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The resorption of bone following extraction may present a significant problem in implant and restorative dentistry. Ridge preservation is a technique whereby the amount of bone loss is limited. This paper discusses the scientific literature examining the healing post‐extraction and ridge preserving techniques, primarily from the perspective of implant dentistry. Some indications for ridge preservation and methods considered appropriate are discussed.  相似文献   

口腔科应重视交叉污染与交叉感染的防护   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于口腔检查治疗的特殊性,口腔科交叉污染和交叉感染是应引起高度重视的问题.交叉污染是指当人体外的物体被病原体沾污而污染物体引起其他物体的污染.当人体遭受病原体侵犯时,不论发病与否,都称作感染,当感染由此而波及其他人时,为交叉感染.通过与病人的皮肤、衣服、胡子、头发等处细菌的接触可以发生污染.感染则可通过病人的呼吸、咳嗽、喷嚏等传播.口腔科是易于发生交叉污染与交叉感染的场所.  相似文献   

晚期头颈部鳞癌患者需要化疗、放疗和(或)手术相结合的综合治疗,但对化疗的时机选择长期存在争论。Meta分析显示:当前被认为是标准治疗方法的化放疗已被广泛用于晚期头颈部鳞癌患者,并能够将患者2年及5年生存率提高8%。诱导化疗具有许多优点,如评估治疗效果、筛选可保存器官的患者。顺铂和氟尿嘧啶的联合应用已有20年的历史,但最近已被顺铂、氟尿嘧啶和紫杉醇所替代,后者现被认为是诱导化疗的标准治疗模式。  相似文献   

Periodontitis is a highly prevalent disease. As it progresses, it causes serious morbidity in the form of periodontal abscesses and tooth loss and, in the latter stages, pain. It is also now known that periodontitis is strongly associated with several nonoral diseases. Thus, patients with periodontitis are at greater risk for the development and/or exacerbation of diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular diseases, among other conditions. Although it is without question that specific groups of oral bacteria which populate dental plaque play a causative role in the development of periodontitis, it is now thought that once this disease has been triggered, other factors play an equal, and possibly more important, role in its progression, particularly in severe cases or in cases that prove difficult to treat. In this regard, we allude to the host response, specifically the notion that the host, once infected with oral periodontal pathogenic bacteria, will mount a defense response mediated largely through the innate immune system. The most abundant cell type of the innate immune system – polymorphonuclear neutrophils – can, when protecting the host from microbial invasion, mount a response that includes upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines, matrix metalloproteinases, and reactive oxygen species, all of which then contribute to the tissue damage and loss of teeth commonly associated with periodontitis. Of the mechanisms referred to here, we suggest that upregulation of reactive oxygen species might play one of the most important roles in the establishment and progression of periodontitis (as well as in other diseases of inflammation) through the development of oxidative stress. In this overview, we discuss both innate and epigenetic factors (eg, diabetes, smoking) that lead to the development of oxidative stress. This oxidative stress then provides an environment conducive to the destructive processes observed in periodontitis. Therefore, we shall describe some of the fundamental characteristics of oxidative stress and its effects on the periodontium, discuss the diseases and other factors that cause oxidative stress, and, finally, review potentially novel therapeutic approaches for the management (and possibly even the reversal) of periodontitis, which rely on the use of therapies, such as resveratrol and other antioxidants, that provide increased antioxidant activity in the host.  相似文献   

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