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The pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α has multiple effects on adipocyte function, including the production of adipokines. In this paper, we have examined the acute vs prolonged effects of TNF-α on the expression and secretion of key inflammation-related adipokines by human adipocytes. Adipocytes differentiated in culture were treated with TNF-α for 1–24 h, mRNA quantitated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and secreted adipokines by ELISA. Treatment of adipocytes with TNF-α for up to 24 h had little effect on MIF, MT-2 and PAI-1 mRNA levels. TNF-α decreased adiponectin, adipsin, haptoglobin and leptin mRNA levels by 24 h, but adiponectin and haptoglobin mRNA was initially increased. In contrast, TNF-α induced rapid and substantial increases in expression of the genes encoding IL-6, MCP-1, NGF and TNF-α itself; IL-6 and TNF-α mRNA levels peaked at 2 h with 75-fold and 600-fold increases, respectively. The elevated MCP-1, NGF and VEGF mRNA levels were sustained between 4 and 24 h. The adipokine secretion pattern largely paralleled cellular mRNA levels; IL-6 (transiently), MCP-1, NGF and VEGF release were stimulated by TNF-α, with an accelerating rate of MCP-1 secretion over 24 h. TNF-α has rapid and substantial effects on the synthesis of key inflammation-related adipokines in human adipocytes, with highly gene-specific responses.  相似文献   

Hyperosmotic stress is known to induce apoptotic cell death, an effect previously attributed to seemingly ligand-independent clustering of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) receptors. An alternative explanation for the clustering of TNF alpha receptors may be stimulation of TNF alpha production, with subsequent autocrine or paracrine stimulation of the receptors. The present study was performed to test for an effect of exposure to hyperosmotic extracellular fluid on cellular TNF alpha production. In both the macrophage cell line U937 and the B lymphocyte cell line LCL721, an increase of extracellular osmolarity to 500 mosmol/l indeed increased TNF alpha expression, an effect reversed by the p38 kinase inhibitor SB203580. In both cell types hyperosmotic stress triggered apoptosis, which in U937 cells was significantly inhibited by neutralizing antibodies against TNF alpha and by SB203580 and was similarly elicited by exogenous addition of TNF alpha. In contrast, osmotically induced apoptosis of LCL721 cells was only slightly blunted by anti-TNF alpha antibodies and rather increased by SB203580. In conclusion, through activation of p38 kinase hyperosmotic stress stimulates the expression of TNF alpha which at least in U937 macrophages may participate in the triggering of subsequent apoptotic cell death. However, the observations in LCL721 cells point to other, TNF alpha-independent, mechanisms mediating apoptotic cell death following an excessive increase of extracellular osmolarity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize ion conductances and carrier mechanisms of isolated in vitro perfused rabbit colonic crypts. Crypts were isolated from rabbit colon mucosa and mounted on a pipette system which allowed controlled perfusion of the lumen. In non-stimulated conditions basolateral membrane voltage (V b1) was –65±1 mV (n=240). Bath Ba2+ (1 mmol/ l) and verapamil (0.1 mmol/l) depolarized V b1 by 21±2 mV (n=7) and 31±1 (n=4), respectively. Lowering of bath Cl concentration hyperpolarized V b1 from –69±3 to –75±3 mV (n=9). Lowering of luminal Cl concentration did not change V b1. Basolateral application of loop diuretics (furosemide, piretanide, bumetanide) had no influence on V b1 in non-stimulated crypts. Forskolin (10–6 mol/l) in the bath depolarized V b1 by 29±2 mV (n=54) and decreased luminal membrane resistance. In one-third of the experiments a spontaneous partial repolarization of V b1 was seen in the presence of forskolin. During forskolin-induced depolarization basolateral application of loop diuretics hyperpolarized V b1 significantly and concentration dependently with a potency sequence of bumetanide > piretanide furosemide. Lowering bath Cl concentration hyperpolarized V b1. Lowering of luminal Cl concentration from 120 to 32 mmol/l during forskolin-induced depolarization led to a further depolarization of Vb1 by 7±2 mV (n=10). We conclude that Vb1 of rabbit colonic crypt cells is dominated by a K+ conductance. Stimulation of the cells by forskolin opens a luminal Cl conductance. Basolateral uptake of Cl occurs via a basolateral Na+ : 2Cl : K+ cotransport system.  相似文献   

