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Neuroprotective effects of the green tea components theanine and catechins   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The neuroprotective effects of theanine and catechins contained in green tea are discussed. Although the death of cultured rat cortical neurons was induced by the application of glutamic acid, this neuronal death was suppressed with exposure to theanine. The death of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons caused by transient forebrain ischemia in the gerbil was inhibited with the ventricular preadministration of theanine. The neuronal death of the hippocampal CA3 region by kainate was also prevented by the administration of theanine. Theanine has a higher binding capacity for the AMPA/kainate receptors than for NMDA receptors, although the binding capacity in all cases is markedly less than that of glutamic acid. The results of the present study suggest that the mechanism of the neuroprotective effect of theanine is related not only to the glutamate receptor but also to other mechanisms such as the glutamate transporter, although further studies are needed. One of the onset mechanisms for arteriosclerosis, a major factor in ischemic cerebrovascular disease, is probably the oxidative alteration of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) by active oxygen species. The oxidative alterations of LDL were shown to be prevented by tea catechins. Scavenging of *O(2)(-) was also exhibited by tea catechins. The neuroprotective effects of theanine and catechins contained in green tea are a focus of considerable attention, and further studies are warranted.  相似文献   

Green tea extract was found to provide a strong protective effect against asbestos-induced injury of peritoneal macrophages and red blood cells in vitro. The main polyphenolic constituents of green tea extract, (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECG) and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), were also efficient in preventing injury of cells following exposure to asbestos fibers. The protective efficacies of EGCG and ECG expressed as IC50 values were, respectively, 10 microM and 12 microM if peritoneal macrophages were injured by chrysotile and 4 microM and 5 microM in the case of crocidolite-induced cell injury. Antiradical and chelating properties of ECG and EGCG were evaluated and it was concluded that the protective effect of catechins against asbestos-induced injury may be related to both scavenger properties towards to superoxide anion and the ability to chelate iron ions.  相似文献   

Metabolism of green tea catechins: an overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Green tea is one of the most popular beverages worldwide. Its major components include (-)-epicatechin ((-)-EC), (-)-epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG) (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC) and (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). It has demonstrated strong antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous properties and attracted a great deal of interest over last several years. However, there is some discrepancy between the results from human pidemiological studies and cultured cell and animal models. Two reasons for its limited in vivo activities have been considered: metabolism and bioavailability. Recent studies have demonstrated that green tea catechins undergo methylation, glucuronidation and sulfation in in vitro systems and in animals and in humans. It has been also found that efflux transporters Pgp, MRP1 and MRP2 play roles in the absorption and excretion of green tea catechins. Several processes including intestinal metabolism, microbial metabolism, hepatic metabolism and chemical degradation have been found to be involved in the fate of green tea, and to be responsible for its low availability in animals, and most likely also in humans. Pharmacokinetics, absorption, distribution, drug metabolism and excretion properties of green tea provide a better understanding for its in vivo activities. In this article, drug metabolism and microbial metabolism of green tea catechins in in vitro systems and in animals and in humans will be reviewed. It also covers the factors affecting their biotransformation and bioavailability: drug-drug inhibitory and inductive interactions of phase I and phase II enzymes, inhibition of non-drug-metabolizing enzymes, transporters, chemical instability, epimerization and interindividual variability.  相似文献   

