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BACKGROUND: The number and volume of abnormalities on baseline brain magnetic resonance images in patients with initial findings suggestive of multiple sclerosis are known to predict outcome in terms of disability. However, no long-term data exist on specific locations or types of lesions. OBJECTIVE: To assess the long-term predictive value of baseline magnetic resonance imaging parameters, including location of lesions and gadolinium-enhancing and hypointense lesions in patients with initial findings suggestive of multiple sclerosis for the occurrence of clinically relevant disability as defined by an Expanded Disability Status Scale score of 3. PATIENTS: After a median follow-up period of 8.7 years, the medical records of 42 patients were reviewed and assessed for time until patients received an Expanded Disability Status Scale score of 3. Magnetic resonance imaging parameters were dichotomized according to maximum accuracy and then used to calculate hazard ratios using the Cox model for proportional hazard ratios. RESULTS: Conversion to clinically definite multiple sclerosis was observed in 26 patients (62%), of whom 14 (54%) progressed to an Expanded Disability Status Scale score of 3. Two or more infratentorial lesions best predicted long-term disability (hazard ratio, 6.3). Gadolinium-enhancing and hypointense T1-weighted lesions did not show prognostic value. CONCLUSION: Infratentorial lesions are related to long-term prognosis for patients with initial findings suggestive of multiple sclerosis and thus may help to identify patients at high risk for earlier occurrence of clinically relevant disability.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Preliminary observational studies with multiple sclerosis (MS) patients have reported strong correlations between an increase in hypointense lesion load (black holes) on T1-weighted spin echo images, and an increase in disability. OBJECTIVE: We assessed the relationship of hypointense lesions to the clinical course of disease among 50 relapsing-remitting MS patients in the controlled setting of a randomized clinical trial. METHODS: Fifty patients with relapsing-remitting disease were enrolled in a randomized double-blind two-arm (cladribine vs. placebo) clinical trial of 1-year duration. All patients had monthly clinical evaluations and MRIs over the course of the trial. Multivariate techniques were used to identify predictors of clinical severity from information on exacerbations, MRIs, baseline clinical parameters, and demographics. RESULTS: At baseline, clinical severity is weakly related to counts of black holes, with rank correlations between counts and clinical scores (EDSS and SNRS) of absolute magnitude 0.3. Rates of appearance of new black holes over the course of the trial are higher for patients with more severe disease at baseline (EDSS > or = 4) than for the less severe patients. Changes in clinical severity over the course of the trial are best predicted by baseline neurologic scores and numbers of exacerbations, with black holes adding no further improvement in prediction. CONCLUSIONS: Numbers of exacerbations seem more critical to short-term clinical outcomes in relapsing-remitting MS, as reflected by patients' clinical scores, rather than black holes. Various imaging methods and MRI indices capture complementary information relating to MS disease processes. The determination of which processes are affected by different drugs should lead to more effective treatment of MS patients.  相似文献   

In multiple sclerosis (MS) gadolinium (Gd)-enhanced MRI activity correlates weakly with immunological markers of disease activity. We, therefore, tested the hypothesis that the poor correlation could be partly explained by the temporal profile of Gd enhancement. We measured urinary neopterin:creatinine ratios (neopt.:creat.(urine)) in 5 patients with active MS undergoing weekly Gd-enhanced MRI studies of the brain. The neopt.:creat.(urine) associated with new Gd-enhancing lesions (<8 days) was significantly higher than the ratio not associated with new Gd-enhancing lesions [mean(geometric) neopt.: creat.(urine) = 413 micromol/mol (range = 207-521) vs. 250 micromol/mol (range = 132-492), p = 0.03]. Pro-inflammatory immunological markers, which are probably produced early on in the life cycle of an active MS lesion, should preferably be correlated with newly enhancing lesions (<8 days). Failure to do this may explain the poor and unpredictable correlations between immunological markers and Gd-enhanced MRI activity, which cannot be accurately aged in cross-sectional and serial monthly MRI studies.  相似文献   

