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Using a fast kinetic centrifugal analyzer, the inhibitory effects of glycosylated and unglycosylated full-length and truncated forms of TFPI on protease generation were studied in fibrinogen-deficient human plasma after extrinsic (EA) or intrinsic (IA) activation of coagulation. When the assay system was supplemented with increasing amounts of the TFPI variants the generation of both thrombin and factor Xa was inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner. Clear differences in the effectiveness of the TFPI variants were found. After EA, the unglycosylated full-length TFPI was most effective followed by the glycosylated full-length form. The C-terminal truncated TFPI showed the lowest inhibitory activity in this system. However, its efficiency increased several fold when coagulation was activated via the intrinsic pathway. Comparing the IC50 values after IA, the truncated TFPI was more effective than the unglycosylated full-length form and nearly as effective as the glycosylated full-length TFPI. After both EA and IA the thrombin generation inhibition by TFPI variants was more pronounced than the inhibition of factor Xa generation. The results show that chemical modifications of the TFPI structure can result in changes of TFPI's inhibitory properties to activated clotting factors leading to differences in protease generation inhibition.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Thrombin, a pluripotential effector enzyme with prothrombotic, proinflammatory, and mitogenic properties, plays a pivotal role in the pathobiology and clinical expression of atherothrombotic coronary artery disease. Existing anticoagulant drugs have not been shown to attenuate thrombin generation or activity consistently. We sought to investigate the effect of DX-9065a on thrombin generation and inhibition in patients with stable CAD. DX-9065a is a small-molecule, synthetic, direct inhibitor of factor Xa. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Peripheral venous blood samples were collected serially during and after administration of either placebo or 1 of 4 weight-adjusted regimens of DX-9065a, in 73 patients with stable CAD participating in the XaNADU-1B study. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: At baseline, the median (25th, 75th) prothrombin activation fragment 1.2 (F1.2) level was 2.56 (2.05, 3.20) nmol/L, and the median d-dimer level was 0.26 (0.19, 0.38) mug FEU/L. There were significant relationships between measured plasma DX-9065a concentrations and both F1.2 (4.9% decrease for each doubling of DX-9065a) (P<0.0001) and d-dimer (5.5% decrease for each doubling of DX-9065a) (P=0.001). F1.2 was suppressed (below baseline) at 96 h after administration of DX-9065a. Coronary thrombotic events did not occur during or after study drug administration. DX-9065a, the first in a class of small-molecule, direct, selective and reversible factor Xa inhibitors, reduces thrombin generation and fibrin formation among patients with stable CAD. The effect is concentration-dependent and persists for at least 96 h following drug cessation, without biochemical or clinical evidence of rebound.  相似文献   

The ability of heparin and related glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) to accelerate the inhibition of thrombin, factor Xa and plasmin in plasma and in a purified system containing antithrombin III (At III) was studied using chromogenic peptide substrate assays. There was good correlation between the charge density of the mucopolysaccharides and the activities investigated. While the difference between potentiation of the antithrombin activity by GAGs in plasma and in the purified system was slight, the inhibition of factor Xa in plasma was more pronounced than in the presence of purified At III, indicating the mechanisms for GAGs-potentiated inhibition of thrombin and factor Xa are not identical. For the antiplasmin activity, there was a good correlation between the chemical structure and biological activity only in the pure system, confirming that the antithrombin-GAG complex plays a very limited role in the inactivation of plasmin in plasma.  相似文献   

New derivatives of benzamidine (N alpha-arylsulfonylamino-acylated derivatives of 3-amidinophenylalanine) were found to be potent inhibitors of bovine factor Xa (F Xa). The methyl and ethyl esters of N alpha-Tos-Gly- and N alpha-beta Nas-Gly-substituted 3-amidinophenylalanine, inhibited F Xa more effectively (Ki values near 0.5 mumol/l) than thrombin (Ki about 50 mumol/l). Reinvestigation of inhibition of F Xa by bis-benzamidines showed that compounds containing a cycloheptanone linking bridge are tight-binding inhibitors of F Xa (Ki in the 10 nmol/l range). The use of these inhibitors enabled us to clarify whether inhibition of F Xa or inhibition of thrombin is more efficient in anticoagulation. The thrombin inhibitors and not the potent F Xa inhibitors proved to be particularly effective in anticoagulation in vitro.  相似文献   

