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目的 比较诊断多发件硬化(multiple sclerosis,MS)的Poser标准和McDonald新标准.方法 将Poser标准和McDonald新标准回顾性应用于临床表现提示为MS的67例患者,采用Fisher精确枪验对两种诊断标准进行比较分析.结果 符合Poser临床和实验室确诊者分别为34例和24例,可能MS者9例,符合McDonald标准的MS确诊者36例,可能MS者31例,两种标准的诊断阳性率差异有统计学意义(OR=5.549,95%CI 2.37~13.00,P<0.01).结论 两种标准住诊断MS,尤其在确诊MS时有明显差异,这可能主要与Poser标准更多地依赖各种亚临床证据,而McDonald标准采用了更为严格的MRI规定有关,脑脊液分析可能在一定程度上有助于提高MS的确诊率和MRI异常的病理特异性.  相似文献   

目的分析多发性硬化(multiple sclerosis,MS)模式翻转视觉诱发电位(pattern reversal evoked po-tential,PRVEP)、脑干听觉诱发电位(brainstem auditory evoked potential,BAEP)和体感诱发电位(somatosenso-ry evoked potential,SEP)等三种诱发电位(evoked potential,EP)的临床特点。方法对83例确诊MS患者进行回顾性分析,根据有无相应临床症状、病程及功能残障程度对EP进行分层研究,探讨其变化规律。结果三种EP的异常率在有临床症状组〔PRVEP、BAEP及下肢短潜伏期体感诱发电位(SLSEP)异常率分别为88.00%、66.67%、100%〕与无临床症状组(PRVEP、BAEP及下肢SLSEP异常率分别为60.61%、31.71%、79.63%)间比较均存在统计学差异(均P<0.05)。PRVEP的峰潜伏期(PL)延长及侧间峰潜伏期差值(ILD)增加的异常率之和与病程呈正相关(r=1.0,P<0.05);病程在20年以内时BAEP异常率与病程呈正相关(r=1.0,P<0.05);SLSEP下肢未引出率与病程呈正相关(r=1.0,P<0.05)。PRVEP异常率与EDSS分值呈正相关(r=1.7,P<0.01);SLSEP上肢异常率及下肢未引出率也与EDSS分值呈正相关(分别r=1.8,P<0.01;r=1.6,P<0.01)。结论三种EP的异常率与有无相应临床症状相关,且与病程及功能残障程度在一定范围内呈正相关。  相似文献   

多发性硬化的McDonald诊断标准评价情况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1983年,Poser等[1]提出了由临床、亚临床(诱发电位)和脑脊液(CSF)异常组成的多发性硬化(multiple sclerosis,MS)诊断标准(简称旧标准),在国内一直沿用至今。其中并没有把磁共振成像(MRI)异常作为诊断依据(直到1988年对该诊断标准的进一步完善),这很大程度上是因为当时MRI处于发展的早期,尚未普及。近年来,MRI已经成为诊断和鉴别诊断MS必不可少的手段之一。2002年国外研究表明,大约95%的临床确诊MS患者以及约2/3的临床孤立综合征(CIS)患者MRI的T2像或质子像会出现异常[2]。2001年国际MS诊断专家组在重新复习Poser诊断标准,并考虑…  相似文献   