Negative regulation of cytokine signaling is critical for the generation of the appropriate cellular outcome in response to signals, and can be modulated by other concomitant extracellular stimuli (“crosstalk”). Using both genetic and pharmacological manipulations we have investigated the mechanisms by which the pro-inflammatory stimuli, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and Tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), negatively regulate interleukin-6 (IL-6) signaling in primary mouse macrophages. Analysis of suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3)-deficient macrophages reveal that SOCS3 is necessary but surprisingly, not sufficient for the complete crosstalk inhibition of IL-6 signaling induced by LPS and TNFα. Analysis of macrophages from gp130 (Y757F) mutant mice suggest that SH2 domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase (SHP2) activity does not explain the residual inhibitory effect of these pro-inflammatory stimuli. In addition, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38) activation also negatively regulates IL-6 signaling independent of its parallel and necessary action to induce SOCS3 expression. Finally, we have identified an additional, novel mechanism of crosstalk inhibition: a reduction in total cellular levels of gp130 following stimulation with LPS and TNFα.  相似文献   



Under pathological conditions, microglia produce proinflammatory mediators which contribute to neurologic damage, and whose levels can be modulated by endogenous factors including neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine (NE). We investigated the ability of NE to suppress microglial activation, in particular its effects on induction and activity of the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) and the possible role that IL-1β plays in that response.


Rat cortical microglia were stimulated with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to induce NOS2 expression (assessed by nitrite and nitrate accumulation, NO production, and NOS2 mRNA levels) and IL-1β release (assessed by ELISA). Effects of NE were examined by co-incubating cells with different concentrations of NE, adrenergic receptor agonists and antagonists, cAMP analogs, and protein kinase (PK) A and adenylate cyclase (AC) inhibitors. Effects on the NFκB:IκB pathway were examined by using selective a NFκB inhibitor and measuring IκBα protein levels by western blots. A role for IL-1β in NOS2 induction was tested by examining effects of caspase-1 inhibitors and using caspase-1 deficient cells.


LPS caused a time-dependent increase in NOS2 mRNA levels and NO production; which was blocked by a selective NFκB inhibitor. NE dose-dependently reduced NOS2 expression and NO generation, via activation of β2-adrenergic receptors (β2-ARs), and reduced loss of inhibitory IkBα protein. NE effects were replicated by dibutyryl-cyclic AMP. However, co-incubation with either PKA or AC inhibitors did not reverse suppressive effects of NE, but instead reduced nitrite production. A role for IL-1β was suggested since NE potently blocked microglial IL-1β production. However, incubation with a caspase-1 inhibitor, which reduced IL-1β levels, had no effect on NO production; incubation with IL-receptor antagonist had biphasic effects on nitrite production; and NE inhibited nitrite production in caspase-1 deficient microglia.


NE reduces microglial NOS2 expression and IL-1β production, however IL-1β does not play a critical role in NOS2 induction nor in mediating NE suppressive effects. Changes in magnitude or kinetics of cAMP may modulate NOS2 induction as well as suppression by NE. These results suggest that dysregulation of the central cathecolaminergic system may contribute to detrimental inflammatory responses and brain damage in neurological disease or trauma.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) is an adipokine, whose increase is known to suppress the expression and secretion of adiponectin in adipocytes. Resveratrol has been ever reported to recover the suppression of adiponectin by TNFα, but the underlying mechanism remains poorly understood. In this study, we validated the roles of resveratrol in the inhibition of the adiponectin by TNFα in 3T3-L1 cells. Exposure to TNFα for 24 h inhibited adiponectin synthesis and secretion, but the inhibitions were partially recovered by resveratrol treatment in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Furthermore, we found that resveratrol improved the expression of adiponectin by the increase of PPARγ DNA-binding activity. Our results suggest that resveratrol may attenuate the inhibition of adiponectin expression by TNFα via activation of PPARγ, thereby possibly improving insulin resistance. However, significant preventive effects of resveratrol were only observed when it was administrated before TNFα increase, limiting its use as preventive strategy for insulin resistance.  相似文献   

NF-κB is well established as a key component of the inflammatory response. However, the precise mechanisms through which NF-κB activation contributes to inflammatory disease states remain poorly defined. To test the role of NF-κB in inflammation, we created a knock-in mouse that expresses a constitutively active form of NF-κB p65 dimers. These mice are born at normal Mendelian ratios, but display a progressive, systemic hyperinflammatory condition that results in severe runting and, typically, death 8–20 d after birth. Examination of homozygous knock-in mice demonstrates significant increases in proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Remarkably, crossing this strain with mice lacking TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1) leads to a complete rescue of the hyperinflammatory phenotype. However, upon aging, these rescued mice begin to display chronic keratitis accompanied by increased corneal expression of TNFα, IL-1β, and MMP-9, similar to that seen in human keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) or “dry eyes.” Therefore, our results show that, while constitutively active NF-κB can trigger systemic inflammation, it does so indirectly, through increased TNF production. However, certain inflammatory disease states, such as keratitis or KCS, a condition that is seen in Sjogren''s syndrome, are dependent on NF-κB, but are independent of TNFR1 signaling.  相似文献   

Dysfunction of microvascular endothelial cells induced by TNFαand its molecular mechanism  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to examine the effect of recombinant human endostatin (rhEndostatin) on adjuvant arthritis (AA) in rats and its possible mechanisms.


