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The hospice vision of providing democratic and humane care of the dying needs to be operationalized in the "real world" of health care bureaucracies. It is at this interface between idealists and the demands of mainstream health care that hospice organizations experience compromise, diversion, and an ongoing threat to their singleness of purpose. This discussion explores this process of routinization through research findings on a hospice organization known as Karuna Hospice Service (KHS). Such findings suggest that, although this hospice inevitably defers to the bureaucratic demands of the system, KHS's spiritual discourse does offer some protection to the formalizing and dehumanizing demands of routinization. Such research findings are provided as a contribution to exploring and documenting the ways in which hospices are negotiating this difficult and important ideological challenge. It is argued that effectively meeting such a challenge is of central importance for the survival of the hospice movement.  相似文献   

Hospice is an option for patients with terminal illness of all types. The advent of the Medicare hospice benefit has led to a rise in numbers of hospice programs as well as hospice expenditure. Terminal care provided through hospice has a demonstrable cost advantage over conventional terminal care. This difference may dissipate as Medicare hospice expenditure continues to rise. An individual hospice program can define its mission within broad guidelines. A program electing to serve all terminally ill patients regardless of diagnosis can occasionally expect to be cast in the role of long term care-provider when six-month survival is exceeded. Precision in prediction of six-month survival would benefit patients and remove one major obstacle to participation by many primary care physicians. Prognostic techniques are being developed that, thus far, have proven no better than physician judgement in assigning risk or predicting survival. Hospice may provide a setting for clinical research of prognostication. The interdisciplinary team can facilitate hospice care and provide support to individual team members. Care of terminally ill non-cancer patients may require added human resources and alteration of team structure to cope with increased service needs and lengths of stay which may be likely to exceed those of cancer patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The rise of managed behavioral health care in the United States was accompanied by reductions in costs, which has shifted the policy debate from concerns about rising costs to questions of universal access, mental health benefits at parity with medical benefits and quality of care. To meet these new challenges, managed care organizations, the purchasers of health care and academic services researchers must work together in new ways. AIMS OF THE STUDY: This paper discusses collaborative efforts between a for-profit managed care firm, academia and purchasers of health care coverage to study parity for mental health and substance abuse and how this effort has become part of a research strategy to inform policy. Historical, strategic and methodological issues are presented. METHODS: Case Study. RESULTS: Although the benefits from cooperative research are substantial, there are severe hurdles. Managed care organizations often have data that could answer pressing policy questions, yet these data are rarely used by researchers because it is difficult to obtain access and because analyzing the data requires computing facilities and skills that are not common in health services research. In turn, managed care organizations can learn how to design and implement more informative data systems that eventually lead to more cost-effective care, but there often are more immediately pressing business considerations and sometimes resistance to outside scrutiny. Important features that made this cooperation successful include strong support from the senior management in the company, including complete access to their extensive databases, and established funding for a managed care research center by the National Institute of Mental Health. CONCLUSION: This paper illustrates the potential of collaborative research. New research challenges, such as the linkages between quality and cost-effectiveness in actual practice settings, can only be met successfully if we build alliances among payors, managed care companies and academic researchers.  相似文献   

Health care reform has again focused the issues of ownership and mission of organizations in the health care field. Some believe that universal entitlement will eventually make both charitable patient care and the nonprofit form of organization obsolete. Others believe that special treatment of nonprofit organizations does not depend on charity at all; rather that the nonprofit form has social value in and of itself. The authors reflect a different point of view. They suggest that with reform, community benefit as the modern expression of a charitable mission will become ever more important in achieving the nation's health care goals. They believe that nonprofit organizations will continue to be entitled to special treatment only if their missions and programs extend beyond care of patients and entitled populations to focus also on care of communities. Any health organization's investment in disciplined community initiatives encompasses all the people in targeted communities, including those served by competing organizations. Without tax exemption, an organization committed to community care initiatives will be at a competitive disadvantage under the proposed community rated capitation payment system. Rather than abandoning the community benefit standard for tax exemption, health care reform calls for more systematic management of community care initiatives by nonprofit organizations and also of tax-exemption eligibility by the IRS.  相似文献   

