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Platelets from a platelet factor 3-deficient patient, which was first described by Weiss et al (Am J Med 67:206, 1979), were found to be equally impaired in their ability to promote factor X and prothrombin activation. Compared to normal platelets, the patient's platelets showed upon stimulation with thrombin plus collagen a much slower generation and a considerably lower level of platelet prothrombin- and factor X-converting activities. Treatment of stimulated platelets with phospholipases revealed a decreased exposure of negatively charged phospholipid at the outer surface of the patient's platelets, relative to control's. We suggest that the combined impairment of prothrombin- and factor X-converting activities in this patient is due to a defect in the mechanism by which phosphatidylserine becomes exposed at the outer surface of stimulated platelets.  相似文献   

Clinical conference held at the Leiden University Hospital. Members of the Department of Hematology participated jointly in this conference. R. Bieger is the editor of this feature.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of factor Va and factor VIIIa by activated platelets   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
Kalafatis  M; Rand  MD; Jenny  RJ; Ehrlich  YH; Mann  KG 《Blood》1993,81(3):704-719
Platelet activation leads to the incorporation of 32[PO4(2-)] into bovine coagulation factor Va and recombinant human factor VIII. In the presence of the soluble fraction from thrombin-activated platelets and (gamma-32P) adenosine triphosphate, radioactivity is incorporated exclusively into the M(r) = 94,000 heavy chain (H94) of factor Va and into the M(r) = 210,000 to 90,000 heavy chains as well into the M(r) = 80,000 light chain of factor VIII. Proteolysis of the purified phosphorylated M(r) = 94,000 factor Va heavy chain by activated protein C (APC) gave products of M(r) = 70,000, 24,000, and 20,000. Only the intermediate M(r) = 24,000 fragment contained radioactivity. Because the difference between the M(r) = 24,000 and M(r) = 20,000 fragments is located on the COOH-terminal end of the bovine heavy chain, phosphorylation of H94 must occur within the M(r) = 4,000 peptide derived from the carboxyl-terminal end of H94 (residues 663 through 713). Exposure of the radioactive factor VIII molecule to thrombin ultimately resulted in a nonradioactive light chain and an M(r) = 24,000 radioactive fragment that corresponds to the carboxyl-terminal segment of the A1 domain of factor VIII. Based on the known sequence of human factor VIII, phosphorylation of factor VIII by the platelet kinase probably occurs within the acidic regions 337 through 372 and 1649 through 1689 of the procofactor. These acidic regions are highly homologous to sequences known to be phosphorylated by casein kinase II. Results obtained using purified casein kinase II gave a maximum observed stoichiometry of 0.6 mol of 32[PO4(2-)]/mol of factor Va heavy chain and 0.35 mol of 32[PO4(2-)]/mol of factor VIII. Phosphoamino acid analysis of phosphorylated factor Va by casein kinase II or by the platelet kinase showed only the presence of phosphoserine while phosphoamino acid analysis of phosphorylated factor VIII by casein kinase II showed the presence of phosphothreonine as well as small amounts of phosphoserine. The platelet kinase responsible for the phosphorylation of the two cofactors was found to be inhibited by several synthetic protein kinase inhibitors. Finally, partially phosphorylated factor Va was found to be more sensitive to APC inactivation than its native counterpart. Our findings suggest that phosphorylation of factors Va and VIIIa by a platelet casein kinase II- like kinase may downregulate the activity of the two cofactors.  相似文献   

Recombinant activated factor VII has been Food and Drug Administration approved to treat hemorrhages in hemophiliac patients with inhibitors and in acquired hemophilia patients. Recombinant activated factor VII use has also been considered for the management of uncontrolled bleeding in a number of congenital and acquired hemostatic abnormalities. The myeloproliferative disorders are a group of clonal hematologic diseases where, frequently, abnormal platelet function is considered a hallmark. This is the first case report addressing the clinical benefit of off-label use of recombinant activated factor VII in an attempt to control intractable bleeding in a patient with a myeloproliferative disorder after splenectomy.  相似文献   

