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下肢截肢的非理想残肢及临床处理   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
崔寿昌  赵利 《中国康复》1995,10(2):66-68
对59例下肢截肢患者理想残肢与非理想残肢进行了复习,其中非理想残肢50例(84.7%),分为不良残肢及残肢并发症2种,列举了它的各种表现,说明了非理想残肢对假肢穿戴的主要影响和临床处理方法。从非理想残肢发生率之高,强调了外科医生应重视截肢与假肢的现代理论与技术的必要性。现代假肢为闭合的全面接触全面承重的接受腔,故传统的截肢方法造成的园锥形残肢已不适用于现代假肢接受腔的安装。  相似文献   

对影响假肢穿戴的非理想残肢康复问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
截肢患者穿戴假肢才能发挥代偿功能 ,假肢代偿功能的水平与残肢条件密切相关 ,一些残肢由于并发症等原因而影响假肢穿戴。本文就我院 8年来收住院的 16 4例截肢患者中 81例影响假肢穿戴的非理想残肢康复问题进行讨论。提出影响假肢穿戴的非理想残肢的概念 ;非理想残肢的种类及对假肢穿戴的主要影响 ;康复的原则和方法 ,假肢制作技术的改进和主要的手术方法 ,以达到改善非理想残肢条件 ,使其可以穿戴良好的假肢 ,发挥满意的代偿功能的目的。  相似文献   

目的探讨上肢截肢患者的常规康复治疗、残肢肌电信号训练程序以及装配肌电假肢的方法,并观察其效果。 方法对20例截肢患者(22个残肢)进行常规康复治疗,包括肌力训练、肌肉收缩控制训练和残肢并发症的处理。采用德国Otto Bock公司提供的肌电信号检测和训练软件系统进行肌电信号训练(分为基础肌电信号训练和视觉反馈训练两个阶段),并装配肌电假肢。观察患者的治疗效果。 结果20例截肢患者22个残肢肌肉无明显萎缩,肌力好,关节活动范围无明显受限,患者能较好地控制残肢肌肉收缩。装配肌电假肢20例(20个),所有残肢均能有意识地引出肌电信号,控制假肢的手指打开、闭合以及腕关节的旋转或肘关节的屈伸。 结论残肢常规康复治疗和肌电信号训练对装配肌电假肢,实现有意识地控制假肢功能极为重要。  相似文献   

目的促进截肢患者早日掌握假肢使用方法。 方法对3例截肢患者术后进行系统康复干预,同时针对假肢装配、使用方法进行强化性训练。 结果3例截肢患者残肢创面均全部愈合,残肢端呈圆柱状,残肢肌力为5级,残肢髋关节活动范围正常,装配双侧大腿假肢后均取到满意的假肢使用疗效。 结论通过进行系统康复治疗、假肢装配及假肢使用训练后,双侧大腿截肢患者均能取得满意假肢使用效果,具有较高的独立生活能力,从而促其早日回归家庭及社会。  相似文献   

本文对90例截肢患者的残端整复的疗效进行了分析,患者经整复手术后早期进行综合康复处理,减少了残端综合征的发生,达到了理想的目的,优良率达80%,本文 指出,医生在做截肢手术时应考虑到术后患者要安装假肢的问题及当时残肢的处理问题,以便安装假肢后可以弥补残肢的功能。  相似文献   

对截肢者康复问题的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
截肢康复是个复杂的系统工程 ,它包括从截肢手术到重返社会的全过程 ,不要将康复与截肢手术治疗截然分开。在患者全身情况允许的条件下 ,尽早介入系统正规的康复 ,及时处理假肢在应用过程中出现的问题非常重要。1全面康复的理论截肢康复不是单纯的假肢装配和训练 ,而是一个系统工程。截肢康复理想的流程应包括截肢前对患者全身状态的评价、截肢手术、术后处理、运动疗法、物理治疗、残肢评定 ,尤其是对不适合假肢穿戴的非理想残肢的处理、临时假肢的穿戴、临时假肢穿戴后的评定和训练、正式假肢的穿戴和训练、心理康复、职业前训练 ,一直到…  相似文献   

目的研究气囊式临时假肢的康复训练方法及对患者术后疗效的影响。 方法对1例因地震创伤导致大腿截肢患者给予压力衣、气囊式临时假肢治疗,同时对其进行康复训练。于治疗前及治疗3周后对患者残肢一般情况、关节活动度、肌力和步行能力等进行评定。 结果患者经系统康复训练后,其残肢愈合良好,关节活动度和肌力均已基本恢复正常,穿戴气囊式临时假肢后行走能力增强,残肢塑形良好。 结论早期穿戴气囊式临时假肢系统能提高下肢截肢患者行走功能,对其尽早装配永久型假肢具有显著促进作用,值得临床推广、应用。  相似文献   

