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目的 以家系资料为基础,利用遗传不平衡原理探讨染色体5q33.2区Tim-3基因启动子两个多态性位点rs10053538和rs10515746与中国湖北地区汉族儿童变应性哮喘的关系.方法 应用限制性片段长度多态性技术结合测序方法,分析了118个儿童变应性哮喘核心家系Tim-3基因rs10053538和rs10515746的基因型;采用基于家系的关联分析方法,包括单体型相对风险分析(HRR)和传递不平衡检验(TDT),分析基因分型数据;应用Transmit软件构建单体型并进行单体型关联分析.结果 118个核心家庭HRR分析显示Tim-3基因启动子区两个多态性位点rs10053538和rs10515746不使病人具有更高的发病风险(X2=2.430,P>0.05;x2=1.368,P>0.05).118个满足经典TDT分析的核心家庭中,杂合子父母传递给患病子代的等位基因频率不比预期值高(x2=2.042,P>O.05;x2=0.750,P>O.05).Transmit双位点单体型分析也未见父母传递给子女各个单体型的观察值和期望值有明显差异(P>O.05).结论 中国湖北地区汉族人群中,Tim-3基因启动子区两个多态性位点rs10053538和rs10515746与儿童变应性哮喘不具有相关性.  相似文献   

eotaxin-3基因多态性与变应性哮喘的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究eotaxin-3基因多态性与变应性哮喘的相关性。方法用聚合酶链反应-单链构象多态性-四引物聚合酶链反应-限制性酶切的方法对湖北地区汉族成人eotaxin-3+77C/T和+2497T/G单核苷酸多态性与哮喘易感性、嗜酸性粒细胞(eosinophil,EOS)计数以及血浆总IgE水平的相关性进行了分析。结果eotaxin-3+2497位哮喘组与对照组G等位基因的频率,哮喘组IgE浓度及EOS数量差异有统计学意义,P值分别为0.01l、0.021和0.029;+77位哮喘组与对照组T等位基因的频率,哮喘组IgE浓度差异无统计学意义,P值分别为0.824和0.473;+77位哮喘组EOS数量差异有统计学意义,P值为0.044。结论eotaxin-3+2497T/G多态性与哮喘易感性、EOS数量及IgE水平相关,+77位C/T基因多态性与哮喘EOS数量相关。  相似文献   

目的:检测湖北汉族人群Tim-3基因启动子区和编码区的单核苷酸多态性,寻找Tim-3基因的遗传标记。方法:采用分段扩增直接测序的方法检测60名湖北汉族人Tim-3基因的启动子区、全部的外显子区及部分内含子区,将测序结果与NCBI及HapMap计划库中其他人种的数据进行对比,确定湖北汉族人群Tim-3基因突变的位置、类型和频率。结果:在Tim-3基因启动子区和外显子区共发现9个SNPs,包含5个已报道的SNPs和4个新发现的突变位点。湖北汉族人群中检出的4个SNPsrs4704853、rs10515746、rs4704846、rs9313439与Ft本人分布相似(P〉0.05),与欧洲人及非洲人的分布则有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论:湖北汉族人群Tim-3基因的SNPs分布有别于其他人种,可为在汉族人群中研究Tim-3基因与疾病关联提供依据。  相似文献   

目的 对福建诏安地区哮喘易感基因进行研究,以获得相关位点的资料,确定哮喘易感性与该区域的连锁关系。方法 用 P C R/ Rsa Ⅰ酶解检测位于染色体11q13 区的β链 Ig E 高亲和力受体基因( Fcε R Iβ) 非编码区的两个多态性位点;用同位素掺入的 P C R 法扩增位于染色体5q3133 区的 D5 S436 和 D5 S393 多态性标记,对32 个哮喘家系,共192 份样品进行分析。结果  Fc ε R Iβ基因第2 内含子区 RsaⅠ多态性位点 A 等位片段与哮喘有显著相关性( P< 0 .05 , O R= 2 .039) ;血清总 Ig E 水平的差异在 Fc ε R Iβ基因第2 内含子区 Rsa Ⅰ多态性位点的不同基因型之间有显著性差别( P< 0 .05) ; A 等位片段与血清总 Ig E 水平的升高有显著相关性( P< 0 .05 , R R= 1 .361) 。 Fc ε R Iβ基因第7 外显子非编码区 Rsa Ⅰ多态性位点未显示与哮喘有相关性。受累同胞配对法分析显示, D5 S436 与哮喘呈连锁状态( P< 0 .05) , D5 S393与哮喘无连锁关系; D5 S436 和 D5 S393 与高血清总 Ig E 都没有显示连锁关系。结论  相似文献   

