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Abstract Several triclosan and stannous fluoride toothpastes have been shown to have plaque inhibitory and more particularly gingival health benefits when compared to minus active controls. There have been relatively few studies to compare such products with conventional fluoride toothpastes in home use. The aim of this study was to compare the relative gingival health benefits of a triclosan/zinc citrate, triclosan/copolymer, stannous fluoride and conventional fluoride toothpastes in a home use study. The study was a double blind, parallel design with a total 143 healthy dentate volunteers (41 male. 102 female) who tooth-brushed 2× daily with 1 of 4 toothpastes over an 18 week period. At the beginning of the trial, each volunteer was scored for plaque and gingivitis and then received a thorough prophylaxis. Each volunteer was allocated a toothpaste according to a predetermined randomisation scheme. The volunteers were then re-examined after 6, 12 and 18 weeks. No other oral hygiene products were used during this period. The results showed no statistically significant treatment differences between products for the gingival index throughout the 18 week-trial. No statistically significant treatment effects between products for plaque index were found at 6 or 18 weeks. However, a small but statistically significant treatment effect for plaque index was seen at 12 weeks in favour of the triclosan/copolymer toothpaste compared to the stannous fluoride and conventional fluoride toothpastes, this difference had disappeared by the 18 week examination. All volunteers oral hygiene and gingivitis scores improved after the baseline examination, and this improvement continued throughout the trial. This is a feature of nearly all toothbrushing studies and can be attributed to the initial prophylaxis and the Hawthorne phenomenon. Such phenomena, noted in home use clinical trials, may mask the efficacy of proven antiplaque formulations.  相似文献   

