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Book Reviews     
Book review in this Article
NELSON REVIEW OF PEDIATRICS, by RE Behrman, RM Kliegman and AM Arvin  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article
The Imaginative Body: Psychodynamic Therapy in Health Care. , Edited by A. Erskine and D. Judd. Whurr
Children as Research Subjects: Science, Ethics and Law. Edited by M. A. Grodin and L. H. Glantz
The Vygotsky Reader. Edited by van der R. Veer and J. Valsiner
Intelligent Testing with the WISC-III. By A. S. Kaufman
Learning Disabilities: A Neuropsychological Perspective. By B. P. Rourke and J. E. Del Dotto
Destructive Behavior in Developmental Disabilities: Diagnosis and Treatment. Edited by Travis Thompson and David Gray
School Bullying: Insights and Perspectives. By Peter K. Smith and Sonia Sharp
Tackling Bullying in Your School: A Practical Handbook for Teachers. Edited by Sonia Sharp and peter K. Smith.
Challenging Behaviour and Intellectual Disability: A Psychological Perspective. Edited by Robert S. P. Jones and Caroline B. Eayrs
Research to Practice? Implications of Research on the Challenging Behaviour of People with Learning Disability. Edited by Chris Kiernan
Communicative Alternatives to Challenging Behaviour: Integrating Functional Assessment and Intervention Strategies. Edited by J. Reichle and D. P. Wacker
Children's Phobias: A Behavioural Perspective. By N. J. King, D. I. Hamilton and T. H. Ollendick  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation. 4th Ed

The Malformed Fetus and Stillbirth: A Diagnostic Approach  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books Reviewed in this article:
A Textbook of Adolescent Medicine. by E.R. McAnarney, R K. Kreipe, D. P. Orr and G. D. Comerci
Using Family Therapy in the 90s. Edited by J. Carpenter arid A. Treacher
The Language Instinct: The New Science of Language and Mind. By S. Pinker
Prevention and School Transitions. Edited by L. A. Jason, K. E. Danner and K. S. Kurasaki
Mental Health in Mental Retardation: Recent Advances and Practices. Edited by N. Bouras
Handbook of Development Family Psychology and Psychopathology. Edited by L. L'Abate
Crime in the Making: Pathways and Turning Points Through Life. Br R. J. Sampson and J. H. Laub
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Drama-therapy: Treatment and Risk Reduction. By L. Winn. Jessica Kingsley
Sickle Cell Disease: A Psychosocial Approach. By K. Midence and J. Elander  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Genetics and Experience . By Robert Plomin.
Behavior and Development in Fragile X Syndrome . By E. M. Dykens, R. M. Hodapp and J. F. Leckman.
Binge Eating: Nature, Assessment, and Treatment . Edited by C. G. Fairbum and G. T. Wilson.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this article:
Problem Behaviour in People with Severe Learning Disabilities . By Eva Zarkowska and John Clements
Early Nutrition and Later Achievement. Edited by J. Dobbing
Sleep and its Disorders in Children . Edited by Christian Guilleminault
The Role of Culture in Developmental Disorder . Edited by Charles M. Super
Primary Medical Care of Children and Adolescents. By W. Feldman, W. Rosser and P. McGrath
Research in Learning Disabilities: Issues and Future Directions. By S. Vaughn and C. E. S. Bos  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Review in this Articles:

Book Reviews     
Book Reviw in this Article:
Fair Start for Children: Lessons Learned from Seven Demonstration Projects. Edited by M. Lamer, R. Halpern & O. Harkavy.
Growing up with a Chronic Disease: The Impact on Children and their Families. By Christine Eiser.
Black, White or Mixed Race? Race and Racism in the Lives of Young People of Mixed Parentage. By Barbara Tizard and Ann Phoenix.
Pretending at Home: Early Development in a Sociocultural Context. By W. L. Haight & P. Miller.
Children and Disasters. Edited by C. F. Saylor.
Young Children's Close Relationships: Beyond Attachment. By J. Dunn.
Adolescent Sexual Behaviour and Childbearing. By L. S. Zabin & S. C. Hayward.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
A NEONATAL VADE-MECUM, 2nd edn, edited by P. J. Fleming, B. D. Speidel et al.; 1991
THE NEW GENETICS AND CLINICAL PRACTICE, 3rd edn. by D. J. Weatherall; 1991
A SYSTEM OF PHYSICIAL EXAMINATION, by D. P. W. Kingsford and D. T. J. Liley
ADVANCES IN NEUROSURGERY 19, edited by W. J. Bock, Ch. Lumenta, M. Brock and M. Klinger; 1991

Book Reviews     
Developmental Neuropsychiatry. Volume I: Fundamentals. Volume II: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Developmental Disorders. By James C. Harris.
Behavioural Phenotypes. Edited by Gregory O'Brien and William Yule.
Children's Mental Health Services: Research, Policy, and Evaluation. Edited by Leonard Bickman and Debra J. Rog.
Psychosocial Disturbances in Young People: Challenges for Prevention. Edited by M. Rutter.
The Depressed Child and Adolescent: Developmental and Clinical Perspectives. Edited by I. M. Goodyer.
Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents: A Casebook for Clinical Practice. By M. A. Reinecke, F. M. Dattilio and A. Freeman  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Boyd's Textbook of Pathology, 9th Edition Edited by A. C . Ritchie Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1990, 2133 pages $48.50.

