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采用流式细胞术连续监测 8只幼年猴自出生后 1月~ 5月天然抗体的演变 ,并检测 9只成年猴天然抗体IgM水平。幼年猴 1月龄前天然抗体IgM阳性细胞比例较低 (9 9%± 6 3% ) ,到 3月龄时可达成年猴的 4 0 % ,5月龄时接近成年水平。 9只成年猴天然抗体IgM阳性细胞比例变化幅度很大 ,从 94 9%到 2 6 3% (均数 77 3%± 2 1 5 % )。提示 3月龄前幼年猴可用作避免超急性排斥反应的受体模型。不管是成年猴还是幼年猴 ,被选择为实验受体进行移植研究时 ,应事先对其体内的天然抗体水平进行检测 ,以确保实验的可比性。  相似文献   

When premature rhesus monkeys are ventilated with oxygen or air, hyaline membranes are formed within 5 minutes in alveolar ducts and respiratory bronchioles. Studies with fluorescein-labeled antiserum to porcine pepsinogen provide evidence that the monkey fetuses have aspirated gastric fluid. The findings suggest that some component of gastric fluid plays an important role in the formation of the hyaline membranes, either directly by causing necrosis of susceptible bronchiolar epithelium or secondarily by sensitizing the bronchiolar epithelium to another necrotizing agent such as oxygen.  相似文献   

Nineteen rhesus monkeys were inoculated with mumps virus by retrograde ductal instillation into the parotid gland. Evidence of infection was obtained in all instances. Virus was isolated from buccal swabbings and parotid biopsies for 1 week after inoculation. A vigorous serum-neutralizing antibody response occurred within 3 weeks, and there was marked monocytic infiltration of the parotid stroma. The monocytic infiltrate comprised as much as 60% of the total gland volume 1 week after infection. The predominant inflammatory cells were non-immunoglobulin-containing mononuclear cells resembling lymphocytes. Plasma cells containing immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgA, IgM, and IgE increased in numbers in the gland after infection, the greatest increase occurring in IgG-containing cells. Neutralizing antibodies and interferon were found in extracts prepared from the infected glands. Neutralizing activity was highest in samples taken 3 weeks after infection but was detectable in samples taken as soon as 36 to 48 h after infection. Interferon activity was detected in significant amounts 36 to 48 h after infection. Challenge of previously infected animals resulted in an increase in the monocytic infiltrate as well as an increase in numbers of immunoglobulin-containing plasma cells. However, reinfection did not occur as evidenced by the inability to culture shed virus after challenge. This model should be useful for in vivo study of biochemical mediators which evoke inflammatory cell infiltration and which may be significant both in protection and in tissue damage.  相似文献   

Male rhesus monkeys were randomized into groups according to body weight, immunized with different Histoplasma capsulatum antigens, and two weeks later were infected intratracheally with 10(8)H. capsulatum yeast cells. Complement fixation antibody titers, skin tests, and chest X rays were performed at weekly intervals from immunization until autopsy, at which time the spleens were cultured and the lungs and other organs were dissected. Pulmonary cavities were found in 33% of the animals, and extrapulmonary dissemination was present in 85% of the animals. Delayed hypersensitivity and circulating antibody activity was detected in all animals at some time during the experimental period; however, animals which developed pulmonary cavities had a longer period before circulating antibodies were detected than animals which did not develop pulmonary cavities. Delayed hypersensitivity developed at approximately the same time in both cavitary and noncavitary animals. Early appearance of delayed hypersensitivity was associated with reduced amounts of extrapulmonary dissemination, in that animals with a later onset of skin test reactivity had more H. capsulatum cultured from the spleen. There was no correlation between the onset or titers of circulating antibodies and the spleen culture results.  相似文献   