RhEndostatin was subcutaneously administrated to AA rats after immunization. The progression of AA was assessed by the macroscopic arthritis scoring system of paws. Histological examination of the synovial tissues was examined by hematoxylin and eosin staining. The expression level of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNA and proteins in the synovial tissues was evaluated by realtime PCR and immunohistochemistry, respectively. Fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) were isolated from synovial tissues. Cell proliferation assay was evaluateded with 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide. The levels of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) in culture medium was examined by radioimmno assay.


RhEndostatin attenuated the severity of arthritis on both second hind paw volume and polyarthritis score, as well as improved the arthritic status histologically in AA rats. Simultaneously, rhEndostatin can inhibit the expression of VEGF in synovial tissues. The proliferation of FLS and TNF-α, IL-1β production from culture medium was significantly inhibited by rhEndostatin.


Our data suggest that rhEndostatin inhibits adjuvant arthritis by down-regulating VEGF expression and suppression of TNF-α, IL-1β production.  相似文献   

α(1)-Antitrypsin (AAT) acts as an important neutrophil elastase inhibitor in the lung. Although the hepatocyte is considered to be the primary source of AAT, local production by monocytes, macrophages, and epithelial cells may contribute to the formation of an antielastase screen. Because monocytes can differentiate into a heterogeneous population of macrophages with subpopulations ranging from proinflammatory properties (MΦ-1) to antiinflammatory properties (ΜΦ-2) and into dendritic cells (DCs), we studied whether LPS, TNF-α, and oncostatin M (OSM) enhance AAT production differentially in cultured ΜΦ-1, ΜΦ-2, and DCs. Monocytes from healthy blood donors were cultured for 7 days in the presence of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), macrophage colony-stimulating factor, or GM-CSF with IL-4 to obtain ΜΦ-1, ΜΦ-2, and immature (i)DCs, respectively. Cells were stimulated with LPS, TNF-α, or OSM, and AAT synthesis was assessed by quantitative RT-PCR, immunocytochemistry, and ELISA. Spontaneous release of AAT was higher in ΜΦ-1 than in ΜΦ-2 and iDCs, and only LPS significantly increased AAT production in ΜΦ-1, ΜΦ-2, and DC. TNF-α and OSM did not affect AAT secretion. The secretion levels of the related protease inhibitors α-1 antichymotrypsin and secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor were below the limits of detection by ELISA. In contrast to the protein data, analysis by quantitative RT-PCR showed that 24-hour LPS exposure caused a maximal 2.1-fold AAT mRNA increase in ΜΦ-1, a 21-fold increase in ΜΦ-2, and an 11-fold increase in DCs. These data suggest that cellular differentiation is a regulator of local AAT production.  相似文献   

In normal adult skin, β-catenin is a structural component of the intercellular junction and the Wnt/β-catenin pathway plays a key role in the regulation of cutaneous homeostasis, particularly in the maintenance of hair follicle stem cells. No data are available on the expression pattern of β-catenin in normal canine skin and in canine cutaneous epidermal and follicular tumours. The present study used immunohistochemistry to determine β-catenin expression in four samples of normal canine skin and 62 cutaneous epithelial tumours (14 epidermal, 30 follicular and 18 glandular). β-catenin expression was localized to the nucleus of matrical and dermal papilla cells in anagen hair follicles and was also found in scattered cells of the outer root sheath, suggesting that these follicular epithelial cells may have a high proliferative potential. Nuclear labelling, considered a hallmark of activation of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway, was observed in canine follicular tumours with matrical differentiation (100% of cases of trichoepithelioma and pilomatricoma), suggesting that a possible mutation of the canine CTNBB1 gene may underlie these tumours. In contrast, malignant tumours (squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, sebaceous and apocrine gland carcinoma and epithelioma) were characterized by reduction/loss of β-catenin membrane labelling compared with normal cutaneous epithelial cells and benign tumours, suggesting that reduction/loss of β-catenin expression is important in the acquisition of the malignant phenotype and may have a role in the infiltration and metastasis of these tumours.  相似文献   

Autophagosomes delivers cytoplasmic constituents to lysosomes for degradation, whereas inflammasomes are molecular platforms activated by infection or stress that regulate the activity of caspase-1 and the maturation of interleukin 1β (IL-1β) and IL-18. Here we show that the induction of AIM2 or NLRP3 inflammasomes in macrophages triggered activation of the G protein RalB and autophagosome formation. The induction of autophagy did not depend on the adaptor ASC or capase-1 but was dependent on the presence of the inflammasome sensor. Blocking autophagy potentiated inflammasome activity, whereas stimulating autophagy limited it. Assembled inflammasomes underwent ubiquitination and recruited the autophagic adaptor p62, which assisted their delivery to autophagosomes. Our data indicate that autophagy accompanies inflammasome activation to temper inflammation by eliminating active inflammasomes.  相似文献   

