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目的分析人体头部前屈运动过程中头颈部肌群活动特性,探索人体头颈部肌肉疲劳原因。方法基于AnyBody软件建立人体头颈部肌骨模型,以Vicon运动捕捉系统测量数据为输入,对头部前屈运动过程中的肌力进行仿真,并结合文献数据进行分析。结果颈后肌群在头部前屈运动中起主要作用。在头部前屈45%和75%行程位置肌力分配模式不同。肌力对前屈角位移的积分WM一定程度上反映了肌肉的疲劳特性,其中颈半棘肌和多裂肌在头部前屈运动过程中WM最大,容易出现疲劳。结论本文建立的头颈部肌骨模型可为分析人体运动状态下肌肉分析提供技术平台。  相似文献   

基于AnyBody 的汽车驾驶中人体腿部逆向动力学仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更好地了解汽车驾驶时人体腿部肌骨的受力状况,建立了腿部肌骨模型并进行了生物力学分析。结合人机工程学相关知识和驾驶室内人体腿部的空间几何关系,利用AnyBody Modeling System软件建立了人体腿部的肌骨模型,对正常行驶过程中踩踏油门踏板的实例进行了腿部逆向动力学仿真,并分析了腿部肌肉活动状态以及关节节点力。仿真结果表明,负载较大的股外侧肌、股内侧肌、股中间肌以及股直肌的激活度均在20%以内,趾骨节点处负载最大为346.43 N,为确定合理的踏板操纵力提供了依据。  相似文献   

背景:肌电图在人体肢体动作或肌肉活动测量中应用较多,已经受到医学、运动科学、人机功效学等领域专家学者的广泛认可,但国内外肌电图在人肢体动作应用研究的相关综述略显不足。目的:梳理国外Web of Science核心数据库的相关肌电在人肢体动作应用的研究成果,以期为应用肌电图学进一步优化人体康复、人体工程学等方案设计方面提供建议。方法:在WebofScience核心数据库中,语种选择英语,基于布尔逻辑运算,进行主题词进行检索。检索主题词策略为TS=“electromyography”OR“sEMG”OR“surface EMG”AND“human movement”OR“movement”。利用知识图谱软件CitespaceⅤ对所获得的文献进行去重后,进行学科、国家发文量分析,并利用关键词、高被引、共被引等知识图谱分析相关研究的主题热点与国际前沿趋势。结果与结论:(1)表面肌电测量技术在人肢体动作应用研究主要在神经领域、工程学和体育科学领域发文量较多。美国、中国和加拿大发文量排名前3。(2)肌电在人体肢体运动中应用主要关注肌电控制(myoelectric control);慢性下腰痛(chronic low back pain);皮质脊髓兴奋性(corticospinal excitability);帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease);注意力练习(attentional focus);中风存活患者(stroke survivor);前交叉韧带损伤(anterior cruciate ligament injury);肌肉协同(muscle synergies)等热点主题。(3)国际前沿领域研究分为早期前沿、现代前沿,早期前沿主要从肌电控制、肌电影响因素、肌电算法等领域到现代前沿的人机交互、人机功效学(人体假肢)等研究领域过渡。(4)肌电图学在人体工程学、运动生物力学(肌肉激活程度、激活时间)、评价动作模式、疲劳标准、评价康复性训练效果等领域提供肌电信息参数诊断。肌电在中风或脑卒中患者躯干肌电恢复时间、大小和对称性方面存在显著差异,肌电图学在揭示脑卒中患者单侧肢体抗阻训练对未训练肢体激活反应的机制方面仍然有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的 建立一种基于广义Arial及Arial群理论的人体骨肌系统动力学建模方法。方法 首先,定义了人体骨肌系统的广义坐标,建立了人体骨肌系统Arial群位形流形;其次,在广义Arial动力学体系下建立了人体骨肌系统的动力学模型;最后,研究了该动力学模型的计算方法。结果 给出了基于广义Arial及其群理论的人体骨肌系统动力学方程,并以一个举重动作为例进行了骨肌系统动力学算法分析。结论 所提出的人体骨肌系统动力学方程能够有效真实地对人体骨肌系统进行动力学描述,为人体骨肌系统动力学分析提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

