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The functioning of a static dynamometer designed to measure simultaneous forces exerted by the thumb in the vertical and horizontal axes is described. The analysis of the output signals by a desktop computer program provides information regarding the forces generated in eight directions covering a plane transverse to the thumb by 45° increments. In 12 normal female subjects, the maximum voluntary torques exerted at the trapezo-metacarpal joint of the thumb were examined and the muscle activation patterns of the interosseus, flexor pollicis brevis and adductor pollicis brevis muscles were recorded in one subject. Torques and muscle activation patterns were depicted using polar plots. Dynamometric data indicate that strength varies with direction and that higher torques are obtained in directions that bring the thumb towards the palm, i.e. flexion, adduction, combined flexion-adduction and extension-adduction. Patterns of muscle activity vary according to the direction evaluated suggesting that strength depends on the number of activated muscles as well as the relative force contribution of each muscle.  相似文献   

Biomechanical models of the musculoskeletal system are frequently used to study neuromuscular control and simulate surgical procedures. To be broadly applicable, a model must be accessible to users, provide accurate representations of muscles and joints, and capture important interactions between joints. We have developed a model of the upper extremity that includes 15 degrees of freedom representing the shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, thumb, and index finger, and 50 muscle compartments crossing these joints. The kinematics of each joint and the force-generating parameters for each muscle were derived from experimental data. The model estimates the muscle–tendon lengths and moment arms for each of the muscles over a wide range of postures. Given a pattern of muscle activations, the model also estimates muscle forces and joint moments. The moment arms and maximum moment-generating capacity of each muscle group (e.g., elbow flexors) were compared to experimental data to assess the accuracy of the model. These comparisons showed that moment arms and joint moments estimated using the model captured important features of upper extremity geometry and mechanics. The model also revealed coupling between joints, such as increased passive finger flexion moment with wrist extension. The computer model is available to researchers at .  相似文献   

Functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS) has been used in open-loop upper-extremity neuroprostheses to provide grasp and release for quadriplegic individuals. A principal issue in implementation of the open-loop neuroprosthesis is the synthesis of the grasp stimulus map, which is the relationship between the input control signal and the output stimulus applied to each electrode. The goal of this project was to developed a method of stimulus map synthesis which compensates for the influence of the electrode-position-dependent recruitment properties on the grasp output, and which can be performed using automated procedures. A method called the external moment grasp synthesis procedure (GSP) has been developed which meets these criteria. The GSP uses an external moment of model of the hand which describes the interaction between the active moments produced by electrical stimulation, the passive joint moments and the total joint moment and angle. The GSP was used to develop the stimulus map for three paralysed subjects, and in all cases the GSP-generated grasp patterns had lower errors than grasp patterns developed using the previously implemented rule-based method of stimulus map synthesis. The GSP was successfully implemented by computer and was able to compensate for the effects of the electrode recruitment properties on the grasp pinch force.  相似文献   

The number and density of muscle spindles and tendon organs have been determined in the following intrinsic muscles of the hand of bonnet monkeys: I lumbrical, II lumbrical, abductor digiti minimi, adductor pollicis, and I dorsal interosseous. All these muscles were found to be very rich in muscle spindles (17.6 to 42.31 per gram wet weight) but relatively poor in tendon organs (0.606 to 10.06 per gram wet weight). The lumbricals have very few tendon organs. The possible functional significance of these findings has been discussed.  相似文献   

