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输血是临床治疗中的一种重要手段,但在实际工作中,尚缺乏指导危重患儿血液输注的相关策略。该文从输血指征、输血风险、输血管理等方面探讨适合危重患儿的输血策略,以提高儿科医师对合理输血的认识和应用安全性。  相似文献   

335例患儿成分输血的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解成分输血的适应症、临床意义及副作用。方法 取96年开展成分输血后的335例已行成分输血治疗的患儿为治疗组及96年前同种疾病 拴血治疗为对照组。结果 红细胞输注效果等于同等全血输注效果,但大大减少副作用,血小板、血浆输注浆效果明显优于全血输注。结论 成分输血提高疗效,减少输血反应,而且节省血源,减轻社会、个人的经济负担 。  相似文献   

危重患儿神经系统异常回顾分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 了解神经系统异常在儿科危重2患儿中的发病情况及其预后的关系。方法 对PICU113例危重患儿神经系统异常的病因、预后及临床表现特点进行回顾性分析。结果 神经系统异常发生率54%,其中原发病为神经系统疾病者占63.8%,非神经系统疾病发生神经系统合并症者占36.1%;有神经系统异常者病死率(36.1%)明显高于无神经系统异常者(5.8%),而原发病为神经系统疾病患儿病死率(33.0%)与非神经系统疾病发生神经合并症者患儿病死率(40.9%)比较,差异无显著性。结论 神经系统异常是影响儿科危重病预后的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

危重患儿并深静脉血栓并不罕见,目前尚无确切的发病率。常见发病原因包括手术、创伤、长期卧床等。深静脉血栓可发生于任何部位,以下肢最多见,下肢肿胀、疼痛和浅静脉怒张是下肢深静脉血栓的常见表现,门静脉血栓等临床表现更加隐匿。辅助检查包括多普勒超声、CT、MRI、血管造影。治疗用药主要包括肝素、低分子质量肝素、尿激酶等,近年已开展导管引导下静脉溶栓、血管内滤器置入法、静脉取栓等新技术。危重病患儿并深静脉血栓病史常不典型,主要靠临床观察及辅助检查协助诊断。  相似文献   

危重患儿的内源性感染及其防治   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  

高渗血症 (HBS)是危重症常见的一种并发症 ,死亡率高。我院ICU 1998年 9月~ 2 0 0 1年 12月对收治患儿早期检查 ,发现 5 2例HBS ,现报告如下。资料与方法一、临床资料 男 37例 ,女 15例。~ 2 8d 14例 ,~ 1岁19例 ,~ 3岁 13例 ,~ 14岁 6例。原发病为肠炎并Ⅱ~Ⅲ度脱水 19例 ,缺氧缺血性脑病 (HIE) 8例 ,捂热综合征、脑炎各7例 ,中毒性脑病、鼠药中毒各 2例 ,瑞氏综合征、酒精中毒、急性胃扩张、癫持续状态、格林 巴利综合征各 1例 ,心源性休克 2例。按全国小儿危重病例评分标准[1] ,<70分 19例 ,70~ 90分 33例。均有…  相似文献   

目的 探讨危重患儿发生肾上腺出血坏死的病因和临床特点.方法 回顾性分析湖南省儿童医院2005年1月至2012年12月病理解剖案例中141例尸检病例,筛选出29例危重患儿合并肾上腺出血坏死病例的临床资料进行统计分析.结果 29例患儿有14例出现低血糖,9例存在低血钠,8例伴有高血钾.29例病例中有9例(31%)明确有细菌感染,10例(34.5%)检测到病毒抗体或抗原.尸检证实其中29例患儿肾上腺均有不同程度的皮质或髓质出血坏死,其中28例患儿肾上腺髓质存在出血,3例患儿同时存在肾上腺髓质和皮质的出血,且在尸检过程中发现每例患儿均伴有多器官损害表现,最少有3个器官损害,最多有9个器官损害.结论 危重患儿合并肾上腺出血坏死时,多合并有感染,易发生电解质平衡紊乱和多器官功能损害或衰竭,并且病程进展快.因此,当临床出现肾上腺危象的非特异性症状时,应积极行肾上腺相关检查,警惕肾上腺出血的发生,早期诊断,并进行干预.  相似文献   