目的观察地震伤员下肢假肢装配前后综合康复治疗的效果。 方法安装假肢前后对地震伤员采取综合康复治疗,包括:残端处理(按摩和拍打、残肢塑型)、运动疗法(关节活动度训练、肌力训练、平衡功能训练、站立与步行训练等)、物理治疗、心理治疗。 结果42例残肢中,残端有溃疡或窦道、残肢肿胀、髋膝关节屈曲挛缩、残肢痛分别占74%、72%、41%和5%,残肢肌力明显减退。经综合康复治疗后,残肢无肿胀、溃疡或窦道完全愈合,残肢形状、关节活动度和肌力明显改善,已达到假肢装配条件,均装配假肢,并获得良好的功能。假肢行走功能结局,良好:20例(51%);一般:17例(44%);较差:2例(5%)。 结论地震后截肢不良残肢发生率高,安装假肢前后对地震伤员采取综合康复治疗, 确保假肢装配成功十分必要。  相似文献   

目的探讨硅胶内衬套假肢对残肢功能及瘢痕的影响。 方法将106例瘢痕残肢患者随机分为观察组(穿戴硅胶内衬套假肢)及对照组(穿戴聚乙烯泡沫材料内衬套假肢)。于穿戴假肢前及适应性训练30 d后分别对2组患者步行功能、残肢运动功能、日常生活活动(ADL)能力及瘢痕改善情况进行评定。 结果2组患者步行功能、残肢运动功能、ADL能力及瘢痕均较治疗前明显改善,且以观察组的改善幅度较显著,明显优于对照组患者,组间差异均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。 结论使用硅胶内衬套假肢对治疗残肢瘢痕及提高残肢活动功能均具有重要作用,该类型假肢值得临床推广、应用。  相似文献   

目的分析地震致截肢患者残肢的特点和原因、观察康复治疗的效果。 方法从残端皮肤情况、残肢形态、残肢长度、残肢肿胀、残肢关节活动度和残肢肌力等方面对52条残肢进行评定,并进行物理治疗、残肢塑形和运动治疗。 结果52条残肢中,残端有溃疡或窦道、残肢肿胀、圆锥形残肢和短残肢分别占76%、73%、34%和40%,残肢关节活动受限者占42%,所有患者残肢肌力明显减退。经康复治疗后,残肢无肿胀、溃疡或窦道完全愈合,残肢形状、关节活动度和肌力明显改善,已达到假肢装配条件,均装配假肢,并获得良好的功能。 结论地震后截肢不良残肢发生率高,综合康复治疗能明显改善残肢条件,早期康复治疗对促进患者康复,安装假肢具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Background. Our study aimed to analyze retrospectively the locomotion performance in patients following below-the-knee amputation (BKA) for atherosclerotic critical limb ischaemia (CLI) in relation to factors which may influence the final outcome. Material and methods. Two groups of patients were analyzed: Group I (n = 53), which underwent fitting of prosthesis and rehabilitation immediately after healing of the stump ("early prosthesising"), and Group II (n = 45), in whom prosthesis fitting and rehabilitation were begun after some time spent on a waiting list (from amputation to admission for rehabilitation). Eight parameters which, according to the authors' experience, may influence the effect of prosthesis fitting and rehabilitation in respect to locomotion possibilities were analyzed using survival curves and Cox multi-variant analysis. Results. In Group I the outcome was judged good or very good in over half of the patients (56.9%), while in Group II the respective results did not reach one-third (28.8%). It was demonstrated that early prosthesis fitting and rehabilitation increase more than four-fold the chance to achieve very good or good locomotion performance and shortens two-fold the time needed to reach this goal. Conclusions. The most important factors slowing the recovery of ambulatory functions are: delay in fitting the prosthesis, knee joint flexion contracture of the amputated limb, and concomitant diseases resulting from the generalized character of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

This article discusses the technical and medical difficulties involved in the proper fitting of prostheses on the lower extremity. The factors determining the success of a prosthesis include the quality of the stump, the skill of prosthesis socket fabrication, and the proper ordering of components, as well as rehabilitation supervised by experts and professional care for the amputee.  相似文献   

小腿截肢残端假体的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:利用残端假体增加下肢截肢后骨残端的横截面积,降低负重时截肢残端皮肤单位面积上的压强,减少由于穿戴假肢所引起的并发症。重建离断肌肉的下位附着点,使之保持肌肉的合适初长和原有肌力,并维持肌力平衡,防止关节挛缩畸形,以保持截肢平面上位关节的正常活动,提高截肢肢体穿戴假肢后的功能。方法:山羊10只,随机分为2组,左小腿膝下截肢后,分为对照组和假体放置组。假体采用超高分子聚乙烯材料制成,呈蘑菇状外观。术后穿戴假肢开始负重。观察站立和行走的时间,残端皮肤情况,并进行骨残端组织学检查。结果:假体放置组羊能在截肢术后较早穿戴假肢,负重站立和行走,无残端皮肤溃疡。假体与残端骨接合紧密,肌腱与假体连接良好,坚固。未发现任何假体放置后的不良反应和并发症。结论:截肢后骨残端安放假体能明显增加骨残端横截面积,很好保持残肢末端的圆锥形,加之假体材料的缓冲作用,明显减少截肢骨残端与假肢接受腔间软组织单位面积上的压强,使之能较早安装假肢,减少穿戴假肢所引起的并发症。增加假肢穿戴后的肢体功能。  相似文献   