The role of collagens and collagen receptors was investigated in stimulating platelet-dependent thrombin generation. Fibrillar type-I collagens, including collagen from human heart, were most potent in enhancing thrombin generation, in a way dependent on exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS) at the platelet surface. Soluble, non-fibrillar type-I collagen required pre-activation of integrin alpha2beta1 with Mn2+ for enhancement of thrombin generation. With all preparations, blocking of glycoprotein VI (GPVI) with 9O12 antibody abrogated the collagen-enhanced thrombin generation, regardless of the alpha2beta 1 activation state. Blockade of alpha2beta1 alone or antagonism of autocrine thromboxane A2 and ADP were less effective. Blockade of alphaIIbbeta3 with abciximab suppressed thrombin generation in platelet-rich plasma, but this did not abolish the enhancing effect of collagens. The high activity of type-I fibrillar collagens in stimulating GPVI-dependent procoagulant activity was confirmed in whole-blood flow studies, showing that these collagens induced relatively high expression of PS. Together, these results indicate that: i) fibrillar type-I collagen greatly enhances thrombin generation, ii) GPVI-induced platelet activation is principally responsible for the procoagulant activity of fibrillar and non-fibrillar collagens, iii) alpha2beta1 and signaling via autocrine mediators facilitate and amplify this GPVI activity, and iv) alphaIIbbeta3 is not directly involved in the collagen effect.  相似文献   

Heparin anticoagulants function by enhancing the inhibition of coagulation proteases by the serpin antithrombin (AT). A direct evaluation of the specific anti-factor Xa (fXa) activity of therapeutic heparins in the physiologically relevant plasma-based clotting assays has not been feasible since thrombin, the final protease of the cascade, is the primary target for inhibition by AT in the presence of heparin. To circumvent this problem, we developed an assay in which the native AT in plasma was replaced with an AT mutant which exhibits identical affinity for heparin and near normal reactivity for fXa, but does not react with thrombin and other coagulation proteases in either the absence or presence of heparin. This assay was used to distinguish the anti-fXa activity of different molecular weight heparins from their anti-thrombin activity in clotting assays which were initiated by the triggers of either the extrinsic or intrinsic coagulation pathway. The results suggest that the acceleration of fXa inhibition by AT exhibits a marked heparin chain-length dependence, with fondaparinux (a pentasaccharide) having the lowest and unfractionated heparin having the highest effect. Interestingly, comparative studies revealed that the fondaparinux-catalyzed acceleration of thrombin inhibition by AT also contributes to the prolongation of the clotting time, possibly suggesting that the anticoagulant function of the therapeutic pentasaccharide is mediated though the inhibition of both fXa and thrombin.  相似文献   

The anticoagulant effect of selected synthetic inhibitors of thrombin and factor Xa was studied in vitro in commonly used clotting assays. The concentrations of the compounds doubling the clotting time in the various assays were mainly dependent on their thrombin inhibitory activity. Factor Xa inhibitors were somewhat more effective in prolonging the prothrombin time compared to the activated partial thromboplastin time, whereas the opposite was true of thrombin inhibitors. In vivo, in a venous stasis thrombosis model and a thrombo-plastin-induced microthrombosis model in rats the thrombin inhibitors were effective antithrombotically whereas factor Xa inhibitors of numerically similar Ki value for the respective enzyme were not effective at equimolar dosage. The results are discussed in the light of the different prerequisites and conditions for inhibition of thrombin and factor Xa in the course of blood clotting.  相似文献   