IntroductionLittle research exists regarding hospice medical directors (HMD). This project describes the HMD’s background and training, clinical roles, and current function within the hospice organization and their interdisciplinary groups.MethodsA survey was mailed to each licensed hospice that was also a member of the state hospice association in one state. Thirty-one HMDs from 31 hospice programs (40% response rate) in one state responded.ResultsFindings show that the role of the HMD in this state is primarily part-time and filled by primary care physicians. Most HMDs report being satisfied with their positions. No more than one third belong to any one professional association and no physician in this survey was certified in palliative care by the American Board of Medical Specialties. The role for most of these HMDs centers around their clinical contribution to the team.DiscussionDespite the 2008 revisions in the regulations, the HMD roles still vary across hospices, and requirements regarding the specialty, training, and education for physicians are not specified. Professional associations for HMDs should target these part-time physicians in an effort to build a comprehensive organization represented by all types of HMDs.ConclusionThe part-time nature of HMDs has important implications for professional organizations and policy makers. Palliative care certification and continuing education opportunities need to be made available to these physicians. Additionally, new changes requiring face-to-face visits for recertification should consider the part-time nature of HMD work and the difficulties that the requirement will have in both cost for the hospice and access to primary care in rural areas.  相似文献   

Despite a decade of concern about the 'mushrooming' of new hospice developments within the British Isles, we remain remarkably ignorant about the processes which lead to the initiation of new hospice projects and the factors which affect their progress. Three inter-related issues appear important: (1) policy and resource implications; (2) changing models of hospice care; (3) 'community' factors. This paper explores the interconnections between these, using a case study approach and describes in detail the efforts of a single local voluntary group to establish a programme of community care for dying people. It shows that: (1) local 'communities' are likely to make continued demands for hospice type care, despite official scepticism about proliferation; but also that these communities should not be seen as homogeneous in their aspirations and demands; (2) new models of community care will interact with wider policy changes in the NHS and Social Services to raise questions about how terminal care services can be further developed; (3) shifts away from traditional in-patient models of care are likely to high-light divisions between 'lay' and 'professional' groups in their perceptions of how services can be delivered.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The capacity and capabilities for undertaking primary care research have increased both within and outside of the UK in recent years. The UK Department of Health aims to facilitate this further by establishing a national network of primary care organizations (PCOs) ready to act as hosts for shared research governance systems. However, it is unclear which models offer the most effective option. In addition, there is confusion over new processes and concern that researchers may be deterred from addressing important questions. OBJECTIVES: The research ascertains how PCOs selected as pilot sites have organized research management and governance (RM&G). METHODS: We adopted a case study approach involving interviews with key informants in a purposive sample of eight pilot PCO (RM&G) sites. RESULTS: Motivating factors for PCOs to host RM&G included the possibility of additional resources and more effective use of research to improve service delivery. A range of organizational models were adopted, often reflecting existing strategic alliances. It is envisaged that it will not be effective or cost-effective for many PCOs to make individual arrangements for RM&G, and so models are already developing among groups of PCOs and partner organizations. The extent of partnerships between PCOs varied with concern over critical mass and dilution of expertise in larger groupings. The development and implementation of systems in pilot sites was facilitated by the support of the wider PCO in recognizing research as a valued and integral part of the organization; the effective management of relationships and the establishment of equal partnership arrangements for RM&G, and the effective use of existing R&D infrastructure and expertise. CONCLUSIONS: RM&G partnerships vary according to local circumstances. It is likely that groupings will develop in the future with increasing co-terminosity and across wider health organization boundaries, such as Strategic Heath Authorities (in the UK) or primary care research networks. Critical mass of RM&G arrangements is likely to be linked to levels of research activity. There are real concerns over the levels of bureaucracy associated with the implementation of research governance; however, those PCOs that develop as RM&G sites have the opportunity to enrich their organizations and expand clinically relevant R&D. Partnership working within PCOs and with primary care research networks, academic departments or acute trusts, may be the key to success. Those undertaking research within primary care settings outside of the UK can learn important lessons from the UK experience and ensure development of high quality research that informs improvements in patient care.  相似文献   