本文拟探明穿戴式下肢外骨骼对人体下肢相应关节参数与肌肉运动学、动力学参数的影响变化,进而为优化其结构、提高其系统性能提供科学依据。本文通过采集受试者的行走数据,以人体下肢各关节在矢状面上的关节角度作为下肢外骨骼仿真分析的驱动数据,运用人体生物力学分析软件Anybody分别建立了人体模型(即未穿戴下肢外骨骼的人体模型)和人-机系统模型(即穿戴下肢外骨骼后的模型),并对比分析了两种情况下人体下肢运动时的运动学参数(关节力、关节力矩)及肌肉参数(肌肉力、肌肉激活程度、肌肉收缩速度、肌肉长度)的变化情况。实验结果表明,人体穿戴下肢外骨骼后行走的步态满足正常步态,但会出现个别肌肉力突增的现象;下肢主要肌肉的最大肌肉激活程度均未超过1,说明肌肉均未出现疲劳或损伤状况;股直肌的最大肌肉激活程度增加最多(0.456),半腱肌的最大肌肉激活程度增加最少(0.013),提示下肢外骨骼最容易引起股直肌疲劳或损伤。通过本文研究结果说明,为避免出现个别肌肉力突增导致人体下肢损伤,在设计下肢外骨骼时,要特别注意人体体段长与下肢外骨骼杆长的一致性和运动的平稳性。  相似文献   

目的 分析四点跪位和手足位训练在躯干肌肉活动和共收缩模式上的异同,探究手足位训练作为核心稳定性训练的可能性,并为实际训练提供建议。方法 19名健康受试者参与研究,随机执行四点跪位(4个)和手足位(3个)动作,同时测量两侧腹直肌、腹外斜肌、竖脊肌、多裂肌的表面肌电信号。分析并比较基于表面肌电信号,得到肌电平均振幅值和肌肉共收缩指数。结果 四点跪位和手足位训练的组内和组间比较中,单一肌肉激活程度和共收缩指数都表现出统计学差异。四点跪位右手左腿抬起时,所有肌肉激活程度都高于起始位。四点跪位左腿抬起时同侧多裂肌明显高于手足位。手足位右手抬时腹外斜肌和腹直肌激活度较高。对8条肌肉两两匹配对共得到28种肌肉配对方式,四点跪位起始姿势波动最小,说明脊椎最为稳定,而其他动作指数波动范围较大。结论 从肌肉激活程度和共收缩两方面,证明了手足位训练作为核心稳定性训练的可能性。手足位训练和四点跪位训练可分别用于腹部肌肉和背部肌肉锻炼,而对侧上下肢抬起时,腹肌和背肌都能得到很好的锻炼,但需注意避免运动损伤。  相似文献   

目的建立手部抓握的骨骼肌生物力学模型并进行逆向动力学仿真,得到不同受力时手部抓握过程各参与肌肉的最大肌肉力。方法选择1名志愿者对其手部进行CT扫描,将得到的手部CT数据导入Mimics软件进行三维重建,获得各节骨模型,通过Geomagic Studio重新调整模型坐标后导入AnyBody软件,建立手部骨骼运动学模型。添加参与各手指屈曲的相关肌肉,建立手部骨骼肌模型。使用该模型进行手部抓握的逆向动力学仿真。结果分别在各远节指骨上施加5~30 N不同外力后,得到各肌肉在整个运动过程中的最大肌肉力。随着力的增加,各肌肉最大肌肉力也呈线性趋势增大,如拇长屈肌的最大肌肉力从18.49 N增加到110.93 N;且在外力5 N时,手指抓握过程中拇短屈肌、拇长屈肌、拇收肌、小指短屈肌的最大肌肉力分别为7.70、18.49、9.49、8.39 N,指浅屈肌、指深屈肌在各手指运动过程的肌肉力远大于其他肌肉,对手部抓握起主要作用。结论参与手部抓握各肌肉在不同阻力时的最大肌肉力,以及主要肌肉的肌肉力与关节角度的关系,可为评价脑卒中患者手部康复效果提供指导及参考,也可为康复设备制造提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

