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The accelerated failure time (AFT) model has been suggested as an alternative to the Cox proportional hazards model. However, a parametric AFT model requires the specification of an appropriate distribution for the event time, which is often difficult to identify in real‐life studies and may limit applications. A semiparametric AFT model was developed by Komárek et al based on smoothed error distribution that does not require such specification. In this article, we develop a spline‐based AFT model that also does not require specification of the parametric family of event time distribution. The baseline hazard function is modeled by regression B‐splines, allowing for the estimation of a variety of smooth and flexible shapes. In comprehensive simulations, we validate the performance of our approach and compare with the results from parametric AFT models and the approach of Komárek. Both the proposed spline‐based AFT model and the approach of Komárek provided unbiased estimates of covariate effects and survival curves for a variety of scenarios in which the event time followed different distributions, including both simple and complex cases. Spline‐based estimates of the baseline hazard showed also a satisfactory numerical stability. As expected, the baseline hazard and survival probabilities estimated by the misspecified parametric AFT models deviated from the truth. We illustrated the application of the proposed model in a study of colon cancer.  相似文献   

For time‐to‐event outcomes, a rich literature exists on the bias introduced by covariate measurement error in regression models, such as the Cox model, and methods of analysis to address this bias. By comparison, less attention has been given to understanding the impact or addressing errors in the failure time outcome. For many diseases, the timing of an event of interest (such as progression‐free survival or time to AIDS progression) can be difficult to assess or reliant on self‐report and therefore prone to measurement error. For linear models, it is well known that random errors in the outcome variable do not bias regression estimates. With nonlinear models, however, even random error or misclassification can introduce bias into estimated parameters. We compare the performance of 2 common regression models, the Cox and Weibull models, in the setting of measurement error in the failure time outcome. We introduce an extension of the SIMEX method to correct for bias in hazard ratio estimates from the Cox model and discuss other analysis options to address measurement error in the response. A formula to estimate the bias induced into the hazard ratio by classical measurement error in the event time for a log‐linear survival model is presented. Detailed numerical studies are presented to examine the performance of the proposed SIMEX method under varying levels and parametric forms of the error in the outcome. We further illustrate the method with observational data on HIV outcomes from the Vanderbilt Comprehensive Care Clinic.  相似文献   

In this article, we show how Tobit models can address problems of identifying characteristics of subjects having left‐censored outcomes in the context of developing a method for jointly analyzing time‐to‐event and longitudinal data. There are some methods for handling these types of data separately, but they may not be appropriate when time to event is dependent on the longitudinal outcome, and a substantial portion of values are reported to be below the limits of detection. An alternative approach is to develop a joint model for the time‐to‐event outcome and a two‐part longitudinal outcome, linking them through random effects. This proposed approach is implemented to assess the association between the risk of decline of CD4/CD8 ratio and rates of change in viral load, along with discriminating between patients who are potentially progressors to AIDS from patients who do not. We develop a fully Bayesian approach for fitting joint two‐part Tobit models and illustrate the proposed methods on simulated and real data from an AIDS clinical study.  相似文献   