目的:探讨引物特异PCR-核酸序列测定技术检测T细胞免疫球蛋白域粘蛋白域蛋白-3(Ti m-3)启动子区-574G>T单核苷酸变异及其与湖北地区汉族人群支气管哮喘易感性之间的关系。方法:分别采用引物特异聚合酶链反应(PCR)-核酸序列测定技术检测湖北地区296例哮喘患者和202例健康对照人群Ti m-3启动子区-574G>T单核苷酸变异,计算基因型和等位基因频率。结果:湖北健康人群中Ti m-3启动子区-574位G/G、G/T和T/T基因型频率分别是0.990、0.010和0,而哮喘患者频率分别为0.929、0.071、0,其基因型频率与对照组差异有显著性(χ2=10.14,P<0.01)。结论:引物特异PCR-核酸序列测定技术可用于检测Ti m-3启动子区-574G>T单核苷酸变异的检测;湖北汉族人群中Ti m-3启动子区存在多态性变异,其中-574G>T多态性可能与湖北汉族人群变应性哮喘易感性有关。  相似文献   

目的 检测5-羟色胺转运体(5-hydroxytryptamine transporter,5-HTT)基因的两种多态性(5-HTTLPR及Stin2),以探讨哮喘合并抑郁症的分子遗传学机制.方法 收集成人哮喘患者156例,采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(Hamilton depression scale,HAMD)进行抑郁评分,将哮喘组分为哮喘合并抑郁组(HAMD≥8分)和单纯哮喘组(HAMD<8分).另设立两组对照,即抑郁症组(n=508)和健康对照组(n=433).采集所有受试者外周血,应用聚合酶链反应方法,扩增包括5-HTTLPR或Stin2多态区域的5-HTT基因片段,在琼脂糖凝胶电泳后使用全自动凝胶数码成像及分析系统分析扩增目的 基因片段.结果 Stin2多态性的基因型频率分布和等位基因频率分布显示,具有Stin2.12/Stin2.10基因型或Stin2.10等位基因型的男性发生哮喘的风险明显增加(Stin2.12/Stin2.10:OR=2.291,95%CI:1.195,4.390;Stin2.10:OR=1.942,95%CI:1.069-3.527),而5-HTTLPR的基因型和等位基因频率分布在哮喘(包括哮喘合并抑郁组和单纯哮喘组)或按性别分层的哮喘与健康对照之间的差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05).结论 5-HTT基因Stin2多态位点可能在男性哮喘发病中发挥一定作用,该结果支持哮喘与抑郁之间可能存在一定遗传学发病机制相关性的假设.  相似文献   

目的 在人类单纯性先天性心脏病(congenital heart disease,CHD)易感区12q13内,选取HOXC4、HOXC5、HOXC6基因内4个已知单核苷酸多态(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)G7471T、C16476T、A17860G、A36130G,检测其在单纯性CHD患者和正常人群中的分布情况,分析各个SNP位点及所构成单倍型与单纯性CDH的相关性。方法 应用限制性片段长度多态性和变性高效液相色谱法结合测序,分析108例单纯性先天性心脏病患者及200名正常人4个SNP位点基因型;应用列联表法统计分析患者组和对照组各SNP位点基因型及等位基因频率;应用PHASE软件构建单倍型并统计分析患者组及对照组单倍型频率是否存在差异。结果 C16476T未检测到多态;位于HOXC5基因3’侧翼序列的SNP位点A17860G等位基因频率及基因型频率在患者组和对照组中的分布差异有统计学意义,患者组G等位基因频率明显高于对照组(P〈0.05);单倍型分析可见4种单倍型在患者组和对照中的分布频率有统计学意义(P〈0.01);G7471/G17860/G36130和G7471/G17860/A36130为人群中常见单倍型,与对照组相比,患者组中G7471/G17860/G36130、G7471/G17860/A36130两种单倍型频率较高。结论 HOXC5基因3’侧翼序列的SNP位点A17860G与单纯性CHD有明显的相关性,具有G等位基因的人发生CHD的危险性相对增高;3个SNP位点所构成的单倍型有一定意义,可能与单纯性CHD易感基因相连锁。  相似文献   

