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由中华医学会外科学分会、<中华肝胆外科杂志>共同主办的第五届全国肝胆胰脾外科新进展、新技术学术年会于2001年4月25~29日在深圳市举行.到会正式代表440余人,来自港、澳、西藏、新疆等37个省市自治区.中级以上专业技术职务者占70%.会议面向21世纪,就肝胆胰脾外科的热点、难点及理论与实际问题进行了热烈的交流和讨论.德高望重的老前辈裘法祖院士到会讲话;中华外科学会主任委员杜如昱教授讲话祝贺;吴孟超院士、黄志强院士、冉瑞图、朱预、夏穗生、黄艹延庭、龚家镇、香港中文大学的刘允怡和香港大学的范上达等著名专家教授到会并作了精彩的讲演和报告.会议共进行专题讲演9个、专题报告15个、大会发言35人次,来自美国的三位教授就肝脏移植、射频消融治疗肿瘤等作了学术交流.会议既反映了我国肝胆胰脾外科现状,又展示了新世纪的前景,是一次高水平的学术年会. 肝脏外科的交流讨论主要集中在肝癌外科,吴孟超院士的主题讲演概括了我国几十年来在肝癌防治方面的成果与经验,有很强的导向性.肝外科学组介绍的"肝癌治疗方法的选择(参考意见)"有实际的可操作性,强调了以手术治疗为中心的综合治疗原则,由于各种新的治疗手段不断出现,有利于不同状态、不同部位和不同需要的原发和术后复发、转移病灶的治疗,从整体上提高和改善治疗的效果.但在综合治疗手段的应用方面要重视对实际病例的选择和适应证的掌握,避免盲目性和其它因素的干扰.对可切除性肝癌术前应用TACE要慎重选择,另外,TAE亦不适宜用于良性的肝海绵状血管瘤.而且各综合治疗手段应严防并发症,取其利而避其害. 器官移植外科方面,夏穗生教授报告了肝移植术式的新进展,香港范上达教授报告了暴发性肝衰行肝移植的经验.会议交流和讨论了涉及有关适应证和手术时机的选择,各种术式应用体会以及活体供脾移植治疗血友病甲、胰肾联合移植等问题.强调要进一步沟通讯息、加强交流,重视器官移植的工作质量和连续性,认真论证开展临床肝移植的必备条件,积极稳妥地进行此项工作. 胆道外科方面:刘永雄教授强调提高高位胆管阻塞病变的诊疗质量:认真遵循治疗胆道梗阻三项原则-解除梗阻、去除病灶、通畅引流:及时有效解除梗阻;尽早诊断和治疗胆道感染;减少嵌闭性重症感染的急诊(不彻底)胆道引流术;合并应用肝外科技术;善用(杜绝滥用)胆肠吻合术.会议认为肝胆管结石外科手术与内镜取石的联合应用,是一个行之有效的方式;对胆囊切除术后"胆囊残留病变"所引发的种种临床和病理问题,应引起足够的警惕."胆道术后综合征"一词应予以摒弃,因为术后产生的临床症状都可找到具体原因,进行有效处理,关键是提高胆道手术的质量,术后加强随访. 胰腺外科方面:黄志强院士就重症胰腺炎和胰腺癌外科诊疗的发展和现状作了"胰腺外科,路在何方"的讲演,朱预教授就无功能性胰岛细胞瘤作了专题报告,会议还就胰腺癌的早期诊断与治疗,胰腺癌的化疗和放疗,重症急性胰腺炎并发大出血的诊治和胰腺疾病内镜治疗的进展进行了交流讨论. 门静脉高压方面,王宇教授结合多年临床和实验研究的经验做了不断改良和完善限制性门腔静脉侧侧分流术的讲演,是对这一术式的全面评价,并共同切磋、指导临床. 病理学纪小龙教授有关"肝胆外科的分子生物学"的讲演,引起了到会代表的浓厚兴趣和欢迎,课题深入浅出,使临床外科医师扩大了视野、敞开了思路,引导大家重视和吸取有关信息,对发展新世纪我国肝胆胰脾外科具有很好的启发作用. 这次会议学术水平高,学术气氛浓,老一辈循循引导,中青年热心好学,真正达到了"共同探讨新世纪的发展、交流、普及成熟的诊疗经验"和更新知识,改进工作的目的. (刘永雄赵玉沛张太平整理)  相似文献   

