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The purposes of this study were to identify differences in parenting stress between 2 samples and examine the factors associated with parenting stress. An asthma sample was selected to contrast with the epilepsy sample because both medical conditions are chronic episodic conditions that require daily medication. Data from 49 parents of epileptic children and 54 parents of asthmatic children were examined in this study. Samples were conducted in a hospital pediatric clinic. Parental stress was measured using Abidin's Parenting Stress Index-long form. There were 2 major domains in the Parenting Stress Index: parent domain and child domain. The parent domain included 7 subscales, and the child domain included 6 subscales. Overall, results showed that parental stress was higher in the epilepsy group. Significant differences were found in 7 subscales: adaptability, demanding, hyperactivity/distractibility, role restrictions, depression, relationship to spouse, and parental health. Possible explanations for a higher level of parenting stress in the epilepsy group were discrimination, poor child adaptation, the threat of unpredictability of the seizures, and neurological dysfunction. The causes of higher levels of parenting stress in the asthma group were limitation of activities and parental health condition. These differences should be considered when psychosocial care is offered. Results also showed that demographic variables (gender, age, and family social economic status), age at onset, and condition severity were not effective predictors for parenting stress.  相似文献   



Elevated parenting stress has been observed among mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in western countries, but little is known about mothers of Han Chinese children. The aim of the current study was to further the knowledge about stress experienced by Chinese mothers of children with ASD by examining maternal parenting stress in Heilongjiang province of China.


In this cross-sectional study, data about participants’ demographic characteristics, parenting stress, anxiety, depression, child’s behavioral problems, coping strategies, and social support were collected though a questionnaire survey. The participants included 150 families with ASD children, who were consecutively admitted to the clinics of the Children Development and Behavior Research Center in Harbin Medical University, Heilongjiang Disabled Persons Federation, and Mudanjiang Child Welfare Home.


The participants reported elevated parenting stress. Mothers’ parenting stress was associated with levels of depression and anxiety, and child’s behavioral symptoms. Child’s behavioral symptoms, maternal anxiety, maternal depressive symptoms, and lack of governmental financial support were associated with overall parenting stress.


Government support may play an important role in reducing parenting stress in this population.  相似文献   

Background This research examined the effects of child and family variables on stress experienced by mothers and fathers of young children with cognitive delays in Vietnam. Methods The mothers (n = 106) and fathers (n = 93) whose children (age range = 3–6 years) were identified as having cognitive delays participated in the interview survey. The survey consisted of a set of the standardized questionnaires that were translated into Vietnamese and assessed for the content validity in the Vietnamese context. Results Mothers experienced more stress than fathers. Path analyses were conducted for mothers and fathers separately. Mothers with female children, those with children of lower intellectual functioning, and those whose husbands had health conditions experienced more stress than the other mothers. Fathers with lower economic status and a smaller social support network were more stressed than the other fathers. Both mothers and fathers were more stressed when they experienced stronger stigma, although the effects were not significant when other variables were considered together in path analyses. Conclusions The findings revealed traditional gender roles. Mothers were more affected by the child’s characteristics and the spouse’s functioning; they anticipated future problems related to the child’s functioning more than fathers did. Fathers were more affected by concerns about the family’s connection to the wider world such as economic issues and the social support network. Longitudinal studies of how social support and stigma affect families would be valuable.  相似文献   

目的 探讨大脑半球离断术治疗儿童难治性癫痫的手术方法及疗效.方法 2007年8月至2011年10月北京三博脑科医院进行12例大脑半球离断手术.经侧裂半球离断术1例,经纵裂半球离断并颞叶切除4例,中央区造瘘半球离断并颞叶切除5例,颞叶、岛盖切除岛周半球离断术2例.手术年龄平均7.6岁(2.1 ~11.9岁).结果 术后随访0.5 -4.5年,Engel Ⅰ级10例,EngelⅡ级1例,Engel Ⅲ级1例.术后因离断不完全再次行离断手术1例.术后患者的认知及生活能力较术前提高,无脑积水等严重神经功能损伤及死亡病例.结论 大脑半球离断术治疗儿童半球性难治性癫痫完全缓解率83% (10/12),手术疗效确定,是治疗儿童半球病变性癫痫的安全、有效的方法.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the seizure precipitants in children with intractable epilepsy, and to determine any distinctive clinical features contributing to seizures in these patients. METHODS: A questionnaire and seizure diary prepared by the parents of the patients. Demographic and seizure data were reviewed. RESULTS: Of 120 patients with intractable epilepsy, 74 (62%) had one (n=43), two (n=23), or three seizure precipitants (n=8). The three most common precipitants were illness or fever (32%), sleep deprivation (13%), and menstruation (10%). Of these precipitants, inducing factors (endogenous origin) were more common than triggering factors (exogenous origin): 73% versus 27%, respectively. Three distinctive clinical features - neurological abnormalities (P=0.01), status epilepticus (P=0.017), and abnormal neuroimaging (P=0.007) - were significantly more common in patients with than in patients without precipitants. CONCLUSIONS: Prompt recognition and management of seizure precipitants has practical implications for treating patients with refractory epilepsy. Such patients can be counseled to avoid specific precipitants.  相似文献   