Pathology of AIDS and Other Manifestations of HIV Infection Edited by V. V. Joshi New York, Igahu-Shoin, 1990, 384 pages, 1879.50.

Graft-vs.-Host Disease: Immunology, Pathophysiology, and Treatment Edited by S. J. Burakoff, H. J. Deeg, J. Ferrara, and K. Atkinson New Erk, Marcel Dekker, 1990, 816 pages, $1 75.00  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books Reviewed:
H. A. Ruff & M. K. Rothbart Attention in Early Development: Themes and Variations.
B. L. Bottoms & G. S. Goodman International Perspectives on Child Abuse and Children's Testimony.
J. M. Wiener Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2nd Edition).
E. Gil Treating Abused Adolescents.
J. Harris-Hendriks & M. Black Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. A New Century.
C. Hulme & M. Snowling Dyslexia: Biology, Cognition and Intervention.
K. Rigby Bullying in Schools: And What To Do About It.
N. Wall Rooted Sorrows: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Child Protection, Assessment, Therapy and Treatment.
M. Rivera More Alike Than Different: Treating Severely Dissociative Trauma Survivors.
S. Shulman & I. Seiffge-Krenke Fathers and Adolescents: Developmental and Clinical Perspectives.
D. Black, M. Newman, J. Harris-Hendriks, & G. Mezy Psychological Trauma: A Developmental Approach.
S. Powell & R. Jordan Autism and Learning: A Guide to Good Practice.
P. Mitchell Acquiring a Conception of Mind: A Review of Psychological Research and Theory.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Intelligence and Giftedness: The Contributions of Heredity and Early Environment. By M. D. Storfer.
Issues in the Developmental Approach to Mental Retardation . Edited by Robert M. Hodapp, Jacob A. Burack and Edward Zigler.
Causes of Development: Interdisciplinary Perspectives . Edited by G. Butterworth and P. Bryant.
Healing Hurt Minds: The Peper Harow Experience. By Melvyn Rose.
Clinical Perspectives in the Management of Down's Syndrome. Edited by D. C. van Dyke, D. J. Lang, F. Heide, S. van Duyne and M. J. Soucek.
Handbook of Parent Training: Parents as Co-therapists for Children's Behaviour Problems. Edited by Charles E. Schaefer and James M. Briesmeister.
Quadruplets and Higher Multiple Births. By M. M. Clay
Early Detection of Psychiatric Disorders in Children. Edited by H. van Engeland.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Live Company: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Autistic, Borderline, Deprived and Abused Children . By Ann Alvarez.
Vulnerability and Resilience in Human Development: A Festschrift for Ann and Alan Clarke. Edited by B. Tizard and V. Varma.
Feeding Problems and Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents. Edited by P. J Cooper and A. Stein.
Stress and Coping in Child Health. Edited by A. M. La Greca, L. J. Siegel, J. L. Wallander and C. E. Walker.
The Sexual Abuse of Children. Vol. 1—Theory and Research: Vol. 2—Clinical Issues . Edited by W. O'Donohue and J H Geer.
Internalizing and Externalizing Expressions of Dysfunction. Edited by Dante Cicchetti and Sheree L. Toth.
Early Intervention in Transition: Current Perspectives on Programs for Handicapped Children. Edited by K. Marfo.
Children in Poverty: Child Development and Public Policy. Edited by A. C. Huston.
The Design and Analysis of Research Studies. By B. F. J. Manly.
Developments in Paediatric Psychosocial Oncology. Edited by B. F. Last and A. M. van Veldhuizen.
Static Encephalopathies of Infancy and Childhood. Edited by G. Miller and J C. Ramer.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books Reviewed:
Philip Graham., Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy for Children and Families
D. Aldridge. Jessica Kingsley, Suicide: The Tragedy of Hopelessness.
D. Cicchetti, & S. L. Toth, Developmental Perspectives on Trauma: Theory, Research, and Intervention.
M. Lindblad-Goldberg, M. M. Dore & L. Stern. W. W. Norton, Creating Competence from Chaos:A Comprehensive Guide to Home-based Services.
O. Stevenson., Neglected Children: Issues and Dilemmas.
C. Garland. Duckworth, Understanding Trauma: A Psychoanalytical Approach.
M. Rutter, H. Giller, & A. Hagell, Antisocial Behaviour by Young People.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books Reviewed:
