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People who have had a stroke face high risks of cognitive impairment, anxiety, and depression. Health education for family members contributes to better outcomes in various diseases, but the effects of health education on family members of people who have had a stroke are unclear. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the family member education program (FMEP) on cognitive impairment, anxiety, and depression in persons who have had a stroke. In total, 144 persons who experienced a stroke were randomly allocated to the FMEP group or control group (1:1 ratio). In the FMEP group, the FMEP and conventional treatment were provided, while in control group only conventional treatment was provided. The increase in the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) score from baseline to 12 months (M12 – baseline) in the FMEP group was higher compared with the control group, and the FMEP led to a decreased cognitive impairment rate (MOCA score ≤26) after 12 months compared to the control group. Changes in the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale anxiety and depression score (M12 – baseline) decreased in the FMEP group compared with the control group. Fewer participants with depression and a lower depression grade were observed in the FMEP group compared with the control group. The FMEP could reduce cognitive impairment, anxiety, and depression in persons who have had a stroke.  相似文献   

This study describes the daily life and management strategies of young informal carers of family members or friends with mental illness. Twelve young adults (three men and nine women; 16-25 years old) in Sweden were voluntarily recruited between February and May 2008. Data collected through eight individual semi-structured interviews and one focus group interview were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The findings revealed nine subthemes that were further grouped into three main themes: showing concern, providing support and using management strategies. Participants lived in constant readiness for something unexpected to happen to the person they cared for, and their role in the relationship could change quickly from family member or friend to guardian or supervisor. Supporting a friend was considered as large a personal responsibility as supporting a family member. Their management strategies were based on individual capacities and their ability to step aside should the situation become too demanding. These young informal carers need support in caring for the mentally ill. As the internet becomes increasingly fundamental to daily life, support could be provided most effectively through person-centred web sites.  相似文献   

In Britain the incidence of diabetes mellitus in children is increasing. These children are health care consumers and will continue to be throughout their lives. It is important that their views are sought regarding their health care condition. A phenomenological study was undertaken with six children aged 7-12 years regarding their experience of living with diabetes. This research highlighted several issues regarding the conduct of research with children. Access to children required negotiation with the ethics committee and the parents. It was also important to seek the consent of the children via the signing of a consent form, as well as an on-going process throughout the conduct of the research. In addition, appropriate communication methods had to be utilized, acknowledging the age and abilities of individual children. The use of both verbal and non-verbal communication skills were important, but the use of non-verbal skills appeared to be the most significant. Researchers should not be bound by the supposed abilities of children and should take care not to underestimate the awareness and maturity that some children possess when addressing issues of concern to themselves. When given the opportunity, children were keen to express their views and were very articulate in doing so. There is much scope for future research studies seeking children's perceptions about their health care condition.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical features, pathological renal findings, and outcomes in young adults with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) seropositivity.MethodsAdults aged ≤35 years, with ANCA seropositivity, who underwent renal biopsy and received treatment comprising a combination of corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide between January 2004 and May 2018, were retrospectively enrolled.ResultsThirteen patients with ANCA seropositivity were included, all of whom presented with kidney disease at diagnosis: 10 (76.9%) with ANCA-associated pauci-immune glomerulonephritis, one with ANCA-associated crescentic glomerulonephritis with immune complex deposition, one with immunoglobulin A nephropathy, and one with membranous nephropathy. The median serum creatinine level was 183.2 μmol/l (range, 55.0–1024.0 μmol/l). Respiratory symptoms (9/13 [69.2%]) and nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms (5/13 [38.5%]) were the most common extrarenal manifestations. Remission was achieved in 10 (91%) of 11 ANCA-associated nephritis cases, and median interval from diagnosis to relapse was 30 months (range, 9–63 months). Cumulative relapse-free survival rates at 1 and 5 years were 100% and 88.9%, respectively. Overall, 1-year and 5-year renal survival rates were 80.8% and 58.9%, respectively.ConclusionRenal histopathology varied in young adults with ANCA seropositivity. Although relapse rates in this young adult population were generally low, long-term renal survival rates remain unsatisfactory.  相似文献   

