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目的 研究2015-2019年上海地区急性呼吸道感染病例中腺病毒感染的流行病学特征和混合感染情况,为腺病毒的防控提供科学依据。方法 收集2015-2019年上海地区3家医院内的急性呼吸道感染病例,对纳入病例进行相关信息登记和采样,进行呼吸道病原体的多重PCR检测。结果 共纳入1 543例急性呼吸道感染病例,腺病毒阳性率2.92%(45/1 543),流感样病例(ILI)和严重急性呼吸道感染病例(SARI)中的阳性率分别为2.74%(29/1 058)和3.30%(16/485)。ILI在2019年1-5月的阳性率5.43%(7/129)高于2015-2018年同期的0.52%~4.48%(Fisher精确检验值=8.92,P=0.036)。45例腺病毒阳性病例的发病时间主要分布在第一、二季度,合计占62.22%(28/45),各季度发病阳性率的差异有统计学意义(χ2=12.52,P=0.006),以第二季度的阳性率最高(6.03%),高于其他季度的1.89%~2.93%。各年龄组间差异有统计学意义(χ2=16.94,P=0.001),且随着年龄的增加阳性率有降低的趋势(χ2=10.16,P=0.001),13~19岁组的阳性率(9.43%)高于其他年龄组(1.48%~4.81%);学生组阳性率(12.07%)高于其他职业(2.61%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=11.53,P=0.001)。45例腺病毒阳性病例中混合感染占31.11%(14/45)。ILI和SARI的混合感染率分别为34.48%(10/29)和25.00%(4/16),14例混合感染病例中,腺病毒的主要混合感染病原是甲型流感病毒和冠状病毒。结论 上海地区急性呼吸道感染病例中存在一定比例的阳性病例,需进一步加强青少年人群中的腺病毒监测,重点是关注第二季度的学生等重点人群。  相似文献   

目的 了解浙江省杭州市无偿献血者的HIV感染状况及流行特征,为经输血传播艾滋病防控工作提供参考依据。方法 收集和分析2008-2017年杭州市无偿献血者献血资料,无偿献血者的HIV阳性率分为粗阳性率和标化阳性率,采用趋势χ2检验法描述无偿献血者的HIV感染状况、流行特征及变化趋势。结果 2008-2017年杭州市无偿献血者1 461 129人中,发现HIV感染者260例,以男性(96.5%,251/260)、18~34岁(72.7%,189/260)为主,重复无偿献血者占36.9%(96/260),传播途径为异性性行为、男男性行为分别为44.6%(116/260)、53.5%(139/260)。MSM人群HIV感染者中,以18~34岁(82.0%,114/139)、未婚(71.2%,99/139)为主。学生人群HIV感染者,以男男性行为感染为主(88.4%,23/26)。2008-2017年HIV粗阳性率为0.8/万~2.5/万,各年的差异无统计学意义(趋势χ2=2.355,P=0.125);18~24岁男性HIV粗阳性率从2008年的1.1/万上升到2017年的3.7/万,差异有统计学意义(趋势χ2=5.175,P=0.023)。2008-2017年HIV标化阳性率为0.9/万~2.4/万。结论 2008-2017年杭州市无偿献血者HIV感染状况呈低流行水平,HIV感染者以男性、18~34岁、传播途径以异性性行为和男男性行为为主,18~24岁男性HIV阳性率呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市18~65岁高血压、糖尿病、血脂异常、COPD、哮喘患者的吸烟状态、戒烟态度及危险因素。方法 数据来源于2014年北京市成人慢性病与危险因素监测,即在北京市16个区/县采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法抽取180个社区共19 815名调查对象,以其中18~65岁人群作为研究对象。结果 18 405例有效样本中,男性高血压、血脂异常患者现在吸烟比例均高于非患者(分别χ2=17.695,P<0.001;χ2=39.292,P<0.001);女性高血压、COPD、哮喘患者现在吸烟者比例均高于非患者(分别χ2=6.649,P=0.010;χ2=6.276,P=0.012;χ2=8.245,P=0.004)。吸烟者中,高血压患者1年内想戒烟比例低于非高血压患者(χ2=20.487,P<0.001),COPD患者1年内想戒烟比例高于非COPD患者(χ2=6.085,P=0.048)。男性中糖尿病(χ2=9.219,P=0.010)、血脂异常(χ2=13.513,P=0.001)患者中已戒烟者控制情况好于现在吸烟者。多因素logistic回归结果显示,吸烟是高血压(OR=1.17)、血脂异常(OR=1.25)、COPD(OR=1.78)、哮喘(OR=1.57)的影响因素。结论 北京市18~65岁居民中部分慢性病患者现在吸烟比例高且戒烟意愿低;吸烟是高血压、血脂异常、COPD、哮喘的危险因素。  相似文献   

