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目的研究北京市成年居民在外就餐人口特征、不同特征人群在不同餐次(早餐、午餐、晚餐)的在外就餐情况。方法从北京市参与2010—2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测的人群中,选取18岁及以上参加3天24小时膳食调查的居民作为研究对象进行分析。结果北京市成年居民在外就餐率为34.2%,男性高于女性;18~29岁人群高于其他年龄组;城区居民高于郊区居民;未婚者高于其他婚姻状态者;文化程度越高,在外就餐率越高;高收入人群高于低收入人群。北京市成年居民在外就早、午、晚餐率分别为20.0%、28.2%和11.3%。结论性别、年龄、地区、婚姻状况、文化程度和收入水平,均与是否选择在外就餐有关。居民在外就午餐率高于早餐和晚餐。  相似文献   

目的 了解成年居民在外就餐状况及影响因素。方法 资料来源于2011年“中国健康与营养调查(cHNs)”,2012年在其中3个项目省(辽宁、河南和湖南)各抽取2个市和2个县,在每个市调查点抽取2个城市居委会和2个郊区村,每个县调查点抽取1个县政府所在地居委会和3个村。将参加过2011年CHNS调查并有完整个人信息,且在本次调查时间内可随访问到的1013名18-59岁成年居民作为调查对象,调查中补充收集过去一周内在中/西式快餐店、中餐馆、流动食品摊、面包店/咖啡厅、食堂及其他餐馆就餐频率、费用、交通方式及其时间等信息,结合连续3天24小时膳食调查,分析不同地点在外就餐状况、能量和营养素摄入水平,探讨影响不同地点在外就餐的因素。结果城乡居民总体一周在外就餐率分别为51.72%和39.14%;在西式快餐店、中餐馆、中式快餐店、流动食品摊、面包店/咖啡厅、食堂和其他餐馆每周就餐≥1次的人群比例分别为1.68%、23.49%、12.93%、10.37%、1.09%、10.07%和4.34%。每周在中餐馆就餐≥1次的居民与没有在中餐馆就餐者相比,能量、钙、铁、锌的摄入量较高;每周在食堂就餐≥1次的居民与没有在食堂就餐者相比,能量、蛋白质、膳食纤维、钙、锌的摄人量高。年龄、性别、教育程度、经济收入、城乡地区与成年居民在外就餐有关。结论调查地区成年居民在外就餐较为普遍,应开展在外就餐的营养宣传教育,引导居民在外就餐时对健康食物的选择。  相似文献   

目的分析2010~2012年我国成年居民的在外就餐行为,为开展相关干预和宣传提供依据。方法使用2010~2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测数据,采用问卷调查的方法收集了44799名18岁及以上居民过去一周在外就餐行为的情况(三餐是否在外就餐、在外就餐次数和就餐地点),通过SAS9.3进行复杂抽样的加权处理和统计分析。结果 2010~2012年我国成年居民过去一周在外就餐的比例为20.2%,其中在外就餐1~6次和7次及以上的比例分别为9.8%和10.4%,平均次数是每周1.5次;早餐、午餐、晚餐在外就餐的比例分别为10.7%、14.8%、9.6%;在餐馆、单位/学校食堂就餐的比例分别为15.3%和7.9%。男女、城乡、年龄均存在差异。结论我国居民在外就餐比例增加,男性、18~44岁人群是在外就餐的重点人群,应通过宣教促使人们养成良好的饮食习惯。[营养学报,2019,41(1):10-14]  相似文献   

目的分析和掌握天津居民就餐饮食行为,为科学评价和指导就餐行为、制定干预措施提供基础资料和科学依据。方法随机选取全市不同类餐厅共计完成842人的就餐行为调查,分析人群就餐饮食行为。结果天津居民中89.9%是一日三餐,9.1%是一日两餐,城市、农村居民中一日三餐的比例相差不大(P>0.05),城区居民一日二餐的比例(11.2%)高于农村(6.6%);早晚餐就餐地点以在家就餐比例(51.3%、82.5%)最高,男性早午晚餐在家就餐的比例低于女性各年龄组中<15岁组及60岁及以上组早午晚餐在家就餐的比例较高,午餐就餐地点以在单位食堂就餐人群比例(42.0%)最高,一日中不吃早餐的比例最高(7.4%),城区居民不吃早餐的比例(9.9%)明显高于农村(4.2%)。结论天津居民的就餐行为存在不合理之处:一日两餐在城区高于农村,尤其是不吃早餐更加明显;午餐就餐地点以在单位食堂最多,这会大大增加在外就餐的比例,因此应加强营养教育,促使人们采取健康的饮食行为,重视早餐的重要性,养成一日3餐规律的进餐习惯。  相似文献   

