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强直性脊柱炎驼背两种截骨术远期矫疗效果的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于强直性脊柱炎驼背的手术治疗,以前常规采用的手术方法为脊柱后方推板截骨术,后又开展了经推弓椎体联合截骨及脊柱后方多节段推板截骨术。国内文献中,作者对各种截骨术的近期效果报道较多,而对远期疗效报道较少。我院1986~1988年行强直性肾柱炎驼背矫形术68例,现将远期随访结果报告如下。1临床资料68例中男66例,女2例,平均年龄371岁,平均发生驼背时间Ic.5年。驼背部位:胸腰段56例,腰段12例。随访时间最长9年,最短7年。按截骨方法不同将其分为两组:第一组,脊柱后方推板截骨术32例;第二组,推弓椎体联合截骨术36例。术前…  相似文献   

脊柱截骨术治疗驼背畸形45例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

自1991~1993年应用脊椎骨截骨术治疗驼背畸形45例,畸形矫正最小20°,最大80°(Cobb法),截骨平面为1~3处不等。44例达到驼背畸形基本矫正的满意效果,1例并发不全截瘫。文中介绍了手术的适应证,手术方法及术后处理。脊椎骨截骨术,截骨面从棘突、椎板、椎弓根到椎体,不易损伤脊髓和神经根,不波及软骨面处理问题,不导致前纵韧带断裂,椎体前方崩开,截骨面对合好,愈合快,脊柱三柱稳定  相似文献   

[目的]探讨比较两种内固定方法矫正驼背畸形的疗效。[方法]对127例强直性脊柱炎并驼背畸形实行后路多节段“V”形截骨术,后路分别采用A(钉棒系统内固定),B(“U”形棒加钢丝固定)两种矫正方法。对其中75例进行3~7年观察。[结果]30例患者利用A方式治疗效果较好,驼背复发平均约4.3°,而采用B方式治疗45例,近期矫形效果与A组相当,远期效果略差,驼背复发平均约12.5°。作者认为,病变未处于静止期、固定方式的不同导致稳定矫正效果的强度不同,身体重心前移是影响远期效果的因素。[结论]采用后路多节段“V”形截骨加钉棒系统内固定可有效增加脊柱稳定性及矫正度。  相似文献   

作者自1985~2005年开展经后路全脊柱截骨术,矫正各种原因所致的角状脊柱后凸205例,其中包括55例结核性驼背患者作了全脊柱截骨矫形术,取得满意效果。本文的目的是为了推广和普及该手术方法,把以前认为是不治之症的结核性驼背变为可治之症,供同道参考。1资料与方法1.1一般资料本组55例均为脊柱结核病灶已稳定的病例,  相似文献   

经椎弓根楔形截骨术治疗强直性脊柱炎驼背畸形   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:评价17 例强直性脊柱炎所致驼背畸形采用经椎弓根楔形截骨术矫形效果。方法: 截骨从胸腰椎后柱一处或二处楔形切去一高约3c m 的骨块,去除两则的椎弓根,去除椎体松质骨的后2/3 部分,闭合截骨处,器械内固定。术后随访1 ~4 年, 平均25 年。结果:17 例术后均改善了外观, 畸形矫正满意。结论:经椎弓根楔形截骨术治疗强直性脊柱炎所致驼背畸形是一种疗效可靠满意的手术方法。  相似文献   

椎弓椎体截骨矫正驼背的动物模型复制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用脊柱立体定位仪来调节截骨后脊柱缩短量,设计出椎弓椎体截骨矫正驼背的动物模型。首次发现脊髓在松弛状态会出现功能障碍,而且随截骨量增加而损伤加剧。对此现象进行有关分析研究,结果显示,本模型成功地反映了驼背矫正过程中的脊髓生理病理改变,可为研究脊柱矫形过程中脊髓功能改变提供有利条件。  相似文献   

胫骨高位截骨术的远期疗效   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
张光铂  曹永廉 《中华骨科杂志》1997,17(12):737-739,I001
目的:了解胫骨高位截骨术治疗膝关节骨关节炎并内翻畸形的远期效果,方法;自1985年5月~1995年5月施行胫骨高位截骨术67例(87膝),其中38例(49膝)获得平均5年4个月的随诊。对其疗效进行评价,结果:术后1~5年组优良率为87.6%,5年以上组优良率为72%,结论:胫骨高位截骨术治疗膝关节炎并内翻畸形是有效的,它可延缓或免除关节置换术,手术确切重建及术后保持下肢正常力线是提高远期疗效的重要  相似文献   