The effects of green tea extract catechins on the rat thyroid were examined in a 13-week feeding study and subsequent 2-,4- and 8-week studies. Commercially available polyphenon-60 (P-60) which contains green tea extract catechins at 66.2% was used as a source of catechins. A basic diet containing different concentrations of P-60 was used for experiments. In the 13-week study, 10 rats of each sex were administered diets containing P-60 at 0 (control), 0.625, 1.25, 2.5 and 5.0%. Goiters were observed in the 13-week test. The mean thyroid weight of rats fed a diet containing 5.0% of P-60 (5.0% group) significantly increased to 444% of the control in males and to 304% of the control in females. Histological examinations of the thyroid of the 5.0% group revealed marked hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of the follicles, some with depletion of colloid and some with rich colloid, and formation of a fibrous capsule. Slight hypertrophy of follicular cells was observed in male rats fed a diet containing 1.25% of P-60 (1.25% group) and female rats fed a diet containing 2.5% of P-60 (2.5% group). Degree and incidence of thyroid lesions were higher in males than in females in the 1.25, 2.5 and 5.0% groups. In the 2-8-week studies, five rats of each sex were given diets containing 0 (control) and 5.0% of P-60. In the 5.0% group, the mean thyroid weight in males significantly increased to 161% of the control as early as 2 weeks and increased to 357% of the control at 8 weeks. Histologically, these goiters were also associated with follicular cell hypertrophy/hyperplasia as in the 13-week study. The degree and incidence of thyroid lesions were higher in males than in females. These results indicate that dietary administration of the green tea extract catechins at high doses induced goiters in rats, and this may be due to antithyroid effects of catechins. In the 13-week study, the no-observed effect level (NOEL) of green tea extract catechins for F344 rats based on histological changes of the thyroid was considered to be 0.625% in males and 1.25% in females in the diet, respectively.  相似文献   

Inhibition of adenovirus infection and adenain by green tea catechins   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Green tea catechins have been reported to inhibit proteases involved in cancer metastasis and infection by influenza virus and HIV. To date there are no effective anti-adenoviral therapies. Consequently, we studied the effect of green tea catechins, and particularly the predominant component, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), on adenovirus infection and the viral protease adenain, in cell culture. Adding EGCG (100 microM) to the medium of infected cells reduced virus yield by two orders of magnitude, giving and IC(50) of 25 microM and a therapeutic index of 22 in Hep2 cells. The agent was the most effective when added to the cells during the transition from the early to the late phase of viral infection suggesting that EGCG inhibits one or more late steps in virus infection. One of these steps appears to be virus assembly because the titer of infectious virus and the production of physical particles was much more affected than the synthesis of virus proteins. Another step might be the maturation cleavages carried out by adenain. Of the four catechins tested on adenain, EGCG was the most inhibitory with an IC(50) of 109 microM, compared with an IC(50) of 714 microM for PCMB, a standard cysteine protease inhibitor. EGCG and different green teas inactivated purified adenovirions with IC(50) of 250 and 245-3095, respectively. We conclude that the anti-adenoviral activity of EGCG manifests itself through several mechanisms, both outside and inside the cell, but at effective drug concentrations well above that reported in the serum of green tea drinkers.  相似文献   

Effects of green tea catechins on membrane fluidity.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
H Tsuchiya 《Pharmacology》1999,59(1):34-44
Catechins originating from green tea have been used in plaque inhibition for caries prevention and treatment for liver damage because of their antibacterial activity against cariogenic bacteria and protective activity on hepatic cells. The effects of catechins on membrane fluidity were studied by a fluorescence polarization method using liposomes prepared with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and dioleoylphosphatidylcholine to assess their pharmacological mechanism at micromol/l levels found in human body fluids after clinical application. All eight catechins tested, ranging from 1 to 1,000 micromol/l, significantly reduced membrane fluidity in both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions of lipid bilayers. Catechin gallate esters were superior in fluidity reduction to the corresponding nonesters. The fluidity-reducing degree was different between the cis and trans forms, suggesting the stereospecific activity of catechins. A reference antiplaque agent, chlorhexidine, similarly reduced membrane fluidity at the antibacterial concentration. (+)-Catechin (250 micromol/l) and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (2.5 micromol/l) significantly prevented the membrane fluidization induced by hepatotoxic chloroform. These results indicate that the reduction in membrane fluidity is responsible for the antiplaque and hepatoprotective effects of green tea catechins.  相似文献   



Catechins, biologically active polyphenols in green tea, are known to have a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases. In this study, we investigated direct actions of green tea catechins on cardiac muscle function to explore their uses as potential drugs for cardiac muscle disease.


The effects of catechins were systematically investigated on the force-pCa relationship in skinned cardiac muscle fibres to determine their direct effects on cardiac myofilament contractility. The mechanisms of action of effective catechins were investigated using troponin exchange techniques, quartz crystal microbalance, nuclear magnetic resonance and a transgenic mouse model.