背景:应用腘绳肌肌腱重建前交叉韧带过程中仍有许多的争议及未知因素需进一步探讨和研究。 目的:比较分析腘绳肌肌腱重建前交叉韧带过程中股骨端分别使用Endo-Button系统和可吸收界面螺钉两种不同固定方式的疗效。 方法:选择45例在关节镜下使用4股自体腘绳肌腱进行前交叉韧带重建患者,实验组25例股骨端使用Endo-Button钢板固定,对照组20例使用可吸收界面螺钉固定。重建后用相同的方法进行康复锻炼。 结果与结论:经过6-21个月的随访,患者膝关节屈伸活动度均达正常范围。Lachman试验中实验组Ⅰ度阳性2例,对照组Ⅰ度阳性3例;轴移试验均阴性。两组重建后膝关节Lysholm评分均较治疗前明显改善,两组间差异无显著性意义。两组随访早期均有较高的骨道扩大发生率,但组间差异无显著性意义;对照组骨道增宽程度强于实验组(P < 0.05)。说明两组早期总体临床效果相近。  相似文献   

目的建立人体髋臼骨结核三维有限元模型,探讨不同部位髋臼骨结核软骨下骨塌陷的风险。方法通过正常髋关节CT数据,利用Mimics软件和ANSYS有限元软件,建立正常髋关节三维有限元模型(模型A)、髋臼顶部骨结核(模型B)、髋臼中心部骨结核(模型C)、髋臼前部骨结核(模型D)、髋臼后部骨结核(模型E)三维有限元模型,模拟人体单脚站立进行加载,分析髋臼软骨下骨峰值Von Mises应力和初始微动值。结果建立了正常髋关节和不同部位髋臼骨结核三维有限元模型,各模型含节点269284,三维四面体单元184786个。通过加载分析结果显示:与正常髋关节相比,峰值Von Mises应力,依次增加84%、3%、21%、67%;髋臼软骨下骨初始微动值依次增加66%、11%、17%、29%。结论髋臼顶部结核软骨下骨峰值Von Mises应力和初始微动值最大,塌陷的风险最大。  相似文献   