Activated platelets provide a procoagulant surface for the assembly and expression of prothrombinase complex. Expression of activity is associated with the binding of the protease factor Xa (FXa) and the co-factor Va (FVa) to the procoagulant surface. A flow cytometric methodology to measure annexin V-FITC as well as FVa and FXa binding to ionophore A 23187 activated platelets is described. Annexin V-FITC was used to determine platelet exposure of phosphatidylserine. The binding was calcium-dependent and excess of unlabelled annexin V (10-fold) prevented the binding of the labelled protein. The binding of FVa and FXa to platelets was measured using specific FITC-labelled monoclonal antibodies. The FITC labelled antibodies were displaced by 10-to 20-fold excess of unlabelled antibodies. Binding was strictly Ca2+-dependent. Fixation of platelets by formaldehyde caused artificial binding of annexin V, FVa and FXa as well, irrespective of the platelet activation status. Using gel-filtered platelets, the binding of FVa increased with alpha -granule secretion but the amount of stored FVa was not sufficient to saturate the available platelet binding sites. Exogenous FVa was needed for maximal FVa binding to occur. No binding of FXa from internal platelet stores was observed. Addition of exogenous FVa and FXa resulted in FXa binding to the platelet surface. The methodology might be of use for the study of platelets from patients with bleeding disorders.  相似文献   

We report on a female patient with hereditary hemorrhagic teleangiectasia complicated by subacute thrombosis of the superior mesenteric vein. Despite gastrointestinal bleeding, anticoagulation therapy with heparin had to be performed to prevent bowel infarction. In this case, local vascular lesions with altered blood flow in combination with hyperfibrinogenemia might have caused superior mesenteric vein thrombosis.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 71-year-old man on warfarin for chronic atrial fibrillation presenting with a massive spontaneous soft tissue bleed. Despite reversing the effects of warfarin with large doses of intravenous vitamin K and fresh frozen plasma, bleeding continued, and his prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time remained prolonged. The prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time failed to correct with 50% normal plasma. Further investigations confirmed a lupus inhibitor with low levels of factors II, V, VII and XI. Factor II, V and XI levels normalized, however, when the patient's plasma was diluted 1:16 in buffer, suggesting the lupus inhibitor may have been interfering with these factor assays causing artefactual low results. Factor VII levels remained consistently low at all dilutions. The patient subsequently died following a massive left haemothorax despite surgical intervention and treatment with activated recombinant factor VII concentrate. We presumed the primary problem was bleeding from a local vascular lesion but the patient was never well enough to undergo confirmatory angiography. This case highlights the fact that patients with lupus inhibitors can develop severe haemorrhagic complications, and illustrates the complexities involved in both the investigation and treatment of abnormal bleeding in these patients.  相似文献   

Recently, we described a platelet antibody against a putative collagen receptor (P62), which was found in a patient with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) (Blood 69:1712). We now report a deficiency of the P62 receptor in a young man whose platelets showed defective collagen-induced platelet aggregation. He had a mild bleeding tendency and slight thrombocytopenia. The results of coagulation and fibrinolysis studies were normal. The patient's platelets were partially unresponsive to collagen, although aggregation in response to ADP, thrombin, ristocetin, and calcium ionophore (A23187) was almost normal. Adhesion of his platelets to bovine collagen was markedly reduced. Addition of collagen caused no synthesis of thromboxane (TX)B2 in platelet rich plasma (PRP) from this patient. Furthermore, collagen produced no rise of cytosolic free calcium ([Ca2+]i) in fura2-loaded platelets. In contrast, thrombin caused TXB2 formation and an increase of [Ca2+]i in his platelets. These results suggest defective interaction between the platelets and collagen. The IgG from the ITP-patient induced irreversible aggregation in normal PRP, but caused no aggregation of the young man's platelets. Immunoblot studies showed that normal platelets had antigens with a molecular weight of 62 KDa under reducing conditions and of 57 KDa under nonreducing conditions. In contrast, the young man's platelets had no P62 band, although GPIa/IIa and thrombospondin were normally present. These results indicate that impaired collagen-induced aggregation in the patient's platelets was due to a deficiency of P62 and confirm that P62 may play a crucial role as a collagen receptor in platelet activation.  相似文献   