目的 初步了解上海地区≥ 15岁住院严重急性呼吸道感染病例(SARI)的流行病学特征和病原学特征。方法 在2015-2017年期间选取2家监测点医院(二级、三级医院各1家),对每名≥ 15岁的SARI呼吸道病例采集2份标本,其中1份进行22种呼吸道病原体PCR检测,另1份进行6种常见呼吸道细菌培养鉴定。结果 共对287例SARI病例开展了标本采集与实验室检测,其中≥ 60岁老年人占70.73%。287例病例中119例病例检出≥ 1种呼吸道病原体,阳性率41.46%。流感病毒检出率最高,为17.77%(51/287),其次为人鼻病毒/肠道病毒和冠状病毒,均为7.32%(21/287),肺炎支原体检出率为5.57%(16/287),副流感病毒、博卡病毒、腺病毒、呼吸道合胞病毒、人偏肺病毒检出率均<5%。细菌培养阳性7株,分别为肺炎克雷伯菌3株,金黄色葡萄球菌2株,肺炎链球菌和铜绿假单胞菌各1株。119例阳性病例中,40例检出≥ 2种病原体,占33.61%,以流感病毒合并肺炎支原体感染为主(10例)。流感病毒存在冬、春季流行高峰和夏季流行高峰,肺炎支原体存在冬、春季流行高峰,与流感病毒有重叠。15~与≥ 60岁组的SARI病例病原体检出情况差异无统计学意义。结论 ≥ 15岁SARI病例呼吸道样本病原检出种类较多,流感病毒是主要病原体,流感病毒与肺炎支原体混合感染比例较高。  相似文献   

目的 分析2008-2017年北京市细菌性痢疾(菌痢)病原学监测资料,为菌痢防治提供参考。方法 分析2008-2017年北京市两个菌痢国家级监测点数据,以标本检出志贺菌为菌痢诊断的金标准,描述志贺菌的阳性率、菌痢的诊断符合率及耐药情况,率的比较采用χ2检验,应用非条件logistic回归分析志贺菌阳性的相关因素。结果 2008-2017年,北京市菌痢报告发病率和腹泻患者的志贺菌阳性率均明显下降,菌痢的临床诊断符合率为7.80%(111/1 423)。北京市菌痢的病原以宋内志贺菌为主,占73.95%(159/215),其他均为福氏志贺菌。采用非条件logistic回归分析志贺菌阳性的相关因素,便常规阳性(与阴性相比,OR=1.863,95% CI:1.402~2.475)、7-10月发病(与其他月份比较,OR=7.271,95% CI:4.514~11.709)、体温≥ 38℃(与体温<38℃比较,OR=4.516,95% CI:3.369~6.053)和6~59岁(与其他年龄比较,OR=1.617,95% CI:1.085~2.410)的志贺菌阳性率更高。氨苄西林(97.57%,201/206)和萘啶酸(94.90%,186/196)的耐药率最高,环丙沙星(16.33%,32/196)、氧氟沙星(9.57%,11/115)及阿莫西林(15.05%,31/206)耐药率较低;福氏志贺菌的耐药情况较宋内志贺菌更为严重;耐药≥ 3种抗菌素的比例为30.00%(21/70)。结论 北京市菌痢临床诊断符合率低,耐药情况较严重,临床医生做出诊断时应综合考虑腹泻患者的流行病学史、临床表现以及实验室检测结果。  相似文献   

