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Neural crest cells from the cranial region of the neural fold populate the outflow tract of the developing chick heart. Removal of this region of premigratory neural crest has been shown previously to result in a high percentage of conotruncal malformations. The present study was undertaken to define more precisely the regions of premigratory neural crest which are needed for normal conotruncal development. Various regions and lengths of premigratory cranial neural crest were ablated using microcautery. Three defects in conotruncal development were significantly correlated with the neural crest ablation. These were high venticular septal defect, single outflow vessel originating from the right ventricle, and single outflow vessel overriding the ventricular septum.  相似文献   

The cells that form the aorticopulmonary septum in the avian embryo have been shown to be similar to the cells that form the walls of the great vessels in two ways: both are derived from the cardiac neural crest and both are able to synthesize an elastogenic matrix in the early embryo. Because of these similarities, and because ablation of the cardiac neural crest causes congenital defects of the outflow tract that are related to failure of proper septation, it was hypothesized that such an ablation also would cause the walls of the great vessels to be defective. The purpose of this study was to compare the elastic matrix in the mediae of the great vessels of normal embryos with those from which the cardiac neural crest had been ablated. The results show that the elastic matrix in the great vessels of the experimental embryos was impaired 1) in the rate of downstream propagation of the initiation of elastogenesis among younger embryos, incubation days 4-8 and 2) in the spatial configuration of the elastic matrix among the older embryos, incubation days 16-20. These results may provide a biological explanation for the elastin defect that affects the pulmonary artery of many patients with cyanotic congenital heart defects.  相似文献   

Impaired development of the thymic primordium after neural crest ablation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Impaired thymic development as a result of ablation of neural crest has been observed in embryos late in development. The present study was initiated to determine what changes are effected early in thymic development by neural crest ablation. The epithelial primordia of the thymus were studied in chick embryos on the sixth day of incubation. Embryos with neural crest ablations were compared with sham-operated and untreated controls. Neural crest ablation inhibited formation of epithelial thymic primordia. Primordia in experimental embryos were fewer in number and were smaller than in shams and untreated controls. When primordia from shams and controls were transplanted to the chorioallantoic membrane of chick hosts, they were able to develop into organs with the typical features of embryonic thymus. Similar transplantation from neural crest-ablated animals, on the other hand, led to small, predominantly epithelial structures with meager lymphoid development. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that mesenchyme derived from cranial neural crest is critical in initiating and sustaining the development from pharyngeal pouches of epithelial structures competent to attract and support the proliferation and differentiation of lymphoid stem cells.  相似文献   

Genetic predisposition in congenital heart disease is considered to be a component of multifactorial inheritance. Recently, monogenic inheritance in conotruncal malformations has been suggested. We describe a consanguineous kindred with various conotruncal malformations, the presence of which lends support to the idea that this spectrum of malformation is monogenically inherited. Theoretical background and experimental and clinical data are reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

A previous study has shown that, subsequent to ablation of cranial neural crest, heart morphology and pharyngeal arch vessels (aortic arches) are altered before septation of the outflow tract normally occurs. In the present study, we concentrated on very early development of the aortic arch apparatus in the chick (incubation days 3-5). The three-dimensional organization of the arch vessel apparatus was studied by scanning electron microscopy after intravascular injection of Mercox, and by serial sections of embryos embedded in plastic. Alterations in the arch vessel apparatus were already present by day three in embryos with neural crest ablation at stage 9-10. Bilateral symmetry frequently was lost. Arch vessels sometimes were enlarged and occupied most of the arch, with little surrounding mesenchyme. Some arch vessels were small or occluded. Mesenchyme was significantly reduced in quantity in the arches, and was not condensed and symmetrical as in controls. There was a significant increase in the proportion of direct apposition of vessel endothelium with epithelium, without the intervening mesenchyme typical of controls. The surgical manipulation used in this study leads to distinct alterations in the arches of components and relationships which are important in development. Altered blood flow likely affects the development of the heart.  相似文献   

