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美国GE-M ARQUETTE公司生产的EAGLE3000型病人监护仪自1997年进入我国医疗市场以来,拥有非常广泛的用户。该机具有中文操作菜单、图形显示清晰、测试数据准确等众多优点,深受临床医护人员的欢迎。由于目前该机型大部分已进入维修期,而显示板故障是该机的主要故障。本文主要针对  相似文献   

美国1445型多功能监护仪是美国INVIVORESEARCHINC公司产品 ,可监测无创血压、血氧饱和度、脉搏等参数 ,其硬件电路包含有电源部分(AB03F1)、主板 (AB08A)、血氧饱和度测试板(AB36)、数码显示板 (AB08C1)、外围接口电路板等。故障现象1数码显示器有显示 ,血压测试功能不能测试 ,即按血压启动键无法充气。有血氧参数显示。故障分析与处理从仪器工作原理分析可知 ,血氧信号经血氧饱和度测试板 (AB36)进行信号处理 ,送入主板Z80处理器 ;血压的压力信号经AB80板检测 ,送入到主板进行放大…  相似文献   

MT—801型分娩监护仪CRT显示电路原理及故障维修   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张景泉  赵秀娥 《医疗装备》2001,14(11):57-58
MT— 80 1型分娩监护仪是日本东一公司的产品 ,它主要监测胎儿心电波形及产妇宫缩波形 (宫缩时可观察到 )。胎儿心电信号有二种显示方式 ,其一是在荧光屏上显示波形 ,也就是本文所要研究的显示电路 ;其二是在打印纸上同时记录某一段时间胎儿心率数与宫缩波形。为了能弄清CRT波形显示电路的原理 ,我们先来看胎儿心电波形是如何送到波形显示电路的 ,图 1是电路框图 ,框图中的B195、B196、B198、B199、B2 0 2是电路相对应的电路板编号 ,从图中我们能够比较清楚的了解胎儿心电信号的传输过程。图 1胎儿心电信号由超声探头引入电路 ,经…  相似文献   

美国TVS型多功能监护仪是美国INVIVORESEARCHINC公司产品 ,可监测心电、无创血压、血氧饱和度、脉搏、呼吸、体温、有创血压等参数 ,其硬件电路包括有电源部分(AB06L、AB06W)、主处理板部分(AB30)、矢量逻辑板(AB06C)、矢量模拟板(AB06C)、信号处理板(AB06F1)、血压测试板(AB06DJ)、有创血压板(AB06S)、血氧饱和度测试板(AB36)、心电测试部分(AB06E、AB06K)、体温和呼吸测试板(AB06T)、偏转放大器(AB06H)、显示器CRT、CR…  相似文献   

太空1050型监护仪故障维修2例   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
Spacelabs(太空实验室)监护仪是重要的监护设备,可进行心电、无创/有创血压、呼吸、血氧饱和度(脉率)、心排量、呼气末二氧化碳、体温、麻醉气体等多项监测。Spacelabs 1050型监护仪是其中一种彩色床旁监护仪。它不仅可以对单个病人进行监护,还可以通过联网进行中心台监护。  相似文献   

1故障现象 开机能听到“嘀”的一声.但屏幕不亮(黑屏),并且按下面板上的按钮时,都有“嘀”的响声。  相似文献   

<正>一、仪器型号:惠普43120A除颤监护仪故障现象:监视器显示的图像宽度缩小一半,其他控制功能正常,除颤功能正常。分析与检修:从现象分析应为显示电路故障。先查偏转电路,视频偏转电路主要有锯齿  相似文献   

赵明 《医疗装备》2003,16(3):54-55
临床病人监护仪作为医院中常见的医疗设备 ,由于其适用范围广泛 ,操作简便 ,易于观测、记录 ,在临床应用中其作用越来越受到重视。我院在新的门诊及住院大楼落成后 ,先后引进了一批国产及进口监护仪 ,其中国产监护FM65 0 1型监护仪占相当比重。它具有可同时监测病人的心电波形、脉搏氧浓度、呼吸及定时测量血压等多种功能。为了更好的做好临床维修工作 ,我对该种监护仪的主要电路设计作了较为详细的了解 ,并结合以往维修中的经验 ,对其常见故障进行总结归纳如下。血压不能正常测量 :(1)按“启动”键后无反应 ,屏幕显示无“↓”出现。故障…  相似文献   

孟晓东  乔桦 《医疗设备信息》2005,20(12):76-76,85
太空1050型监护仪触屏是由液晶屏和成X—Y坐标系排列的发射一接收对管组成。  相似文献   