目的 了解新疆维吾尔自治区(新疆)疏附县中小学生甲、乙、丙型病毒性肝炎流行情况及评估免疫接种效果。方法 2015年2-5月通过整群随机抽样方法对疏附县4个乡镇中小学生进行病毒性肝炎血清流行病学调查,检测HAV-IgG、HBsAg、HBsAb和HCV-IgG。结果 疏附县4 830名中小学生HAV-IgG阳性率为99.75%,男生为99.92%,女生为99.57%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=5.798,P=0.016);HBsAg阳性率为3.02%,男生为3.55%,女生为2.47%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.782,P=0.029);各年龄组的HBsAg阳性率差异有统计学意义(χ2=71.990,P=0.000),农村地区(3.28%)高于城镇地区(1.61%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.019,P=0.014);HBsAb阳性率为38.84%,各年龄组的HBsAb阳性率差异有统计学意义(χ2=837.699,P=0.000),城镇地区(42.36%)高于农村地区(38.20%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.598,P=0.032)。HBsAg和HBsAb均为阴性的学生有2 815人,占总人数的58.28%。HCV-IgG阳性率为0.19%,阳性者均为维吾尔族农村学生。结论 疏附县中小学生甲型肝炎疫苗的免疫效果较好,处于乙型肝炎免疫空白状态的学生较多,丙型肝炎感染率较低,应及时对适龄儿童进行免疫接种和查漏补种。  相似文献   

目的 探讨高危型HPV E6/E7 mRNA检出率与宫颈癌的相关性,为临床防治宫颈癌提供依据。方法 选择2015年收治的100例宫颈癌患者为A组,同期100例健康体检者为B组,采用荧光定量PCR检测入组患者高危型HPV E6/E7 mRNA和病理学检查,比较两组患者HPV E6/E7感染率和荧光定量PCR检查效率,分析HPV E6/E7感染与宫颈鳞状上皮病变的相关性。结果 A组阳性76例,阳性率为76.0%;B组阳性13例,阳性率为13.0%;A组阳性率高于B组,差异有统计学意义(χ2=24.522,P<0.001)。两组阳性预测值和阴性预测值比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。宫颈癌患者HPV E6/E7 mRNA阳性率(76.0%)高于高度宫颈鳞状上皮病变者(26.1%)、低度宫颈鳞状上皮病变者(17.6%)和非典型鳞状上皮细胞者(6.7%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.615,P=0.001; χ2=9.114,P=0.001; χ2=18.241,P<0.001)。结论 宫颈癌患者HPV E6/E7mRNA检出率高,且随宫颈鳞状上皮病变加重,其HPV E6/E7 mRNA阳性率越高。  相似文献   