Cerebral blood flow in children with intractable epilepsy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A good correlation of Doppler internal carotid blood velocity determinations with hemispheric blood flow measurements by the 133-xenon inhalation method was demonstrated in 14 epileptic patients without abnormal CT findings. The highest correlation was seen between the flow of gray matter (F1) and the internal carotid end-diastolic velocity (d) (left side r = 0.841, right side r = 0.817). As end-diastolic velocity (d) well correlated with the value obtained by the 133-xenon inhalation method, the d value was compared between 77 healthy children and 13 patients with intractable epilepsy. The mean d value of both internal carotid arteries in patients was 16.7 +/- 2.9 mm (mean +/- SD), and that of healthy children 20.9 +/- 4.3 mm, the difference being statistically significant. The low cerebral blood flow in patients might be due to multiple antiepileptic drugs administered and/or mental retardation and cerebral hypofunction related to seizures.  相似文献   

Using measures of child and family functioning, this study evaluated levels of parenting stress in 880 families of children with disabilities. Results suggest that factors such as income, time available for interaction with the child, and social support predict parenting stress much better than do aspects of child functioning. Implications for intervention and for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

《Brain & development》1995,17(1):69-72
Add-on therapy with flunitrazepam (FNZ) was performed in 5 children with marked sleep disturbance and intractable seizures. Correction of the sleep disturbance was attained immediately after the start of FNZ administration in all patients. Furthermore, a significant decrease in the seizure frequency (3 patients) and improved quality of life (4 patients) were concomitantly observed. There was no adverse effect or interaction with conventional AEDs on long-term use.  相似文献   

治疗癫痫患者的最终目标是摆脱癫痫发作,但有些癫痫患儿可能需要终身治疗,尤其是难治性癫痫患儿更加现实的目标是降低具有致残性发作类型的发作频率。长期发作会影响患儿社会活动、心理、认知等功能,因此对这些患儿的长期管理需要儿科和神经内科医师,以及社会工作者联合给予终身关爱。在治疗过程中,临床医师应定期评价患儿病情,注意预防和控制抗癫痫药物的不良反应,监测抗癫痼药物相关不良事件;为难治性癫痫患儿选择最佳治疗方案,在收益与风险之间达到平衡,提高患儿生活质量。  相似文献   

Neuropsychological outcomes in children of mothers with epilepsy.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study investigated the nature of the effects of maternal epilepsy on cognitive performance of the offspring. One hundred fifty-four children of mothers with epilepsy aged 5 to 11 years (study group), along with 130 control children, comparable with respect to IQ, socio-economic status, age, and gender underwent a neuropsychological assessment using subtests from the NEPSY: A Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment, tapping attentional, auditory-verbal, visuomotor, fine motor, and memory abilities. The study group scored significantly lower than the controls on measures of attention, memory, and fine-motor function. Deficits were more marked in but not limited to the subset of the study group exposed to maternal medication in utero. Group differences on auditory attention were found only in younger children. Valproate-exposed children obtained lower scores on sentence repetition, as well as on the more demanding part of a test of auditory attention, than other children in the study group, suggesting weaknesses in working memory in the former subgroup. Confounding by maternal epilepsy type and polytherapy complicate interpretation of this finding. Differences between subsets of children not exposed to anti-epileptic drugs in utero and controls suggest that both drug exposure and genetic factors may contribute to cognitive deficits associated with maternal epilepsy.  相似文献   

一侧大脑半球病变的小儿伴顽固性癫痫仅仅进行病灶及癫痫灶切除或者脑叶切除,很难彻底控制患儿的癫痫发作.癫痫发作得不到控制,患儿的智力、脑功能的发育将进一步受影响.这个时期如果不采取半球切除进行治疗,将丧失最好的手术时机.因为小儿的脑功能代偿能力很强,此时进行半球切除后,很大部分切除掉的半球功能将被很好的代偿,并且随着癫痫发作的控制,患儿的智力行为及脑功能均可以得到提高和发展.  相似文献   

Parenting a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is often associated with high levels of stress. This in turn can undermine the success of early intervention, and lead to poorer health outcomes for parents. The present study investigated the effects of parenting a child with an ASD on self-reported parenting stress, salivary biomarkers, and 24-h ambulatory blood pressure. Seventy-four mothers of 2–14 year olds with an ASD diagnosis completed a questionnaire booklet, which contained measures of parenting stress, and parent and child characteristics. Mothers wore an ambulatory blood pressure monitor, which collected systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate over a 24-h period. Saliva samples were collected for the purpose of measuring cortisol and alpha-amylase levels. High levels of parenting stress and anxiety, and moderately high levels of depression were reported. Mothers were found to have low cortisol levels, suggesting dysregulation of the HPA-axis and cortisol profile. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that quantity of unmet service needs, sleep problems, socialisation deficits, adaptive behaviour, and the coping strategies of self-blame and behavioural disengagement predicted maternal outcomes. Findings are discussed in relation to their implications for supporting parents of children with ASD.  相似文献   