Variants of factor XI containing Gln226 to Arg (Q226 to R) and Ser248 to Asn (S248 to N) substitutions were first identified in an African American family with a history of excessive bleeding. The substitutions have recently been identified in unrelated individuals, suggesting they are relatively common. Both amino acids are located in the third apple domain of factor XI, an area implicated in binding interactions with factor IX and activated platelets. Recombinant factor XI-R226 and factor XI-N248 were compared with wild-type factor XI in assays for factor IX activation or platelet binding. Factor XI-R226 activates factor IX with a Michaelis-Menten constant (K(m)) about 5-fold greater than wild-type protein. The catalytic efficiency of factor IX activation is similar to wild-type protein, however, due to an increase in the turnover number (k(cat)) for the reaction. Iodinated factor XI-N248 binds to activated platelets with a dissociation constant (K(d)) more than 5-fold higher than wild-type protein (55 nM and 10 nM, respectively). Activation of factor XI-N248 by thrombin in the presence of activated platelets is slower and does not progress to the same extent as activation of the wild-type protein under similar conditions. Factor XI-N248 activates factor IX normally in a purified protein system and has relatively normal activity in activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assays. Factor XI-N248 is the first factor XI variant described with a clear functional difference compared with wild-type protein. Importantly, the defect in platelet binding would not be detected by routine clinical evaluation with an aPTT assay.  相似文献   

We have examined platelet functional responses and characterized a novel signaling defect in the platelets of a patient suffering from a chronic bleeding disorder. Platelet aggregation responses stimulated by weak agonists such as adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and adrenaline were severely impaired. In comparison, both aggregation and dense granule secretion were normal following activation with high doses of collagen, thrombin, or phorbol-12 myristate-13 acetate (PMA). ADP, thrombin, or thromboxane A2 (TxA2) signaling through their respective Gq-coupled receptors was normal as assessed by measuring either mobilization of intracellular calcium, diacylglycerol (DAG) generation, or pleckstrin phosphorylation. In comparison, Gi-mediated signaling induced by either thrombin, ADP, or adrenaline, examined by suppression of forskolin-stimulated rise in cyclic AMP (cAMP) was impaired, indicating dysfunctional Galphai signaling. Immunoblot analysis of platelet membranes with specific antiserum against different Galpha subunits indicated normal levels of Galphai2,Galphai3,Galphaz, and Galphaq in patient platelets. However, the Galphai1level was reduced to 25% of that found in normal platelets. Analysis of platelet cDNA and gDNA revealed no abnormality in either the Galphai1 or Galphai2 gene sequences. Our studies implicate the minor expressed Galphai subtype Galphai1 as having an important role in regulating signaling pathways associated with the activation of alphaIIbbeta3 and subsequent platelet aggregation by weak agonists.  相似文献   

Human platelets possess at least two non-adrenoceptor binding sites pharmacologically distinct from the f 2 -adrenoceptors. The effects of various imidazol(in)es on platelet aggregation have suggested that these compounds may interact with these non-adrenoceptor binding sites on platelets. [ 3 H]Idazoxan is an antagonist of the f 2 -adrenoceptors frequently used to characterize imidazoline I 2 receptors. We evaluated the binding of [ 3 H]idazoxan to human platelet membranes. In saturation experiments [ 3 H]idazoxan (1.25-32 nM) recognized a single, saturable binding site with high affinity. However, competition assays revealed the presence of f 2A -adrenoceptors and a non-adrenoceptor minor population (25-39%) recognized with high affinity by the imidazoline drug with low affinity for f 2 -adrenoceptors 2-BFI. After the addition of (-)adrenaline (5 w M) to mask f 2 -adrenoceptors, competition curves against [ 3 H]idazoxan binding were biphasic. The imidazoline I 1 receptor-selective drugs, efaroxan and rilmenidine, recognized the minor component with high affinity, whereas the imidazoline I 2 receptor-selective drugs, guanabenz and 2-BFI, bound with high affinity to the major component. Further masking experiments in the presence of efaroxan (2 w M) or guanabenz (1 w M) confirmed that [ 3 H]idazoxan labels two non-adrenoceptor binding sites pharmacologically compatible with imidazoline I 1 and I 2 receptors as well as f 2A -adrenoceptors in human platelets.  相似文献   