目的 了解2003-2014年北京协和医院就诊患者HIV检测的感染状况及流行病学特征。方法 收集2003-2014年北京协和医院门诊与住院就诊患者的HIV检测结果,利用SPSS 19.0软件进行描述性统计分析。结果 2003-2014年共进行HIV筛查715 421人次,HIV初筛阳性1 012例(0.14%),HIV确证阳性776例(0.11%)。HIV检测阳性率逐年升高(趋势χ2=66.83,P=0.000),2012-2014年间增幅明显,2014年的HIV检测阳性率是2003年的3.40倍(2014年为0.17%,2003年为0.05%)。776例感染者中,男性631例(81.31%),女性145例(18.69%),2003-2014年间男性感染者构成比从50.00%升高到90.26%(趋势χ2=58.41,P=0.000),年龄范围18~50岁(84.66%),M为36岁(QR:27~43)。经性途径感染634例(81.70%),且逐年增加(趋势χ2=126.38,P=0.000),男男同性性行为感染从2003年的0.00%升高到2014年的53.90%(趋势χ2=11.96,P=0.001)。未婚感染者构成比从18.75%升高到42.21%(趋势χ2=43.74,P=0.000)。HIV筛查阳性的主要来源科室分别为内科(51.03%)、急诊(18.30%)、皮肤科(13.53%)。妇产科来源下降(2003年为18.75%,2014年为2.60%),外科、五官科及口腔科、体检中心有所增加,分别从2003年的零检出到2014年的14例(9.10%),11例(7.14%),4例(2.60%)。结论 北京协和医院就诊患者的HIV/AIDS检测阳性率逐年升高,提示需要加强对大型综合医院就诊患者的检测。MSM作为重点人群,应加强艾滋病防控宣传和咨询检测。  相似文献   

目的 分析福州市15~24岁MSM艾滋病监测数据,了解其HIV感染状况及其相关因素。方法 2016-2021年通过网络方式招募年龄15~24岁最近6个月与男性发生口交/肛交性行为的MSM,分析其社会人口学和行为学特征、HIV感染状况及其相关因素。结果 2016-2021年网络招募15~24岁MSM共4 234人。户籍为福建省外的比例由13.00%(85/654)上升到23.42%(163/696)(趋势χ2=60.23,P<0.001);通过网络寻找男性性伴的比例由93.27%(610/654)上升到99.71%(694/696)(趋势χ2=65.20,P<0.001);最近6个月最近1次肛交使用安全套比例由88.16%(484/549)下降至74.11%(415/560)(趋势χ2=32.32,P<0.001);最近6个月肛交每次使用安全套比例由65.76%(361/549)下降至55.54%(311/560)(趋势χ2=6.82,P<0.001);既往接受HIV抗体检测比例由5.66%(37/654)上升到25.29%(176/696)(趋势χ2=98.51,P<0.001)。累计监测15~24岁MSM HIV抗体阳性率为3.64%(154/4 234),历年监测15~24岁MSM的HIV抗体阳性率差异无统计学意义(趋势χ2=0.50,P=0.453)。初中及以下文化程度、居住时间1~2年者HIV抗体阳性率均呈上升趋势(P<0.05)。HIV感染风险的多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,高中/中专、大专及以上文化程度者分别是初中及以下文化程度者的0.54(95%CI:0.30~0.99)倍、0.29(95%CI:0.17~0.51)倍,本地居住时间1~2年、>2年者是本地居住时间<1年者的0.35(95%CI:0.16~0.74)倍、0.58(95%CI:0.37~0.91)倍,每次肛交坚持使用安全套者是从未使用者的0.18(95%CI:0.08~0.42)倍,未患过性病者是患过性病者的0.25(95%CI:0.13~0.50)倍。结论 福州市15~24岁MSM存在较高HIV感染风险,应加强对流动和较低文化程度青少年MSM的互联网干预。  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市18~65岁居民高胆固醇血症流行病学现状及影响因素,为其相关疾病的防控提供科学依据。方法 数据来自2014年北京市成人慢性病与危险因素监测。该监测以多阶段分层整群抽样方法在全市范围抽取调查对象进行问卷调查、身体测量和实验室检查。结果 17 662例有效样本中,血清胆固醇均值为(4.69±0.95)mmol/L,高胆固醇血症患病率为6.26%,边缘值升高率为21.34%。男性高胆固醇血症患病率为6.33%,女性为6.20%,差异无统计学意义(Z=1.64,P=0.10);城区居民患病率为6.73%,高于郊区居民的5.59%(Z=-7.27,P<0.01)。高胆固醇血症患病率随年龄增加呈上升趋势(趋势检验 χ2=308.85, P<0.01),其中男性(χ2=81.65,P<0.01)、女性(χ2=318.04, P<0.01)、城区居民(χ2=201.77, P<0.01)、郊区居民(χ2=114.65, P<0.01)均呈相同趋势。多因素logistic回归分析显示,高年龄组、女性(OR=1.23,95%CI:1.04~1.45)、超重(OR=1.56,95%CI:1.34~1.81)、肥胖(OR=1.82,95%CI:1.54~2.16)、每天吸烟(OR=1.24,95%CI:1.03~1.50)、每天饮酒(OR=1.40,95%CI:1.12~1.75)、牛羊肉摄入每周>1次(OR=1.19,95%CI:1.02~1.39)是高胆固醇血症的危险因素。结论 北京市18~65岁居民高胆固醇血症患病率低于全国平均水平,年龄、性别、地区、BMI、吸烟、饮酒、牛羊肉摄入频率为患病的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

