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Rémy Noudel Edouard Chauvet Virginie Cahn Jean Claude Mérol André Chays Pascal Rousseaux 《Child's nervous system》2009,25(9):1115-1120
Introduction Juvenile psammomatoid ossifying fibroma (JPOF) is a benign but potentially locally aggressive fibroosseous lesion predominantly arising in the paranasal sinuses in children and young adults. Intracranial extension is rare but occurs sometimes. In such cases, tumor resection may often require the combination of neurosurgical and facial approaches. Histological diagnosis remains a challenge because the lesion can be easily mistaken for another fibroosseous lesion or for a meningioma. Case report We report the case of a 12-year-old boy with a JPOF arising from the right paranasal sinuses and extension towards the anterior skull base and the orbit. Despite the tumor had eroded through nasal septum, medial orbit wall, and right maxilla, it could be entirely removed performing an extended frontobasal approach via a bifrontoorbital craniotomy, obviating the need for a transfacial approach. Conclusion Radiologically and histologically, the lesion could be mistaken either for a meningioma or another type of ossifying fibroma. Histological aspects and alternative surgical approaches to these rare entities are discussed. 相似文献
导航引导颅鼻联合入路内镜辅助颅底骨化纤维瘤切除术 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的探讨影像导航下颅底骨化纤维瘤全切的可能性。方法应用影像导航、内镜辅助实施5例颅底骨化纤维瘤切除术。结果术后复查肿瘤均得到全切,手术时间与传统手术相仿。结论应用影像导航辅以鼻内镜技术,颅底骨化纤维瘤可以在降低副损伤的前提下实现全切。 相似文献
Amin B. Kassam Ajith J. Thomas Lee A. Zimmer Carl H. Snyderman Ricardo L. Carrau Arlan Mintz Michael Horowitz 《Child's nervous system》2007,23(5):491-498
Objective and importance Vascular lesions with an intraosseus nidus involving the skull base are uncommon and challenging [Gianoli GJ, Amedee RG Vascular
malformation of the sphenoid sinus. Ear Nose Throat J. 70:373–375;(1991), Malik GM, Mahmood A, Mehta BA Dural arteriovenous
malformation of the skull base with intraosseous vascular nidus. Report of two cases. J. Neurosurg 81:620–623;(1994)]. We
present a pediatric patient, with a life-threatening arteriovenous malformation (AVM) of the sphenoid sinus, clivus, and ventral
skull base, who failed routine multimodality management of AVMs. An entirely transsphenoidal fully endoscopic resection was
used to resect this ventral cranial base AVM with an intraosseus nidus located in the clivus.
Clinical presentation A 4-year-old female presented with recurrent, life-threatening hemorrhages from a clival and ventral skull base AVM of the
entire clivus and ventral skull base. The patient had been temporized from the age of 2–4 years with multiple internal and
external carotid arterial particulate and alcohol embolizations, including both external and internal carotid artery embolizations,
intracranial ligation of the right internal carotid artery, and gamma knife irradiation. Despite these multiple interventions,
the patient had persistent, life-threatening hemorrhages from arterial recanalization and recruitment requiring intubation,
tracheostomy, and nasopharyngeal packing.
Intervention The patient underwent a three-stage surgical intervention to resect the AVM. An open subfrontal approach, as the first procedure,
provided minimal access to the feeding vessels and was therefore aborted. A two-stage image-guided fully endoscopic approach
via a sublabial midface approach without external incisions was performed. Postoperative angiography revealed minimal residual
shunting in the pharynx and cavernous sinus. The patient has been free of significant hemorrhages over the past three years.