Amounts of human brain thromboplastin that do not stimulate thrombin generation in platelet poor plasma, were shown to advance by about 4 min an explosive formation of thrombin that occurs after recalcification in the presence of blood platelets. This synergistic effect is inhibited by the specific thrombin inhibitor hirudin and mimicked by adding low concentrations (less than 5 nM) of thrombin to platelet rich plasma. It is our conclusion that small amounts of thrombin, generated under the influence of thromboplastin induced procoagulant activity in the blood platelets. This activity is most likely mainly due to procoagulant phospholipids. Heparin inhibits this effect and retards the explosive thrombin formation. It does not, however, diminish the peak amount of thrombin eventually formed, because heparin neutralizing material released from the activated platelets quenches the heparin effect.  相似文献   

Numerous plants were tested for inhibitors of human Hageman factor fragment (HFf), plasma kallikrein, urinary kallikrein, plasmin, thrombin, porcine pancreatic kallikrein, and bovine Factor Xa, trypsin, and chymotrypsin. Pumpkin seeds and iris bulbs contain trypsin inhibitors which specifically inhibit HFf. Flower bulbs—especially those of tulip, lily, hyacinth, and calla—are hitherto unrecognized rich sources of inhibitors with different inhibitory spectrums and physicochemical properties.  相似文献   

The effect of tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) on thrombin and factor Xa generation was studied in an in vitro system using a prothrombin complex concentrate. It was found that TFPI, via the direct inhibition of factor Xa and the tissue factor/factor VIIa complex, inhibited both the further generation of factor Xa and the generation of thrombin in a concentration-dependent manner. The generation of thrombin (IC50 255 ng/ml) was more pronounced than that of factor Xa (IC50 684 ng/ ml). The inhibitory activity of TFPI was significantly enhanced when unfractionated heparin was present in the assay system at a concentration of 10 μg/ml which did not show any inhibitory effects on protease generation in the same system. Furthermore, the influence of TFPI at subthreshold concentrations (100 ng/ml and 200 ng/ ml, resp.) on the inhibitory action of unfractionated heparin (UFH), a low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), heparan sulfate (HS) and the synthetic heparin pentasaccharide (PS) was investigated. Whereas in the concentration range used (0.3–40 μg/ml) these glycosaminoglycans did not inhibit thrombin and factor Xa generation, after supplementation of the system with TFPI a concentration-dependent inhibition of the generation of the proteases up to 40–50 % was seen for UFH, LMWH and HS. TFPI did not increase the activity of PS.  相似文献   

Aim of our study was to investigate effects of eptifibatide and anticoagulants on platelet aggregation and thrombin generation under low and high coagulant challenge in tissue factor-activated platelet rich plasma using a model allowing simultaneous determination of the time course of platelet aggregation and thrombin generation. Eptifibatide exerted a dose-dependent anti-aggregating effect under both high and significantly stronger under low coagulant challenge. Combination of eptifibatide and anticoagulants resulted in significant additive prolongation of the lag phase until the onset of platelet aggregation, more pronounced under low coagulant challenge. Under high, but not under low coagulant challenge combination of eptifibatide and anticoagulants had a significant synergistic inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation. Under low coagulant challenge combination of eptifibatide with LMWH, but not with UH, or rH, resulted in significantly reduced thrombin potential, F 1+2 generation, and FXa formation compared to measurements in the absence of eptifibatide. We demonstrate a synergistic effect of eptifibatide and anticoagulants on platelet aggregation inhibition and an additional inhibitory effect of LMWH and eptifibatide on thrombin generation. Our results support the notion that combination of eptifibatide and anticoagulants might be beneficial in atherosclerotic disease to palliate the thrombogenic potency of ruptured atherosclerotic plaques.  相似文献   

