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目的探讨成人腭裂的临床特点及一种适合成人腭裂特点的改良腭裂修复术。方法选择2008年1月至2012年12月北京大学深圳医院口腔颌面外科收治的20例不完全腭裂成人患者,男13例,女7例,平均年龄为23.2岁。腭裂间隙最宽处距离均值为25.95mm,腭垂根部后中点距咽后壁距离均值为18.3mm。采用改良腭裂修复术,并对其术后的效果进行随访和评估。结果成人腭裂患者,软组织外貌的特点为上唇上部后缩,唇缘处及下唇正常;硬组织特征为上颌骨发育不足、后缩,下颌骨发育及位置相对正常,面中1/3凹陷形成类似于安氏Ⅲ类错,袷的外貌特征。腭裂间隙呈宽大的“U”字形,距咽后壁距离长。20例患者均达到一期愈合,无腭瘘、感染的发生,术后测得腭垂根部后中点距咽后壁距离6~10mm,平均7.95mm,获得满意的效果。结论针对成人腭裂患者特有的临床特点,此改良腭裂修复术既减少了术区的损伤,又能最大限度地恢复软腭的形态和功能。  相似文献   

目的:对阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,OSAS)患者不同体位下上气道的变化做了观察比较,初步探讨了仰卧位时上气道软组织及骨组织位置及结构的变化,为OSAS的诊治提供有关依据.方法:对10例经PSG确诊的OSAS患者分别拍摄常规坐位头影测量侧位片及仰卧位头颅侧位片.测量两种体位下腭后气道前后径、软腭下垂角度、最小矢状咽径、下颌平面角及舌骨至咽后壁水平距离等.结果:两种体位比较,仰卧位时最小矢状咽径、悬雍垂顶点至咽后壁的水平距离及软腭中点至咽后壁的水平距离均小于坐位时;软腭下垂角度及下颌平面角大于坐位时;∠SNB小于坐位时;舌骨无明显前移或后退.结论:OSAS患者仰卧位时腭后气道的前后径及最小矢状咽径更趋狭小,软腭向咽后壁方向移位,下颌骨以颞下颌关节为中心呈向下向后方旋转运动,从而使上气道在腭咽气道、舌咽气道及下咽气道多个水平趋于狭小.OSAS患者多在卧位时发病,在OSAS患者术前评估时,仰卧位X线头颅侧位片可以更客观的反映患者上气道解剖情况,为OSAS患者的治疗提供更为可靠的依据.  相似文献   

目的 研究2岁以上腭裂患者术后腭咽闭合功能的影响因素。方法 对245例2岁以上腭裂患儿术后腭咽闭合功能和可能影响术后腭咽闭合功能的因素(腭咽比值、腭裂类型、手术年龄、术式)进行回顾性研究。结果 腭咽闭合不全( VPI)组和腭咽闭合完全( VPC)组术前相对裂隙宽度、腭咽比值差异无统计学意义。不同年龄组、不同腭裂类型术后腭咽闭合率未见明显差异。不同的术式术后腭咽闭合率差异有统计学意义。结论 大年龄腭裂患者的治疗不宜照搬 2岁以下患儿单纯行腭裂整复术的常规治疗方案。裂隙的大小不是影响大年龄腭裂患者术后腭咽闭合功能的主要因素。 Sommerlad腭帆提肌重建术 +腭咽肌瓣咽成形术可明显改善大年龄患者术后腭咽闭合功能,在一期手术时应采用这种腭咽联合手术。  相似文献   