Conclusion Technological advances in endoscopic surgery and image guidance are now allowing for purely endoscopic surgical treatment
of previously unresectable lesions with acceptable morbidity. We report the successful and safe resection of a ventral cranial
base AVM via a fully endoscopic approach. This paper reports the first AVM with a purely intraosseus nidus of the ventral
skull base and demonstrates the ability to deal with complex ventral skull base lesions using a fully endoscopic transsphenoidal
technique. 相似文献
Moncef Berhouma Nishanta B. Baidya Abdelhay A. Ismaïl Jun Zhang Mario Ammirati 《Clinical neurology and neurosurgery》2013
Endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery attracts an increasing number of young neurosurgeons. This recent technique requires specific technical skills for the approaches to non-pituitary tumors (expanded endoscopic endonasal surgery). Actual residents’ busy schedules carry the risk of compromising their laboratory training by limiting significantly the dedicated time for dissections.Objective
To enhance and shorten the learning curve in expanded endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery, we propose a reproducible model based on the implantation of a polymer via an intracranial route to provide a pathological retro-infundibular expansive lesion accessible to a virgin expanded endoscopic endonasal route, avoiding the ethically-debatable need to hundreds of pituitary cases in live patients before acquiring the desired skills.Methods
A polymer-based tumor model was implanted in 6 embalmed human heads via a microsurgical right fronto-temporal approach through the carotido-oculomotor cistern to mimic a retro-infundibular tumor. The tumor's position was verified by CT-scan. An endoscopic endonasal trans-sphenoidal trans-tubercular trans-planum approach was then carried out on a virgin route under neuronavigation tracking.Results
Dissection of the tumor model from displaced surrounding neurovascular structures reproduced live surgery's sensations and challenges. Post-implantation CT-scan allowed the pre-removal assessment of the tumor insertion, its relationships as well as naso-sphenoidal anatomy in preparation of the endoscopic approach.Conclusion
Training on easily reproducible retro-infundibular approaches in a context of pathological distorted anatomy provides a unique opportunity to avoid the need for repetitive live surgeries to acquire skills for this kind of rare tumors, and may shorten the learning curve for endoscopic endonasal surgery. 相似文献6.
《Journal of clinical neuroscience》2014,21(4):559-568
In the early 20th century, the first successful surgical removal of a tuberculum sellae meningioma (TSM) was performed and described by Harvey Cushing. It soon became recognized that TSM pose a formidable challenge for skull base surgeons because of their deep and sensitive location, proximity to critical neurovascular elements, and often dense and fibrous nature. Because of this, over the next several decades controversy transpired regarding their optimal method of resection. Early attempts involved utilization of open transcranial routes. This included classic bilateral and unilateral frontal approaches, followed by pterional or frontotemporal approaches, which have evolved to incorporate skull base modifications, such as the supraorbital, orbitozygomatic, and orbitopterional approaches. Minimally invasive supraorbital keyhole approaches through eyebrow incisions have also been adopted. Over the past 25 years, the microsurgical transsphenoidal approach, classically used for pituitary and parasellar tumors, was modified to resect suprasesllar TSM via the extended transsphenoidal approach. More recently, with the evolution of endoscopic techniques, resection of TSM has been achieved using purely endoscopic endonasal transplanum transtuberculum approaches. Although each of these techniques has been successfully described for the treatment of TSM, the question still remains: is it better to access and operate on these lesions via a traditional, transcranial avenue, or are they better treated via endoscopic endonasal techniques? We outline the surgical management of TSM through history, from early transcranial and transsphenoidal approaches to modern extended endoscopic endonasal procedures. We briefly explore the arguments favoring each of the methods and the advancements which have emerged to further optimize surgical resection. 相似文献