Abstract Some triclosan and stannous fluoride toothpastes have been shown effective in reducing plaque and more particularly gingivitis in home use studies. There have been few comparisons of such products for their chemical plaque inhibitory action divorced from the indeterminate variable of tooth brushing. This study was a randomised, single-blind, cross-over comparison of 4 products, in a 4-day plaque regrowth design, balanced for residual effects and involving 12 healthy dentate subjects. The test agents were a stannous fluoride toothpaste, a triclosan/copolymer toothpaste, a triclosan/zinc citrate toothpaste and water. On day 1 of each study period, subjects were rendered plaque free. For the following 4 days, each subject suspended normal toothcleaning and rinsed 2X daily with the allocated treatment for 60 s under supervision. On day 5, plaque was scored by index. Washout periods of 2 1/2 days brushing with water alone, followed each treatment period. Pseudo treatment periods of 4 days, involving 2X daily rinsing with water in the absence of toothbrushing, followed the normal washouts after the stannous fluoride and triclosan/zinc citrate treatments, giving a total of 6 treatment periods. This design permitted analyses for Ist-order-carry-over. Intention to treat analyses revealed all toothpastes were more effective than water but that there were no differences between the active treatments. Per protocol analysis gave essentially similar findings except that the difference in plaque in favour of the triclosan/zinc citrate toothpaste over water did not reach significance. There was no evidence of Ist-order-carry-over effects for the stannous fluoride or triclosan/zinc citrate toothpastes, Consistent with other studies it appears that stannous fluoride and triclosan can be formulated into toothpaste vehicles to provide plaque inhibitory effects.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a new toothpaste containing an antiplaque and antiinflammatory agent (0.3% triclosan), a desensitizing agent (5% potassium nitrate) and an anticaries agent (0.76% sodium monofluorophosphate (SMFP)) on gingival health, plaque formation and dentine hypersensitivity in a 12-week home study. The efficacy of the test toothpaste was compared with that of a control toothpaste containing 5% potassium nitrate and 0.76% SMFP and a benchmark product containing only 0.76% SMFP. MATERIAL AND METHODS: One hundred and two healthy volunteers, who had a minimum of 20 natural permanent teeth with no probing depth >4 mm and at least one sensitive tooth, participated in this study. Following enrollment, the subjects received a dental prophylaxis and instruction in brushing technique. After a 4-week pre-experimental phase, baseline gingival bleeding index (GBI), plaque index (PI) and visual analogue scales (VASs) indicating dentine hypersensitivity levels responding to tactile and air stimuli were assessed. The subjects were then randomly given one of the three toothpastes; test, control, or benchmark toothpaste, and a soft-filamented toothbrush for home use. The GBI, PI and VASs were re-examined at weeks 4 and 12. RESULTS: Overall, the GBI scores were significantly reduced compared with baseline in all groups (p<0.01). However, there was no significant difference in GBI score among the three comparison groups. The PI score decreased in the test group and benchmark group from baseline to the end of study, whereas there was no significant change in the control group. Post hoc comparison indicated that the PI score was not statistically different between the three groups. There was a significant difference between the three treatment groups for sensitivity. For both the tactile and air stimuli, the reductions in VAS sensitivity scores for the test group and the control group were significantly greater compared with the benchmark group. Although the sensitivity score for air stimulus decreased more rapidly from baseline to week 4 in the test group, there was no overall difference between the test group and the control group. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that the new toothpaste was effective in reducing dentine hypersensitivity. More studies are needed to further determine the potential interaction between triclosan and potassium nitrate in dentifrices.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Triclosan containing toothpastes have been noted for their potential to inhibit plaque and gingival inflammation. The aim of this study was to determine whether a toothpaste containing triclosan and an enhanced fluoride system would inhibit de novo plaque formation beyond that of a non-triclosan, conventional fluoride toothpaste. METHODS: This study used a 4-day plaque regrowth model in which 24 volunteers used toothpaste rinses as the only form of oral hygiene. Following a prophylaxis and a single brushing with the toothpastes, 2x daily rinsing with toothpaste slurries was used over the following 96 h. RESULTS: After 24 h, there was no difference in plaque area between the triclosan paste and its control paste. After 96 h, a reduction in plaque score of 5% was noted for the test toothpaste compared to the control paste which was statistically significant (p=0.028). For plaque area this reduction was increased to 16%, which was also significant (p=0.006). CONCLUSIONS: These findings would appear to warrant further investigation into the potential value of the paste in inhibiting both plaque and gingivitis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of triclosan/copolymer and fluoride dentifrices in improving plaque control and gingival health. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, MEDLINE (1986 to March 2003) and EMBASE (1986 to March 2003). Personal files and the reference lists of all articles were checked for further studies. SELECTION CRITERIA: Trials were selected if they met the following criteria: random allocation of participants; participants were adults with plaque and gingivitis; unsupervised use of dentifrices for at least 6 months; and primary outcomes - plaque and gingivitis after 6 months. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two reviewers independently extracted information. For each plaque and gingivitis index, the mean differences for each study were pooled as weighted mean differences (WMDs) with the appropriate 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using the random effect models. MAIN RESULTS: Sixteen trials provided data for the meta-analysis. The triclosan/copolymer dentifrice significantly improved plaque control compared with a fluoride dentifrice, with a WMD of -0.48 (95% CI: -0.64 to -0.32) for the Quigley-Hein index and WMD of -0.15 (95% CI: -0.20 to -0.09) for the plaque severity index. When compared with a fluoride dentifrice, the triclosan/copolymer dentifrice significantly reduced gingivitis with WMDs -0.26 (95% CI: -0.34 to -0.18) and -0.12 (95% CI: -0.17 to -0.08) for the Loe and Silness index and gingivitis severity index, respectively.  相似文献   

Many toothpastes have been formulated over recent years to contain antimicrobial compounds with the aim of preventing or reducing plaque, calculus, gingival inflammation or dental caries. For many, if not all of these toothpastes, it has yet to be proven whether they are significantly better at reducing plaque and gingivitis than conventional toothpastes, for which no such therapeutic effects have been claimed. This 12-day, incomplete block designed, cross-over study compared the development of plaque and gingivitis following rinsing with toothpaste slurries containing the following active ingredients: (1) hexetidine/zinc citrate, (2) 0.2% triclosan, (3) amyloglucosidase/glucose oxidase, (4) sodium fluoride/sodium monofluorophosphate (NaF, MFP). By the 8th day of the study, a significant difference in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and GI was found between the groups. By day 12, however, no significant difference in plaque index and gingival inflammation was found between the 4 toothpastes, although plaque area was significantly reduced with the hexetidine/zinc citrate paste when compared to the conventional fluoride paste. It was concluded that the active ingredients added to the toothpastes evaluated in this study provided little or no more additional benefit to oral hygiene and gingival health than could be achieved with a conventional fluoride toothpaste.  相似文献   