Shared parameter joint models provide a framework under which a longitudinal response and a time to event can be modelled simultaneously. A common assumption in shared parameter joint models has been to assume that the longitudinal response is normally distributed. In this paper, we instead propose a joint model that incorporates a two‐part ‘hurdle’ model for the longitudinal response, motivated in part by longitudinal response data that is subject to a detection limit. The first part of the hurdle model estimates the probability that the longitudinal response is observed above the detection limit, whilst the second part of the hurdle model estimates the mean of the response conditional on having exceeded the detection limit. The time‐to‐event outcome is modelled using a parametric proportional hazards model, assuming a Weibull baseline hazard. We propose a novel association structure whereby the current hazard of the event is assumed to be associated with the current combined (expected) outcome from the two parts of the hurdle model. We estimate our joint model under a Bayesian framework and provide code for fitting the model using the Bayesian software Stan. We use our model to estimate the association between HIV RNA viral load, which is subject to a lower detection limit, and the hazard of stopping or modifying treatment in patients with HIV initiating antiretroviral therapy. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In conventional survival analysis there is an underlying assumption that all study subjects are susceptible to the event. In general, this assumption does not adequately hold when investigating the time to an event other than death. Owing to genetic and/or environmental etiology, study subjects may not be susceptible to the disease. Analyzing nonsusceptibility has become an important topic in biomedical, epidemiological, and sociological research, with recent statistical studies proposing several mixture models for right‐censored data in regression analysis. In longitudinal studies, we often encounter left, interval, and right‐censored data because of incomplete observations of the time endpoint, as well as possibly left‐truncated data arising from the dissimilar entry ages of recruited healthy subjects. To analyze these kinds of incomplete data while accounting for nonsusceptibility and possible crossing hazards in the framework of mixture regression models, we utilize a logistic regression model to specify the probability of susceptibility, and a generalized gamma distribution, or a log‐logistic distribution, in the accelerated failure time location‐scale regression model to formulate the time to the event. Relative times of the conditional event time distribution for susceptible subjects are extended in the accelerated failure time location‐scale submodel. We also construct graphical goodness‐of‐fit procedures on the basis of the Turnbull–Frydman estimator and newly proposed residuals. Simulation studies were conducted to demonstrate the validity of the proposed estimation procedure. The mixture regression models are illustrated with alcohol abuse data from the Taiwan Aboriginal Study Project and hypertriglyceridemia data from the Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Two‐township Study in Taiwan. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In survival analysis, a competing risk is an event whose occurrence precludes the occurrence of the primary event of interest. Outcomes in medical research are frequently subject to competing risks. In survival analysis, there are 2 key questions that can be addressed using competing risk regression models: first, which covariates affect the rate at which events occur, and second, which covariates affect the probability of an event occurring over time. The cause‐specific hazard model estimates the effect of covariates on the rate at which events occur in subjects who are currently event‐free. Subdistribution hazard ratios obtained from the Fine‐Gray model describe the relative effect of covariates on the subdistribution hazard function. Hence, the covariates in this model can also be interpreted as having an effect on the cumulative incidence function or on the probability of events occurring over time. We conducted a review of the use and interpretation of the Fine‐Gray subdistribution hazard model in articles published in the medical literature in 2015. We found that many authors provided an unclear or incorrect interpretation of the regression coefficients associated with this model. An incorrect and inconsistent interpretation of regression coefficients may lead to confusion when comparing results across different studies. Furthermore, an incorrect interpretation of estimated regression coefficients can result in an incorrect understanding about the magnitude of the association between exposure and the incidence of the outcome. The objective of this article is to clarify how these regression coefficients should be reported and to propose suggestions for interpreting these coefficients.  相似文献   



Joint modelling of longitudinal and time‐to‐event data is often preferred over separate longitudinal or time‐to‐event analyses as it can account for study dropout, error in longitudinally measured covariates, and correlation between longitudinal and time‐to‐event outcomes. The joint modelling literature focuses mainly on the analysis of single studies with no methods currently available for the meta‐analysis of joint model estimates from multiple studies.


We propose a 2‐stage method for meta‐analysis of joint model estimates. These methods are applied to the INDANA dataset to combine joint model estimates of systolic blood pressure with time to death, time to myocardial infarction, and time to stroke. Results are compared to meta‐analyses of separate longitudinal or time‐to‐event models. A simulation study is conducted to contrast separate versus joint analyses over a range of scenarios.


Using the real dataset, similar results were obtained by using the separate and joint analyses. However, the simulation study indicated a benefit of use of joint rather than separate methods in a meta‐analytic setting where association exists between the longitudinal and time‐to‐event outcomes.