Pituitary adenomas with extensive suprasellar extension are a therapeutic challenge. The efficacy and safety of the endoscopic endonasal approach for non-functioning giant pituitary adenoma was evaluated retrospectively. A total of 43 consecutive patients with pituitary adenomas with a suprasellar extension of >20 mm underwent tumor resection with a purely endoscopic endonasal approach, and their surgical outcomes were analyzed. At surgery, irrespective of the size and shape of the adenoma, every effort was made to perform intracapsular resection under direct visual control using an angled-lens endoscope. Gross total removal was achieved in 20 out of 43 patients. Postoperatively, 42 patients showed varying improvement of both visual field defects and impaired visual acuity. In two patients who presented with gait disturbance and cognitive dysfunction due to obstructive hydrocephalus, these symptoms were completely resolved. There were no serious operative complications. The results indicate that intracapsular resection via the endoscopic approach can be a safe and effective treatment for giant pituitary adenomas. 相似文献
目的探讨经眉弓眶上入路治疗前颅底和鞍区病变的显微手术方法和效果。方法采用经眉弓皮肤切口,铣刀铣下3.5 cm×2.5 cm包括眶缘及部分眶板在内的额下骨瓣,采用常规显微手术器械分块切除肿瘤或者夹闭动脉瘤,必要时引入内镜辅助观察。结果 26例前颅底和鞍区病变均获治愈,2例出现一过性尿崩症,3例出现电解质紊乱,经药物治疗后好转,1例术后合并脑积水者行脑室-腹腔分流术。本组病例均无手术入路相关的并发症,近期随访疗效良好,无复发病例。结论经眉弓眶上锁孔入路是一种安全有效的处理前颅底及鞍区病变的手术入路途径,其优点在于微创性,能明显减少手术创伤,提供足够的鞍区手术空间,并能有效地处理病变。内镜术中辅助观察可减少神经血管结构的损伤,提高肿瘤全切率。 相似文献
Song M Zong X Wang X Pei A Zhao P Gui S Yan Y Zhang Y 《Clinical neurology and neurosurgery》2011,113(4):281-284
With rapid advances in endoscopic neurosurgery, it has become possible to treat some lesions located in the anterior skull base through a transnasal approach. This anatomic study was undertaken to describe the area of surgical exposure of the anterior skull base afforded by transnasal approaches with an endoscope, as well as to provide references for clinical practice.Methods
Thirty bony skull base specimens (all Chinese) were used, and 10 injected adult cadaver heads (all Chinese) were dissected for a simulated endoscopic transnasal approach to the anterior skull base. The distance between the bilateral optic canals was measured in skull base specimens and the distance between the columella and anterior ethmoid artery or posterior ethmoid artery was measured on both sides in adult cadaver heads.Results
The optic canals were 15.13 ± 1.69 mm apart. The distance between the columella and posterior ethmoid artery was 71.01 ± 3.99 mm on the left side and 72.27 ± 3.97 mm on the right side. The distance between the columella and anterior ethmoid artery was 64.811 ± 3.74 mm on the left side and 64.18 ± 3.74 mm on the right side. The endoscopic transnasal approach to the anterior skull base exposed the optic protuberance, sellar floor, crista galli, anterior ethmoid artery, and posterior ethmoid artery. In addition, bilateral olfactory bulbs, olfactory tracts, and optic nerves beneath the dura mater were also revealed.Conclusions
The anatomic data as well as established anatomic landmarks associated with endoscopic surgery would benefit clinical practice. 相似文献10.
目的探讨内镜下经鼻人路切除颅底中央区恶性肿瘤的手术方法和治疗效果。方法回顾性分析颅底恶性肿瘤32例。采用内镜下经鼻人路27例,颅一鼻联合人路5例;其中术后行一期颅底重建16例。结果肿瘤全切除15例,近全切除13例。部分切除4例。术后症状明显改善或缓解23例,无明显好转9例。主要并发症为:脑脊液鼻漏和颅内感染各1例,均治愈;无颅内出血及死亡病例。随访6,74个月,平均27.8个月;至随访期结束,无肿瘤复发10例,带瘤生存12例,死亡10例,5年生存率46.2%。病人术后3个月KPS评分比人院时显著提高(P〈0.05)。结论内镜下经鼻入路结合可靠的颅底重建,能有效切除颅底中央区恶性肿瘤,并提高病人近期生活质量。 相似文献
《Journal of clinical neuroscience》2014,21(7):1263-1266
Choroid plexus papilloma (CPP) is a highly vascular solid or mixed solid-cystic tumor. Previously described resection techniques for the more common solid CPP in the third ventricle have all been through the transcranial route. The authors review the literature and describe a patient who, to their knowledge, is the first successful resection of a large, completely solid CPP of the third ventricle through an entirely endoscopic, extended transphenoidal approach. Using modern neuroendoscopic methods and closure techniques, a gross total resection was accomplished and a successful closure without postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak was achieved despite the presence of preoperative hydrocephalus. For appropriately selected lesions, an extended endonasal skull base resection can be performed successfully for vascular tumors despite the presence of preoperative hydrocephalus. 相似文献
