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Summary The effect of the -adrenoceptor agonist isoprenaline on the plasma concentrations of -endorphin (-E) and -lipotropin (-LPH) was investigated in conscious rats. Isoprenaline (i.m.) elevated plasma -endorphin-like immunoreactivity (-EI) as measured by radioimmunoassay of unextracted plasma, with peak values 24 min after drug administration. This effect was dose-dependent. The lowest effective dose of isoprenaline was 15 g kg–1; 240 g kg–1 exerted a maximum effect, raising plasma -EI about ten-fold above control values. Plasma vasopressin concentrations also increased in response to isoprenaline following a timecourse identical to that of plasma -EI. (±)-Propranolol (1 mg kg–1) but not phentolamine (10 mg kg–1) rendered isoprenaline (240 g kg–1) injections almost ineffective. Because of the cross-reactivity of -LPH in the radioimmunoassay used, plasma was extracted by means of a cation exchange resin and subjected to gel chromatography on a Sephadex G-50 column, avoiding artefactual degradation of the peptides. In isoprenaline-treated rats about 50% of the -EI behaved similar to human -LPH, whereas 45% co-migrated with human -E; immunoreactivity corresponding to -LPH or -E comprised about 70% or 30%, respectively, in the plasma extract of vehicle-treated rats. Dexamethasone pretreatment reduced the isoprenaline-induced increase in plasma -EI by 87%, but left the simultaneous elevation of plasma vasopressin concentrations unchanged.These data demonstrate that isoprenaline stimulates -LPH and -E release in vivo. The possibility of an interrelationship between vasopressin and -E release is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of -endorphin as a possible mediator in the reinforcing properties of opiates was investigated using a conditioned place preference paradigm. Heroin, a synthetic opiate known to have reinforcing properties, produced a strong preference for an environment previously paired with heroin injection at all doses tested (0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mg/kg SC). No such place preference was observed following saline injections. Rats also showed dose-dependent place preference for the environment paired with -endorphin when injected intracerebroventricularly (significant dose was 2.5 g). At higher doses (5.0 and 10.0 g) rats showed no preference for the paired environment, but were catatonic. Pretreatment with naloxone (0.04, 0.2, 1.0 mg/kg SC) attenuated the rewarding effect of -endorphin (2.5 g) at all doses tested. The lowest dose of naloxone which had no aversive effect when tested alone could also significantly block the positive effect of -endorphin. The reinforcing dose of -endorphin (2.5 g) also produced an increase in locomotor activity, when tested in photocell cages. This suggests that the hyperactivity induced by -endorphin may contribute to the preference for an environment previously paired with the same drug. The reinforcing effect of -endorphin is most probably mediated by the mu and/or delta opioid subtype receptor, since -endorphin has a high affinity for these receptors. These results demonstrate positive reinforcing properties of -endorphin in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary A sensitive radioimmunoassay for -endorphin is described. Antibodies against human -endorphin which exhibit a high avidity for the C-terminal of the peptide were raised in rabbits following the injection of thyroglobulin-coupled human -endorphin (h-E) as immunogen. Methionineenkephalin, - -endorphin, as well as ACTH peptides did not cause interference in the radioimmunoassay. -Lipotropin, however, showed a 50% cross-reactivity. The sensitivity of the assay is 25 pg/0.5 ml tube volume for -endorphin. -Endorphin was extracted with a high recovery from the rat plasma using silicic acid and -endorphin levels as low as 100 pg/ml could be measured.Basal levels of -endorphin-like immunoreactivity in plasma of rats were about 400 pg/ml. -Endorphin levels in adrenalectomized rats and in animals chronically treated with the cortisol synthesis blocker metyrapone were found to be markedly increased (about 7-fold). Exposure of the rats to electrically induced foot-shocks caused a similar increase of immunoreactive -endorphin in plasma. A significant increase was also seen after insulin injection.  相似文献   

