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结合南华大学附属第一医院湖南省重大疫情救治基地项目的设计实践,基于平面布局设计角度从项目背景、改扩建设计原则和策略、功能平面布局、流线等方面详细阐述如何将独立的感染门诊楼改造成重大疫情救治基地用房,以期为医疗建筑设计师提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

文章以湖北省中医院国家中医临床研究基地为例,从其“三区一园”独特布局、中式特色装饰、人性化空间设计、环保节能设计等内容出发,探讨了现代化医疗研究基地的建设发展方向。  相似文献   

目的 通过制定“回归社区式”示范应用基地建设标准,规范社区医养结合基地建设,合理确定建设规模,满足社区医养结合服务基本功能需要,提高投资效益,促进社区卫生事业健康发展。方法 依据建设规模与项目构成基本要求、空间配置要求、选址与规划布局基本要求、社区医养结合示范基地规划布局、建筑标准、老年人养老康复用房符合规定等方面,确定了社区智慧医养结合的基地建设标准。社区医养结合示范基地的建筑装修和环境设计,应有利于患者生理、心理健康,标识应字体醒目、图案清晰,体现简洁、温馨的特点以此为基础制定了“回归社区式”示范应用基地建设标准。结果“回归社区式”示范应用基地建设标准的建立,有效填补了社区养老基地建设标准的空白,适用于社区医养结合示范基地的新建工程项目;改建、扩建工程项目可参考执行。结论 “回归社区式”示范应用基地建设标准是“回归社区式”智慧医养结合养老模式中重要的组成部分,标准规模适宜、功能适用、布局合理、流程科学、装备适度、安全卫生、运行经济、节能环保,实践证明可有效规范医养结合机构管理和运行。  相似文献   

方舱核酸检测基地是实现快速大规模核酸筛查、控制新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的核心设施,但由于其检测机构众多、人员构成复杂、水平参差不齐,感染防控风险较大.在张家界航空工业职业技术学院核酸检测基地的实践中,工作人员探索出一套完整的感染防控方案和流程:基地选址、布局、路径规划,完善感染防控组织架构和制定感染防控制度,人员和路径的管...  相似文献   

针对空军转型建设赋予航卫保障工作的新要求、新使命,空军航空医学鉴定训练中心通过明确定位、转变观念,整合资源、优化布局,创新模式等方法,大力打造一流的飞行人员能力评估促进基地,全面提升航空医学训练效能。  相似文献   

艾滋病临床研究中心是国家中医临床研究基地建设单位,承担着河南省艾滋病的中医药防治工作,在全国中医院中率先建立了艾滋病病房,进行艾滋病的中医、中西医结合治疗.笔者从病房的布局、职业培训、职业防护的规范化教育、安全防护用品的配置、医疗垃圾的规范化管理等方面探讨艾滋病病房控制感染的措施.1规范病房布局病房设立双通道,两个通道完全分开;严格划分3个区域:清洁区、半污染区、污染区,并明显标志;病房环境通风良好,配备脚踏式流动水洗手设施,便于及时清洗.  相似文献   

补齐"三大短板" 补齐重症救治能力不强的短板.建设国家重大公共卫生事件医学中心,省内布局建设若干重大疫情救治基地;加强感染、呼吸、重症等专科建设,建成国家医学中心、区域医疗中心;建立健全科学研究、疾病控制、临床治疗有效协同机制,推动科研成果更多向临床一线倾斜,更快向临床救治技术转化.  相似文献   

遵义市第五人民医院位于历史文化名城——遵义市红花岗区,现状基地地形高差较大,拟建规模1000床的三级甲等综合医院,包含门急诊、医技、病房、行政办公科研、能源保障系统、院内生活等功能,总建筑面积为142951m~2。该院在总平面设计中,从布局的宏观分析到建筑学的微观表达,从功能分区的合理布局到医疗流线的缜密分析,从山地地形的原始风貌到精  相似文献   

卫勤分队布局优化研究是通过对布局影响因素的研究,确定战时机动卫勤分队展开布局的优化方案。文章阐述了影响布局的多种因素及多种因素的相互关系和合成方法,并尝试通过现代管理和系统工程的思想和方法解决问题。  相似文献   

目的:了解我国国家医学科技创新平台的布局现状,为管理部门完善制定科技创新政策及推进体制机制改革提供参考。方法:以审批机构的数据报告及评估名单为主要的数据来源,以各基地平台的公开信息及数据库信息检索和挖掘为补充,对数据进行数理统计分析。结果:国家医学科技创新平台依托单位类型丰富,主要集中在北京、上海等科研实力及经济实力较...  相似文献   