Where evidence of association between longitudinal and time‐to‐event outcomes exists, results from joint models over standalone analyses should be pooled in 2‐stage meta‐analyses.  相似文献   

In clinical trials with time‐to‐event outcomes, it is common to estimate the marginal hazard ratio from the proportional hazards model, even when the proportional hazards assumption is not valid. This is unavoidable from the perspective that the estimator must be specified a priori if probability statements about treatment effect estimates are desired. Marginal hazard ratio estimates under non‐proportional hazards are still useful, as they can be considered to be average treatment effect estimates over the support of the data. However, as many have shown, under non‐proportional hazard, the ‘usual’ unweighted marginal hazard ratio estimate is a function of the censoring distribution, which is not normally considered to be scientifically relevant when describing the treatment effect. In addition, in many practical settings, the censoring distribution is only conditionally independent (e.g., differing across treatment arms), which further complicates the interpretation. In this paper, we investigate an estimator of the hazard ratio that removes the influence of censoring and propose a consistent robust variance estimator. We compare the coverage probability of the estimator to both the usual Cox model estimator and an estimator proposed by Xu and O'Quigley (2000) when censoring is independent of the covariate. The new estimator should be used for inference that does not depend on the censoring distribution. It is particularly relevant to adaptive clinical trials where, by design, censoring distributions differ across treatment arms. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Competing risks analysis considers time‐to‐first‐event (‘survival time’) and the event type (‘cause’), possibly subject to right‐censoring. The cause‐, i.e. event‐specific hazards, completely determine the competing risk process, but simulation studies often fall back on the much criticized latent failure time model. Cause‐specific hazard‐driven simulation appears to be the exception; if done, usually only constant hazards are considered, which will be unrealistic in many medical situations. We explain simulating competing risks data based on possibly time‐dependent cause‐specific hazards. The simulation design is as easy as any other, relies on identifiable quantities only and adds to our understanding of the competing risks process. In addition, it immediately generalizes to more complex multistate models. We apply the proposed simulation design to computing the least false parameter of a misspecified proportional subdistribution hazard model, which is a research question of independent interest in competing risks. The simulation specifications have been motivated by data on infectious complications in stem‐cell transplanted patients, where results from cause‐specific hazards analyses were difficult to interpret in terms of cumulative event probabilities. The simulation illustrates that results from a misspecified proportional subdistribution hazard analysis can be interpreted as a time‐averaged effect on the cumulative event probability scale. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Meta‐analyses of clinical trials often treat the number of patients experiencing a medical event as binomially distributed when individual patient data for fitting standard time‐to‐event models are unavailable. Assuming identical drop‐out time distributions across arms, random censorship, and low proportions of patients with an event, a binomial approach results in a valid test of the null hypothesis of no treatment effect with minimal loss in efficiency compared with time‐to‐event methods. To deal with differences in follow‐up—at the cost of assuming specific distributions for event and drop‐out times—we propose a hierarchical multivariate meta‐analysis model using the aggregate data likelihood based on the number of cases, fatal cases, and discontinuations in each group, as well as the planned trial duration and groups sizes. Such a model also enables exchangeability assumptions about parameters of survival distributions, for which they are more appropriate than for the expected proportion of patients with an event across trials of substantially different length. Borrowing information from other trials within a meta‐analysis or from historical data is particularly useful for rare events data. Prior information or exchangeability assumptions also avoid the parameter identifiability problems that arise when using more flexible event and drop‐out time distributions than the exponential one. We discuss the derivation of robust historical priors and illustrate the discussed methods using an example. We also compare the proposed approach against other aggregate data meta‐analysis methods in a simulation study. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We studied the problem of testing a hypothesized distribution in survival regression models when the data is right censored and survival times are influenced by covariates. A modified chi‐squared type test, known as Nikulin‐Rao‐Robson statistic, is applied for the comparison of accelerated failure time models. This statistic is used to test the goodness‐of‐fit for hypertabastic survival model and four other unimodal hazard rate functions. The results of simulation study showed that the hypertabastic distribution can be used as an alternative to log‐logistic and log‐normal distribution. In statistical modeling, because of its flexible shape of hazard functions, this distribution can also be used as a competitor of Birnbaum‐Saunders and inverse Gaussian distributions. The results for the real data application are shown. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article explores Bayesian joint models for a quantile of longitudinal response, mismeasured covariate and event time outcome with an attempt to (i) characterize the entire conditional distribution of the response variable based on quantile regression that may be more robust to outliers and misspecification of error distribution; (ii) tailor accuracy from measurement error, evaluate non‐ignorable missing observations, and adjust departures from normality in covariate; and (iii) overcome shortages of confidence in specifying a time‐to‐event model. When statistical inference is carried out for a longitudinal data set with non‐central location, non‐linearity, non‐normality, measurement error, and missing values as well as event time with being interval censored, it is important to account for the simultaneous treatment of these data features in order to obtain more reliable and robust inferential results. Toward this end, we develop Bayesian joint modeling approach to simultaneously estimating all parameters in the three models: quantile regression‐based nonlinear mixed‐effects model for response using asymmetric Laplace distribution, linear mixed‐effects model with skew‐t distribution for mismeasured covariate in the presence of informative missingness and accelerated failure time model with unspecified nonparametric distribution for event time. We apply the proposed modeling approach to analyzing an AIDS clinical data set and conduct simulation studies to assess the performance of the proposed joint models and method. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two‐period two‐treatment (2×2) crossover designs are commonly used in clinical trials. For continuous endpoints, it has been shown that baseline (pretreatment) measurements collected before the start of each treatment period can be useful in improving the power of the analysis. Methods to achieve a corresponding gain for censored time‐to‐event endpoints have not been adequately studied. We propose a method in which censored values are treated as missing data and multiply imputed using prespecified parametric event time models. The event times in each imputed data set are then log‐transformed and analyzed using a linear model suitable for a 2×2 crossover design with continuous endpoints, with the difference in period‐specific baselines included as a covariate. Results obtained from the imputed data sets are synthesized for point and confidence interval estimation of the treatment ratio of geometric mean event times using model averaging in conjunction with Rubin's combination rule. We use simulations to illustrate the favorable operating characteristics of our method relative to two other methods for crossover trials with censored time‐to‐event data, ie, a hierarchical rank test that ignores the baselines and a stratified Cox model that uses each study subject as a stratum and includes period‐specific baselines as a covariate. Application to a real data example is provided.  相似文献   