目的分析我国不同地区成年人的就餐行为,为制定干预措施提供基础资料。方法利用2010年中国慢性病监测问卷调查数据,对97 016名18岁及以上居民的就餐行为进行分析,描述不同性别、年龄和城乡就餐行为差异。结果我国居民中92.9%是一日三餐,6.7%是一日两餐,一日中不吃早餐的比例最高,为3.4%,在家和在外用早餐的比例分别为85.1%和14.9%,在家和在外用午餐的比例分别为81.7%和18.3%,在家和在外用晚餐的比例分别为89.3%和10.7%。女性居民在家用早餐、午餐和晚餐的比例均高于男性,差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为978.56、1 922.68、1 515.95,P0.01),随着居民年龄增加,在家用早餐、午餐和晚餐的比例均逐步升高,农村居民在家用早餐、午餐和晚餐比例均高于城市居民,差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为3 814.42、2 965.02、1 328.71,P0.01),西部地区居民在家用餐比例较高。结论在家用餐仍是我国居民主要用餐方式,但在外就餐和不吃早餐日趋增多应引起关注。应该加强营养宣传教育,引导人们养成健康的饮食行为。  相似文献   

游凯  张月  赵红叶  王静雷 《职业与健康》2013,(22):2990-2991
目的了解北京市顺义区居民就餐行为习惯,为制定干预措施提供科学依据。方法通过等比例多阶段整群随机抽样的方法,对该区12个社区1434户常住居民进行问卷调查,每户通过随机数字表随机调查15—79岁居民1人。结果该区77.5%的居民经常吃自制早餐,食堂是在外就餐的主要地点,午餐、晚餐、夜宵经常在外用餐的居民其超重和肥胖率高于其他人群,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。94.9%和56.6%的居民经常吃蔬菜和水果,56.9%的居民极少或不食用奶或奶制品。结论该区居民就餐行为不够合理,需要加强健康教育和干预,以促使居民养成健康的就餐行为和习惯。  相似文献   

目的了解天津市居民在外就餐情况,初步探索适合在外就餐的营养干预模式。方法在天津市选取1家综合型餐厅作为干预场所,对餐厅内就餐者进行膳食调查,并对就餐者和餐厅从业人员进行为期1年的综合性营养干预。通过收集干预前后就餐者的点菜清单,统计分析干预前后就餐者各类食物及营养素的摄入量变化。结果干预前调查人群在外就餐肉禽类、鱼虾类和盐类摄入较高,蔬菜类摄入适宜,水果、奶类、蛋类和食用油类摄入不足;午餐能量摄入不足,谷薯类和豆类摄入较低,碳水化合物、维生素A和维生素C摄入不足;晚餐能量及各类营养素摄入较高。干预后,调查人群午餐能量摄入增加,豆类、水果、蛋类和食用油类摄入增加,脂肪摄入减少,碳水化合物摄入增加;晚餐能量摄入减少,豆类、肉禽类、鱼虾类和盐类摄入减少,各类营养素摄入减少。结论天津市部分居民在外就餐膳食结构不合理,干预后膳食结构得到改善。应加强对居民的营养健康教育,指导其在外合理就餐。  相似文献   