The effect of chronic exposure to ethanol on hypothalamic and pituitary endorphin levels of rats and golden hamsters was studied. In rats, chronic ethanol consumption caused a decrease in the level of immuno-reactive (i.r.) β-endorphin (β-EP) in the pituitary but an increase of i.r. β-EP in the hypothalamus. The Met-enkephalin level in the hypothalamus of ethanol-treated rats remained the same as the control. The body weights, as well as food and liquid intake, of ethanol-treated rats were observed to be lower than the controls. In golden hamsters, i.r. β-EP level in the hypothalamus and pituitary remained unchanged with chronic ethanol consumption. The body weight and liquid intake of golden hamsters also remained the same as the controls. Since the changes of pituitary and hypothalamic β-EP after ethanol administration were found only in rats but not in golden hamsters, it is likely that the effects of ethanol observed in rats are not specific.  相似文献   

Summary In order to find out whether -endorphin (-E) is involved in the development of hypertension, we performed two series of experiments. Firstly, spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and their normotensive Wistar Kyoto controls (WKY) were submitted to ether stress. Plasma concentrations of -endorphin-like immunoreactivity (-EI), adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and -melanotropin (-MSH) were measured by radioimmunoassay. The basal concentration of -EI was similar in WKY and SHR, whereas WKY had higher levels of ACTH and lower levels of -MSH than SHR. In both strains acute stress enhanced the plasma concentration of -EI to the same extent and with a similar time-course. The increase of plasma -El coincided with a rise in ACTH but not -MSH. Gel chromatography of -EI revealed that plasma extracts contain similar amounts of -lipotropin- (-LPH) and -E-sized immunoreactive components, and that acute stress elevated both forms of -El. Secondly, isolated tail arteries of SHR and WKY were perfused and field stimulated with two pulses at 1 Hz. -E depressed stimulation-evoked vasconstriction with the same potency in both strains. Thus, basal and stress-induced levels of -EI did not differ in SHR and WKY. Moreover, in the tail artery of both strains the sensitivity of presynaptic opioid receptors towards -E was almost identical. If the -E sensitivity of these receptors in other arteries of WKY and SHR is also similar, a major role of the circulating peptide in the development of hypertension is rather unlikely.This work was partly supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 325) Send offprint requests to B. Bucher at the above address  相似文献   



The selectively bred lines of alcohol-preferring alko alcohol (AA) and alcohol-avoiding alko nonalcohol (ANA) rats have been used to demonstrate differences in relevant neurotransmitters which could account for their difference in alcohol consumption. Studies have demonstrated differences in distinct components of the endogenous opioid system in various brain regions associated with the process of reinforcement between the AA and ANA lines of rats.


The goal of this current study was to investigate the hypotheses that the AA and ANA rats will show differences in the release of β-endorphin at the level of nucleus accumbens (NAC) and in locomotor activity in response to acute systemic administration of ethanol.

Materials and methods

AA and ANA rats were unilaterally implanted with a guide cannula to aim microdialysis probes at the level of NAC. Intraperitoneal injections of 0.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 g ethanol/kg body weight were administered. Dialysate samples were collected at 30-min intervals prior to and following the injection. Radioimmunoassay specific for β-endorphin was used to determine the dialysate β-endorphin content.


The 2.5-g/kg ethanol dose induced a transient increase in extracellular β-endorphin at the level of NAC of AA but not of ANA rats. The 2.5-g/kg ethanol dose also attenuated locomotor activity in the AA but not in the ANA rats.