目的 分析危重患儿血糖和胰岛素水平变化,探讨危重患儿高血糖发生相关机制.方法 检测2007年1至12月我院PICU收治的51例危重患儿入院时血糖和胰岛素水平变化,并与15例健康体检儿检测结果进行对照分析.结果 (1)各种基础疾病下的危重患儿入院24 h内血糖均值均高于正常范围,以感染性休克组为最高[(11.35±6.21)mmol/L];患儿入院5 d内每日血糖均值波动情况以入院当天为最高,其后持续高于正常.(2)人院24 h内肺部感染、颅内感染和感染性休克患儿血胰岛素水平分别为(17.65±16.85)mU/L、(13.45±7.33)mU/L、(16.24±12.41)mU/L,均高于对照组[(8.70±6.57)mU/L],而先天性心脏病组[(6.75±3.22)mU/L]略低于正常组,但各组间差异无显著性(F=0.356,P=0.127);入院当天和第3天、第5天患儿血胰岛素平均水平均高于正常对照组[(8.70±6.57)mU/L];根据血糖水平,将患儿分为血糖正常组和高血糖组,两组血胰岛素水平分别为(5.44±3.38)mU/L、(14.22±12.29)mU/L,高血糖组胰岛素水平明显高于对照组.(3)患儿危重评分(PIM Ⅱ)均值为12.69±16.82,共死亡8例,病死率为15.6%;死亡患儿血糖和胰岛素水平均明显高于存活患儿(P<0.05).(4)血糖和血胰岛素水平间无明显线性关系;危重症评分和血胰岛素水平无线性相关性;血糖和危重症评分间线性相关性不显著.结论 危重症患儿常出现高血糖和高胰岛素血症,两者在一定程度上间接反映疾病严重程度,也是判断预后的间接指标;高血糖与胰岛素相对不足或(和)胰岛素抵抗有关,至于其确切的关系需要进一步研究证实.  相似文献   

128例急性白血病患儿输血治疗与复发的关系   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
输血是小儿白血病的重要支持治疗手段。随着输血医学及免疫学的发展,输血与肿瘤预后的关系受到人们越来越多的关注。现就我科1988~1994年间收治的128例急性白血病患儿的资料进行回顾性总结,探讨输注异体全血(简称输血)与白血病首次复发之间的关系。临床资料:1-病例:128例白血病均经骨髓细胞学及组织化学染色,部分病例进行免疫学和染色体检查,根据1986年和1993年全国小儿急性白血病诊疗建议制定的标准确诊为急性白血病。其中急性淋巴细胞白血病(简称急淋,ALL)108例,高危急淋(HRALL)49…  相似文献   