A detailed musculoskeletal model of the distal equine forelimb was developed to study the influence of musculoskeletal geometry (i.e. muscle paths) and muscle physiology (i.e. force-length properties) on the force- and moment-generating capacities of muscles crossing the carpal and metacarpophalangeal joints. The distal forelimb skeleton was represented as a five degree-of-freedom kinematic linkage comprised of eight bones (humerus, radius and ulna combined, proximal carpus, distal carpus, metacarpus, proximal phalanx, intermediate phalanx and distal phalanx) and seven joints (elbow, radiocarpal, intercarpal, carpometacarpal, metacarpophalangeal (MCP), proximal interphalangeal (pastern) and distal interphalangeal (coffin)). Bone surfaces were reconstructed from computed tomography scans obtained from the left forelimb of a Thoroughbred horse. The model was actuated by nine muscle-tendon units. Each unit was represented as a three-element Hill-type muscle in series with an elastic tendon. Architectural parameters specifying the force-producing properties of each muscle-tendon unit were found by dissecting seven forelimbs from five Thoroughbred horses. Maximum isometric moments were calculated for a wide range of joint angles by fully activating the extensor and flexor muscles crossing the carpus and MCP joint. Peak isometric moments generated by the flexor muscles were an order of magnitude greater than those generated by the extensor muscles at both the carpus and the MCP joint. For each flexor muscle in the model, the shape of the maximum isometric joint moment-angle curve was dominated by the variation in muscle force. By contrast, the moment-angle curves for the muscles that extend the MCP joint were determined mainly by the variation in muscle moment arms. The suspensory and check ligaments contributed more than half of the total support moment developed about the MCP joint in the model. When combined with appropriate in vivo measurements of joint kinematics and ground-reaction forces, the model may be used to determine muscle-tendon and joint-reaction forces generated during gait.  相似文献   

Usually the four lumbrical muscles arise from the tendons of flexor digitorum profundus and insert into the extensor expansions on the radial side of the corresponding fingers. This special case showed a very rare variation of a unipennate fourth lumbrical muscle of the right hand; the muscle fibre bundles originated on the radial side of the flexor digitorum profundus and coursed horizontal on its radial side, deep to the palmar aponeurosis and in front of the deep transverse metacarpal ligament over the fifth metacarpophalangeal joint. At the level of this joint, its tendon divided into one radial and one ulnar slips. Both heads surrounded the tendons of the flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus muscles, and found their insertion into the flexor digitorum superficialis tendon, as well as their bony attachment into the proximal and even more into the middle phalanx.  相似文献   

目的 为解决胸小肌移植重建拇对掌功能术后出现拇指指骨间关节屈曲畸形提供解剖学依据并寻找解决办法。 方法 在15具尸体手标本上,使拇指处于对掌位时,测量拇指指骨间关节在拇短展肌未切断及切断两种情况下的自然屈曲角度;同时,通过外力作用使拇指指骨间关节分别屈曲处于45°及60°时,分析拇短展肌对拇指指骨间关节屈伸功能的影响。 结果 拇指处于对掌位时,拇短展肌在未切断及切断两种情况下,拇指指骨间关节自然屈曲角度分别为(13.30±2.13)°及(24.03±1.25)°;同时,使拇指指骨间关节屈曲处于45°时,所用外力分别约(0.50±0.08)N及(0.22±0.07)N,而使拇指指骨间关节屈曲处于60°时,所用外力分别约(1.48±0.09)N及(1.15±0.04)N。 结论 拇短展肌对拇指指骨间关节主要起背伸作用,因此胸小肌移植重建拇对掌功能时,应同时重建拇短展肌功能,才有可能纠正在拇对掌功能重建术后出现的拇指指骨间关节屈曲畸形。  相似文献   

Volitionally modulated electroencephalographic (EEG) waves were monitored for the purpose of controlling a hand neuroprosthesis in people with tetraplegia. The region of the EEG signal spectrum monitored was the occipital alpha wave (8–13 Hz), and volitional modulation was achieved with the opening and closing of the eyes. In a set of 13 trials evaluated, a subject with tetraplegia successfully completed ten trials undertaking stimulated grasp and release using the EEG-triggered switch. EEG signal data recorded during the 13 trials were also post-processed off-line using wavepacket analysis. Following this signal processing, the speed and reliability of the EEG-triggered switch, when operated by the subject with tetraplegia, was significantly improved (p<0.002). Such improvements provide system performance that is likely to be acceptable to a neuroprosthesis user during activities of daily life.  相似文献   

A variation of the abductor pollicis longus muscle in a 65 year old cadaver was encountered during routine dissection in our department. The muscle was found to split into two bellies and give off two tendons, one of which inserted to the abductor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis and flexor pollicis brevis muscles. The other tendon inserted to the first metacarpal bone which is considered a normal insertion site for the abductor pollicis longus muscle.  相似文献   