The lack of an increase in the β-endorphin concentration in the NAC of ANA rats in response to ethanol may partially account for their lower alcohol consumption and lower alcohol-induced attenuation of locomotor activity compared to AA rats.  相似文献   

Anaphylactic shock is sometimes fatal or resistant to therapy in patients treated with propranolol, a nonselective β-adrenoceptor antagonist, against cardiovascular diseases. However, it remains unknown which subtype of β-adrenoceptors, β1- or β2-adrenoceptor, is primarily responsible for the detrimental effects of propranolol on anaphylactic hypotension. Effects of β1- and β2-adrenoceptor antagonists were therefore determined on the survival rate and systemic hypotension in conscious Sprague–Dawley rats that suffered from anaphylactic shock. Mean arterial pressure and portal venous pressure were simultaneously measured. The control rats showed a decrease in mean arterial pressure and an increase in portal venous pressure, but did not die within 48 h after an injection of ovalbumin antigen. The survival rate of the rats pretreated with propranolol (1 mg/kg; n = 7), the selective β2-adrenoceptor antagonist ICI 118,551 (0.5 mg/kg; n = 7), or adrenalectomy (n = 7) was significantly smaller than that with the selective β1-adrenoceptor antagonist atenolol (2 mg/kg; n = 7). However, the changes in mean arterial pressure and portal venous pressure were similar for 10 min after antigen among any groups, although propranolol and atenolol attenuated the antigen-induced increase in heart rate. Furthermore, bolus injections of epinephrine (3 μg/kg) at 3 and 5 min after antigen prevented the death of the atenolol-pretreated rats, but only marginally prolonged the survival rates for the ICI 118,551- or propranolol-pretreated and adrenalectomized rats. In conclusion, in rat anaphylactic shock, inhibition of β2-adrenoceptor causes more detrimental effects than that of the β1-adrenoceptor. These β-adrenoceptor antagonists may exert detrimental effects on rat systemic anaphylaxis via inhibiting beneficial actions of catecholamines endogenously released from the adrenal gland.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of acute administration of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (9-THC), the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, on extracellular efflux of dopamine (DA) and its metabolites as measured by in vivo microdialysis in nucleus accumbens of conscious, freely-moving rats. 9-THC, at low doses (0.5–1.0 mg/kg), which significantly enhance brain stimulation reward (intracranial self-stimulation), significantly increased DA efflux in nucleus accumbens. Augmentation of DA efflux by 9-THC was abolished by removal of calcium (Ca++) ions from the perfusion fluid, indicating a Ca++-dependence of 9-THC's action. Augmentation of DA efflux by 9-THC was either totally blocked or significantly attenuated by doses of naloxone as low as 0.1 mg/kg. Given the postulated role of mesocorticolimbic DA circuits in mediating and/or modulating brain stimulation reward, the present data raise the possibility that marijuana's rewarding effects, and hence its euphorigenic effects and abuse potential, may be related to pharmacological augmentation of presynaptic DA mechanisms. Additionally, the DA mechanisms enhanced by marijuana appear to be modulated by an endogenous opioid peptide system.  相似文献   

Summary Intracerebroventricular administration of muscimol, a potent GABA-receptor agonist, counteracted the antinociceptive effect of morphine or -endorphin in rats as measured by the tail flick method. Muscimol's activity was reversed by bicuculline. Isoguvacine, another GABA agonist, as well as nipecotic acid and guvacine, two inhibitors of neuronal and glial uptake of GABA, also antagonized morphine's antinociceptive effect. A role of the central GABA-ergic system in mediating opiate antinociception is proposed.This study was supported by C.N.R. grant no. CT 77.01401.04  相似文献   

