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Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play an important role in the induction of innate immune responses recognizing many pathogen-associated molecular patterns. The activation of TLRs triggers two downstream signaling pathways; MyD88- (myeloid differential factor 88) and TRIF-(toll-interleukin-1 receptor domain-containing adapter inducing interferon-β) dependent pathways leading to the induction of pro-inflammatory gene products such as inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). The present study investigated the effect of triptolide (TP), a natural component of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. F, on inflammation by modulating iNOS expression induced by TLR agonists in murine macrophages. TP suppressed iNOS expression induced by lipopolysaccharide (TLR4 agonist), polyriboinosinic polyribocytidylic acid (TLR3 agonist), and macrophage-activating lipopeptide 2-kDa (TLR2 and TLR6 agonist). All the results suggest that TP can modulate TLR signaling pathways and subsequent chronic inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

Brief periods of myocardial ischaemia preceding a subsequent more prolonged ischaemic period 24-72 h later confer protection against myocardial infarction ('delayed preconditioning' or the 'second window' of preconditioning). In the present study, we examined the effects of pharmacological modifiers of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) induction and activity on delayed protection conferred by ischaemic preconditioning 48 h later in an anaesthetized rabbit model of myocardial infarction. Rabbits underwent a myocardial preconditioning protocol (four 5 min coronary artery occlusions) or were sham-operated. Forty-eight hours later they were subjected to a sustained 30 min coronary occlusion and 120 min reperfusion. Infarct size was determined with triphenyltetrazolium staining. In rabbits receiving no pharmacological intervention, the percentage of myocardium infarcted within the risk zone was 43.9+5.0% in sham-operated animals and this was significantly reduced 48 h after ischaemic preconditioning with four 5 min coronary occlusions to 18.5+5.6% (P<0.01). Administration of the iNOS expression inhibitor dexamethasone (4 mg kg(-1) i.v) 60 min before ischaemic preconditioning completely blocked the infarct-limiting effect of ischaemic preconditioning (infarct size 48.6+/-6.1%). Furthermore, administration of aminoguanidine (300 mg kg(-1), s.c.), a relatively selective inhibitor of iNOS activity, 60 min before sustained ischaemia also abolished the delayed protection afforded by ischaemic preconditioning (infarct size 40.0+/-6.0%). Neither aminoguanidine nor dexamethasone per se had significant effect on myocardial infarct size. Myocardial risk zone volume during coronary ligation, a primary determinant of infarct size in this non-collateralized species, was not significantly different between intervention groups. There were no differences in systolic blood pressure, heart rate, arterial blood pH or rectal temperature between groups throughout the experimental period. These data provide pharmacological evidence that the induction of iNOS, following brief periods of coronary occlusion, is associated with increased myocardial tolerance to infarction 48 h later.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Provocation of fatal cardiac arrhythmias has limited the use of inotropic agents as heart failure therapy. Levosimendan (LEV) is a new inodilator, whose mechanism of action includes calcium sensitization of contractile proteins and the opening of ATP-dependent potassium channels. OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: The aim of this investigation was to test whether the administration of LEV has cardioprotective and antiarrhythmic effects against ischemia and reperfusion injury in a manner similar to ischemic preconditioning (IPC) in a well-standardized model of reperfusion arrhythmias in anesthetized adult male rabbits (n=122) subjected to 30 min occlusion of the left coronary artery followed by 120 min of reperfusion. RESULTS: Pretreatment with either 1 cycle of IPC, LEV (0.1 micromol/kg, i.v.), or IPC+LEV prior to the period of coronary occlusion offers significant infarct size reduction (21.6+/-1.6%, 22.1+/-2.2%, and 21.4+/-1.4%, respectively vs 