The interaction of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies with the high-affinity receptor (Fc?RI) is important in anti-parasitic immunity and plays a central role in allergic responses. It has been shown that the human C?3 domains comprise the binding sites for Fc?RIα and crystal structure determination has shown that amino acids in four sites contribute to the high affinity of the interaction. The role of homologous residues within canine IgE-Fc, i.e. amino acids located at C?2–C?3 interface (residues 332–337), loop BC (residues 362–365), loop DE (residues 393–396), and loop FG (residues 424–427) in canine C?3 domain were targeted by site-specific mutagenesis. The functional consequences of the mutations to support (i) IgE-mediated, antigen-induced release of β-hexosaminidase from RBL cells transfected with canine or human Fc?RIα and (ii) the affinity of the mutants for the soluble extracellular domain of the α-chain expressed in Pichia pastoris were determined by Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR). Kinetic analysis supports the observed effects of IgE mutations on stimulus secretion coupling. Potential applications of this study, leading to the generation of an IgE variant with a disabled Fc?RIα binding site, are discussed.  相似文献   

《Cardiovascular pathology》2014,23(3):131-138
IntroductionAdipose tissue is considered an endocrine organ, producing bioactive peptides, called adipokines. Adipokines produced by periadventitial fat have been implicated in the pathogenesis of vascular disease, including atherosclerosis. Adiponectin has established antiatherogenic actions, while the role of T-cadherin as an adiponectin receptor is not fully elucidated. The apelinergic system, consisting of apelin and its APJ receptor, is a mediator of various cardiovascular functions and may also be involved in the atherosclerotic process. We investigated the protein expression of adiponectin, T-cadherin, apelin and APJ in human aortas, coronary vessels, and the respective periadventitial adipose tissue and correlated their expression with the presence of atherosclerosis and clinical parameters.MethodsImmunohistochemistry for adiponectin, T-cadherin, apelin, and APJ was performed on human aortic and coronary artery samples including the periadventitial adipose tissue. Aortic and coronary atherosclerotic lesions were assessed using the american heart association (AHA) classification.ResultsAdiponectin immunostaining, of varied intensity, was detected only in adipocytes, while T-cadherin was localized to vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and endothelial cells. Apelin immunostaining was detected in adipocytes, VSMCs, endothelial cells, and foam cells in atherosclerotic lesions, while APJ was found in VSMCs and endothelia. Periadventitial adiponectin and VSMC T-cadherin expression were negatively correlated with atherosclerosis in both sites, as was VSMC apelin expression. Several other — depot specific — associations were observed.ConclusionsOur results suggest a possible role for T-cadherin as a mediator of antiatherogenic adiponectin actions, while they support the putative antiatherogenic profile for apelin and its APJ receptor in human arteries. Further research is absolutely necessary to confirm these notions.SummaryPeriadventitial adipose tissue adipokines are implicated in vascular physiology and pathology. Adiponectin/T-cadherin and apelin/APJ immunoreactivity is detected in human aortas and coronary arteries. Adiponectin/T-cadherin and apelin/APJ expression patterns were found to be inversely associated with human aortic and coronary atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH)-releasing peptide-2 (GHRP-2), a ghrelin receptor agonist, has been reported to bear an anti-inflammatory effect. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of GHRP-2 and GH on the expression of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) genes induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in mouse liver tissues. Thirty-five male NMRI mice (25?±?5 g) were used. Mice were divided into five groups (n?=?7). GHRP-2 (100 μg/kg), GH (25 μg/kg), and (GHRP-2 + GH) were injected through the mice tail vein 30 min before the injection of LPS. Then, inflammation was induced by intraperitoneal injection of LPS (5 mg/kg) while the control animals received sterile saline. Changes in the levels of expression of TNF-α, IL-6, and iNOS genes in the mice liver induced by LPS injection for 2 h were studied by a semiquantitative RT-polymerase chain reaction method. Administration of LPS increased hepatic TNF-α, IL-6, and iNOS mRNAs. The results showed that intravenous administration of GHRP-2and GH significantly reduced the elevated TNF-α, IL-6, and iNOS mRNA levels 2 h after the injection. In contrast, injection of GHRP-2 prior to injection of LPS reduced IL-6. Injection of GH reduced the expression of iNOS in liver tissues. Coadministration of two drugs had a positive effect on the reduction of TNF-α, IL-6, and iNOS expression.  相似文献   

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