Summary Development of cranial nerve branches in the cardiac region was observed in whole-mount specimens which were stained with a monoclonal antibody, E/C8, after the ablation of the cardiac neural crest. In early embryos, nerve trunks of IX and X were lacking or only poorly developed, while the early development of pharyngeal branch primordia was normal. In day 5 embryos, the nerve trunks of IX–X were present in all the embryos, however; extensive communication was observed between X and XII. On day 6 and later, the spiral pattern of superior cardiac branches was disturbed, as were the blood vessels. Furthermore, the distal branches of XII passed within the superficial layer of cardiac outflow mesenchyme. Vagal branches passed within the deeper layer. There was no apparent change in the development of the sinal branch. Using quail — chick chimeras, it was found that the cardiac neural crest cells formed the Schwann cells of XII, and that they were also associated with the hypobranchial muscle primordium, suggesting that the absence of the cardiac neural crest not only disturbs the development of the cardiac outflow septation, but also affects the normal morphogenesis of the hypobranchial musculature and its innervation. Embryologically, the tongue is located close to the cardiac outflow tract, which is the migration pathway of the cardiac neural crest-derived cells.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are thought to play a critical role in human conotruncal morphogenesis and dysmorphogenesis. Much of our understanding of the contribution of neural crest to cardiovascular patterning comes from ablation and transplantation experiments in avian species. Although fate mapping experiments in mice suggests a conservation of function, the functional requirement for neural crest in cardiovascular development in mammals has not been formally tested. We used a novel two component genetic system for the temporal-spatial ablation of neural crest in the mouse. Affected embryos displayed a spectrum of cardiovascular outflow tract defects and aortic arch patterning abnormalities. We show that the severity of the cardiovascular phenotype is directly related to the level and extent of neural crest ablation. This is the first report of cardiac neural crest ablation in mammals, and it provides important insight into the role of the mammalian neural crest during cardiovascular development.  相似文献   

A case of rupture of a sinus of Valsalva aneurysm in a middle-aged woman with an unusual assortment of associated conotruncal and other cardiac anomalies is reported. The anomalies included bicuspid aortic valve, aortic sinus aneurysm (ruptured), quadricuspid pulmonic valve, membranous coarctation of the aorta, subclavian and common carotid arteries arising directly from aorta, and atrial septal defect. Excluding the atrial septal defect, these anomalies may be explained by a single embryologic event affecting conobulbar septation and aortic arch development occurring at the level of neural crest development.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase-type 2 (MMP-2) degrades extracellular matrix, mediates cell migration and tissue remodeling, and is implicated in mediating neural crest (NC) and cardiac development. However, there is little information regarding the expression and distribution of MMP-2 during cardiogenesis and NC morphogenesis. To elucidate the role of MMP-2, we performed a comprehensive study on the temporal and spatial distribution of MMP-2 mRNA and protein during critical stages of early avian NC and cardiac development. We found that ectodermally derived NC cells did not express MMP-2 mRNA during their initial formation and early emigration but encountered MMP-2 protein in basement membranes deposited by mesodermal cells. While NC cells did not synthesize MMP-2 mRNA early in migration, MMP-2 expression was seen in NC cells within the cranial paraxial and pharyngeal arch mesenchyme at later stages but was never detected in NC-derived neural structures. This suggested NC MMP-2 expression was temporally and spatially dependent on tissue interactions or differed within the various NC subpopulations. MMP-2 was first expressed within cardiogenic splanchnic mesoderm before and during the formation of the early heart tube, at sites of active pharyngeal arch and cardiac remodeling, and during cardiac cushion cell migration. Collectively, these results support the postulate that MMP-2 has an important functional role in early cardiogenesis, NC cell and cardiac cushion migration, and remodeling of the pharyngeal arches and cardiac heart tube.  相似文献   

