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In clinical trials with time‐to‐event outcomes, it is common to estimate the marginal hazard ratio from the proportional hazards model, even when the proportional hazards assumption is not valid. This is unavoidable from the perspective that the estimator must be specified a priori if probability statements about treatment effect estimates are desired. Marginal hazard ratio estimates under non‐proportional hazards are still useful, as they can be considered to be average treatment effect estimates over the support of the data. However, as many have shown, under non‐proportional hazard, the ‘usual’ unweighted marginal hazard ratio estimate is a function of the censoring distribution, which is not normally considered to be scientifically relevant when describing the treatment effect. In addition, in many practical settings, the censoring distribution is only conditionally independent (e.g., differing across treatment arms), which further complicates the interpretation. In this paper, we investigate an estimator of the hazard ratio that removes the influence of censoring and propose a consistent robust variance estimator. We compare the coverage probability of the estimator to both the usual Cox model estimator and an estimator proposed by Xu and O'Quigley (2000) when censoring is independent of the covariate. The new estimator should be used for inference that does not depend on the censoring distribution. It is particularly relevant to adaptive clinical trials where, by design, censoring distributions differ across treatment arms. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The process by which patients experience a series of recurrent events, such as hospitalizations, may be subject to death. In cohort studies, one strategy for analyzing such data is to fit a joint frailty model for the intensities of the recurrent event and death, which estimates covariate effects on the two event types while accounting for their dependence. When certain covariates are difficult to obtain, however, researchers may only have the resources to subsample patients on whom to collect complete data: one way is using the nested case–control (NCC) design, in which risk set sampling is performed based on a single outcome. We develop a general framework for the design of NCC studies in the presence of recurrent and terminal events and propose estimation and inference for a joint frailty model for recurrence and death using data arising from such studies. We propose a maximum weighted penalized likelihood approach using flexible spline models for the baseline intensity functions. Two standard error estimators are proposed: a sandwich estimator and a perturbation resampling procedure. We investigate operating characteristics of our estimators as well as design considerations via a simulation study and illustrate our methods using two studies: one on recurrent cardiac hospitalizations in patients with heart failure and the other on local recurrence and metastasis in patients with breast cancer.  相似文献   

It is well known that measurement error in the covariates of regression models generally causes bias in parameter estimates. Correction for such biases requires information concerning the measurement error, which is often in the form of internal validation or replication data. Regression calibration (RC) is a popular approach to correct for covariate measurement error, which involves predicting the true covariate using error‐prone measurements. Likelihood methods have previously been proposed as an alternative approach to estimate the parameters in models affected by measurement error, but have been relatively infrequently employed in medical statistics and epidemiology, partly because of computational complexity and concerns regarding robustness to distributional assumptions. We show how a standard random‐intercepts model can be used to obtain maximum likelihood (ML) estimates when the outcome model is linear or logistic regression under certain normality assumptions, when internal error‐prone replicate measurements are available. Through simulations we show that for linear regression, ML gives more efficient estimates than RC, although the gain is typically small. Furthermore, we show that RC and ML estimates remain consistent even when the normality assumptions are violated. For logistic regression, our implementation of ML is consistent if the true covariate is conditionally normal given the outcome, in contrast to RC. In simulations, this ML estimator showed less bias in situations where RC gives non‐negligible biases. Our proposal makes the ML approach to dealing with covariate measurement error more accessible to researchers, which we hope will improve its viability as a useful alternative to methods such as RC. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although recurrent event data analysis is a rapidly evolving area of research, rigorous studies on estimation of the effects of intermittently observed time‐varying covariates on the risk of recurrent events have been lacking. Existing methods for analyzing recurrent event data usually require that the covariate processes are observed throughout the entire follow‐up period. However, covariates are often observed periodically rather than continuously. We propose a novel semiparametric estimator for the regression parameters in the popular proportional rate model. The proposed estimator is based on an estimated score function where we kernel smooth the mean covariate process. We show that the proposed semiparametric estimator is asymptotically unbiased, normally distributed, and derives the asymptotic variance. Simulation studies are conducted to compare the performance of the proposed estimator and the simple methods carrying forward the last covariates. The different methods are applied to an observational study designed to assess the effect of group A streptococcus on pharyngitis among school children in India. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We consider Cox proportional hazards regression when the covariate vector includes error-prone discrete covariates along with error-free covariates, which may be discrete or continuous. The misclassification in the discrete error-prone covariates is allowed to be of any specified form. Building on the work of Nakamura and his colleagues, we present a corrected score method for this setting. The method can handle all three major study designs (internal validation design, external validation design, and replicate measures design), both functional and structural error models, and time-dependent covariates satisfying a certain 'localized error' condition. We derive the asymptotic properties of the method and indicate how to adjust the covariance matrix of the regression coefficient estimates to account for estimation of the misclassification matrix. We present the results of a finite-sample simulation study under Weibull survival with a single binary covariate having known misclassification rates. The performance of the method described here was similar to that of related methods we have examined in previous works. Specifically, our new estimator performed as well as or, in a few cases, better than the full Weibull maximum likelihood estimator. We also present simulation results for our method for the case where the misclassification probabilities are estimated from an external replicate measures study. Our method generally performed well in these simulations. The new estimator has a broader range of applicability than many other estimators proposed in the literature, including those described in our own earlier work, in that it can handle time-dependent covariates with an arbitrary misclassification structure. We illustrate the method on data from a study of the relationship between dietary calcium intake and distal colon cancer.  相似文献   

With challenges in data harmonization and environmental heterogeneity across various data sources, meta‐analysis of gene–environment interaction studies can often involve subtle statistical issues. In this paper, we study the effect of environmental covariate heterogeneity (within and between cohorts) on two approaches for fixed‐effect meta‐analysis: the standard inverse‐variance weighted meta‐analysis and a meta‐regression approach. Akin to the results in Simmonds and Higgins ( 2007 ), we obtain analytic efficiency results for both methods under certain assumptions. The relative efficiency of the two methods depends on the ratio of within versus between cohort variability of the environmental covariate. We propose to use an adaptively weighted estimator (AWE), between meta‐analysis and meta‐regression, for the interaction parameter. The AWE retains full efficiency of the joint analysis using individual level data under certain natural assumptions. Lin and Zeng (2010a, b) showed that a multivariate inverse‐variance weighted estimator retains full efficiency as joint analysis using individual level data, if the estimates with full covariance matrices for all the common parameters are pooled across all studies. We show consistency of our work with Lin and Zeng (2010a, b). Without sacrificing much efficiency, the AWE uses only univariate summary statistics from each study, and bypasses issues with sharing individual level data or full covariance matrices across studies. We compare the performance of the methods both analytically and numerically. The methods are illustrated through meta‐analysis of interaction between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in FTO gene and body mass index on high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol data from a set of eight studies of type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

When an initial case‐control study is performed, data can be used in a secondary analysis to evaluate the effect of the case‐defining event on later outcomes. In this paper, we study the example in which the role of the event is changed from a response variable to a treatment of interest. If the aim is to estimate marginal effects, such as average effects in the population, the sampling scheme needs to be adjusted for. We study estimators of the average effect of the treatment in a secondary analysis of matched and unmatched case‐control data where the probability of being a case is known. For a general class of estimators, we show the components of the bias resulting from ignoring the sampling scheme and demonstrate a design‐weighted matching estimator of the average causal effect. In simulations, the finite sample properties of the design‐weighted matching estimator are studied. Using a Swedish diabetes incidence register with a matched case‐control design, we study the effect of childhood onset diabetes on the use of antidepressant medication as an adult. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Prognostic studies often involve modeling competing risks, where an individual can experience only one of alternative events, and the goal is to estimate hazard functions and covariate effects associated with each event type. Lunn and McNeil proposed data manipulation that permits extending the Cox's proportional hazards model to estimate covariate effects on the hazard of each competing events. However, the hazard functions for competing events are assumed to remain proportional over the entire follow‐up period, implying the same shape of all event‐specific hazards, and covariate effects are restricted to also remain constant over time, even if such assumptions are often questionable. To avoid such limitations, we propose a flexible model to (i) obtain distinct estimates of the baseline hazard functions for each event type, and (ii) allow estimating time‐dependent covariate effects in a parsimonious model. Our flexible competing risks regression model uses smooth cubic regression splines to model the time‐dependent changes in (i) the ratio of event‐specific baseline hazards, and (ii) the covariate effects. In simulations, we evaluate the performance of the proposed estimators and likelihood ratio tests, under different assumptions. We apply the proposed flexible model in a prognostic study of colorectal cancer mortality, with two competing events: ‘death from colorectal cancer’ and ‘death from other causes’. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research is motivated by studying the progression of age‐related macular degeneration where both a covariate and the response variable are subject to censoring. We develop a general framework to handle regression with censored covariate where the response can be different types and the censoring can be random or subject to (constant) detection limits. Multiple imputation is a popular technique to handle missing data that requires compatibility between the imputation model and the substantive model to obtain valid estimates. With censored covariate, we propose a novel multiple imputation‐based approach, namely, the semiparametric two‐step importance sampling imputation (STISI) method, to impute the censored covariate. Specifically, STISI imputes the missing covariate from a semiparametric accelerated failure time model conditional on fully observed covariates (Step 1) with the acceptance probability derived from the substantive model (Step 2). The 2‐step procedure automatically ensures compatibility and takes full advantage of the relaxed semiparametric assumption in the imputation. Extensive simulations demonstrate that the STISI method yields valid estimates in all scenarios and outperforms some existing methods that are commonly used in practice. We apply STISI on data from the Age‐related Eye Disease Study, to investigate the association between the progression time of the less severe eye and that of the more severe eye. We also illustrate the method by analyzing the urine arsenic data for patients from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2003‐2004) where the response is binary and 1 covariate is subject to detection limit.  相似文献   

Combining multiple markers can improve classification accuracy compared with using a single marker. In practice, covariates associated with markers or disease outcome can affect the performance of a biomarker or biomarker combination in the population. The covariate‐adjusted receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve has been proposed as a tool to tease out the covariate effect in the evaluation of a single marker; this curve characterizes the classification accuracy solely because of the marker of interest. However, research on the effect of covariates on the performance of marker combinations and on how to adjust for the covariate effect when combining markers is still lacking. In this article, we examine the effect of covariates on classification performance of linear marker combinations and propose to adjust for covariates in combining markers by maximizing the nonparametric estimate of the area under the covariate‐adjusted ROC curve. The proposed method provides a way to estimate the best linear biomarker combination that is robust to risk model assumptions underlying alternative regression‐model‐based methods. The proposed estimator is shown to be consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. We conduct simulations to evaluate the performance of our estimator in cohort and case/control designs and compare several different weighting strategies during estimation with respect to efficiency. Our estimator is also compared with alternative regression‐model‐based estimators or estimators that maximize the empirical area under the ROC curve, with respect to bias and efficiency. We apply the proposed method to a biomarker study from an human immunodeficiency virus vaccine trial. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The case–cohort study design has often been used in studies of a rare disease or for a common disease with some biospecimens needing to be preserved for future studies. A case–cohort study design consists of a random sample, called the subcohort, and all or a portion of the subjects with the disease of interest. One advantage of the case–cohort design is that the same subcohort can be used for studying multiple diseases. Stratified random sampling is often used for the subcohort. Additive hazards models are often preferred in studies where the risk difference, instead of relative risk, is of main interest. Existing methods do not use the available covariate information fully. We propose a more efficient estimator by making full use of available covariate information for the additive hazards model with data from a stratified case–cohort design with rare (the traditional situation) and non‐rare (the generalized situation) diseases. We propose an estimating equation approach with a new weight function. The proposed estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. Simulation studies show that the proposed method using all available information leads to efficiency gain and stratification of the subcohort improves efficiency when the strata are highly correlated with the covariates. Our proposed method is applied to