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目的:研制一种端口扩展器配合简易网线测试仪,提高对计算机网络双绞线的测试效率。方法:采用多个RJ-45插座,将其8个接点按相同排列顺序分别并接。任一插座通过短双绞线与网线测试仪的测试端口相连接,其他插座作为扩展端口。结果:经实际测试。仅需一人操作,不需频繁往返于被测线路两端就可方便的对计算机网络双绞线布线进行测试。结论:通过测试证明,该端口扩展器配合简易网线测试仪能明显提高对计算机网络系统双绞线布线的测试工作效率。  相似文献   

GE LCA 全数字三维大型血管机对其复杂的结构工作状态设有故障自检报错系统,当出现故障时,ADVANTX屏上显示错误端口代码以及机器故障部位,维修工程师将笔记本电脑与机器通讯口相联,利用机器诊断软件,再辅以具体检测,就可确定引起故障的确切原因和损坏器件。但在实际运行时,并非都是这样,我们在工作中遇到的以下三例故障,出现时并无报错显示,或虽报错但与实际不符,使维修者多走弯路。  相似文献   

目的:在医院病房构建患者因特网接入系统,实现住院患者即插即用的上网方式,并且可以对其上网行为进行审计。方法:采用Cisco3560作为ir-聚交换机,Cisco2960作为接入交换机构建系统网络。在接入交换机上使用Cisco交换机的基于端12的DHCP、保护端口和VLAN技术,实现同一端口接入的计算机始终获得DHCP服务、分配固定IP地址的功能。在网络出口处部署MicrosoftISA2006代理服务器,完成NAT和记录上网日志。结果:通过使用该系统,患者只需插上网线就可以上网,代理服务器日志根据源IP地址记录患者的上网操作。结论:该上网系统可以解决有线网环境下患者方便快捷上网的问题,同时可实现对患者的上网行为进行审计。  相似文献   

传统的信号采集设备不能对病人的生理信号数据进行归档和保存,临床应用上有一定限制。目前以计算机为主体的生理信号采集及处理系统普遍是基于串行口,鉴于计算机技术的发展,USB端口的优越性日渐突出,开发USB端口的设备成为一个重要主题。本文对构建基于USB端口的信号采集系统进行了分析,着重对有关USB端口的软件部分进行探讨。1硬件电路组成该部分为生物电信号采集模块,包括生物电导联、刺激信号发生器、生物电信号的模数转换及控制器三部分。系统工作过程为:在控制器的统一控制下,刺激信号发生器在需要时发出刺激信号,刺激人体;人体生…  相似文献   

利用指纹谱图识别某些物质是一种快速的定性方法,过去多用于液体〔1,2〕和固体〔3-8〕样品,采用GPC(裂解色谱)方法。而用气相色谱对多组分气体样品进行识别的报告尚不多见。现报告于后。1 材料与方法1.1 人孔井概况 人孔井是检查、维护和维修铺设在地下电缆线时的操作场所,每隔约50m设井一口,深约3.5~4m,口小底大,地面口直径约0.8m,井底约有10cm直径通道将各井相连,通道内铺设电缆,井内端口用木塞塞紧,井底有少许积水和少量杂物,铁质井盖盖在水泥质的井沿上,缝隙可见,常有线路维修工下井作…  相似文献   

利用监护仪视频输出端口实现无线中心监护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在保留ICU最基本功能的前提下实现最简单的中心监护搭建并非需要太大的投资,本篇对在中、小型医院中有效利用监护仪视频输出端口实现中心监护(观察)网络的简易搭建进行了探讨。  相似文献   

目的:设计基于双端口RAM的双单片机便携式心电监护仪,解决心电监护数据传送的瓶颈问题。方法:双端口RAM芯片具有2套完全独立的数据线、地址线和读写控制线.因而可使2个CPU分时独立访问其内部RAM资源。主单片机在片上RAM缓存采集数据,满200B,打包写入双端口RAM.双端口RAM缓冲区中的数据达到闪存的页容量时,通知从单片机读取数据,从单片机以页编程方式一次写入闪存。结果:解决了双端口RAM的端口争用问题,并讨论了极限采样频率,实现了主、从单片机数据共享,缓存采集信号,即使在较高采样频率下.仍能确保及时、可靠地存储实时信号。结论:便携式心电监护仪中通常使用大容量NAND闪存实时存储采集到的信号.但是由于NAND闪存的数据写入是以页编程为基础.因而限制了前端采样频率的提高。基于双端口RAM的双单片机便携式心电监护仪的设计合理地的解决了心电监护数据传输的瓶颈问题.  相似文献   