(-)-Epicatechin-3-gallate (ECg) and (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCg), but not their stereoismers (-)-catechin-3-gallate and (-)-gallocatechin-3-gallate, decreased cardiac myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity probably through its interaction with cardiac troponin C. EGCg restored cardiac output in isolated working hearts by improving diastolic dysfunction caused by increased myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity in a mouse model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.


The green tea catechins, ECg and EGCg, are Ca2+ desensitizers acting through binding to cardiac troponin C. These compounds might be useful compounds for the development of therapeutic agents to treat the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy caused by increased Ca2+ sensitivity of cardiac myofilaments.  相似文献   

Antiviral effect of catechins in green tea on influenza virus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Polyphenolic compound catechins ((-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECG) and (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC)) from green tea were evaluated for their ability to inhibit influenza virus replication in cell culture and for potentially direct virucidal effect. Among the test compounds, the EGCG and ECG were found to be potent inhibitors of influenza virus replication in MDCK cell culture and this effect was observed in all influenza virus subtypes tested, including A/H1N1, A/H3N2 and B virus. The 50% effective inhibition concentration (EC50) of EGCG, ECG, and EGC for influenza A virus were 22-28, 22-40 and 309-318 microM, respectively. EGCG and ECG exhibited hemagglutination inhibition activity, EGCG being more effective. However, the sensitivity in hemagglutination inhibition was widely different among three different subtypes of influenza viruses tested. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that, at high concentration, EGCG and ECG also suppressed viral RNA synthesis in MDCK cells whereas EGC failed to show similar effect. Similarly, EGCG and ECG inhibited the neuraminidase activity more effectively than the EGC. The results show that the 3-galloyl group of catechin skeleton plays an important role on the observed antiviral activity, whereas the 5'-OH at the trihydroxy benzyl moiety at 2-position plays a minor role. The results, along with the HA type-specific effect, suggest that the antiviral effect of catechins on influenza virus is mediated not only by specific interaction with HA, but altering the physical properties of viral membrane.  相似文献   

The chemopreventive effects of curcumin and green tea catechins individually and in combination on 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced colon carcinogenesis were studied in male Wister rats following 32 weeks of dietary treatment. The incidence, number and size of colorectal cancer were measured. Colorectal aberrant crypt foci (ACF) were analyzed by methylene blue staining. Proliferation indices and apoptotic indices were determined by PCNA immunostaining and TUNEL assay, respectively. The results showed that dietary curcumin, catechins and combination administration significantly inhibited the total number of ACF per rat. The combination treatment displayed the most potent inhibitory effect, while there was no difference of inhibition between curcumin and catechins-treated groups. The incidence of colorectal cancer in the treated groups was significantly lower than that of positive control group. Compared with the positive control group, the proliferation index was significantly decreased and the apoptotic index was significantly increased in all treatment groups, while the effect of the combination was the greatest among the treated groups. Our findings suggest that the combination of curcumin and catechins may produce a synergistic colon cancer-preventative effect that would be more potent than each of the compounds alone.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was that green tea catechins (GTCs) formulated with vitamin C and xylitol followed by enteric coating with hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose phthalate (HPMCP) or encapsulated into γ-cyclodextrin (γ-CD) could enhance intestinal absorption of GTCs. Surface morphology and size obtained by SEM were different. Digestive stability of GTCs encapsulated into γ-CD or coated with HPMCP was enhanced up to 65.56% or 57.63%, respectively. When GTCs were formulated, the digestive stability was greater than the one not formulated. Formulated GTCs followed by encapsulation into γ-CD significantly increased intestinal transport. Absorption of GTCs was 2.8%, 9.64%, 11.97%, 8.41% and 14.36% for only GTCs, GTCs encapsulated into γ-CD, formulated GTCs encapsulated into γ-CD, GTCs coated with HPMCP and formulated GTCs coated with HPMCP, respectively. This study suggests that GTCs, formulated with vitamin C and xylitol followed by γ-CD encapsulation or HPMCP enteric coating, provide combinational effect to increase bioavailability of GTCs.  相似文献   

1.?Green tea extract (GTE) and EGCG have previously shown to increase the uptake of MPP+ into Caco-2 cells. However, whether GTE and its derivatives interact with renal basolateral organic cation transporter 2 (Oct2) which plays a crucial role for cationic clearance remains unknown. Thus, this study assessed the potential of drug-green tea (GT) catechins and its derivatives interactions with rat Oct2 using renal cortical slices and S2 stably expressing rat Oct2 (S2rOct2).