All existing moment arm data for muscles of the forearm derive from tendon excursion experiments. Moment arms determined this way are only valid for movement about the same generalised coordinate system as was used during the tendon excursion, which makes their implementation in more complex or realistic joint models problematic. This study used a vector-based method to calculate muscle moment arms in a three dimensional model of forearm rotation. It also evaluated the sensitivity of this method to errors in the input data. There was reasonably close agreement between the moment arms calculated in this study and those published using tendon excursion methods. Six out of eight muscles had moment arms within the range of values reported previously. However, the vector-based method was sensitive to the accuracy of the input data. This sensitivity varied between muscles and input variables. Generally, the calculations were more robust to the point of force application than the muscle lines of action and the joint's axis of rotation. A small change in these variables could produce substantial changes in the calculated moment arms. Consequently, accurate input data is important when using the vector-based method in a joint model.  相似文献   

As part of a study involving three-dimensional modeling of the hand, the intrinsic muscles of the hand were evaluated quantitatively to estimate the range of muscular forces crossing the fingers. The Brand method of dissection allowed determination of muscle volume, fiber length, and physiologic cross section to estimate the maximal force. The intrinsic muscles were grouped by components on the basis of their origins in the trilaminar scheme of Cunningham as (1) dorsal abductors from the central ray, exemplified by the bipennate dorsal interossei; (2) the intermediate layer consisting of inter-phalangeal joint extensors, exemplified by the unipennate palmar interossei with insertions into the extensor expansion; and (3) a superficial layer of adductors arising from the third metacarpal ridge, referred to as contrahentes. The fiber lengths of either component of the dorsal interossei averaged 1.3 cm. The intermediate layer of muscle, numbered as flexores breves (FB), included the palmar interossei FB4,7,9; the superficial components of the dorsal interossei FB3,5,6,8; and the accessory adductor pollicis FB2. Fiber lengths averaged 1.7 cm. The superficial heads of the flexor pollicis brevis and abductor digiti quinti are possibly the border representations of the intermediate layer as FB1 and FB10. The thenar muscles made up 37%, dorsal interossei 24%, palmar interossei (flexores breves) of the fingers 16%, lumbricals 7%, and hypothenar muscles 16% of the total intrinsic muscle mass. The ratio of muscle mass to fiber length, the physiologic cross-sectional area, is useful in estimating available force. This quantitative analysis of the intrinsic musculature may find application in the understanding of hand function and biomechanics.  相似文献   

Force enhancement during and following muscle stretch has been observed for electrically and voluntarily activated human muscle. However, especially for voluntary contractions, the latter observation has only been made for adductor pollicis and the ankle joint muscles, but not for large muscles like quadriceps femoris. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of active muscle stretch on force production for maximal voluntary contractions of in vivo human quadriceps femoris (n = 15). Peak torques during and torques at the end of stretch, torques following stretch, and passive torques following muscle deactivation were compared to the isometric torques at corresponding muscle length. In addition, muscle activation of rectus femoris, vastus medialis and vastus lateralis was obtained using surface EMG. Stretches with different amplitudes (15, 25 and 35° at a velocity of 60° s−1) were performed on the plateau region and the descending limb of the force–length relation in a random order. Data analysis showed four main results: (1) peak torques did not occur at the end of the stretch, but torques at the end of the stretch exceeded the corresponding isometric torque; (2) there was no significant force enhancement following muscle stretch, but a small significant passive force enhancement persisted for all stretch conditions; (3) forces during and following stretch were independent of stretch amplitude; (4) muscle activation during and following muscle stretch was significantly reduced. In conclusion, although our results showed passive force enhancement, we could not provide direct evidence that there is active force enhancement in voluntarily activated human quadriceps femoris.  相似文献   