The scale and severity of the impact of the global HIV/AIDS pandemic on low-income countries, mainly those in sub-Saharan Africa, is almost unimaginable to people in high-income countries. There is a particularly pressing need to understand better how to ensure the translation into policy and practice of important research findings in HIV/AIDS prevention and care in countries threatened by fast spreading HIV epidemics. The purpose of this paper is to review the findings and implications of a policy analysis case study of an HIV/AIDS clinical trial that has been successful in influencing HIV prevention policy relevant to low-income countries, in order to identify illustrative lessons for HIV/AIDS researchers in the future. The case study sought to detail the interaction between researchers and policy-makers for this particular case study to ascertain detailed analysis by these two groups on the interaction between research and policy. The major findings of the policy analysis case study were that policy shift was a cumulative but non-linear process, with the Mwanza trial placing a crucial role in both boosting and confirming existing policy movements. Researchers and policy-makers held similar longitudinal views of the process and political environment. Key moments of communication tended to involve personal contact. The important role played by people and organizations who could work in both the research and policy communities was often mentioned as crucial in enabling research relevant policy shifts. Researchers may absorb themselves in the technicalities of their study without considering their role in pursuing the wider policy implications. The impact of research on policy must be an integral element of every stage of the research process. The case study illustrates the need to take a contextual view of the interaction between research and policy, and understand how changing political contexts affect receptivity to research outcomes. This will increase the likelihood of research findings having an impact on policy. The review reflects the authors' experiences of working for organizations in non-governmental organization, bilateral development agency and academic settings.  相似文献   

The recent literature on economic issues of hospice care leaves several questions unanswered. The most important issue concerns how this type of care can be made financially attractive to patients and families for whom it is a medical option. A major study of a home-based pediatric hospice program permitted a more careful analysis than was previously feasible of the charges for hospice care and how those charges are paid. Data on provider utilization and duration in the program were obtained retrospectively on 177 patients. Costs of incidental expenditures and indirect costs were obtained prospectively from the families of 27 patients. A cost model was developed which is general enough to be used by other hospitals that might contemplate establishing a similar hospice program. Our findings are that insurance coverage, especially for publicly funded patients, is likely to be a major impediment for families deciding whether or not to use a hospice program at home.  相似文献   

Despite improving organization of hospice for children with life-limiting illnesses, services may be underutilized. We asked representatives of all 76 existing North Carolina hospice organizations about barriers to serving children. Representatives of 61 agencies responded (80%). Hospices serving children differed from hospices not serving children on perception of barriers: 1) Lack of pediatric trained staff (8% vs 42%, p = 0.01); 2) lack of pediatrician consultation (23% vs 50%, p = 0.03); 3) lack of pediatric pharmacy (4% vs 32%, p = 0.006), and inconsistent plan of care between pediatrician and hospice (12% vs 47%, p = 0.01). Lack of pediatric referrals (78%) and families wanting to continue curative therapies while receiving hospice care (77%) were felt to be the most important barriers overall. Enhanced training of pediatric providers and a model of care which blends disease-specific treatment with hospice may improve access to hospice services for children.  相似文献   

Research in palliative care and hospice populations is important for improving quality of care, quality of life, and provider understanding of individuals at the end of life. However, this research involves many potential challenges. This review seeks to inform and assist researchers targeting to design studies targeting hospice and palliative care patients by presenting a thorough review of the published literature. This review covers English-language articles published from 1990 through 2009 listed in the PsycInfo, Medline, or CINAHL research databases under relevant keywords. Articles on pediatric hospice were not included. Issues discussed include study design, informed consent, and recruitment for participants. Synthesized recommendations for researchers in these populations are presented.  相似文献   


Hospice and palliative care is a recent, but fast growing, industry in healthcare. Demographics suggest that hospice care will only increase. The purpose of this article is to examine strategic marketing initiatives hospice organizations currently employ. Data were collected at a hospice regional conference, capturing opinions from hospice organizations located in North and South Carolina. The results show that many hospice organizations do not have a dedicated marketing staff person, have a limited marketing budget, do not fully utilize all strategic planning tools, and have yet to differentiate themselves via branding. Implications of these findings for hospice providers are discussed.  相似文献   

This research compares the behavior of non-profit organizations and private for-profit firms in the hospice industry, where there are financial incentives created by the Medicare benefit. Medicare reimburses hospices on a fixed per diem basis, regardless of patient diagnosis. Because under this system patients with lower expected costs are more profitable, hospices can selectively enroll patients with longer lengths of stay. While it is illegal for hospices to reject potential patients explicitly, they can influence their patient mix through referral networks. A fixed per diem rate also creates an incentive shirk on quality and to substitute lower skilled for higher skilled labor, which has implications for quality of care. By using within-market variation in hospice characteristics, the empirical evidence suggests that for-profit hospices differentially take advantage of these incentives. The results show that for-profit hospices engage in patient selection through significantly different referral networks than non-profits. They receive more patients from long-term care facilities and fewer patients through more traditional paths, such as physician referrals. This mechanism of patient selection is supported by the result that for-profits have fewer cancer patients and more patients with longer lengths of stay. While non-profit and for-profit hospices report similar numbers of staff visits per patient, for-profit firms make significantly less use of skilled nursing providers. We also find some weak evidence of lower levels of quality in for-profit hospices.  相似文献   