Daniel J. Siegel. The Developing Mind: Toward a Neurobiology of Interpersonal Experience.
J. Coleman and L. B. Hendry. The Nature of Adolescence
J. Altschuler, Macmillan Working with Chronic Illness
A. Goncu. Children's Engagement in the World. Sociocultural Perspectives.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
W. Damon and R. M. Lerner (eds.), Handbook of Child Psychology. Fifth Edition. Vol. One: Theoretical Models of Human Development
W. Damon, D. Kuhn and R. S. Siegler (eds.), Handbook of Child Psychology. Fifth Edition. Vol. Two: Cognition, Perception and Language
D. Shaffer, C. P. Lucas, & J. E. Richters (eds.), Diagnostic Assessment in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
S. Baron-Cohen, H. Tager-Flusberg, & D. Cohen (eds.), Understanding Other Minds
D. P. H. Jones & P. Ramchandani, Child Sexual Abuse: Informing Practice from Research
A. Wetherby & B. Prizant (eds.), Autism Spectrum Disorders. Vol. 9. A Transactional Developmental Perspective
Beverley Raphael and John P. Wilson (eds.), Psychological Debriefing: Theory, Practice and Evidence
R. A. Thompson & P. R. Amato (eds.), The Postdivorce Family: Children, Parenting and Society  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Childhood Onset Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders. Edited by B. Lask and R. Bryant-Waugh.
Drawings from a Dying Child, Insights into Death Groan a Jungian Perspective. By Judi Bertoia.
Seminars in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Edited by D. Black & D. Cottrell.
The Student With a Genetic Disorder: Educational Implications for Special Education Teachers and for Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Speech Pathologists. Edited by D. Plumridge, R. Bennett, N. Dinno and C. Branson.
Effects of Psychotherapy With Children and Adolescents. By J. R. Weisz and B. Weiss.
Emotional and Psychological Abuse of Children. By Kieran O'Hagan.
A Practical Guide to the Evaluation of Sexual Abuse in the Prepubertal Child. By A. P. Giardino, M. A. Finkel, E. R. Giardino, T. Seidl and S. Ludwig.
Young Children's Understanding of Pretense. By Paul L. Harris and Robert D. Kavanaugh.
AIDS: The Hidden Agenda in Child Sexual Abuse. By C Bennetts, M. Brown and J. Sloan.
Attentional Deficit Disorder in Children and Adolescents. By J. L. Faddy and V. N. Hosler.
Group Counseling & Psychotherapy with Adolescents. By B. W. MacLennan and K, R. Dies.
Enhancing Children's Communication: Research Foundations for Intervention. Edited by A. P. Kaiser & D. B. Gray.
Extending Families: The Social Networks of Parents and Their Families. By M. Cochran, M. Larner, D. Riley, L. Gunnarson and C. R. Henderson, Jr.
Children of Drug Abusers. By Stephen J. Levy and Eileen Rutter.
Adolescent Sexuality. Edited by T. P. Gullotta, G, R. Adams and R. Montemayor.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Pre-school Education in Western Europe: Issues, Policies and Trends. M. W oodhead .
Behaviour Assessment Battery. C. K iernan and M. J ones .
Cognitive Processes in Spelling. Edited by U ta F rith .
Mental Retardation and Developmental Difficulties: Vol. XI. Edited by J oseph W ortis .
Epilepsies of Childhood. N iall V. O'D onohoe .
Encyclopedia of Pediatric Psychology. L ogan W right , A rlene B. S chaefer and G erald S olomons .
Developmental Dysphasia. Edited by M aria A. W yke .
The Fear of Adolescents. J. H. B amber .
Caring for Separated Children: Plans, Procedures and Priorities. Edited by R. A. P arker .
Family Therapy: an Interactional Approach. M. A ndolfi (Translated by H. C assin ).
The Adopted Child Comes of Age. L. R aynor .
Children of the Asylum. D uncan L indsey .
Clinical Treatment and Research in Child Psychopathology. Edited by A, J. F inch , Jr. and P hilip C. K endal .
The Child's Reality: Three Developmental Themes. D avid E lkind .
Psychiatric Consultation in Mental Retardation. Formulated by the Committee on Mental Retardation Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry.
Studies of Familial Communication and Psychopathology. R olv M ikkel B lakar .
Examination of the Child with Minor Neurological Dysfunction. (2nd edition). B ert C. T ouwen .
Starting School. B. J ackson . C room H elm  相似文献   

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