目的研究多发性硬化(multiple sclerosis,MS)患者前庭诱发肌源性电位(vestibularevoked myogenic potentials,VEMPs)各参量的变化及临床意义,比较VEMPs与核磁共振、脑干听觉诱发电位对MS病变的检测能力。方法采用双耳短声刺激记录37例MS患者(有脑干症状21例、无脑干症状16例)和20名健康对照的VEMPs的潜伏期和振幅值,计算双侧在13ms左右出现的正波(p13)波幅潜伏期差值(Δp13)和振幅比(SR)。37例MS患者均做核磁共振成像,其中33例记录脑干听觉诱发电位。结果有脑干症状组和对照组相比,p13潜伏期显著延长[左侧为(13.84±2.57)ms和(12.20±1.10)ms,P<0.05;右侧为(14.69±2.96)ms和(12.10±2.60)ms,P<0.01],Δp13显著增大(1.63±1.82和1.00±1.44,P<0.01),而无脑干症状组差异无统计学意义。两组MS患者的p13-n23(在23ms左右出现的负波)振幅值与对照组相比均降低[左侧分别为(149.98±52.2)、(175.51±49.22)、(272.80±165.81)μV;右侧分别为(156.88±97.04)、(167.74±57.32)、(257.50±138.49)μV,P均<0.05],扩展的残疾功能量表评分与振幅有相关性(左侧r=0.45,右侧r=0.46,P均<0.05)。VEMPs与核磁共振相比,对病灶的检出率低(分别为33%与100%,P<0.05),与脑干听觉诱发电位相比差异无统计学意义。结论p13潜伏期及Δp13可作为判定MS前庭脊髓通路脱髓鞘的参考指标。VEMPs作为辅助诊断MS的一项新的诱发电位,对脑干病灶的诊断有一定临床参考意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨磁共振成像 (MRI)和诱发电位在诊断多发性硬化中的价值。方法 运用病例统计方法 ,计算头颅MRI、视觉诱发电位以及听觉诱发电位等在多发性硬化患者中的异常率 ,并分析、比较异常率之间的差别。结果 MRI异常率为 83 5 8% (5 6/67) ,视觉诱发电位为 64 18% (4 9/ 67) ,听觉诱发电位为 73 1% (4 3 / 67) ,并且均能发现多发性硬化的亚临床病灶 ;两项或三项联合检查的异常率较其单项检查的异常率增高 ,并有统计学意义。结论 MRI和诱发电位检查有助于临床确诊MS ,联合应用可使其敏感性提高。  相似文献   

目的探讨诱发电位(EPs)和MRI检查在多发性硬化(MS)诊断中的价值。方法收集69例MS患者的临床资料、视觉诱发电位、体感诱发电位、脑干听觉诱发电位、磁刺激运动诱发电位以及MRI结果,比较不同检测方法对其临床诊断的价值。结果 MS患者的视觉诱发电位、体感诱发电位、听觉诱发电位、运动诱发电位以及MRI的异常检出率分别为69.57%(48/69)、50.72%(35/69)、55.07%(38/69)、42.03%(29/69)、78.26%(54/69)。4项诱发电位检查总异常检出率为86.96%(60/69),与MRI检查结果比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.178)。EPs和MRI检查均能发现临床下病灶:14例患者经MRI检查发现病灶但无相应临床症状;15例患者有临床症状而MRI检查未见相应病灶,但EPs检查可见异常。结论 MRI和EPs检查具有相互补充作用,结合临床合理选择使用此两种检查有助于提高MS诊断的敏感性。  相似文献   

目的 探讨瞬目反射 (BR)在多发性硬化 (MS)诊断中的价值。方法 对 32例确诊MS患者分别进行BR和脑干听觉诱发电位 (BAEP)检测。结果 MS组BR检测在有脑干症状组和无脑干症状组的脑干损害检出率分别为 85 7%和 5 0 0 % ;BR检测对MS组患者Ⅴ、Ⅶ脑神经损害的异常检出率均为 2 1 9% ;BAEP检测在有脑干症状组和无脑干症状组的脑干损害检出率分别为 71 4 %和4 4 4 % ;BR、BAEP及二者联合检测检出MS患者脑干损害的阳性率分别为 6 5 6 %、5 6 3%和75 0 %。结论 BR能检出MS患者脑干、三叉神经及面神经的亚临床病灶 ;BR与BAEP联合检测更易于发现脑干亚临床病灶 ,有助于MS的早期诊断  相似文献   