A 6-month home usage trial of a 1% chlorhexidine toothpaste   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Research and development has been aimed towards the development of toothpastes for oral hygiene and gingival health benefits. The most effective antiplaque agent to date, chlorhexidine. is difficult to formulate into active toothpaste products. Despite some encouraging findings for experimental chlorhexidine toothpastes, there are to date no commercially available products. Based on positive findings from an experimental gingivitis study, this investigation evaluated 2 chlorhexidine toothpastes, one with fluoride, as adjuncts to oral hygiene. The study was a double–blind controlled, parallel, balanced group design, extending over 6 months. A total of 297 volunteers commenced the study after screening for a minimum acceptance level of gingivitis. At baseline, 6, 12 and 24 weeks, stain, gingival, bleeding and plaque indices were recorded, together with a calculus index at 6, 12 and 24 weeks. After a baseline prophylaxis, volunteers used the allocated product 2 × per day, with no other oral hygiene instructions given. Plaque, gingival and bleeding scores improved in all 3 groups, but to an overall significantly greater extent in the active groups. However, staining and calculus indices were significantly increased in the active compared to the control group. If the local side-effects of chlorhexidine are considered to be acceptable, these chlorhexidine toothpastes could be recommended for the same clinical applications as other chlorhexidine products. The apparent compatibility of fluoride with chlorhexidine in the one product may be pertinent to caries prevention.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Randomised, blind, controlled experimental gingivitis and home-use study protocols are used to evaluate the efficacy of oral hygiene products. The present methodological study combined the two clinical trial designs to compare the preventive and therapeutic potentials of two toothpastes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was a parallel group, randomised, double-blind design, initially involving 73 healthy dentate subjects. A 21-day experimental gingivitis protocol was combined with a 6-week (42 days) home-use protocol. At baseline, modified gingival index (MGI), gingival index (GI) and gingival bleeding (GB) were recorded. A dental prophylaxis was then performed. Subjects were allocated to either control fluoride or stannous fluoride toothpaste based on gender and GI. During the first 21-day period, subjects applied the allocated toothpaste, for 1 min twice a day, to a group of teeth in a plastic shield and brushed the remaining teeth with the same paste. From day 21 the shield was not placed, and subjects brushed all teeth with the toothpaste for 1 min twice per day up to day 42. MGI, GB and a plaque index (PI) were recorded on days 21 and 42. RESULTS: Sixty-nine and 67 subjects completed to days 21 and 42, respectively. For shielded teeth, PI, MGI and GB increased to day 21 and then after ceasing the use of the shield decreased to day 42. At day 21, PI favoured the stannous fluoride toothpaste, but differences did not achieve statistical significance for any parameter at days 21 or 42. For unshielded teeth, there were no significant differences between the toothpastes for any parameter at either time point. CONCLUSION: : The feasibility of combining two gingivitis clinical trial methodologies appears proven, and data on both the preventive and therapeutic chemical and mechanical efficacy of toothpastes can be obtained through such protocols. Specifically from the present study and consistent with some other reports, the plaque inhibitory properties of the stannous fluoride product are limited and do not always translate into an antiplaque/antigingivitis effect.  相似文献   