2.?Both GTE and ECG inhibited MPP+ uptake in renal slices in a concentration-dependent manner (IC50?=?2.71?±?0.360?mg/ml and 0.87?±?0.151?mM), and this inhibitory effect was reversible. Inhibition of [3H]MPP+ transport in S2rOct2 by either GTE or ECG (IC50?=?1.90?±?0.087?mg/ml and 1.67?±?0.088?mM) was also observed.

3.?The weak and reversible interactions of GTE and ECG with rOct2 indicate that consumption of GT beverages could not interfere with cationic drugs secreted via renal OCT2 in humans. However, the rise of therapeutic use of GTE and ECG might have to take into account the significant possibility of adverse drug–green tea catechins interactions which could alter renal organic cation drug clearance.  相似文献   

To elucidate the anti-obesity effects of three major components of green tea, catechins, caffeine and theanine, female ICR mice were fed on diets containing 2% green tea powder and diets containing 0.3% catechins, 0.05% caffeine and 0.03% theanine, which correspond, respectively, to their concentrations in a 2% green tea powder diet, singly and in combination for 16 weeks. Body weight and food intake were determined monthly during this period, kidneys, adrenals, liver, spleen, brain, pituitary and intraperitoneal adipose tissues (IPAT) were weighed and lipid levels in the serum and liver were measured at the end of this period. The body weight increase and weight of IPAT were significantly reduced by the diets containing green tea, caffeine, theanine, caffeine + catechins, caffeine + theanine and caffeine + catechins + theanine. Noticeably, the IPAT weight decreased by 76.8% in the caffeine + catechins compared to the control group. Serum concentrations of triglycerides (TG) and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) were decreased by green tea, catechins and theanine. Moreover, caffeine + catechins, caffeine + theanine and caffeine + catechins + theanine also decreased NEFA in the serum. The TG level in the liver was significantly reduced by catechins and catechins + theanine in comparison with the control. These results indicated that at least caffeine and theanine were responsible for the suppressive effect of green tea powder (GTP) on body weight increase and fat accumulation. Moreover, it was shown that catechins and caffeine were synergistic in anti-obesity activities.  相似文献   

We carried out a pharmacokinetic study to determine the levels and profiles of catechins in pregnant rats and their fetuses after ingestion of green tea extract (GTE). We measured total catechin levels after enzyme digestions. Dams, at 15.5 days of gestation, were fed with GTE and catechins were measured in the maternal plasma, placenta, and fetus 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 16, and 20 h after maternal GTE intake. The pharmacokinetic changes were analyzed by non compartmental models. We found that maternal plasma concentrations of catechins were about 10 times higher than in placenta and 50-100 times higher than in the fetus. AUC and Cmax levels of (-)-epicatechin (EC) were the highest in plasma while the levels of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) were the highest in the placenta and the fetus. The exposure level of catechin derivatives was higher than the gallate derivatives in maternal plasma after normalization but reversed in the placenta and fetus. The absorption of epi-isomers in plasma was found to be more favorable than their non epi-isomer counterparts. EGCG had the highest level of exposure (AUC) and the highest Cmax in the fetus, implying it may have potential for in utero antioxidant protection.  相似文献   

We orally administered polyphenone-60 (P-60), green tea extract catechins, in the diet (0, 1.25 and 5%) to male rats for 2, 4 and 8 weeks initiated at 5 weeks old. It was found that a 5% dose to male rats for 2-8 weeks induced goiters and decreased weights of the body, testis and prostate gland. Endocrinologically, elevating plasma thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone levels and decreasing tri-iodothyronine (T(3)) and thyroxine (T(4)) levels were induced by this treatment. We also found that P-60 as a whole and some of its constituents exhibited inhibitory effects on human placental aromatase activity by in vitro assay. The concentration of P-60 that required producing 50% inhibition of the aromatase activity (IC(50) value) was 28 microg/ml. The IC(50) values of (-)-catechin gallate (Cg), (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) and (-)-gallocatechin gallate (GCg) were 5.5 x 10(-6), 1.0 x 10(-4), 6.0 x 10(-5) and 1.5 x 10(-5) M, respectively. (-)- Epicatechin gallate (ECg) at 1.0 x 10(-4) M produced 20% inhibition. (-)-Epicatechin (EC) and (+)-catechin (CT) exhibited no effects on aromatase activity. The endocrinological changes observed in vivo were in conformity with antithyroid effects and aromatase inhibition effects of P-60 and its constituents.  相似文献   