Objective To analyse the changes of blood glucose and insulin levels in children with critical illness,and to investigate the mechanism of hyperglycemia in critical illness.Methods Blood glucose and insulin levels were detected among 51 critically ill children hospitalized in our PICU from January to December,2007,which were compared with those of 15 healthy children.Results (1) All the patients had hyperglycemia after admission within 2Ah,septic shock patients showed the highest level with the maximum value of 27.30 mmol/L The dally mean blood glucose levels of the first 5 days after admission peaked on the admission day.(2) Within 24 h after admission,the blood insulin levels of patients with pulmonary infection,intracranial infection,septic shock and congenital heart disease were(17.65±16.85) mU/L,(13.45±7.33) mU/L,(16.24±12.41) mU/L,(6.75±3.22) mU/L respectively.The blood insulin levels of all the patients within the first 5 days after admission wrere higher than that of healthy children[(8.70±6.57) mU/L].According to blood glucose level on admission day,the patients were divided into normoglycemia and hyperglycemia group,and the blood insulin levels of the former and the letter were(5.44 ± 3.38) mU/L and (14.22±12.29) mU/L respectively.(3) The mean of PIM Ⅱscore of the patients averaged 12.96±16.82,and the mortality rate was 15.6%.The blood glucose level and the insulin level within 24 h after admission were(10.97±5.76) mmol/L and(49.46±90.35) mU/L in dead cases and(8.73±2.58) mmol/L and(11.91±11.24) mU/L for the survivals,and both the blood glucose level and insulin level had significant difference between the dead cases and survivals(P <0.05).(4) The scatter graphic analysis did not show significant linear relation between blood glucose and insulin,nor did it show significant linear relation between PIM Ⅱ and insulin levei,or blood glucose.Condusion Hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia are common in critical illness,which reflects indirectly the severity and prognosis of the disease.Hyperglycemia may be related to relative insulin insufficiency or insulin resistance;however,the definite relationship can not be confirmed until more reliable clinical data were available in the future.  相似文献   

Objective To analyse the changes of blood glucose and insulin levels in children with critical illness,and to investigate the mechanism of hyperglycemia in critical illness.Methods Blood glucose and insulin levels were detected among 51 critically ill children hospitalized in our PICU from January to December,2007,which were compared with those of 15 healthy children.Results (1) All the patients had hyperglycemia after admission within 2Ah,septic shock patients showed the highest level with the maximum value of 27.30 mmol/L The dally mean blood glucose levels of the first 5 days after admission peaked on the admission day.(2) Within 24 h after admission,the blood insulin levels of patients with pulmonary infection,intracranial infection,septic shock and congenital heart disease were(17.65±16.85) mU/L,(13.45±7.33) mU/L,(16.24±12.41) mU/L,(6.75±3.22) mU/L respectively.The blood insulin levels of all the patients within the first 5 days after admission wrere higher than that of healthy children[(8.70±6.57) mU/L].According to blood glucose level on admission day,the patients were divided into normoglycemia and hyperglycemia group,and the blood insulin levels of the former and the letter were(5.44 ± 3.38) mU/L and (14.22±12.29) mU/L respectively.(3) The mean of PIM Ⅱscore of the patients averaged 12.96±16.82,and the mortality rate was 15.6%.The blood glucose level and the insulin level within 24 h after admission were(10.97±5.76) mmol/L and(49.46±90.35) mU/L in dead cases and(8.73±2.58) mmol/L and(11.91±11.24) mU/L for the survivals,and both the blood glucose level and insulin level had significant difference between the dead cases and survivals(P <0.05).(4) The scatter graphic analysis did not show significant linear relation between blood glucose and insulin,nor did it show significant linear relation between PIM Ⅱ and insulin levei,or blood glucose.Condusion Hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia are common in critical illness,which reflects indirectly the severity and prognosis of the disease.Hyperglycemia may be related to relative insulin insufficiency or insulin resistance;however,the definite relationship can not be confirmed until more reliable clinical data were available in the future.  相似文献   