The prevalence of antibodies reactive withRickettsia conorii, Rickettsia typhi, Coxiella burnetii andEhrlichia chaffeensis was investigated using indirect immunofluorescence (IFA) test on human sera obtained from 300 blood donors in Casablanca and 126 sera obtained from clinical laboratories in Fez. In sera from Casablanca, antibodies reactive at titers >=1: 32 were found againstR. conorii (7%), andR. typhi (1.7%), but not againstE. chaffeensis. In the sera from Fez, antibodies were also detected againstR. conorii (5.6%),R. typhi (4%), but not againstE. chaffeensis. By Western immunoblotting, seroprevalence forR. conorii was in Casablanca and 4.8% in Fez. Antibodies reactive at titers >=1:50 againstC. burnetii (phase II) were present in sera from Casablanca (1%) and Fez (18.3%).Abbreviations IFA Immunofluorescence assay - MSF Mediterranean spotted fever - PBS Phosphate-buffered saline  相似文献   

Summary As a consequence of contact with animals and animal products slaughterhouse workers might be at risk of infection with pathogenic microorganisms. This hypothesis has been supported by some earlier studies. In this study 217 slaughtermen and a control group of 113 greenhouse workers were investigated for the prevalence of serum antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii, Campylobacter jejuni (IgA and IgG), Yersinia enterocolitica types 3 and 9, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis types I, II, III, IV, and V, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella paratyphi, Salmonella enteritidis, Salmonella typhimurium, and Borrelia burgdorferi. No significant differences were found concerning either frequency of positive tests or magnitude of titers. The prevalence of toxoplasma antibodies was remarkably high in both groups.  相似文献   

本文报告了1986年对我国五个地区994名健康成人、373名儿童和100例肺炎病人进行三种军团菌抗体检测的结果。健康成人抗体阳性率(≥1:16)Lm为9.26%,Ld为9.05%,Lg为3.32%。儿童Lm为5.36%,Ld为2.14%,Lg为3.75%。肺炎病人抗体阳性率以Ld最高(44%),Lm次之(23%),Lg均阴性。提示我国南方和北方地区人群中均存在这三种军团菌感染的可能性,应予以注意。  相似文献   

The only rickettsiae recorded in Portugal till now were Rickettsia conorii and Coxiella burnetii. Boutonneuse fever is one of the most important transmissible diseases in Portugal. Though the annual number of cases is not exactly known, it is estimated to be not far from 20,000 in some years. Q fever is the other rickettsiosis widely disseminated throughout the country. The serological prevalence and the incidence of those rickettsioses in Portugal are presented in this communication. In recent research in southern Portugal, about 4,000 adult ticks of nine species were screened by the haemocyte test for rickettsiae and rickettsia-like organisms (RLO). In addition to R. conorii three microscopically different RLO were observed. Two of them, i.e. ovoid and bacillary-like, were positive in the immunofluorescence test with spotted fever (R. conorii) antiserum. The first occurred mainly in Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks, the second one also in other tick species. The latter agent was cultivated in half-engorged R. sanguineus females and in Vero cells. The third organism was found in R. sanguineus, where it exhibited a massive infestation in haemocytes resembling that seen in experimentally infected ticks with C. burnetii, but not being this agent. The investigation of the isolates and their identification and characterization are being continued.Presented at the 4th International Symposium on Rickettsiae and Rickettsial Diseases, Pietany, C.S.F.R., 1–6 October, 1990.  相似文献   