Rationale Individuals with a family history of alcoholism may present a dysfunction in the activity of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis that predates the development of alcoholism. Objective The present study investigated the hypothesis that this HPA-axis dysfunction is associated with alterations in the pattern of the circadian (24 h) secretions of adrenal corticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, and β-endorphin. Methods Men with [high risk (HR)] or without [low risk (LR)] family history of alcoholism participated in the study. Blood samples were drawn every 30 min for 24 h for estimation of the plasma hormone levels. Participants ingested meals at predetermined intervals and filled out mood questionnaires prior to the placement of the catheter and 1 h after each meal. Results The circadian peaks for β-endorphin, ACTH, and cortisol occurred between 0800 and 0830 hours in both LR and HR participants. The plasma ACTH and β-endorphin concentrations were lower in HR than LR participants, while the plasma cortisol concentrations were similar between HR and LR participants. For each hormone, the total 24-h secretion was estimated from the area under the 24-h time–concentration curve (AUC). For ACTH and β-endorphin, but not the cortisol, AUC were lower in HR than LR participants. LR participants reported being more nervous than HR participants. For the LR participants, but not HR participants, the initial mood ratings of “nervous” were positively correlated with the initial plasma cortisol and β-endorphin concentrations as well as with the cortisol and β-endorphin AUC. Conclusions HR participants presented lower plasma concentrations as well as lower AUC for β-endorphin and ACTH but not for cortisol. This suggests a dysfunction of the HPA-axis in HR participants that predates the development of alcoholism and a dissociation between plasma ACTH and cortisol levels as a function of family history of alcoholism.  相似文献   

Summary Intraseptal administration of morphine (70 nmol) or -endorphin (0.7 nmol) reduced the rate of acetylcholine (ACh) turnover (TRACh) in rat hippocampus but not in striatum or cortex. These intraseptal injections failed to modify the ACh content and did not elicit analgesia. Naltrexone (15 mol/kg, i.p.) completely antagonized the decrease of hippocampal TRACh elicited by the two opiate receptor agonists. Furthermore, intraseptal injections of naltrexone partially blocked the decrease in hippocampal TRACh induced by intraperitoneal administration of morphine (70 mol/kg, i.p.). These data suggest that opiate agonists decrease hippocampal TRACh by regulating septal cholinergic neurons, and that this effect is not associated with analgesia.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the mechanism(s) for glucose-lowering action of andrographolide in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (STZ-diabetic rats). Andrographolide lowered plasma glucose concentrations in a dose-dependent manner and increased plasma beta-endorphin-like immunoreactivity (BER) dose-dependently in diabetic rats. Both of these responses to andrographolide were abolished by the pretreatment of animals with prazosin or N-(2 -(2-cyclopropylmethoxy) ethyl) 5-choro-alpha-dimethyl-1H-indole-3-thylamine (RS17053) at doses sufficient to block alpha(1)-adrenoceptors (ARs). Also, andrographolide enhanced BER release from isolated rat adrenal medulla in a concentration-related manner that could be abolished by alpha(1)-ARs antagonists. Bilateral adrenalectomy in STZ-diabetic rats eliminated the activities of andrographolide, including the plasma glucose-lowering effect and the plasma BER-elevating effect. Andrographolide failed to lower plasma glucose in the presence of opioid mu-receptor antagonists and in the opioid mu-receptor knockout diabetic mice. Treatment of STZ-diabetic rats with andrographolide resulted in the reduced expression of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) in liver and an increased expression of the glucose transporter subtype 4 (GLUT 4) in soleus muscle. These effects were also blocked by opioid mu-receptor antagonists. In conclusion, our results suggest that andrographolide may activate alpha(1)-ARs to enhance the secretion of beta-endorphin which can stimulate the opioid mu-receptors to reduce hepatic gluconeogenesis and to enhance the glucose uptake in soleus muscle, resulting in a decrease of plasma glucose in STZ-diabetic rats. However, the roles of other endogenous opioid peptides or the mixture of several opioid peptides in the activation of opioid mu-receptors associated with the plasma glucose-lowering action of andrographolide, should be considered and need more investigation in the future.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of the present study was to investigate -adrenoceptor modulation of noradrenaline release from sympathetic nerves in superfused cortical kidney slices of 4-week-old spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and age-matched controls (WKY). After preincubation with 3H-noradrenaline the kidney slices were electrically stimulated in superfusion chambers. The stimulation induced (S-I) outflow of radioactivity was mainly composed of unmetabolized 3H-noradrenaline in both strains and thus taken as an index of noradrenaline release. There was a frequency-dependent (1.25–20 Hz) increase in the S-1 outflow of radioactivity. At all stimulation frequencies tested S-I outflow of radioactivity was similar or even slightly lower in SHR than in WKY kidney slices in either the absence or presence of cocaine (10 mol/l). The non-selective -adrenoceptor agonists isoprenaline (0.l gmol/1) and adrenaline (0.01 and 0.1 mol/l) enhanced S-I outflow of radioactivity. The facilitatory effects of isoprenaline (0.1 mol/l) and adrenaline (0.1 mol/l) were blocked by the selective 2-adrenoceptor antagonist ICI 118551 (0.1 mol/l) but not by the selective 1-adrenoceptor antagonist atenolol (0.3 mol/l). The cell-permeable CAMP analogue 8-bromo-cAMP (300 mol/l) enhanced S-1 outflow of radioactivity to a similar extent in both SHR and WKY kidney slices. A combination of 8-bromo-cAMP (300 mol/l) and adrenaline (0.1 mol/l) did not enhance S-1 outflow of radioactivity to a greater extent than 8-bromo cAMP (300 mol/l) alone in both strains. However, the facilitatory effects of isoprenaline (0.1 mol/l) and adrenaline (0.1 mol/l) but not that of adrenaline (0.01 mol/l) were significantly greater in SHR than in WKY. The results suggest that stimulation of prejunctional 2-adrenoceptors by adrenaline even in the absence of a-adrenoceptor blockade enhances noradrenaline release in kidney cortex of young SHR and WKY. This 2-adrenoceptor mediated effect may possibly be dependent on cAMP formation. The greater facilitatory effects of isoprenaline (0.1 mol/l) and adrenaline (0.1 mol/l) in SHR as compared to WKY are in accord with receptor binding studies which show a higher density of 2-adrenoceptors in SHR than in WKY kidney cortex.Abbreviations SHR Spontaneously hypertensive rats - WKY WistarKyoto rats - cAMP 3-5-cyclic adenosine monophosphate - S-I stimulation induced Send offprint requests to: L. C. Rump  相似文献   