Dual diagnosis (the combination of mental health and substance misuse problems) is a significant facing mental health nurses in the UK. The purpose of the study was to describe the lived experience of community mental health nurses working with people who have a dual diagnosis. A phenomenological approach was us and a purposive sample of seven community mental health nurses with experience of working with people with a dual diagnosis was selected. Data were collected through audiotaped, semi-structured interviews lasting approximately 1 h in duration and analysed using Colaizzi's (1978) method. Thirteen theme clusters relating to three major themes were identified: (1) difficulties in understanding the concept of dual diagnosis; (2) feeling deskilled when working with people who have a dual diagnosis; (3) struggling to work in a system which seeks to avoid people with dual diagnosis. Recommendations regarding the need for increased joint working between professionals, improved education and further research are made.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the therapeutic effect of a treatment program for young adults who stutter aged 16;0 to 19;0 years. A repeated measures single-subject experimental design was used. Home-based video recorded speech samples were collected during a five-week baseline phase, 2-week intensive treatment phase, five-week consolidation phase and 10-month follow-up phase. Self-report questionnaires were completed before treatment and periodically during each phase of the study. Data is presented for one male participant, aged 18;0 years. A total of 35 video recordings were collected, transcribed and analysed in terms of the percentage of stuttered syllables (%SS) and the mean duration of stuttered events. A simplified time-series analysis was used to analyse the data. A statistically significant trend of reduced severity was found for frequency of stuttering and the mean duration of stuttered events. The findings indicate that this program for young adults who stutter has a significant treatment effect. Findings will be discussed in relation to the application of single-subject studies to clinical practice and the contribution that they can make in developing a larger research strategy.  相似文献   

Despite substantial reorganisation of stroke unit provision in the United Kingdom, limited qualitative research has explored how stroke survivors experience the acute stroke unit. This hermeneutic phenomenological study used accounts from four stroke survivors who experienced one of two acute stroke units. Through detailed analysis, the acute stroke unit emerged as a meaningful space, in two distinct but interconnected forms. As holding space, the unit was understood to offer protection and safe haven, as the stroke survivors looked to cope and respond to the temporal, bodily, biographical disruption and significant vulnerability brought about by stroke and by being in hospital. Holding was fulfilled by different people (including their fellow stroke survivors) and reflected a human response to human need and existential vulnerability. This space, and the practices within it, functioned to hold them intimately but also at a distance from their prestroke lifeworld. As such, the acute stroke unit holding space was intertwined with how it supported, encouraged or provoked transition. In the transitional space of the acute stroke unit, stroke survivors described how they survived the hospital‐healthcare space, stroke unit and poststroke space. This paper articulates how transition was meaningfully signified through its absence or presence, as they transformed, relinquished or re‐asserted their ‘self’, and in one case, recovered whilst ‘in there’. The findings of this study provide phenomenological insight into stroke survivors’ lived experience, the meaningful holding and transitional contribution of the unit, and how these spatial forms were intertwined. These insights are discussed in relation to the existing evidence base and stroke unit provision.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of night nurses. An interpretative phenomenological study was undertaken, and 35 nurses working in Italian medical, surgical and intensive care units were purposely recruited. Data were gathered in 2010 by semi‐structured interviews, collecting nurses' narratives, memorable cases and metaphors, aimed at summarising the essence of work as a nurse during the night. The experience of night nursing is based on four interconnected themes: (i) working in a state of alert, (ii) growing by expanding autonomy and responsibility, (iii) assuring sensitive surveillance and (iv) experiencing deep intimacy. Memorable episodes were polarised along (i) expected/unexpected events; (ii) positive/negative epilogues; and (iii) life/death issues. Many of the emergent metaphors described working during the night as being in the middle of a space where an apparent calm scene takes place, but unpredictable factors may suddenly change the order of events and the outcomes, creating chaos. Working during the night alerts nurses, who increase autonomy, expanding their role and assuming more responsibility with respect to that assumed during daily shifts. The nurses' clinical reasoning is based on data they carefully listen to, and on the meaning that nurses give time by time to different noises and silence. While in the past a sense of companionships was reported, a loneliness or a ‘neutral’ experience concerning the relationships with colleagues seems to prevail during night nursing. Working night shifts is a complex task, and specific training must be assured to students/novices.  相似文献   


