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The current study addresses fertility desires and considerations among 143 HIV serodiscordant, opposite-sex couples (in which only the male partner is HIV positive) in the Northeastern U.S. Couples responded to questionnaires during their initial consultation for assisted reproduction, and data were collected over 7 years and analyzed retrospectively. Results indicated that a majority of the male participants had HIV when they met their partner, and a majority also disclosed their HIV status upon meeting. Most couples reported that they had previously discussed or considered a host of fertility-related issues, including the potential risk of HIV infection to the mother and the fetus during the process of fertility treatment. The majority of couples had also discussed the possibility that the male partner could die prematurely due to HIV/AIDS and had considered making arrangements for third-party parenting in the event of the male partner’s death. If their fertility treatment were to be successful in the future, most couples desired additional children, and most believed that their future child should be told of the male partner’s HIV status. Predictors of the desire for additional children after successful fertility treatment included: younger age, shorter relationship duration, being childless currently, and beginning their relationship after the male partner had already been diagnosed as HIV positive. Future research on fertility desires should include perspectives of HIV positive men on fatherhood, as well as concerns and issues specific to HIV serodiscordant couples.  相似文献   

Sexual agreements are common among gay male couples, and between one-third and two-thirds of gay men acquire HIV while in a same-sex relationship. Studies have assessed whether agreements could be used for HIV prevention yet additional research is needed. By using dyadic data collected from 361 U.S. gay male couples, the present cross-sectional study sought to assess whether certain between and within couple-level relationship characteristics predict a partner’s value in, commitment to, and satisfaction with an agreement. On average, couples with higher levels of constructive communication and relationship satisfaction and commitment were associated with partners who had higher levels of investment in the agreement. Within the couple, differences in commitment and investment of the relationship were also found to be negatively associated with partners’ investment toward an agreement. Implications are discussed for how sexual agreements may be used to develop new HIV prevention efforts for gay male couples.  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate the effects of heavy alcohol consumption on sexual behavior, HIV acquisition, and antiretroviral treatment (ART) initiation in a longitudinal open cohort of 1929 serodiscordant couples in Lusaka, Zambia from 2002 to 2012. We evaluated factors associated with baseline heavy alcohol consumption and its association with condomless sex with the study partner, sex outside of the partnership, and ART initiation using multivariable logistic regression. We estimated the effect of alcohol consumption on HIV acquisition using multivariable Cox models. Baseline factors significantly associated with women’s heavy drinking (drunk weekly or more in 12-months before enrollment) included woman’s older age (adjusted prevalence odds ratio [aPOR] = 1.04), partner heavy drinking (aPOR = 3.93), and being HIV-infected (aPOR = 2.03). Heavy drinking among men was associated with less age disparity with partner (aPOR per year disparity = 0.97) and partner heavy drinking (aPOR = 1.63). Men’s being drunk daily (aOR = 1.18), women’s being drunk less than monthly (aOR = 1.39) vs. never drunk and being in a male HIV-negative and female HIV-positive union (aOR = 1.45) were associated with condomless sex. Heavy alcohol use was associated with having 1 or more outside sex partners among men (aOR drunk daily = 1.91, drunk weekly = 1.32, drunk monthly = 2.03 vs. never), and women (aOR drunk monthly = 2.75 vs. never). Being drunk weekly or more increased men’s risk of HIV acquisition (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] = 1.72). Men and women being drunk weekly or more was associated (p < 0.1) with women’s seroconversion (aHR = 1.42 and aHR = 3.71 respectively). HIV-positive women who were drunk monthly or more had lower odds of initiating ART (aOR = 0.83; 95% CI = 0.70–0.99) adjusting for age, months since baseline and previous pregnancies. Individuals in HIV-serodiscordant couples who reported heavy drinking had more outside sex partnerships and condomless sex with their study partner and were more likely to acquire HIV. HIV-positive women had lower odds of initiating ART if they were heavy drinkers.  相似文献   

Li and colleagues (2014) in this issue report that dietary nicotinic acid (NA) supplementation ameliorates ethanol‐induced hepatic steatosis, but a deficiency does not worsen injury induced by alcohol alone. The authors further present some mechanistic insights into the protective role of NA supplementation. Results of this and other previous studies in the context of alcoholic liver injury raise one important question as to what should be an adequate dose of NA that will provide the maximum benefit to hepatic and extrahepatic tissues and with minimum adverse effects.  相似文献   

Substance use is strongly associated with HIV risk among gay men. Many gay couples establish sexual agreements. However, little is known about gay couples’ use of substances with sex, and whether substance use is associated with couples’ agreements. The present study assessed whether gay couples’ use of substances with sex was associated with their establishment of, type of, and adherence to, a sexual agreement. Dyadic data from 275 HIV-negative US gay couples were collected online in a nation-wide, cross-sectional study, and analyzed at the couple-level. Findings revealed that couples with an established agreement, and a recently broken agreement, were more likely to have used amyl nitrates and marijuana with sex within their relationship. This same trend was also noted, but for alcohol use with sex outside of couples’ relationships. Further research is urgently needed to examine the fluidity of HIV-negative gay male couples’ sexual agreements and substance use with sex.  相似文献   