Objective To analyse the changes of blood glucose and insulin levels in children with critical illness,and to investigate the mechanism of hyperglycemia in critical illness.Methods Blood glucose and insulin levels were detected among 51 critically ill children hospitalized in our PICU from January to December,2007,which were compared with those of 15 healthy children.Results (1) All the patients had hyperglycemia after admission within 2Ah,septic shock patients showed the highest level with the maximum value of 27.30 mmol/L The dally mean blood glucose levels of the first 5 days after admission peaked on the admission day.(2) Within 24 h after admission,the blood insulin levels of patients with pulmonary infection,intracranial infection,septic shock and congenital heart disease were(17.65±16.85) mU/L,(13.45±7.33) mU/L,(16.24±12.41) mU/L,(6.75±3.22) mU/L respectively.The blood insulin levels of all the patients within the first 5 days after admission wrere higher than that of healthy children[(8.70±6.57) mU/L].According to blood glucose level on admission day,the patients were divided into normoglycemia and hyperglycemia group,and the blood insulin levels of the former and the letter were(5.44 ± 3.38) mU/L and (14.22±12.29) mU/L respectively.(3) The mean of PIM Ⅱscore of the patients averaged 12.96±16.82,and the mortality rate was 15.6%.The blood glucose level and the insulin level within 24 h after admission were(10.97±5.76) mmol/L and(49.46±90.35) mU/L in dead cases and(8.73±2.58) mmol/L and(11.91±11.24) mU/L for the survivals,and both the blood glucose level and insulin level had significant difference between the dead cases and survivals(P <0.05).(4) The scatter graphic analysis did not show significant linear relation between blood glucose and insulin,nor did it show significant linear relation between PIM Ⅱ and insulin levei,or blood glucose.Condusion Hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia are common in critical illness,which reflects indirectly the severity and prognosis of the disease.Hyperglycemia may be related to relative insulin insufficiency or insulin resistance;however,the definite relationship can not be confirmed until more reliable clinical data were available in the future.  相似文献   

Objective To analyse the changes of blood glucose and insulin levels in children with critical illness,and to investigate the mechanism of hyperglycemia in critical illness.Methods Blood glucose and insulin levels were detected among 51 critically ill children hospitalized in our PICU from January to December,2007,which were compared with those of 15 healthy children.Results (1) All the patients had hyperglycemia after admission within 2Ah,septic shock patients showed the highest level with the maximum value of 27.30 mmol/L The dally mean blood glucose levels of the first 5 days after admission peaked on the admission day.(2) Within 24 h after admission,the blood insulin levels of patients with pulmonary infection,intracranial infection,septic shock and congenital heart disease were(17.65±16.85) mU/L,(13.45±7.33) mU/L,(16.24±12.41) mU/L,(6.75±3.22) mU/L respectively.The blood insulin levels of all the patients within the first 5 days after admission wrere higher than that of healthy children[(8.70±6.57) mU/L].According to blood glucose level on admission day,the patients were divided into normoglycemia and hyperglycemia group,and the blood insulin levels of the former and the letter were(5.44 ± 3.38) mU/L and (14.22±12.29) mU/L respectively.(3) The mean of PIM Ⅱscore of the patients averaged 12.96±16.82,and the mortality rate was 15.6%.The blood glucose level and the insulin level within 24 h after admission were(10.97±5.76) mmol/L and(49.46±90.35) mU/L in dead cases and(8.73±2.58) mmol/L and(11.91±11.24) mU/L for the survivals,and both the blood glucose level and insulin level had significant difference between the dead cases and survivals(P <0.05).(4) The scatter graphic analysis did not show significant linear relation between blood glucose and insulin,nor did it show significant linear relation between PIM Ⅱ and insulin levei,or blood glucose.Condusion Hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia are common in critical illness,which reflects indirectly the severity and prognosis of the disease.Hyperglycemia may be related to relative insulin insufficiency or insulin resistance;however,the definite relationship can not be confirmed until more reliable clinical data were available in the future.  相似文献   