Summary The facilitation of the noradrenaline (NA) over-flow by stimulation of the presynaptic -adrenoceptor of the rat portal vein was investigated, using the freely moving unanesthetized permanently cannulated rat as a model. The 2-selective agonist fenoterol caused a maximal enhancement of about 300% of the basal NA level at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg. Following administration of cocaine (2.5 mg/kg plus 0.05 mg/kg/min) basal NA levels increased to 150% whereas combination of cocaine and fenoterol results in a dose dependant rise up to over 560% of the basal level (at a fenoterol dosage of 0.5 mg/kg). Blockade of the 2-adrenoceptors with yohimbine (0.5 mg/kg) which enhances the NA level to 486%, followed by 0.125 mg/kg fenoterol results in a further 2.53-fold rise to more than 1,200% of the basal level, indicating the pronounced counterregulatory role of the presynaptic 2-adrenoceptor. After ganglionic blockade with hexamethonium (3 mg/kg plus 6 mg/kg/h) the effect of yohimbine (0.5 mg/kg) alone was diminished to 162%, but the additional facilitatory effect of 0.125 mg/kg fenoterol still was 1.82-fold, to 294% of the basal level. Combination of cocaine (2.5 mg/kg plus 0.05 mg/kg/min), yohimbine (0.5 mg/kg) and fenoterol (0.125 mg/kg) induced a rise to over 9,000 pg/ml NA (about 40-fold of the basal NA level). During electrical stimulation (2 Hz, 3 ms, 5 mA) of the local portal vein nervous plexus, the role of the inhibitory 2-adrenoceptor becomes even more pronounced. Both in absence and in presence of cocaine, at the highest dose of fenoterol (0.5 mg/kg), the levels of electrically evoked release reverted to control values. However, after yohimbine (0.5 mg/kg) the evoked release was further enhanced by a much lower dosage of 0.125 mg/kg fenoterol to 450% of the control evoked release. This value was not changed significantly after ganglionic transmission blockade (hexamethonium 3 mg/kg plus 6 mg/kg/h). The results demonstrate that presynaptic -adrenoceptors in the vasculature of the unanesthetized freely moving rat actually possess a pronounced capacity to facilitate NA release from sympathetic varicosities. Send offprint requests to R. Remie at the above address  相似文献   

