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随着计算机网络在医院普及使用,网络管理的严谨性和安全性等日益受到严重的威胁.医院网络管理涉及多学科、多领域,它是随着医院网络建设的不断发展和进步而面临的新课题.良好的网络管理是网络安全、可靠运行的根本保证.但是,在一些医院往往重视网络的工程建设和软件的应用,而忽视网络的全面管理,造成数据丢失、网络管理杂乱无章,甚至网络瘫痪.因而,网络的全面管理是医院信息化管理和系统应用中亟待解决的根本问题.  相似文献   

翟飞 《中国基层医药》2013,(24):3821-3822
病案是医务工作者为病人诊疗护理过程进行全面记录的重要医疗档案。而归档工作一直是病案室管理难点,主要问题包括:临床医生不重视、医院重医疗轻管理、病案回收工作有章难循或无章可循、病案回收方式没有统一标准、病案回收方法落后等。随着医院收治人数不断攀升,出院病案超时回收现象越来越严重,单纯依靠管理手段解决收效甚微。传统的出院病案回收管理对超时病案仅限于被动催缴,与业务系统相脱节,没有形成闭环管理。随着计算机技术和网络技术的发展和医院信息化进程的加快,  相似文献   

黄正东  王光华 《医药导报》2004,23(12):0996-0997
随着医院信息系统的全面应用,很多医院实现了信息采集储存与传输手段的自动化、信息综合分类与加工处理方式的集约化,医院的管理进入了信息资源共享的网络模式时代。网络模式下管理的最大特点就是变经验管理、终未控制为科学管理、环节控制。医院药学工作人员的信息素质如何,是否适应网络模式的工作环境,是提高药学服务水平、确保医疗质量的关键。  相似文献   

随着医院信息化建设步伐的不断加快,信息网络技术在医疗行业的应用日趋广泛,这些先进的技术给医院的管理带来了前所未有的便利,也提升了医院的管理质量和服务水平,同时医疗业务对行业信息和数据的依赖程度也越来越高,也带来了不可忽视的网络系统安全问题,本文主要从网络系统的硬件、软件及对应用系统中数据的保护,不受破坏、更改、泄露,系统连续可靠、正常地运行,网络服务不中断等方面探讨医院网络信息安全的需求。  相似文献   

随着经济的不断发展和社会的日益进步,病人对医院服务的要求愈来愈高,信息技术和网络技术在各医院得到了普遍应用,医院管理信息化、计算机网络化已成为医院现代化管理的核心。医院网络信息化管理的应用大大简化了日常工作流程,提高了工作效率,加强了管理效能,增加了医院的社会效益和经济效益,增强了医院的竞争实力。笔者曾主持过汕头市中心医院的HIS系统的策划、实施及推广应用,就网络信息化建设在医院推广应用的实际意义谈谈自己的看法。  相似文献   

医院网络工作站的管理与维护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军字一号工程在医院管理中发挥着重要的作用,如何做好该系统的管理与维护,是确保网络正常运行的关键。我院是首批军字一号工程试点单位之一,经过几年的实践摸索,在网络管理和维护上积累了一定的经验,现与同行共榷。  相似文献   

随着现代化信息技术的发展和医疗卫生事业管理要求的不断提高,医院的计算机网络系统也日益庞大起来。到目前为止,全国大部分医院已经启用了医院信息管理系统(HIS),有的信息化建设起步较早的医院还实施了检验信息系统、PACS系统、放射信息系统和临床信息系统等。这些系统的实施,给医院带来了很大的经济效益,但我们在看到给医院带来的好处的同时,我们也要意识到加强计算机系统的安全管理是重要的一环,不重视网络安全管理,势必会造成系统信息的失控管理,从而造成无法估计的损失。因此,计算机网络的安全管理应包括以下几方面:  相似文献   

随着网络规模的扩大,网络管理人员希望得到越来越高的网管信息集成度.Web服务(Web Service)是近几年出现的新技术.在本论文中,我们展示了Web Service技术除了可以作为网管协议和Web service协议之间的桥梁之外,还可以通过与SNMP协议等的紧密结合,为网络管理提供功能强大的工具.本文探讨了将Web服务组合(WebService composition)应用到网络管理上的可能性.例如从多个不同的设备之间获得信息并将其进行集成,及在管理端为使用者提供一个简单和快速的获取网管信息的界面.通过使用合适的工具,不仅可以在网络管理方面使用Web服务组合,而且Web服务组合还可以和现有的传统管理技术很好地共存,最大限度地保护已有的投资.  相似文献   

随着医院网络化建设 ,财务工作已从过去会计业务手工操作中解脱出来 ,尽管仍有部分的业务停留在记帐、算帐、报帐上 ,但所有数据都是从医院网络管理上得到的网络。网络化使广大财务人员从繁重的劳动中解脱出来。随着医院的医改不断深入 ,医保工作的不断完善 ,新生事物的不断涌现 ,会计业务内容不断丰富 ,因此如何提高财务人员的网络化管理 ,熟练掌握网络化下的新知识和新技能 ,加强网络化分析是摆在当前医院财务人员面前的新问题。1 医院领导重视网络化建设是网络分析和提高财务人员素质的基础  财务分析的大部分工作量已转为网络化分析 …  相似文献   

从二十世纪四十年代计算机发明以来 ,计算机在社会生活中得到了越来越广泛的应用 ,其应用也同样渗透到医药学领域的各个方面。药学部门作为医院管理的重要职能部门之一 ,同样面临计算机网络化管理的挑战。我国大多数二甲以上医院已将计算机应用到了药学部门的管理中 ,但是如何利用计算机及网络的优势提高药剂科管理水平 ,推进医院药学服务 ,仍是一个值得重视和研究的课题。药剂科一般分为门诊药室、急诊药房、住院药房、中心摆药室、药库、临床药学室等几个部门 ,下面就计算机及网络在这几个部门的应用进行探讨。1 计算机及网络在门诊、急诊…  相似文献   