目的:综合评价解整合素金属蛋白酶33 (ADAM33)基因Met764Thr和Pro774Ser位点多态性与哮喘易感性的关系.方法:按照统一的检索策略,检索Pubmed、Ovid-Medline、CNKI及维普数据库中有关ADAM33基因多态性与哮喘易感性关系的病例-对照研究,按照纳入和排除标准选择文献提取相关信息,应用Review Manager 5.0软件进行Meta分析.结果:本研究纳入国内外14篇合格文献,其中Met764Thr位点12篇,共3 418例哮喘病例和3 520例对照;Pro774Ser位点8篇,共2 793例哮喘病例和3 207例对照.Meta分析结果显示,携带764位点Met/Thr或Thr/Thr突变基因型患哮喘的危险性是野生型的1.56倍(OR=1.56,95%CI=1.09~2.22),Pro774Ser位点突变基因型也与哮喘危险性升高有关(OR=1.39,95%CI=1.00~ 1.93).将人群分层后,该两个位点多态性与哮喘的关联均仅见于中国人群(764位点:OR=2.73,95%CI=1.79 ~4.17,774位点:OR =2.32,95%CI=1.30 ~4.15).结论:ADAM33基因764和774位点的突变与哮喘的易感性升高有关.  相似文献   

目的:探讨ADAM33 基因多态性与青岛地区汉族成人哮喘的相关性。方法:采用SNaPshot 方法检测研究对象ADAM33 基因rs2280090、rs487377、rs2787094 共3 个位点的基因多态性。结果:rs2280090、rs487377 和rs2787094 基因型频率在哮喘组与对照组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:ADAM33 基因rs2280090、rs487377 和rs2787094 多态性与青岛地区汉族成人哮喘无相关关系。  相似文献   

湖北汉族人群TIM-3基因多态性与变应性哮喘的相关性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的分析湖北地区汉族人群T细胞免疫球蛋白域粘蛋白域蛋白-3(T cell simmunoglobulin domain and mucin domain protein-3,TIM-3)启动子区-1541C/T和-574G/T单核苷酸多态性,探讨其与支气管哮喘易感性之间的关系。方法分别采用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性和等位基因特异性聚合酶链反应检测湖北地区153例哮喘患者和130名健康者TIM-3启动子区-1541C/T和-574G/T的单核苷酸多态性,计算基因型和等位基因频率。结果(1)湖北地区健康人群TIM-3启动子区-1541位CC、CT和TT基因型频率分别是0.961、0.039和0,而哮喘人群其频率分别为0.935、0.065、0,其基因型和等位基因频率均与对照组差异无统计学意义(P=0.314,P=0.321);(2)湖北地区健康人群TIM-3启动子区-574位GG、GT和TT基因型频率分别是0.992、0.008和0,而哮喘人群频率分别为0.941、0.059、0,其基因型和等位基因频率均与对照组差异有统计学意义(P=0.046,P=0.048)。结论湖北汉族人群TIM-3启动子区存在多态性变异,其中-574G/T单核苷酸多态性可能与湖北地区汉族成人变应性哮喘易感性有关。  相似文献   

目的:以家系资料为基础,利用遗传不平衡原理探讨染色体5q31-33区Tim-1基因启动子3多态性-2562GA、-416CG和-232GA与湖北地区汉族儿童过敏性哮喘的关系。方法:应用限制性片段长度多态性技术分析了118个儿童过敏性哮喘核心家系Tim-1基因-2562GA、-416CG和-232GA多态性位点的基因型;采用基于家系的传递不平衡检验(TDT)分析基因分型数据;应用TRANSMIT软件构建单倍型并进行单体型关联分析。结果:①118个核心家庭TDT分析显示-2562GA、-232GA位点由杂合子父母传递给患病子代的等位基因频率没有偏离50%,差异无显著性(P0.05),-416CG位点由杂合子父母传递给患病子代的G等位位点的观察值明显高于期望值(P0.05)。②TRANSMIT单体型传递不平衡分析显示父母传递给患病子女GCA和GGA单体型的观察值与期望值差异有显著性(P0.05);Globalχ2检验结果显示Tim-1的单体型与儿童过敏性哮喘有关联(χ2=17.26,P0.01)。结论:Tim-1基因启动子的-416CG位点与中国湖北地区汉族儿童过敏性哮喘易感性相关,由其构建的单体型也与哮喘相关。Tim-1基因遗传多态性可能在哮喘的发病中起重要的作用。  相似文献   

A number of loci related to the immune response are located on human chromosomal region 5q31-33, and polymorphisms in this region have been reported to be associated with autoimmune and infectious diseases. In Southeast Asian populations, no systematic survey with dense SNP markers has been performed for the 5q31-33 region. In this study, the LD and haplotype structures for a 472-kb region on 5q31 were investigated in a Thai population to provide useful information for association studies. In addition, the LD structure in Thais was compared with that of the CHB and JPT HapMap populations (CHB + JPT) to evaluate the transferability of tagging SNPs from CHB + JPT for Thais. We show that the minor allele frequency, pattern of LD block, and genetic structure in the 5q31-33 region were highly concordant between Thais and CHB + JPT. A high transferability of tagging SNPs from CHB + JPT for Thais was observed. Our results suggest that tagging SNPs from CHB + JPT (Northeast Asians) can efficiently capture common variants in Southeast Asians, and that the HapMap data are useful for association studies in Southeast Asian populations.  相似文献   

