is even lower. In spite of the short elimination half-life of pyridostigmine, intraindividual variations in plasma concentration during a dose interval are small in myasthenic patients receiving oral maintenance therapy, probably as a result of slow absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Severely impaired renal function has been shown to prolong the elimination of neostigmine and pyridostigmine, while methylcellulose has been reported to inhibit the absorption of the latter drug completely. Other pharmacokinetic drug interactions suggested so far do not seem to be of clinical significance. Although a positive correlation has been demonstrated between the plasma concentrations of these drugs and their pharmacological effects as measured by a decrement in muscle response to repetitive nerve stimulation in a single muscle, this relationship is less clear when a global evaluation of muscular function in myasthenia gravis is used. Pharmacokinetic studies of the tertiary reversible cholinesterase inhibitor physostigmine, an important tool in experimental cholinergic neuropharmacology, are still in their initial stages. This drug too is characterised by a short plasma elimination half-life of 20 to 30 minutes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Newer ACE inhibitors. A look at the future   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A Salvetti 《Drugs》1990,40(6):800-828
Available information indicates that about 78 new molecules belonging to the class of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are under investigation, and that at least 11 or 12 of the newer ACE inhibitors will be available for clinical use. The newer ACE inhibitors can be classified, according to the zinc ion ligand of ACE, into 3 main chemical classes: sulfhydryl-, carboxyl- and phosphoryl-containing ACE inhibitors. All the newer sulfhydryl-containing ACE inhibitors differ from captopril since they are prodrugs, and among them alacepril and probably moveltipril (altiopril, MC 838) are converted in vivo to captopril. When compared with captopril, they show a slower onset and a longer duration of action, and obviously the same route of elimination. Zofenopril, a prodrug that is converted in vivo to the active diacid, shows a greater potency, a similar peak time and a longer duration of action than captopril and, unlike captopril, partial elimination through the liver. The newer carboxyl-containing ACE inhibitors are prodrugs which are converted in vivo to active diacids. Like enalaprilat, they are excreted via the kidney; the exception is spirapril, which is totally eliminated by the liver. Compared to enalapril, benazepril shows an earlier peak time and a slightly shorter terminal half-life, cilazapril and ramipril have an earlier peak time and even longer terminal half-life, perindopril shows similar peak time and terminal half-life, while delapril, quinapril and spirapril show an earlier peak time and a shorter half-life. The phosphoryl-containing ACE inhibitors belong to a new chemical class. Fosinopril is a prodrug which is converted to the active diacid in vivo, shows a relatively late peak time, a long terminal half-life, and is eliminated partially by the liver. SQ 29852, the only newly developed ACE inhibitor which is not a prodrug, seems to be more effective than captopril, with a much longer lasting effect and elimination through the kidney. When the differences in potency between these drugs are compensated by dosage adjustment, all the newer ACE inhibitors are expected to exert a similar amount of inhibition of circulating ACE, and therefore to inhibit to a similar extent the generation of circulating angiotensin II and the breakdown of bradykinin. Obviously they may differ in timing and the duration of circulating ACE inhibition according to their pharmacokinetic properties. With regard to the possibility that they may stimulate prostaglandin synthesis, it is suggested that this action, which does not seem to be specific to this drug class, plays only a minor role in their antihypertensive action; the hypothesis that the sulfhydryl group exerts an additional stimulating action remains to be proved.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Davie AP 《PharmacoEconomics》2000,17(3):237-243
Economic analysis has been extensively used to guide the use of ACE inhibitors in chronic heart failure. More recently, it has been used to guide the use of ACE inhibitors after myocardial infarction. The results of major clinical trials leave us in no doubt that ACE inhibitors are useful in the treatment of patients after myocardial infarction. The results of economic analysis unanimously indicate that ACE inhibitors are cost effective when used to treat patients after myocardial infarction. Any comparison of the different treatment strategies available suggests that all are comparably cost effective and argues for the widest possible use of ACE inhibitors in this setting. The evidence suggests that, in this context as in so many others, ACE inhibitors remain under-utilized.  相似文献   