data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Often in many biomedical and epidemiologic studies, estimating hazards function is of interest. The Breslow's estimator is commonly used for estimating the integrated baseline hazard, but this estimator requires the functional form of covariate effects to be correctly specified. It is generally difficult to identify the true functional form of covariate effects in the presence of time-dependent covariates. To provide a complementary method to the traditional proportional hazard model, we propose a tree-type method which enables simultaneously estimating both baseline hazards function and the effects of time-dependent covariates. Our interest will be focused on exploring the potential data structures rather than formal hypothesis testing. The proposed method approximates the baseline hazards and covariate effects with step-functions. The jump points in time and in covariate space are searched via an algorithm based on the improvement of the full log-likelihood function. In contrast to most other estimating methods, the proposed method estimates the hazards function rather than integrated hazards. The method is applied to model the risk of withdrawal in a clinical trial that evaluates the anti-depression treatment in preventing the development of clinical depression. Finally, the performance of the method is evaluated by several simulation studies.  相似文献   

Multiple imputation is commonly used to impute missing data, and is typically more efficient than complete cases analysis in regression analysis when covariates have missing values. Imputation may be performed using a regression model for the incomplete covariates on other covariates and, importantly, on the outcome. With a survival outcome, it is a common practice to use the event indicator D and the log of the observed event or censoring time T in the imputation model, but the rationale is not clear. We assume that the survival outcome follows a proportional hazards model given covariates X and Z. We show that a suitable model for imputing binary or Normal X is a logistic or linear regression on the event indicator D, the cumulative baseline hazard H0(T), and the other covariates Z. This result is exact in the case of a single binary covariate; in other cases, it is approximately valid for small covariate effects and/or small cumulative incidence. If we do not know H0(T), we approximate it by the Nelson–Aalen estimator of H(T) or estimate it by Cox regression. We compare the methods using simulation studies. We find that using logT biases covariate‐outcome associations towards the null, while the new methods have lower bias. Overall, we recommend including the event indicator and the Nelson–Aalen estimator of H(T) in the imputation model. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Relating time‐varying biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease to time‐to‐event using a Cox model is complicated by the fact that Alzheimer's disease biomarkers are sparsely collected, typically only at study entry; this is problematic since Cox regression with time‐varying covariates requires observation of the covariate process at all failure times. The analysis might be simplified by using study entry as the time origin and treating the time‐varying covariate measured at study entry as a fixed baseline covariate. In this paper, we first derive conditions under which using an incorrect time origin of study entry results in consistent estimation of regression parameters when the time‐varying covariate is continuous and fully observed. We then derive conditions under which treating the time‐varying covariate as fixed at study entry results in consistent estimation. We provide methods for estimating the regression parameter when a functional form can be assumed for the time‐varying biomarker, which is measured only at study entry. We demonstrate our analytical results in a simulation study and apply our methods to data from the Rush Religious Orders Study and Memory and Aging Project and data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative.  相似文献   

Multivariate current‐status failure time data consist of several possibly related event times of interest, in which the status of each event is determined at a single examination time. If the examination time is intrinsically related to the event times, the examination is referred to as dependent censoring and needs to be taken into account. Such data often occur in clinical studies and animal carcinogenicity experiments. To accommodate for possible dependent censoring, this paper proposes a joint frailty model for event times and dependent censoring time. We develop a likelihood approach using Gaussian quadrature techniques for obtaining maximum likelihood estimates. We conduct extensive simulation studies for investigating finite‐sample properties of the proposed method. We illustrate the proposed method with an analysis of patients with ankylosing spondylitis, where the examination time may be dependent on the event times of interest. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Genetic susceptibility and environmental exposure both play an important role in the aetiology of many diseases. Case‐control studies are often the first choice to explore the joint influence of genetic and environmental factors on the risk of developing a rare disease. In practice, however, such studies may have limited power, especially when susceptibility genes are rare and exposure distributions are highly skewed. We propose a variant of the classical case‐control study, the exposure enriched case‐control (EECC) design, where not only cases, but also high (or low) exposed individuals are oversampled, depending on the skewness of the exposure distribution. Of course, a traditional logistic regression model is no longer valid and results in biased parameter estimation. We show that addition of a simple covariate to the regression model removes this bias and yields reliable estimates of main and interaction effects of interest. We also discuss optimal design, showing that judicious oversampling of high/low exposed individuals can boost study power considerably. We illustrate our results using data from a study involving arsenic exposure and detoxification genes in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