38.7+/-3.6% in saline control group; P<0.01) and antiarrhythmic effects. IPC, LEV and IPC+LEV treatment significantly attenuated the incidence of life-threatening arrhythmias like sustained VT (13%, 13% and 13%, respectively vs 100% in saline control group; P<0.005) and other arrhythmias (25%, 25% and 13%, respectively vs 100% in saline control group; P<0.005), and increased the number of surviving animals without arrhythmias. Pretreatment with 5-HD, N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, a nonspecific NOS inhibitor) and the specific iNOS inhibitor 1400 W [N-(-3-(aminomethyl)benzyl) acetamidine] abolished the beneficial effects of IPC, and LEV on reperfusion induced arrhythmias and cardioprotection suggesting that benefits have been achieved via both the selective activation of cardiomyocyte mitochondrial K(ATP) channels and NO. One cycle of IPC and LEV pretreatment significantly preserved the level of ATP in the 30 min ischemic heart and 120 min reperfused heart. CONCLUSIONS: The present study demonstrates similarities between acute LEV treatment and IPC of the rabbit myocardium in terms of survival, cardioprotection, antiarrhythmic activity, and metabolic status.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has been recognized as a neurotransmitter or a neuromodulator in the central nervous system. Brain NO is mainly generated either by neuronal NO synthase (NOS) or by inducible NOS. Previously we reported that central NO is involved in the elevation of plasma noradrenaline levels induced by intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) administered interleukin-1beta in rats [Eur. J. Phamacol. 317 (1996) 61]. In the present study, therefore, we tried to characterize which type of NOS isoforms is involved in the cytokine-induced responses using selective inhibitors of each NOS isoform in urethane-anesthetized rats. I.c.v. administered interleukin-1beta (100 ng/animal) elevated plasma levels of noradrenaline but not adrenaline. The cytokine-induced elevation of plasma noradrenaline levels was attenuated by cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, in a dose-dependent manner (10 and 20 microg/animal, i.c.v.). S-ethylisothiourea (0.1 and 0.5 microg/animal, i.c.v.), an inhibitor of inducible NOS, dose-dependently reduced the cytokine-induced elevation of plasma noradrenaline levels, while 7-nitroindazole (5 and 10 microg/animal, i.c.v.), an inhibitor of neuronal NOS, had no effect. These results suggest the involvement of brain inducible NOS in the interleukin-1beta-induced activation of the central sympathetic outflow in rats.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus dementia (HIV-D) is a nonfocal central nervous system manifestation characterized by cognitive, behavioral, and motor abnormalities. The pathophysiology of neuronal damage in HIV-D includes a direct toxic effect of viral proteins on neuronal cells and an indirect effect caused by the release of inflammatory mediators and neurotoxins by activated macrophages/microglia and astrocytes, culminating into neuronal apoptosis. Previous studies have documented that the nucleoside adenosine mediates neuroprotection by activating adenosine A(1) receptor subtype (A(1)AR) linked to suppression of neuronal excitability. In this study, we show that A(1)AR activation protects against HIV-1 Tat-induced toxicity in primary cultures of rat cerebellar granule neurons and in rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cell. In PC12 cells, HIV-1 Tat increased [Ca(2+)](i) levels, release of nitric oxide (NO), and expression of inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS) and A(1)AR. Activation of A(1)AR suppressed Tat-mediated increases in [Ca(2+)](i) and NO. Furthermore, A(1)AR agonists inhibited iNOS expression in a nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB)-dependent manner. It is noteworthy that activation of the A(1)AR or inhibition of NOS protected against Tat-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells and cerebellar granule cells. Moreover, activation of the A(1)AR-inhibited Tat-induced increases in the levels of proapoptotic proteins Bax and caspase-3. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the A(1)AR protects against HIV-1 toxicity by inhibiting NF-kappaB, thereby reducing the expression of iNOS and NO radicals and neuronal apoptosis.  相似文献   