Previous research has found that gay men and other men who have sex with men have adopted a variety of HIV risk-reduction strategies to engage in unprotected anal intercourse (UAI). However, whether gay male couples’ use these strategies within and out of their relationships remains unknown. The present national cross-sectional study collected dyadic data from an online sample of 275 HIV-negative and 58 discordant gay male couples to assess their use of these strategies, and whether their use of these strategies had differed by partner type and couples’ HIV-status. The sample used a variety of risk-reduction strategies for UAI. Some differences and patterns by partner type and couples’ HIV-status were detected about men’s use of these strategies. Findings indicate the need to bolster HIV prevention and education with gay male couples about their use of these strategies within and outside of their relationships.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to compare the evolution of risky factors related to HIV infection among Male Sex Workers (MSW) in Spain between 2010 and 2015. Participants were 180 MSW: 100 in 2010 and 80 in 2015. Socio-demographic characteristics, condom use with clients and personal partners, and other aspects about HIV infection were explored (serostatus, HIV information, perceived risk and fear, and drug use). The proportion of Spanish MSW (nonimmigrants) (5.5 vs. 62.5 %), educational level (19.8 vs. 40.5 % reported university degree), and the percentage of self-identified as bisexual (20.2 vs. 55.8 %) increased in 2015, whereas the percentage of MSW who self-identified as sex workers (62 vs. 25.8 %) decreased. The percentage of condom use has decreased during oral sex (76.8 vs. 35.5 %), vaginal sex (97.6 vs. 50.7 %) and insertive (99.6 vs. 92.2 %) and receptive (99.7 vs. 93 %) anal sex. The proportion of MSW living with HIV climbed from 1.1 to 13.6 %. The possible influence of economic crisis over MSW’s profile changes in the 5-year period, and the necessity of more efficient health strategies based on culture and sexual orientation are discussed. The evolution observed indicates that this population is still at high risk for HIV and STI, therefore governmental resources have to be increased due the consequences among MSW and general society.  相似文献   

While combination antiretroviral treatment has had a profound impact on the morbidity and mortality of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, the adherence demands of this therapy are high and failure to maintain viral suppression is common. Directly administered antiretroviral therapy (DAART) has garnered attention recently as a strategy to improve medication adherence and clinical outcomes in HIV-infected individuals. This review is intended to provide an update on the use of DAART and the challenges posed by this strategy, explore settings in which DAART may be used, discuss the role of antiretroviral regimens with improved pharmacokinetic features, and propose future directions for DAART strategies. DAART is modeled on directly observed therapy (DOT) for the treatment of tuberculosis. However, differences in curability, medication dosing frequency, duration of treatment, and the biologic dynamics of infection, pose unique challenges to DAART strategies. Numerous settings have been proposed for DAART, including community based outreach programs, prisons, long-term care facilities, substance abuse treatment sites, and resource-poor countries. Experience with DAART to date has been limited to pilot studies or retrospective comparisons. The prospect of simplified, once-daily antiretroviral therapy holds promise for DAART. However, improvements in antiretroviral therapy may also improve outcomes in patients taking therapy on a self-administered basis. Randomized controlled trials of DAART are needed before this strategy can be embraced in any setting. In future studies it will be important to compare DAART with self-administered therapy in terms of initial virologic and immunologic responses, durability of responses, the development of antiretroviral resistance, and cost effectiveness.  相似文献   

Personal social networks and their association with the health of older people have been explored, but there are few studies that examined the relationship between the general health of older people living with HIV/AIDS (OPLWHA) and their personal social networks. This exploratory study investigates the characteristics of personal networks among OPLWHA and the relationship between the self-rated health and personal social networks of OPLWHA in Lomé, Togo. Forty-nine OPLWHA were interviewed via an egocentric survey. We examined the composition and size of the networks of OPLWHA. Also, the correlation between networks and self-reported health was examined. Findings show that the OPLWHA had personal social networks that included three types of people: immediate kin, extended kin, and non-kin. Additionally, these networks varied by size. While the mean number of people in the smaller network (people from whom the OPLWHA can borrow an important sum of money) was less than one person (0.55), the mean number of people in the larger network was three (people with whom the OPLWHA enjoy socializing). Furthermore, only the network of people with whom OPLWHA enjoy socializing had a significant positive correlation on the self-rated health of OPLWHA. Consistent with prior research, we found that the mere existence of a network does not imply that the network has a positive correlation with the subject or that the network provides the social support needed to positively influence health. A study of the correlation between social network characteristics and health in the population of older people with HIV/AIDS is important as the number of OPLWHA continues to grow.  相似文献   