Objective To analyse the changes of blood glucose and insulin levels in children with critical illness,and to investigate the mechanism of hyperglycemia in critical illness.Methods Blood glucose and insulin levels were detected among 51 critically ill children hospitalized in our PICU from January to December,2007,which were compared with those of 15 healthy children.Results (1) All the patients had hyperglycemia after admission within 2Ah,septic shock patients showed the highest level with the maximum value of 27.30 mmol/L The dally mean blood glucose levels of the first 5 days after admission peaked on the admission day.(2) Within 24 h after admission,the blood insulin levels of patients with pulmonary infection,intracranial infection,septic shock and congenital heart disease were(17.65±16.85) mU/L,(13.45±7.33) mU/L,(16.24±12.41) mU/L,(6.75±3.22) mU/L respectively.The blood insulin levels of all the patients within the first 5 days after admission wrere higher than that of healthy children[(8.70±6.57) mU/L].According to blood glucose level on admission day,the patients were divided into normoglycemia and hyperglycemia group,and the blood insulin levels of the former and the letter were(5.44 ± 3.38) mU/L and (14.22±12.29) mU/L respectively.(3) The mean of PIM Ⅱscore of the patients averaged 12.96±16.82,and the mortality rate was 15.6%.The blood glucose level and the insulin level within 24 h after admission were(10.97±5.76) mmol/L and(49.46±90.35) mU/L in dead cases and(8.73±2.58) mmol/L and(11.91±11.24) mU/L for the survivals,and both the blood glucose level and insulin level had significant difference between the dead cases and survivals(P <0.05).(4) The scatter graphic analysis did not show significant linear relation between blood glucose and insulin,nor did it show significant linear relation between PIM Ⅱ and insulin levei,or blood glucose.Condusion Hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia are common in critical illness,which reflects indirectly the severity and prognosis of the disease.Hyperglycemia may be related to relative insulin insufficiency or insulin resistance;however,the definite relationship can not be confirmed until more reliable clinical data were available in the future.  相似文献   

Objective To analyse the changes of blood glucose and insulin levels in children with critical illness,and to investigate the mechanism of hyperglycemia in critical illness.Methods Blood glucose and insulin levels were detected among 51 critically ill children hospitalized in our PICU from January to December,2007,which were compared with those of 15 healthy children.Results (1) All the patients had hyperglycemia after admission within 2Ah,septic shock patients showed the highest level with the maximum value of 27.30 mmol/L The dally mean blood glucose levels of the first 5 days after admission peaked on the admission day.(2) Within 24 h after admission,the blood insulin levels of patients with pulmonary infection,intracranial infection,septic shock and congenital heart disease were(17.65±16.85) mU/L,(13.45±7.33) mU/L,(16.24±12.41) mU/L,(6.75±3.22) mU/L respectively.The blood insulin levels of all the patients within the first 5 days after admission wrere higher than that of healthy children[(8.70±6.57) mU/L].According to blood glucose level on admission day,the patients were divided into normoglycemia and hyperglycemia group,and the blood insulin levels of the former and the letter were(5.44 ± 3.38) mU/L and (14.22±12.29) mU/L respectively.(3) The mean of PIM Ⅱscore of the patients averaged 12.96±16.82,and the mortality rate was 15.6%.The blood glucose level and the insulin level within 24 h after admission were(10.97±5.76) mmol/L and(49.46±90.35) mU/L in dead cases and(8.73±2.58) mmol/L and(11.91±11.24) mU/L for the survivals,and both the blood glucose level and insulin level had significant difference between the dead cases and survivals(P <0.05).(4) The scatter graphic analysis did not show significant linear relation between blood glucose and insulin,nor did it show significant linear relation between PIM Ⅱ and insulin levei,or blood glucose.Condusion Hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia are common in critical illness,which reflects indirectly the severity and prognosis of the disease.Hyperglycemia may be related to relative insulin insufficiency or insulin resistance;however,the definite relationship can not be confirmed until more reliable clinical data were available in the future.  相似文献   