Abstract Triciosan is used in toothpastes and mouthrinses as a plaque inhibitory agent. The concentrations used and therefore the dose of triclosan varies between products and there is, as with most plaque inhibitory agents, little information on the dose response of this agent. The purpose of this investigation was to measure the plaque inhibitory properties of triclosan in a simple mouthrinse formulation over a range of concentrations and therefore doses. The study was a 5 treatment, double-blind, Latin-square randomised, minus-active controlled design balanced for residual effects. The formulations were 0.01%, 0.05%, 0.1% and 0.2% triclosan in 0.5% sodium carbonate and 5% alcohol aqueous solutions, used as 10 ml, 1-min rinses 2 x daily, without tooth-brushing. 2 groups each of 15 healthy volunteers rinsed during alternate 4-day treatment, 1-week washout periods with the allocated rinses. From a zero-plaque baseline on Day 1, plaque was scored by index and area on Day 5. A dose response pattern of decreasing plaque indices and particularly areas, with increasing triclosan dose was observed. However, by far the largest sequential drop in plaque scores occurred between 0.1% and 0.2% triclosan treatments. Extending the dose-response study to higher concentrations is considered impractical if not unjustifiable, because of potential harmful local side-effects and compliance difficulties. Dose–response studies to assess the agents thought to potentiate triclosan would seem warranted.  相似文献   

Abstract – In two previous studies gingival health was maintained for at least 12 months by a dentifrice containing zinc citrate and triclosan. The aims of the present study were to determine if a zinc/triclosan dentifrice would stabilize gingival health if a lower concentration of zinc was used and to investigate its effect on the formation of calculus. 101 men and women were given oral hygiene instruction and their teeth were professionally cleaned. Two balanced groups were then formed, based on the prestudy levels of gingival bleeding and calculus. One group used the zinc/triclosan dentifrice for 6 months, while the other used a control. Results were assessed after 3 months and 6 months. Following the oral hygiene instruction, plaque and gingival bleeding were assessed at the end of the 4-wk period preceding the experimental phase, and both had been reduced. This improvement was not maintained by the control group, whereas the test group exhibited significantly lower plaque levels and a higher standard of gingival health throughout the 6 months. After 3 months, levels of calculus in the control group had returned to prestudy levels. At both the 3- and 6-month assessments, significantly less calculus was observed in the test group. The improved plaque control, stabilized gingival health, and reduced calculus formation support the conclusion that a dentifrice containing 0.5% zinc citrate and 0.2% triclosan can contribute to oral care.  相似文献   

Abstract. Short-term methodologies have been developed to screen chemical agents for plaque inhibitory effects. Most measure inhibition of plaque regrowth over several days. A method was described to study agents over 16–24 h periods, although some difficulties with the index used were reported. The aim of this study was to determine whether more conventional plaque scoring methods could be used. These 2 crossover studies measured plaque regrowth over 24 h in 20 subjects and in response to single brushings with either a chlorhexidine and minus active toothpaste or to a fluoride toothpaste product and water. Significantly less plaque had reformed after brushing with the chlorhexidine toothpaste compared with its control and with the fluoride toothpaste compared with water. 18 subjects participated in both studies and using their data for an interstudy comparison, less plaque developed with the chlorhexidine compared with the fluoride toothpaste. These studies had the advantage that longer-term trials already demonstrated the same differences. This permits one to conclude with some certainty that the 24–h plaque regrowth study design, using conventional measures of plaque accumulation, could be a useful and rapid method of screening potential plaque inhibitory agents and formulations.  相似文献   

AIM: To study longitudinal associations between plaque and gingival bleeding and multilevel variance/covariance structures after introducing triclosan-containing toothpaste. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A 10-week, randomized, two-arm, double-masked, controlled clinical trial was conducted in 34 healthy, non-smoking females with plaque-induced gingivitis. Clinical periodontal examinations were repeated every other week. At week 4, test toothpaste containing 0.24% sodium monofluorophosphate, 0.3% triclosan, and 2% polyvinyl-methyl ether maleic acid; or control toothpaste containing 0.76% sodium monofluorophosphate and 0.1% sodium fluoride, were randomly distributed. RESULTS: Multivariate multilevel models indicated that, after introducing experimental toothpastes, subject random error was reduced from 0.6 to below 0.2. The odds ratio (OR) of bleeding on probing (BOP) was about 30% less in the test than in the control group (p<0.01). At the end of the experiment, ORs for BOP and plaque index scores 1-3 (reference 0) were 2.1-2.4 in the control group, but 1.1-1.9 in the test group (p<0.05). No effects on plaque levels and calculus were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Multivariate multilevel modelling allows the study of fixed and random effects of experimental toothpastes on gingival inflammation in small sample. Triclosan appears to attenuate the causal association between supragingival plaque and gingival bleeding in gingivitis.  相似文献   

