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We examined whether the use of health care and special school services, prior to admission for psychiatric inpatient treatment, differed between adolescents from child welfare units and those living at their parental home. 208 boys and 300 girls aged 12–17 years were admitted for psychiatric hospital between 2001 and 2006. Child welfare adolescents had used more health services/treatments prior to psychiatric hospital admission than adolescents living with their biological family. The best discriminating factors between study groups for both genders, were previous psychiatric hospitalizations, unemployed parents, use of special school services and self-perceived serious anxiety/tension or trouble controlling violent behavior. Repeated school grades and previous use of psychotropic medications were discriminating factors only in girls. Adolescents in child welfare deserve adequate mental health evaluations at an early stage, with referral to appropriate adolescent psychiatric services if required. Appropriate service provision and properly planned treatments may reduce the amount of intensive and sometimes unnecessary psychiatric inpatient treatments.  相似文献   

We compared good sleepers with minimally and highly distressed poor sleepers on three measures of daytime functioning: self-reported fatigue, sleepiness, and cognitive inefficiency. In two samples (194 older adults, 136 college students), we tested the hypotheses that (1) poor sleepers experience more problems with daytime functioning than good sleepers, (2) highly distressed poor sleepers report greater impairment in functioning during the day than either good sleepers or minimally distressed poor sleepers, (3) daytime symptoms are more closely related to psychological adjustment and to psychologically laden sleep variables than to quantitative sleep parameters, and (4) daytime symptoms are more closely related to longer nocturnal wake times than to shorter sleep times. Results in both samples indicated that poor sleepers reported more daytime difficulties than good sleepers. While low- and high-distress poor sleepers did not differ on sleep parameters, highly distressed poor sleepers reported consistently more difficulty in functioning during the day and experienced greater tension and depression than minimally distressed poor sleepers. Severity of all three daytime problems was generally significantly and positively related to poor psychological adjustment, psychologically laden sleep variables, and, with the exception of sleepiness, to quantitative sleep parameters. Results are used to discuss discrepancies between experiential and quantitative measures of daytime functioning.  相似文献   

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry - Rising levels of psychopathology in the adolescent population have been evidenced in the last few years throughout the Western world. We aim to examine...  相似文献   

This study aims to understand how leader narcissism predicts employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors to supervisor (OCB-S). Based on the transactional model of stress, we argue that perceived leader narcissism triggers employees’ OCB-S through hindrance stress. We also consider how employees’ self-monitoring moderates the relationship between perceived leader narcissism and OCB-S. By collecting data from a matching questionnaire survey 48 leaders and 183 employees, we tested our conceptual model using adopted hierarchical regression method and plug-in Process. The results showed that perceived leader narcissism imposed a negative effect on employees’ OCB-S through hindrance stress. Moreover, we found that self-monitoring moderated the relationship between perceived leader narcissism and employees’ OCB-S, as well as the indirect effect of perceived leader narcissism on employees’ OCB-S through hindrance stress. Specifically, when the level of self-monitoring was low, the positive relationship between perceived leader narcissism and hindrance stress as well as the indirect effect of perceived leader narcissism on employees’ OCB-S through hindrance stress got stronger. When the level of self-monitoring was high, perceived leader narcissism had a negative effect on hindrance stress, and the indirect effect of perceived leader narcissism on employees’ OCB-S through hindrance stress became weaker. We discuss theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   


Underreporting of suicide is a worldwide problem. In particular, the national suicide rates published by the Chinese Ministry of Health (“MOH”) could be severely underreported. Validity of the assumption of evenly underreported of suicide by place (city/rural), gender, and age in China has been evaluated and some possible adjustments to the underreporting have been suggested.


Mortality rates from the MOH from 2002 to 2016 were extracted. Due to zero undetermined deaths, accidental deaths (weighted by causes of death) were used to evaluate underreported suicides. 53% of drownings, 11% of falls, 11% of poisonings, and 7% of other accidents were assumed as underreported suicides. Negative binomial regressions were used to calculate the rate ratios of the underreported suicides compared to suicides. Negative binomial regressions were also used to calculate the annual percentage changes of different mortality rates.


Suicides of rural males could most likely be underreported (49%; 95% CI 39–61%), but suicides of rural females would least likely (30%; 95% CI 24–38%). Suicides of people aged 15–24 years and 75 years and above could more likely to be underreported than other ages. After adding the underreported suicides, declining trends of the national suicide rates had been eased.


People who lack social connection could have a high possibility of underreporting suicide. However, when rural females died of unnatural causes, their parents or even the whole village tended to quest for their intents, thus rural females had a lower possibility of underreporting suicide.


Objectives: Higher levels of cognitive reserve (CR) are associated with better cognitive function in later life. In contrast, depressive symptoms, anxiety, and rumination are associated with diminished cognitive function. There has been limited research to date examining the influence of CR on the relationship between mood and cognitive function, and results are inconsistent. The aim of this study was to investigate the role CR plays in the relationships between mood, rumination, and cognitive function in later life.

Method: Two hundred and thirty-six healthy people aged 60+ completed measures of CR, depression, anxiety, rumination, recall, and verbal fluency. Participants were dichotomised at the median into those with lower and higher levels of CR.

Results: CR, mood, and rumination together accounted for between 13% and 15.6% of the variance in scores on the cognitive tasks in the sample as a whole. Mood and rumination explained a significant amount of variance in cognitive test scores in those with lower levels of CR, but not in those with higher levels of CR.

Conclusion: The way in which mood and rumination are related to cognitive function differs depending on the individual's level of CR. These results support the view that it is important to continue to build on CR as people move into later life in order to maintain cognitive health.  相似文献   



Memory complaints are a common finding in outpatients, especially in psychosomatic and neurological practice. In a substantial group of patients persistent memory complaints are found in the absence of abnormal neuropsychology. Different labels such as “functional memory complaint” have been suggested for this phenomenon. We characterise a group of patients with such memory complaints, which we termed functional memory disorder (FMD). The aim of the present study is to describe patients with FMD.