目的 探讨多发性硬化(MS)的临床特点。方法 综合分析35例MS患者的一般临床资料、病变部位、重要辅助检查及治疗转归。结果 MS多见于青壮年女性,病程多缓解与复发、上呼吸道感染、劳累紧张为其主要诱因,脑脊液显示免疫活性增高,视神经、脊髓受累多见,电生理、免疫学及影像学检查有助诊断,糖皮质激素治疗有效。结论 根据临床特点、综合神经电生理、脑脊液免疫学及影像学检查能明显提高临床确诊率。  相似文献   

本文报告了临床诊断为多发性硬化11例患者的 MRI 和 EP_s 检查结果。发现在7例脑 MRI 检查中均有异常改变,共检出78个斑块,分布在脑室周围,皮质下白质及脑干;在5例脊髓 MRI 检查中4例不正常,共检出42个斑块。11例 EP_s 检查中9例不正常(82%),BAEP 7例不正常(63%),VEP6例不正常(55%),MRI 和 EP_s均有异常改变的7例(64%)。作者认为此二项同时检查对提高诊断 MS 是有重要价值的。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: A confident and accurate diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) is important, but a specific diagnostic test for the disease does not exist. The traditional diagnostic criteria of Poser et al. were published in 1983, and recently, McDonald et al. recommended new criteria for the diagnosis of MS. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this study these two diagnostic schemes were compared by prospectively applying both of them to 76 patients with clinical features suggesting a new diagnosis of MS. RESULTS: Using the Poser criteria, 29 patients (38%) were classified as clinically definite and 35 patients (46%) as laboratory definite MS. According to the new McDonald criteria, MS was diagnosed in 39 (52%) patients, 37 patients (48%) had 'possible MS'. All patients with a clinically definite MS with the Poser criteria were also given the diagnosis of MS as recommended by McDonald et al. Of those 35 patients with laboratory definite MS according to Poser et al., four patients could be classified as having MS with the McDonald criteria, 89% of them had 'possible MS'. Conversely, 75% of the 39 patients, who fulfilled the new McDonald criteria for MS were assigned to the category of clinically definite MS according to the Poser criteria, and 83% of the patients with a 'possible MS' using the McDonald criteria, had a laboratory definite MS with the Poser criteria. CONCLUSION: MS according to the McDonald criteria was diagnosed more often than 'clinically definite MS' according to Poser et al., but combining the categories of clinically and laboratory definite MS, the diagnosis of MS could clearly be established more frequently using the Poser criteria.  相似文献   

The sensitivities and predictive values of visual, somatosensory, and brain auditory evoked potentials (EPs), cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal banding (CSF-OB) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were evaluated for the early diagnosis of clinically definite multiple sclerosis (CDMS). Paraclinical evidence of asymptomatic lesions allows a diagnosis of CDMS. Eighty-two patients in whom MS was suspected but diagnosis of CDMS was not possible entered the study prospectively. Paraclinical examinations were performed at entry. Patients were examined and underwent EPs every 6 months, and MRI yearly. After a mean follow-up of 2.9 years, 28 patients (34%) had developed CDMS (McDonald-Halliday criteria). The initial MRI was strongly suggestive of MS in 19 of these (68%), while 27 (96%) had at least one MS-like abnormality in the initial MRI. CSF-OB and EPs had lower sensitivities. CDMS developed during follow-up in 19 of the 36 patients (53%) who had an initial MRI strongly suggestive of MS but in only 1 of the 25 who had normal MRI when first studied. These results support previous conclusions that MRI is the most sensitive test for detecting white matter asymptomatic lesions, and the most predictive for the diagnosis of CDMS.Presented in part at the Third meeting of the European Neurological Society, Lausanne (Switzerland), June 1992  相似文献   

多发性硬化患者的MRI及多种诱发电位研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨磁共振成像(MRI)和诱发电位(EPs)在诊断多发性硬化中的价值。方法对68例多发性硬化患者的头颅MRI、脑干听觉诱发电位、视觉诱发电位以及体感诱发电位等指标进行回顾性分析和比较。结果多发性硬化患者的头颅MRI、脑干听觉诱发电位、视觉诱发电位以及体感诱发电位的异常率分别为91.2%(62/68)、80.9%(55/68)、82.4%(56/68)和77.9%(53/68),且均发现多发性硬化的亚临床病灶;两项或多项联合检查的异常率较单项检查的异常率增高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论头颅MRI和诱发电位检查有助于临床早期确诊多发性硬化,联合应用可使其敏感性提高。  相似文献   