Four cases with intractable epilepsy and mental retardation (Epi + MR), four cases of mental retardation (MR), one case of mental retardation without epileptic seizures for the last several years (MR + (Epi] and two normal children were studied on their sleep pattern. Besides these, two cases of epilepsy (Epi) were examined. Awake time increased in the Epi + MR group. Slow wave sleep decreased markedly in the Epi + MR group. REM sleep decreased in the MR + (Epi) and Epi + MR groups. REM density was lowered in the following order: normal----Epi----MR----Epi + MR groups. The difference of sleep pattern among the normal, Epi and MR groups was not exhibited clearly, but severe sleep disturbances were shown in the Epi + MR group, implicating the severe brain dysfunction in the cortex and the brain stem.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether children with epilepsy exhibit sex differences in episodic memory. Fifty-one children and adolescents (26 boys and 25 girls) with intractable epilepsy were administered two verbal-auditory tasks (learning and recall of a word list and story recall) and two visual tasks (design recall and face recognition). Girls exhibited an advantage on the delayed recall of stories and on the learning phase of the word list task. No significant differences were observed on the delayed recall of words or the visual tasks. These results identify a particular risk for cognitive impairment in boys that could have an important impact on their academic performance.  相似文献   

This study evaluated language organization in children with intractable epilepsy caused by temporal lobe focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) alone or dual pathology (temporal lobe FCD and hippocampal sclerosis, HS). We analyzed clinical, neurological, fMRI, neuropsychological, and histopathologic data in 46 pediatric patients with temporal lobe lesions who underwent excisional epilepsy surgery. The frequency of atypical language representation was similar in both groups, but children with dual pathology were more likely to be left-handed. Atypical receptive language cortex correlated with lower intellectual capacity, verbal abstract conceptualization, receptive language abilities, verbal working memory, and a history of status epilepticus but did not correlate with higher seizure frequency or early seizure onset. Histopathologic substrate had only a minor influence on neuropsychological status. Greater verbal comprehension deficits were noted in children with atypical receptive language representation, a risk factor for cognitive morbidity.  相似文献   

Lawson JA  Vogrin S  Bleasel AF  Cook MJ  Bye AM 《Epilepsia》2000,41(11):1456-1462
PURPOSE: Adult epilepsy studies have demonstrated cerebral and cerebellar volume reduction beyond the epileptogenic zone, correlating this with an inferior surgical outcome. We determined whether brain volumes were reduced in childhood epilepsy and the significance of this. METHODS: Cerebral, cerebellar, and hippocampal volumes were measured by quantitative magnetic resonance imaging on 112 children (ages 4-18) with epilepsy syndrome determined by video-EEG telemetry. Eighty-seven had partial epilepsy and 25 had generalized epilepsy or indeterminate syndrome. Normative volumes were obtained from 44 child controls from the community. RESULTS: A significant reduction in cerebral (12.6%) and cerebellar (7.9%) volume was present in the epilepsy group compared with controls. Analysis of subgroups revealed that cerebral volume was significantly decreased in frontal lobe and nonlocalized partial epilepsies. The mean hippocampal ratio of 0.73 for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy was significantly less than for all other syndromes and controls. There was no difference in the rate of hippocampal volume reduction between syndromes. There was a significant correlation between IQ and cerebral and cerebellar volume, but not duration or age of onset of epilepsy. CONCLUSIONS: Cerebral and cerebellar volume reduction is common in intractable epilepsy syndromes of childhood. These cross-sectional data suggest that brain volume reduction is present at epilepsy onset and is not a result of intractable seizures. Hippocampal asymmetry is more sensitive than volume reduction as a marker for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, but neither measure is specific.  相似文献   

Rearing a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a unique challenge for both parents. Previous studies addressed how mothers are affected by the challenges of raising a child with ASD, mostly in terms of stress pattern. In this study, we focused on comparisons between mothers and fathers of children with ASD in parental stress, attitude and mental health. We examined 99 parents of children with ASD using the Parenting Stress Index-Short Form, the Parental Style Questionnaire, the Self-Perceptions of the Parental Role and the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised. The results revealed the gender differences in the parental attitude and mental health. Mothers reported that they engaged in more social behaviors with their children than fathers. In addition mothers reported higher level of depression than fathers. No difference among parents emerged in the Parenting Stress Index-Short Form. The results of a multiple regression analysis revealed that parenting distress is associated with depression, balance of parents’ diverse roles in their life and dysfunctional interaction between parents and children. These findings highlight both similarities and differences between mothers and fathers of children with ASD and the existence of a relationship between parental stress, mental health and attitude. Results suggest the importance of developing specific intervention programs which incorporate these fundamental parenting domains.  相似文献   

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