A L Kamper 《Drug safety》1991,6(5):361-370
Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are well established in the treatment of hypertension and cardiac failure. Experimental studies in rats have suggested that these agents may protect renal function in chronic nephropathy by a mechanism other than simply lowering the systemic blood pressure. In human studies of incipient diabetic nephropathy, worsening of microalbuminuria was prevented during 3 years of ACE inhibition. ACE inhibitors reduce arterial blood pressure in chronic nephropathy, and may cause a fall in glomerular filtration rate. In diabetic nephropathy, proteinuria was reduced by 2 months' treatment with enalapril to less than half of the values obtained in a control group treated with metoprolol. Nonrandomised trials have suggested that ACE inhibitors may slow the deterioration of renal function, but no comparisons with other antihypertensive agents in prospective studies have been published to date. In chronic renal failure, ACE inhibitors may worsen anaemia and hyperkalaemia. Renovascular hypertension can be treated with ACE inhibitors, but the treatment may lead to a compromised renal function. The dosage of these drugs should be reduced in renal failure and therapy should be started cautiously in this setting, with close monitoring of blood pressure, renal function and plasma potassium.  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cholinesterase inhibitors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cholinesterase inhibitors are the 'first-line' agents in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. This article presents the latest information on their pharmacokinetic properties and pharmacodynamic activity. Tacrine was the first cholinesterase inhibitor approved by regulatory agencies, followed by donepezil, rivastigmine and recently galantamine. With the exception of low doses of tacrine, the cholinesterase inhibitors exhibit a linear relationship between dose and area under the plasma concentration-time curve. Cholinesterase inhibitors are rapidly absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, with time to peak concentration usually less than 2 hours; donepezil has the longest absorption time of 3 to 5 hours. Donepezil and tacrine are highly protein bound, whereas protein binding of rivastigmine and galantamine is less than 40%. Tacrine is metabolised by hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A2, and donepezil and galantamine are metabolised by CYP3A4 and CYP2D6. Rivastigmine is metabolised by sulfate conjugation. Two cholinesterase enzymes are present in the body, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE). Tacrine and rivastigmine inhibit both enzymes, whereas donepezil and galantamine specifically inhibit AChE. Galantamine also modulates nicotine receptors, thereby enhancing acetylcholinergic activity at the synapse. These different pharmacological profiles provide distinctions between these agents. Cholinesterase inhibitors show a nonlinear relationship between dose and cholinesterase inhibition, where a plateau effect occurs. Cholinesterase inhibitors display a different profile as each agent achieves its plateau at different doses. In clinical trials, cholinesterase inhibitors demonstrate a dose-dependent effect on cognition and functional activities. Improvement in behavioural symptoms also occurs, but without a dose-response relationship. Gastrointestinal adverse events are dose-related. Clinical improvement occurs with between 40 and 70% inhibition of cholinesterase. A conceptual model for cholinesterase inhibitors has been proposed, linking enzyme inhibition, clinical efficacy and adverse effects. Currently, measurement of enzyme inhibition is used as the biomarker for cholinesterase inhibitors. New approaches to determining the efficacy of cholinesterase inhibitors in the brain could involve the use of various imaging techniques. The knowledge base for the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cholinesterase inhibitors continues to expand. The increased information available to clinicians can optimise the use of these agents in the management of patients with Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

The advent of the ACE inhibitors has been one of the major developments in cardiovascular pharmacology this century. Aside from their role as potent anti-hypertensive drugs with few adverse effects, ACE inhibitors have numerous other effects that have only been partially explained. Antihypertensive therapy is the most effective treatment in patients with diabetic nephropathy, postponing the development of end-stage renal failure. Although this effect can apparently be obtained with all antihypertensives (except nifedipine), recent meta-analyses have indicated that the beneficial effects of ACE inhibitors on proteinuria and preserved renal function are greater than with other drugs. In nondiabetic patients, treatment with ACE inhibitors may delay or prevent the development of congestive heart failure following acute myocardial infarction. Whether this also occurs in diabetic patients is still unknown, but subgroup analysis of existing studies and controlled clinical trials in this area should be encouraged. In conclusion, ACE inhibitors are the only drugs that have been proven, in controlled clinical trials, to be effective in preventing progression from micro-albuminuria to overt nephropathy. Furthermore, they are more effective in diminishing albuminuria at low levels of blood pressure reduction compared with other antihypertensives. In comparison with beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors have the advantage that they do not mask the subjective symptoms of hypoglycaemia, nor do they affect the serum lipid profile.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of some antimicrobial agents can be enhanced by using them in combination; such combinations are termed synergistic. Where one compound potentiates the effect of a second drug they may be coformulated. Inhibition of the bacterial degradation of an active antimicrobial is the basis of clavulanate and sulbactam-potentiated penicillin combinations, and inhibition of degradative pathways in the host is the rationale behind imipenem/cilastatin therapy. Trimethoprim/sulphonamide combinations depend on the maintenance of an effective ratio for synergistic action. In order to achieve potentiation the coformulated drugs should have similar pharmacokinetics. Trimethoprim was originally matched with sulphamethoxazole, since these two drugs have similar elimination half-lives, but the significantly poorer penetration of sulphonamides, their greater non-renal clearance, the emergence of resistance, and the adverse reactions attributable to them argue against the rationale that underlies their coformulation. Time-dependent inhibition of bacterial beta-lactamases by clavulanic acid and sulbactam has extended the use of penicillins which are highly susceptible to beta-lactamase inactivation. The beta-lactamase inhibitors must penetrate to the same extent as the penicillin used with them, and be present long enough to effect inhibition; thus, rapid penetration, similar or slower elimination and equivalent volume of distribution are necessary. These requirements are met for amoxycillin/clavulanic acid, ticarcillin/clavulanic acid and ampicillin/sulbactam combinations. Clavulanic acid is absorbed orally and is given with amoxycillin. However, since sulbactam is labile by this route, the combination of sulbactam with ampicillin to form the prodrug sultamicillin has been necessary to enable an oral form to be developed. Imipenem is metabolised by renal brush-border dehydropeptidases, and may cause proximal tubular necrosis. Cilastatin was designed to inhibit this metabolism, which it effectively does, thereby both potentiating the effect of imipenem and avoiding toxicity. Appropriate matching of the kinetics of coformulated drugs is intended to maximise potentiation and minimise the risk of emergent resistance. The kinetics of the above combinations are discussed in the light of these requirements and the effects of age and disease.  相似文献   

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