Family‐based designs enriched with affected subjects and disease associated variants can increase statistical power for identifying functional rare variants. However, few rare variant analysis approaches are available for time‐to‐event traits in family designs and none of them applicable to the X chromosome. We developed novel pedigree‐based burden and kernel association tests for time‐to‐event outcomes with right censoring for pedigree data, referred to FamRATS (family‐based rare variant association tests for survival traits). Cox proportional hazard models were employed to relate a time‐to‐event trait with rare variants with flexibility to encompass all ranges and collapsing of multiple variants. In addition, the robustness of violating proportional hazard assumptions was investigated for the proposed and four current existing tests, including the conventional population‐based Cox proportional model and the burden, kernel, and sum of squares statistic (SSQ) tests for family data. The proposed tests can be applied to large‐scale whole‐genome sequencing data. They are appropriate for the practical use under a wide range of misspecified Cox models, as well as for population‐based, pedigree‐based, or hybrid designs. In our extensive simulation study and data example, we showed that the proposed kernel test is the most powerful and robust choice among the proposed burden test and the existing four rare variant survival association tests. When applied to the Diabetes Heart Study, the proposed tests found exome variants of the JAK1 gene on chromosome 1 showed the most significant association with age at onset of type 2 diabetes from the exome‐wide analysis.  相似文献   

Cox models are commonly used in the analysis of time to event data. One advantage of Cox models is the ability to include time‐varying covariates, often a binary covariate that codes for the occurrence of an event that affects an individual subject. A common assumption in this case is that the effect of the event on the outcome of interest is constant and permanent for each subject. In this paper, we propose a modification to the Cox model to allow the influence of an event to exponentially decay over time. Methods for generating data using the inverse cumulative density function for the proposed model are developed. Likelihood ratio tests and AIC are investigated as methods for comparing the proposed model to the commonly used permanent exposure model. A simulation study is performed, and 3 different data sets are presented as examples.  相似文献   