目的分析2015年河北省成年居民的在外就餐行为及其对肥胖的影响,为全面实施健康中国战略,有效控制主要的健康危险因素提供科学依据。方法采用分层多阶段与人口成比例整群随机抽样的方法于2015年在河北省抽取13个监测点,开展中国成人慢性病与营养监测,该监测以面对面问卷调查的形式收集了2213名18~59岁居民过去1周在外就餐行为数据,通过集中体检获得身高和体重数据,以第6次全国人口普查数据作为标准人口进行复杂抽样加权计算,不同特征人群就餐行为采用例数和加权百分比进行描述,应用无序多项Logistic回归分析不同特征人群在外就餐频率的危险因素及优势比、以及在外就餐与肥胖的关联性。结果2015年河北省18~59岁居民过去1周在外就餐率为25.29%,18~44岁、45~59岁居民在外就餐率分别为30.77%和16.20%,其中,在外就餐1~6次/周和≥7次/周的比例分别为9.40%和15.89%。无序多分类Logistic回归分析结果显示:与无在外就餐组相比,在外就餐频次≥7次/周的调查对象中,城市居民(OR=2.36,95%CI:1.71~3.24)、男性(OR=2.35,95%CI:1.72~3.20)、18~44岁人群(OR=1.63,95%CI:1.18~2.26)、文化程度较高(OR=3.77,95%CI:2.14~6.64)、在职人员(OR=3.02,95%CI:1.80~5.07)、家庭人口数>2人家庭(OR=1.37,95%CI:1.02~1.86)以及家庭人均年收入≥4万元人群(OR=1.74,95%CI:1.08~2.81)在外就餐行为更为普遍。女性在外就餐频次与肥胖无统计学意义,男性在外就餐频次≥7次/周的人群发生肥胖的风险是非在外就餐人群的1.89倍(P=0.031)。结论河北省18~59岁居民在外就餐行为较为普遍,男性在外就餐频次≥7次/周,发生肥胖的风险增加。  相似文献   

目的研究中国居民在家和在外就餐及不同餐次膳食中脂肪的摄入状况及变化。方法从"中国居民营养与健康状况调查"资料中选取参加膳食调查,且具有3天完整膳食调查资料的居民作为研究对象,计算在家就餐和在外就餐时及不同餐次其脂肪摄入量、脂肪来源及脂肪供能比情况,并进行比较。结果 (1)在外就餐时午餐和晚餐间脂肪供能比无明显差异,均远高于在家就餐时;(2)城市居民在家和在外就餐脂肪供能比的差异较农村居民小很多;随着文化程度、人均年收入的增高,在家就餐和在外就餐脂肪供能比的差异逐渐缩小;(3)在家和在外就餐时,其脂肪的来源随居民的不同特征分布各异,但猪肉均占较大比例,其他畜禽肉类均是在外就餐时摄入比例高于在家时,植物性食物和蛋类则相反。结论不同的就餐地点其脂肪的摄入量、来源、脂肪供能比有较大差异,在家及在外就餐均应减少猪肉的摄入,在外就餐应多选取植物性食物和鱼虾类食物,减少脂肪的摄入。  相似文献   

目的 分析我国城市成年居民在外就餐行为。方法 数据来源于2017年中国居民食物消费状况调查,采用多阶段分层与人口成比例的整群抽样方法,在中国18个省(自治区、直辖市)34个城市选取17 234名18岁及以上成年居民作为研究对象。利用食物频率和就餐行为问卷,收集调查对象过去一周在不同地点就餐频率和次数信息,分析过去一周在外就餐状况,使用χ2检验比较不同人群在外就餐率和就餐地点的差异,使用秩和检验比较就餐次数差异。结果 2017年中国城市成年居民过去一周在外就餐率为55.6%,平均在外就餐2.8次,36.0%的人群在宾馆、饭店和酒店等地点就餐,19.8%的人群在单位、学校等处食堂就餐。男性、18~44岁、文化程度高和家庭年人均收入较高的人群,在外就餐率和就餐次数较高。学生在单位、学校等处食堂就餐的比例较高,专业技术人员和商业服务人员在宾馆、饭店、酒店等地点就餐的比例较高。结论 2017年中国城市成年居民在外就餐较为普遍,18~44岁的青年群体过去一周在外就餐率和次数较多。与其他场所相比,人群在宾馆、饭店、酒店等地点就餐的比例较高。  相似文献   

Fisher RJ  Dubé L 《Appetite》2011,57(2):365-376
What do American adults believe about what, where, when, how much, and how often it is appropriate to eat? Such normative beliefs originate from family and friends through socialization processes, but they are also influenced by governments, educational institutions, and businesses. Norms therefore provide an important link between the social environment and individual attitudes and behaviors. This paper reports on five studies that identify, develop, and validate measures of normative beliefs about eating. In study 1 we use an inductive method to identify what American adults believe are appropriate or desirable eating behaviors. Studies 2 and 3 are used to purify and assess the discriminant and nomological validity of the proposed set of 18 unidimensional eating norms. Study 4 assesses predictive validity and finds that acting in a norm-consistent fashion is associated with lower Body Mass Index (BMI), and greater body satisfaction and subjective health. Study 5 assesses the underlying social desirability and perceived healthiness of the norms.  相似文献   