Studies have shown linkage between microsatellite markers from the chromosome 5q31‐q33 region with asthma, atopy and total IgE levels in the Singapore Chinese population. However, subsequent case‐control studies failed to show association between the polymorphisms in the candidate genes from this region and asthma or related phenotypes. In this study, we investigated 20 asthma candidate genes from this region for all possible informative polymorphisms within our population, linkage disequilibrium (LD) structure and tagging SNP transferability from HapMap populations. We re‐sequenced these genes and identified 267 polymorphisms including 26 insertion‐deletions, four microsatellite markers and 237 single nucleotide polymorphisms. The region contained 17 distinct LD blocks with the largest within the serine peptidase inhibitor kazal type 5 (SPINK5) gene spanning 23 kb. Of the 267 polymorphisms identified, 40% are represented in HapMap Han Chinese from Beijing and 29% in Han Chinese from Denver. 72% of the polymorphisms can be represented by tagged SNPs from the HapMap Beijing Han Chinese population and are highly correlated in terms of minor allele frequencies and LD structure. Our data suggest that although the HapMap Han Chinese population from Beijing is very similar to the Singapore Chinese population, this similarity is insufficient to account for up to 28% of the polymorphisms in the local population.  相似文献   

目的:探讨TRIM31(Tripartite motif containing 31)基因rs1116221位点单核苷酸多态性(Single nucleotide poly-morphisms,SNP)与广东汉族女性乳腺癌易感性的关系。方法:利用MassARRAY-IPLEX SNP分型技术,对南方医科大学南方医院的216例广东汉族乳腺癌患者及216例同期健康体检者TRIM31基因的多态性位点rs1116221进行基因分型,采用χ2检验方法统计分析病例组与对照组的基因型分布频率的差异,采用非条件Logistic回归计算比数比(Odds ratio,OR)和95%可信区间(Confidence interval,CI)对该位点多态性与乳腺癌易感性的相关性进行评价。在此基础上,在病例组中根据临床雌激素受体(Estrogen receptor,ER)和孕激素受体(Progesterone receptor,PR)的免疫组化结果进一步分层分析。结果:TRIM31基因位点rs1116221在广东汉族女性中存在CC、CT、TT 3种多态性,病例-对照分析显示,该位点基因型分布频率在两组中无统计学差异(P>0.05);进一步分层分析发现,该位点的基因型分布在ER阳性/阴性(+/-)分组中存在差异,且具有统计学意义(P=0.034),携带杂合基因型CT的个体更倾向于ER(+)乳腺癌(OR=2.67,95%CI:1.02~7.02);而在PR阳性/阴性(+/-)分组中无统计学差异。结论:基因TRIM31的rs1116221位点多态性与乳腺癌患病风险之间无明显相关性,但该位点的杂合基因型与乳腺癌ER阳性(+)明显相关。  相似文献   

Celiac disease is a chronic inflammation of the small intestine, arising in genetically predisposed individuals as a result of ingestion of dietary gluten. The only confirmed and functionally characterised genetic risk factors for celiac disease are the DQ2 or DQ8 heterodimers at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II locus ( CELIAC1 ). These genes are necessary but alone not sufficient for disease onset. Genome-wide linkage scans have suggested chromosome 5q31-q33 ( CELIAC2 ) as an important risk locus for celiac disease. This region has also been associated to other inflammatory disorders, although as yet, no clear gene associations have been found. In the current study, 11 celiac disease candidate loci were screened for genetic linkage in the Hungarian population. As the CELIAC2 locus showed the strongest evidence for linkage, this locus was selected for follow-up. Seventeen candidate genes were selected from the CELIAC2 locus, and genotyped using 48 haplotype tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in large Finnish and Hungarian family materials. A subset of these, 40 tagging SNPs in 15 genes, were genotyped in an independent set of Finnish and Hungarian cases and controls. We confirmed linkage of this region with celiac disease and report strong linkage in both the Finnish and Hungarian populations. The association analysis showed modest associations throughout the whole region. These association findings were not replicated in the case–control datasets. Our study strongly supports the role of the CELIAC2 locus in celiac disease, but it also highlights the need for a more powerful study design in the region, to locate the true disease risk variants.  相似文献   

