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Commercial dietary supplements are marketed as a panacea for the morbidly obese seeking sustainable weight-loss. Unfortunately, many claims cited by supplements are unsupported and inadequately regulated. Most concerning, how ever, are the associated harmful side effects, often unrecognized by consumers. Garcinia cambogia extract and Garcinia cambogia containing products are some of the most popular dietary supplements currently marketed for weight loss. Here, we report the first known case of fulminant hepatic failure associated with this dietary supplement. One active ingredient in this supplement is hydroxycitric acid, an active ingredient also found in weight-loss supplements banned by the Food and Drug Administration in 2009 for hepatotoxicity. Heightened awareness of the dangers of dietary supplements such as Garcinia cambogia is imperative to prevent hepatoxicity and potential fulminant hepatic failure in additional patients.  相似文献   

Dietary supplements represent an increasingly common source of drug-induced liver injury. Hydroxycut is a popular weight loss supplement which has previously been linked to hepatotoxicity, although the individual chemical components underlying liver injury remain poorly understood. We report two cases of acute hepatitis in the setting of Hydroxycut exposure and describe possible mechanisms of liver injury. We also comprehensively review and summarize the existing literature on commonly used weight loss supplements, and their individual components which have demonstrated potential for liver toxicity. An increased effort to screen for and educate patients and physicians about supplement-associated hepatotoxicity is warranted.  相似文献   

The use of herbal products has increased significantly in recent years.Because these products are not subject to regulation by the Food and Drug Administration and are often used without supervision by a healthcare provider,the indication for and consumption of these supplements is quite variable.Moreover,their use is generally regarded as safe and natural by the lay-public.Unfortunately,there has been an increase in the number of reported adverse events occurring with the use of herbal products.We present a case of acute impending liver failure in an adolescent male using a weightloss product containing green tea extract.Our case adds to the growing concern surrounding the ingestion of green tea extract and serves to heighten healthcare provider awareness of a potential green tea extract hepatotoxicity.Despite the generally touted benefits of green tea as a whole,clinical concern regarding its use is emerging and has been linked to its concentration in multiple herbal supplements.Interestingly,the suspected harmful compounds are those previously proposed to be advantageous for weight-loss,cancer remedy,and anti-inflammatory purposes.Yet,we emphasize the need to be aware of not just green tea extract,but the importance of monitoring patient use of all dietary supplements and herbal products.  相似文献   

Acute liver failure (ALF) is a medical emergency requiring immediate evaluation for liver transplantation. We describe an unusual case of a patient who presented with ascites, jaundice, and encephalopathy and was found to have ALF due to natural killer (NK)-like T cell leukemia/lymphoma. The key immunophenotype was CD2 , CD3 , CD7 , CD56 . This diagnosis, which was based on findings in the peripheral blood and ascitic fluid, was confirmed with liver biopsy, and was a contraindication to liver transplantation. A review of the literature shows that hematologic malignancies are an uncommon cause of fulminant hepatic failure, and that NK-like T-cell leukemia/lymphoma is a relatively recently recognized entity which is characteristically CD3 and CD56 . This case demonstrates that liver biopsy is essential in diagnosing unusual causes of acute liver failure, and that infiltration of the liver with NK-like T-cell lymphoma/leukemia can cause acute liver failure.  相似文献   

AIM To systematically review liver disease associated with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis(HLH),propose reasonable contraindications for liver transplantation for liver failure in HLH,and report an illustrative case.METHODS Systematic review according to PRISMA guidelines of hepatic manifestations of HLH using computerizedliterature search via PubMed of articles published since 1980 with keywords("hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis" or "HLH") AND("liver" or "hepatic"). Two authors independently performed literature search and incorporated articles into this review by consensus. Illustrative case report presented based on review of medical chart,and expert re-review of endoscopic photographs,radiologic images,and pathologic slides. RESULTS A 47-year-old Caucasian male,was hospitalized with high-grade pyrexia,rash,total bilirubin = 45 g/dL,moderately elevated hepatic transaminases,ferritin of 3300 ng/dL,leukopenia,and profound neutropenia(absolute neutrophil count 100 cells/mm3). Viral serologies for hepatitis A,B,and C were negative. Abdominal computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging revealed no hepatic or biliary abnormalities. Pathologic analysis of liver biopsy revealed relatively well-preserved hepatic parenchyma without lymphocytic infiltrates or macrophage invasion,except for sparse,focal hepatocyte necrosis. Bone marrow biopsy and aspirate revealed foamy macrophages engulfing mature and precursor erythrocytes,consistent with HLH. Interleukin-2 receptor(CD25) was highly elevated,confirming diagnosis of HLH according to Histiocytic Society criteria. Patient initially improved after high-dose prednisone therapy. Patient was judged not to be a liver transplant candidate despite model for end stage liver disease(MELD) score = 33 because liver failure was secondary to severe systemic disease from HLH,including septic shock,focal centrilobular hepatocyte necrosis from hypotension,bone marrow failure,and explosive immune activation from HLH. The patient eventually succumbed to overwhelming sepsis,progressive liver failure,and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. Systematic review reveals liver injury is very common in HLH,and liver failure can sometimes occur. Data on liver transplantation for patients with HLH are very limited,and so far the results have shown a generally much worse prognosis than for other liver transplant indications. Liver transplantation should not be guided solely by MELD score,but should include liver biopsy results and determination whether liver failure is from intrinsic liver injury vs multisystem(extrahepatic) organ failure from HLH.CONCLUSION This case report illustrates that liver transplantation may not be warranted when liver failure associated with HLH is primarily from multisystem failure from HLH. Liver biopsy may be very helpful in determining the severity and pathophysiology of the liver disease.  相似文献   