We recently isolated a novel lignan, 4-hydroxykobusin from Geranium thunbergii (Liu et al., Arch. Pharm. Res., 29, 1109-1113, 2006). Here, we studied its effect on the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) gene in RAW264.7 cells. 4-Hydroxykobusin inhibited nitric oxide (NO) production in a concentration-dependent manner and blocked the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). To identify the mechanistic basis for its inhibition of iNOS induction, we examined the effect of 4-hydroxykobusin on the transactivation of iNOS gene by luciferase reporter activity using -1.59 kb flanking region. The lignan suppressed the reporter gene activity and the LPS-induced reporter activations of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) and activator protein-1 (AP-1) were also significantly blocked by 4-hydroxykobusin. These findings suggest that the inhibition of LPS-induced NO formation by 4-hydroxykobusin is due to its inhibition of NF-kappaB and AP-1 activation.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the possible participation of morphine in pulmonary oedema induced by alpha-naphthylthiourea (ANTU), which is a well-known noxious chemical agent in the lung. Injection of ANTU (15 mg/kg i.p.) produced pulmonary oedema as indicated by an increase in lung weight/body weight ratio and pleural effusion reaching a maximum within 4 h in rat. Administration of morphine prior to ANTU significantly inhibited to pulmonary oedema with a dose-dependent manner. The protective effect of morphine is prevented by peripheral opioid receptor antagonist, naloxone methiodide. ANTU-treated rats were shown positive by inducible nitric oxide synthase immunohistochemical staining. There was no staining in the control group. On the other hand, the degree of staining was markedly reduced in tissue sections by morphine. These results suggest that previous administration of subcutaneous morphine has preventive effect on ANTU-induced pulmonary inflammatory reaction and its effect mediated via peripheral opioid receptors. Application of naloxone with ANTU has no effect on the lung parameters indicating that endogenous opioids do not modulate ANTU-induced damage.  相似文献   

Among the numerous genes controlled by cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)/protein kinase A signalling machinery is the gene encoding the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), an enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of a highly reactive free radical nitric oxide (NO). While being a major microbicidal and tumoricidal molecule, iNOS-derived NO has also been implicated in tissue destruction, as well as in regulation of inflammatory/immune cell function in various disorders associated with excessive inflammation. A feasible way for cAMP-dependent therapeutic control of inflammation, including iNOS-mediated NO synthesis, could involve the administration of drugs that block the enzymatic activity of cAMP-degrading phosphodiesterases (PDE). Indeed, cAMP-elevating PDE inhibitors can influence iNOS activation in different cell types in vitro, and their potent anti-inflammatory effects in experimental disease models and clinical studies were frequently accompanied with profound modulation of NO production. A set of conflicting data has been generated over the years, ranging from strong suppression to marked enhancement of NO release by cAMP-increasing PDE inhibitors, depending on cell-type, iNOS stimuli, and/or the agents used. The present review summarizes the data on iNOS modulation by cAMP-elevating PDE inhibitors and possible mechanisms behind it, speculating on its contribution to the therapeutic effects of these drugs.  相似文献   

In the present study, we report the inhibitory effect of equol on nitric oxide (NO) production and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) gene expression in murine macrophages. In vivo administration of equol (i.p.) attenuated NO production by peritoneal adherent cells isolated from lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated mice. Equol dose-dependently inhibited the LPS-induced production of NO in isolated peritoneal adherent cells and RAW 264.7 cells. The mRNA expression of iNOS was also blocked by equol in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. Further study demonstrated that the LPS-induced activation of Akt was suppressed by equol in RAW 264.7 cells while the activation of ERK, SAPK/JNK and p38 MAP kinase was not affected. Equol also blocked LPS-induced NF-kappaB activation. Moreover, the LPS-induced NO production and NF-kappaB activation was inhibited by LY294002, a specific inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway, in RAW 264.7 cells. These results suggest that equol might inhibit NO production and iNOS gene expression, at least in part, by blocking Akt activation and subsequent down-regulation of NF-kappaB activity.  相似文献   