2007年3月23日-25日第二十届全国肝胆胰外科学术会议及第四届岭南外科论坛有初春的广州、美丽的珠江河畔隆重开幕。来自全 国各地以及广东地区的几百位专家,学者和外科同行欢聚一堂,围绕肝胆胰外科领域的各个不同学术范畴中共同关注的问题展开了深入的研讨。  相似文献   

由第三军医大学、美国迈阿密大学、解放军总医院主办,第三军医大学西南医院全军肝胆外科研究所、《中华消化外科杂志》编辑部承办的“2007中国消化外科学术会议暨中美肝胆胰外科论坛”于2007年5月11~13日在重庆市君豪大饭店隆重召开。[第一段]  相似文献   

为全面展示肝胆胰外科的最新进展,由《肝胆胰外科杂志》编辑部主办,张家港市第一人民医院承办、上海胆道疾病会诊中心协办的“2014国际肝胆胰外科张家港论坛暨第二十六届全国肝胆胰外科学术经验交流会”将于2014年5月在江苏省张家港市隆重召开。  相似文献   

2007澳门国际肝胆胰外科会议于2007年4月13~15日在澳门举行,会议由澳门外科协会主办,参会专家来自中国大陆、香港、澳门及台湾地区和日本、荷兰等国家,卫生部黄洁夫副部长、吴孟超院士、前国际肝胆胰协会主席香港玛丽亚医院刘允怡院士、郑树森院士等著名专家作了精彩的报告。  相似文献   

为全面展示肝胆胰外科的最新进展,由《肝胆胰外科杂志》编辑部主办,张家港市第一人民医院承办、上海胆道疾病会诊中心协办的“2014国际肝胆胰外科张家港论坛暨第二十六届全国肝胆胰外科学术经验交流会”将于2014年5月在江苏省张家港市隆重召开。  相似文献   

为全面展示肝胆胰外科的最新进展,由《肝胆胰外科杂志》编辑部主办,张家港市第一人民医院承办、上海胆道疾病会诊中心协办的“2014国际肝胆胰外科张家港论坛暨第二十六届全国肝胆胰外科学术经验交流会”将于2014年5月底在江苏省张家港市隆重召开。  相似文献   

为全面展示肝胆胰外科学的最新进展,由《肝胆胰外科杂志》编辑部、昆山市第一人民医院、南通大学附属医院及上海胆道疾病会诊中心共同主办的2012国际肝胆胰外科昆山论坛暨第24届全国肝胆胰外科学术经验交流会,将于2012年5月25日至27日在江苏省昆山市隆重召开。本次大会将邀请美国John Hopkins大学肿瘤外科的Richard D.Schlick教授、法国巴黎十二大学肝胆外科Tayar教授、日本东  相似文献   

2007年3月23日-25日第二十届全国肝胆胰外科学术会议及第四届岭南外科论坛在初春的广州,美丽的珠江河畔隆重开幕,来自全国各地以及广东地区的几百位专家,学者和外科同行欢聚一堂,围绕肝胆胰外科领域的各个不同学术范畴中共同关注的问题展开发深入的研讨,参会的近两百篇论文以及热烈的大会发言和讨论充分展示了胰外科学术届的一次盛会,也是岭南外科论坛开出的又一朵新花.  相似文献   

第四届国际肝胆胰协会中国分会学术会、第十三届全国肝脏外科学术会议及第五届全国普外科主任论坛议将于2010年5月7~9日在武汉举行。本次会议将邀请国外和国内著名专家做专题讲座,针对国际国内肝胆胰外科进展及近年来的热点、难点问题进行讨论;并交流诊治经验,推广新理论、新技术、新方法,了解国内外肝胆胰疾病诊断、治疗发展趋势;  相似文献   