Purpose: To assess healthcare use and family perception of family-centred care in children and young adults with severe cerebral palsy (CP) within a geographical region of the UK. Method: Young people (4–27years) with severe forms of CP; Gross Motor Function Classification System levels IV and V, were recruited via an established case register. Data were collected in the participant’s home using a standardised background proforma and validated questionnaires. The Measure of Processes of Care was used to assess the family’s perception of family-centred care. Results: One-hundred and twenty-three children, young people and their families/guardians participated. Results showed high accessing of specialist services in childhood with a considerable decrease in young adults. Use of generalist services remained relatively constant. The reported use of formal respite services and support groups/youth clubs was relatively poor. Family-centred care was poor in the area of “providing general information” (2.8?±?1.73) but more moderate in the areas of “providing specific information about the young person” (4.2?±?1.94), “enabling and partnership” (4.2?±?1.9), “co-ordinated and comprehensive care” (4.3?±?1.95) and “respectful and supportive care” (4.7?±?1.75). Conclusions: The accessing of specialist services and respite care notably decreases amongst adolescents with severe forms of CP and the perception of family-centred care amongst families was fair at best. In particular, the results highlight the need for families to be provided with more general information and advice.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • In a quest to enhance the rehabilitation process in young people with severe forms of cerebral palsy:

  • Commissioners and service providers need to a adopt a more rationalised, needs led approach to service provision across the lifespan of people with severe forms of cerebral palsy, to include an effective and efficient transitional period.

  • Habilitation specialists working with young adults need to continue to recognise the importance of family-centred care in managing this complex and chronic condition.

  • Professionals working within the healthcare system must provide better communication and improve their dissemination of information to the families of children and young people with complex needs.


摘要 目的:了解健康调查简表(SF-36)和脑卒中影响量表(SIS)在我国脑卒中康复临床的使用情况以及被认可程度。 方法:采用自行设计的网络问卷对国内三甲医院中从事脑卒中康复临床工作且具有一定资历的康复医师和康复治疗师进行调查。 结果:共回收有效问卷151份。SF-36和SIS在脑卒中康复中的临床使用率分别为31.13%和22.52%。同一量表在不同工作岗位的康复医师和(或)治疗师之间的使用率比较,差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。临床对SIS的总体认可度高于SF-36(P<0.05),主要表现在量表的测试结果对诊断疾病及制定临床方案和出院计划的帮助三个方面。 结论:SF-36和SIS在我国脑卒中康复临床的生存质量评定中尚未获得普及应用,需增强患者的全面康复意识,加强对康复医师及治疗师的规范化培训,适时对量表进行修订使其更适用于我国脑卒中患者的生存质量评定。  相似文献   

Families and significant others have an important role in helping young people cope with depression, but lack of support undermines coping. In this paper, we present the views of young people with depression about the role of family and significant others in assisting them to cope with their illness. An interpretative phenomenological analysis study was undertaken using semistructured, audio-recorded interviews with 26 young people diagnosed with depression. The findings present two contrasting themes in the data, which reflect the young people's views about the influence of families and significant others in helping them cope with depression. The first, being supportive, highlighted how families and significant others helped through patience, tolerance, understanding, and encouragement; all of which strengthened young people's resilience as they attempted to cope with depression. The second theme, being unsupportive, showed how, in the young people's view, family conflict and change, and living in an unsupportive environment, compromised their ability to cope with depression. The findings suggest that mental health nurses, other clinicians, and primary care practitioners need to increase families' and significant others' understandings of depression and their capacity to support young people in these circumstances.  相似文献   

Purpose: To describe the barriers to implementation of evidence-based recommendations (EBRs) for stroke rehabilitation experienced by nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, physicians and hospital managers. Methods: The Stroke Canada Optimization of Rehabilitation by Evidence project developed EBRs for arm and leg rehabilitation after stroke. Five Canadian stroke inpatient rehabilitation centers participated in a pilot implementation study. At each site, a clinician was identified as the “local facilitator” to promote the 6-month implementation. A research coordinator observed the process. Focus groups done at completion were analyzed thematically for barriers by two raters. Results: A total of 79 rehabilitation professionals (23 occupational therapists, 17 physical therapists, 23 nurses and 16 directors/managers) participated in 21 focus groups of three to six participants each. The most commonly noted barrier to implementation was lack of time followed by staffing issues, training/education, therapy selection and prioritization, equipment availability and team functioning/communication. There was variation in perceptions of barriers across stakeholders. Nurses noted more training and staffing issues and managers perceived fewer barriers than frontline clinicians. Conclusions: Rehabilitation guideline developers should prioritize evidence for implementation and employ user-friendly language. Guideline implementation strategies must be extremely time efficient. Organizational approaches may be required to overcome the barriers.