基于关节坐标系的肌肉骨骼间附着点坐标转换方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的运动状态下对人体骨肌系统进行运动学及动力学分析时,应避免对人体造成伤害。本研究通过尸体切片、CT或者MRI图像重建等方法构建静态骨肌模型,并将其应用于活体进行分析。方法采用尸体切片数据重建下肢的三维骨肌模型,并对此骨肌模型及活体下肢建立统一规则的关节坐标系,详细描述人体骨肌系统模型和活体上相关肌肉骨骼间附着点空间坐标值转换。结果对研究对象膝关节屈曲运动中股二头肌短头力臂及长度进行计算和分析。结论该方法对提高人体运动学和动力学仿真及肌肉力预测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The structure of the temporalis muscle was examined in detail from cadaveric specimens (32 specimens from 16 subjects: 5 males, average age 80.6 years; 11 females, average age 88.6 years) and Computerized Tomography (CT) and T1‐weighted Magnetic Resonance (MR) images from normal clinical patients (10 females: average age 45.0 years). Three parts of the muscle were clearly delineated in all cadaveric specimens: (1) the classically recognized superficial part, (2) a zygomatic part, and (3) a complex deep part. In one female specimen, the superficial temporalis demonstrated extensive insertions into the zygomatic process and temporomandibular joint. The zygomatic temporalis originates from the zygomatic arch to insert into the superficial part of the temporalis as it inserts into the lateral surface of the coronoid process. In all specimens, the deep temporalis contained muscle bundles that originated from various crests along the anterior surface of the temporal fossa and inserted into the internal aspect of the coronoid process and retromolar triangle, interdigitating with the buccinator, mylohyoid, and superior constrictor muscles. The confluence of muscle fibers into the buccinator muscle was confirmed in all CT/MRI images. The deep and zygomatic parts described were regarded as accessory muscle bellies previously, but are demonstrably part of the temporalis muscle as a whole. Clin. Anat. 22:655–664, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的比较妊娠及分娩后妇女和正常妇女的盆底肌力,了解妊娠及分娩对盆底肌力的短期影响。方法将183例在本院就诊的孕产妇分为顺产组和剖宫产组,使用盆底肌电生理仪分别检测其产前及产后盆底肌肌力,并与166例正常妇女进行评估及比较。结果妊娠组盆底肌力与正常组比较明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);妊娠组和正常组中的Ⅰ类与Ⅱ类肌纤维肌力均降低,但差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);产后6~8周顺产组盆底肌力较剖宫产组肌力明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);产后12~14周顺产组盆底肌力与剖宫产组盆底肌力均降低,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论顺产及选择性剖宫产对盆底肌肌力的影响在产后3个月无明显差异。  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to analyze the regenerated muscle types I and II fibers of the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles of mice, 8 months after damage induced by ACL myotoxin (ACLMT). Animals received 5 mg/kg of ACLMT into the subcutaneous lateral region of the right hind limb, near the Achilles tendon; contralateral muscles received saline. Longitudinal and cross sections (10 μm) of frozen muscle tissue were evaluated. Eight months after ACLMT injection, both muscle types I and II fibers of soleus and gastrocnemius muscles still showed centralized nuclei and small regenerated fibers. Compared with the left muscle, the incidence of type I fibers increased in the right muscle (21% ± 03% versus 12% ± 06%, P = 0.009), whereas type II fibers decreased (78% ± 02% versus 88% ± 06%, P = 0.01). The incidence of type IIC fibers was normal. These results confirm that ACLMT induced muscle type fiber transformation from type II to type I, through type IIC. The area analysis of types I and II fibers of the gastrocnemius revealed that injured right muscles have a higher percentage of small fibers in both types I and II fibers (0–1,500 μm2) than left muscles, which have larger normal type I and II fibers (1,500–3,500 μm2). These results indicate that ACLMT can be used as an excellent model to study the rearrangement of motor units and the transformation of muscle fiber types during regeneration. Anat Rec 254:521–533, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This work analyzed the rat soleus muscle after single and recurrent contusions at different stages of regeneration. A noninvasive contusion was produced by a type of drop‐mass equipment. The posterior region of the right hind limb received a trauma and both right and left soleus muscles were analyzed 1, 4, and 6 days after a single contusion (1×), and 6 and 30 days after periodic contusions (10×, one trauma per week for 10 weeks). Single contusion: there was no significant difference between right and left soleus muscle weight. All animals showed abundant signs of acute damage in the right soleus. AChE activity was identified in regeneration segments of the right soleus. Periodic contusions: there was an increase in the right soleus muscle weight (α = 5%) only in the animals evaluated 6 days after periodic contusions. The right soleus muscle showed a high incidence of chronic signs of damage, such as split fibers and a centralized nucleus, which predominated when compared with the acute signs. Right soleus muscles showed split fibers with AChE activity in both the proximal and middle regions. There was no difference in the incidence of muscle fiber types (I, II, and IIC) between right and left soleus muscles after periodic contusions. Skeletal muscle contusion is common in humans, especially in sport activities, where repetitive traumas are also frequent. The results of this work indicate that despite the regeneration process there is an important change in the morphological aspect of regenerated muscle fibers, which possibly affect muscle performance. Anat Rec 254:281–287, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Five muscle fibre types (I, IIc, IIa, IIx and IIb) were found in the suprahyoid muscles (mylohyoid, geniohyoid, and the anterior and posterior bellies of the digastric) of the rat using immuno and enzyme histochemical techniques. More than 90% of fibres in the muscles examined were fast contracting fibres (types IIa, IIx and IIb). The geniohyoid and the anterior belly of the digastric had the greatest number of IIb fibres, whilst the mylohyoid was almost exclusively formed by aerobic fibres. The posterior belly of the digastric contained a greater percentage of aerobic fibres (83.4%) than the anterior belly (67.8%). With the exception of the geniohyoid, the percentage of type I and IIc fibres, which have slow myosin heavy chain (MHCβ), was relatively high and greater than has been previously reported in the jaw‐closing muscles of the rat, such as the superficial masseter. The geniohyoid and mylohyoid exhibited a mosaic fibre type distribution, without any apparent regionalisation, although in the later MHCβ‐containing fibres (types I and IIc) were primarily located in the rostral 2/3 region. In contrast, the anterior and posterior bellies of the digastric revealed a clear regionalisation. In the anterior belly of the digastric 2 regions were observed: both a central region, which was almost exclusively formed by aerobic fibres and where all of the type I and IIc fibres were located, and a peripheral region, where type IIb fibres predominated. The posterior belly of the digastric showed a deep aerobic region which was greater in size and where type I and IIc fibres were confined, and a superficial region, where primarily type IIx and IIb fibres were observed.  相似文献   