目的 探讨经终板入路切除视交叉前置型鞍区肿瘤的手术方法.方法 回顾性分析2001年2月至2007年5月间,经终板入路显微手术切除视交叉前置型鞍区肿瘤23例的临床资料及随访结果.结果 23例患者镜下全切13例,次全切6例,大部分切除4例,无手术死亡;随访6个月-4年,复发3例.结论 熟悉鞍区各解剖间隙的特点,并根据术中情况合理利用终板入路切除部分视交叉前置型鞍区肿瘤是一种行之有效的方法.娴熟的显微技巧,注意鞍区重要结构的保护、围手术期常见并发症的及时处理是获取良好疗效的基础. 相似文献
We aimed to retrospectively analyze the surgical and clinical outcomes of the endoscopic endonasal approach (EEA) for tumors in the third ventricle or invading the third ventricle. In total, 82 patients who had undergone surgical treatment using the EEA for tumors involving the third ventricle were enrolled in this study. This cohort study comprised 46 male and 36 female patients. The median age was 37 years (range, 5–76), and the median follow-up duration was 56.5 months (range, 6–117). Seventy-six patients had craniopharyngiomas, and 6 had gangliocytomas, gangliogliomas, astrocytomas, diffuse midline gliomas and lymphomas. Gross total removal was performed in 71 (86.5%) of the 82 patients, subtotal tumor removal in 7 patients and partial removal or biopsy in 4 patients. The pituitary stalk was preserved in 20 cases. Visual function improved in 40 (81.6%) of 49 patients. Endocrine function worsened in 41 (50%) of 82 patients. Hypothalamic function improved in 16 (72.7%) of 22 cases. Postoperative obesity occurred in 3 (20.0%) of 15 children and 11 (23.9%) of 46 adult patients. The postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leakage rate was 3.6%. Postoperative meningitis occurred in 18 (21.9%) cases. Permanent diabetes insipidus was identified in 73 (89.0%) of 82 patients. Tumor recurrence was observed in 10 patients (12%). The EEA appears to be a safe and effective treatment modality for tumors in the third ventricle or involving the third ventricle. However, more cases and long-term follow-up outcomes are required to confirm the clinical efficacy of the EEA. 相似文献
Ivan Lvov Andrey Grin Ivan Godkov Ulugbek Khushnazarov Vladimir Krylov 《Neurocirugía (Asturias, Spain)》2021,32(2):94-98
We demonstrate the case of a surgery in a patient with irreducible atlantoaxial dislocation (IrAAD) after C2 fracture. The challenges of this case were the flexed head in a forced position, impossibility of neck extension, and revision operation after posterior occipito-cervical fixation. The patient underwent the following surgeries: 1. A ventral release of C1-C2 using transcervical endoscopy; 2. Removal of occipito-cervical system and fibrous block resection in the posterior surfaces of the C1-C2; 3. Reducing of AAD and odontoid screw fixation; 4. Posterior C1-C2-C3 screw fixation. Ankylosing of C1-C2 and C2-C3-C4 fusion was verified by computed tomography scan. There was an improvement in patient status as observed by the increase of the SF-36 scale scores.The use of endoscopic transcervical approach is a good alternative to the transoral approach. Comparative studies of these methods should be performed regarding the choice of an optimal method of decompression in cases of IrAAD. 相似文献
Ladziński P Majchrzak H Kaspera W Maliszewski M Majchrzak K Tymowski M Adamczyk P 《Neurologia i neurochirurgia polska》2012,46(3):205-215
Background and purposeThe partial transcondylar approach (PTA) is an alternative to the suboccipital approach in the surgical treatment of meningiomas of the anterior portion of the craniovertebral junction (APCVJ). The purpose of this study is to present our results of treatment of these meningiomas using PTA.Material and methodsFourteen patients (11 women, 3 men) with meningioma of the APCVJ were included in the study. Neurological status of the patients was assessed before and after surgery as well as at the conclusion of the treatment. The approximate volume of the operated tumour, its relation to large blood vessels, cranial nerves and brainstem, along with its consistency and vascularisation were assessed.ResultsThe symptom duration ranged from 1 to 36 months (median: 11 months). In 79% of patients, motor deficits of the extremities were predominant symptoms. Less frequent symptoms included headache, cervical pain and sensory deficits of cervical nerves C2 to C5. Approximate volume of the tumours ranged from 2.5 mL to 22.1 mL (mean: 11.7 mL). Gross total or subtotal resection was achieved in 86% of patients. The postoperative performance status improved in 57%, did not change in 36% and deteriorated in 7% of the patients.ConclusionsThe PTA is a useful technique for removal of meningiomas expanding intradurally of the APCVJ without significant compression of the medulla. The results of treatment were good in most patients. 相似文献