A strong primary health care system is essential to provide effective and efficient health care in both resource-rich and resource-poor countries. Although a direct link has not been proven, we can reasonably expect better economic status when the health of the population is improved. Research in primary care is essential to inform practice and to develop better health systems and health policies. Among the challenges for primary care, especially in countries with limited resources, is the need to enhance the research capacity and to engage primary care clinicians in the research enterprise. These caregivers need to be an integral part of the research enterprise so the right questions will be asked, the results from research will be used in practice, and a scholarly and evidence-based approach to primary care will become the norm. The challenge of developing research in primary care can be met only by creating a strong infrastructure. This will include strengthening academic departments, enhancing links to researchers in other fields, improving training programs for future primary care researchers, developing more practice-based primary care research networks, and increasing funding for research in primary care. A greatly increased commitment on the part of international organizations both within and outside of primary care is needed, in particular those organizations involved with funding research. We provide suggestions to improve the global primary care research enterprise for the benefit of the world's population.  相似文献   

To get a perspective on how the mission role has evolved over the past few years, the Catholic Health Association surveyed a sample of mission leaders at Catholic acute care facilities throughout the United States. Most respondents (86 percent) were women religious, and the majority had advanced degrees in some area of religious studies. They indicated that an ideal education for a mission leader would include preparation in theology, ethics, or spirituality, as well as business or healthcare administration. The majority of mission leaders answering the survey ranked themselves high in their ability to influence their organization's chief executive officer. They consistently identified their key role as integrating values and mission into the daily life of the organization. The majority of respondents (95 percent) said they were responsible for mission in acute care. Other important areas of responsibility included home care, hospice, long-term care, and outpatient care. Most respondents reported extensive involvement with the ethics function at their facilities, and they also had an active and vital role in continuous quality improvement efforts. Mission leaders felt their skills uniquely qualify them to assist organizations making the transition to integrated delivery. Their experience in collaboration, communication, and team building can be crucially important as organizations adjust to the demands of a new delivery system.  相似文献   

目的:了解县级妇幼保健机构所改院前后的绩效变化以及经济发展对妇幼保健事业的促进作用。方法:按经济发展水平的高低,随机抽取16个县(市、区)级妇幼保健院作为调查对象,对改制前后的绩效进行分析比较。结果:所改院后,卫技人员的数量、学历与职称构成、业务工作质量、资产构成和经费收支、职工收入均较改革前有明显提高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。经济发达地区较欠发达地区提高更显著(P<0.05)。结论:将县级妇幼保健所改成保健院有利于妇幼保健事业的发展;经济的发展对妇幼保健事业具有较强的支持作用。  相似文献   

Hospitals and hospice organizations who are hiring chaplains to provide spiritual care for terminally ill patients post online job advertisements with specific qualifications and communication skills that applicants should possess. An examination of job advertisements can uncover trends in credentials and responsibilities expected of hospice chaplains. Results of a framework analysis of 71 hospice chaplain job advertisements indicated that 44% of chaplain job advertisements did not require chaplain applicants to have completed clinical pastoral education (CPE) and 41% did not required ordination and/or endorsement from a recognized denomination. Only 37% of hiring organizations required or preferred professional certification. Furthermore, patient support (70%), ambassadorship (54%), team collaboration (52%), and interfaith proficiency (46%) were the communication skills that advertisements tended to emphasize. This article focuses on how the study findings reflect ongoing challenges for the chaplain occupational group on its path to professionalization.  相似文献   

The effects of hospice coverage on Medicare expenditures.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
This article reports on the findings of a study of the effects of the hospice program on Medicare Part A expenditures during the first three years of the program. The analysis compared treatment costs between hospice beneficiaries and nonbenefit patients with diagnosis of malignant cancer during their last seven months of life. It was estimated that during the first three years of the hospice program, Medicare saved $1.26 for every dollar spent on Part A expenditures. While the methodology included use of data from Medicare claims to adjust for confounding factors, including self-selection bias, our estimated savings might still have been overstated due to persistent selection effects. The extent of savings also varied according to the hospice's organization. Freestanding hospices, in contrast to those affiliated with either a hospital, nursing home, or home health agency, achieved the greatest savings by utilizing home care more extensively. However, we note that payment rates are increasing and the limits on the benefit period are being lifted, making it possible that the savings related to the hospice program found in this study will not continue. Of greater importance may be the long-term access and quality effects engendered by the benefit's preference for home care.  相似文献   

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