人小腿肌的构筑学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
薛黔  李名扬 《解剖学杂志》1997,20(6):528-531
对16侧人小腿肌用肌构筑学方法进行了研究。结果表明,虽然小腿前群肌的肌重超于小腿后群深层肌,但由于二者的构筑不同,小腿后群深层肌的生理横切面积是小腿前群肌的1.75倍,参与维持足弓和内、外翻足心的胫骨前,后肌和腓骨长,短肌的生理横面积达49.1cm^2。小腿肌多是羽肌,其中胫骨前、后肌属于环羽肌。根据肌构筑研究,认为羽肌是静力性功能和力量型设计的产物。  相似文献   

Five muscle fibre types (I, IIc, IIa, IIx and IIb) were found in the suprahyoid muscles (mylohyoid, geniohyoid, and the anterior and posterior bellies of the digastric) of the rat using immuno and enzyme histochemical techniques. More than 90% of fibres in the muscles examined were fast contracting fibres (types IIa, IIx and IIb). The geniohyoid and the anterior belly of the digastric had the greatest number of IIb fibres, whilst the mylohyoid was almost exclusively formed by aerobic fibres. The posterior belly of the digastric contained a greater percentage of aerobic fibres (83.4%) than the anterior belly (67.8%). With the exception of the geniohyoid, the percentage of type I and IIc fibres, which have slow myosin heavy chain (MHCβ), was relatively high and greater than has been previously reported in the jaw-closing muscles of the rat, such as the superficial masseter. The geniohyoid and mylohyoid exhibited a mosaic fibre type distribution, without any apparent regionalisation, although in the later MHCβ-containing fibres (types I and IIc) were primarily located in the rostral 2/3 region. In contrast, the anterior and posterior bellies of the digastric revealed a clear regionalisation. In the anterior belly of the digastric 2 regions were observed: both a central region, which was almost exclusively formed by aerobic fibres and where all of the type I and IIc fibres were located, and a peripheral region, where type IIb fibres predominated. The posterior belly of the digastric showed a deep aerobic region which was greater in size and where type I and IIc fibres were confined, and a superficial region, where primarily type IIx and IIb fibres were observed.  相似文献   

Muscle fibre type composition and distribution in the biceps brachii (long head) and triceps brachii (long head) of the rat and rabbit were investigated using the following histochemical techniques: myosin ATPase, with preincubation at pH 10.4 and 4.35; succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and glycogen phosphorylase. The muscle fibres were classified into slow-twitch (SO), fast-twitch glycolytic (FG), fast-twitch oxidative glycolytic (FOG and FOg) and fast-twitch oxidative fibres (FO). Significant differences in the regional distribution of muscle fibre types have been observed between the rat and the rabbit. In the rat, SO fibres were restricted to the deep regions of both biceps and triceps brachii, whereas FG fibres were located in the intermediate and superficial regions (the superficial regions contained the highest percentages of FG fibres). In the rabbit, SO and FG fibres were spread over the entire muscle, although SO and FG fibres were most abundant in the deep and superficial regions respectively. These findings indicate that the biceps and triceps brachii are more regionalised in the rat than in the rabbit.  相似文献   

It was shown by intracellular recording of resting membrane potentials (RMP) and action potentials that the superficial layers of the rat masseter muscle contain chiefly fibers with a high MPP and small overshoot, whereas the deep layers contain mainly fibers with a low MPP but a high overshoot. The excitability of the cytoplasmic membrane of muscle fibers with different MPP levels was found to be similar with respect to its electrical parameters. It is suggested that the rat masseter muscle contains a high proportion of fast phasic fibers in its superficial layers and slow phasic fibers in its deep layers.Department of Pathological Physiology, N. A. Semashko Moscow Medical Stomatologic Institute. (Presented by A. D. Ado.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 88, No. 9, pp. 265–267, September, 1979.  相似文献   

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