一台美国产507SD多功能监护仪正常工作状态下,按STAT/START(起动血压)键后袖袋不充气,同时也听不到机器内气泵工作的响声,开机重点检查气泵控制电路,接通电源按STAT/START键后测电机端口无电压,而电磁阀端口有12V电压,证明控制信号正常。断电检查连接于电机的两只器件Q1(SMU10P)和Q2(14N05L),此两种器件在众多手册中均未查出,故将其焊下,同时焊下相同型号的Q3和Q4做对比性测量得知SMU10P是P沟道MOS管,14N05L是N沟道MOS管,并测出QI已损坏(无放大能力),试用IRF9630(Id—gAVdS—200VPd—75WP沟…  相似文献   

ICU吊塔选用5妙招   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ICU吊塔系统是ICU的综合救治平台,它将重症救护单元所需的气源(氧气、负压吸引、空气)、电源(强弱电输出端口)、各类仪器设备(监护仪、呼吸机、输液泵等)集中兼容,从而在病床四周形成“生命岛”的功能模式来服务于患者。  相似文献   

基于虚拟仪器的胎儿心电图仪的研制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了一种基于虚拟仪器的电脑胎儿心电图系统。该系统由两部分组成:以PIC单片机为核心硬件的数据采集装置和PC平台的处理分析系统。硬件电路功耗低,直接采用端口供电。软件平台采用可视化语言LabView6.1编程实现,由于使用其大量成熟软件模块,大大提高了开发效率。介绍了LabView实现的匹配滤波器等算法,并改进了匹配滤波的模板更新方法。临床试用取得了满意效果。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rapid technological change and increased international competition have changed working life and work organizations. These changes may not be considered when researching employee work ability and well-being. AIM: This study investigates the impact of organizational practices, work demands and individual factors on work ability, organizational commitment and mental well-being of employees in the metal industry and retail trade. METHOD: A follow-up study was conducted to examine these connections among 1389 employees (mean age 42 years at baseline) in 91 organizations. The first survey was conducted in 1998 and was repeated in 2000. RESULTS: Changes in organizational practices and the demands of work were strongly associated with changes in employee well-being. Work ability, organizational commitment and the mental well-being of employees were increased most if the opportunities for development and influence and the promotion of employee well-being were increased and if the supervisory support and organization of work were improved. Well-being also improved with less uncertainty at work and with decreasing mental and physical work demands. In addition physical exercise and affluence also had favourable effects. CONCLUSIONS: The results confirm that several features of organizational practices are strongly associated with employees' well-being. Organizational development is an important method of improving employees' work ability, commitment and well-being.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most outcome studies of occupational injuries and illnesses have tended to focus on direct economic costs and duration of work disability. Rarely have the broader social consequences of work-related disorders or their impacts on injured workers' families, coworkers, and community been investigated. This paper examines a wide range of social consequences including workers' psychological and behavioral responses, vocational function, and family and community relationships. METHODS: Literature review and development of conceptual framework. RESULTS: Complex and multifactorial relationships are described whereby occupational injuries and illnesses produce a variety of social consequences involving filing and administration of workers' compensation insurance claims, medical care experiences, domestic function and activities of daily living, psychological and behavioral responses, stress, vocational function, rehabilitation and return to work, and equity and social justice. CONCLUSION: A research agenda is proposed for guiding future investigations in this field.  相似文献   

新生儿是特殊的儿童群体,其药代动力学和药效学与年长儿和成年人有显著差异,既往将年长儿或成年人用药经验用于新生儿群体疾病治疗,曾造成严重后果。由于新生儿药物临床试验存在费用高、风险大、伦理学问题及受试者招募困难等问题,新生儿临床用药研究仍亟待加强。目前各国已制定相应的法律、法规推动和规范儿童药物试验,新的研究技术和方法也不断应用于新生儿临床药物研究,新生儿科医师、临床药师及其他科研工作者有必要通力合作加大新生儿用药研究,确保新生儿用药的安全性和有效性。  相似文献   