A positive correlation between elevated maternal homocysteine (Hcys) and an increased risk of neural tube, craniofacial, and cardiac defects is well known. Studies suggest Hcys perturbs neural crest (NC) development and may involve N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors (Rosenquist et al., 1999). However, there is no direct evidence that Hcys alters NC cell behavior. Here, we evaluated the effect of Hcys on cardiac NC cell migratory behavior in vitro. Neural tube segments from chick embryos treated in ovo with or without Hcys were placed in culture and the migratory behavior of emigrating NC cells was monitored. Hcys significantly increased in vitro NC cell motility at all embryonic stages examined. NC cell surface area and perimeter were also increased. However, the relative distance NC cells migrated from their original starting point only increased in NC cells treated in ovo at stage 6 or at the time neural tube segments were cultured. Cysteine had no effect. NMDA mimicked Hcys' effect on NC motility and migration distance but had no effect on cell area or perimeter. The noncompetitive inhibitor of NMDA receptors, MK801+, significantly inhibited NC cell motility, reduced migration distance, and also blocked the effects of NMDA and Hcys on NC motility and migratory distance in vitro. A monoclonal antibody directed against the NMDA receptor immunostained NC cells in vitro and, in western blots, bound a single protein with the appropriate molecular weight for the NMDA receptor in NC cell lysates. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that a Hcys-sensitive NMDA-like receptor is expressed by early emigrating NC cells or their precursors, which is important in mediating their migratory behavior. Perturbation of this receptor may be related to some of the teratogenic effects observed with elevated Hcys.  相似文献   

Elevated homocysteine increases the risk of neurocristopathies. Here, we determined whether elevating homocysteine altered the proliferation or number of chick neural crest cells that form between the midotic and third somite in vivo. Homocysteine increased the number of neural tube cells but decreased neural crest cell number. However, the sum total of cells was not different from controls. In controls, the 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine-labeling index was higher in newly formed neural crest cells than in their progenitors, paralleling reports showing these progenitors must pass the restriction point before undergoing epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Homocysteine decreased the labeling index of newly formed neural crest cells, suggesting that it inhibited cell cycle progression of neural crest progenitors or the S-phase entry of newly formed neural crest cells. Homocysteine also inhibited neural crest dispersal and decreased the distance they migrated from the neural tube. These results show neural crest morphogenesis is directly altered by elevated homocysteine in vivo. Developmental Dynamics 229:63-73, 2004.  相似文献   

JAGGED1 mutations cause Alagille syndrome, comprising a constellation of clinical findings, including biliary, cardiac and craniofacial anomalies. Jagged1, a ligand in the Notch signaling pathway, has been extensively studied during biliary and cardiac development. However, the role of JAGGED1 during craniofacial development is poorly understood. Patients with Alagille syndrome have midface hypoplasia giving them a characteristic 'inverted V' facial appearance. This study design determines the requirement of Jagged1 in the cranial neural crest (CNC) cells, which encompass the majority of mesenchyme present during craniofacial development. Furthermore, with this approach, we identify the autonomous and non-autonomous requirement of Jagged1 in a cell lineage-specific approach during midface development. Deleting Jagged1 in the CNC using Wnt1-cre; Jag1 Flox/Flox recapitulated the midfacial hypoplasia phenotype of Alagille syndrome. The Wnt1-cre; Jag1 Flox/Flox mice die at postnatal day 30 due to inability to masticate owing to jaw misalignment and poor occlusion. The etiology of midfacial hypoplasia in the Wnt1-cre; Jag1 Flox/Flox mice was a consequence of reduced cellular proliferation in the midface, aberrant vasculogenesis with decreased productive vessel branching and reduced extracellular matrix by hyaluronic acid staining, all of which are associated with midface anomalies and aberrant craniofacial growth. Deletion of Notch1 from the CNC using Wnt1-cre; Notch1 F/F mice did not recapitulate the midface hypoplasia of Alagille syndrome. These data demonstrate the requirement of Jagged1, but not Notch1, within the midfacial CNC population during development. Future studies will investigate the mechanism in which Jagged1 acts in a cell autonomous and cell non-autonomous manner.  相似文献   