Absorption,metabolism and elimination of N,N-dimethylformamide in humans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Excretion of N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and DMF metabolites N-hydroxymethyl-N-methylformamide (MF), N-hydroxymethyl-formamide (F) and N-acetyl-S-(N-methylcarbamoyl)cysteine (AMCC) has been monitored in the urine of volunteers during and after their 8-h exposure to DMF vapour at a concentration of 10, 30 and 60 mg · m–3. The pulmonary ventilation in these experiments was typically about 101 · min–1 and the retention in the respiratory tract was 90%. After exposure to 30 mg DMF · m–3, the yield of compound determined in the urine represented 0.3% (DMF), 22.3% (MF), 13.2% (F) and 13.4% (AMCC) of the dose absorbed via the respiratory tract. The excretion curves of the particular compounds attained their maximum 6–8h (DMF), 6–8h (MF), 8–14h (F) and 24–34h (AMCC) after the start of the exposure. The half-times of excretion were approximately 2, 4, 7 and 23 h respectively. In contrast to slow elimination of AMCC after exposure to DMF, AMCC was eliminated rapidly after AMCC intake. This discrepancy could be explained by rate-limiting reversible protein binding of a reactive metabolic intermediate of DMF, possibly methylisocyanate.  相似文献   

Percutaneous absorption of N,N-dimethylformamide in humans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Skin penetration fo N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) liquid or vapour was studied in volunteers. Exposure to liquid DMF was performed in two ways: in a dipping experiment, one hand was dipped up to the wrist in DMF for 2–20 min, while in a patch experiment, 2 mmol DMF was applied to the skin and allowed to be absorbed completely. The period of exposure to DMF vapour (50 mg · m–3) was 4 h. The DMF metabolites N-hydroxymethyl-N-methylformamide (MF), N-hydroxymethylformamide (F), and N-acetyl-S-(N-methylcarbamoyl)cysteine (AMCC) were monitored in the urine. Liquid DMF was absorbed through the skin at a rate of 9.4 mg · cm–2 · h–1. Percutaneous absorption of DMF vapour depended strongly on ambient temperature and humidity and accounted for 13%–36% of totally excreted MF. The results suggest that skin absorption of liquid DMF is likely to contribute to occupational exposure substantially more than penetration of DMF vapour. The yield of metabolites after transdermal DMF absorption was only half of that seen after pulmonary absorption. Elimination of MF and F but not that of AMCC was delayed, which supports the contention that AMCC should be used instead of MF as the most suitable biomarker of DMF in cases where percutaneous intake can occur.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of intestinal parasites in 277 healthy subjects in the city of Mamuras (Albania, South Eastern Europe) and the correlation between parasitic infections and possible risk factors. Faecal samples collected with sodium-acetate-formalin fixative were concentrated by formalin ethylacetate sedimentation and examined as wet mounts, permanent stains and by anti-Giardia/Cryptosporidium fluorescent antibodies. Data concerning age, sex, level of education, availability of piped water, number of people living in the same house, and residence in rural or urban area were collected for each subject. Statistical analysis was performed by chi-square test and regression logistic analysis. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites was 183/277 (66.06%). In particular, pathogenic protozoa or helminths were found in 67 subjects (24.18%), including Trichuris trichiura in 34 (12.27%), Giardia duodenalis in 31 (11.19%), Hymenolepis nana in 5 (1.8%), Ascaris lumbricoides in 3 (1.08%). A significant correlation was observed only between parasite colonization and older age and between Trichuris trichiura infection and residence in rural areas.  相似文献   