带蒂扁桃体复合组织瓣治疗腭裂术后腭咽关闭不全   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨腭裂术后腭咽关闭不全的再手术治疗方法。方法:12例腭裂术后腭咽关闭不全患者,手术从下极将腭咽弓黏膜肌肉与扁桃体一同翻起,形成一个蒂在上方的带腭咽肌的复合组织瓣,保留扁桃体上1/3作蒂.将扁桃体复合瓣向后上旋转,在软腭平面缝合于咽后壁创面,两侧腭咽肌在中线拉拢缝合,扁桃体之间留小缝隙。结果:所有病例术后次日开放性鼻音消失.但均有不同程度睡眠打鼾。术后1~1.5年复查.11例患者发音功能基本同正常人,1例患者仍有开放鼻音,扁桃体均部分萎缩,两侧扁桃体之间间隙5~10mm,其中3例扁桃体部分下垂。有6例患者仍有轻度睡眠打鼾现象。结论:蒂在上方扁桃体复合组织瓣治疗腭裂术后腭咽关闭不全,术后发音功能改善明显.是一种有效的治疗方法.  相似文献   

修复腭裂的目的,当然是再造一个长而活动的上腭,使其在说话时有良好的胯咽闭合。本文作者介绍一有效的将腭推后,用鼻粘膜瓣及铰链式口腔粘骨膜瓣修复腭裂手术。术后发音及腭部长度说明这一手术是有价值的。手术方法在健侧的硬腭切口较一般切口更为靠外,以便获得一个有足够宽度的瓣(封闭前份腭裂)。内侧切口与裂隙边缘之间的距离视裂隙的宽度而定(图1)。  相似文献   

材料与方法 一、临床资料 健康人10例,男4例,女6例,年龄4~12岁;腭裂患者27例,其中行咽后壁舌形瓣手术15例,男10例,女5例,年龄5~12岁,行咽后壁双弧形瓣加咽腭肌瓣手术12例,男7例、女5例,年龄5~12岁。 二、手术方法 在腭裂修复术(改良兰氏法)同时,行咽成形术。采用的方法有二: 1.舌形瓣法:在咽后壁切取蒂位于上方的舌形粘膜肌组织瓣,从椎前筋膜上剥起,拉拢缝合供瓣创面,再将舌形瓣移植于已被剖开的软腭鼻侧粘膜创缘上,最后将裂隙创缘分层对位缝合。  相似文献   

以主客观评判法对3种腭成形术的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:寻找能恢复腭咽部解剖形态和生理功能的手术方法。方法:应用主客观评判法,对97例腭裂患者术前术后的语音学特点进行评判。结果:采用提肌重建术和软腭反向双"Z"瓣移位术术后患者语音清晰度>70%的患者数量明显高于采用兰氏法,语音改善明显。结论:提肌重建术和软腭反向双"Z"瓣移位术能够充分延长后退软腭,充分发挥腭帆提肌的作用,对实现完善的腭咽闭合具有重要意义。  相似文献   

腭裂患者常常存在病理性语音,手术整复腭裂的一个重要目的是通过恢复患者腭咽部异常结构和腭咽异常功能,从而恢复腭裂患者的正常语音。腭咽功能评估是评价腭裂术后效果和指导腭裂术式选择的重要方法。本文就腭咽部结构及功能的评估方法作一综述,为临床医师选择评估手段和手术方法提供参考。  相似文献   

腭帆提肌止点后上推移术与传统腭裂整复术的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :研究腭裂功能性整复术 ,提出一种新术式———腭帆提肌止点后上推移术。方法 :在腭帆提肌及相关肌肉尸体解剖基础上 ,应用腭帆提肌止点后上推移腭裂整复术实施 2 0例 ,术后应用鼻咽镜、语音分析进行腭咽闭合功能及语音评价 ,与传统术式进行对照研究。结果 :2 0例手术术后均一期愈合。鼻咽镜检查示全部病例腭咽肌肉运动良好 ,发音时达到完全腭咽闭合 ,语音均得到改善。结论 :腭帆提肌止点后上推移术使软腭充分向后上提拉完成腭咽闭合 ,较好地解决了传统术式术后存在腭咽闭合功能不全的问题 ,是一种较好的腭裂功能性修复方法  相似文献   