Objective To analyse the changes of blood glucose and insulin levels in children with critical illness,and to investigate the mechanism of hyperglycemia in critical illness.Methods Blood glucose and insulin levels were detected among 51 critically ill children hospitalized in our PICU from January to December,2007,which were compared with those of 15 healthy children.Results (1) All the patients had hyperglycemia after admission within 2Ah,septic shock patients showed the highest level with the maximum value of 27.30 mmol/L The dally mean blood glucose levels of the first 5 days after admission peaked on the admission day.(2) Within 24 h after admission,the blood insulin levels of patients with pulmonary infection,intracranial infection,septic shock and congenital heart disease were(17.65±16.85) mU/L,(13.45±7.33) mU/L,(16.24±12.41) mU/L,(6.75±3.22) mU/L respectively.The blood insulin levels of all the patients within the first 5 days after admission wrere higher than that of healthy children[(8.70±6.57) mU/L].According to blood glucose level on admission day,the patients were divided into normoglycemia and hyperglycemia group,and the blood insulin levels of the former and the letter were(5.44 ± 3.38) mU/L and (14.22±12.29) mU/L respectively.(3) The mean of PIM Ⅱscore of the patients averaged 12.96±16.82,and the mortality rate was 15.6%.The blood glucose level and the insulin level within 24 h after admission were(10.97±5.76) mmol/L and(49.46±90.35) mU/L in dead cases and(8.73±2.58) mmol/L and(11.91±11.24) mU/L for the survivals,and both the blood glucose level and insulin level had significant difference between the dead cases and survivals(P <0.05).(4) The scatter graphic analysis did not show significant linear relation between blood glucose and insulin,nor did it show significant linear relation between PIM Ⅱ and insulin levei,or blood glucose.Condusion Hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia are common in critical illness,which reflects indirectly the severity and prognosis of the disease.Hyperglycemia may be related to relative insulin insufficiency or insulin resistance;however,the definite relationship can not be confirmed until more reliable clinical data were available in the future.  相似文献   

Objective To analyse the changes of blood glucose and insulin levels in children with critical illness,and to investigate the mechanism of hyperglycemia in critical illness.Methods Blood glucose and insulin levels were detected among 51 critically ill children hospitalized in our PICU from January to December,2007,which were compared with those of 15 healthy children.Results (1) All the patients had hyperglycemia after admission within 2Ah,septic shock patients showed the highest level with the maximum value of 27.30 mmol/L The dally mean blood glucose levels of the first 5 days after admission peaked on the admission day.(2) Within 24 h after admission,the blood insulin levels of patients with pulmonary infection,intracranial infection,septic shock and congenital heart disease were(17.65±16.85) mU/L,(13.45±7.33) mU/L,(16.24±12.41) mU/L,(6.75±3.22) mU/L respectively.The blood insulin levels of all the patients within the first 5 days after admission wrere higher than that of healthy children[(8.70±6.57) mU/L].According to blood glucose level on admission day,the patients were divided into normoglycemia and hyperglycemia group,and the blood insulin levels of the former and the letter were(5.44 ± 3.38) mU/L and (14.22±12.29) mU/L respectively.(3) The mean of PIM Ⅱscore of the patients averaged 12.96±16.82,and the mortality rate was 15.6%.The blood glucose level and the insulin level within 24 h after admission were(10.97±5.76) mmol/L and(49.46±90.35) mU/L in dead cases and(8.73±2.58) mmol/L and(11.91±11.24) mU/L for the survivals,and both the blood glucose level and insulin level had significant difference between the dead cases and survivals(P <0.05).(4) The scatter graphic analysis did not show significant linear relation between blood glucose and insulin,nor did it show significant linear relation between PIM Ⅱ and insulin levei,or blood glucose.Condusion Hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia are common in critical illness,which reflects indirectly the severity and prognosis of the disease.Hyperglycemia may be related to relative insulin insufficiency or insulin resistance;however,the definite relationship can not be confirmed until more reliable clinical data were available in the future.  相似文献   