Thirty-nine patients with FMD were compared to 38 control subjects. Data were collected on the German version of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning test and the Zahlenverbindungstest (cognitive speed), subscales of the Metamemory in Adulthood questionnaire (MIA), the Perceived Stress Questionnaire (PSQ), the Global Severity Index (GSI) of the Symptom Checklist, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and other psychological questionnaire measures.


We found significant group differences on all psychological questionnaire measures, with more pathological scores in the patient group. GSI and PSQ were the best predictors of memory self-efficacy. MIA-Memory Self-Efficacy (MSE), MIA-Achievement, and BDI were the best predictors of group membership (FMD vs. control group). When MSE was excluded, MIA-Achievement and BDI or GSI were the only predictors of group membership. Neuropsychological measures predicted neither MSE nor group membership.


Pathological scores on measures of metamemory, stress, and depression are typical of FMD. Low MSE and a high memory-related achievement motivation seem to be key features of FMD. Other important features are increased perceived stress, general psychosomatic complaint, and elevated depression scores. Neuropsychological test performance is not associated with FMD symptoms.  相似文献   

This article examines how independent corticostriatal loops linking basal ganglia with cerebral cortex contribute to visual categorization. The first aspect of categorization discussed is the role of the visual corticostriatal loop, which connects the visual cortex and the body/tail of the caudate, in mapping visual stimuli to categories, including evaluating the degree to which this loop may generalize across individual category members. The second aspect of categorization discussed is the selection of appropriate actions or behaviors on the basis of category membership, and the role of the visual corticostriatal loop output and the motor corticostriatal loop, which connects motor planning areas with the putamen, in action selection. The third aspect of categorization discussed is how categories are learned with the aid of feedback linked dopaminergic projections to the basal ganglia. These projections underlie corticostriatal synaptic plasticity across the basal ganglia, and also serve as input to the executive and motivational corticostriatal loops that play a role in strategic use of feedback.  相似文献   

Background: Previous studies suggest that in patients with ischaemic stroke, White people often present with large‐vessel and Black people with small‐vessel strokes. This study investigates the relation between large‐ and small‐vessel disease, and ethnicity in White, Black, and Asian patients in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Methods: In a hospital‐based population of 668 patients ethnicity was determined by self‐identification. The relation between ethnicity and carotid stenosis, as an indicator of large‐vessel disease, was determined using univariate analysis, and adjusted for age, gender, hypertension and smoking. Subsequently the relation between ethnicity and lacunar infarcts, as a manifestation of small‐vessel disease, was investigated. Results: The odds ratio for having carotid stenosis, compared to White patients, was 0.55 (0.23–1.33) for Blacks, 0.53 (0.18–1.52) for Asians, and 0.64 (0.14–2.85) for other ethnicities. The adjusted odds ratio for a non‐White patient compared to a White patient was 0.44 (0.19–1.02) (P = 0.05). The non‐White patients more often presented with lacunar infarcts compared to Whites. Conclusion: We found an association between White patients and the presence of carotid artery stenosis. Not only in Black but also in Asian patients the association with carotid artery stenosis was substantially lower. In the non‐White population there was an association with lacunar infarcts compared to Whites.  相似文献   



Emotional lability (EL) is an important trans‐diagnostic concept that is associated with significant functional impairment in childhood and adolescence. EL is typically measured with questionnaires, although little is known about the ecological validity of these ratings. In this paper, we undertook 2 studies addressing this issue by examining the relationship between rating‐based measures of EL and directly measured emotional expressions and experiences. Furthermore, the associations between directly measured emotional expressions and experiences and attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptomatology were also examined, given the clear association of EL with ADHD in former research.


In Study 1, we examined the relationship between parental report of children's EL and ADHD, and children's emotional expressions in an experimental context (N = 67). In Study 2, we examined the relationship between parental ratings and real‐time measures of emotional experiences in daily life in adolescents (N = 65).


EL ratings were associated with different elements of real‐time emotional experiences and expressions. Elements of emotional expressions but not emotional experiences were also associated with ADHD symptom reports.


These studies provide evidence for the ecological validity of EL ratings. Furthermore, they add evidence for the associations between EL and ADHD.

The aim of this study was to verify the presence of cultural variety among the psychiatric journals available on PubMed, the major online tool for accessing literature. Data for analysis were taken from a survey of the world psychiatric journals indexed in Index Medicus 1999 (IM), the alphabetical list used by PubMed, and from the mean impact factor (IF) values of the journals. Approximately 80% of international psychiatric literature available on PubMed is published in Anglo-Saxon countries, especially in the USA (59.8% of the total). The widespread use of the English language (94.9% of all the journals) further stresses the dominance of the Anglo-Saxon cultural model, as do the mean IF values of Anglo-Saxon journals compared to non-Anglo-Saxon publications (3.252 vs. 1.693; P=0.0079). The under-representation of non-Anglo-Saxon cultural models on PubMed plays a negative role for bringing about a truly multicultural literature in psychiatry.  相似文献   

Is obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) best categorized as an anxiety disorder? This question has been raised previously, but advances in the psychobiology of OCD and the anxiety disorders, and preparations for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders—V and International Classification of Diseases—11, make reconsideration timely. The debate in turn raises the more general issue of how best to address any question of the form “is disorder x in category or spectrum y?” Such questions are related to a number of key debates in philosophy of science and language and have also increasingly been addressed by the cognitive–affective neuroscience of categorization. Here, we review this background debate and use OCD as a relevant exemplar. Depression and Anxiety 25:330–335, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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