目的 探究大龄腭裂患者一期腭裂整复术后腭咽闭合功能的影响因素。方法 本研究回顾了2009—2014年间在四川大学华西口腔医院唇腭裂外科以Furlow术式行手术治疗的大龄腭裂患者(手术年龄≥5岁),收集其软腭长度、咽腔深度、腭裂宽度、上颌宽度、腭裂指数和腭咽比6项指标的术中测量数据以及术后至少1年的语音复诊结果,进行logistic回归分析。结果 共纳入患者131人,其中男性70人,女性61人。logistic回归分析发现患者咽腔深度同术后腭咽功能强相关,咽腔深度越大,术后腭咽闭合不全风险升高。咽腔深度大于16 mm的患者术后腭咽闭合功能显著性降低,其他测量指标同术后腭咽功能无明显关联性。结论 大龄腭裂患者咽腔深度是其术后腭咽功能的敏感预测指标。对于咽腔深度大于16 mm的患者,可考虑一期手术时同步实施腭咽联合手术,以创造更好的腭咽闭合条件。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the maxillary dental arch shape and speech of cleft palate patients following pushback palatoplasty using either the supraperiosteal flap technique or the mucoperiosteal flap technique. PATIENTS: Sixty-two patients (29, cleft palate only; 33, unilateral cleft lip, alveolus and palate) operated on by the supraperiosteal technique and 47 patients (23, cleft palate only; 24 unilateral cleft lip, alveolus and palate) by the mucoperiosteal technique were reviewed in this study. Study design: Dental arch shape and speech proficiency at preschool and school age were evaluated in all patients. RESULTS: Dental arch shapes were classified as U type (good dental arch shape) and V type (narrow dental arch shape). In cleft palate only patients, U type was observed in 90% of the supraperiosteal group and 83% of the mucoperiosteal group. In unilateral cleft lip, alveolus and palate patients, U type was observed in 85% of the supraperiosteal group, while only in 33% of the mucoperiosteal group. In cleft palate only patients, normal speech at school age was observed 100% of the supraperiosteal group and 83% of the mucoperiosteal group. In unilateral cleft lip, alveolus and palate patients, normal speech at school age was observed in 97% of the supraperiosteal group and 75% of the mucoperiosteal group. Misarticulation was frequently found in patients with the V type of dental arch shape. CONCLUSION: It is suggested that pushback palatoplasty using the supraperiosteal technique is more advantageous for speech development compared with the mucoperiosteal technique.  相似文献   

To evaluate and compare the outcomes of two different surgical protocols for palatoplasty for midfacial growth in patients with cleft lip and palate.A retrospective observational cohort study was conducted in 80 patients with cleft lip and palate, who were divided into two groups. Group 1 comprised patients who underwent operation between 9 and 11 months of age using the Bardach two-flap technique without a palatal pushback. Group 2 comprised patients who had undergone operation between 18 and 20 months of age using either a Bardach two-flap technique with a palatal pushback or a von Langenbeck technique. Patient follow-up was done between 8 and 9 years of age when they reported to the centre for secondary alveolar bone grafting. Post-surgical cephalometric measurements were taken for midfacial growth analysis.Group 1 underwent palatoplasty at significantly younger ages than Group 2 (p < 0.01). A statistically significant difference(p < 0.01) was found between the two groups of patients on comparison of cephalometric parameters such as SNA, ANB, CoA, NperpA ANS-PNS, N-ANS, N–Me, Witt's (AO-BO). Group 2 had more positive cephalometric values as compared to Group 1, thereby implying that there was less incidence of midfacial hypoplasia in patients treated at the age of 18–20 months. Between the types of palatoplasty techniques within Group 2, i.e., Bardach two-flap and von Langenbeck, there was no statistical difference found in the post-opertative cephalometric values, i.e., SNA, ANB, CoA, ANS-PNS, N-ANS, N–Me, Witt's (AO-BO) except for Nperp-A, which showed a statistical difference (p = 0.03).Within the limitations of the study which is only a single center experience it seems that palatal closure should be carried out at 18–20 months of age for better midfacial growth, leading to decreased incidence of maxillary hypoplasia at a later stage in life. Repair at less than 18 months of age is also associated with mid-facial hypoplasia.  相似文献   