Many types of xenobiotic transporters have been identified. They generally exhibit multispecific recognition of various types of substrates, and mediate membrane permeation of therapeutic agents, thereby playing important roles in drug absorption and disposition. It has recently been proposed that protein-protein interactions involving the xenobiotic transporters may affect their function, localization and expression on plasma membranes. So-called adaptor proteins that directly interact with the transporters include PDZ domain-containing proteins (PSD95, Dlg and ZO1). These PDZ adaptors have multiple PDZ domains in their structure, and each PDZ domain can interact with the cytosolic region of the transporters, and so it has been hypothesized that transporters are localized within networks consisting of several transporters and adaptors. Interaction with a PDZ adaptor is essential for the cell-surface localization of at least some xenobiotic transporters, and therefore, such interaction could be required for efficiency and fidelity in the vectorial transport of xenobiotics and therapeutic agents in epithelial cells. This review article summarizes recent evidence on the interactions of xenobiotic transporters with adaptor proteins, and presents a working hypothesis concerning their pharmacological significance.  相似文献   

The inference of genetic interactions from measured expression data is one of the most challenging tasks of modern functional genomics. When successful, the learned network of regulatory interactions yields a wealth of useful information. An inferred genetic network contains information about the pathway to which a gene belongs and which genes it interacts with. Furthermore, it explains the function of the gene in terms of how it influences other genes and indicates which genes are pathway initiators and therefore potential drug targets. Obviously, such wealth comes at a price and that of genetic network modeling is that it is an extremely complex task. Therefore, it is necessary to develop sophisticated computational tools that are able to extract relevant information from a limited set of microarray measurements and integrate this with different information sources, to come up with reliable hypotheses of a genetic regulatory network. Thus far, a multitude of modeling approaches have been proposed for discovering genetic networks. However, it is unclear what the advantages and disadvantages of each of the different approaches are and how their results can be compared. In this review, genetic network models are put in a historical perspective that explains why certain models were introduced. Various modeling assumptions and their consequences are also highlighted. In addition, an overview of the principal differences and similarities between the approaches is given by considering the qualitative properties of the chosen models and their learning strategies.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The national representative sample was analyzed to examine the relationship between respondents' drinking practice and the social network which was constructed of three different types of network: support network, drinking network, and intervening network. METHOD: Non-parametric statistical analysis was conducted with chi square method and ANOVA analysis, due to the risk of small samples in some basic tabulation cells. RESULTS: The main results are as follows: (1) In the support network of workplace associates, moderate drinkers enjoyed much more sociable support care than both nondrinkers and hard drinkers, which might suggest a similar effect as the French paradox. Meanwhile in the familial and kinship network, the more intervening care support was provided, the harder respondents' drinking practice. (2) The drinking network among Japanese people for both sexes is likely to be convergent upon certain types of network categories and not decentralized in various categories. This might reflect of the drinking culture of Japan, which permits people to drink everyday as a practice, especially male drinkers. Subsequently, solitary drinking is not optional for female drinkers. (3) Intervening network analysis showed that the harder the respondents' drinking practices, the more frequently their drinking behaviors were checked in almost all the categories of network. A rather complicated gender double-standard was found in the network of hard drinkers with their friends, particularly for female drinkers. Medical professionals played a similar intervening role for men as family and kinship networks but to a less degree than friends for females. CONCLUSION: The social network is considerably associated with respondents' drinking, providing both sociability for moderate drinkers and intervention for hard drinkers, depending on network categories. To minimize the risk of hard drinking and advance self-healthy drinking there should be more research development on drinking practice and the social network.  相似文献   

BackgroundLimited evidence exists on how to integrate community pharmacists into team-based care models, as the inclusion of community pharmacy services into alternative payment models is relatively new. To be successful in team-based care models, community pharmacies need to successfully build relationship with diverse stakeholders including providers, care managers, and patients.ObjectivesThe aims of this study are to: (1) identify the role of network ties to support implementation of a community pharmacy enhanced services network, (2) describe how these network ties are formed and maintained, and (3) compare the role of network ties among high- and low-performing community pharmacies participating in an enhanced services network.MethodsUsing a semi-structured interview guide, we interviewed 40 community pharmacy representatives responsible for implementation of a community pharmacy enhanced services program. We analyzed for themes using social network theory to compare network ties among 24 high- and 16 low-performing community pharmacies.ResultsThe study found that high-performing pharmacies had a greater diversity of network ties (e.g., relationships with healthcare providers, care managers, and public health agencies). High-performing pharmacies were able to use those ties to support implementation of NC-CPESN. High- and low-performing pharmacies used similar strategies for establishing ties with patients, such as motivational interviewing and assigning staff members to be responsible for engaging high-risk patients. High-performing pharmacies used additional strategies such as assessing patient preferences to support patient engagement, increasing patient receptivity towards enhanced services.ConclusionsCommunity pharmacies may vary in their ability to develop relationships with other healthcare providers, care management and public agencies, and patients. As enhanced services interventions that require care coordination are scaled up and spread, additional research is needed to test implementation strategies that support community pharmacies with developing and maintaining relationships across a diverse group of stakeholders (e.g., healthcare providers, care managers, public health agencies, patients).  相似文献   

A diagram that shows at a glance the social network and support of patients was found useful in a follow-up study of patients with strokes. We believe that the diagram would prove valuable in medical case records and should be an essential part of medical-social reports, particularly for patients at risk of losing their independence.  相似文献   

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