Anti-human T-lymphocyte serum (anti-HTLA) was used to investigate the relationship between differentiation antigens of human (HTLA) and Macaca lymphocytes. The percentage of lymphocytes sensitive to anti-HTLA is the same in both species, with thymocytes having a higher concentration of HTLA than more mature T-lymphocytes. Macaca bone marrow cells acquire phenotypic properties of T-lymphocytes in vitro in the presence of calf thymic factors. Our data suggest that phylogenetic distinctions between various T-lymphocyte differentiation antigens may be utilized to provide antisera of narrow specificity.  相似文献   

本研究用高脂饮食喂养猕猴,造型期17个月,取其椎动脉颅外及颅内段、基底动脉和大脑后动脉作光镜、扫描电镜观察。结果发现颅外段椎动脉粥样硬化损害程度较颅内段重,其脂斑数目多,面积大;颅内段也可见大小不等、形态多样的脂斑,但大部分内膜仍较正常;基低动脉损害较轻,内膜仅含2—3层泡沫细胞,但中膜平滑肌细胞已开始变性;大脑后动脉未见有脂斑,但有弥漫性内膜增厚,且超过了中膜的厚度。本研究结果与我们先前报道的同一模型的颈动脉系统比较,发现颈动脉系统的损伤程度更重于椎基底动脉系统,这和人类脑动脉粥样硬化多发生在颈内动脉和Willis环的规律一致,因此我们认为猕猴可作为研究脑动脉粥样硬化的十分理想的动物模型。  相似文献   

Dengue-2 Vaccine: Viremia and Immune Responses in Rhesus Monkeys   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Studies were undertaken in Indian rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) to determine the safety, potency, immunogenicity, and mosquito infectivity of a small-plaque, temperature-sensitive variant of dengue type 2 (DEN-2) virus, a vaccine candidate. Fifteen monkeys were inoculated subcutaneously with the vaccine virus, ten receiving 103.1 plaque-forming units (PFU) and five receiving 104.5 PFU. After primary immunization, viremia was detected in only one monkey, a recipient of the higher dose of vaccine. The recovered virus had the same growth characteristics as the vaccine strain. Aedes aegypti mosquitoes did not become infected when they were allowed to feed on monkeys that received the lower dose of vaccine. As expected, the immunization produced no evidence of illness in any of the animals. A dose response to vaccine was detected; all five of the high-dose recipients developed neutralizing antibodies, whereas only five of ten low-dose recipients did so. In both groups, neutralizing antibody was often transient. Its presence at 30 days did not always correlate with protection from viremia in those animals challenged 4 to 6 months after vaccination with wild-type DEN-2 virus. However, immunized animals developed anamnestic antibody responses after challenge, and none demonstrated adverse effects to infection. Reimmunization of monkeys 4 months after primary immunization led to the production of low-titered but persistent neutralizing antibody which protected the animals from a wild-type virus challenge.  相似文献   