Implications for Rehabiliation

  • Despite increasingly strong evidence for stroke rehabilitation, there are delays in implementation into clinical practice.

  • This study showed that lack of time, staffing issues, staff education, therapy selection or prioritization, lack of equipment and team functioning were the main barriers to implementation.

  • Managers and stakeholders should consider these barriers and prioritize evidence when implementing.


Ensuring "seamless" health and social services provision has been a concern of policy makers for many years but our understanding of this complex system of work remains underdeveloped. This article reports selected findings from a series of ethnographic case studies of health and social services provision to adults recovering from a first acute stroke. Flexible working, the need for a lead professional and the transition from hospital to home are themes considered. The need for high quality data in order to develop our existing understanding of complex caring interfaces is underlined.  相似文献   

《Disability and rehabilitation》2013,35(13-14):1179-1185
Purpose.?The aim was to develop and test a postal questionnaire, the Swedish MYS questionnaire, for validity and reliability in order to survey health states relevant to young persons with stroke.

Method.?The questionnaire was designed with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health as a frame and tested for content validity, face validity and readability by a group of experts including an occupational therapist, a physician, a physiotherapist, a psychologist, a speech and language therapist, a welfare officer and a selected sample of young persons with stroke (n == 15). To test the questionnaire for reliability in terms of stability a test–retest was performed on a selected sample of young persons (n == 20) with stroke.

Results.?The questionnaire was found to be valid in terms of content validity, face validity and readability and finally consisted of 59 questions encompassing health states relevant to young persons with stroke. The questionnaire was stable in the test–retest (κ; 0.40–1.0) except for two questions and one alternative answer.

Conclusion.?The Swedish MYS questionnaire is a valid and reliable questionnaire that can be used in postal surveys of young persons with stroke except for two questions and one answering alternative, which need to be tested further.  相似文献   

Waldie KE 《Headache》2001,41(1):1-10
OBJECTIVES: To determine the association between childhood history of headache, adolescent stress, and headache syndromes (determined by International Headache Society criteria) in young adulthood. BACKGROUND: The association between stress and tension-type headache has recently been challenged. Little is known about stress and other headache subtypes, particularly among young people from the general population. DESIGN: Members of the longitudinal Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study participated in this study. Study members were asked about headache characteristics/symptoms at aged 26 (96% of the living cohort), and historical records were examined to ascertain headache history (younger than 12 years) and the reporting of stressful life events at aged 15 years. RESULTS: Study members with childhood headache were significantly more likely to report adolescent stress than those without headache. High-intensity stress during mid adolescence increased the likelihood of migraine diagnosis. In those with combined headache (migraine as well as tension-type headache), this relation held only for those with a history of headache. Stress associated with bodily changes during mid adolescence was the only significant predictor of tension-type headache. CONCLUSIONS: Childhood headaches are related to the appraisal of life events reported during mid adolescence. Childhood headaches also appear to confer a specific risk for the development of combined headache. There was little evidence for a prospective relation between stress in mid adolescence and tension-type headache in young adulthood, supporting claims that proximal (rather than distal) stress is associated with this disorder.  相似文献   

The sudden and unexpected impact of stroke may have a stressful affect on close relatives. To illuminate the essential meaning in the lived experience of a middle-aged close relative of a person who has suffered a stroke, narrative interviews were conducted with 10 close relatives of people who had suffered their first stroke where both parties were aged over 18 and under 65. A phenomenological-hermeneutic interpretation of the narratives was then conducted. Three intimately intertwined themes emerged during the analysis: 'being called to mission', 'feeling lost and set adrift' and 'struggling to keep going'. The middle-aged close relatives felt unreflectively duty bound. There was a struggle with suffering and enduring the process of coping with life and overcoming a feeling of helplessness. Life turned out to be a struggle with overwhelming feelings. They felt alienated in a restricted life situation, disconnected from themselves and others, and from a world that supports feelings of being lost and set adrift (i.e. feeling homeless). Strength was found in moments when the situation improved, in being related to oneself and others, and when feelings of normality were regained.  相似文献   

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