Vitamin D receptor (VDR) plays an important role in activating immune response against various infectious agents. This study was aimed to investigate the association between VDR gene polymorphisms and different clinical forms of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in different population groups. Four common polymorphisms (TaqI, ApaI, BsmI and FokI) of VDR gene were studied in clinically diagnosed TB patients and healthy controls from Sahariya tribe (n = 377), Bhil tribe (n = 95), Chhattisgarh tribe (n = 33), general population from North-Central (NC) (n = 1021) and South-Eastern (SE) region (n = 646) and Muslims (n = 217). Genotyping was carried out using PCR-RFLP method and re-confirmed by direct sequencing. The haplotype analysis was performed on Haploview 4.1 and statistical analysis was done using SPSS 13.0 software. We found that bb genotype of BsmI polymorphism conferred significant risk to smear positive and multiple drug resistant (MDR) TB in tribes [OR (CI) = 3.7 (1.5–9.2), p = 0.002], SE population [OR (CI) = 2.1 (1.4–3.3), p = 0.0004] and Muslims [OR (CI) = 6.7 (1.1–39), p = 0.01]. The subjects with FF genotype of FokI polymorphism appeared less likely (p = 0.004) to develop MDR TB in NC population, whereas, those with Ff [OR (CI) = 2.5 (1.3–5.0), p = 0.004] and ff [OR (CI) = 3.4 (1.2–9.3), p = 0.01] genotypes were at high risk of MDR and smear positive disease, respectively. Similarly, tt genotype of TaqI polymorphism was found associated with high risk of smear positive TB in NC [OR (CI) = 3.6 (0.9–14.2), p = 0.05] as well as in SE [OR (CI) = 4.7 (1.8–12.3), p = 0.00003] population. Interestingly, tt genotype appeared strongly associated [OR (CI) = 8.9 (2.7–29), p = 0.00001] with high bacillary load outcome. In conclusion, genetic polymorphisms in VDR gene, alone or in combination (haplotypes) are associated with different clinical outcomes in pulmonary TB.  相似文献   

56 adult ticks D. marginatus and 38 adult ticks H. punctata were sampled by the flagging method, transferred to the laboratory, dissected and tested for infection with Lyme disease spirochetes. 3 (7.9%) of the adult H. punctata and 2 (3.57%) of the adult D. marginatus were infected with B. burgdorferi (Bb). This report also presents the case of a patient, who developed Lyme disease symptoms after he had been bitten by a D. marginatus tick. The clinical diagnosis was confirmed by serological testing and by a biopsy, taken from the patient's skin lesion. The skin biopsy was examined under an electron microscope and Bb was found in the sections of the deeper strata of the dermis in two structural forms: (a) cylindrical bodies (protoplasm cylinder) with circular ends covered with a three-layered membrane; (b) granules, situated among the collagenous fibres either closely adhered to them or covered with a membrane. The result of the study demonstrates that in single cases in some ecosystems, ticks D. marginatus might be implicated in Bb transmission to humans as secondary vectors.  相似文献   

Tinea pedis outbreak in swimming pools in Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was conducted to show a higher prevalence of interdigital tinea pedis in athletes by comparing athletes and non-athletes, and to examine swimming pools as a route of infection. The subjects were 282 athletes, 137 non-athletes, and 140 students enrolled in a swimming class at the University of Tsukuba. This study included the taking of cotton-swab samples from the interdigital skin surfaces of both feet and cultures, microscopical examinations of scales collected from subjects with lesions, and questionnaires. There was a significant difference between athletes and non-athletes in the prevalence of the relevant pathogens, and a higher risk of infection was shown in athletes. The study also found that 63.6% of the swimming class students were carriers, and that 85.0% of their dermatophytes were Trichophyton mentagrophytes. In addition, dermatophytes were also isolated from the floors of the swimming pool and the public baths. The results of these controlled studies suggested that there was a significant risk of dermatophytosis in both athletes and non-athletes using the swimming pool.  相似文献   

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