β-blockers are a class of antihypertensive drugs that are used for the management of cardiac arrhythmias, cardioprotection after myocardial infarction (heart attack) and hypertension. They have revolutionized the medical management of angina pectoris and are recommended as first-line agents by national and international guidelines. Although β-blockers are still the cornerstone for the treatment of heart failure, some of the drugs in this category are prohibited in several sports requiring vehicle control and bodily movements as they reduce heart rate and tremors, and improve performance. As a result, urine analysis of β-blockers is mandatory in doping control and toxicological screening. The determination of plasma levels of β-blockers helps to ensure noncompliance in patients with persistent hypertonia to confirm the diagnosis of β-blocker poisoning and for therapeutic drug monitoring. This review provides a comprehensive account of various analytical methods developed for detection and quantitation of β-blockers in plasma and urine.  相似文献   

Several reports have speculated that variations in β-endorphin functioning may actually proceed the development of alcoholism and other drug use disorders, and is consequently a genetic mechanism of some etiologic importance. The goal of this investigation was to determine whether differences in basal plasma β-endorphin concentrations could be confirmed in prepubertal children naive to alcohol and drugs, yet at parental risk for alcoholism, or drug dependence. Consequently, we have examined fasting basal plasma β-endorphin concentrations in a sample of prepubertal sons of alcoholic fathers and compared them to both our existing sample of sons of drug dependent fathers and normal control boys. In addition, we examined the relationship between plasma β-endorphin concentrations and maternal reports of problem behaviors posited to be related to the liability for alcoholism or drug abuse. The results reveal no differences in fasting basal plasma β-endorphin concentrations. Although the at-risk groups differ significantly from normal boys having elevated scale scores for internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors, no association between plasma β-endorphin and these behavioral risk factors could be found. Overall, the results fail to support an inherited `opioid deficiency hypothesis' for the development of alcoholism or drug dependence.  相似文献   

The biological activity of -casein derived -casomorphin peptides was evaluated by injecting bovine -casomorphin-5 (Tyr-Pro-Phe-Pro-Gly), the homologous sequence in human -casein (Tyr-Pro-Phe-Val-Glu) and the corresponding N-terminal tetrapeptides into the left substantia nigra of rats. Their ability to produce rotational behaviour was compared to that produced by three reference compounds, morphine, d-ala2 d-leu5enkephalin and U50,488H, ligands for , and types of opioid receptors, respectively. The relative potencies of -casomorphins and morphine were compared to those tested in two in vitro assays for opioid activity: (1) inhibition of the electrically induced contraction of the isolated myenteric plexus-longitudinal muscle of the guinea-pig ileum and (2) displacement of 3H-dihydromorphine binding to brain membranes. The same ranking order of potency was found in all three assays, the peptides from human -casein being about 10-fold less potent than those from bovine -casein. The effects of both morphine and bovine -casomorphin-5 in producing rotational behaviour were antagonized by naloxone; however, approximately 10-fold more naloxone was required to antagonize the -casomorphin-5 effect than that of morphine. The present data are discussed in the light of the recent observation that high concentration of -casomorphin-like peptides are found in the cerebrospinal fluid and plasma of women with postpartum psychosis.  相似文献   