Atrophy of corpus callosum (CC) related to axonal loss has previously been observed in patients at the early stage of clinically definite multiple sclerosis (CDMS). Atrophy increases with the progression of the disease. Nevertheless, no data concerning the onset of atrophy of CC are currently available. The purpose of this study is to determine if damage in callosal tissue was present at the earliest stage of MS, in a subgroup of patients presenting with a clinically isolated syndrome suggestive of MS (CISSMS), fulfilling the dissemination in space criteria according to McDonald. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) techniques were applied to measure CC volume, magnetization transfer ratio (MTR), mean diffusivity (MD), N-acetyl aspartate/choline-containing compounds (NAA/Cho) ratio, N-acetyl aspartate/total creatine (NAA/Cr) ratio and Cho/Cr ratio inside the CC of 46 CISSMS patients and 24 sex- and age-matched controls. No atrophy of CC was observed in the CISSMS group. CC of patients was characterized by decreased MTR and increased MD. No change in the NAA/Cr ratio was observed while the NAA/Cho ratio decreased and Cho/Cr ratio increased in the splenium and the central anterior part of CC. These abnormalities were present in patients with, but also without, macroscopic lesions inside the CC. Our results indicate that diffuse structural and metabolic changes, which may be interpreted as representing predominantly myelin pathology, occur in the CC at the earliest stage of MS before any atrophy is detected.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The present study was planned to investigate the relationship between the plasma lipid profile and disease activity in patients with a first clinical episode suggestive of multiple sclerosis (MS). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eighteen consecutive out-patients underwent a monthly brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), blood sample and neurological assessment over 6 months. Blood samples were used to evaluate total cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as their lipoprotein fractions. Plasma total apolipoprotein E concentration was also determined. RESULTS: We found a significant correlation between the mean number of enhancing lesions and the mean plasma level of both total and low density lipoprotein cholesterol. The total plasma cholesterol level increased on average by 4.4 mg/dl for each enhancing lesion. CONCLUSION: Our preliminary data suggest a potential role of plasma cholesterol level as a biological marker of disease activity after a first demyelinating event. Further studies need, however, to be designed to determine whether the plasma cholesterol level is of practical use in monitoring the disease course.  相似文献   

There is evidence that inflammatory processes in multiple sclerosis (MS) are age-dependent. In this study we evaluated the impact of aging on gadolinium (Gd) enhancement of brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) lesions in MS patients. Pre- and post-contrast MRI scans, acquired using a standardized procedure by the same MRI scanner, at least 1 month far from clinical relapse or steroid treatment, were examined in 200 disease-modifying treatment free MS patients. Seventy-three patients (36.5%) showed at least one enhancing lesion. Age at MRI examination (p=0.0001), disease duration (p=0.002) and EDSS score were significantly (p=0.02) lower, whereas relapse rate in the preceding 2 years was higher (p=0.003) in patients with enhancing lesions than in patients with unenhancing scans. Multivariate logistic analysis showed that current age was the variable better predicting Gd enhancement (p=0.004). The odds ratios were 0.95 (CI: 0.92-0.98) for each year of patient's age and 0.64 (CI: 0.48-0.87) for each age decade. The main changes in enhancement risk occurred after 35 years of age. Multivariate Poisson regression model showed that relapse rate in the preceding 2 years (p<0.0001) and current age (p=0.0003) were the best predictors of the number of enhancing lesions. This information can be used to increase the statistical power of clinical trials using Gd-enhancing lesions as an outcome measure.  相似文献   

Journal of Neurology - Spinal cord (SC) involvement correlates with poor prognosis in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Nevertheless, there is no consensus on the use of SC-MRI at follow-up,...  相似文献   

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we investigated whether movement-associated functional changes of the brain are present in patients who are, most likely, at the earliest stage of multiple sclerosis (MS). Functional MRI exams were obtained from 16 patients at presentation with clinically isolated syndromes (CIS) suggestive of MS and 15 sex- and age-matched healthy volunteers during the performance of three simple and one more complex motor tasks with fully normal functioning extremities. fMRI analysis was performed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM99). Compared to healthy volunteers, CIS patients had increased activations of the contralateral primary sensorimotor cortex (SMC), secondary somatosensory cortex (SII), and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), when performing a simple motor task with the dominant hand. The increased recruitment of the contralateral primary SMC was also found during the performance of the same motor task with the non-dominant hand and with the dominant foot. In this latter case, an anterior shift of the center of activation of this region was detected. During the performance of a complex motor task with the dominant upper and lower limbs, CIS patients had an increased recruitment of a widespread network (including the frontal lobe, the insula, the thalamus), usually considered to function in motor, sensory, and multimodal integration processing. The comparison of brain activations during the performance of simple vs. complex motor tasks showed that the movement-associated somatotopic organization of the cerebral and cerebellar cortices was retained in patients with CIS. Cortical reorganization occurs in patients at presentation with CIS highly suggestive of MS. Local synaptic reorganization, recruitment of parallel existing pathways, and reorganization of distant sites are all likely to contribute to the observed functional changes. Hum. Brain Mapping 21:106-115, 2004.  相似文献   

