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Chang-xiao Liu Yi-yu Cheng De-an Guo Tie-jun Zhang Ya-zhuo Li Wen-bin Hou Lu-qi Huang Hai-yu Xu 《中草药(英文版)》2017,9(1):3-13
Chinese medicine (CM) is the most typical conventional therapy compared with any other traditional or alternative medicine systems. The active components of CMs are either primary or secondary metabolites generated by metabolic and biosynthetic enzymes in plants, protecting the plants from environmental stress. The characteristics of these metabolites are diverse, complicated and unique. In this paper, current approaches for quality assessment were extensively reviewed, a new concept of quality marker (Q-marker) was then proposed for CM quality assessment. Additionally, definition of the Q-marker, as well as the relevant methods, were discussed, on the basis of the biosynthetic pathways of secondary metabolites and source of biological active components. Study design of Q-marker is complex system for quality assessment and production process control of CM products with transitivity and traceability. Therefore, the system with characteristics of transmission and traceability is expected to be established for regulation of quality. Upon the concept which the transitivity and traceability in the quality assessment and production process control covered the entire process, such as raw materials, decoction slices, processing, extraction and production can be further enhanced. The transitivity and traceability will inevitably require close attention to “who, what, where, when, and why” details at each stage of Q-markers of CM production form raw materials to patent product. The establishing quality standards are enablers of many and various transitivity and traceability solutions, not a solution in them. It means that the transitivity and traceability system is readily link between products and across borders in quality. According to the thinking mode and methods of investigation on quality assessment of CM product, we focus on the entire process, in terms of safety and effectiveness and quality control. The standard preparation of CM or CM decoction is not only the basis for study of Q-marker, but also the basis for transmission and traceability of the quality of CM product. 相似文献
综述了中药的发展历程以及发展过程中面临的挑战。中药的研发是开发新药的重要途径。自1949年以来,大约有140种新药被通过,其中80种直接过间接的来源于药用植物。传统中药的发展面临以下四个挑战:(1)评价药效、药理活性以及机理,确定物质基础;(2)传统中药的安全性和可控性寻找新的方法;(3)加快从中药中开发新药的进程;(4)将国际规范应用于传统中药的研发中。 相似文献
DNA的高甲基化与肿瘤的发生密不可分。逆转肿瘤细胞DNA异常高甲基化、恢复抑癌基因或DNA修复基因的表达成为抗肿瘤新药开发和研究的新热点。相对于化学药物靶点的单一性及耐药性,中药具有全方位、多靶点治疗等优势。但关于中药对DNA去甲基化作用的文献报道有限,且鲜有此方面的综述。本文把相关DNA去甲基化的抗肿瘤中药及中药成分进行了梳理,根据中药功效将其分成清热类、活血化瘀类、祛风除湿类及其他类,叙述这些中药对不同肿瘤的不同靶基因的去甲基化作用,并对其研究前景进行展望。包括癌症在内的许多疾病与DNA的高甲基化有关,开发去甲基化的药物是治疗疾病的一条可行途径。中药的资源丰富,其包含的化学成分更是复杂多样,这为研究开发去甲基化的药物提供了重要的资源。 相似文献
中药效应物质基础和质量控制研究的思路与方法 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
结合本实验室近几年的研究实例,提出中药效应物质基础和质量控制研究的思路即以中药的整体观和多成分、多靶点协同作用特点为切入点,充分考虑中药有效成分在体内过程中的变化,综合运用多学科知识和现代先进的分离分析手段,构建中药及其复方复杂体系的吸收、分布、与靶细胞结合、代谢和代谢组学的体内外研究技术平台,系统阐明中药发挥作用的体内效应成分(群),建立与临床药效相关的、体内真正起效的、符合中药多成分、多靶点协同作用特点的中药质量控制方法,构建符合用药实际的中药质量控制新体系。 相似文献
LC-MS-based metabolomics has being widely used in traditional Chinese medicines(TCMs) research due to the great coverage of mass ranges, high sensitivity to detect metabolites, and no need of sample derivatization. Herein, we reviewed our research on the applications of LC-MS-based metabolomics in TCMs research over the past decade in the following aspects: herbal authentication, determination of herb harvest time, chemical transformation of herbs during post-harvest handlings(sulfur- fumigation and drying), discrimination of raw and processed herbs, chemical transformation of TCMs during preparation, screening endogenous toxic compounds in TCMs, unveiling synergistic mechanisms between small molecules(such as saponins) and polysaccharides in TCMs, revealing synergistic actions of TCMs with chemical drugs, which demonstrated that metabolomics is a superior strategy in TCMs research concerning the holistic perspectives. 相似文献