Imatinib mesylate is a drug that has been approved for treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in blast crisis, accelerated or chronic phase, and also for advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Severe hepatic toxicity and three deaths from hepatic failure have been reported. We report the case of a 51-year-old woman who was admitted to our institution with severe acute hepatitis. She was diagnosed with CML and began treatment with imatinib mesylate at a dose of 400 mg/d. Five months after beginning treatment, she developed severe hepatitis associated with coagulopathy, and was admitted to our institution. She had been consuming acetaminophen 500-1000 mg/d after the onset of symptoms. She had a progressive increase in bilirubin level and a marked decrease of clotting factor Ⅴ. Five days after admission, grade Ⅱ encephalopathy developed and she was referred for liver transplantation. Her clinical condition progressively deteriorated, and 48 h after being referred for transplantation she suffered a cardiac arrest and died. This report adds concern about the possibility of imatinib-mesylate-induced hepatotoxicity and liver failure, particularly in the case of concomitant use with acetaminophen. Liver function tests should be carefully monitored during treatment and, with the appearance of any elevation of liver function tests, treatment should be discontinued.  相似文献   

There is a growing number of case reports of hepatoxicity from the widely marketed weight-loss supplement Hydroxycut, which contains the botanical ingredient Garcinia cambogia. These case reports may substantially undercount the true magnitude of harm. Based on the past experience with harmful dietary supplements, US regulators should assume the more precautionary approach favored by Canada and Europe. Lacking effective adverse event surveillance for supplements, or the requirements to prove safety prior to coming to the market, case reports such as those summarized here assume added importance.  相似文献   

Therapy related chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (t-CMML) is rare. We report a 23-year-old female who developed acute fulminant hepatic failure after drug overdose. She underwent ABO incompatible orthotopic liver transplant. She received cyclophosphamide along with other immunosuppressants. Seven years later, she was diagnosed with t-CMML-2 with 45XX,-7 karyotype. She received 4 cycles of azacitidine and proceeded with allogeneic bone marrow transplant. This is the first a case of t-CMML reported in a liver transplant recipient. In this article, we also summarize all reported cases of t-CMML, and we review therapy related MDS in recipients of solid organ transplant.  相似文献   

Neuroendocrine tumors are divided into gastrointestinal carcinoids and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. The WHO has updated the classification of these lesions and has abandoned the term "carcinoid". Both types of tumors are divided into functional and non-functional tumors. They are characterized by slow growth and frequent metastasis to the liver and may be limited to the liver for long periods. The therapeutic approach to hepatic metastases should consider the number and distribution of the liver metastases as well as the severity of symptoms related to hormone production and tumor bulk. Surgery is generally considered as the first line therapy. In patients with unresectable liver metastases, alternative treatments are dependent on the type and the growth rate. Initial treatments consist of long acting somatostatin analogs and/or interferon. Streptozocin-based chemotherapy is usually reserved for symptomatic patients with rapidly advancing disease, but generally the therapy is poorly tolerated and its effects are short-lived. Locoregional therapy directed such as hepatic-artery embolization and chemoembolization, radiofrequency thermal ablation and cryosurgery, is often used instead of systemic therapy, if the disease is limited to the liver. However, liver transplantation should be considered in patients with neuroendocrine metastases to the liver that are not accessible to curative or cytoreductive surgery and if medical or locoregional treatment has failed and if there are life threatening hormonal symptoms. We report a case of liver transplantation for metastatic neuroendocrine tumor of unknown primary source and provide a detailed review of the world literature on this controversial topic.  相似文献   

In the November 27,2010 issue of the World Journal of Hepatology (WJH),three case reports were published which involved patients who had consumed various dietary supplements and conventional foods generally marketed as weight loss products.The reference to Herbalife products as contaminated and generally com-parable to all dietary supplements or weight loss prod-ucts is not scientifically supported.The authors provided an insufficient amount of information regarding patient histories,concomitant medications and other com-pounds,dechallenge results,and product specifications and usage.This information is necessary to fully assess the association of Herbalife products in the WJH case reports.Therefore,the article does not objectively sup-port a causal relationship between the reported cases of liver injury and Herbalife products or ingredients.  相似文献   