In this review intended for medical staff involved in patient rehabilitation, we provided an overview of the basic methods for managing amputation stumps. After the amputation surgery, it is imperative to optimize the remaining physical abilities of the amputee through rehabilitation processes, including postoperative rehabilitation, desensitization, and continuous application of soft or rigid dressings for pain reduction and shaping of the stump. Depending on the situation, a prosthesis may be worn in the early stage of recovery or an immediate postoperative prosthesis may be applied to promote stump maturation. Subsequently, to maintain the range of motion of the stump and to prevent deformation, the remaining portion of the limb should be positioned to prevent contracture. Continuous exercises should also be performed to improve muscle strength to ensure that the amputee is able to perform activities of daily living, independently. Additionally, clean wound or edema management of the stump is necessary to prevent problems associated with wearing the prosthesis. Our review is expected to contribute to the establishment of basic protocols that will be useful for stump management from the time of completion of amputation surgery to the fitting of a prosthesis to optimize patient recovery.  相似文献   

Early ambulation after lower extremity amputation has profound benefits on the functional, psychological outcomes and enhanced prosthetic compliance among this clientele. The various potential risks of immobility--pain, oedema, muscle atrophy, phantom sensations, contractures, aerobic de-conditioning, and the like, are reduced due to early ambulation. Moreover, it assists in accelerated wound healing, preservation of postural reflexes and, above all, achievement of better psychological well-being. Though such benefits have been observed in the history of prosthetic rehabilitation, a cost-effective prosthesis for such an early management among Third World nations is still unavailable. Therefore, this article is an attempt to present an indigenously developed temporary prosthesis designed to make the above benefits possible at a lower cost. This prosthesis helps in myriad ways--immediate prosthetic fitting, early weight bearing, early ambulation--and also has the added advantage of being adjustable to anthropological variations. The ischial weight bearing, lateral opening socket reduces the pressure and shear over the stump, thus avoiding stump complications. This increases the prosthetic acceptance by the client due to early involvement in the rehabilitation. Above all, it is cost effective and comfortable, thus enhancing compliance and superior outcome in prosthetic rehabilitation, especially among the clients in Third World nations.  相似文献   

现代截肢观念及现代截肢术后康复   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
截肢康复是指从截肢手术到术后处理、康复训练、临时与正式假肢的安装和使用,直到重返家庭与社会的全过程。文章重点论述了截肢部位的选择,现代截肢手术的改进,儿童截肢的特点,大腿截肢手术特点以及影响假肢穿戴的非理想残肢的康复。  相似文献   

A review of 11 patients who sustained burns that were complicated by limb amputation was completed to determine their eventual ability to use prosthesis. Amputations included six below-elbow, four above-elbow, three below-knee, and three above-knee amputations. Ten of the 11 patients (91%) had open wounds on the stump limbs and nine patients (82%) required skin grafting procedures on the amputated limbs. Delays in prosthetic fitting because of continued surgeries, open wounds, skin grafts on the stump limb, and breakdown of the stump were identified. However, eight of these patients (73%) were eventually able to wear prosthetic devices. Fisher's exact test was used to test the influence of the number and site of the amputations and skin grafting on the stump on successful prosthesis use. None of these tested items were found to be significant. The results demonstrate that most patients with burns who require limb amputation can achieve successful prosthesis use.  相似文献   

假肢装配是个非常复杂的人-机-环境相结合的过程。截肢者需要终生使用假肢。假肢装配后,穿戴在截肢者身上进行反复的适合检查、修改、调整是保证假肢装配质量,尽量减少长期使用假肢引起并发症的重要方法。假肢适合检查分为初检、终检两个阶段。初检的假肢是初步组装的半成品,便于修改、调整,应当反复检查,反复修改。终检的假肢是已完成的产品。文章介绍了小腿假肢、大腿假肢适合检查的主要内容,检查方法、基本要求和常见问题。  相似文献   

背景:下肢运动是一种复杂的运动,采用合适的传感器获取人体运动生理信息,成为智能假肢控制的前提.国际上现有的下肢假肢控制信息源为与运动信息有关的物理量,这类信息可以直接反映人体运动的生物力学特性,采集比较简单,非常适合实时控制.现有智能下肢假肢产品根据采用的控制方法不同选择一种或几种传感器测量人体运动信息.目的:研究一种能够采集智能下肢假肢控制所需人体运动信息的传感器系统.方法:对智能下肢假肢带固定式气缸阻尼器的四连杆机械机构进行运动分析,得出四连杆后臂下轴电位计输出信号与膝关节弯曲角度的对应关系,同时,选取合适的霍尔传感器安装位置,解决了其中存在的双值问题.设计了传感器输出信号采集实验,通过跑步机速度调节来保证步行速度安全可控,测量不同步速下脚尖离地时刻膝关节弯曲角度,分析采集结果找到了它们之间的对应关系.结果与结论:脚尖离地时刻膝关节弯曲角度随着步行速度增大而增大,采用二次曲线拟合取得了较好效果.实验结果显示,水平步行状态下,采用电位计和霍尔传感器作为检测手段能够检测下肢假肢的步速,也能区分支撑期和摆动期.  相似文献   

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