目的 针对中医药标准存在着交叉重叠、矛盾、翻译不一致等协调性差的问题,提出一种实用的中医药标准的检索与比对分析方法和系统.方法 通过中医药标准中术语关系的分析、术语定义文字的比对,设计和实现了一个中医药标准检索和分析方法和辅助系统.结果 通过具体的实验,能够有效地发现中医药标准中的术语定义、翻译的不一致性,为中医药标准的检索和比对分析提供了较好的辅助手段.结论 本研究设计的多标准数据分析、多关系分析方法、术语定义分析方法,具有较好的实用性,可为中医药标准检索和研究提供支持. 相似文献
痛风是我国第二大代谢类疾病,会引起关节组织损伤及多种慢性疾病,严重影响人类生活健康.嘌呤代谢紊乱或尿酸排泄异常引发的尿酸升高是其发病的生化基础,西医治疗主要采用控制炎症类药物如秋水仙碱、非甾体抗炎药,降尿酸类药物非布司他、苯溴马隆等,其效果明显,但存在停药后易复发及不良反应较多等问题.中药治疗痛风历史悠久,具有多途径、... 相似文献
试论中医蒙医通用药材比较研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文从中医药学和蒙医药学具有较多的通用药材为切入点,从传统医药理论、药物临床应用等方面比较研究,探讨异同之处.本文有助于拓展天然药物临床应用、探索天然药物的药性物质基础,进而开发针对现代疾病谱疗效确切的天然药物新药. 相似文献
Shuli Man Wenyuan Gao Changlong Wei Changxiao Liu 《Phytotherapy research : PTR》2012,26(10):1449-1465
Many anticancer drugs are obtained from natural sources. Nature produces a variety of toxic compounds, which are often used as anticancer drugs. Up to now, there are at least 120 species of poisonous botanicals, animals and minerals, of which more than half have been found to possess significant anticancer properties. In spite of their clinical toxicity, they exhibit pharmacological effects and have been used as important traditional Chinese medicines for the different stages of cancer. The article reviews many structures such as alkaloids of Camptotheca acuminata, Catharanthus roseus and Cephalotaxus fortunei, lignans of Dysosma versipellis and Podophyllum emodi, ketones of Garcinia hanburyi, terpenoids of Mylabris and Ginkgo biloba, diterpenoids of Tripterygium wilfordii, Euphorbia fischeriana, Euphorbia lathyris, Euphorbia kansui, Daphne genkwa, Pseudolarix kaempferi and Brucea javanica, triterpenoids of Melia toosendan, steroids of Periploca sepium, Paris polyphylla and Venenum Bufonis, and arsenic compounds including Arsenicum and Realgar. By comparing their related phytochemistry, toxic effects and the recent advances in understanding the mechanisms of action, this review puts forward some ideals and examples about how to increase antitumour activity and/or reduce the side effects experienced with Chinese medicine. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
中药质量标准研究进展与展望 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
中药是中医防病治病的物质基础,其真伪优劣直接关系到中医临床用药的安全、有效。中药的质量标准研究与制定是产业化、现代化、国际化的重要内容,一直受到国家的重视。近年来,借助于现代生命科学、化学、分析科学的进步,中药的研究水平和质量标准水平都有了明显的提高,这一进步在《中国药典》(2005年版)中得到了集中的体现。然而,我们必须看到,要实现中药科学化、标准化、国际化这一目标,仍然需要长期不懈的努力。在现代中药产业化进程中,中药的资源与质量问题首当其冲。资源的短缺导致了混伪品、代用品的滥用,进而演变为质量问题,中药的质量问题严重影响到中医临床用药的有效和安全,又直接关系到中医的理论基础,影响到祖国医学的传承和发展。中药质量标准水平的提高成为中药现代化的“瓶颈”。标准化是中药现代化的前提。中药是一个复杂体系,体现了多组分、多层次、多靶点的作用特点,并与机体大分子相互作用。其科学内涵、药效物质基础的阐明和科学质量标准的制定,需要我们运用中医药学、化学、系统生物学的理论和技术,从中药、天然药物资源保护与可持续利用、药效物质基础与作用机理、安全性评价、标准物质、现代分离分析技术、方法学评价等多个层面开展系统研究,从相对简单的科学问题着手,逐步逼近复杂问题;根据国际市场需求和现有基础,建立适应中药特点和中国国情的质量标准体系和方法学创新体系。 相似文献
5种贝壳类动物药及其煎出物中微量元素含量测定 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
目的:测定5种贝壳类饮片及其煎出物中微量元素含量,分析其与功效和毒性的相关性。方法:用等离子发射光谱法、原子荧光法测定Fe,Zn,Mn,Sr,Mg,Cu,Pb,Cd,Hg,As在5种贝壳类药材及煎出物中的含量。用化学滴定法测定钙含量。结果:煅瓦楞子、石决明、蛤壳、珍珠母、紫贝齿药材饮片的平均煎出率分别为2.37%,0.42%,0.38%,0.37%,0.42%,煎出物中的平均钙含量分别为25.85%,13.78%,21.40%,21.42%,13.78%。结论:贝壳类药物经过煎煮富集,煎出物中的微量元素浓度高于饮片。本实验测定的各类贝壳类药材饮片中重金属镉的含量均超出药典标准,建议对该类药材制定科学合理的镉元素限量标准,提高用药安全性。 相似文献