麦氏截骨术治疗股骨颈骨折远期疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

髂骨截骨延长术远期效果分析江苏石油勘探局职工医院骨科(225261)曾祖诰下肢患侧缩短2.5cm以上即可出现步态、功能异常及骨盆、脊柱、足和关节畸形。为使两下肢等长需作下肢均衡术,即将患肢延长或将健肢缩短,由于美观原因后者多不被患者接受。髂骨截骨延长...  相似文献   

脊柱截骨内固定治疗强直性脊柱炎后凸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结椎板 V形截骨内固定治疗强直性脊柱炎后凸的疗效。方法 强直性脊柱炎后凸 64例 ,行 V型截骨 2~ 3个椎间隙 ,并以 Harrington压缩棍或 L uque棒内固定。结果  64例术后后凸平均矫正率为 68.9%,身高平均增加 7.5 cm,达到人体直立和两眼向前平视的目的。结论 此法取得人体外形改善 ,患者满意的效果  相似文献   

目的 :观察强直性脊柱炎重度后凸畸形矫正术后的远期疗效 ,分析矫正度丢失原因、提出预防方法。方法 :对 3 8例强直性脊柱炎重度后凸畸形手术患者进行平均 5年随访 ,将术前、术后及随诊的X线片对比 ,分析矫正度丢失与手术矫正程度、内外固定方法及疾病阶段等多因素的关系。结果 :矫正度丢失 <10°者 19例 ,丢失 11~ 2 0°者 15例 ,丢失 >2 1°者 4例 (平均 14 .6°)。结论 :对重度后凸畸形要应尽量恢复身体轴线 ,必要时分二期手术矫正。同时 ,正确选择手术时机、加强内外固定的可靠性对防止矫正度丢失有重要意义。  相似文献   



To report the radiological and clinical results after corrective osteotomy in ankylosing spondylitis patients. Furthermore, this study intended to classify the types of deformity and to suggest appropriate surgical treatment options.


We retrospectively analyzed ankylosing spondylitis patients who underwent corrective osteotomy between 1996 and 2009. The radiographic assessments included the sagittal vertical axis (SVA), spinopelvic alignment parameters, correction angle, correction loss, type of deformity related to the location of the apex, and the craniocervical range of motion (CCROM). The clinical outcomes were assessed by the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scores.


A total of 292 corrective osteotomies were performed in 248 patients with a mean follow-up of 40.1 months (range, 24 to 78 months). There were 183 cases of single pedicle subtraction osteotomy (PSO), 19 cases of multiple Smith-Petersen osteotomy (SPO), 17 cases of PSO + SPO, 14 cases of single SPO, six cases of posterior vertebral column resection (PVCR), five cases of PSO + partial pedicle subtraction osteotomy (PPSO), and four cases of PPSO. The mean correction angles were 31.9° ± 11.7° with PSO, 14.3° ± 8.4° with SPO, 38.3° ± 12.7° with PVCR, and 19.3° ± 7.1° with PPSO. The thoracolumbar type was the most common. The outcome analysis showed a significant improvement in the ODI score (p < 0.05). Statistical analysis revealed that the ODI score improvements correlated significantly with the postoperative SVA and CCROM (p < 0.05). There was no correlation between the clinical outcomes and spinopelvic parameters. There were 38 surgery-related complications in 25 patients (10.1%).


Corrective osteotomy is an effective method for treating a fixed kyphotic deformity occurring in ankylosing spondylitis, resulting in satisfactory outcomes with acceptable complications. The CCROM and postoperative SVA were important factors in determining the outcome.  相似文献   

单节段三柱截骨结合内固定治疗强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:评价28例强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形病例应用单节段三柱截骨结合椎弓根螺钉系统内固定治疗的手术效果。方法:选择L_2或L_3为截骨椎,后路进行三柱截骨,应用椎弓根螺钉系统固定。其中应用AF系统4例,TSRH系统16例,ISOLA系统5例,CD-HORIZON系统3例。术后随访6~30个月,平均14个月。结果:术后后凸畸形矫正15~42°,平均矫正28.6°。4例术后1年出现矫正丢失5~8°。患者脊柱后凸致重心前移、双目不能平视等症状均明显得到缓解,可完成日常生活的各种活动。限制性肺通气不足均得到不同程度改善,术后患者满意率92.8%。28例术后均改善了外观,恢复了视线水平,矫形效果满意。结论:严格选择手术适应证,单节段三柱截骨结合内固定是治疗强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形的一种安全、简便、疗效可靠满意的手术治疗方法。  相似文献   