1. Activated microglial cells are believed to play an active role in most brain pathologies, during which they can contribute to host defence and repair but also to the establishment of tissue damage. These actions are largely mediated by microglial secretory products, among which are prostaglandins (PGs) and nitric oxide (NO). 2. The anti-inflammatory protein, lipocortin 1 (LC1) was reported to have neuroprotective action and to be induced by glucocorticoids in several brain structures, with a preferential expression in microglia. In this paper we tested whether the neuroprotective effect of LC1 could be explained by an inhibitory effect on microglial activation. 3. We have previously shown that bacterial endotoxin (LPS) strongly stimulates PGE2 and NO production in rat primary microglial cultures, by inducing the expression of the key enzymes cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), respectively. 4. Dexamethasone (DEX, 1-100 nM) and LC1-derived N-terminus peptide (peptide Ac2-26, 1-100 microg ml(-1)) dose-dependently inhibited the production of both PGE2 and NO from LPS-stimulated microglia. The inhibitory effects of DEX on NO and of the peptide on NO and PGE2 synthesis were partially abrogated by a specific antiserum, raised against the N-terminus of human LC1. The peptide Ac2-26 did not affect arachidonic acid release from control and LPS-stimulated microglial cultures. 5. Western blot experiments showed that the LPS-induced expression of COX-2 and iNOS was effectively down-regulated by DEX (100 nM) and peptide Ac2-26 (100 microg ml(-1)). 6. In conclusion, our findings support the hypothesis that LC1 may foster neuroprotection by limiting microglial activation, through autocrine and paracrine mechanisms.  相似文献   

A reduction in airway beta-adrenoceptor density has been reported in cystic fibrosis lung but the mechanism underlying this defect remains unclear. In this study, we have investigated whether the decrease in beta2-adrenoceptor associates with altered G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) levels. We assessed GRK activity by rhodopsin phosphorylation, and beta2-adrenoceptor and GRK at the mRNA and protein levels by Northern and Western blotting in peripheral lung samples from normal donors and patients with cystic fibrosis. GRK activity was significantly increased in peripheral cystic fibrosis lung with parallel increases in GRK2/5 mRNAs and protein expression. Functionally, isoproterenol-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity was also diminished by 65% in cystic fibrosis lung homogenates. These data suggest that the increase in GRK activity may be one of the mechanisms underlying alterations in the coupling between beta2-adrenoceptor and adenylyl cyclase via G-protein and may thus contribute to the downregulation of beta2-adrenoceptor in cystic fibrosis lung.  相似文献   

We previously reported that oroxylin A, a polyphenolic compound, was a potent inhibitor of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). In the present study, three oroxylin A structurally related polyphenols isolated from the Chinese herb Huang Qui, namely baicalin, baicalein, and wogonin, were examined for their effects on LPS-induced nitric oxide (NO) production and iNOS and COX-2 gene expressions in RAW 264.7 macrophages. The results indicated that these three polyphenolic compounds inhibited LPS-induced NO production in a concentration-dependent manner without a notable cytotoxic effect on these cells. The decrease in NO production was in parallel with the inhibition by these polyphenolic compounds of LPS-induced iNOS gene expression. However, these three compounds did not directly affect iNOS enzyme activity. In addition, wogonin, but not baicalin or baicalein, inhibited LPS-induced prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production and COX-2 gene expression without affecting COX-2 enzyme activity. Furthermore, N-nitro-L-arginine (NLA) and N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) pretreatment enhanced LPS-induced iNOS (but not COX-2) protein expression, which was inhibited by these three polyphenolic compounds. Wogonin, but not baicalin or baicalein, similarly inhibited PGE2 production and COX-2 protein expression in NLA/LPS or L-NAME/LPS-co-treated RAW 264.7 cells. These results indicated that co-treatment with NOS inhibitors and polyphenolic compounds such as wogonin effectively blocks acute production of NO and, at the same time, inhibits expression of iNOS and COX-2 genes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the structure-activity relationship of S-alkyl-L-isothiocitrulline-containing dipeptides towards three partially purified recombinant human nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isozymes, as well as the effects of these compounds on cytokine-induced NO production by human DLD-1 cells. In an in vitro assay, S-methyl-L-isothiocitrulline (L-MIT) was slightly selective for human neuronal NOS (nNOS) over the inducible (iNOS) or endothelial (eNOS) isozyme, but the combination of a hydrophobic L-amino acid (L-Phe, L-Leu or L-Trp) with L-MIT dramatically altered the inhibition pattern to give selective iNOS inhibitors. Introduction of a hydroxy, nitro, amino or methoxy group at the para position of the aromatic ring of L-MIT-L-Phe (MILF) decreased the selectivity and inhibitory potency. A longer or larger S-alkyl group also decreased the selectivity and potency. Dixon analysis showed that all of the dipeptides were competitive inhibitors of the three isoforms of human NOS. The enzymatic time course curves indicated that MILF was a slow binding inhibitor of human iNOS. These results suggest that the human NOS isozymes have different-sized cavities in the binding site near the position to which the C-terminal of L-arginine binds, and the cavity of iNOS is hydrophobic. Interestingly, L-MIT-D-Phe (MIDF) showed little inhibitory activity or selectivity, suggesting that the cavity of human iNOS is located in a well-defined direction from the alpha carbon atom. NO production in cytokine-stimulated human DLD-1 cells was measured with a fluorescent indicator, DAF-FM. MILF, L-MIT-L-Trp(-CHO) (MILW) and L-MIT-L-Tyr (MILY) showed more potent activity than L-MIT in this whole-cell assay. Thus, S-alkyl-L-isothiocitrulline-containing dipeptides are selective inhibitors of human iNOS, and work efficiently in cell-based assay.  相似文献   