Direct and specific inhibition of factor Xa is an emerging therapeutic strategy for atherothrombotic disease. Parenteral factor Xa inhibitors promise efficacy comparable to standard therapies, which could be extended to ambulatory patients with oral agents. We evaluated the antithrombotic effect of the oral, direct factor Xa inhibitor DU-176b in a phase-I study. Healthy subjects (n = 12) received a single, 60 mg dose of DU-176b. Antithrombotic effects were assessed by comparing ex-vivo thrombus formation at 1.5, 5, and 12 hours post-dose versus baseline, along with factor Xa activity, thrombin generation and clotting parameters. Under venous flow after 1.5 and 5 hours, the thrombus was 28% and 21% smaller versus baseline, respectively (p < 0.05). Under arterial condition, the reduction was 26% and 17% (p < 0.05). Thrombin generation decreased by 28% at 1.5 hours and 10% at 5 hours. Changes in PT and INR correlated well with plasma drug concentrations (R2 = 0.79 and 0.78). Direct and specific inhibition of factor Xa by DU-176b significantly reduced ex-vivo thrombus formation at both venous and arterial rheologies, up to 5 hours post-dose. The effects mirrored changes in clotting parameters, suggesting their potential usefulness for monitoring in a clinical setting.  相似文献   



Previous studies evaluating the ability of novel oral anticoagulants (NOAC) to prevent thromboembolism in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF) have identified differences between the efficacy and safety of the drugs tested. Whether these differences reflect differences in direct thrombin or Xa inhibition, different dosing regimens or specific aspects of each agent or trial has not yet been explored.


A search was performed on MEDLINE, EMBASE and COCHRANE, and ongoing studies were tracked on clinicaltrials.gov. Phase III randomized controlled trials of direct thrombin inhibitors (DTI) and factor Xa inhibitors (FXaI) vs. warfarin in patients with AF were eligible. Data were pooled using random-effects, according to the Mantel-Haenszel model. Sensitivity analyses were performed on DTI, FXaI, once-daily and twice-daily regimens.


Seven studies were pooled, including a total of 80,290 patients. Both DTI and FXaI outperformed warfarin regarding stroke or systemic embolism, intracranial bleeding, total and cardiovascular mortality. No significant differences were found between DTI and FXaI or between once-daily and twice-daily regimens. Some drugs performed worse than warfarin regarding some secondary endpoints, including: edoxaban 30 mg bid on ischaemic stroke, dabigatran on acute myocardial infarction, dabigatran 150 mg bid and rivaroxaban 20mgod on gastrointestinal bleeding.


Our pooled data do not support the hypothesis of a significant class-effect of DTI or FXaI, nor the benefit of once-daily vs. twice-daily dosing in the setting of AF, reinforcing that the choice of NOAC should be adapted to the specific patient and focused on the agent itself, rather than the pharmacological class or dosing regimen.  相似文献   

A chemically synthesized heparin pentasaccharide (Institut Choay, Paris, France) has been shown to exhibit an antithrombotic action in a rabbit stasis induced thrombosis model, in an IV dose range of 25 to 200 micrograms/kg (0.5 to 3.5 micrograms/ml plasma circulating concentrations). Ex vivo plasma analysis from treated animals revealed expected anti-factor Xa activity but no direct inhibitory effect against thrombin. Global anticoagulant activities were not found by PT and APTT methods. Platelet activation remained unaffected at the antithrombotic dosages of pentasaccharide. To more specifically elucidate the anti-factor Xa mediated antithrombotic mechanism of action of this pentasaccharide, it was studied in several thrombin generation assays. Pentasaccharide added to human and rabbit plasmas in vitro from 0 to 5.0 micrograms/ml produced a concentration dependent effect up to a 35 to 50% inhibition of generated thrombin. In ex vivo studies similar concentration dependent inhibition of thrombin generation was observed. Analysis of plasma obtained from animals in which a complete antithrombotic effect was observed in vivo demonstrated an approximate 45 to 55% inhibition of thrombin generation. These results indicate that a relationship exists between the pentasaccharide induced inhibition of experimental venous stasis thrombosis and the inhibition of thrombin generation.  相似文献   