The present study examines the influence of destruction of the medio-basal arcuate hypothalamus (MBH), the primary site of synthesis of central pools of -endorphin (-EP), upon the aversive properties of naloxone in a conditioned place preference paradigm. Bilateral radiofrequency lesions of the MBH resulted in a pronounced fall in levels of immunoreactive -EP in the brain. Lesioned rats, in contrast to non-operated animals, showed a clear reduction in the conditioned place aversion produced by naloxone. However, they showed no loss of the conditioned preference produced by the mu-selective opioid receptor agonist, morphine, or the conditioned aversion produced by the kappaselective agonist, U50-488. In contrast to the effect of the lesions, suppression of circulating -EP by dexamethasone treatment failed to influence conditioning produced by naloxone. Thus, the data indicate that the aversive properties of naloxone are attenuated by disruption of central (but not peripheral) -EP activity. We suggest that these properties of naloxone reflect an antagonism of -EP activity in the brain. In addition, the data indicate that differing mechanisms underlie the aversive actions of naloxone as compared to U50-488.  相似文献   

Effects of isoprenaline on contraction, release of noradrenaline and release of ATP elicited by electrical field stimulation (210 pulses, 7 Hz) as well as on contractions elicited by exogenous noradrenaline and ATP were studied in the isolated vas deferens of the guinea pig. Release of noradrenaline was assessed as overflow of total tritium after preincubation with [3H]-noradrenaline. ATP was measured by means of the luciferin-luciferase technique.In [3H]-noradrenaline-pretreated tissues, electrical stimulation elicited an overflow of tritium and ATP and a biphasic contraction. Isoprenaline (1–100 nM) reduced the contraction, mainly phase I, and enhanced the evoked overflow of tritium; evoked overflow of ATP was not changed significantly. No, or almost no, contraction remained in [3H]-noradrenaline-pre-treated tissues exposed to both prazosin (0.3 M) and suramin (300 M), and the evoked overflow of ATP was reduced by about 82%. Under these conditions, isoprenaline (1–100 nM) again enhanced the evoked overflow of tritium, but it now decreased the evoked overflow of ATP. Propranolol (1 M), when added on top of prazosin and suramin, prevented the effects of isoprenaline (1–100 nM). In some tissues not pretreated with [3H]-noradrenaline, purinergic and adrenergic components of the neurogenic contraction (again to 210 pulses, 7 Hz) were isolated by exposure to prazosin (0.3 M) and suramin (300 M), respectively. Isoprenaline (1–100 nM) decreased the isolated purinergic component but did not change significantly the isolated adrenergic component. Contractions elicited by ATP (1000 M) were not changed and contractions elicited by noradrenaline (100 M) were slightly increased by isoprenaline (1–100 nM). Isoprenaline (100 nM) did not change the degradation of ATP (100 M) by pieces of the vas deferens.It is concluded that, in the guinea-pig vas deferens, activation of prejunctional -adrenoceptors modulates the neural release of noradrenaline and ATP in opposite directions: release of noradrenaline is enhanced, whereas release of ATP is decreased.  相似文献   

Citrulline malate (CM; CAS 54940-97-5, Stimol?) is known to limit the deleterious effect of asthenic state on muscle function, but its effect under healthy condition remains poorly documented. The aim of this longitudinal double-blind study was to investigate the effect of oral ingestion of CM on muscle mechanical performance and bioenergetics in normal rat. Gastrocnemius muscle function was investigated strictly non-invasively using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. A standardized rest-stimulation- (5.7 min of repeated isometric contractions electrically induced by transcutaneous stimulation at a frequency of 3.3 Hz) recovery-protocol was performed twice, i.e., before (t(0)-24 h) and after (t(0)+48 h) CM (3 g/kg/day) or vehicle treatment. CM supplementation did not affect PCr/ATP ratio, [PCr], [Pi], [ATP] and intracellular pH at rest. During the stimulation period, it lead to a 23% enhancement of specific force production that was associated to significant decrease in both PCr (28%) and oxidative (32%) costs of contraction, but had no effect on the time-courses of phosphorylated compounds and intracellular pH. Furthermore, both the rate of PCr resynthesis during the post-stimulation period (VPCr(rec)) and the oxidative ATP synthesis capacity (Q(max)) remained unaffected by CM treatment. These data demonstrate that CM supplementation under healthy condition has an ergogenic effect associated to an improvement of muscular contraction efficiency.  相似文献   

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