We found two single nucleotide polymorphisms at the hSNF5/INI1 gene located on 22q11.2, encoding a member of the chromatin-remodelling SWI/SNF multiprotein complexes. A guanine/adenine polymorphism at codon 299 in exon 7, and another guanine/adenine polymorphism at 39 bp upstream of exon 9 were identified. As the gene was recently identified as a tumor suppressor gene for malignant rhabdoid tumor, this polymorphism may be useful for the genetic study of susceptibility for human malignancies of various tissue origins. Received: March 19, 1999 / Accepted: April 16, 1999  相似文献   

Shek LP  Tay AH  Chew FT  Goh DL  Lee BW 《Allergy》2001,56(8):749-753
BACKGROUND: Asthma and atopy are complex genetic traits, influenced by the interaction of multiple genes and environmental factors. Linkage of these traits to chromosome 5q31-33 has been shown in other populations, but has not been well studied in the Chinese. We studied linkage between asthma and atopy with markers on chromosome 5q31-33 in the Singapore Chinese. This region contains many candidate genes, including the cytokine gene cluster. METHODS: We recruited 88 Chinese families with at least two affected offspring, totaling 373 subjects, with 125 and 119 sib-pairs for atopy and asthma, respectively. All individuals were genotyped with 19 polymorphic microsatellite markers spanning a distance of 41 cM along chromosome 5q31-33. Affected sib-pair and multipoint linkage analysis was performed. RESULTS: There was evidence for linkage of the asthma and atopy phenotypes with three markers, D5S2110, D5S2011, and D5S412 (P values of 0.001 to 0.00001). Multipoint analysis further substantiated this (nonparametric linkage scores of 1.8-2.9). These findings suggest that susceptibility genes for asthma and atopy are found in this region in the Chinese. CONCLUSION: This study has shown linkage of atopy and asthma to chromosome 5q31-33 in a heterogeneous Chinese population. These findings further substantiate the notion that chromosome 5q31-33 contains "universally" important susceptibility genes for these traits.  相似文献   

目的 探讨C23基因的单核苷酸多态性与华南汉族成人支气管哮喘发病的相关性.方法 应用病例对照研究,收集2006年2月至2010年2年南方医院和广东医学院附属医院确诊的汉族成人哮喘患者484例为研究对象,同期健康查体者553名为对照,应用MassARRAY-IPLEX技术和基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱平台(matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry,MALDI-TOF-MS)对C3基因的rs10402876和rs366510位点进行基因分型.结果 在华南汉族人群中rs10402876检测到GG、GC和CC 3种基因型,rs366510检测到GG、GT和TT 3种基因型,分型成功率为98.94%.与对照组相比,哮喘组rs10402876的基因型分布(χ2=0.346,P=0.841)和等位基因分布(χ2=0.101,P=0.751)差异均无统计学意义;而rs366510的基因型分布(χ2=9.759,P=0.008;Bonferroni校正法,P=0.016)和等位基因分布(χ2=5.294,P=0.021;Bonferroni校正法,P=0.042)差异均有统计学意义.与GG+GT基因型相比,rs366510的TT基因型显著增加哮喘发生的危险性(OR=1.471,95%CI:1.125~1.923).结论 C3基因rs366510位点单苷酸多态性可能与华南汉族成人哮喘易感性有关.
Objective To investigate the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the complement component 3 gene (C3) and adult asthma of Hans in southern China. Methods A casecontrol study was performed. Four hundred and eighty-four adult asthma patients diagnosed in Nanfang Hospital and Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical College, and 553 healthy subjects were collected from 2006 to 2010 for the study. MassARRAY-IPLEX and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) techniques was used to determine the genotypes of the rs10402876 and rs366510 loci of C3 gene. Results Genotypes GG, GT and TT in the rs366510 locus, and genotypes GG, GT and TT in the rs10402876 locus were detected. A total of 98. 94 percent of samples were genotyped. There were no significant differences in genotype frequencies (χ2 =0. 346, P=0. 841 ) and allele frequencies (χ2 =0. 101,P=0. 751) of rs10402876 between the two groups. However, genotype and allele frequencies of the rs366510 locus were significantly different (χ2 = 9.759, P=0. 008, Bonferroni correction,P= 0. 016; χ2 = 5. 294, P= 0. 021, Bonferroni correction, P = 0. 042, respectively). Compared with genotypes GG+GT, genotype TT of rs366510 significantly increased the risk of asthma, with the odds ratio of 1. 471 (95 % confidence interval 1. 125-1. 923). Conclusion These results suggest that C3 gene could be associated with adult asthma of Han population in southern China.  相似文献   

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