The acquisition of a conditioned response to a stimulus when it is paired with a reinforcer is retarded if the stimulus has previously been repeatedly pre‐exposed in the absence of the reinforcer. This effect, called latent inhibition, has previously been found to be insensitive to lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in rats. Using an on‐baseline conditioned emotional response procedure, which is especially sensitive to small variations in the absolute magnitude of latent inhibition, we found increased latent inhibition following excitotoxic lesions of the mPFC (Experiment 1) or the ventral mPFC alone (Experiment 2) as compared with sham‐operated control rats. Lesions restricted to the dorsal mPFC, however, were without effect (Experiment 2). These results are consistent with those of experiments employing another type of interference procedure, extinction. Together, these findings suggest that when different contingencies between a stimulus and a reinforcer are established in separate learning phases, lesions to the ventral mPFC result in increased interference between first‐learned and second‐learned contingencies. As a consequence, retrieval of the second‐learned contingency is impaired, and performance is dominated by the first‐learned contingency. These findings are discussed in light of the use of latent inhibition to model cognitive deficits in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of aromatase, the final enzyme of estradiol synthesis, are suspected of inducing memory deficits in women. In previous experiments, we found hippocampal spine synapse loss in female mice that had been treated with letrozole, a potent aromatase inhibitor. In this study, we therefore focused on the effects of letrozole on long-term potentiation (LTP), which is an electrophysiological parameter of memory and is known to induce spines, and on phosphorylation of cofilin, which stabilizes the spine cytoskeleton and is required for LTP in mice. In acute slices of letrozole-treated female mice with reduced estradiol serum concentrations, impairment of LTP started as early as after 6 h of treatment and progressed further, together with dephosphorylation of cofilin in the same slices. Theta-burst stimulation failed to induce LTP after 1 week of treatment. Impairment of LTP was followed by spine and spine synapse loss. The effects were confirmed in vitro by using hippocampal slice cultures of female mice. The sequence of effects in response to letrozole were similar in ovariectomized female and male mice, with, however, differences as to the degree of downregulation. Our data strongly suggest that impairment of LTP, followed by loss of mushroom spines and spine synapses in females, may have implications for memory deficits in women treated with letrozole.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the direct fXa inhibitor tick anticoagulant peptide (TAP) can be N-terminally coupled to a clot-targeting, single-chain antibody specific for fibrin (scFv(59D8)). Due to its unique position at the convergence point of the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways early in the coagulation cascade, factor Xa (fXa) represents an attractive therapeutic target. In contrast to indirect inhibitors, direct fXa inhibitors effectively inhibit clot-bound and prothrombinase-associated fXa. Targeting of direct fXa inhibitors to clots promises to enhance local anticoagulative potency and to reduce systemic anticoagulation which potentially results in less bleeding complications.TAP is a highly potent fXa inhibitor. Since its N-terminus is essential for anti-fXa activity, it was a challenging question, whether TAP will be active as a N-terminally coupled fusion molecule.Two step affinity chromatography with Ni(2+) and beta(15-22)-peptide of human fibrin results in a pure 36 kDa protein, which was tested for its targeting function and anti-fXa activity. The recombinant fusion did not destroy the function of the fusion partners. Antibody binding function was on a par with the parent molecule. TAP activity was partially reduced, arguing that a free N-terminus is not required for anti-fXa activity, but is important for maximal potency. In human whole blood clots, scFv(59D8)-TAP revealed anticoagulative properties at concentrations (200 to 500 nM) where non-targeted TAP did not reveal anticoagulative activity at all. In summary, scFv(59D8)-TAP constitutes a promising new anticoagulant with fibrin-targeted factor Xa inhibition. The production in E. coli and the established purification methods are a solid basis for a modern, large scale production at low cost and reproducible activity.  相似文献   

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