本文介绍了Agilent V24C二氧化碳探头常见的故障两例,结合Agilent V24C二氧化碳探头工作原理对故障进行分析,并提出维修方法。  相似文献   

The authors report three cases of primary anorectal malignant melanoma in order to discuss the various diagnostic problems, therapeutic modalities and to remind of the prognostic factors of this rare and unknown affliction. The diagnosis is unfortunately realized in the advanced stage. Mrs B.O, 55 years old, presented rectal hemorrhages and false meeds since a year, the clinical examination showed rectal tumor that bleeds with touch. The mass has been biopsed during the rectoscopy and the diagnosis of the malignant melamoma has been confirmed. Abdominoperitoneal amputation had been realized. Mr F.K, 35 years old, hospitalized because of constipation and rectal hemorrhages that evolve since 7 months with loss of weight and alteration of the general state. The rectal touch emphasizes a budy rectal polypoid tumor about 6 cm that the biopsies confirmed the diagnosis of invasive malignant. A Hartman's operation has been realized. A resection of the tumoral bud has been realized 3 months later, the patient died 4 months after that. Mrs F.K, 50 years old, presented since 50 days relapsing rectorrhages. The rectal touch showed a rectal tumor far about 6 cm from the amal margin, the biopsy during the rectoscopy confirmed the diagnosis of the pigmented and little invasive malignant melanoma. The abdominal exhography showed hepatic metastases and a resection by endo-mal way in order to reduce the tumor has been realized. The inclusion of the primary anorectal malignant melanoma in the diagnosis of the afflictins of the anorectal region would permit an improvement of this affliction prognosis, this is still unfortunate when the diagnosis is late. Its treatment is still surgical, the role of the other therapies still needs to be defined.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Primary mediastinal seminomas (PMS) are rare tumors that are morphologically similar to their testicular counterparts but may have different biologic behavior due to their particular anatomical location. AIM: New cases report of PMS CASES: Three new cases of primary mediastinal seminoma are presented. The patients were men aged of 16, 33 and 47 years. Their clinical symptoms included cough, dyspnea, chest pain and superior vena cava syndrome. None of the patients had a previous history of testicular neoplasm or tumor elsewhere. Mediastinoscopic biopsy was performed and histological examination results revealed a seminoma. Immunohistochemical showed membranous staining with placental alkaline phosphatase in the three cases. Chemotherapy has largely replaced surgical resection and radiotherapy as the initial treatment in patients with mediastinal seminoma.  相似文献   

通过实例3个分析典型故障。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Carcino?des tumours are a rare type of ovarian tumours which anatomoclinical behaviour differs a little from epithelial type. AIM: Report of three new cases. CASE REPORT: We report 3 observations of ovarian carcinoid tumours in patients aged 50, 23 and 28 years. All our patients were operated in emergency for twisting of appendix in two patients and for acute peritonitis in the third one. Treatment was a one-sided salpingo-oophorectomy. The diagnosis of carcinoid tumour was retained on to the definitive histological exam then the patients were re operated to complete the resection.  相似文献   

Bullous pemphigoid in children. Report of three cases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bullous pemphigo?d (BP) is an acquired immunobullous disease that usually affects adults and rarely children. About 60 cases of infant PB have been reported. Diagnosis is based on immunofluorescence investigations. Clinical, histological and immunopathological findings in childhood PB appear to be not different from the adult. Nevertheless, oral mucosal and palm and sole lesions seem to occur more frequently. We report 3 cases of children BP in one girl and 2 boys, aged respectively of 7.2 and 3 years. Palm and sole were affected in 1 case, and no oral mucosal lesion was noted. Recovery was reached in all cases under dapsone. Characteristics of BP in children are discussed with comparison to literature data.  相似文献   

朱砂致汞毒性皮炎3例报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
报道3例因使用中药朱砂导致汞毒性皮炎的临床表现及治疗经过,指出人们对于中草药的使用应有正确认识。  相似文献   

In a multicenter study on the occupational etiology of sinonasal cancer (s.n.c.) carried out in Italy, we collected information about three cases which had arisen among glass workers: an adenocarcinoma, a melanoma, and a squamocellular carcinoma. The three men worked many years as mixers and/or batchers in artistic glass factories in Tuscany (Italy). We propose a possible etiological role of arsenic dust. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

通过观察3例喷砂工快进型矽肺X线胸片影像学资料,总结出快进型矽肺的一些X线影像学特点。  相似文献   

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