BackgroundCorrective osteotomy is an effective surgery for correcting posture in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Despite satisfactory correction, some patients experience re-stooping during follow-up. However, there have been no studies on re-stooping in AS. We aimed to analyze the factors that affect re-stooping.MethodsFifty patients (50 cases) who underwent thoracolumbar corrective osteotomy for AS from March 2006 to April 2018 were analyzed. We defined re-stooping as global kyphosis that recurs after corrective osteotomy. The patients were divided into two groups based on the ratio of correction loss: non-re-stooping group (N group) and re-stooping group (R group). We analyzed the demographic data and radiological parameters, such as modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spine Score (mSASSS), sagittal vertical axis, and various angles. We also investigated the factors affecting re-stooping by analyzing the correlation between the ratio of correction loss and various factors.ResultsA significant difference was seen in the change in the mSASSS from before surgery to the last follow-up between the N group (2.87 ± 3.08) and the R group (9.20 ± 5.44). In multivariate analysis, only the change in the mSASSS from before surgery to the last follow-up was significantly correlated with the ratio of correction loss.ConclusionsThoracolumbar corrective osteotomy seems to provide high satisfaction among patients with AS but can lead to re-stooping during follow-up. The change in mSASSS was related with re-stooping in the current study. We recommend active rehabilitative exercises and appropriate medication depending on the patient’s condition, which may help delay the postoperative progression of AS.  相似文献   

ObjectiveAccording to the literature, there are no clinical reports documenting the use of the satellite rod technique in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis kyphosis. The purpose of this retrospective study was to compare the clinical outcome of patients with ankylosing spondylitis kyphosis who adopted satellite rods versus those who did not.MethodsPatients with ankylosing spondylitis kyphosis who underwent one or two‐level pedicle subtraction osteotomy (PSO) were reviewed, and total of 119 patients (112 males and seven females, average age 39.89 ± 6.61 years) were eligible and included in this present study. Anterior–posterior and lateral full‐length spine X‐ray films were performed preoperatively and at the two‐year follow‐up visit. Global kyphosis (GK), lumbar lordosis (LL), thoracolumbar kyphosis (TLK), thoracic kyphosis (TK), and osteotomy angle (OA) were measured. The complications of every group of patients were collected. Pre‐ and postoperative health‐related quality of life instruments, including the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (Basfi) and Scoliosis Research Society outcomes instrument‐22 (SRS‐22), were recorded. The patients were divided into three groups based on features of their osteotomy including PSO levels and whether the satellite rod technique was applied. Patients who underwent one‐level PSO without the satellite rod technique were categorized in the one‐level group. Patients who underwent one‐level PSO with the satellite rod technique were classified in the satellite rod group. Patients who underwent two‐level PSO without the satellite rod technique were included in the two‐level group. The paired sample t test was used to compare pre‐ and postoperative parameters. One‐way ANOVA was performed for multiple group comparisons.ResultsThe average follow‐up time is 29.31 ± 3.66 months. The patients'' GK were significantly improved from 46.84 ± 20.37 degree to 3.31 ± 15.09 degree. OS achieved through each osteotomy segment of one‐level group (39.78 ± 12.29 degree) and satellite rods group (42.23 ± 9.82 degree), was larger than that of two‐level group (34.73 ± 7.54 and 28.85 ± 7.26 degree). There was no significant difference between the one‐level group and the satellite rod group in achieving the OS. Thirteen patients experienced different complications (10.92%). Three patients experienced rod fracture in the one‐level group. There was no rod fracture or screw failure in the satellite rod group or the two‐level group.ConclusionThe satellite rod technique is also recommended for patients who undergo PSO osteotomy to correct ankylosing spondylitis kyphosis deformities.  相似文献   