Platelets from patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia), a condition associated with a high prevalence of atherosclerosis and its ischemic complications, are claimed to be hyperresponsive to aggregating stimuli. We investigated the platelet responsiveness to and the binding of PGD2, a potent endogenous inhibitor of platelet aggregation via stimulation of adenylate cyclase, in a group of 7 patients affected by IIa hyperlipoproteinemia (IIa HLP) and in a control group of 10 healthy subjects. Inhibition by PGD2 of ADP-induced platelet aggregation was significantly lower in IIa HLP patients than in controls. The number of binding sites for PGD2 of platelets from IIa HLP patients was significantly reduced in comparison with that from controls (93 +/- 19 and 232 +/- 23 receptors/platelet, respectively), whereas the affinity for PGD2 was comparable to that of controls (Kd = 68.8 +/- 19.8 nM in patients and 66.1 +/- 15.9 nM in controls). The reduced number of platelet PGD2 binding sites in IIa HLP patients may account for the impaired sensitivity to PGD2 shown in vitro by platelets and may contribute to the increased tendency to thrombotic manifestations observed in IIa HLP.  相似文献   

One proposed ligand binding site on platelet integrin alpha IIb beta 3 is the region of the beta 3 subunit encompassing amino acids 211-221. However, we recently showed that synthetic peptides corresponding to amino acids 211-221 inhibit fibrinogen binding to alpha IIb beta 3 by binding to alpha IIb beta 3 and not to fibrinogen. In this study, we show that AP6, a monoclonal antibody (MoAb) directed against amino acids 214-221 of beta 3, bound to immobilized active alpha IIb beta 3 but did not inhibit fibrinogen binding to the complex. We then determined whether nonfunctional alpha IIb beta 3 on platelets with a beta 3 Arg-214-->Trp mutation (Strasbourg I variant of Glanzmann's thrombasthenia or GTV) could be induced to aggregate after treatment with dithiothreitol (DTT). DTT has been shown to expose the fibrinogen receptor on normal platelets. DTT treatment of GTV platelets did result in the formation of the fibrinogen binding site as indicated by the binding of pI-55, an MoAb that only binds to the activated form of alpha IIb beta 3. Furthermore, DTT-treated GTV platelets aggregated in the presence of fibrinogen and divalent cations. This aggregation was inhibited by EDTA, RGDS, and the selective alpha IIb beta 3 antagonist, Ro 43-5054. These data show that Arg-214 of beta 3 is not required for fibrinogen binding or for platelet aggregation. However, this amino acid appears to be critical for the formation and for the maintenance of the correct tertiary structure of the fibrinogen binding site on alpha IIb beta 3.  相似文献   

Scott syndrome is a rare bleeding disorder due to an impaired exposure of phosphatidilserine on the platelet membrane, compromising the platelet procoagulant activity, thrombin generation and, thus, the clot formation. We report a case of a 17-year-old female adolescent with bleeding episodes of unknown cause. She had normal coagulation, but altered platelet aggregation under arteriolar flow, indicating platelet dysfunction. Furthermore, the expression of Annexin V was markedly reduced and the diagnosis of Scott syndrome was established. She was treated with platelet transfusions and demonstrated a clinical improvement. Scott syndrome may be investigated in cases with bleeding history and normal coagulation tests.  相似文献   

Human platelets possess at least two non-adrenoceptor binding sites pharmacologically distinct from the alpha(2)-adrenoceptors. The effects of various imidazol(in)es on platelet aggregation have suggested that these compounds may interact with these non-adrenoceptor binding sites on platelets. [(3)H]Idazoxan is an antagonist of the alpha(2)-adrenoceptors frequently used to characterize imidazoline I(2) receptors. We evaluated the binding of [(3)H]idazoxan to human platelet membranes. In saturation experiments [(3)H]idazoxan (1.25-32 nM) recognized a single, saturable binding site with high affinity. However, competition assays revealed the presence of alpha(2A)-adrenoceptors and a non-adrenoceptor minor population (25-39%) recognized with high affinity by the imidazoline drug with low affinity for alpha(2)-adrenoceptors 2-BFI. After the addition of (-)adrenaline (5 microM) to mask alpha(2)-adrenoceptors, competition curves against [(3)H]idazoxan binding were biphasic. The imidazoline I(1) receptor-selective drugs, efaroxan and rilmenidine, recognized the minor component with high affinity, whereas the imidazoline I(2) receptor-selective drugs, guanabenz and 2-BFI, bound with high affinity to the major component. Further masking experiments in the presence of efaroxan (2 microM) or guanabenz (1 microM) confirmed that [(3)H]idazoxan labels two non-adrenoceptor binding sites pharmacologically compatible with imidazoline I(1) and I(2) receptors as well as alpha(2A)-adrenoceptors in human platelets.  相似文献   

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