目的评估前期开发的成年人饮食行为评价量表得分与营养素摄入量之间的关系。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法分别选取武汉市城区、宜昌市农村经济水平不同的社区进行入户调查。调查内容包括人口社会经济学特征、成年人饮食行为评价量表、食物频率调查表。结果不同成年人饮食行为评价量表得分组的大多数营养素摄入量间存在着统计学差异。量表的总得分和大多数量表各维度得分与大多数营养素摄入量间存在着相关关系。结论该成年人饮食行为评价量表得分与营养素摄入量间存在着一定的联系,可用于营养素的摄入量的估计。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In school-based samples of children, the Children's Eating Attitudes Test (ChEAT) has a four-factor structure; however, previous studies have not examined its factor structure in samples restricted to overweight youth. METHODS: The ChEAT was administered to 220 overweight (BMI>or=95th percentile) and 45 at-risk for overweight (BMI 85th-<95th percentile) children and adolescents. Factors were identified by a principal component analysis with varimax rotation. ChEAT factor scores of children with BMI>or=85th percentile were contrasted with those of 152 non-overweight (BMI 5th to <85th percentile) children and adolescents. RESULTS: Factor analysis generated four subscales described as 'body/weight concern,' 'food preoccupation,' 'dieting,' and 'eating concern.' ChEAT total score, body/weight concern, and dieting subscale scores were positively related to BMI-Z and body fat mass (p's<.05). Compared to non-overweight children, overweight and at-risk for overweight children had higher ChEAT total (9.9+/-7.4 vs. 6.6+/-7.8, p<.001), body/weight concern (3.2+/-3.1 vs. 1.3+/-3.0, p<.001), and dieting (1.8+/-2.2 vs. .8+/-2.3, p<.001) subscale scores. CONCLUSIONS: The previously elucidated factor structure of the ChEAT was primarily supported in a sample of overweight children. The emergence of separate body/weight concern and dieting subscales may relate to these children's experiences with attempted weight reduction.  相似文献   

BackgroundEmerging literature demonstrates that eating time and frequency are associated with quality and quantity of food consumption and anthropometric measurements. Considering that unhealthy dietary choices and obesity are important modifiable risk factors for breast cancer incidence and recurrence, this subject is relevant and has not been studied sufficiently in breast cancer survivors.ObjectiveThis study’s aim was to examine the association of eating time and frequency with diet quality, quantity of food consumption, anthropometric measurements, and body composition parameters in female breast cancer survivors using tamoxifen.DesignThis was a cross-sectional study.Participants/settingThis study was conducted from March 2015 to March 2016 at a Brazilian university hospital (Clinic’s Hospital, Federal University of Uberlandia, Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil) and included an assessment of 84 female breast cancer survivors using tamoxifen (mean [SD] age was 53.1 [8.7] years).Main outcome measuresQuantitative dietary assessment consisted of three 24-hour dietary recalls. The Brazilian Healthy Eating Index Revised was used for the qualitative diet analysis. Participants were classified by median eating time (early or late eaters of breakfast, lunch, and dinner), as well as by considering the middle time point between the first and last meal of the day (early or late midpoint eaters). Participants were also classified by median eating frequency (<5 or ≥5 eating episodes per day). Anthropometric measurements and body fat percentage by bioelectrical impedance were obtained.Statistical analysisGeneralized linear models and generalized mixed models were used to assess the associations between variables.ResultsEarly breakfast and dinner eating and early midpoint eating were associated with better scores for specific Brazilian Healthy Eating Index Revised components (P < .05). Early breakfast and dinner eating were also associated with better scores for the total index (P = .035 and P = .017, respectively). Early dinner eaters and early midpoint eaters had significantly lower daily energy consumption (P = .007 and P = .002, respectively). Eating ≥5 episodes per day was also associated with better scores of specific Brazilian Healthy Eating Index Revised components and the total index (P < .05). No significant associations between eating time and frequency with anthropometric measurements and body composition parameters were found (P > .05). However, women in the healthy body mass index category vs women in the overweight/obesity category had higher energy consumption at breakfast (P = .046).ConclusionsEarlier food intake time was associated with better diet quality and lower daily energy consumption. Higher frequency of eating was also associated with better diet quality. Future studies, such as randomized controlled trials, are needed to evaluate interventions addressing the timing and frequency of meals and their effect on diet quality and quantity in breast cancer survivors.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of the Eating Disorder Belief Questionnaire in older adolescent females. Three hundred and sixty-seven girls aged 17 or 18 who were in secondary school education completed the Eating Disorder Belief Questionnaire, the Beck Depression Inventory and the Eating Attitudes Test. They also provided information on height and weight. The Eating Disorder Belief Questionnaire had an almost identical factor structure to that previously found in adult women, although the factors were not quite as discrete as those in the original validation study. Internal consistency for each factor was high and construct validity (including convergent and criterion related validity) was very good. The almost identical factor structure, and other good psychometric properties, found for the Eating Disorder Belief Questionnaire in the current study suggests that it is an appropriate measure for use in clinical settings and in research studies involving 17-18 year old girls. This includes older adolescents with eating disorders. The possibility that adolescents show a developmental tendency for less separation between the constructs assessed, when compared with adults, is of particular interest, and requires further exploration.  相似文献   