This is a retrospective study of 139 consecutive femoropopliteal bypass grafts (64 saphenous vein and 75 polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)) performed at one institution from 1972 to 1978 with a maximum of 93 and 63 months follow-up, respectively. Operative indications were intermittent claudication (53.2%), ischemic rest pain (15.1%), and gangrene (31.6%). Associated diseases were heart disease (54.7%), diabetes (36.7%), and hypertension (24.5%). Overall mortality was 2.9%. Patency by life-table analysis is as follows:
Patency (%)
Graft1 month6 months1 year2 years3 years4 years5 years6 years7 years
No data. There is no significant difference in overall patency between vein and PTFE (P > 0.8). Both grafts were compared by similar runoff: poor (isolated popliteal and one vessel—24.5%) and good (two and three vessels—72.7%)—P values were <0.05 and >0.2, respectively. Analysis of patency as compared to operative indications for both grafts were: claudication, P > 0.3; rest pain, P > 0.2; and gangrene, P > 0.2. Patency was then compared to distal anastomotic site—P values were greater than 0.2 between vein and PTFE at either above the knee or below the knee sites. Conclusion: PTFE is comparable to saphenous vein as a femoropopliteal bypass material with the exception of use in poor runoff situations.

BACKGROUND: Several models that integrate trauma and emergency general surgery (EGS) have been proposed to provide a diverse and challenging operative practice for trauma surgeons and improve recruitment. In July 2002, our institution established a 24/7 EGS consult service, staffed primarily by critical care/trauma surgeons (CCTS). The objective of this report was to evaluate the impact of this new service on CCTS, general surgeons (GS) and the hospital. METHODS: All admissions to CCTS and GS from July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2003 were reviewed by querying hospital and physician databases for demographics, diagnoses, operative intervention(s), and resource utilization. Data were analyzed using nonparametric methods. RESULTS: [See ]. 9,405 admissions were identified, with GS and EGS admissions increasing over time. In July 2002, EGS became a separate service and captured 26% of GS admissions. Hospital-wide trauma admissions remained stable despite a slight decrease in trauma admissions to CCTS. A decrease in trauma operations by CCTS was offset by an increased EGS operative volume. EGS included "bread and butter" GS procedures including appendectomies and cholecystectomies and complex surgical procedures. EGS patients were often sicker with more than 50% requiring ICU admission compared with GS admissions of which only 10% required ICU care.(Table is included in full-text article.) CONCLUSIONS: Departmental restructuring to include an EGS service: 1) increased CCTS volume despite decreased CCTS trauma admissions and operations; 2) increased elective GS volume; 3) generated increased use of ICU and operating room resources; and 4) demonstrated that CCTS with broad operative GS backgrounds and critical care knowledge can effectively staff an EGS service.  相似文献   



Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants – called non-physician practitioners or NPPs – are common, but little is known about their educational promise and problems.


General surgery faculty in 13 residency programs were surveyed (N = 279 with a 71% response rate) and interviewed (N = 43) about experiences with NPPs. The survey documents overall patterns and differences by program type and primary service; interviews point to deeper rationales and concerns.


NPPs reduce faculty and resident workloads and teach residents. NPPs also reduce resident exposure to educationally valuable activities, and faculty sometimes round, make decisions, and operate with NPPs instead of residents. Interviews indicate that NPPs can overly reduce resident involvement in patient care, diminish resident responsibility and decision making, disrupt team dynamics, and compete for procedures.


NPPs both enhance and hinder surgical education and highlight the need to more clearly articulate learning outcomes for residents and activities necessary to achieve those outcomes.  相似文献   



The study explores how residents and faculty assess the ACGME's 16-h limit on intern shifts.


Questionnaire response rates were 76% for residents (N = 291) and 71% for faculty (N = 279) in 13 general surgery residency programs. Results include means, percentage in agreement, and statistical tests for 15 questionnaire items. Semi-structured interviews conducted with 39 residents and 43 faculty were analyzed for main themes.


Few view the intern shift limit as a positive change. Views differ (P < 0.01) for residents and faculty on 12 of 15 item means and across PGY levels on all 15 items. Interviews indicate concerns about losses with respect to education and professional development, difficulties when interns transition to their second year, and how intern shifts may be more fatiguing than expected.


The 16-h limit on intern shifts has remained a source of concern and an educational challenge for residents and faculty.  相似文献   

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