危重患儿血糖与胰岛素水平的临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective To analyse the changes of blood glucose and insulin levels in children with critical illness,and to investigate the mechanism of hyperglycemia in critical illness.Methods Blood glucose and insulin levels were detected among 51 critically ill children hospitalized in our PICU from January to December,2007,which were compared with those of 15 healthy children.Results (1) All the patients had hyperglycemia after admission within 2Ah,septic shock patients showed the highest level with the maximum value of 27.30 mmol/L The dally mean blood glucose levels of the first 5 days after admission peaked on the admission day.(2) Within 24 h after admission,the blood insulin levels of patients with pulmonary infection,intracranial infection,septic shock and congenital heart disease were(17.65±16.85) mU/L,(13.45±7.33) mU/L,(16.24±12.41) mU/L,(6.75±3.22) mU/L respectively.The blood insulin levels of all the patients within the first 5 days after admission wrere higher than that of healthy children[(8.70±6.57) mU/L].According to blood glucose level on admission day,the patients were divided into normoglycemia and hyperglycemia group,and the blood insulin levels of the former and the letter were(5.44 ± 3.38) mU/L and (14.22±12.29) mU/L respectively.(3) The mean of PIM Ⅱscore of the patients averaged 12.96±16.82,and the mortality rate was 15.6%.The blood glucose level and the insulin level within 24 h after admission were(10.97±5.76) mmol/L and(49.46±90.35) mU/L in dead cases and(8.73±2.58) mmol/L and(11.91±11.24) mU/L for the survivals,and both the blood glucose level and insulin level had significant difference between the dead cases and survivals(P <0.05).(4) The scatter graphic analysis did not show significant linear relation between blood glucose and insulin,nor did it show significant linear relation between PIM Ⅱ and insulin levei,or blood glucose.Condusion Hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia are common in critical illness,which reflects indirectly the severity and prognosis of the disease.Hyperglycemia may be related to relative insulin insufficiency or insulin resistance;however,the definite relationship can not be confirmed until more reliable clinical data were available in the future.  相似文献   

Objective To analyse the changes of blood glucose and insulin levels in children with critical illness,and to investigate the mechanism of hyperglycemia in critical illness.Methods Blood glucose and insulin levels were detected among 51 critically ill children hospitalized in our PICU from January to December,2007,which were compared with those of 15 healthy children.Results (1) All the patients had hyperglycemia after admission within 2Ah,septic shock patients showed the highest level with the maximum value of 27.30 mmol/L The dally mean blood glucose levels of the first 5 days after admission peaked on the admission day.(2) Within 24 h after admission,the blood insulin levels of patients with pulmonary infection,intracranial infection,septic shock and congenital heart disease were(17.65±16.85) mU/L,(13.45±7.33) mU/L,(16.24±12.41) mU/L,(6.75±3.22) mU/L respectively.The blood insulin levels of all the patients within the first 5 days after admission wrere higher than that of healthy children[(8.70±6.57) mU/L].According to blood glucose level on admission day,the patients were divided into normoglycemia and hyperglycemia group,and the blood insulin levels of the former and the letter were(5.44 ± 3.38) mU/L and (14.22±12.29) mU/L respectively.(3) The mean of PIM Ⅱscore of the patients averaged 12.96±16.82,and the mortality rate was 15.6%.The blood glucose level and the insulin level within 24 h after admission were(10.97±5.76) mmol/L and(49.46±90.35) mU/L in dead cases and(8.73±2.58) mmol/L and(11.91±11.24) mU/L for the survivals,and both the blood glucose level and insulin level had significant difference between the dead cases and survivals(P <0.05).(4) The scatter graphic analysis did not show significant linear relation between blood glucose and insulin,nor did it show significant linear relation between PIM Ⅱ and insulin levei,or blood glucose.Condusion Hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia are common in critical illness,which reflects indirectly the severity and prognosis of the disease.Hyperglycemia may be related to relative insulin insufficiency or insulin resistance;however,the definite relationship can not be confirmed until more reliable clinical data were available in the future.  相似文献   

目的 探讨肠道病毒71型(EV71)感染导致危重手足口病患儿的救治体会.方法 选取手足口病定点PICU收治的30例均合并神经、呼吸或循环系统损害的危重手足口病患儿,观察其预后,并评价治疗效果.结果 30例患儿均给予呼吸机治疗,存活19例,死亡11例.其中6例病情进展迅速,抢救无效死亡;2例因脑死亡放弃治疗;3例不能恢复...  相似文献   

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