目的探讨多发性硬化(MS)的临床表现特点。方法回顾性分析2007-01—2010-06于我院确诊的68例多发性硬化病例,总结其一般资料、临床表现、病变部位、重要辅助检查及治疗转归等。结果 68例患者中,首发症状以肢体无力(28例,41.2%)最常见;肢体无力、感觉障碍、视觉损害是MS患者最常见的症状;MS好发于青壮年,以急性和亚急性起病为主;视、听、体感诱发电位(VEP、BAEP、SEP)有助于发现亚临床病变;脑脊液(CSF)检查可有异常;磁共振(MRI)检查阳性率高;临床定位以大脑半球、脊髓和视神经受累最多见。糖皮质激素及免疫球蛋白治疗有效。结论根据临床特点,结合神经电生理脑脊液及影像学等检查能大大提高MS的临床确诊率。  相似文献   

报道43例多发性硬化(MS)患者头颅磁共振成像(MRI)、诱发电位(EP)和IgG指数(IgGIndex)的对比研究结果。发现MRI的检测异常率为81.4%,而VEP仅53.7%、BAEP47.5%、IgGIndex57.5%。MRI在显示空间脱髓鞘方面是最敏感的方法,但VEP、BAEP只要有一项异常即判断为EP异常则其异常率高达79.5%,接近MRI。作者认为三者同时检查可以提高诊断的准确性。  相似文献   

Summary Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), multimodality evoked potentials (EPs) and cerebrospinal fluid examination were performed in 42 patients with myelopathy of undetermined aetiology in order to detect abnormalities usually related to multiple sclerosis (MS). Patients were divided into three groups: insidious-onset myelopathy with only motor signs (group A; 11 patients), with both motor and sensory signs (group B; 18 patients) and acute-onset myelopathy (group C; 13 patients). Multiple brain MRI lesions were found in 18 patients (2 of group A, 13 of group B and 3 of group C). Another 7 patients had a single white-matter lesion. Visual EPs were abnormal in 21 and brain-stem auditory EPs in 12 patients. Paraclinical tests supported the diagnosis of MS in 25 patients (60%) by showing subclinical brain abnormalities. Oligoclonal bands were found in 16 of these 25 patients. The findings strongly suggest a diagnosis of MS in the patients of group B.  相似文献   

Brain and spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), multimodal evoked potentials (EPs) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis were performed in 27 patients with acute myelopathy of unknown aetiology (AMUA), to detect the diagnostic and prognostic values of paraclinical tests at presentation. Spinal cord MRI was abnormal in 56% and brain MRI in 33% of the patients. Visual EPs were abnormal in 7%, median somatosensory EPs in 17%, tibial somatosensory EPs in 56% and motor EPs in 35% of the cases examined. Brain-stem acoustic EPs were normal in all the patients. CSF oligoclonal bands (OBs) were detected in 30% of cases. The patients were divided into subgroups according to the short-term clinical outcome (complete, partial or absent recovery). There were no significant differences among the three groups as regards MRI findings. Patients with complete recovery showed a significantly lower frequency of tibial somatosensory EP and motor EP abnormalities. According to the paraclinical findings at onset and on the basis of a long-term clinical follow-up (mean duration 24 months), 6 patients were diagnosed as having clinically definite multiple sclerosis, while 21 did not develop further neurological disturbances. Only the presence of CSF OBs was significantly more frequent in patients with definite multiple sclerosis. Our study indicates that EPs exploring spinal cord function are more powerful than spinal MRI for predicting the short-term outcome of AMUA, while the combined use of brain MRI and CSF OBs has the highest negative predictive value for the subsequent development of clinically definite multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

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