Abstract Physical and/or mental handicaps are known to directly or indirectly compromise hygiene habits including oral hygiene. It is recommended that handicapped patients, their parents or care workers require from an early stage dental health education and active involvement in preventive programmes. This study surveyed the oral hygiene of paraplegic patients in a specialised centre to determine their oral hygiene needs. Most patients had moderate to poor oral hygiene and gingivitis was prevalent and severe. Plaque and gingivitis was increased in quadriplegic compared to hemiplegic patients. The data indicate that as part of rehabilitation of paraplegic patients there is a need for oral hygiene programmes to be established.  相似文献   

Abstract Chlorhexidine and fluoride have valuable preventive roles in dental and oral diseases. There is also evidence that in caries prevention, together, they provide additive benefits. However, combined chlorhexidine/fluoride formulations have rarely been evaluated. The aim of this study was to determine whehter a 0.12% chlorhexidine, 100 ppm F- mouthrinse provided adjunctive oral hygiene benefits compared to a minus active control rinse. The study was a randomised double-blind parallel design involving 102 subjects of whom 99 completed the 6 week experimental period. Subjects rinsed 2 × per day for 1 min with 15 ml of the allocated rinse. Normal toothbrushing procedures were maintained throughout the study. At 6 weeks, plaque and gingivitis scores were significantly lower and the incremental reduction significantly larger in the active rinse group. However, as expected, tooths mining was significantly increased with the active rinse. It is apparent that this chlorhexidine/fluoride rinse could be used in those regimens recommended for other chlorhexidine formulations. The value of the formulation in caries prevention would seem worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The use of specific antimicrobial agents in toothpastes may help reduce plaque and gingivitis. There would also appear to be some value in formulating products that contain combinations of such agents that may potentiate any activity present. The aims of this exploratory and pragmatic study were twofold: (1) Exploratory: to compare the effects on plaque re-growth of two zinc citrate/triclosan formulations, one of which contained bromochlorophene and hence demonstrate any additional beneficial effects produced by the addition of the phenol. (2) Pragmatic: to assess whether both pastes were significantly better than a benchmark control, proprietary fluoride toothpaste at inhibiting plaque formation. METHODS: Following an initial prophylaxis to remove all plaque and calculus, toothpaste slurry rinses were used over a 96 h period by 24 volunteers, while omitting all other oral hygiene procedures. After 24, 48 and 96 h, plaque was measured by plaque area and by plaque index. For comparative purposes, a conventional commercial fluoride toothpaste rinse was also used as a benchmark control in this triple cross-over double-blind study. RESULTS: With one exception, comparisons between the three pastes failed to show any significant differences in plaque accumulation at 96 h whether assessed by plaque index or area. At this time period, significantly more plaque was seen with the zinc citrate paste without bromochlorophene, compared with that of the control paste. CONCLUSIONS: The findings from this study failed to demonstrate a plaque-inhibitory action from the two novel formulations beyond that of a conventional benchmark toothpaste, although overall levels of plaque formed by the volunteers, especially on the control paste were generally lower than in previous studies. Nevertheless, it remains to be determined whether the test formulations could exert a direct anti-inflammatory action against gingivitis by way of the triclosan delivery system. Neither test formulation was subsequently marketed.  