An abnormal abductor pollicis longus muscle was encountered bilaterally during the dissection of the upper limb of a 26-year-old male cadaver. In the left side, the abductor pollicis longus had seven tendon slips. The medial two inserted into the abductor pollicis brevis, the other five inserted into the base of the first metacarpal bone. In the right side of the case, the abductor pollicis longus was consisted of three bellies. The lateral belly's tendon was the main abductor pollicis longus tendon and inserted into the base of the first metacarpal bone. The medial belly inserted into the abductor pollicis brevis. Between these muscle bellies, there was an intermediate belly. Its tendon was split into two thin slips and inserted into both the abductor pollicis brevis and the opponens pollicis muscles. The number of such accessory tendons has a functional significance in the development of de Quervain's stenosing tendovaginitis and possibly also has a practical significance. This paper is the first to describe seven tendons of the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis in the same compartment.  相似文献   

Examination of the thenar muscles in 30 anatomical preparations of the hand have shown that the abductor pollicis brevis, the opponens pollicis, and the adductor pollicis muscles are made up of several muscle bellies. The number and insertions of these bellies are varied. Both heads of flexor pollicis brevis do not originate from any particular muscle belly. The superficial head of this muscle always inserted into the head of the thumb metacarpal, either completely, or, some of the fibres of the dorsal aponeurosis of the thumb were attached to the base of the proximal phalanx. Furthermore the anatomy of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle was related to the presence of a tendinous slip from abductor pollicis longus. These variations could have an influence on proprioception in the thumb ray.  相似文献   

To better understand normative behavior for quantitative evaluation of motor recovery after injury, we studied arm movements by non-injured Rhesus monkeys during a food-retrieval task. While seated, monkeys reached, grasped, and retrieved food items. We recorded three-dimensional kinematics and muscle activity, and used inverse dynamics to calculate joint moments due to gravity, segmental interactions, and to the muscles and tissues of the arm. Endpoint paths showed curvature in three dimensions, suggesting that maintaining straight paths was not an important constraint. Joint moments were dominated by gravity. Generalized muscle and interaction moments were less than half of the gravitational moments. The relationships between shoulder and elbow resultant moments were linear during both reach and retrieval. Although both reach and retrieval required elbow flexor moments, an elbow extensor (triceps brachii) was active during both phases. Antagonistic muscles of both the elbow and hand were co-activated during reach and retrieval. Joint behavior could be described by lumped-parameter models analogous to torsional springs at the joints. Minor alterations to joint quasi-stiffness properties, aided by interaction moments, result in reciprocal movements that evolve under the influence of gravity. The strategies identified in monkeys to reach, grasp, and retrieve items will allow the quantification of prehension during recovery after a spinal cord injury and the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is to examine the contributions of active and passive forces in the control of limb trajectory over obstacles during locomotion. Kintetic analyses of the swing phase of locomotion were carried out to determine the power profiles at various joints and to parcel the joint moments into moments due to muscle action, gravitational force and motion-dependent terms. The analyses revealed that toe elevation over the obstacles was achieved primarily by flexing at the hip, knee and ankle joint. Power analyses showed that translational energy applied at the hip joint and rotational energy applied at the knee joint were modulated as functions of obstacle height. This demonstrates that increased hip and ankle joint flexion are achieved not through active muscle action but rather through passive forces induced by translational action at the hip (representing contribution by the stance limb muscles) and rotational action at the knee joint. Parcelling the joint moment terms into various components clearly shows how the nervous system exploits intersegmental dynamics to simplify control of limb elevation over obstacles and minimize energy costs.  相似文献   

Traditional inverse dynamics approaches to calculating the inter-segmental moments are limited in their ability to accurately reflect the function of the biarticular muscles. In particular they are based on the assumption that the net inter-segmental moment is zero and that total joint moments are independent of muscular activity. Traditional approaches to calculating muscular forces from the inter-segmental moments are based on a consideration of joint moments which do not encapsulate the potential moment asymmetry between segments. In addition, traditional approaches may artificially constrain the activity of the biarticular muscles. In this study, an optimization approach to the simultaneous inverse determination of inter-segmental moments and muscle forces (the 1-step method) based on a consideration of segmental rotations was employed to study vertical jumping and contrasted with the more traditional 2-step approach of determining inter-segmental moments from an inverse dynamics analysis then muscle forces using optimization techniques. The 1-step method resulted in significantly greater activation of both the monoarticular and biarticular musculature which was then translated into significantly greater joint contact forces, muscle powers, and inter-segmental moments. The results of this study suggest that traditional conceptions of inter-segmental moments do not completely encapsulate the function of the biarticular muscles and that joint function can be better understood by recognizing the asymmetry in inter-segmental moments.  相似文献   