目的:研究腭裂患儿经Furlow腭成形术后软腭长度,软腭厚度以及腭咽腔深度的变化,探讨Furlow腭成形术在促进腭咽闭合功能中的作用。方法:2002年11月至2006年11月运用Furlow腭成形术完成不完全性腭裂或隐性腭裂患者45例,术前术后测量软腭长度,软腭厚度和腭咽腔深度。采用SPSS10.0软件包进行成对样本检验。P〈0.05定义为有显著统计学差异。结果:术前术后软腭长度;软腭厚度和腭咽腔深度分别做成对样本"T"检验,结果P〈0.01,均有显著统计学差异。结论:Furlow腭成形术延长了软腭长度,增加了软腭厚度,并使腭咽腔的深度变窄。对手术后腭咽闭合功能的恢复具有促进作用。  相似文献   

S I Lee  H S Lee  K Hwang 《The Journal of craniofacial surgery》2001,12(6):561-3; discussion 564
This article describes a simple, new surgical technique to provide a complete two-layer closure of palatal defect resulting from a surgical complication of trans palatal resection of skull base chordoma. The nasal layer was reconstructed with triangular shape oral mucoperiosteal turn over hinge flap based on anterior margin of palatal defect and rectangular shaped lateral nasal mucosal hinge flaps. The oral layer was reconstructed with conventional pushback V-Y advancement 2-flaps palatoplasty. Each layer of the flaps were secured with two key mattress suture for flap coaptation. This technique has some advantages: simple, short operation time, one-stage procedure, no need of osteotomy. It can close small- to medium-sized palatal defect of palate or wide cleft palate and can prevent common complication of oronasal fistula, which could be caused by tension.  相似文献   

目的:探讨在小儿腭裂手术中用冰冷敷对术后肿胀和疼痛的治疗效果。方法:80例全身麻醉下行腭裂修复术的患儿,随机分为2组,每组40例。第1组术中用冰,拔除气管导管前,用冰冷敷口腔创口;第2组为对照组,采用常规处理。术后观察2组患者疼痛以及肿胀程度、进食情况。应用SPSS13.0软件包对2组资料进行t检验和χ2检验。结果:术后第6、12、24、48、72 h,术中用冰组患者术后疼痛、肿胀程度及饮食与对照组差异均有统计学意义。结论:小儿腭裂手术中用冰冷敷口腔,对减轻术后口腔肿胀、疼痛和改善饮食有明显效果。  相似文献   

目的: 研究Sommerlad腭帆提肌重建术是否能有效延长腭部长度。方法:随机选择65例年龄在10~13个月的不完全性腭裂患者为研究对象,由同一名外科医师施行Sommerlad腭帆提肌重建术,在手术放大镜下进行腭裂整复,术前及术后即刻采用手术测量纸尺测量中切牙交汇处腭侧牙龈到腭垂尖端的直线距离和曲线距离。应用SPSS 19.0软件包对手术前、后数据进行配对资料t检验。结果:Sommerlad腭帆提肌重建术前,腭部的直线长度为(44.24±0.76) mm,曲线长度为(53.11±0.74) mm;术后腭部的直线长度为(48.81±0.72) mm,曲线长度为(59.41±0.88) mm。腭部直线长度延长约(4.56±0.27) mm,平均增加约10.31%,手术前、后直线长度比较有显著差异(P<0.01);腭部曲线长度延长(6.30±0.43)mm,平均增加约11.86%,手术前、后曲线长度比较有显著差异(P<0.01)。结论:Sommerlad腭帆提肌重建术能有效延长腭部长度,有利于患者正常的语音恢复及腭咽闭合。  相似文献   