We have developed a method, called Meta‐STEPP (subpopulation treatment effect pattern plot for meta‐analysis), to explore treatment effect heterogeneity across covariate values in the meta‐analysis setting for time‐to‐event data when the covariate of interest is continuous. Meta‐STEPP forms overlapping subpopulations from individual patient data containing similar numbers of events with increasing covariate values, estimates subpopulation treatment effects using standard fixed‐effects meta‐analysis methodology, displays the estimated subpopulation treatment effect as a function of the covariate values, and provides a statistical test to detect possibly complex treatment‐covariate interactions. Simulation studies show that this test has adequate type‐I error rate recovery as well as power when reasonable window sizes are chosen. When applied to eight breast cancer trials, Meta‐STEPP suggests that chemotherapy is less effective for tumors with high estrogen receptor expression compared with those with low expression. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Studies with longitudinal measurements are common in clinical research. Particular interest lies in studies where the repeated measurements are used to predict a time-to-event outcome, such as mortality, in a dynamic manner. If event rates in a study are low, however, and most information is to be expected from the patients experiencing the study endpoint, it may be more cost efficient to only use a subset of the data. One way of achieving this is by applying a case-cohort design, which selects all cases and only a random samples of the noncases. In the standard way of analyzing data in a case-cohort design, the noncases who were not selected are completely excluded from analysis; however, the overrepresentation of the cases will lead to bias. We propose to include survival information of all patients from the cohort in the analysis. We approach the fact that we do not have longitudinal information for a subset of the patients as a missing data problem and argue that the missingness mechanism is missing at random. Hence, results obtained from an appropriate model, such as a joint model, should remain valid. Simulations indicate that our method performs similar to fitting the model on a full cohort, both in terms of parameters estimates and predictions of survival probabilities. Estimating the model on the classical version of the case-cohort design shows clear bias and worse performance of the predictions. The procedure is further illustrated in data from a biomarker study on acute coronary syndrome patients, BIOMArCS.  相似文献   

Two‐stage designs to develop and validate a panel of biomarkers present a natural setting for the inclusion of stopping rules for futility in the event of poor preliminary estimates of performance. We consider the design of a two‐stage study to develop and validate a panel of biomarkers where a predictive model is developed using a subset of the samples in stage 1 and the model is validated using the remainder of the samples in stage 2. First, we illustrate how we can implement a stopping rule for futility in a standard, two‐stage study for developing and validating a predictive model where samples are separated into a training sample and a validation sample. Simulation results indicate that our design has type I error rate and power similar to the fixed‐sample design but with a substantially reduced sample size under the null hypothesis. We then illustrate how we can include additional interim analyses in stage 2 by applying existing group sequential methodology, which results in even greater savings in the number of samples required under both the null and the alternative hypotheses. Our simulation results also illustrate that the operating characteristics of our design are robust to changes in the underlying marker distribution. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is often the case that interest lies in the effect of an exposure on each of several distinct event types. For example, we are motivated to investigate in the impact of recent injection drug use on deaths due to each of cancer, end‐stage liver disease, and overdose in the Canadian Co‐infection Cohort (CCC). We develop a marginal structural model that permits estimation of cause‐specific hazards in situations where more than one cause of death is of interest. Marginal structural models allow for the causal effect of treatment on outcome to be estimated using inverse‐probability weighting under the assumption of no unmeasured confounding; these models are particularly useful in the presence of time‐varying confounding variables, which may also mediate the effect of exposures. An asymptotic variance estimator is derived, and a cumulative incidence function estimator is given. We compare the performance of the proposed marginal structural model for multiple‐outcome data to that of conventional competing risks models in simulated data and demonstrate the use of the proposed approach in the CCC. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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