BackgroundEmerging research indicates that eating timing may influence dietary intake and metabolic health. However, studies to date have not examined the association of multiple measures of eating timing with both dietary intake and metabolic health in adults with overweight and obesity.ObjectiveTo examine the association of multiple measures of eating timing with dietary intake (ie, dietary composition, diet quality, and eating frequency) and metabolic health (ie, body composition and cardiometabolic risk).DesignThis is a cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from a weight loss and maintenance intervention collected from May 2015 to January 2018.Participants/settingParticipants were women with overweight or obesity who were dependents of active duty and retired military personnel (N = 229; mean ± standard error, BMI = 34.7 ± 0.4 kg/m2, age = 40.9 ± 0.7 years). The study was conducted at military installations in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Colorado, and Kentucky.Main outcome measuresEating timing variables examined included daily eating interval (time between first and last eating occasion), time-restricted eating (≤11 hours daily eating interval), early energy eaters (eating ≥60% of energy during the first half of time awake), and bedtime eaters (eating within 2 hours of bedtime).Statistical analysisThe main analysis was limited to those reporting plausible energy intake (64% of total sample [n = 146]). Linear, quantile, or logistic regression models were used to determine the association of eating timing with measures of dietary intake and metabolic health.ResultsIn individuals reporting plausible energy intake, each additional 1 hour in daily eating interval was associated with 53 kcal higher energy intake, higher glycemic load, eating frequency, and waist circumference (P < 0.05 for all). Significant associations were observed for: time-restricted eating and a lower energy intake, glycemic load, and eating frequency; early energy eating and higher carbohydrate intake; bedtime eating and a higher energy intake, glycemic load, and eating frequency.ConclusionsThese findings lend support for the mechanistic targeting of eating timing in behavioral interventions aimed at improving dietary intake and body composition.  相似文献   

Practice does make perfect. A longitudinal look at repeated taste exposure   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Williams KE  Paul C  Pizzo B  Riegel K 《Appetite》2008,51(3):739-742
Previous research has found that 10-15 exposures to a novel food found can increase liking and consumption. This research has been, however, largely limited cross-sectional studies in which participants are offered only one or a few novel foods. The goal of the current study uses a small clinical sample to demonstrate the number of exposures required for consumption of novel foods decreases as a greater number of foods are added to the diet. Evidence that fewer exposures are needed over time may make interventions based upon repeated exposure more acceptable to parents and clinicians.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the internal structure of the Eating Inventory using confirmatory factor analytic (CFA) methods. METHOD: Female participants in a population-based twin study (N = 1,510) completed a reduced version of the Eating Inventory as part of a larger study of eating behaviors. Two CFA estimation methods were implemented using LISREL and Mplus to evaluate three different factor structures reported in the literature. RESULTS: Overall results for Stunkard and Messick's (1985) three-factor model indicated a poor fit to these data. The structure reported by Ganley resulted in an improper solution with factor correlations over 1 and several loadings estimated near 0 or with negative signs. The model proposed by Hyland et al. also fit poorly for all three models, the pattern of loadings on the Restraint factor proved most difficult to interpret. DISCUSSION: This study represents the first application of these confirmatory methods to the three subscales of the Eating Inventory. The instrument, as administered in this study, did not conform well to the structures proposed in previous studies. Because the Eating Inventory is recommended as a treatment planning tool, poor replication of the constructs purported to be assessed by this instrument underscores the importance of further internal validation research.  相似文献   

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