A method for monitoring health and safety in the workplace, referred to as 'surveillance on self-report', is presented. This occupational health and safety monitoring method consists of a collection of data on certain aspects of health and safety obtained by dispensing self-administered questionnaires to employees or managers and supervisors in workplaces, and administering regular feedback on the responses. Based on the responses, a continual monitoring and improvement on certain aspects of health and safety were possible in two workplaces in New Zealand. This study has shown a methodology for the surveillance of hazard control and monitoring, injuries and illnesses, and organizational policies in occupational settings.  相似文献   

Increasingly there is a need to assess the contaminant levels in fish as indicators of the health and well-being of both the fish and their consumers, including humans. This paper examines the levels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury, and selenium in the kidney, liver, and muscle of great sculpin and flathead sole from Adak Island in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Both species are consumed by the local Aleuts and others. There were significant differences in the levels of heavy metals as a function of tissue for both fish species; the liver of sculpin and sole generally had the highest levels of most metals, except for arsenic, lead, and selenium. Sole had significantly higher mean levels of arsenic in kidney (32,384 vs. 531 ppb, wet weight), liver (18,954 vs. 2532 ppb), and muscle (19,452 vs. 1343 ppb) than did sculpin. Sole also had higher mean levels of cadmium (230 vs. 63 ppb), lead (1236 vs. 48 ppb), mercury (150 vs. 107 ppb), and selenium (5215 vs. 1861 ppb) in kidney than did sculpin. There were significant correlations among weight and length measurements for both species. However, except for mercury, there were few significant correlations among tissue types for most metals. Only mercury and manganese levels were significantly correlated with size for sculpin (but not for sole). Levels of arsenic, lead, and mercury may pose a risk to predators that consume them, and arsenic and mercury may pose a risk to human consumers.  相似文献   

Objectives: Kidney stone disease (KSD) has a strong association with diet metabolic syndrome. This review aims at exploring the lithogenic risk posed by the current most popular diets. Our approach was to search for the effect of each diet type on the major urinary risk factors, to try to draw conclusions regarding the association of a specific diet type and KSD. Methods: This systematic review searched for the available literature exploring the association between the existing popular fad diets and KSD. Articles in English, French and Spanish were included, without restriction of the search period with the final search done in August 2021. Results: Total number of studies and studies for each diet type was as follows: 22 articles for the low carbohydrate diet, 20 articles for high protein diets, 26 articles for vegetarian and vegan diets. There exists a substantial variability in different low carbohydrate and high protein diets, and considerable overlap between modern popular fad diets. High carbohydrate intake might increase urine uric acid, calcium and oxalate levels. High protein diets increase urine calcium and uric acid and lower urine pH and citrate. Consumption of fruits and vegetables increases the urinary volume and urinary citrate. In vegan diets, sufficient daily calcium intake is important to avoid possible secondary hyperoxaluria. Conclusions: Few studies evaluated the direct relationship between modern fad diets and KSD. In general, the reduction of carbohydrate in the diet, and counterbalancing protein rich diets with sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables, seem to play a protective role against KSD formation. Maintaining sufficient calcium intake in vegan and vegetarian diets is important. Additional research is needed to directly evaluate the link between KSD and each diet type.  相似文献   