The bioavailability of green tea catechins (GTCs), including epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG) and epicatechin (EC) is low in both animals and humans. The contribution of intestinal efflux to this low bioavailability has been suggested by previous studies. The objective of the present study was to investigate the kinetics of efflux transport of the four major GTCs in Caco-2 cell lines, to provide comparison on the efflux transport between each GTC. The basal-to-apical transport of each GTC at concentrations ranging from 15 to 265 microM was examined using the Caco-2 cell monolayer model. Transported amount of GTC was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Kinetic parameters, V(max), K(m) and V(max)/K(m) were determined and compared among the four studied GTCs. The extent of basal-to-apical transport was, in descending order, EC > EGC > ECG approximately EGCG. Kinetic studies indicated that active and saturable efflux transport of EC took place in Caco-2 cells, with a K(m) of 131 microM, a V(max) of 0.0249 nmol min cm(-2) and an intrinsic clearance (V(max)/K(m)) of 0.19 microL min cm(-2). No saturation could be observed for the efflux transport of EGC, ECG and EGCG even at concentrations up to about 200 microM, which may be due to their low affinity towards the transporters at the concentration range studied. In conclusion, the extent of efflux transport of GTCs in Caco-2 cells was, in descending order, EC > EGC > ECG approximately EGCG, which may reflect the order of elimination occurring in the intestine. The kinetic studies showed the importance of efflux transporters in basal-to-apical transport of EC and suggests their role in the limited oral bioavailability of EC.  相似文献   

绿茶中茶多酚的分析方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茶多酚是茶叶中一类具有强抗氧化作用的多酚类化合物的总称,具有抗氧化、抗炎、抗肿瘤、抗辐射、抗病毒等多种药理作用,其含量对茶叶的品质有非常重要的影响。但是,茶多酚结构复杂,不易准确测定,制约着对茶多酚的深入研究。综述近年来国内外对茶多酚的分析测定方法,重点阐述滴定法、红外光谱法、分光光度法、高效液相色谱法、气相色谱法等研究方法的应用和进展,为进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Oral absorption and bioavailability of tea catechins   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Zhu M  Chen Y  Li RC 《Planta medica》2000,66(5):444-447
The absorption characteristics and oral bioavailability of three tea catechins, namely (-)-epicatechin (EC), (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECG), and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), were assessed in this study. Male Sprague Dawley rats (210-230 g) received either an intravenous (i.v. 50 mg/kg) or oral (5000 mg/kg) dose of decaffeinated catechin-fraction containing EC (5%), EGCG (50%), and ECG (13%). Concentrations of the compounds in plasma, urine, and feces were measured using HPLC. A non-compartmental approach was employed for pharmacokinetic analysis. Results indicated that maximum plasma concentrations for the catechins (15-112 micrograms/ml) were achieved at 2 h post-oral dosing and the apparent volume of distribution (Vd/F) ranged from 30 to 63 l/kg. Absolute bioavailability (F) of EC, EGCG, and ECG was assessed to be 0.39, 0.14, and 0.06, respectively. Estimates of terminal elimination half-life (t1/2, lambda z) of the catechins after oral dosing were 451-479 min and were 1.4-10 fold longer than those observed for the i.v. dosing. The discrepancy in terminal elimination and low rate and extent of absorption indicated the possibility of flip-flop kinetics. Respective urinary recoveries were 0.17-4.72% and 2.11-14.2% after oral and i.v. dosing. In conclusion, the low systemic availability of tea catechins observed could be a result of slow absorption, high first pass effect, and wide tissue distribution.  相似文献   

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