Erectile dysfunction is currently considered a condition with high prevalence in the general population, exerting a major impact on patients' and their sexual partners' quality of life. Available data indicate that hypertension represents a risk factor for erectile dysfunction, which is more frequent in hypertensive compared with normotensive subjects. The pathophysiologic basis of erectile dysfunction in hypertension is under thorough investigation, and several mechanisms have been proposed. Erectile dysfunction has also been related to cardiovascular risk factors and might be used as a marker of cardiovascular disease in the future. Although male sexuality has been studied rather extensively, female sexual dysfunction in hypertension is underexplored. Recently published hypertension guidelines either ignore or superficially address sexual dysfunction, underlining the need for more attention and better education of health care professionals on this issue.  相似文献   



Giving patients access to their own medical data may help improve communication and engage patients in healthcare. As a result, the federal electronic health record (EHR) incentive program requires providers to offer electronic data sharing with patients via personal health records (PHRs) or other technologies.


We sought to estimate the rate of adoption of PHRs over a 2-year period.


Survey of 800 respondents (margin of error: 3.5 percentage points) in consecutive years of the Empire State Poll, an annual random-digit-dial telephone survey.


Adult New York State residents.


Self-reported use of a PHR.


The rate of reported PHR use rose from 11 % in 2012 to 17 % in 2013. The proportion of these PHRs provided by doctors or healthcare organizations also increased sharply (from 50 % in 2012 to 73 % in 2013, p?<?0.01) with a corresponding decrease in the proportion provided by insurers.


The proportion of New York State residents using PHRs increased by more than 50 % (from 11 to 17 %) in advance of a federal incentive program requirement that healthcare organizations with EHRs must share electronic data with patients in order to receive their incentives.  相似文献   



Satisfaction with sexual activity is important for health-related quality of life, but little is known about the sexual health of postmenopausal women.


Describe factors associated with sexual satisfaction among sexually active postmenopausal women.


Cross-sectional analysis.


All members of the Women’s Health Initiative-Observational Study (WHI-OS), ages 50–79, excluding women who did not respond to the sexual satisfaction question or reported no partnered sexual activity in the past year (N = 46,525).


Primary outcome: dichotomous response to the question, “How satisfied are you with your sexual activity (satisfied versus unsatisfied)?” Covariates included sociodemographic factors, measures of physical and mental health, and gynecological variables, medications, and health behaviors related to female sexual health.


Of the cohort, 52% reported sexual activity with a partner in the past year, and 96% of these answered the sexual satisfaction question. Nonmodifiable factors associated with sexual dissatisfaction included age, identification with certain racial or ethnic groups, marital status, parity, and smoking history. Potentially modifiable factors included lower mental health status and use of SSRIs. The final model yielded a c-statistic of 0.613, reflecting only a modest ability to discriminate between the sexually satisfied and dissatisfied.


Among postmenopausal women, the variables selected for examination yielded modest ability to discriminate between sexually satisfied and dissatisfied participants. Further study is necessary to better describe the cofactors associated with sexual satisfaction in postmenopausal women.KEY WORDS: sexual dysfunction, physiological, sexual dysfunctions, psychological, women, menopause, postmenopause, cohort studies  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: International guidelines have given diverse recommendations as to which side of the stethoscope should be used in the measurement of blood pressure. OBJECTIVE: To determine if there is any difference between the bell and the diaphragm sides of the ordinary acoustic stethoscope in the measurement of blood pressure. DESIGN AND METHODS: We compared, in random order, the bell and the diaphragm side of the ordinary acoustic stethoscope and also the effect of low- and high-frequency amplification with an electronic stethoscope in the measurement of blood pressure, in 250 adults. SETTING: Department of Medicine, Turku University Central Hospital. RESULTS: No statistically significant difference was seen between the bell side and the diaphragm side of the acoustic stethoscope, either in systolic blood pressure (SBP; mean +/- SD 129.5 +/- 21.7 and 129.4 +/- 20.8 mmHg, respectively) or diastolic blood pressure (DBP; 77.0 +/- 12.0 and 77.1 +/- 12.0 mmHg, respectively). Both the low-frequency (130.7 +/- 22.5 mmHg) and the high-frequency (131 +/- 22.2 mmHg) amplification of systolic Korotkoff sounds yielded significantly greater values of SBP than were measured either with the bell (P = 0.008 compared with low frequency, P = 0.0005 compared with high frequency) or the diaphragm (P = 0.004 compared with low frequency, P = 0.0001 compared with high frequency). Low-frequency amplification of DBP (76.4 +/- 12.3 mmHg) yielded values significantly lower than those measured with the bell (P = 0.04) or the diaphragm (P = 0.01). Values from high-frequency amplification of DBP (77.2 +/- 12.3 mmHg) did not differ significantly from those measured with the acoustic stethoscope. CONCLUSIONS: Both sides of the acoustic stethoscope give similar results in the measurement of office blood pressure and either side can be used in the reliable measurement of blood pressure.  相似文献   

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