药物性亚急性肝衰竭合并急性造血功能停滞1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
急性造血功能停滞是由于多种原因所致的骨髓造血功能停滞.临床表现以贫血、出血为主要特征,疴情凶险,进展快,患者可出现红细胞系统或粒细胞、红细胞、巨噬细胞三系功能重度减低;如不及时治疗可危及生命,积极治疗可于短期内自然康复.  相似文献   

中草药和相关保健食品引起药物性肝病的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目的 分析因服用中草药或含草药成分的保健食品引起肝损害的情况。方法收集1982年至2005年诊断为“药物性肝病”患者82例。诊断根据为病史、药物史、临床表现、肝功能及其他实验室检查。最后回顾诊断,按药物性肝损伤评分进行评估。结果24年中诊断的82例“药物性肝病”患者占同期因肝功能异常住院患者的2.2%。其中男性28例,女性54例,年龄16~81岁.平均(50.1±16.9)岁。服用的与肝损伤有关药物中,减肥保健品占30.5%、皮肤科用药占12.2%、抗风湿病用药占8.5%、心血管用药占8.5%、妇科疾病用药占7.3%、肝病药占6.1%、调节血脂药占6.1%、乳房小叶增生药占3.7%、甲状腺肿块用药占3.7%、其他用药占13.4%。用药疗程6d~6个月不等.潜伏期6d~3个月。临床表现中,肝细胞损伤型占36.59%、胆汁淤积型占39.02%,其他为混合型,尚有10%的患者同时伴有变态反应表现。所有患者在停药后一般病情恢复较快,预后良好。结论中药和草药是引起药物性肝病的重要原因,应提高临床医师对药物引起肝损伤的认知及在治疗过程中加强监测。  相似文献   

目的探讨肝移植治疗急性肝衰竭(ALF)的临床疗效,总结移植前处理、手术时机的选择以及术中关键技术应用的经验。方法回顾性分析了1999年9月2006年2月采用背驮式肝移植治疗15例ALF患者的临床资料。结果患者均获随访,术后1年生存率87%(13/15)。其中2例急性肝衰竭型威尔逊氏病患者术后角膜K—F环消失,血清铜蓝蛋白恢复正常。1例术后第11天死于多系统器官功能衰竭,1例患者术后第6天死于严重肺部感染,其余11例HBsAg转阴。结论肝移植是治疗ALF的有效方法,能提高ALF患者的生存率;年龄不应作为ALF患者肝移植的禁忌证;充分的术前准备和恰当的移植时机选择以及术中关键技术的使用是提高术后生存率的关键。  相似文献   

Rationale:There is evidence that tigecycline has broad-spectrum antibiotic activity against a variety of complicated infections. However, adverse effects are inevitable, including gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea; in 2006, acute pancreatitis was also brought into the side-effect list after postmarketing surveillance. Here, we present a case of tigecycline-induced acute pancreatitis.Patient concerns:An 87-year-old female patient with urinary tract infection received an intravenous drip of tigecycline for 6 days, after which she developed abdominal distension, vomiting, abdominal pain, and abdominal rigidity.Diagnosis:The patient was suspected to have tigecycline-induced acute pancreatitis.Interventions:Tigecycline was discontinued immediately, and the patient received a series of immediate treatments including an indwelling gastric tube for continuous gastrointestinal decompression and inhibition of gastric acid and pancreatic enzyme secretion.Outcomes:Following initial interventions, we observed that the patient''s symptoms improved significantly, and abdominal distension, vomiting, abdominal pain, and abdominal rigidity were slightly relieved. After 5 days of follow-up, blood lipase and amylase levels decreased to normal levels. Unfortunately, the patient developed convulsions during the use of multiple antibiotics after 1 week and then died of septic shock and acute liver failure.Lessons:Acute pancreatitis caused by tigecycline is rare. However, in the application of antibiotics, the possibility of adverse effects must be considered, and antibiotics should be used reasonably. If the patient has relevant symptoms, it is necessary to stop using tigecycline immediately, carry out symptomatic treatment, and change to other types of antibiotics for antibacterial treatment.  相似文献   

Herbal-induced liver injury(HILI) is an important and increasingly concerning cause of liver toxicity, and this study presents recent updates to the literature. An extensive literature review was conducted encompassing September 2019 through March 2021. Studies with clinically significant findings were analyzed and included in this review. We emphasized those studies that provided a causality assessment methodology, such as Roussel Uclaf Causality Assessment Method scores. Our review includes reports of individual herbals, including Garcinia cambogia, green tea extract, kratom as well as classes such as performance enhancing supplements, Traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine and herbal contamination. Newly described herbals include ashwagandha, boldo, skyfruit, and ‘Thermo gun'. Several studies discussing data from national registries, including the United States Drug-Induced Liver Injury(DILI) Network, Spanish DILI Registry, and Latin American DILI Network were incorporated. There has also been a continued interest in hepatoprotection, with promising use of herbals to counter hepatotoxicity from anti-tubercular medications. We also elucidated the current legal conversation surrounding use of herbals by presenting updates from the Federal Drug Administration. The highlights of the literature over the past year indicate interest in HILI that will continue as the supplement industry in the United States grows.  相似文献   

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