我院信息化建设的总体规划与实施   总被引:25,自引:10,他引:25  
作者总结了医院信息化建设的经验,提出医院进行信息化建设的关键在于明确目标和制定总休规划,并从软件、硬件和人才建设等方面进一步论述如何做好医院信息化建设的总体规划和实施。  相似文献   

An institution's strategic plan can serve as a blueprint on which to build department goals. The authors discuss how they developed a master facilities plan that was closely coordinated with their institution's strategic plan.  相似文献   

天津市建筑垃圾处理规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了国内外建筑垃圾处理现状以及天津市建筑垃圾产生量、现状及存在问题,结合天津市城市总体规划和环境卫生专项规划,提出了天津市建筑垃圾近远期处理规划。  相似文献   

Mesbah CE 《Health facilities management》1995,8(10):42, 44, 46-42, 44, 47
Reflecting on the results of the survey, this proposed interior design master planning process addresses the concerns and issues of both CEOs and facility managers in ways that focus on problem-solving strategies and methods. Use of the interior design master plan process further promotes the goals and outcomes expressed in the survey by both groups. These include enhanced facility image, the efficient selection of finishes and furnishings, continuity despite staff changes, and overall savings in both costs and time. The interior design master plan allows administrators and facility managers to anticipate changes resulting from the restructuring of health care delivery. The administrators and facility managers are then able to respond in ways that manage those changes in the flexible and cost-effective manner they are striving for. This framework permits staff members to concentrate their time and energy on the care of their patients--which is, after all, what it's all about.  相似文献   



Knowledge about health focussed policy collaboration to date has been either tactical or technical. This article focusses on both technical and tactical issues to describe the experience of cross-sectoral collaboration between health and housing stakeholders across the life of a housing master plan, including but not limited to a health impact assessment (HIA).

Study design

A single explanatory case study of collaboration on a master plan to regenerate a deprived housing estate in Western Sydney was developed to explain why and how the collaboration worked or did not work.


Data collection included stakeholder interviews, document review, and reflections by the health team. Following a realist approach, data was analysed against established public policy theory dimensions.


Tactically we did not know what we were doing. Despite our technical knowledge and skills with health focussed processes, particularly HIA, we failed to appreciate complexities inherent in master planning. This limited our ability to provide information at the right points. Eventually however the HIA did provide substantive connections between the master plan and health. We use our analysis to develop technical and tactical rules of engagement for future cross-sectoral collaboration.


This case study from the field provides insight for future health focussed policy collaboration. We demonstrate the technical and tactical requirements for future intersectoral policy and planning collaborations, including HIAs, with the housing sector on master planning. The experience also suggested how HIAs can be conducted flexibly alongside policy development rather than at a specific point after a policy is drafted.  相似文献   

通过对鹤壁市生活垃圾现状分析,结合鹤壁市城市总体规划,对鹤壁市生活垃圾的变化趋势进行了预测,提出了鹤壁市生活垃圾可持续发展的建议与对策.  相似文献   

以浙江省人民医院门、急诊楼改扩建工程为例,从总体规划、设计构思、平面布置等几个方面入手,系统阐述了现代化花园式三级甲等医院的设计理念和手法。  相似文献   

针对山东省肿瘤医院放射肿瘤学科医疗及科研基地建设项目实例,从医院概况、背景研究、设计理念、总体规划、建筑设计、立面造型六个方面进行分析与阐述,旨为今后类似的放射类医疗及科研基地建设项目提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

就新乡医学院第一附属医院门诊综合楼设计的总体规划、结构、管线、外观等方面做了回顾,总结出医院建筑设计要有新的认识、新的理念。  相似文献   

Rehabilitation is a good model for an integrated delivery network (IDN). Because it is an integral part of the treatment plans of a diverse group of medical specialties, rehab often plays a pivotal role in patients' recovery. Since its focus is on functional outcomes, rehab is compatible with a capitated payment system. In addition, rehab entered the managed care arena before other "product lines," so rehab providers have experience with diverse reimbursement conditions. And although rehab encompasses all levels of care, it is not too large to function as a model for a full-scale IDN. There are four key stages in the development of a rehab IDN: A strong leader with a clear vision organizes a working committee composed of the key leaders of each entity involved in rehab: hospitals, nursing homes, home health, and others. The committee begins to design the proposed network. Though the committee may study other IDNs, its focus is on its own organization's needs and objectives. A master plan addressing systems gaps and opportunities throughout the IDN is drawn up. Integral to the plan is a schedule according to which each of the network's components will be integrated. The master plan is implemented. The working committee determines the IDN's final structure and names the members of the management team.  相似文献   

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