Ablation of the premigratory cardiac neural crest (CNC) from the chick embryo results in a malformed outflow tract vasculature termed persistent truncus arteriosus (PTA). In addition, loss of the CNC disrupts myocardial excitation–contraction (EC) coupling, decreases intracellular Ca2+ transients, and depresses force generation. We examined if similar defects occurred in the neural crest-derived smooth muscle of the aortic arch in a test of the hypothesis that loss of elements from the CNC disrupts EC coupling and force production in the smooth muscle of the tunica media of the aortic arch. Aortic arch segments from chicks (embryonic day 15) displaying PTA generated ~43% of stress generated by the aortic arch from sham-operated control embryos during potassium depolarization. The depressed force response was associated with a twofold lower Fura-2 transient. In contrast, force and steady-state Fura-2 signals during endothelin-1 stimulation were unchanged. The differences seen in stress generation with potassium depolarization between sham and PTA displaying embryos were not seen in the descending aorta, a tissue not derived from the neural crest. Protein content and immunostaining revealed no differences in the content of actin, myosin, or dihydropyridine receptor from sham or PTA aortic arch. Our results suggest that the CNC is required for normal aortic arch smooth muscle function and support the hypothesis that the loss of CNC impacts the force generating ability, in part by disruption of the EC-coupling processes and altering Ca2+-handling. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the septation of the outflow tract of the heart is formed by the cardiac neural crest. Ablation of this region of the neural crest prior to its migration from the neural fold results in anomalies of the outflow and inflow tracts of the heart and the aortic arch arteries. The objective of this study was to examine the migration and distribution of these neural crest cells from the pharyngeal arches into the outflow region of the heart during avian embryonic development. Chimeras were constructed in which each region of the premigratory cardiac neural crest from quail embryos was implanted into the corresponding area in chick embryos. The transplantations were done unilaterally on each side and bilaterally. The quail-chick chimeras were sacrificed between Hamburger-Hamilton stages 18 and 25, and the pharyngeal region and outflow tract were examined in serial paraffin sections to determine the distribution pattern of quail cells at each stage. The neural crest cells derived from the presumptive arch 3 and 4 regions of the neuraxis occupied mainly pharyngeal arches 3 and 4 respectively, although minor populations could be seen in pharyngeal arches 2 and 6. The neural crest cells migrating from the presumptive arch 6 region were seen mainly in pharyngeal arch 6, but they also populated pharyngeal arches 3 and 4. Clusters of quail neural crest cells were found in the distal outflow tract at stage 23.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal derivatives of the neural crest contribute to the connective tissues and blood vessels of the pharyngeal arches, and participate in the septation of the outflow tract of the heart. The present study was designed to determine the nature and timing of alterations in the development of the heart and arch arteries subsequent to diminished neural crest contributions. The neural crest contributing to the three caudalmost pharyngeal arches was ablated bilaterally in chick embryos and compared with sham or unoper-ated controls. Heart development was studied by scanning electron microscopy. Arch artery development was studied microscopically after intravascular injection of India ink and clearing of the specimen. Neural crest ablation caused morphological changes in most hearts. Hearts in experimental animals commonly were elongate and were subject to inappropriate development of ventricular and atrial areas. A surgical effect delayed the disappearance of arch arteries one and two, and removal of neural crest produced an additional delay. Neural crest ablation caused failure of arch arteries three, four (right), and six to develop to the proper size in some animals. Survival of those whose sixth arch arteries achieved the proper size caused group measurements to reach normal values again by stage 32. Closure of arch arteries in some animals and maintenance in others produced greater variability in experimental animals than in controls. It is significant that heart morphology was altered before septation of the outflow tract normally occurs. This indicates at the least that another factor, such as altered blood flow, contributes to the abnormal development. Altered flow may result from changes in pharyngeal arch mesenchyme and arch artery endothelium.