We have previously found that sodium salicylate (NaSal), injected into chicken eggs at nontoxic doses used for quantifying hydroxyl free radicals in hearts and brains of embryos, caused or exacerbated hemorrhages and dramatically reduced hatchability when combined with cocaine (Coc). It has also been reported that inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) gene expression is altered in brain in response to vascular damage and inflammation. In this study we measured diameters of membrane-bound blood vessels (BV) before and after pretreatment with saline (NaCl) or NaSal (100 mg/kg egg), followed by infusion of either NaCl or Coc HCl (total of 67.5 mg/kg egg) during 15 min. Brains and hearts of the embryos were then analyzed for iNOS messenger RNA (mRNA) concentrations. Coc caused vasoconstriction that was significant 5 min postinfusion (5 min PI) of the entire dose (ie after 67.5 mg/kg egg). Significant vasoconstriction was evident within 5 min in the group injected with NaSal followed by infusion with Coc (ie after 22.5 mg Coc/kg egg). Expression of iNOS mRNA was significantly increased only in the brains of the group exposed to NaSal plus Coc, and the increase was inversely related to BV diameter. These data are discussed in relation to effects of salicylate upon prostanoid synthesis and/or nitric oxide synthesis via iNOS inhibition and their possible relationship to Coc-associated cerebral vascular and/or cardiovascular events in abusing humans.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether the pathway of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in blood vessels is changed by type 2 diabetes. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced nitric oxide (NO) production and expression of iNOS and effects of LPS on phenylephrine-induced contractile force were compared in aortae isolated from Goto-Kakizaki (G-K) diabetes rats and aortae isolated from control Wistar rats. Both LPS-stimulated nitrite generation and iNOS expression levels were significantly higher in aortae from G-K rats than in those from control rats. Phenylephrine-induced contractile force in the presence of LPS was significantly lower in aortae from G-K rats than in those from control rats, while contractile force in the absence of LPS was comparable in the diabetic and control groups. On the other hand, incubation of aortae in high glucose-containing medium did not affect the LPS-stimulated nitrite accumulation and iNOS expression and the phenylephrine-induced contractile force, regardless of the presence of LPS. These results suggest that LPS-induced NO production through the iNOS pathway is increased and subsequent attenuation of contractile force by excess NO is enhanced in arteries of rats with type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to characterize the interaction of choline with the M(1) subtype of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. Using Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with neuronal nitric oxide synthase and the cloned human M(1) receptor (CHO hM(1)/nNOS cells), we investigated choline's effects on production of nitric oxide and elevation of intracellular [Ca(2+)]. Choline showed the properties of a full agonist in inducing the sustained plateau of increased intracellular [Ca(2+)], although it was only a partial agonist in inducing the larger, transient [Ca(2+)] peak. Choline was also found to act as a full agonist in stimulating the production of nitric oxide. These results have implications for efforts in the clinical treatment of dementia.  相似文献   

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