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目的 分析肥胖儿童与正常儿童饮食结构及营养素摄入的差异,为肥胖干预提供科学依据。方法 以2016年6月—2017年6月至西安交通大学第二附属医院儿科内分泌门诊就诊的70名7~14岁单纯性肥胖患儿及70名体重正常儿童分别作为肥胖组及对照组,测量所有儿童身高、体重、腰围、臀围、血压和体脂,并计算体重指数(BMI)及腰臀比。对所有儿童采用3日24小时回顾法调查儿童每日摄入的总热量、三大营养物质的量、微量营养素及三餐比例等情况,并采用上海惠诚有限公司的膳食营养分析软件对儿童膳食结构及营养素摄入情况分析。结果 肥胖组与对照组相比,总热量及蛋白质、脂肪及碳水化合物、脂肪及蛋白质供能比、硫胺素和维生素A、钠、锌、铁、钙的摄入量显著升高,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.01);但碳水化合物的供能比显著降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 肥胖儿童存在三大营养素及矿物质摄入比例失衡,长期营养摄入过量可导致肥胖,调整肥胖患儿的膳食结构时,需注意矿物质及维生素摄入比例。  相似文献   

深圳居民膳食结构与膳食营养素摄入状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解深圳居民的膳食结构、营养素摄入现状,为制定卫生政策和指导居民合理饮食提供科学依据。方法 2009年6—7月,运用多阶段整群随机抽样法,抽取深圳市8个行政区中73个社区,每个社区抽取120户居民中15岁以上常住居民(每户随机抽1人,共8 782人),再从中抽取50%对象进行膳食调查。采用食物频率法获取调查对象过去1年各种食物食用频率和食用量。结果共调查3 500人。深圳居民平均每标准人日摄入豆类、水果、奶类分别为15.4、154.3、95.4 g,低于推荐食物摄入量;畜禽肉类、食用油、食盐分别为169.3、41.1、6.6 g,高于推荐食物摄入量。深圳居民每标准人日摄入能量2 537.8 kcal,占RNIs的112.8%;蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物的摄入量分别为86.01、10.7、293.2 g,提供能量的比例分别为13.6%、39.2%、47.2%;核黄素和硫胺素摄入量分别为1.2、1.0 mg,分别占RNIs的92.3%和76.9%;钙和钠的摄入量分别为689.74、129.9mg,分别占RNIs的86.2%和187.7%。动物性食物提供的蛋白质占48.8%,脂肪中动物性脂肪占54.7%。结论深圳居民能量、蛋白质、脂肪及大多数营养素的摄入量基本充足,但钙、核黄素和硫胺素的摄入仍然不足,且脂肪的摄入量过多,而碳水化合物的摄入量不足。仍需加强合理营养、平衡膳食的宣传教育,防止营养相关慢性病发病率持续上升。  相似文献   

目的 了解深圳居民的膳食结构、营养素摄入现状,为制定卫生政策和指导居民合理饮食提供科学依据.方法 2009年6-7月,运用多阶段整群随机抽样法,抽取深圳市8个行政区中73个社区,每个社区抽取120户居民中15岁以上常住居民(每户随机抽1人,共8 782人).再从中抽取50%对象进行膳食调查.采用食物频率法获取调查对象过...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine patterns of supplement use among US adolescents and the relationship between supplement use and dietary intake and adequacy. DESIGN: Adolescents self-reported 2 days of food intake using the 24-hour recall method and supplement use during a personal interview conducted as part of the 1994 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes of Individuals (CSFII). SUBJECTS: A national sample of 423 adolescents included in the 1994 CSFII survey. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: chi 2 analysis was used to determine which demographic factors were significantly related to patterns of supplement use. Weighted percentages of adolescents by category of supplement use for selected vitamins and minerals (calcium; iron; zinc; folic acid; and vitamins A, B-6, C, and E) are presented. Relationships between dietary intake of macronutrients and vitamins and minerals among adolescents and supplement use were determined using a least-squares model of general linear regression. RESULTS: Approximately one-third of adolescents reported using supplements, with 15.6% of youth using them on a daily basis. The majority of supplement users reported taking multivitamins (N = 95; 65.5%) whereas only one-third of supplement users reported taking individual vitamins or minerals. Supplement use was found to vary by gender, household size, and US region of residence. Adolescents who reported using supplements had higher mean dietary intakes of most micronutrients and lower intakes of total and saturated fat than those who did not use supplements. More than one-third of adolescents had dietary intakes of vitamins A and E, calcium, and zinc that were < 75% of the US Recommended Dietary Allowance. APPLICATIONS/CONCLUSIONS: The majority of US adolescents do not use vitamin or mineral supplements. Interestingly, adolescents who do use supplements, even on an infrequent basis, consume diets that are more nutrient-dense than those who do not use supplements. Dietary intakes of several micronutrients were inadequate among all adolescents in this study, regardless of supplement use status. There is a need to develop and implement programs aimed at improving the dietary intakes of US adolescents.  相似文献   