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase‐type 2 (MMP‐2) degrades extracellular matrix, mediates cell migration and tissue remodeling, and is implicated in mediating neural crest (NC) and cardiac development. However, there is little information regarding the expression and distribution of MMP‐2 during cardiogenesis and NC morphogenesis. To elucidate the role of MMP‐2, we performed a comprehensive study on the temporal and spatial distribution of MMP‐2 mRNA and protein during critical stages of early avian NC and cardiac development. We found that ectodermally derived NC cells did not express MMP‐2 mRNA during their initial formation and early emigration but encountered MMP‐2 protein in basement membranes deposited by mesodermal cells. While NC cells did not synthesize MMP‐2 mRNA early in migration, MMP‐2 expression was seen in NC cells within the cranial paraxial and pharyngeal arch mesenchyme at later stages but was never detected in NC‐derived neural structures. This suggested NC MMP‐2 expression was temporally and spatially dependent on tissue interactions or differed within the various NC subpopulations. MMP‐2 was first expressed within cardiogenic splanchnic mesoderm before and during the formation of the early heart tube, at sites of active pharyngeal arch and cardiac remodeling, and during cardiac cushion cell migration. Collectively, these results support the postulate that MMP‐2 has an important functional role in early cardiogenesis, NC cell and cardiac cushion migration, and remodeling of the pharyngeal arches and cardiac heart tube. Anat Rec 259:168–179, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study we focused upon whether different levels of postotic neural crest as well as the right and left cardiac neural crest show a segmented or mixed distribution in the extrinsic and intrinsic cardiac nervous system. Different parts of the postotic neural crest were labeled by heterospecific replacement of chick neural tube by its quail counterpart. Quail-chick chimeras (n = 21) were immunohistochemically evaluated at stage HH28+, HH29+, and between HH34-37. In another set of embryos, different regions of cardiac neural crest were tagged with a retrovirus containing the LacZ reporter gene and evaluated between HH35-37 (n = 13). The results show a difference in distribution between the right- and left-sided cardiac neural crest cells at the arterial pole and ventral cardiac plexus. In the dorsal cardiac plexus, the right and left cardiac neural crest cells mix. In general, the extrinsic and intrinsic cardiac nerves receive a lower contribution from the right cardiac neural crest compared with the left cardiac neural crest. The right-sided neural crest from the level of somite 1 seeds only the cranial part of the vagal nerve and the ventral cardiac plexus. Furthermore, the results show a nonsegmented overlapping contribution of neural crest originating from S1 to S3 to the Schwann cells of the cranial and recurrent nerves and the intrinsic cardiac plexus. Also the Schwann cells along the distal intestinal part of the vagal nerve are derived exclusively from the cardiac neural crest region. These findings and the smaller contribution of the more cranially emanating cardiac neural crest to the dorsal cardiac plexus compared with more caudal cardiac neural crest levels, suggests an initial segmented distribution of cardiac neural crest cells in the circumpharyngeal region, followed by longitudinal migration along the vagal nerve during later stages.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The clinical and radiological characteristics of the double aortic arch (DAA) and its differentiation from conotruncal malformations (CTM) were reported in order to familiarize pediatric practitioners with these congenital heart diseases. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From July 1994 to December 2006, a total of 6 patients (4 male and 2 female, aged 16 days to 6.5 years) with DAA were enrolled in this retrospective study. The study modalities included chart recordings, plain chest radiographs, barium esophagograms, echocardiograms, cardiac catheterization, cardiac angiograms, surgery, magnetic resonance imaging, and chromosome analysis. Patients with incomplete vascular rings or with right aortic arches and left ligamentum were excluded. In addition, the clinical and radiological profiles of 38 patients with CTM, including dextro-transposition of the great arteries (d-TGA) (n=28), hemitruncus arteriosus (HTA) (n=3), type I truncus arteriosus (TA) (n=4), and the aortopulmonary window (APW) (n=3), were comparatively reviewed. RESULTS: All 6 patients with DAA presented with postprandial choking and respiratory distress that prompted their initial visit to the hospital. One of the 6 patients presented with congestive heart failure, and none with cyanosis. Esophagograms showed indentations in 5 patients with DAA. All patients with d-TGA presented with cyanosis and heart failure, while patients with HTA, type I TA, and APW manifested overt heart failure. Suprasternal and subcostal approaches of the echocardiography may offer diagnostic windows for DAA. As for CTM, parasternal and subcostal approaches could always determine the causality. Cardiac catheterization with angiography comprehensively delineated the pathology. CONCLUSION: In case of postprandial choking and respiratory distress in neonates and infants, barium esophagograms can indicate the presence of DAA. Diagnosis of DAA and its differentiation from the CTM can be achieved by echocardiography, angiography, or magnetic resonance imaging.  相似文献   

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