The onset of multiple sclerosis (MS) in 85% of young adults is with a subacute clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) of the optic nerves, brainstem, or spinal cord. Whereas multifocal brain lesions are present on MRI in many patients with a CIS, some patients have additional abnormalities on quantitative MRI in otherwise normal-appearing white and grey matter that suggest an extensive pathological process. Functional outcome for patients with symptomatic CIS lesions is determined by the interplay of inflammation, demyelination, axonal damage, remyelination, and cortical adaptation. Recovery of function may be accelerated by high dose corticosteroids, and although interferon beta delays the development of a second relapse, its long-term effect is unknown. A better understanding of pathological and pathogenetic processes in patients with a CIS will facilitate the development of disease-modifying treatments for patients with MS before they become disabled. Continued clinical and laboratory investigation of patients with a CIS should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Cognitive impairment in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common occurrence and is generally fairly circumscribed. The prevalence of the cognitive deficits usually encountered could vary with the clinical course of the disease. To investigate whether the presence of cognitive impairment may occur in the very early stage of MS, we assessed the cognitive status of a group of 40 patients presenting with a recently diagnosed clinically isolated syndrome suggestive of MS (CISSMS), in comparison with 30 age-, sex-, and educational level-matched healthy control subjects. An extensive battery of neuropsychological tests was used to explore verbal and non-verbal memory, attention, concentration, speed of information processing, language and abstract reasoning. Patients with CISSMS had a significant, frequent (57%), and circumscribed cognitive impairment, focused on memory, speed of information processing, attention and executive functions.  相似文献   

Studies with conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) support the hypothesis that cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients is related with the lesion burden. Patterns of frontal lobe cognitive decline were also found to be related with the corresponding regional lesion load, although the total lesion load on T2-weighted MRI scans of the brain seems to be more relevant in determining frontal lobe deficits. Other non-conventional MRI techniques with a higher specificity to the heterogeneous substrates of MS pathology, such as the assessment of hypointense lesion load on T1-weighted scans and the histogram analysis of magnetisation transfer ratio (MTR) maps, have recently been applied to MS cognitive studies. Results from these studies suggest that three factors play a role in the pathogenesis of MS dementia: the burden of MS lesions, the severity of the pathological damage within individual lesions and that of the normal-appearing white matter.  相似文献   

In this study, dynamic susceptibility contrast-magnetic resonance imaging (DSC-MRI) was used to quantify the cerebral blood flow (CBF), the cerebral blood volume (CBV), and the mean transit time (MTT) and to analyze the changes in cerebral perfusion associated with the cortical lesions in 44 patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. The cortical lesions showed a statistically significant reduction in CBF and CBV compared with the normal-appearing gray matter, whereas there were no significant changes in the MTT. The reduced perfusion suggests a reduction of metabolism because of the loss of cortical neurons. A small population of outliers showing an increased CBF and/or CBV has also been detected. The presence of hyperperfused outliers may imply that perfusion could evolve during inflammation. These findings show that perfusion is altered in cortical lesions and that DSC-MRI can be a useful tool to investigate more deeply the evolution of cortical lesions in multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

It is unclear whether brain MRI lesions are associated with depression in multiple sclerosis (MS). Neurological dysfunction in depressed (n= 19) and non-depressed (n = 29) MS patients was rated by expanded disability status scale (EDSS). EDSS was weakly predictive of the presence of (p = 0.03) and severity of (p = 0.01) depression. After correcting for EDSS, the presence of depression was predicted by superior frontal and superior parietal hypointense TI lesions (p<0.01); the severity of depression was predicted by superior frontal, superior parietal and temporal TI lesions, lateral and third ventricular enlargement, and frontal atrophy (p<0.01). Depression was not related to bright T2 lesions or enhancement. We conclude that atrophy and cortical-subcortical disconnection due to frontal and parietal white matter destructive lesions may contribute to depression in MS.  相似文献   

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from 66 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and 25 patients with other neurological diseases (OND) were examined for the infection of Chlamydia pneumoniae by culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay, and determination of antibodies to C. pneumoniae. PCR was positive not only in 9 of 28 (32%) patients with MS but also in 2 patents with inflammatory disorders in 15 (13%) OND controls (p = 0.18). Viable C. pneumoniae was isolated from one patient with MS and one with paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis. C. pneumoniae could be detected only in cell-containing CSF. In MS, enhanced spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) lesions were detected in all of four PCR-positive patents but none of five PCR-negative patients, and the difference was significant (p = 0.0079). However, no correlation was found between enhanced brain MRI lesions and CSF C. pneumoniae DNA. Elevated titers of anti-C. pneumoniae IgG were detected in CSF in 13 of 66 (20%) patients with MS and 1 of 25 (4%) OND controls (p = 0.064). CNS C. pneumoniae infection is not uncommon in MS as well as in other inflammatory disorders of the nervous system. The association of active spinal lesions with Chlamydia in CSF collected by lumber puncture suggests the detection of a recent infection. On the other hand, the lack of association of active MS brain lesions with CSF Chlamydia and the presence of PCR-positive patents who are clinically stable and have no enhancing MRI lesions imply the existence of a chronic infectious process.  相似文献   

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