On May 21st, 2015, the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) convened a workshop on delivery devices for nucleic acid (NA) as vaccines in order to review the landscape of past and future technologies for administering NA (e.g., DNA, RNA, etc.) as antigen into target tissues of animal models and humans. Its focus was on current and future applications for preventing and treating human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) disease, among other infectious-disease priorities. Meeting participants presented the results and experience of representative clinical trials of NA vaccines using a variety of alternative delivery devices, as well as a broader group of methods studied in animal models and at bench top, to improve upon the performance and/or avoid the drawbacks of conventional needle-syringe (N–S) delivery. The subjects described and discussed included (1) delivery targeted into oral, cutaneous/intradermal, nasal, upper and lower respiratory, and intramuscular tissues; (2) devices and techniques for jet injection, solid, hollow, and dissolving microneedles, patches for topical passive diffusion or iontophoresis, electroporation, thermal microporation, nasal sprayers, aerosol upper-respiratory and pulmonary inhalation, stratum-corneum ablation by ultrasound, chemicals, and mechanical abrasion, and kinetic/ballistic delivery; (3) antigens, adjuvants, and carriers such as DNA, messenger RNA, synthesized plasmids, chemokines, wet and dry aerosols, and pollen-grain and microparticle vectors; and (4) the clinical experience and humoral, cellular, and cytokine immune responses observed for many of these target tissues, technologies, constructs, and carriers. This report summarizes the presentations and discussions from the workshop (https://web.archive.org/web/20160228112310/https://www.blsmeetings.net/NucleicAcidDeliveryDevices/), which was webcast live in its entirety and archived online (http://videocast.nih.gov/summary.asp?live=16059).  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the production and use of nanomaterials (NMs), particularly in the UK. Currently, relatively few companies in the UK are identifiable as NM manufacturers, the main emphasis being the bulk markets in metals and metal oxides, and some niche markets such as carbon nanotubes and quantum dots. NM manufacturing in the UK does not reflect the global emphasis on fullerenes, nanotubes and fibres. Some assumptions have been made about the types of NM that are likely to be imported into the UK, which currently include fullerenes, modified fullerenes and other carbon-based NMs including nanotubes. Many university departments, spin-offs and private companies have developed processes for the manufacture of NMs but may only be producing small quantities for research and development (R&D) purposes. However, some have the potential to scale up to produce large quantities. The nanotechnology industry in the UK has strong R&D backup from universities and related institutions. This review has covered R&D trends at such institutions, and appropriate information has been added to a searchable database. While several companies are including NMs in their products, only a few (e.g. manufacturers of paints, coatings, cosmetics, catalysts, polymer composites) are using nanoparticles (NPs) in any significant quantities. However, this situation is likely to change rapidly. There is a need to collect more information about exposure to NPs in both manufacturing and user scenarios. As the market grows, and as manufacturers switch from the micro- to the nanoscale, the potential for exposure will increase. More research is required to quantify any risks to workers and consumers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Work-related skin disease is common but few cases are documented in statutory reports or disability systems. Voluntary reporting by specialist physicians provides more complete information. AIMS: To summarize incidence rates of work-related skin diseases reported by consultant dermatologists and occupational physicians, with emphasis on contact and allergic dermatitis by occupation and industry. METHODS: Cases reported in 1996-2001 to the EPIDERM and OPRA national surveillance schemes were analysed by causal agent, occupation and industry, with incidence rates calculated against appropriate denominators. RESULTS: Average annual incidence rates based on data from dermatologists were 97 per million overall, 74 for contact dermatitis and 14 for neoplasia. The corresponding rates for occupational physicians were 623 overall, 510 and 2, respectively. For infective disease, the rates for occupational physicians were 28 compared to 2 for dermatologists. Contact dermatitis was most frequently attributed to rubber chemicals, soaps and cleaners, wet work, nickel and acrylics; most cases of contact urticaria were attributed to rubber chemicals or foods and flour. The pattern of incidence rates by occupation and industry was complex, but correlated with the probable type of exposure. Rates of contact dermatitis were highest among skilled workers in the petrochemical and rubber and plastic manufacturing industries, with machine operators and technical workers in metal and automotive industries also at increased risk. High proportions of cases attributed to rubber chemicals were in nurses and technicians in the health and social services. CONCLUSIONS: These findings identify jobs and types of work where contact with causal agents is common and potentially preventable.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Overweight and obesity are considered major risk factors for many diseases, and their prevalence is known to be high in Kuwait from previous studies. AIM: To assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity and related risk factors among Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) employees. METHOD: A cross-sectional study of full-time KOC employees was carried out using a structured questionnaire that was completed during periodic medical examinations. The questionnaire included demographic details, frequency and duration of physical activity, history of chronic diseases and medication. All participants were counselled and examined. Blood pressure, body mass index and fasting glucose were recorded. RESULTS: Some 3282 out of 3900 employees completed the study; 85% of participants were male, 62%were field workers and 38%were office workers. The overall prevalence of overweight and obesity among KOC employees was 75%. Males showed a higher level of overweight and obesity (79%) than females (56%). Field workers had a higher level of overweight and obesity (78%) and higher inactivity (65%) than office workers (72% and 56%, respectively). CONCLUSION: Overweight and obesity, together with inactivity, are highly prevalent among KOC employees, and more so among field workers than office workers. Encouraging an active lifestyle, healthy eating habits and weight control programmes are all possible interventions to reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity.  相似文献   

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