徐斌  肖德强  肖晶莹 《实用预防医学》2018,25(10):1169-1171
目的 研究南宁市3~6岁学龄前儿童膳食营养素摄入对头发部分微量元素含量的影响,为今后评估幼儿营养状况及指导学龄前儿童合理膳食提供依据。 方法 于2016年12月对南宁市3所幼儿园201名3~6岁学龄前儿童进行营养调查,并测定幼儿头发中铜、锌、铁、钙、镁的含量。 结果 201名学龄前儿童头发中铜、铁、钙、镁和锌含量分别为(19.48±7.80)μg/g、(28.04±15.36)μg/g、(419.18±175.48)μg/g、(33.48±18.52)μg/g和(151.12±57.10)μg/g,不同性别学龄前儿童头发中铜、锌、铁、钙和镁含量差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),不同年龄学龄前儿童头发中铜含量存在差异(P<0.05)。膳食中的蛋白质、碳水化合物、硫胺素、尼克酸、维生素E、磷、镁、铁、锌、锰与发铜含量呈正相关(P<0.05),胡萝卜素、锰与发镁含量呈正相关,脂肪与发镁含量呈负相关(P<0.05),能量、蛋白质、碳水化合物、胡萝卜素、尼克酸、维生素E、镁、铁、锌、锰与发锌呈正相关(P<0.05),脂肪、维生素C与发钙含量呈负相关(P<0.05)。 结论 膳食摄入的营养成分与3~6岁学龄前儿童头发中的微量元素存在一定相关性,头发中微量元素铜和锌易受多种膳食营养成分的影响。  相似文献   

The association of cigarette smoking habits and social class with nutrient intake was investigated in 162 men aged 45-54 using a 7-d weighed dietary record. Cigarette smokers had a significantly lower intake of fibre and polyunsaturated fatty acids and a lower P:S ratio than non-smokers. Fibre intake was lower in men in the manual compared to the non-manual group but smoking was a more powerful influence than social class. The differences in nutrient intake were accompanied by differences in the consumption of polyunsaturated margarines and cereal-containing foods. These results should be considered in the explanation of the increased incidence of coronary heart disease in smokers.  相似文献   

L Lee  SA Kang  HO Lee  B-H Lee  JS Park  J-H Kim  IK Jung  YJ Park  JE Lee 《Public health》2001,115(2):133-138
We examined the relationship between dietary intake and cognitive performance in Korean elderly people. Data for dietary intake, anthropometric measurements and cognitive function tests were collected and the relationships of the variables were analyzed. A random sample of 210 men and 239 women in Korea, aged 60 and over, was selected. Subjects were free-living elderly people who had not experienced major cognitive function impairment. Main outcome measures, 24 h dietary recall method, food behaviour variables, anthropometrics indices, health variables, and Kwon's Mini-Mental State Examination for Koreans (MMSE-K) for cognitive function test. The prevalence rate of poor cognitive function (MMSE-K score < or = 19) of Korean elderly was 22.3%: women with poor cognitive function had a higher rate (31.0%) than that in men (12.3%). Cognitive ability was related negatively with age and positively with school education level. Female subjects of poor cognitive function had significantly lower intakes of total amount of foods, cereals, vegetables, fruits, milk, spices, and also, energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, Ca, P, Fe, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin than those of the normal cognitive score (> or = 24) group (P < 0.05). Male subjects of poor cognitive function had significantly lower intakes of fruits, fiber, and vitamin C than the normal subjects (P < 0.05). The MMSE-K score of female subjects showed a significant positive correlation with total amount of foods, cereals, beans, fruits, milk, oil, spices, and energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, Ca, Fe, P, riboflavin and niacin intakes. The consumption of adequate nutrients, by taking sufficient amounts and variety of foods, may be important in maintaining adequate cognitive function in elderly Koreans.  相似文献   

Only children had significantly higher intakes of many nutrients and nutrients/1000 kcal than other children. A higher proportion of only children was found to be obese. There were no significant differences according to birthrank in intakes by children. There were more obese children among the fatherless than those with fathers, in particular among those whose mothers were widowed. However, this was not accounted for by the present dietary findings, since fatherless children had lower intakes of carbohydrate and added sugar. There were no differences in nutrient intake or intake/1000 kcal by mother's country of origin or her level of education, or by disposable income.  相似文献   

Only children had significantly higher intakes of many nutrients and nutrients/1000 kcal than other children. A higher proportion of only children was found to be obese. There were no significant differences according to birthrank in intakes by children. There were more obese children among the fatherless than those with fathers, in particular among those whose mothers were widowed. However, this was not accounted for by the present dietary findings, since fatherless children had lower intakes of carbohydrate and added sugar. There were no differences in nutrient intake or intake/1000 kcal by mother's country of origin or her level of education, or by disposable income.  相似文献   

目的 探讨儿童氟斑牙患病率与膳食营养素的摄入之间的关系.方法 在陕西省大荔、富平、泾阳随机抽取改水时间>5年的饮用水水氟超标病区村,患有氟斑牙的8~12岁儿童81名(男童34名,女童47名),采用Dean′s法进行氟斑牙的诊断.按1:1病例-对照研究方法,选择非氟斑牙(对照组)的8~12岁儿童81名(男童34名,女童4...  相似文献   