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of the study was to compare the gingival health benefits of a thiocyanate/carbamide peroxide toothpaste to that of a triclosan toothpaste in home use. Materials and methods: The study was a two‐centre, randomised, double‐blind, parallel‐group clinical trial, and consisted of a 2‐week pre‐experimental phase, followed by an experimental period of 6 months. A total of 140 healthy male and female volunteers (70 per group) who had at least 20 natural teeth with no probing depths greater than 5 mm and a mean gingival index (GI) of 1 or more at screening were admitted to the study. The two products were the test toothpaste (RCP) containing 0.5% SCN (rhodanide), carbamide peroxide (equivalent 0.1% H2O2), and 1450 p.p.m. fluoride, and a control toothpaste (Colgate Total®) containing 0.3% triclosan, 2.0% polyvinyl methyl ether maleic acid (PVM/MA), and 1450 p.p.m. fluoride (Triclosan). In the pre‐experimental phase, all subjects used a fluoride toothpaste. Plaque ( Turesky et al. 1970 ) and gingivitis ( Löe & Silness 1963 ) were scored prior to beginning the pre‐experimental phase, at baseline, and after 6 weeks and 3 and 6 months. Results: In both the RCP and the Triclosan group, gingival health improved significantly between baseline and the following examinations. Plaque scores decreased significantly between baseline and 6 months in both groups. There were, however, no significant differences between the groups for either gingival index or plaque index. Conclusion: To conclude, this study seems to verify that in normal home use, a toothpaste containing a combination of thiocyanate and carbamide peroxide is as effective in reducing gingival inflammation and supragingival plaque formation as a benchmark control product.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Toothpastes and mouthrinses containing triclosan have been shown to be of some value at inhibiting both plaque and gingivitis. However much improved activity can be obtained by the addition of other chemicals which increase substantivity or antimicrobial activity. The present study was designed to determine whether a new mouthwash formulation containing a triglyceride oil was capable of reducing plaque reformation when compared to a control rinse containing neither triclosan or oil. METHODS: A total of 24 subjects took part in a double-blind, single-centre, cross-over study in which rinses were used as the only form of oral hygiene over a 4-day period. On the 1st day of each period, the subjects were given a prophylaxis to remove all plaque and calculus deposits. A single supervised rinse was taken and subsequent 2x daily rinses over the following 3 days. 24 and 96 h after the prophylaxis, the volunteers returned to the clinic, the plaque disclosed and assessed by plaque index and area. The test procedure and wash-out phase were repeated until all of the subjects had used both rinses. RESULTS: After 24 h, a 12% reduction in plaque score and a 25% reduction in plaque area was noted for the triclosan/oil rinse compared to the control rinse; however, these reductions were not significant (p>0.05). After 96 h, the triclosan/ oil rinse failed to produce a numerical or statistical reduction in plaque whether measured by plaque score or area. CONCLUSIONS: These findings would suggest that the triclosan/oil rinse would be of little value at inhibiting dental plaque whether used alone or as an adjunct to conventional oral hygiene measures.  相似文献   

Abstract . The aim of the present investigation was to compare: (i) de novo plaque formation, and (ii) fluoride and triclosan concentration in approximal plaque, when a NaF/triclosan/Gantrez®-containing dentifrice slurry or a mouthrinse were administrated during a 2-week period of no mechanical plaque control. 10 subjects rinsed for 60 s, 2× daily, for a 14-day period with one of the following 3 test products: (A) a dentifrice slurry including 1 ml of a NaF/triclosan/Gantrez® dentifrice mixed with 10 ml of tap water, (B) 10 ml of a NaF/triclosan/Gantrez® mouthrinse, or (C) 10 ml of a NaF mouthrinse. De novo plaque formation was assessed on days 4, 7 and 14 using the Turesky's modification of the Quigley and Hein index system. Samples of approximal plaque were obtained immediately after clinical examination on day 14. The samples were analyzed with respect to concentration of fluoride and triclosan using an ion-specific electrode and a HPLC system, respectively. The 14-day period was repeated using another test product until all 10 subjects had used all 3 test products in a randomized order. The results showed that: (i) significantly more fluoride was retained in the approximal plaque following periods A and B than period C, and (ii) less plaque was formed during period B than periods A and C.  相似文献   

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