目的比较不完全性腭裂患者修复术后与健康儿童替牙期颅面形态的差别,进一步了解不完全性腭裂患者的颅面特征。方法选择20例不完全性腭裂修复术后,处于替牙期的患者作为腭裂组,年龄7~11岁;选择年龄、性别匹配的非腭裂健康儿童35名作为对照组。对两组研究对象的头颅侧位X线片进行X线头影测量对比分析。结果腭裂组全颅底长、上颌长、下颌有效长度分别为86.48mm、44.79mm、65.45mm,对照组分别为91.27mm、48.84mm、70.49mm,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.001)。结论不完全性腭裂患者颅面部发育不足,呈Ⅲ类骨面型。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare velopharyngeal closure between patients who underwent Furlow palatoplasty and two-flap palatoplasty. A retrospective review of 88 patients with incomplete palate cleft was performed. 48 patients (17 males; 31 females) aged 2-28 years received Furlow palatoplasty. 40 patients (17 males; 23 females) aged 2-21 years received two-flap palatoplasty. Velopharyngeal function was categorized as adequate, marginal or inadequate. Complications associated with the operation were documented. Statistically significant differences were not found amongst sex distribution, age at operation, follow-up time, and preoperative speech intelligibility. After primary repairs using Furlow and two-flap palatoplasty, the surgeon's incidence of postoperative palatal fistula was 0%. The complications were not significantly different between the two groups. The authors achieved the lowest reported incidence of postoperative palatal fistulas in primary Furlow palatoplasty. The outcomes of the velopharyngeal closure were better in patients who received Furlow palatoplasty (P<0.05). Furlow palatoplasty was more effective than two-flap palatoplasty in obtaining perfect velopharyngeal closure. A probable explanation may be that Furlow palatoplasty can reposition and overlap the divergent palatal muscle and lengthen the soft palate.  相似文献   

婴儿期腭裂手术对语音的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价婴儿期接受腭裂修复术患者的语音功能。方法:选择1周岁以内的腭裂患者60例行腭裂修复术,术后随访测定其语音功能情况、与大龄腭裂儿童乃至成人腭裂患者之间的差别。结果:婴儿期腭裂手术患者的术后语音功能明显优于大龄腭裂患者,基本接近于正常同龄儿童的语音。结论:一岁以内腭裂修复术有利于语音语言功能的发育。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A small percentage of patients have inadequate velopharyngeal closure, or secondary velopharyngeal incompetence, following primary palatoplasty. Use of the buccinator musculomucosal flap has been described for primary palate repair with lengthening, but its use in secondary palate lengthening for the correction of insufficient velopharyngeal closure has not been described. This study presents the results of a series of patients who had correction of secondary velopharyngeal incompetence using bilateral buccinator musculomucosal flaps used as a sandwich. PATIENTS: In this prospective study between 1995 and 1998, a group of 16 patients with insufficient velopharyngeal closure as determined by speech assessment and videoradiography were selected. Nasopharyngoscopy was carried out in addition in a number of cases. Case selection was a result of these investigations and clinical examination in which the major factor in velopharyngeal insufficiency was determined to be short palatal length. DESIGN: The patients underwent palate lengthening using bilateral buccinator musculomucosal flaps as a sandwich. All patients were assessed 6 months postoperatively. The operative technique, postoperative course, and recorded postoperative complications including partial/total flap necrosis and residual velopharyngeal insufficiency were evaluated. Preoperative and postoperative speech samples were rated by an independent speech therapist. RESULTS: Ninety-three percent (15 of 16) had a significant improvement in velopharyngeal insufficiency, and 14 patients had no hypernasality postoperatively. Both cases of persistent mild hypernasality had had a recognized postoperative complication. CONCLUSION: The sandwich pushback technique for the correction of persistent velopharyngeal incompetence was successful in achieving good speech results.  相似文献   

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