The relationship between dietary intake and obesity is complex, and dietary pattern analysis may offer new insight. We examined associations between dietary patterns identified in a diverse cohort of adolescents and weight status cross-sectionally and over a 5-year period. Project EAT (Eating Among Teens) (Time 1) collected data on 4746 middle (younger cohort) and high school (older cohort) students in 1998-9. EAT-II (Time 2) resurveyed 2516 of the original cohort in 2003-4. All analyses were run separately by age cohort and sex. The relationship between dietary patterns identified previously (vegetable, fruit, vegetable & fruit, starchy food, sweet & salty snack food, and fast food) and weight status was examined using logistic regression. All analyses were adjusted for socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity and activity level (longitudinal analyses were also adjusted for baseline weight status). In cross-sectional analyses, higher adherence to dietary patterns loading heavily on vegetables was associated with lower risk of overweight/obese weight status in older and younger girls, whereas higher adherence to a 'sweet & salty snack food' pattern was associated with lower risk in older and younger boys. These associations were found prospectively in older boys and girls, but were no longer significant in analyses adjusting for baseline weight status. We did not find consistent or intuitive associations between dietary patterns and weight status. Identified patterns may not capture the elements of diet that are truly important in determining adolescent weight, or diet may not be the primary driver in determining weight status at this age. Methodological difficulties in assessing diet must also be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Quantitative food frequency questionnaires and 5-day food records were used to explore relationships between food consumption and nutrient intake among 65 healthy volunteers who were willing to participate in a dietary fiber intervention study. Spearman's correlation coefficient was calculated between the nutrient intake and the frequency of consumption of each food item, as well as the amount consumed per month. Percentage of calories from fat was related to frequency of consumption and amount of consumption, respectively, of bacon (r = .48, .49), frankfurters and sausage (r = .45, .45), and french fries and fried potatoes (r = .43, .39). Frequency and amount, respectively, of consumption of fruits were most highly correlated with intake of vitamin A (r = .45, .46), vitamin C (r = .44, .48), and dietary fiber (r = .43, .43). We conclude that specific food consumption amounts and/or frequency of eating foods such as legumes, fruits, and whole-grain or bran-rich cereals should be recommended to assist individuals in meeting dietary goals.  相似文献   

Aim:  The objective of the study was to compare nutritional intake results obtained from the 4 × 4-day weighed records with those obtained from a food frequency questionnaire, repeated 24-hour recalls, a seven-day food record and a seven-day checklist in elderly men.
Methods:  Seventy-five healthy men aged 55–88 years and living at home in Cambridge, UK, took part in the study. Energy and nutrients had means and standard deviations calculated. Misreporting was based on an evaluation of food intake level, calculated as reported energy intake divided by predicted basal metabolic rate. This was in relation to a plausible physical activity level, calculated as the ratio of energy expenditure divided by predicted basal metabolic rate. Statistical significance was assessed via one-way anova .
Results:  The nutrient density was higher for protein and potassium for the group with low food intake level values in all dietary assessment methods. For some methods, this was also true for calcium, carotene, iron and vitamin C. All methods yielded similar results.
Conclusions:  The present study indicates that selective underreporting exists. Surprisingly, the simplest method, the simplified 24-hour recall, performed as well as more complicated methods.  相似文献   

Associations between nutrient intakes and each of the following are discussed: season, social class and smoking habit. Examination of recent data suggests that seasonal variation in nutrient intakes is minimal. Social class has some effect on intakes of energy and carbohydrate, manual workers tending to have greater intakes than non-manual workers. Smoking habit has the greatest effect on nutrient intakes, smokers tending to have lower intakes of several vitamins and minerals compared with non-smokers, although total energy intakes are similar.  相似文献   

We compared nutrient intake estimates among four commonly used food intake instruments: 24-hour recall, a 2-day diet diary, a modified diet history, and a quantitative food-frequency questionnaire. The four instruments were administered to each of fifty people selected by systematic sampling from Washington County, Maryland. Using an analysis of variance for a complete block design, we analyzed data by mean differences across all instruments, and by simple correlations and Kappa statistics between instrument pairs. The food-frequency questionnaire gave the highest mean estimates, and the modified diet history estimate means fell between the food-frequency questionnaire and the other two instruments. However, when adjusted for calories (nutrients/1000 kcal), the food-frequency questionnaire estimates for nutrients were no longer consistently higher than those of the other instruments. Total fat, oleic acid, cholesterol, protein, sodium, iron, thiamin, and niacin were most consistently estimated by two or more instruments as measured by correlation coefficients. Crude fiber, calcium, and vitamins A and C gave the least consistent estimates among all four instruments. The correlation coefficients and Kappa scores were modest for all instrument pair comparisons, but the majority were statistically significant at p ≤ 0.005. All data showed greater consistency between instruments that measured either long-term intake (modified diet history and food-frequency questionnaire) or short-term intake (diet diary and twenty-four hour recall). In addition, demographic variables (age, sex, and marital status), as well as differences in caloric intake, affected instrument estimates of some nutrients.  相似文献   

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