A model for the enhancement of the primary humoral immune response of rhesus monkeys to marginal or weakly antigenic vaccines is presented. Our procedure used the complexing of formalin-inactivated Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) virus vaccine with specific, homologous, immune gamma globulin (IgG) at equivalence. Equivalence was determined by combining the concentrated, isotopically labeled ((3)H) virus with various concentrations of specific Sephadex-fractionated IgG. Enhancement of VEE virus antibody response in monkeys was obtained from preparations containing a marginal concentration of antigen that was complexed at equivalence with homologous IgG as compared with antigen alone. Protection in Swiss mice closely paralleled the antibody response pattern observed in monkeys, since complexes at equivalence provided 30 to 50% greater protection against challenge than antigen alone.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys were immunized with partially purified HLA-A, -B, -C and DR antigens. The resulting sera were shown to have activity against species-specific determinants on both HLA-A, -B, -C chains and beta 2 microglobulin by the use of somatic cell hybrids. When this was removed by absorption, the sera showed activity against three of the four HLA-A and -B antigens in the immunogen when tested on a panel of peripheral blood lymphocytes and T cells. Antibodies recognizing HLA-DR antigens were detected by testing platelet absorbed sera on a panel of typed lymphoblastoid cell lines. After absorption to remove activity against species-specific determinants on the HLA-DR antigens, two cross reacting specificities were defined. One consisted of a determinant in common between HLA-DRw1, 2 and 6 and the other a putative determinant in common between HLA-DRw4, and 5. The nature and significance of these cross-reacting groups of HLA-DR antigens is discussed in the light of current HLA-DR serology and the nature of HLA antigens in general.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Evidence of transplacental immunization in rhesus monkeys was obtained by testing postpartum sera from 252 females for antierythrocyte agglutinins. One-third of the sera contained antibodies reactive with the mates' or the newborns' cells. Fetal erythrocytes were detected in the maternal circulation as early as 8 weeks after conception and as late as 12 days postpartum. Maternal antibodies were detected as early as 2 months after conception and persisted for more than 3 weeks postpartum. It was concluded that the fetal cells stimulated antibody production. Several features of transplacental immunization differ between rhesus monkeys and humans. A parity effect was not observed in rhesus. In fact, 33% of primiparous rhesus females produced antibodies. Also, several of the different allogeneic blood group factors appeared to be immunogenic but differed in immunopotency. Finally, direct antiglobulin tests indicated that erythrocytes of 11% of newborns were coated with maternal antibodies. Nevertheless, in contrast to humans, hemolytic disease was not observed.  相似文献   

目的观察脑源性神经营养因子BDNF及其高亲合力受体TrkB在成年恒河猴胸髓的表达分布,为成年恒河猴脊髓BDNF、TrkB的功能研究提供形态学依据。方法灌注固定成年雄性恒河猴,取其胸段脊髓制作冰冻切片,用BDNF、TrkB特异性抗体行免疫组织化学SP法染色,观察BDNF、TrkB免疫阳性物质在胸段脊髓的分布。结果成年恒河猴胸髓内均可见BDNF、TrkB免疫反应阳性神经元,反应产物呈棕黄色颗粒。BDNF和TrkB免疫反应阳性细胞遍及胸髓灰质各板层,在腹角、侧角以及中央管邻近区域均可见阳性神经元,它们的阳性产物主要定位于神经元胞浆中,胞浆着色深,胞浆与胞核的界线清楚。BDNF免疫反应细胞的胞核未见染色,而不同的TrkB阳性细胞其胞核染色不一。结论成年恒河猴胸髓存在BDNF、TrkB的表达,其作用可能与猴脊髓的正常生理功能和损伤后的修复有关。  相似文献   

Visually evoked potentials were recorded from bipolar electrodes implanted in the foveal and parafoveal striate, prestriate and inferotemporal cortices of mature rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). The stimuli used were a blank field and three checkerboard patterns containing checks whose sizes were 2° 24′, 36′, and 9′ of visual arc. In addition to the size of the checks within the patterns, the intensity at which the stimuli were presented was also varied. In all four regions studied, check size had a significant effect on the amplitude of the average evoked potential, but intensity showed an effect only in the two striate regions. Certain regions of the visual cortex can apparently process two dimensions of a stimulus concurrently, and the same mass of neuronal tissue can participate in the processing of different dimensions of a stimulus at different times. The results are discussed in the context of existing literature concerning the evoked potential as an indicator of sensory information processing.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys were treated with sufficient amounts of rabbit antilymphocyte sera and immunoadsorbent purified antilymphocyte antibody to retain full-thickness skin grafts 23 and 29 days respectively. During this immunosuppressed period hapten-specific cell-mediated immunity was induced in six of seven rhesus monkeys immunized with p-azophenylarsono-N-acetyltyrosine (R-tyr) in complete Freund's adjuvant. These observations suggest that in rhesus monkeys different populations of T cells may be responsible for cutaneous sensitization to antigen and rejection of skin grafts.  相似文献   

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