Meta‐analysis of time‐to‐event outcomes using the hazard ratio as a treatment effect measure has an underlying assumption that hazards are proportional. The between‐arm difference in the restricted mean survival time is a measure that avoids this assumption and allows the treatment effect to vary with time. We describe and evaluate meta‐analysis based on the restricted mean survival time for dealing with non‐proportional hazards and present a diagnostic method for the overall proportional hazards assumption. The methods are illustrated with the application to two individual participant meta‐analyses in cancer. The examples were chosen because they differ in disease severity and the patterns of follow‐up, in order to understand the potential impacts on the hazards and the overall effect estimates. We further investigate the estimation methods for restricted mean survival time by a simulation study. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Relating time‐varying biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease to time‐to‐event using a Cox model is complicated by the fact that Alzheimer's disease biomarkers are sparsely collected, typically only at study entry; this is problematic since Cox regression with time‐varying covariates requires observation of the covariate process at all failure times. The analysis might be simplified by using study entry as the time origin and treating the time‐varying covariate measured at study entry as a fixed baseline covariate. In this paper, we first derive conditions under which using an incorrect time origin of study entry results in consistent estimation of regression parameters when the time‐varying covariate is continuous and fully observed. We then derive conditions under which treating the time‐varying covariate as fixed at study entry results in consistent estimation. We provide methods for estimating the regression parameter when a functional form can be assumed for the time‐varying biomarker, which is measured only at study entry. We demonstrate our analytical results in a simulation study and apply our methods to data from the Rush Religious Orders Study and Memory and Aging Project and data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative.  相似文献   

Instrumental variable (IV) analysis has been widely used in economics, epidemiology, and other fields to estimate the causal effects of covariates on outcomes, in the presence of unobserved confounders and/or measurement errors in covariates. However, IV methods for time‐to‐event outcome with censored data remain underdeveloped. This paper proposes a Bayesian approach for IV analysis with censored time‐to‐event outcome by using a two‐stage linear model. A Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling method is developed for parameter estimation for both normal and non‐normal linear models with elliptically contoured error distributions. The performance of our method is examined by simulation studies. Our method largely reduces bias and greatly improves coverage probability of the estimated causal effect, compared with the method that ignores the unobserved confounders and measurement errors. We illustrate our method on the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study and the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multi‐state transition models are widely applied tools to analyze individual event histories in the medical or social sciences. In this paper, we propose the use of (discrete‐time) competing‐risks duration models to analyze multi‐transition data. Unlike conventional Markov transition models, these models allow the estimated transition probabilities to depend on the time spent in the current state. Moreover, the models can be readily extended to allow for correlated transition probabilities. A further virtue of these models is that they can be estimated using conventional regression tools for discrete‐response data, such as the multinomial logit model. The latter is implemented in many statistical software packages and can be readily applied by empirical researchers. Moreover, model estimation is feasible, even when dealing with very large data sets, and simultaneously allowing for a flexible form of duration dependence and correlation between transition probabilities. We derive the likelihood function for a model with three competing target states and discuss a feasible and readily applicable estimation method. We also present the results from a simulation study, which indicate adequate performance of the proposed approach. In an empirical application, we analyze dementia patients’ transition probabilities from the domestic setting, taking into account several, partly duration‐dependent covariates. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In an observational study of the effect of a treatment on a time‐to‐event outcome, a major problem is accounting for confounding because of unknown or unmeasured factors. We propose including covariates in a Cox model that can partially account for an unknown time‐independent frailty that is related to starting or stopping treatment as well as the outcome of interest. These covariates capture the times at which treatment is started or stopped and so are called treatment choice (TC) covariates. Three such models are developed: first, an interval TC model that assumes a very general form for the respective hazard functions of starting treatment, stopping treatment, and the outcome of interest and second, a parametric TC model that assumes that the log hazard functions for starting treatment, stopping treatment, and the outcome event include frailty as an additive term. Finally, a hybrid TC model that combines attributes from the parametric and interval TC models. As compared with an ordinary Cox model, the TC models are shown to substantially reduce the bias of the estimated hazard ratio for treatment when data are simulated from a realistic Cox model with residual confounding due to the unobserved frailty. The simulations also indicate that the bias decreases or levels off as the sample size increases. A TC model is illustrated by analyzing the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study of hormone replacement for post‐menopausal women. Published 2017. This article has been contributed to by US Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

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