Common input to motor units of digit flexors during multi-digit grasping   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The control of whole hand grasping relies on complex coordination of multiple forces. While many studies have characterized the coordination of finger forces and torques, the control of hand muscle activity underlying multi-digit grasping has not been studied to the same extent. Motor-unit synchrony across finger muscles or muscle compartments might be one of the factors underlying the limited individuation of finger forces. Such "unwanted" coupling among finger forces, however, might be desirable when a high level of force coupling is required to prevent object slip during grasping. The goal of this study was to quantify the strength of synchrony between single motor units from extrinsic hand muscles as subjects held a device with a five-digit grasp. During the hold phase, we recorded the normal force exerted by each digit and the electrical activity of single motor units from each of the four divisions of the muscle flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) and one thumb flexor muscle, m. flexor pollicis longus (FPL). The strength of motor-unit synchrony was quantified by the common input strength index (CIS). We found moderate to strong motor-unit synchrony between FPL and the index FDP compartment [CIS: 0.49 +/- 0.03 (SE)] and across most FDP compartments (0.34 +/- 0.02). Weak synchrony, however, was found between FPL and the middle, ring, and little finger FDP compartments (0.25 +/- 0.01). This difference might reflect the larger force contribution of the thumb-index finger pair relative to other thumb-finger combinations in five-digit grasping.  相似文献   

The lumbrical muscle is clearly one of several possible extensors of the interphalangeal joints. With an origin on the flexor digitorum profundus tendon it is credited with unloading the elastic tension across the interphalangeal joints and thereby facilitating their extension. Its role at the metacarpophalangeal joint is not a matter of universal aggreement. Attempts to simulate its action with weights over pulleys have not clarified this role, since true simulation would require the development of a means of applying force along the course of the lumbrical without pre-determining which end would move. Such a system is herein described; it uses a Bowden cable, which is commonly used to activate the brakes of a bicycle. After constructing length-tension curves of the profundus muscle in four fresh cadavers prior to the onset of rigor mortis, the interaction of realistic lumbrical loads with profundus elastic tension was studied. By contraction a lumbrical muscle adds a small but significant flexor force at the metacarpophalangeal joint, and thereby it is also capable of contributing to radial deviation and possibly rotation. As it runs from a flexor tendon to an extensor tendon and is endowed with a great many muscle spindles the lumbrical could play a part in the control of finger movement by monitoring the rate of hand closing during grasp.  相似文献   

背景:目前,几乎所有足部三维有限元模型的材料参数均来自国外研究,尚未见有关国人组织材料参数的测量与报道。 目的:对国人足部的相关肌肉、肌腱材料做测量,获得初步的参数数据。 方法:解剖成年女性左小腿足新鲜标本拇长屈肌及其肌腱、拇短屈肌内外侧头、拇长伸肌及其肌腱、拇收肌横头及斜头、拇展肌,分别测量和计算各试样的截面积和位于夹具之间的长度并记录数值,将标本加载载荷,1个测样反复测量4次,采集强度极限、最大载荷等数据,以及载荷-位移曲线。根据胡克定律,计算各标本的弹性模量。 结果与结论:共得到了包括拇长伸肌、拇长屈肌、拇收肌、拇展肌横头和斜头、拇短屈肌内外侧头、拇长屈肌腱、拇长伸肌腱9个样本的相关测量数据,主要包括长度、宽度、厚度、横截面积、最大载荷、强度极限和弹性模量。中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:生物材料;骨生物材料; 口腔生物材料; 纳米材料; 缓释材料; 材料相容性;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

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