The present study was to introduce a new surgical technique of cervical flexionosteotomy, with an emphasis on the clinical and radiographic outcomes. Two male patients aged 45 and 21 years presented with cervical extension deformity in ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Both patients exhibited upward deviation of the forward gaze. The chin brow vertical angle (CBVA) were 15° upward and 5° downward, respectively; and the sagittal vertical axis (SVA) were‐13.2mm and 195.7mm, respectively. Aposterior transverse release was performed at C7‐T1, exposing the theca and C8 nerve roots to facilitate closure of theosteotomy site. Then, an anterior closing‐wedgeosteotomy of C7‐T1 was performed followed with anterior internal fixation with a locking plate to prevent any translation. After closure and anterior fixation, patients were returned to the proneposition, and posterior screw‐rod instrumentation was used for further stabilization. The follow‐up periods were 20 and 10 months, respectively. At the last follow‐up, CBVA and SVA of Patient 1 were 14° downwardand ‐12.6mm; and CBVA and SVA of Patient 2 were 1° downward and 75.6mm respectively, indicating the visual angle and sagittal balance were significantly improved. No intraoperative or postoperative complications were encountered. Full‐spine radiographs of each patient at the last visit confirmed successfulbony union. The present study was the first report introducing a novel flexion osteotomy for cervical extension deformity in AS through a posterior‐anterior‐posterior approach inone‐stage. The improved forward gaze and no complications demonstrated the effectiveness and safety of the novel technique, suggesting that it might provide a more feasible method for the correction of cervical extension deformity.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo describe spinal osteotomy in lateral position, which might be a new strategy for correcting thoracolumbar kyphotic deformity combined with severe hip flexion contracture, and to present two cases in which this method was successfully performed.MethodsSpinal osteotomies in lateral position were performed in two patients with severe thoracolumbar kyphosis combined with hip flexion contracture, which was not suitable for operation in the prone position. Case 1: a 33‐year‐old female AS patient still had severe hip flexion contracture due to poor rehabilitation after total hip replacement (THR). The range of movement of the hip was only about 15° in right and 10° in left. Pre‐operativethoracic kyphosis (TK), thoracolumbar kyphosis (TLK), lumbar lordosis (LL), and sagittal vertical axis (SVA) were 52.4°, 49.1°, 42.7°, and 315 mm, respectively. Pedicle subtraction osteotomy (PSO) at L3 was performed in the lateral position. The eggshell procedure was used during osteotomy. Case 2: a 45‐year‐old male AS patient presented coexisting rigid thoracolumbar kyphosis and hip flexion contracture. The range of movement of the hip was only about 20° in right and 25° in left. Pre‐operativeTK, TLK, LL and SVA were 34.9°, 66.8°, 58.8° and 290.8 mm, respectively. PSO at L2 was performed in lateral position. The eggshell procedure was also used.ResultsSagittal malalignments of both patients were greatly improved. For case 1, the total operation time was 5.5 h. The blood loss was 1500 mL and the amount of allogeneic blood transfusion was 1580 mL during the operation. SVA was reduced to 127 mm and LL decreased from preoperative 42.7° to −28.4°. The correction angle through L3 was 34.7° and the correction angle through the osteotomy segment was 62.9°. For case 2, the duration of surgery was 6.5 h. The operative blood loss was 2000 mL and the total amount of blood transfusion was 2020 mL. SVA was reduced to 209.8 mm and LL decreased from preoperative 58.8° to 9.2°.The correction angle through L2 was 37.1° and the correction angle through the osteotomy segment was 55°. No intra‐operative or post‐operative complications were observed. Six months after PSO, case 1 had good posture for standing and sitting. The case 2 underwent bilateral THRs nine months after PSO.ConclusionPSO could be performed in the lateral position successfully. For AS patients who cannot be placed in the prone position due to coexisting severe thoracolumbar kyphosis and hip flexion contracture, performing spinal osteotomy in the lateral position as the first step is an alternative.  相似文献   

目的探讨强直性脊柱炎患者行全髋关节置换的手术方法.方法自1996年对23例强直性脊柱炎后髋关节强直的患者行全髋关节置换术,其中男21例,女2例;年龄21~37岁,平均28.4岁.术前Harris评分平均40分(15~64分).结果术后所有23例病人无脱位,髋关节疼痛消失.平片示假体位置良好.术后平均随访31个月(1~77个月),患者Harris评分平均79分(62~89分).结论对强直性脊柱炎患者只要术中采取正确的关节置换技术,均可恢复患者髋关节功能,提高生活质量.  相似文献   

Zeng Y  Chen ZQ  Guo ZQ  Qi Q  Sun CG  Li WS 《中华外科杂志》2010,48(16):1234-1237
目的 探讨后路截骨矫形手术治疗强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形的手术方式及其疗效.方法 2003年6月至2008年6月,对21例强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形的患者行后路截骨矫形手术,其中男性17例,女性4例;年龄20~57岁,平均39.5岁.在患者术前全脊柱X线片和CT上测量躯干矢状位平衡和胸腰椎后凸角度,并在外观相上测量颌眉角.在计算机上进行模拟截骨,确定手术方式.具体手术方式有:单节段闭合截骨矫形16例;单节段前方撑开-后方闭合截骨矫形3例;胸腰段经椎弓根联合腰段Smith-Peterson截骨2例.观察患者术后矢状位失衡、颌眉角和胸腰椎后凸角度的恢复情况,并评价患者的症状恢复情况和治疗满意度.结果 手术时间平均为4.4 h,术中平均出血量为1770 ml.术前平均胸腰椎后凸角为62.1°,矢状位正失衡平均为172.9 mm,颌眉角平均为34.9°.术后平均随访28.8个月,平均胸腰椎后凸角改善率为60%;矢状位正失衡改善率为64%;颌眉角改善率为98%.随访时患者腰背痛的改善率为64%,总的治疗满意度为95%.结论 针对不同强直性脊柱炎后凸特点,在术前模拟截骨设计的基础上,采用不同的后路截骨矫形方法,可以达到较好的疗效.  相似文献   

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